newsletter 5-16-16

Post on 06-Jul-2018






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  • 8/17/2019 Newsletter 5-16-16



    Inside this issue: 

    Awareness for Artisans 2Student Govt Fund Raiser 2Nurses Note — Medicines 2Chromebook Collection 3GEMS Summer Camp 4PTSO Volunteer Form 5EQUIP 7Lattimore LeadershipAcademy 8

    Irmo Middle School6051 Wescott RoadColumbia, SC 29212(803) 476-3600 Hours:

    8:20 a.m.—

    3:35 p.m.

    If you have news for theBuzz, email Allison Redickat 

    May 16, 20

    Dates to Remember:

    Mon 5/16 Eng 1 Honors EOC

    examsTues 5/17 G40 Mtg. 7:45-8:10

    Media Center Eng 1 Honors EOC

    examsWed 5/18 Alg 1 Honors EOC

    examsThurs 5/19 Alg 1 Honors EOC

    examsFri 5/20 FCA Mtg. 7:40-8:10

    AM Room 904 Dance Recital 7 PM

    Irmo High Auditorium Band Spring Concert 7

    PM IMS Gym

    The Buzz at Irmo Middle School

    “Creating successful students for the challenges of tomorrow” Robert S. Jackson, Ed.S., Principal

    IMS Students Write Books for Elementary Students and Donate Copies

    COLUMBIA – Middle school students at one Lexington-

    Richland School District Five School used a class assign-

    ment to give back to students within the district. Sev-

    enth and eighth grade students at Irmo Middle School

    decided to take a class project to the next level. 

    Students in Mrs. Gordon’s Gateway to Technology

    class were given an assignment to demonstrate skillslearned in the class. Several students chose to work

    together to write and illustrate books that they would

    then donate to one elementary school in the district. 

    Mrs. Gordon explained to start with she brought in local author Frances F. Jones, a

    thor of the book series “Cricket Curls Adventures.” Jones spoke to the students abo

    being an author and shared how the eding process worked. The students then look

    through children’s books in order to understand the reading level of elementary s

    dents and to get ideas on how to lay out their books. As they dove into the project th

    learned about Leaphart Elementary’ s Engineering Magnet program and decided to d

    nate two of the books “Engineering Fun” and “Fun with Technology” to the school. 

    Gordon was excited to see her students so engaged in the project and couldn’t wait

    see them present them to the elementary students. She said, “When I gave them t

    assignment several groups decided they wanted to do a book so younger kids in t

    area could learn and grow too. I’m just so excited to see them take so much inia

    in this experience and to see it come to fruion makes me so proud. They were so e

    cited to come and share their books with these Leaphart Elementary students.” 

    Eighth grade student Kyle Dudley shared why his team chose to do a book for th

    project and just how challenging it was. He said, “We chose to do a book for our p

     ject because we wanted to provide a fun way to educate younger students. Wriand designing the book was a challenging, but fun process. We rst had to come

    with an idea and then produce a rough dra. We had never wrien a book before so

    was a long process and dicult at mes, but it was a lot of fun to see the smiles on t

    kids’ faces when we were reading the books to them. 

    Six of Mrs. Gordon’s students made the trip to Leaphart Elementary to read th

    books to Ms. O’Neal’s Kindergarten class. The books were then donated to Leaphart

    library for all their students to enjoy. 

    We are so proud of Mrs. Gordon and her students for their amazing work.

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     Page 2 The Buzz at Irmo Middle

    Irmo Middle World Language Students Raise Awareness for Artisans

    “I rst became aware of the Pulsera Project at an educaon con-

    ference,” said Nancy Ellis, language instructor at Irmo Middle

    School. “The next year I signed us up and we raised $5,000 in our

    rst two years.” 

    Each Pulsera sold at the school is tagged with the name and pho-

    to of the young arst who created it. The cost is $5.00 each. The

    language students volunteer to sell the pulseras at their booth

    during lunch hour along with teachers Nancy Ellis, Nadia Steere,

    and Rui Zhao. 

