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T h e B e r g + S c h m i d t N e w s l e t t e r

Issue 06 / March 2009


Cost-Effective Feeding

LipoVital 20......................08

LipoVital 20 for healthy, vigorous


Ca Soaps? No Thank You!.....06

Yet another trial shows that

Berg+Schmidt’s rumen-stable feed

fats are superior to Ca soaps in terms

of economy.

BergaPur for Piglets............10

Lecithin – the metabolism promoter

for fast-growing piglets

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 3 27.02.2009 15:17:58 Uhr

BestFeed 06/09 | 02

Our activities last year were dominated by two outstanding events with funda-mental importance for the company. One of these was our participation in EuroTier; with over 1,400 exhibitors and more than 130,000 visitors it is reckoned to be the world’s most important trade fair in the field of animal production. The other was our Berg+Schmidt Symposium, held just before the fair in Hanover.

To make the discussions even more fruitful we decided to invite international visitors into our trade fair booth together with our specialist representatives from the relevant countries. And our strategy proved successful: we were able to estab-lish direct national contacts and at the same time use the opportunity to talk to numerous experts from the feed industry. A topic of special interest to our visitors was our latest research results in feed fats,

lecithin and enzymes, as these offer sen-sational new possibilities for even more efficient animal nutrition.

“Fat, Lecithin, Enzymes – Power for Nutrition”: that was the motto of the Berg+Schmidt Symposium. Held for the sec-ond time, it was again an eye-opener to all the participants. Six prominent experts on animal nutrition presented their latest research results, which gave rise to lively discussions. Inspired and motivated by this, our product development team and applications technologists are already busy again developing new feed ingredients. As you can see: we are still true to our prin-ciple of offering you, our customer, indi-vidual solutions to ensure your success, with innovative products and competent advice.

We wish you interesting reading with the first edition of BestFeed this year.


Welcome to the latest edition of “BestFeed”!

Andreas Reith

Managing Director, Berg+Schmidt (GmbH & Co.) KG

Symposium 2008

Fats, Lecithins and Enzymes: Power for Nutrition 03

Product News

Lecithin: a Vital Substance for Healthy, High-Yielding Dairy Cows 04

Ca Soaps? No Thank You! 06

LipoVital 20 for Healthy, Vigorous Piglets 08

Lecithin: the Metabolism Promoter for Fast-Growing Piglets 10

Company News

The New Spray Tower in Ahrensburg: High Tech and Know How to Ensure your Succes 11


Fat Powders for Ruminants

Lecithinized Fat Powders for Monogastric Animals

NSP Enzymes Quick EnergyVitamins,

Amino Acids

Fat powders Phospholipids

Deoiled Lecithins, Lecithin Powders


LipidsCoated Active Substances

Liquid fats

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 4 27.02.2009 15:18:06 Uhr

03 | BestFeed 06/09 SYMPOSIUM

Fats, Lecithin and Enzymes: Power for NutritionThis was the motto of the symposium with top-flight speakers held by Berg+Schmidt in Hanover in the context of EuroTier 2008

With well over 130,000 visitors and more than 1,400 exhibitors from 45 nations, Eu-roTier again proved that it is one of the world’s top agricultural fairs. In the run-up to this event Berg+Schmidt held its feed symposium, the second of its kind. Sales representatives and agents of the Hamburg company from all the corners of the earth accepted the invitation to hear the latest information on the use of fats, lecithin and enzymes in the nutrition of farm animals. In the pleasant atmosphere of the Sheraton Pelikan Hotel, prominent speakers presented their findings from re-search and practical trials and took part in lively discussions.

The symposium attracted over 100 participants

Top-class speakers presented the latest results

in the field of animal nutrition.

At the start of the symposium Bernhard Chilla from Toepfer International described the changing market for agricultural products, concentrating his remarks on bioenergy. The changes mean limited growing areas for the production of food, feed and bioenergy. Central theme: create incentives for farmers to enlarge their area under the plough and make use of new plants; a better infrastructure and less promotion of bioenergy might be useful too.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Männer from the Free University of Berlin then demonstrated the efficacy of functional lipids in animal nutrition on the basis of convincing results achieved with LipoVital 20 in trials on weaner pigs. LipoVital 20 appears to enhance the taste of feed for sucking and weaner pigs, since both feed intake and overall growth increased. In nursing sows, weight loss during lactation was reduced. LipoVital 20 may also have an effect on the performance of sows and sucking pigs, since the level of pathogenic micro-organisms in the faeces was reduced.

