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13 FEBRUARY 2012




In this issue New Government of Slovenia led by Janez Janša takes office 1

Slovenian MEP Alojz Peterle paid a visit to Macedonia 2 Slovenian MEP Tanja Fajon paid a visit to Macedonia 2

Official visit of the Director of the Slovenian Police Janko Goršek in Macedonia 3 Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski 3

Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Minister of Economy Valon Saraqini 4 Meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupčo Dimovski 4

Working visit at the Public Revenue Office of the Republic of Macedonia 5 Eighth anniversary of the death of Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski 5

Slovenian Companies: KRKA – Living a healthy life 6 Month of Slovenian Culture in Macedonia 7

Ambassador Bergant visited the Elementary School Vuk Karadzič in Kumanovo 9 Slovenian skier Brajović wins the 39th Šarplaninski Cup 9

Tradition – Carnival Season in Slovenia 10 Slovenian recipes: Krofi – Slovenian carnival doughnuts 10 Tourist destinations: Cerknica lake – Lake that Vanishes 11

The deputies of the National Assembly voted out the new Slovenian government under the PM Janez

Janša with 50 votes in favour and 10 votes against. In this way, Slovenia acquired a fully operational

government again, whose first priority is to lead the country out of the economical crisis.

Recent amendments to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Act combine several departments, so

the number of ministries has decreased and, including the Prime Minister, the new cabinet has only

thirteen members:


- Prime Minister Mr Janez Janša

- Minister of Finance Mr Janez Šuštaršič

- Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Karl Erjavec

- Minister of the Interior Mr Vinko Gorenak

- Minister of Economic Development and Technology Mr Radovan Žerjav

- Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Mr Andrej Vizjak

- Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Mr Žiga Turk

- Minister of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning Mr Zvonko Černač

- Minister of Health Mr Tomaž Gantar

- Minister of Justice and Public Administration Mr Senko Pličanič

- Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Mr Franc Bogovič

- Minister of Defence Mr Aleš Hojs

- Minister without Portfolio for Slovenians in the Neighbouring Countries and

Slovenians Abroad Ms Ljudmila Novak

The tenth Slovenian government is a coalition of five parties: SDS, Virant List, SLS, DeSUS and NSi.

Biographies of the members of the Janša cabinet are available at the web site

New Government of Slovenia led by Janez Janša takes office Skopje, 10 February 2012



"There is a clear pro-European spirit in the European Parliament when it comes to Macedonia", said

Slovenian MEP Alojz Peterle, adding he was familiar with the unpleasant feeling of being too long in the

EU waiting room. He added that the high-level accession dialogue is certainly a good offer for Macedonia,

an added value for its progress towards the EU. It is a question of how to utilize time in a constructive

way. Finished work in these contexts will certainly bring positive results, therefore it is necessary to use the

time, rather than waiting for a solution on the main questions.

The high-level dialogue beginning in March represents an opportunity that needs to be used efficiently and

comprehensively, but the acquiring of a date for start of accession negotiations must remain the main goal

of the Macedonian Government, said members of 'Friends of Macedonia' group within the European

Parliament, led by Macedonia Rapporteur Richard Howitt, at Tuesday's joint press conference with Foreign

Minister Nikola Poposki.

Members of EP's 'Friends of Macedonia' group met with President Gjorge Ivanov, Prime Minister Nikola

Gruevski, Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski, and addressed the joint session of the parliamentary

Committees on Foreign affairs and European integration, Macedonia-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee,

and the National Council for European Integration.

The visit came following the EU parliament's resolution for Macedonia which was adopted in plenary last

week. The resolution recommends start of negotiations without any delay, but calls on finding solution for

the name issue, whereas two parties - Skopje and Athens - are urged to make efforts. Macedonia is also

encouraged to resume the reforms in the public administration, fight against corruption and maintenance of

inter-ethnic relations by full implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.

Slovenian MEP and EP rapporteur for visa liberalization for Western Balkans Tanja Fajon paid a visit to

Macedonia. In Skopje, she attended the Regional Conference on "EU Enlargement: an endless obstacle",

organized by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies FEPS and the European Forum for

Democracy and Solidarity, in collaboration with the Institute for Social Progress and Democracy, Friedrich

Ebert Foundation in Skopje and with support from the Fund WBS. Fajon participated on a third panel on

"Enlargement policy: challenges for the EU and the European institutions".

