newsletter learn, laugh, live! extra! t creating more learning · resume our face to face meetings,...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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Creating More Learning


in this issue >>>

current topics >>>

National U3A You can still register for the National Newsletter and also receive the Newsletter Express

Making access to learning easier!

Creating More Learning

National U3A Day

Regional and national U3A news

Renewing membership

Our strengths

The future

Join in one of the many projects on offer

for you to share what you’ve been doing

during the crisis e.g.:

*Send your diary of what you’ve been

doing to cope

*Photos you’ve taken

We are always striving to find strategies to support our members’ learning especially now

that libraries and face to face meetings etc. are not available.

Why not visit Newcastle U3A website a visit for a host of groups’ summaries and news?


Give these remote groups a view on our

website: top ribbon you’ll find

‘Learn Online’- recipe exchanges, Dowsing,

I.T., Italian Culture, history and more.

Interested in anything here but do not

have access to a PC or lap top? (The

Newsletter Extras! are posted to non

emailing members)

Let your support group member, U3A friend

or a committee member know your interest

and we’ll try to get information to you.

Your challenge!!

What are your 5 favourite books?

What are your 5 favourite pieces

of music?

Which 5 people in history would

you invite to dinner?

What 5 things would you like to

learn about?

‘Well Being’ is brand new but

has had a lot of page visits.

Could you contribute an item

members could learn from?

In the groups’ list

‘Astronomy Online


Your contribute of an

article or picture would

be most welcome.

Have you remembered to

renew your annual subscription membership?

Not know how to renew during lockdown? All the information is

available in April’s and

May’s Newsletters.

Missed it? Read June’s

Newsletter for all you

need to know.

Learning keeps us


Try learning

something new

each day- even if

it’s one fact!



An insight into what’s been happening in Newcastle U3A

Northumbria Region U3A

A Newsletter keeps you

updated, ideas and things to






Newcastle U3A

Learn, Laugh, Live!


Learning Members have volunteered examples of

activities they’ve been doing such as

gardening, walking and talking to neighbours

they had not know previously! What’s your


Uniting We are not alone in this

strange episode. Share your

thoughts and activities with

other members on

Facebook , emails, phoning

them or in the next edition

of this Newsletter Extra!.

We can all learn something

new from each other.

getting advice >>>

The future The committee has been holding Zoom virtual meetings. These have been

strange but often amusing! One of the items on our agenda has been to

consider our future.

Should restrictions continue, we need to be considering a) short,medium

and long term planning so that we can continue to support members and

their learning and b)the future and preparing for reopening.

Once the government and Third Age Trust have advised that it is safe to

resume our face to face meetings, we will be informing you asap with every

means of communication we have


You’ll have read the latest edition of

our own, twice yearly magazine, the

‘YOU3A. The Reporter’

This has been another success. All

contributions were a treat to read.

Thank yo contributors..

We must thank Katie for all her time,

effort and expertise in producing it


What could you write about

for December’s edition?

Our members have

shown such great

strengths during this

difficult time.

You have found

coping strategies in

creating routines and

in. finding enjoyment

in simple pleasures.

Great riches!!

set the stage >>>

Our strengths We’re learning from each other – a U3A principle

Let’s continue to learn and share our


Let’s continue to make each other smile.

Let’s continue to continue ( cue for a song


Eating! So, who’s been raiding the


What about the biscuit tin??!!

Difficult not to sometimes.

By finding things to do (apart from

eating) can take your thoughts

away from that chocolate biscuit

with your name on it!

Clean a cupboard

Pack a bag of clothes for a charity

shop ( this can be a catharsis!)

National U3A Day October 1st: Going digital to


Any ideas? e.g. video conference,

Coffee and Cake Day, YouTube

video, newspapers

Q: A:

Finding An Agent That’s Right For You

Can you read some or all of this paragraph?

Nca yuo r3ad 7hsi? N0 3rr0r5 h3r3! 7he 3ye, br41n nad nkwoledg3 help su 7o od 7his! D0esn’7 m77aer the 0rdr3, w3 m4y f1nd i7 3asy. 7ry i7!

Newcastle U3A What would you like to read about in a Newsletter Extra? Send your drawings, thoughts and items for the next issue


All images in this Newsletter Extra! are in the public


• We hear of people looking

like their pets and quarantine

has turned us into being like

our pet dogs! We roam the

house all day looking for

food. We are told, ‘No’ if we

get too close to strangers and

we get really excited about

car rides

• The world has turned

around. Older people are

sneaking out of the house

and their kids are yelling at

them to stay indoors!

Did you ever think you’d be

excited about going to a

petrol station?

Putting out the bin causes

big problems- deciding what

to wear!!

coming soon >>>

In Issue Three

What to do now?

Your suggestions for National U3A


Grant applications

and more………

thoughts... final

You, our members, deserve a great clap for your efforts during

the Coronavirus challenge.

Also, to our support team, Group Leaders and other members

for contacting U3A friends, as best they can and to our

Executive Committee for demonstrating good governance to

ensure our continued smooth running of Newcastle U3A

Start writing and/or drawing for the

next issue!!

Enjoy your read! Catherine Stevenson on behalf of Newcastle U3A

Executive Committee

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