Josep Minguell from Biocon Española S.A. reported on his positive practical experience with Bergazym C-100 in Spain. The product is used for poultry and pigs as it has proved effective in this field and asserted itself against its competitors.

The last lecture of the morning was held by Antje Reichetanz from Dr. Pieper Techno-logie- und Produktentwicklung GmbH. On the basis of research work carried out at the University of Rostock she showed how rumen-protected (bypass) feed fats can influence both the milk yield and the composition of the milk. The products Bergafat T-300 and MegaLac were compared against each other and a control group in a high-performance Holstein-Friesian herd. Read our article on this on page 6 of this newsletter.

After the lunch break Prof. Dr. Klaus Eder from the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wit-tenburg spoke on the growing significance of deoiled lecithins as digestants for human beings and animals, and Dr. Keith Agnew from United Feeds Limited, Belfast, reported on the successful practical use of BergaFat T-300 at farms in Northern Ireland. Prof. Eder: “Deoiled lecithins consist largely of phospholipids. In living organisms they are con-stituents of biological membranes. When they are used as ingredients of food or feed, this property improves the digestibility of fats, in particular, and boosts feed conversion in various animal species. That in turn influences growth and laying performance. And phospholipids also prevent fatty liver degeneration in laying hens.” Dr. Agnew reported on the use of Bergafat T-300 to obtain greater value from milk with larger quantities and more milk fat at much the same protein content. Further positive effects are reflected in the cows’ physical condition and fertility.

Dr. Willem van Nieuwenhuyzen from Lecipro Consulting in Limmen, NL, concluded the series of lectures in the afternoon. Taking LipoVital C92 as an example he described his findings on the efficacy of medium-chain triglycerides in human nutrition and drew the conclusion that they might have uses in animal nutrition too. The medium-chain triglyceride LipoVital C92 is obtained from palm kernel or coconut oil. Besides having various technical applications, medium-chain triglycerides are used in food for athletes and children and also in cases of disturbed nutrient absorption. They are digested eas-ily and rapidly but do not form depot fat. In animal nutrition LipoVital C92 is used as a technical adjuvant to achieve more homogeneous end products, but it is also a function-al constituent of special feeds such as milk replacers, where it stabilizes the animals’ performance. Used in feed for sows it improves the survival rate of the piglets, especially the weaker ones.

This “food for thought” was then complemented with “real food” at a dinner for all the participants.

For a printed version of the lectures and further information on the products please phone +49 40 2840 3979 or mail

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 5 27.02.2009 15:18:16 Uhr

BestFeed 06/09 | 04DAIRY COWS

Every milk producer is confronted with the same problem: whereas the nutrient demand of dairy cows increases sharply at the start of lactation, it is very difficult to ensure an adequate supply. In the first four or five weeks after calving, cows eat as much as 25 percent less than normal. High-yielding cows, especially, expend more energy on milk production than they can take in with their feed. That inevitably results in impaired health and metabolic disorders, not least ketosis, and a reduced milk yield.

The cow’s body cannot synthesize enoughThe cow tries to compensate for the energy deficit by mobilizing her body’s own fat re-serves. In this way fatty acids are released and esterified, forming triglycerides in the liver. The latter are packed with lipopro-

teins to enable further transportation via the bloodstream. Lecithin is needed for these metabolic processes, but nearly half of all dairy cows are unable to synthesize enough in their own bodies. In such cases fat is insufficiently broken down and fatty liver degeneration may result. The physio-logical functions that control this impor-tant organ are correspondingly restricted. Lecithin supplementation through the feed is therefore a wise measure in order to as-sist the liver under extreme conditions.

Lecithin improves feed conversion In its role as an emulsifier lecithin is also an important link between fats and an aqueous environment, which greatly en-hances the digestibility of the fats. Le-cithin enlarges the surface area of food constituents which is open to attack and

thus increases the efficacy of the digestive enzymes. Even fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed better.