Furthermore, she had separate meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Teuta Arifi

and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Poposki. Fajon visited the Municipality of Tetovo where she met

with the mayor Sadi Bexheti and on a special meeting of the City Council was declared an honorary citizen

of Tetovo for her merits on the visa liberalization for Macedonia. Earlier that day, she had a lecture and

meeting with the students at the South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo.

Slovenian MEP Alojz Peterle paid a visit to Macedonia as part of the members of EP’s Friends of Macedonia Skopje, 18 February 2012

MEP Tanja Fajon became a honorary citizen of Tetovo Skopje, 13 February 2012

Official Visits




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The Director of the Slovenian Police Janko Goršek, on invitation by the Director of the Macedonian Police

Ljupčo Todorovski, paid an official visit to Skopje. At the meeting, which was also attended by Ambassador

Brian Bergant, the Chiefs of Police confirmed the good cooperation between the police forces of both

countries and called for even closer cooperation since the regional security is of common concern.

They addressed several areas of police work, such as the development of IT technologies, closer

cooperation in the field of traffic safety, border security, fighting organized crime, blood crimes and drug

trafficking. Goršek particularly welcomed the intensive efforts of the Macedonian Police to effectively fight

all forms of criminality in the region.

Cooperation with the Macedonian security authorities is very good also in

suppression of international drug trafficking. Both sides are interested in

exchanging knowledge and experience in the fight against organized crime

and illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and thus contribute to increased joint

investigative operations against drug smugglers on the so called Balkan

route. Thus, the Slovenian Police provided funding for the project in the

fight against drugs, which will take place in Skopje from 9 to 11 May.

Todorovski accepted the invitation by Goršek and confirmed his attendance at the Meeting of Directors of

Police of South East Europe, which will be held from 5 to 7 March 2012 in Slovenia.


Official visit of the Director of the Slovenian Police Janko Goršek in Skopje Skopje, 21 February 2012

Ambassador Brian Bergant met with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski

Skopje, 20 February 2012

Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Nikola Gruevski, with

whom he discussed bilateral relations and economic cooperation between Slovenia and Macedonia, the

internal political situation in the country, the integration process of Macedonia in the EU and NATO, and

the current developments in the Western Balkan region and in the world.

Prime Minister Gruevski and Ambassador Bergant agreed that bilateral relations between the two countries

are good and friendly in all areas, but that there are still many opportunities to strengthen the economic


Ambassador Bergant confirmed that Slovenia supports Macedonia's efforts for integration into the Euro

Atlantic structures. He hopes for a fast solution to the Greek-Macedonian name dispute, so that the country

can progress on its way towards full membership in the EU and NATO.

Prime Minister Gruevski confirmed that the membership in NATO and the EU remains top priority to the

Macedonian foreign policy. According to the Prime Minister Gruevski, Macedonia remains committed to the

process of resolving the name dispute with Greece under the auspices of the UN.

At the end of the meeting, Ambassador Bergant highlighted some difficulties that some Slovenian

companies are facing on the Macedonian market and expressed his hope that they will be resolved as

soon as possible.


Ambassador Brian Bergant visited the Ministry of Economy and had a meeting with Minister Valon

Saraqini. Minister Saraqini presented the priorities of the Ministry, stressing on energy sector and its

related projects and plans, renewable energy and infrastructure projects, such as the completion and

modernization of road and rail VIII. and X. corridor, small and medium-sized enterprises, promotion of

entrepreneurship and innovation, industrial policy, tourism, reduction of unemployment and attraction of

foreign direct investments.

honor. In addition, Ambassador Bergant informed the Minister on specific problems, that Slovenian

companies are facing working on the Macedonian market and asked his help to resolve them.

Minister Saraqini expressed his wish to visit Ljubljana in springtime and to organize the meeting of the

Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation between Slovenia and Macedonia in Skopje in the first half of

this year.

Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupčo Dimovski Skopje, 20 February 2012

Minister Dimovski briefed Ambassador Bergant that firms

keen on investing in purchase-distribution centers have the

opportunity to get state-owned agriculture land, along with

numerous tax benefits and swift company registration.

Ambassador Bergant voiced readiness for arranging a visit by

Slovenian businessmen to Macedonia, in order to get

acquainted with the investment conditions in the country’s

agriculture sector. Ambassador Bergant invited Minister

Dimovski and Macedonian companies to visit the 50 Fair of

Agricultural Products AGRA 2012, which will take place in

Gornja Radgona in August 2012.

Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Minister of Economy Valon Saraqini Skopje, 22 February 2012

Ambassador Bergant informed on the reorganization of the

government and the establishment of the new Ministry of Economic

Development and Technology and the Ministry of Infrastructure and

Environment. He evaluated the bilateral cooperation in the economic

field as good, pointing out that there are still many opportunities to

build upon. Furthermore, he informed about the interest of some

Slovenian companies for new investments in Macedonia and briefed

the Minister about the successful operation of the Slovenian-

Macedonian Business Club, its planned activities for 2012 and invited

the Minister to attend one of the following meetings as a guest of

Ambassador Brian Bergant met with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupco

Dimovski. They discussed bilateral cooperation in the field of agriculture, with emphasis on purchase-

distribution centers.


Working visit at the Public Revenue Office of the Republic of Macedonia Skopje, 13 February 2012

Ambassador Brian Bergant attended a memorial ceremony marking the eighth anniversary of the death of

former Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski and laid flowers at the Skopje City cemetery Butel. Besides

family members, representatives of the Office of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, government

delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister of Economy Vladimir Peševski, Parliamentary Delegation led by

the Vice-Speaker Svetlana Jakimovska, the Mayor of Skopje Koce Trajanovski, representatives of the

General Staff of the Macedonian army, a VMRO-DPMNE delegation, diplomatic corps and many others,

also laid flowers at Trajkovski’s grave in Skopje, as well as the graves of the remaining plane crash victims.

President Boris Trajkovski was killed in a tragic plane crash in Rotimlje, village near Mostar, B&H, where

on 26 February 2004, he traveled to the International Conference for investing in B&H. The crash killed the

President Trajkovski and eight of his colleagues. The President of the Republic of Macedonia was elected

in 1999, and performed this function until his premature death.

Ambassador Brian Bergant visited the Public Revenue Office of Macedonia and met with the Director

Goran Stojanovski and the Head of International Cooperation Jasmina Cvetanovska. The purpose of the

visit was to strengthen the international cooperation with Slovenia and to point out some problems in the

company tax return.

Stojanovski said that the cooperation with the Tax

Administration of the Republic of Slovenia is very close

on operational level. The Tax administrations from the

former Yugoslavia region cooperate and meet annually in

the framework of B6. The last one was held in Slovenia

in September 2011. Ambassador Bergant also presented

the possibility of cooperation between institutions in the

context of technical assistance.

Eighth anniversary of the death of Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski Skopje, 27 February 2012

“We all share the same destiny

named Macedonia” –

President Boris Trajkovski


Krka is today one of the leading generic pharmaceutical companies in the world, continually strengthening

its position globally by investing into development, maintaining steady growth of sales and achieving

positive results on existing markets as well as entering new markets.

Our high-quality, effective and safe products cover a majority of therapeutic areas relating to modern

diseases. Prescription pharmaceuticals with 82% of sales represent the core of our operations; among

these the medicines for treating cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal, metabolic and central nervous

system disorders have the biggest shares, followed non-prescription products and veterinary products and

health resort and tourism services. Our competitive edge and recognition on the generic market is derived

from the fact that we market our products under our own brand names, making Krka one of the top 10

biggest generic pharmaceutical companies in the world.

