newsletter no: 3 islamic college of brisbane

Post on 29-Dec-2021






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Assistant Principal’s Communication Dear Parents and Carers

As Salaamu Alaikum Wr. ,Wb.,

Welcome back to Term 3, which looks like being another busy and industrious term. By now you should have received your child’s ‘Semester Report’ which shows areas of growth as well as areas requiring further development. It is a great opportunity to sit and discuss the report with your child and revisit some of the goals they made at the start of the year. Beyond Parent-Teacher Interviews, please do not hesitate to contact teachers so we can coordinate efforts. The partnership between home and school is paramount for successful outcomes.

Parent /Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher interviews will be held in week 9. Notes will be sent home in week 6

regarding booking timeslots (using the online booking system) with teachers. Parent /

Teacher Interviews are a recognised way of providing parents with information about

their child’s performance at school. It also provides an opportunity for parents and carers

to give information back to the class teacher about their son or daughter. We encourage

all parents to participate in these interviews.

Years 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival

Years 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival will be held on Wednesday, 24th July at the Queensland

State Athletics Facility (located next to the main stadium QEII/ANZ Stadium). Notes will

be sent home regarding the details of the carnival prior to the event.

ICB Scholarship Program for Year 6 and 7 in 2020

Please be advised that the closing date for the applications is the 25th of July.

Students (Year 5 & 6) who have applied for the scholarship program will be sitting for the

test on Monday, 5th August 2019 (Year 6) and Wednesday, 7th August 2019 (Year 5) at 8.40am.

The tests will be held at the college in the Multi-Purpose Hall at 8:40am.

Prep – Yr 2 Athletics Carnival

Prep to Year 2 Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday, 6th September on the College

Ground (Lower Oval). Notes will be sent home regarding the details of the carnival prior

to the event.


17th July 2019

























Values for this term– Understanding, Tahara and Tarbiya

At ICB Primary School, we encourage children to become lifelong learners who are able to make choices about their learning in a safe and secure environment. Our values reflect the way in which we expect everyone in our school commu-nity to behave.

Understanding is showing kindness and giving emotional support. Caring and treating people and

things respectfully.

“Those who give in times of both ease and hardship, those who control their rage and pardon other people, Allah loves the good-

doers.” - Al Quran (3:134)

“’Have mercy on those who are on Earth, so that the One in heaven will have mercy on you” - Hadith (Trimidhi)

Compassion cannot be learned by talking about it. Children must practice compassion in their daily lives. Difficult en-counters with family members, classmates, and friends present opportunities for kids to put themselves in another’s shoes – to practice empathy. They also learn compassion when they practice giving without the need to gain anything in return, when they are with people or animals who are suffering, and when they experience the internal reward of feeling appreci-ated. According to research by EQ expert, Daniel Goleman, emotional and social skills can be taught to help our children able to understand and identify feelings in themselves and others, manage their moods, set goals and persevere, demonstrate empathy, and navigate relationships.

Tahara is the habit of keeping clean and neat. In Islam cleanliness includes cleanliness of body, mind

and environment.

“Allah loves those who turn back from wrongdoings and He loves those who purify themselves.” -Al Quran (2:222) “Cleanliness is half of faith (Iman)” - Hadith (Muslim) Tarbiyah means to nurture a child in the light of Islamic teachings so that he/she becomes obedient and righteous.

"And be steadfast in prayer; practice regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship)." - Al Quran (2:043)

’Keep telling the truth, for truthfulness leads to virtuous deeds (Birr) and virtuous deeds leads to paradise” - Hadith (Bukhari and Mus-lim)

Children are easily influenced by their surroundings. These days, it is extremely difficult to expose our chil-dren to an ideal Islamic environment given the influences from media, friends and even other members of the family.

With television, radio, Internet and forms of media mostly touting un -Islamic values, it is up to the parents and adults close to the children to set the correct example.

It is impossible to shield our children from all the negative forces that can shape their minds and, ultimately, their behaviour.

However, by our own example and showing them better options, we can set them on the true path, which is to obey the commandments of Allah (SWT) and our Holy Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).

We all need to practice the school values in order to have a safe and happy school. Please discuss these values with your child. It forms the basis of our beliefs and expectations of children’s behaviour at our college.

Teaching & Learning

Back seat driver

Developing road awareness, literacy and numeracy skills on one trip

These ideas will help turn travelling with your child into literacy and numeracy practice – and can help to de-velop your child's road awareness at the same time:

ask your child to navigate – even if you know the way. Show them how to read a map (or use a mobile de-vice), choose a route, and give you step-by-step instructions. Teach them to look and plan ahead, and to give you plenty of warnings when you need to change lanes or make a turn.

ask your child to read and interpret parking signs. Are we allowed to park here? For how long? Does the car have to be facing a certain way?

talk about safe driving. How much gap should you leave behind the car in front? What factors should cause you to leave a bigger gap? Why?

ask your child to estimate the time needed to cover different distances – e.g. This is a 60 km/hr road and it's about 10 km to your friend's house. How long till we get there?

when filling up with fuel, see if your child can estimate how much you'll need to pay. (One way is to multi-ply the kilometres you've travelled by your average fuel consumption by the price of fuel.)

talk about traffic rules such as at roundabouts, give way signs, stop signs and roadworks. Your child will probably enjoy reminding you if you make a mistake, and you'll have the comfort of knowing that they're more likely to drive safely in the future.