But improved digestibility is not only of interest because of the potential nutrient deficiency at the start of lactation. On the contrary: an additional supply of lecithin is advisable for all high-performance cat-tle since rapid passage through the rumen and thus reduced digestibility of the nu-trients is a typical characteristic.

Lecithin controls fertility and “saves” on methionineBesides their physiological effect on energy metabolism, phospholipids also transport cholesterol; being a precursor for the syn-thesis of prostaglandin, cholesterol has a direct influence on fertility. It strengthens

Lecithin: a Vital Substance for Healthy, High-Yielding Dairy CowsLecithin and thus its most valuable component, phospholipids, plays a key role in the nutrition of high-yielding dairy cows. Besides essential linoleic and linolenic acid, phospholipids contain nu-merous active substances that have a beneficial effect on metabolism. Lecithins of this kind are al-ready fed successfully to dairy cows in the form of the rumen-stable fat powders Bergafat HTL-303 and Bergafat HPL-106. For the future Berg+Schmidt is preparing rumen-stable fat powders with a much higher lecithin content as an efficient feed supplement for dairy cows.

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 6 27.02.2009 15:18:19 Uhr

05 | BestFeed 06/09 DAIRY COWS

the immune system and creates the condi-tions for calving without complications. It helps to prevent retention of the afterbirth and uterine inflammation and shortens calving intervals by ensuring ovulation and oestrus at the proper time.

Lecithin is also the main source of cho-line, which is needed for the trans- portation of lipids and is an important con-stituent of biological membranes. Unlike choline chloride, lecithin supplies a cho- line variant that is neutral in the diges-tive system and does not impair feed in-take. Indirectly, lecithin has the effect of

“saving” on the essential amino acid me-thionine, since intermediate choline syn-thesis is dependent on methionine. In view of the proven importance of methio-nine for the cow’s milk yield, specific sup-plementation of lecithin through the feed gains significance in this respect too.

High concentration with high efficacyFortifying feed with liquid crude lecithin is a common method but involves problems. From the technical point of view crude le-cithin is difficult to process; moreover, its active phospholipid concentration is low. With its decades of experience in lipids Berg+Schmidt’s development team has been able to tackle these problems and find a solution in the shape of BergaFat HTL-306 and BergaFat HPL-106. These prod-ucts are free-flowing fat powders contain-ing 6 % lecithin. Compared with oily and viscous crude lecithin the powder form permits easier handling and more accu-rate dosing.

SummaryLecithin supports the function of the liver and protects dairy cows against life-threatening metabolic disorders. This applies especially in high-perfor-mance phases when the cow is ex-posed to a potential energy deficit as a result of inadequate nutrient uptake. A balanced supply of lecithin offers op-timum protection against ketosis and milk fever. With BergaFat HTL-306 and BergaFat HPL-106 Berg+Schmidt offers a highly effective supply of energy and a technically practical method of supple-menting the feed with lecithin.

High-energy, with 6 % lecithin.Rumen-protected! • BergaFat HTL-306: fractionated

palm fat • BergaFat HPL-106: fractionated

palm fatty acids

For further information

please contact

Dr. Roland Adelmann

Phone: 049 40/284139-31

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 7 27.02.2009 15:18:34 Uhr

BestFeed 06/09 | 06DAIRY COWS

Ca Soaps? No Thank You!Yet another trial shows that Berg+Schmidt’s rumen-stable feed fats are superior to Ca soaps in terms of performance and economy.

Milk production has to be profitable!So it’s only too understandable that farm-ers, faced with rising costs, demand the highest possible price for the milk they produce. But the milk money paid is only half the battle when it comes to maxi-mizing profits and ensuring a reliable in-come. It is just as important for farmers to be aware of the cost side of the balance, all the more so as agricultural raw materi-als become scarcer and more expensive.