Presentation of Slovenian


Today our sales exceed over one billion Euros, with new products accounting

for more than 45% of sales; up to 9 % of sales revenue gets invested into

R&D. As an internationally-oriented company we sell more than 90% of our

products to over 70 countries worldwide. On our most important markets we

have established subsidiaries and representative offices. In the Russian

Federation, Poland, Croatia and Germany we have additional production

capacities. All our production capacities combined allow for the production of

10 billion tablets and capsules per year. Chairman of the board Jože Colarić

KRKA – One of the leading generic pharmaceutical companies in the world

Krka focuses on the development of generic pharmaceutical products offering added value. Most of these

are the product of Krka’s in-house knowledge. It provides users with high quality, safe and efficacious

medicines, which it markets under its own brands. Krka is today a well-established brand, which has

gained the trust of the medical profession and end users alike. It is continually supplementing its wide

product range and moving into new therapeutic areas.

Krka has been present in the Republic of Macedonia for almost five decades. Its first representative office

outside Slovenia was opened in Skopje in 1968. It was later transformed into the company Krka-Farma

DOOEL Skopje, currently employing 32 highly educated staff who are successfully reaching the set


During decades of its presence there, Krka has established strong business ties and has a strong tradition

on the Macedonian market. It has registered more than 150 products in more than 260 pharmaceutical

forms. The largest share is taken by prescription products, which are followed by non-prescription products

and animal health products. Krka holds the position of the leading foreign generic pharmaceutical company

on the market. Krka’s products are well known in Macedonia to both professionals and end users. As

elsewhere in the world, Krka does not strengthen its position in Macedonia by only selling its products, but

also with the continued introduction of the state-of-the-art doctrines of treatment applied globally. Krka’s

professionals continue to follow current developments in the pharmaceutical field, which are transferred to

the Macedonian market at various trainings, by organising professional seminars and symposiums, by

taking part in congresses as well as with numerous donations to the development and modernisation of the

national health system. Krka’s employees in Macedonia have always been successfully cooperating with

numerous health institutions, medical centres, ministries, clinics, doctors and pharmacists.

Krka’s mission Living a

healthy life covers not only

the products for treating

various diseases but also

extends beyond that: part of

our strategy is also caring for

a better quality of life of those

who live in the environment in

which we operate as well as

preserving a healthy living


* * *


The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in cooperation with the Slovenian Association France Prešeren

from Skopje, Slovenian centre Skopje, Slovenian Association Triglav from Bitola, The Consulate General

of the Republic of Slovenia in Bitola, Writer’s Association of Macedonia, Faculty of Philology at the

University of St. Ciril and Methodius in Skopje, Slovenian Film Centre, Slovenian Cinematheque, Studio

Marketing JWT and others, organized a Month of Slovenian Culture in Macedonia during February with a

series of cultural and art events. With the Month of Slovenian Culture we celebrated the biggest Slovenian

cultural holiday, 8 February, Prešeren’s Day. The main sponsor of the event was the Slovenian Company

ONE Telekom Slovenia.

First in a series of cultural events was the presentation and promotion of a translation of collected works by

the Slovenian poet, playwright and essayist Dane Zajc, entitled “Fossilized eyelid”. The event was held on

8 February 2012 at the premises of the Bookstore Matica Makedonska in cooperation with the Writer’s

Association of Macedonia. Dane Zajc (1929-2005) was the eminence of the Slovenian literacy and critical

word, and one of the key Slovenian authors of the second half of the 20th century. He is known for his

poetry, drama, children and youth literature. Dane Zajc unfortunately is no longer with us, but his poetic

creativity still leaves significant impact on Slovenian cultural scene. Furthermore, in the frame of the Month

of Slovenian Culture, on 16 February, a promotion of scientific monograph entitled “Secret depths of fiction

and erotic” by Sonja Dolžan, Slovenian writer, translator, linguist and professor of Macedonian language,

was held at Matica Makedonska. The monograph is dedicated to the Macedonian scientific discourse.