    Founded in 2009, the Pulsera Project grew out of adventure,

    when thirteen friends traveled around Central America one winter break and ended up staying at a farm in th

    foothills of Managua. Hidden away from the normal tourist spots, this refuge was established for former stree

    kids who were taught to weave pulseras. The American students brought back hundreds of these colorful brace

    lets and began selling them in their schools. And so the Project began. 

    Today, the Pulsera Project has sold more than 400,000 bracelets through student volunteers in some 1,300

    schools across the U.S. Since 2009, over $2 million has been raised to aid the young Nicaraguan arsts. In 2013

    the Project expanded its work to include arsans in Guatemala and Uganda. 

    When asked what the takeaways are in this project, Ellis commented, “We’re helping these young arsans i

    Nicaragua rst and foremost. By serving in this project, I hope that our students will know more about our worl

    and its people. This is a great way for our students to become global cizens.” 

    The students hope to raise over $2,000 this year alone through their fundraising eorts. All of the proceeds o

    their sales are sent to the Pulsera Project for distribuon to the arsans in Nicaragua. 

    "We remain so proud of our World Language scholars and the work they connue to do in order to deepenlearning experiences."


    Student Government Fund Raiser 

    Domino's Slice the Price Card oers you a BOGO

    opportunity for the rest of 2016!! 

    With this card you can get a "FREE" large pizza for

    every large pizza purchased!! 

    This is a GREAT deal for you and will help Student

    Government raise funds!! The cards are on sale through Monday, May 16.

    Can purchase from any Student Government member. If you have any quesons please call, 476-3669.


    Nurse’s NoteParents, if your child has "as needed" medicine(s) in the Health Room, you may begin pick-

    ing it up between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Please be reminded that we can not

    send medicaons home with your student: a parent or guardian MUST pick it up. Any medi-

    caons NOT picked up by the last day of school will be discarded. If you have any quesons

    please call Nurse Jackson at 476-3609 or 476-3730. 

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    School District Five intermediate and middle schools will collect all district issued Chromebooks and chargers inorder to service and prepare the devices for the 2016-17 school year. All students must turn in Chromebooks andchargers according to the collection schedule on the back of this letter or a bill will be sent for the full replacement price

    of the device.

    Before turning in the Chromebook and charger, students need to do the following:

    1. Remove their student profile by following these steps:Log out of deviceClick on top right corner of your profile pictureChoose Remove User

    2. Clean the device ( Clean the screen with a soft, dry antistatic, or microfiber cloth.Do not use window cleaner or any type of liquid on the Chromebook without adult supervision.You may use packaged pre-moistened eyeglass lens cleaning tissues to clean the screen.

    3. Charge the device to at least 60% (a full charge is preferred)

    If the Chromebook currently has any issues or damages, please do not wait until collection time to notify the school’shelp desk. During collection, if the Chromebook shows signs of damage or malfunction, the student will be asked to writea statement describing the damage, what caused the damage, and when the damage occurred. The statement and the de-vice will be submitted to the insurance company. In the event that the insurance claim is denied, a bill will be sent to thehome address for the amount of the damage. All charges must be cleared before the student is issued a device

    next year.

    Possible charges:

    a. Charger: $40.00 if not turned in or if not working properlyb. Total replacement: $300.00c. Other charges for damage or loss of parts will be subject to review by the Technology Department. Parent will be

    notified if charges are necessary.d. After collection, students will receive a receipt to verify the device was turned in and to note any damages or charges

    D5 Technology Services will remotely disable any Chromebooks not turned in by the deadline and a bill for the

    full replacement value will be sent. 

    Students will turn in their Chromebooks and charging cords with their social studies teacher.

    DEADLINES:Students will need to have their Chromebooks and charging cords (or payment for lost devices/cords)

    turned in prior to June 1.


    Media center - Students will be escorted by their social studies teacher on their designated day.


    Please note that students will turn in their textbooks on the same day they turn in

    Chromebooks. They will turn in their textbooks through their math class.

    If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Young at 476-3748.