Feed is expensive. The price of feed wheat, for example, has more than doubled in the past two years and the cost of milk perfor-mance feed has risen by nearly 50 percent. These developments have a noticeable ef-fect on milk production, for according to a recent analysis of German farms, feed costs account for 70 to 80 percent of the total direct costs. But the nutritional require-ments of a dairy cow must not be ignored. In view of the complex digestive system of ruminants, impaired health and a loss of performance would inevitably result if the price of the individual components of the feed ration were the only yardstick.

Increasing the efficacy of feedThe best course is to make intelligent changes to the ration in order to in- crease the efficacy of the feed. That means choosing components which are large-ly transformed directly into performance without impairing the efficacy of other types of feed. In the case of dairy cows it

is primarily the energy sources that have to be considered from this angle. High-yield-ing dairy cows need special care in the first phase of lactation, for as a rule they ex-pend more energy on producing milk than they can take in with their regular feed. If they are given unsuitable sources of en-ergy at this time the result may be meta-

The subtle difference: “rumen-stable” is more than just “rumen-protected”!

It was no doubt a minor revolution when the rumen-protected (bypass) calcium soaps first attracted attention over 30 years ago. But the initial enthusiasm soon gave way to disillusionment because the pungent soap smell put the cows off their feed. A further disadvantage is that larger amounts of feed concentrate, low pH values in standard rations and in the rumen, impair the stability of Ca soaps. If the rumen protection of Ca soaps is lowered, unsaturated fatty acids are released and hydrogenated by the rumen bacteria to form saturated fatty acids. This “distracts” the bacteria from their proper tasks and reduces the rumen-protected energy.

BergaFat, on the other hand, is rumen-stable by nature since its fat fractions melt at about 54 °C and are independent of the pH. The fatty acids are saturated enough not to damage the microbes in the rumen. As a result the fats reach the small intestine unchanged; there they are broken down by enzymes and converted into energy.

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 8 27.02.2009 15:18:40 Uhr

07 | BestFeed 06/09 DAIRY COWS

bolic disorders involving a long-term loss of performance, which can greatly reduce the profitability of a dairy farm.

An extra portion of energy!Various different types and qualities of fats are used as additional sources of energy, but Ca soaps and native feed fats are less suitable as they do not meet the requirements of a ration for ruminants. In BergaFat F-100 and BergaFat T-300 Berg+Schmidt offers two high-energy fat powders made from fractionated palm fat; they are naturally rumen-stable and reach the small intestine unchanged. There they are available to the animal as an efficient source of energy and also offer the farmer the possibility of supplying his cows with a form of energy that suits the animal and its performance and is economical into the bargain.

The use of BergaFat T-300 is more economical than Ca soapsPractical trials carried out recently in co-operation with the University of Rostock demonstrate the superiority of BergaFat T-300 over Ca soaps and the control group

in respect of performance and economy (see table). In these trials the energy-corrected milk quantity (ECM) increased by 1.86 kg of milk per cow and day as com-pared to the control group; for the farmer that means additional income of 0.21 € per cow and day. With a herd of 200 dairy cows and a period of 100 lactation days per cow

in which BergaFat T-300 is administered, the additional income amounts to 4,200 €. Other advantages resulting from reduced veterinary costs and greater fertility are not included in this calculation and would raise the additional profit further. Unlike BergaFat T-300, Ca soaps did not enhance the cows’ performance. Based on the ac-tual cost of the feed the Ca soap MegaLac reduced the income from milk money by 0.42 € per cow and day as compared to the control group. At 200 cows and a feeding period of 100 days that results in a loss of 8,400 €.

ConclusionsChoice of the right rumen-stable energy source has an important influence on the financial success of a dairy farm. Rumen-stable BergaFat T-300 and its fellow product BergaFat F-100 enable dairy farmers to raise the energy content of a feed ration as necessary in order to achieve noticeably better performance. The profit and loss account shows a definite improvement in the profit sit-uation. Because of their outstanding economic and nutritional advantages, BergaFat T-300 and F-100 have for many years been a regular component of ra-tions for ruminants in the world’s big-gest milk-producing countries.