The Slovenian Association France Prešeren from Skopje in cooperation with the Embassy organized in the

evening hours on 8 February a celebration with rich cultural and art program. The event was held at the

premises of the House of humanitarian organizations Dare Džambaz in Skopje. On this occasion

Slovenian Ambassador Brian Bergant handed special letters of thanks from the Embassy for those

members of the Association who put special efforts in promoting Slovenian culture, language and customs

in the Republic of Macedonia. Recognitions were given to Anastazija Ribarski, President of the Slovenian

Association France Prešeren, prof. Bistrica Mirkulovska, first professor of the Slovenian language at the

Faculty of Philology in Skopje, PhD Amalija Jovanović, first President of the Slovenian Association France

Prešeren, prof. Pliska Gugulovska Manasieva, professor of Slovenian language, Mrs. Neva Serafimova,

teacher of Slovenian language, prof. Marija Dokuzova, Head of the Children’s Choir France Prešeren, PhD

Lidija Arizankovska, professor of Slovenian language at the Faculty of Philology Blaže Koneski in Skopje

and to Tomislav Šopov, recognized conductor and director of the France Prešeren’s Chamber Choir.

Culture Month of Slovenian Culture in Macedonia

February 2012

France Prešeren

He was born 3 December 1800

in the village Vrba, then part of

the Habsburg Monarchy (today

in Slovenia), to a relatively

well-to-do peasant family.

Already as a child, he showed

considerable talent.

Prešeren is considered one of

the leading poets of Slovenian

literature, acclaimed not only

nationally or regionally, but

also according to the

standards of developed

European literature. Prešeren

was one of the greatest

European Romanticists. His

fervent, heartfelt lyrics,

intensely emotional but never

merely sentimental, have

made him the chief

representative of the Romantic

school in Slovenia.


The Slovenian Association Triglav from Bitola in cooperation with the Embassy and the Consulate General

of the Republic of Slovenia in Bitola on 15 February also held a celebration and a reception on the

occasion of the Slovenian Cultural Holiday, 8 February. On this occasion, we saw two Slovenian films,

namely Rooster’s Breakfast by Marko Naberšnik and Headnoise by Andrej Košak.

Furthermore, on 10 February the Slovenian centre Skopje, in cooperation with Embassy, at the premises of

the Memorial House of Mother Theresa in Skopje, organized a ceremony commemorating the Slovenian

cultural holiday. A rich cultural program was performed by the Slovenian children, members of the Slovenian

community in Macedonia. The program of recitals, interpretations of poems by France Prešeren and Bistrica

Mirkulovska and music, was presented by the children of all ages who attend additional classes of Slovenian

language in Skopje and the students of Slovenian language at the Faculty of Philology University of St. Cyril

and Methodius, under the supervision of PhD Lidija Arizankovska. Special recognition/letter of thanks was

given to the President of Slovenian centre Sašo Stojkovski.

On 16 February as part of the Month of Slovenian

Culture in Macedonia and as part of the Balkan

Stand-up comedy evenings, starring some of the

best stand up comedians from the region, there was

also a Slovenian evening organized in Club 69 in

Skopje. Special guests of the evening were two of

the best Slovenian comedians, Tin Vodopivec and

Perica Jerković. The response of the Macedonian

audience was very positive. The last event of the

Month of the Slovenian Culture in Macedonia took

place on 24 February at the Club Havana in Skopje.

The event was aimed at promoting the compilation

CD Shishmish Vol. 2 starring DJ Pier & Dj FU from

the group RDYOYO DJs.

Ambassador Brian Bergant visited the elementary school Vuk Karadzic in Kumanovo, where he attended

the presentation of the school project "Postcards from Europe - Slovenia". The fifth-graders who

participated in the project studied the natural wealth and beauty of Slovenia and its tourist attractions,

tradition and history. Headmistress Nadica Pavlovska, teachers, students, representatives of the

Municipality of Kumanovo and local media attended the presentation. The pupils also prepared thematic

brochures about Slovenia and ten minute video presentation. The Embassy donated some books by

Slovenian authors, which have been translated into Macedonian, to the school library.


Ambassador Bergant Visited the elementary school Vuk Karadzič in Kumanovo Kumanovo, 23 February 2012

Slovenian skier Brajović wins the 39th Šarplaninski Cup Šar Planina, 24-26 February 2012

The 39th Šar Planina Ski Cup was opened on 24

February 2012 at the Popova Šapka winter resort.

About 35 skiers from 14 countries took part in the

tournament on a giant slalom and two slalom

competitions. The event, sponsored by Macedonia's

Government, was opened by the Minister of Interior

Gordana Jankuloska. Director of the competition is

the Slovenian skiing legend Bojan Križaj.