Calamvale Central's Spelling Bee

We were invited by the Calamvale Central Shopping Centre to take part in the Spelling Bee competition in conjunction with the local Primary Schools.

The competition ran each Saturday in the Centre from Saturday, 4th May until Saturday, 1st June 2019.

We were to select four students from each year level from Year 3 to 6 (total of 16 students) to compete for the chance to win $1,000 for the school and $250 gift voucher for the winning student.

The following students have won a spot to compete in the FINALS of ‘The Calamvale Central’s Spelling Bee.’

Faiyaad Abdullah Rana 3B

Abdul Rehman Khan 4D

Afiya Tarik 5A

Khadeeja Azhiyikkal 6B

Congratulations to Our Spelling Bee Winners!

Congratulations to Abdul Rehman Khan 4D and Afiya Tarik 5A for winning the Grade 4 & 5 Calamvale Central Spelling Bee Finals respectively! Each winner received $250 gift voucher and our college received $2,000 cash prize. All of our contestants did a wonderful job representing our college. Their success is a testament to the hard work and commitment of both our parents and our teachers.

Student Welfare and Wellbeing

Term 2 was a busy term and we had a number of things organised for the primary school students in regards to their wellbeing.

These were:-

1-Vision Screening Test for all prep students, early in the term, to make sure students do not miss out on their learning due to

poor eyesight.

2-Bravehearts Ditto show for all prep, yr 1 & 2 students. This performance was to give students knowledge on personal safety

and what to do if anything does happen.

3-Leadership program for all yr 5 students.

This incursion was to help students build their leadership qualities such as self-confidence, respect, self-esteem, teamwork and

building positive relationships. These qualities will help students in the playground, classroom and beyond to lead with HEART

(Helpful, Energetic, Aware & Active, Resilient, Team player).

4-Friendship talk for all yr 5 & 6 students

Whether directly or indirectly, friendship dramas are a part of every student’s world. This presentation provided some

powerful strategies to help young people reduce the dramas and increase their social options. It helped students to identify

the difference between bullying and friendship dramas, and empowered them to know how to handle both.

5-Staff wellbeing is also important, so we organised Flu vaccinations for staff members who wanted to be immunised

Please continue to read “The Learning Curve Journal” with your child/children, as it is full of wellbeing matter.

I thank all the parents and carers for all the support that they give us and we will continue to look after the welfare & wellbeing of

all students, In shaa Allah.

May Allah guide and protect us all- AMEEN

Head of Welfare- Mrs Malka Dean

Under 8’s Day, 21st May 2019

Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students celebrated

Under 8’s Day on Tuesday, 21st May. The

theme for this year is ‘Celebrating the

Diversity of Languages within the

Home, Culture and Community.’

Under 8’s week celebrates the delight and

wonder of the early years of learning and


Students participated in an array of fun

activities to celebrate the event. It was all

about celebrating being a child in a fun and

educational way.

Year 3 Pre- Ramadan Party

On 2nd May, Year 3 had Pre- Ramadan Party. All the students brought food of their cultural background. The party

started with the message of importance of Ramadan and fasting and then we ate the yummy food. There was also a.

Islamic quiz and students who answered the questions correctly were given prizes. We all had fun.

Aiza Junaid 3D

Year 4 News

On 11th May I went to the spelling bee at Calamvale Shopping Centre. I reached at

Big W parking. We went in and found Calamvale school doing their test. One of our

class members was already there and Mrs Maritz took us to a room. We waited there

for our class members. A man came in and told us that he is going to wait for the last

contestant. Then one of our class members came and the man explained the

instructions. He gave us stickers with our names on it. We walked up to the stage and

sat on stools. We did a test to see if we were loud enough. I sat on the closest stool so

I was first. I spelt all the easy words right. Two of our class members got out on hard

words. One student had to spell camouflage right to win. Luckily he forgot a letter so

I was back in. I spelled exaggerate right and the other student got the next word

wrong, so I won!!!!

By Abdul Rehman khan 4D

Diverse Learning

The world is evolving rapidly and there is a demand on us all to change with these times. Therefore it is not surprising

that there should be a new dawn for education and how we teach our students so that we prepare them for the world in

which they will live.