Results of the trialsAverage performance of the groups over the trial period from 24 April to 7 August 2008:

Economic evaluation:

Priceper kg



Ca SoapMegaLac


Milk money per cow and day1 11.11 € 11.11 € 11.77 €

Additional milk money per cow and day

- 0 € + 0.66 €


Control group - 0 -

Ca soap MegaLac 0.70 € 0.6 - 0.42 €

BergaFat T-300 0.90 € 0.5 - 0.45 €

Additional income per cow and day - - - 0.42 € + 0.21 €

(1 0.34 €/kg milk at 3.7 % fat and 3.4 % protein and an addition/deduction of 0.025 €/fat % and

0.05 €/protein %)

Control Group Ca SoapMegaLac

BergaFat T-300

Quantity of milk (kg/day) 33.10 34.87 35.56

Fat % 3.65 3.39 3.57

Quantity of milk corrected to 3.5 % fat (kg/day)

34.52 33.77 36.27

Protein % 3.34 3.14 3.28

Energy-corrected milk quantity (ECM) (kg/day)

31.75 31.77 33.61

[ECM (kg/d) = (0.39*fat %+0.24*protein %+0.17* lactose %) milk kg/3.17]

For further information

please contact

Steffan Reinecke

Phone: +49 40/284 039-54

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 9 27.02.2009 15:18:52 Uhr

BestFeed 06/09 | 08PIGLETS

LipoVital 20 for Healthy, Vigorous PigletsIn LipoVital 20 Berg+Schmidt offers a product rich in medium-chain fatty acids that has a natural influence on the microflora of the digestive system of pigs.

LipoVital 20 is a complex with a large proportion of medium-chain fatty acids. Made from specially fractionated palm kernel fat, the powder is practically odour-less and free flowing. Unlike free fatty acids it is non-aggressive and does not damage blending and storage equipment. It can be combined safely with other ingredients. LipoVital 20 has the further advantage of a long shelf-life.

Piglets are exposed to considerable stress during weaning. Changes of feed and housing and fights for dominance in new groups can have a negative effect on the animals’ constitution. Their resistance to disease is correspondingly weakened and the piglets may suddenly become ill. Im-balance in the gut, especially, may cause diarrhoea and severely impair the piglets’ development. But with a specific choice of feed the pig producer can stabilize the animals’ metabolism and intestinal flora.

Active fatty acids have a lasting effectThe administration of medium-chain fatty acids has a positive effect on the environ-ment of the gut. They inhibit the growth of various gram-negative and gram-pos-itive bacteria by disturbing the chemical balance of the wall and interior of the cell. Berg+Schmidt’s product development

team has made use of this property in its new product LipoVital 20, which contains a large proportion of medium-chain fat-ty acids. Active over a wide pH range, the fatty-acid complex has a positive effect on the micro-organisms present in the gut. Moreover, medium-chain fatty acids or their triglycerides can be absorbed directly through the intestinal wall without hav-ing to be split up. In this way LipoVital 20 also ensures a rapid supply of energy and

fat-soluble vitamins, especially in young animals.

A study carried out by the Free Universi-ty of Berlin shows impressively and with statistical certainty that the administration of even small amounts of LipoVital 20 to weaner pigs enables better feed conver-sion and a greater increase in live weight and feed intake, especially in the first week after weaning. (See Figs. 1 and 2).

Technical details of LipoVital 20

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 10 27.02.2009 15:18:59 Uhr

09 | BestFeed 06/09 PIGLETS

ConclusionsDiarrhoea in the weaning phase greatly impairs the piglets’ growth; enormous financial losses to the farm are inevita-ble. The trial by the FU of Berlin shows that LipoVital 20 creates the basis for better rearing performance. In LipoVital 20 Berg+Schmidt offers a product that greatly improves the piglets’ zoological and economic performance.