This year Slovenian skier Gregor Brajovic won the

trophy, 3000 EUR reward and the Cup trademark

»Šarplaninec« shepherd and took the title Winner of

the 39 Šarplaninski Cup 2012.





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The carnival celebration is linked with masking and with numerous accompanying customs and habits

which turn the social order upside down for a period of time; therefore it is said that in the time of the

carnival »the world is turned upside down«. The carnival celebration was formerly connected mostly with

traditional village customs, but at present it most frequently takes the form of city carnival processions and

masquerades. However, numerous towns and cities have recently revived their traditional carnival


The most famous carnival costume is that of the kurent or korant, as it is called locally at Ptujsko polje.

This magical chaser of winter and Dionysic god of unbridled rejoicing is dressed in white or black sheep

skin girded with a chain full of cowbells and handkerchiefs which friendly girls give to the masked boy. On

his head is a dreadful masque decorated with feathers, horns and ribbons made of colourful silk paper, in

his hand is a fear-evoking ježevka – a club covered with hedgehog skin. In Ptuj there has been a popular

traditional kurents’ festival- kurentovanje every year since 1960. The event lasts a few days and is based

on ancient Slavic traditions preserved in the surroundings of Ptuj. Ploughmen, who once brought good

harvest with the ploughing of the first furrow, come from Markovci, Podlehnik and Lancova villages. Among

the other masks worn are those of the rusa, bear, chickens, devil, old man and woman, gypsies, fairies and

ploharji. Visitors can also see numerous masks of newer origin, and hundreds of noisy kurents are the

peak of carnival procession.

At the time of the Carnival, people talk about kurenti, laufarji from Cerkno, pustovi from

Drežnica, pozvačin from Prekmurje, šelme from Kostanjevica, škoromati from Brkini, mačkare from

Dobrepolje and other traditional masks. Every Slovenian region has its masks, some old and traditional,

others more modern. Slovenia is told to be one of the richest countries in masks and if you visit the kurenti,

laufarji and drežniški pusti, you will not be let down. The time when the cold winter gives way to kinder

spring has been a good reason for numerous celebrations in Slovenia. Pust – or Carnival has most joyfully

illustrated the beginning of a new cycle of nature and farming. But the Carnival did not only mean an

always welcome period of unbridled rejoicing, but in its original forms was based on a kind of pagan

magical element which people used when trying to influence nature.

The second very popular Slovene carnival takes place in Cerknica every year. In the time of

the Carnival the authority in town is overtaken by funny butalci in coalition with witches, who fly in from a

nearby mountain, Slivnica, especially for this occasion, and other masks. Every year besides the guest

groups who take part in the procession there are also traditional groups of dormice, frogs, bars, evils and

witches, and the two especially popular figures: giant witch ancestress Uršula and lake monster Jezerko.

The carnival is the time before Christian fast, and it is a period of abundance of food and drink in Slovenia

as well, therefore we say that it has a »greasy mouth«. Carnival celebrations do not go by without carnival

doughnuts. Other popular specialities include homemade sausages, dried ribs, and brandy.

Carnival season in Slovenia Kumanovo, 23 February 2012



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Slovenian carnival doughnuts – Krofi Ingredients: 2 ounces compressed yeast (or 3 packages dry yeast) 1/4 cup lukewarm water 1 teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1 cup half and half cream 6 tablespoons butter 6 tablespoons margarine 6 large eggs 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sour cream 1/2 lemon, rind and juice 3 pounds (9-1/2 cups) flour

Preparation: Crumble yeast in water; stir in sugar and 2 tablespoons flour. Set aside to rise, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat milk, half and half, butter and margarine; cool to lukewarm. In large bowl, beat eggs, sugar, salt and sour cream together. Add milk mixture to egg mixture. Stir in yeast, lemon rind, juice and 2 cups flour. Beat until smooth. Mix in enough remaining flour until dough is easy to handle, about 7 cups. Place on floured board and knead about 10 minutes to a soft non-sticking dough, adding more remaining flour on board as needed. Place in greased bowl, turn to grease top. Cover and let rise until doubled, about 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

