newsletter march - april 2011 daniel huisman indonesia +62 81399142041 holland +31 633738272...

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Newsletter March - April 2011 Daniel Huisman Indonesia +62 81399142041 Holland +31 633738272

Dear Friends,Greetings from Indonesia.

The 9th of May I will go back to Holland and then the 15th of June I will go to France for 3 months. I hope to be back here in Indonesia in February 2012 because there is still so much to do.

We are working hard to renew all the water pipes in the Hospital. The old water pipes under the ground are leaking and because of that there is water shortage outside of the rainy season.On the picture you can see the new water pipes and I am installing an aluminum cover to protect the new float valve. It happens that when there is no water coming out people touch it and break it and then the basin overflows when the water returns.The people here shower with a plastic bowl (On the picture) which they fill with water from the basin and throw it over themselves.

On the picture I am wearing a local hat made of leaves which is used here by people who work in the sun. I am

standing with the ladies of the laundry who are very grateful that all machines are working again.

On the picture above we are having a baptism in the “Swimming pool” which is a small dam in the river which

runs alongside the Hospital.

On the picture to the left I am holding a small tree of the famous ironwood; Eusideroxylon_zwageri ; well south after by all illegal woodcutters. It is now a protected and endangered species in the wild if we don’t do something about it. So I am helping with replanting them here in the jungle.

Jeny and Daniel in Chile in October 2010 getting to know each other over a cup of coffee.

11-11-2011 I hope to marry Jennifer Sanchez from Chile. We met in October

and Jennifer would love to join me in missions. She also has technical talents

so we form a good team together.We want to continue working as

volunteers to help people and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Do you like to help with our wedding preparation?

Please send your gift marked “Wedding”

Genesis 1:27

So Eluhim created man in his image, in the image of

Eluhim created he him; male and female created he them.

11 – 11 – 2011

Daniel and Jeny will

get married in Chile

Friendly greetings and thank

you for your

support and

prayers. God bless


Gifts to Holland;To; Daniel Huisman at Swifterbant Holland PostBank account nr; 5327093

Codes for sending money internationally;International Bank Account Number IBAN= NL96 PSTB 0005 327093 Bank Identifier Code BIC= PSTBNL21

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