Fig. 2: Effect of LipoVital 20 on daily feed intake during the first week after weaning




1 000






1001st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day

ac* c*b* b*

a* a*

ab*b* a* a*

b* b*a*




















g p

er a



after weaning

Control LipoVital 20 (1 g/kg) LipoVital 20 (3 g/kg) LipoVital 20 (5 g/kg)

Fig. 1: Effect of LipoVital 20 on live weight increase and feed conversion








Live weight increase (basis: total kg)

Feed conversion

100 a*

103,2 a*

107,3 b*

113,2 b*

100 a* 99,5 a*

94,3 ab*

89,1 b*



= 1

00 %

LipoVital 20 increases the additional profit per

piglet by up to 4.76 €

For further information

please contact

Steffan Reinecke

Phone: +49 40/284 039-54 * Values with different letters differ significantly (p<0.05)

* Values with different letters differ significantly (p<0.05)

Control LipoVital 20 (1 g/kg) LipoVital 20 (3 g/kg) LipoVital 20 (5 g/kg)

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 11 27.02.2009 15:19:07 Uhr

BestFeed 06/09 | 10PIGLETS

The positive effect of lecithin as a fat emulsifier and metabolism activator for pigs and poultry has been investigated and confirmed in numerous studies. In practice this effect is reflected in better performance and lower feed and energy requirements. Berg+Schmidt investigated the use of lecithin for piglets once again and acquired new findings that permit a better insight into fat metabolism and thus the use of fat in piglet feeding.

The trial was carried out over a period of 35 days (from the 29th to 64th day of life) with a total of 60 weaners in individual pens. The trial animals were divided into the following four groups:

Lecithin – the Metabolism Promoter for Fast-Growing PigletsSubstantiated results of trials again confirm the excellent effects of BergaPur in piglet rearing.

In this trial the use of BergaPur in piglet rearing feed was shown to have a dose-de-pendent growth promoting effect as sum-marized in Fig. 1. The positive effect was most apparent in Group C with the addition of 0.2 percent BergaPur; the daily increase

Group A: Control with conventional piglet rearing feed

Group B: Piglet rearing feed plus 0.1 % BergaPur

Group C: Piglet rearing feed plus 0.2 % BergaPur

Group D: Piglet rearing feed without the addition of oil (energy deficit 5 %) plus 0.2 % BergaPur

in live weight rose by four percent and the feed requirement fell by three percent rel-ative to the control group. The significant-ly lower energy requirement – a relative 8 percent – in Group D is important from the point of view of feed economy and indi-cates an intermediary effect of the added lecithin.

Support for liver metabolismIt is conceivable that the transport lipo-proteins VLDL (very low density lipopro-tein) and its metabolites, especially LDL (low density lipoprotein), have the effect of supporting lipid or energy metabolism. Lecithin-containing VLDLs convey triglyc-erides and cholesterol from the liver into the extrahepatic tissues and may relieve the burden on liver metabolism, especially if there is simultaneous competition with other tissues for methionine and cho- line which are regarded as “liver factors”. This helps to prevent the danger of fatty liver degeneration. Assisted by the enzyme lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase, HDLs (more precisely HDL3) take up cholesterol out of the tissues and from other lipo-proteins and return it to the liver for final breakdown.

SummaryIn the trial group with 2 kg of BergaPuradded to 1,000 kg of complete feed (Group C) the extra profit achieved is up to 1 € per piglet at an assumed piglet price of 2 € per kilogram. In the redu-ced-energy group D without added oil BergaPur compensated for the energy deficit completely and achieved an ex-tra profit of up to 0.6 € per piglet wit-hout impairing the animals’ health or growth, especially in the first few days. We also assume that carcass quality im-proves, with a larger proportion of lean meat. We intend to go into this questi-on in further trials.

It is known that the genetic growth potential of our high-performance ani-mals is not yet exhausted. To exploit this we need to tread new paths, but without damaging the animals’ health.

For further information

please contact

Dr. Ibrahim Kadrieh

Phone: +49 40/284 039-48

A (control) B (+ 0.1 % BergaPur) C (+ 0.2 % BergaPur) D (energy-reduced + 0.2 % BergaPur)














A =



Feed intake(g/piglet/day)

Live weight gain (g/piglet/day)

Feed conversion (kg/kg live weight


Energy requirement (MJ ME/kg live weight


Fig. 1: Effect of BergaPur on the rearing performance of piglets


98 98 9897 97 97



100 100101




Newsletter06_dr en.indd 12 27.02.2009 15:19:15 Uhr

11 | BestFeed 06/09 COMPANY NEWS

To stand still is to fall back! This motto is especially true of the highly competitive feed industry, for as a rule a company can only hope to succeed with innovative prod-ucts. But the way from a bright idea for a product to the launch of a potential top seller is long and above all laborious. The development and testing of new products often fails because trial batches on a lab-oratory scale cannot be made on the real production plant. The reason is that the necessary test runs are very time-consum-ing and expensive. If test runs are inte-grated into the normal production schedu-le there may be a problem with deadlines and capacity.