    Page 3 The Buzz at Irmo Middle

    23  24  25  26 8th grade 

    27 6th & 7th grade 

    30 Holiday - No School 

    31 Half Day Make-up 

    1 Half Day Make-up 

    2 Half Day 

    Monday  Tuesday   Wednesday  Thursday  Friday

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    Accepting Applications until Spaces are Full

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    Irmo Middle School

    PTSO Volunteer Form 

    2016—2017 School Year Welcome to Irmo Middle School! We would love for you to be a part of the IMS Parent Teacher Student Organi-

    zaon! PTSO Volunteers are vital to the success of Irmo Middle School. Research shows that grades and test

    scores rise for Middle School children when parents are involved. So, your involvement is more important now,

    than ever. There are volunteer opportunies for to meet everyone’s schedule. Please join us!

    Volunteer Opportunies:

    Please check which areas you would be interested in serving (please see below for descripon of commiees):

    PTSO Execuve Board Commiees:

     ____ Book Fair ______School Store ________ Hospitality ______ Special Events

     ______ PBIS ______Business Partners ____Ways & Means ______Volunteer Coordinator

    Contact Informaon:

    Student(s) 1) _________________________________________ Grade________

    2)___________________________________________ Grade________

    Parent(s)/ Guardian Name ______________________________________________

    Email Address ________________________________________________________

    Mailing Address ______________________________________________________

    Home Phone Number ________________ Cell Phone Number ____________________

    Please label and return this form ASAP to the front oce of the school for the PTSO Box. Someone from the

    PTSO Execuve Board or Mr. Jackson’s secretary will be in touch with you soon.

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     Page 6 The Buzz at Irmo Middle

    Spring Standardized Tesng season is upon us. Irmo Middle School will administer SCREADY, SCPASS and EOCEP assessments to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders on the following dates: 

    Tuesday, April 26th- ELA Session 1 

    Wednesday, April 27th- ELA Session 2 

    Thursday, April 28th- Mathemacs 

    Wednesday, May 11th- Science


    Thursday, May 12th - Social Studies 

    Monday, May 16th - EOC, English 1 Honors Only 

    Tuesday, May 17th - EOC English 1 Honors Only 

    Wednesday, May 18th - EOC Algebra 1 Honors Only 

    Thursday, May 19th - EOC Algebra 1 Honors Only 

    Parents and/or guardians, there are several steps you can take to help maximize your child’s performance on

    these exams: 

    1.  Make sure your student is present for each day of tesng. Schedule all appointments outside the tesng win

    dow. If it is absolutely necessary, schedule aernoon appointments as we will test each morning.

    2.  Take away their mobile devices, gaming systems and/or TV to eliminate distracons.  Students need 8 -

    9 hours of  uninterrupted sleep each night to perform at opmum level.

    3.  Each morning, make sure your student eats a healthy breakfast.

    4.  Ensure your student reports to school early (8:00am).

    5.  Make sure that all 6th graders bring their Chromebooks to school fully charged on tesng dates, as their as-

    sessments will be administered online.

    6.  Talk with your child about all three exams (SCREADY, SCPASS, and EOC) to help reduce test anxiety, encour-

    age your child to focus and put forth their best eort when encountering dicult quesons on the

    test and

     remember to



     child when he or she performs well on assessments such as the EOC, whic

    provides instant feedback. 

    Students, here are a few steps you can take to enhance your performance during tesng:

    1.  Arrive early on test day. 

    2.  Be comfortable but alert. 

    3.  Stay relaxed and condent. When nerves take over, remember to take several slow, deep breaths and relax.

    4.  Try to answer quesons in a strategic order; that is, answer the easy quesons rst to build condence and

    tackle the dicult quesons last. 

    5.  Leave mobile devices at home or shut them o  completely once you enter the campus. 

    6.  A nal step for students is to review their tests aer compleon, making sure they did not forget to answer

    any quesons, miss-mark any answers, or made any other type of careless mistake. 

    These few simple steps could help Irmo Middle School students earn exemplary results. For more informaon

    about tesng you may contact Sheila Inabinet (Guidance Director, 476-3670) or Glenn Huo (Assistant Principa

    for Instrucon, 476-3612). Addionally, you can visit the South Carolina Department of Educaon website for

    addional informaon. 

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