“No pupil in the history of education is like today’s

modern learner. This is a complex, energetic and tech-

savvy individual.” (Lee Watanabe-Crockett; Wabisabi

Learning) A peek into the classroom of today reveals;

students integrating in groups, collaborating and

negotiating, unravelling problems and discussing the best

ways to solve them and students being resourceful and

finding the knowledge to complete the task. (Knowledge

is at their fingertips).

Our teacher’s role has shifted from the ‘font of all knowledge’ to the ‘guide on the side’ or the ‘sage on the stage’.

Teachers are continually evaluating where their students are at and providing them with the scaffolding to get them to

where they need to be. In this dynamic process, our teachers, through their knowledge of the curriculum and the

students, tailor the strategies to meet the needs of their students. At ICB, we have a marvelous team, SWAN team

(Students with additional needs) who assist teachers to create individual plans, support teachers with a variety of

strategies and support in the classroom, design intervention programs, such as pre-reading, phonics, fine and gross

motor for brain and physical development. We work closely with the Welfare team to enable students to manage

emotions and behaviours so that learning can happen. Complementing this support, is the involvement from our

wonderful Parent Volunteers who have completed the Ready Reading Program initiated by Education Queensland.

These parents generously give their time to listen to individual students read; increasing their fluency, expression and

comprehension skills.

Another focus of the SWAN team is to meet student needs through challenges and extensions to the curriculum. At

present we have students competing in Maths Olympiad. There are 5 exams paced a month apart enabling students to

apply their knowledge to different situations and take risks when trying to solve problems. Optiminds is another

competition where students analyse problems and use the strengths of the team to find and present solutions. There are

students participating in Philosophical Thinking where they learn to become curious, critical and develop the technique

of probing questioning. Some students will be participating in a writing course created by an author whereby they are

guided through the process from ideation to planning, writing and creating their story. Watch this space for their stories

will be published. We have students enrolled in CoderDojo and with this knowledge they will design, develop, present

and communicate, creative software solutions to address a social problem. In Term Three there will be a Chess Club

lunch time activity where students can learn the thinking strategies and manoeuvers of the game. This will culminate in

an end of term tournament. Outside the academic arena, our sporting teams enable our students to develop

sportsmanship, resilience and camaraderie as well as the skill of the sport with health and well-being aspects.

ICB is a very busy hub filled with the dynamics of growth and development for your child. We are lucky to have so

many dedicated teachers who sacrifice personal time so your child may experience the thrill of learning.

Ms Susan Scott

Director of Learning and Teaching

Spirit of Ramadan

This year during the holy month of Ramadan Primary students in ICB participated in many purposeful activities that not

only enhanced their classroom learning but also enriched their knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet

Mohammed (SAW). Prep to Year 2 students beautifully painted animals and fruits found in the various verses of the

Quran. The Year 3s showcased a colourful display of the cultural diversity in Eid celebrations and the ways we are

united by worship in Ramadan. Year 4s showed us our main destination of Paradise by skilfully crafted heavenly

landscapes according to the way Allah describes to us in the Quran. The Year 5s made deeper connections the

miraculous nature of the Quran by finding scientifically accurate verses about the Solar System mentioned 1400 years


In the attempt to gain multiple rewards in the month of Ramadan, our Years 5-6 made a splendid achievement of

completing one full reading of the Quran (Khatam) on Karawatha Green by reading a few pages during lunch play time

every day. The dedication and the perseverance of the students was outstanding and deeply moving. In addition to

these, students showed their motivation to seek knowledge by researching answers to the daily Ramadan Quiz. Students

rejoiced as they won prizes too. As Eid drew near, classrooms looked festive and bright with decorations from end to


Hence, Ramadan 1440AH was extra special at ICB where students made meaningful connections to the Quran, the

Sunnah and Prophets while also fasting. Their adornments on our walls are testament to their creativity and enthusiasm.

May Allah reward all our students for their effort and special thanks to all our Classroom teachers, Arabic and Islamic

teachers and Teacher aides for directing and supporting our students to capture the ‘Spirit of Ramadan’

so marvellously.

Ms Shakira Mohammed

Year 5 Teacher

Dates to Remember:-

Term 3


15 Term 3 begins

24 Yrs 3-6 Athletics Carnival

31 Primary Assembly


1 Australian Mathematics Competition

12 Eid Holiday (subject to moon sighting)

21 Prep Parent Information Session (Venue: MPH, Time: 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm)

28 Primary Assembly


3 ICAS Digital Technologies (Yrs 3-6)

5 ICAS Science (Yrs 3-6)

6 P—Year 2 Athletics Carnival

9 - 13 P– Yrs 6 Parent/Teacher Interviews

10 ICAS Writing

12 ICAS Spelling

17 ICAS English

18 Primary Assembly

19 ICAS Mathematics

20 Last day of Term 3

We look forward to a positive and enriching term for all In shaa Allah!

Regards, wasalaam,

Mrs Ashraf

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