Let the experts work for youBerg+Schmidt offers an efficient solution with its modern spray tower in Ahrensburg, which closes the difficult gap between the idea and production. For this newly con-structed plant enables our experts to carry out spraying trials on a smaller scale and at comparatively little expense. Together with you, or according to your specifica-tions, they develop products, optimize formulations and accompany the process of up-scaling to commercial-scale pro-duction.

Flexibly structured and highly versatile A special feature of the flexibly structured spraying plant is that it can be used for a number of different processes:

High-Tech and Know-How to Ensure Your SuccessA service to innovative firms: with its new spray tower in Ahrensburg Berg+Schmidt offers a modern and above all flexible pilot plant for developing products and optimizing formulations

• Spray drying: In this process aqueous solutions, suspensions or emulsions are dried efficiently and at gentle temperatures to form a powder. Pre-cise and reproducible temperature control makes it possible to dry even heat-sensitive substances

• Spray crystallization: The technology of choice when fats, waxes or other substances with a high melting point are to be transformed into free-flow-ing powder. The starting substances are liquefied and then atomized in the chamber of the tower. The coun-ter-current of cold air causes the fine- ly atomized melt to solidify into a free-flowing powder. As in spray dry-ing the particle size distribution can be adjusted.

• Microencapsulation: Spray drying and cooling are the most common methods of encapsulating feed com-ponents. The active ingredients are

coated with protective shell ma-terials. Choice of specific shell ma-terials makes it possible to control release of the encapsulated sub- stances. Processes such as lipid, hydro- colloid or matrix encapsulation are used to achieve optimum protection of sensitive substances.

Zeit und Geld sparenSave time and money!Why not let competent experts develop tailor-made solutions for you and save you time and money? Make use of the benefits offered by the spray tower in Ahrensburg!

Develop successful products with us. We will be pleased to advise and help

you with our spray tower.

For further information

please contact

Dr. Roland Adelmann

Phone: +49 40/284039-31

Newsletter06_dr en.indd 13 27.02.2009 15:19:25 Uhr


Berg+Schmidt (GmbH & Co.) KG

An der Alster 81 · 20099 Hamburg · Phone: +49 (0) 40/284 039-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 40/284 039-33 · ·

SPAINStern Ingredients Spain S.A.Profesor Waksman, 5-10°A28036 Madrid, Spain

Phone: +34 (0) 91/350 91 13Fax: +34 (0) 91/350 91


Berg+Schmidt Polska Sp. z.o.o.ul. Potworowskiego 3/160-212 Poznan, Poland

Phone: +48 (0) 61/865 28 67Fax: +48 (0) 61/864 21


Berg+Schmidt Asia Pte. Ltd.No. 1 International Business ParkThe Synergy # 09-04Singapore 609 917

Phone: +65/676 679 55Fax: +65/676 950


Berg+Schmidt Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.No. 65, Persiaran SelangorSect. 15, 40200 Shah AlamSelangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Phone: +60 (0) 3/551 354 60Fax: +60 (0) 3/551 354


Berg+Schmidt Indien Pvt. Ltd.The Synergy, 2nd fl oorSurvey No. 47/42, Plot No. 70/21Law College Road Pune 411004, India

Phone: +91 (0) 20/25 45 63 70/1/2Fax: +91 (0) 20/25 44 98

Here you will find detailed specialist information:

Full product range

Essential vegetable

substances for animal


Berga-Phospholipide Essential substances for

animal nutrition

BergaZymEnzymes for pigs

BergaZymEnzymes for poultry




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BergaFatFat powders (100%) for

poultry, pigs and ruminants





Please enter the number of brochures you would like here and return this page to us by fax: +49 (0) 40 /284 039-33 or by e-mail to:







BergaPurPhospholipid Complex

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Newsletter06_dr en.indd 2 27.02.2009 15:17:28 Uhr

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