On lightly floured cloth, place dough and stretch (no rolling) to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut rounds (there are no holes in krofe) with the top of a glass or with a doughnut cutter (removing inner cutting circle). Place rounds on floured cloth; cover with a cloth to rise about 30 minutes or until light. Use scraps of dough to make additional rounds. Fry in deep fat (3 inches of oil) until golden brown on both sides, turning once. Place on brown paper to absorb fat. Dust with powdered sugar when krofe are cooled. Yield: Makes 65 krofi (doughnuts)


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C e r k n i c a L a k e – l a k e t h a t v a n i s h e s


Lake Cerknica is an intermittent lake near Cerknica in Inner Carniola, a region of Slovenia. When full, it is

the largest lake in the country. It lies in the southern part of the Cerknica Polje. The surface of the lake can

reach up to 38 km² and the surface level varies from 546 to 551 metres above sea level. Lake Cerknica is

an important wildlife resort, especially as a nesting place for many bird species. It is therefore a part of

two Natura 2000 areas of protection and is the focus of the Inner Carniola Regional Park which covers

additional Natura 2000 areas in the broader region.

It lies in a depression of the limestone plateau known as the Karst, and exhibits some of the most

remarkable features of Karst phenomena. The lake, which under ordinary conditions has an area of about

10 square miles (26 km2) and a mean depth of 20 feet (6.1 m), communicates through a number of

openings with a series of subterranean reservoirs or caverns, some of which are above the lake level in the

surrounding hills. In the autumn, when the rainfall is slight, the lake is completely drained into the

reservoirs lying below its level, and its bed is speedily covered with rich vegetation. With the returning

heavy rains, the surrounding higher reservoirs are filled and discharge suddenly through the subterranean

passages into the lake, so that the latter very rapidly regains its ordinary volume and may even inundate

the surrounding country. The changes in level are however, very irregular. Sometimes the lake does not

disappear for several years, and it can remain dry for over a year, as it did in 1834-35. It is rich in fish,

which disappear and return with the water.

The original Cerknica was probably located on the present Uševek polje. From there the settlement was

supposedly moved to the hill around the church (the present Tabor). Its name containing the root word

church allegedly originated there. On Gradišče there are the pre-historic remains of the walls testifying

about the early settlement and the Roman burial site on Sinja gorica. Cerknica was first mentioned in 1040.

In the 15th century continuous and cruel Turkish raids began, which caused much damage to this part of

Slovenia. The inhabitants were forced to organise self-defence and the remains of the fortresses around

the main church testify of that. These defence walls against the Turks are one of the best-preserved

monuments of this kind in our territory. In the midst of them stands the church dedicated to birth of Mary,

which dates back to the thirteenth century; however, it was burnt down during the Turkish raid in 1472 and

was then rebuilt. The church received its final form in the middle of the sixteenth century. It is famous for its

history and beautiful interior; it is built in the Late Gothic style and belongs to the group of the hall-like

churches. But the intermittent Cerknica Lake is by all means the most famous sight.

Embassy of the

Republ ic of Slovenia Vodnjanska No. 42 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia Follow us on Facebook: Slovenian Embassy Skopje

T: (+) 389 2 310 30 41/55 F: (+) 389 2 317 66 31

Skopje, February 2012

The monthly e-newsletter Bridges is produced by the Embassy of Slovenia in Skopje and is available on You are most welcome to send us your comments or request for a subscription on: Editor: Mario Stanković Co-Editor: Andreja Iljaž

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Upcoming events:

17 March 2012 – 20 Anniversary of the establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of

Slovenia and the Republic of Macedonia. Slovenia was among the first countries that recognized

Macedonia as a sovereign and independent state and the first country that established diplomatic relations

with Macedonia. Slovenia was the first county that opened its Embassy in Skopje, while Macedonia

opened its first diplomatic consular representation in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana.

International Days in March: 8 March 2012

International Women 's Day

21 March 2012

World Poetry Day

21 March 2012

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

22 March 2012

World Water Day

23 March 2012

World Meteorological Day

24 March 2012

World Tuberculosis Day

25 March 2012

International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

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