news release & un petition

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  • 8/14/2019 News Release & UN Petition


    National League of Fathers, Inc.1518 Genesee Street Utica, New York 13502

    --------- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE---------

    Father Makes Appeal For Return of Children Before United Nations

    New York, NY, February 17, 2010 A New York father is filing a petition before the United

    Nations in New York City on Monday, February 22, 2010, at 2 PM seeking the return of his two

    children seized from him by the State of New York (See petition attached to release).Denominated as a Petition Charging Diverse Human Rights Violations, the voluminous

    document calls upon the authority of various treaties which prohibit cruel and inhumane

    practices by governments in respect to parents and their children.

    Leon Koziol, a veteran civil rights attorney and father of two is challenging what he calls anantiquated oppressive and gender biased custodial institution of child rearing in New York State

    which fleeces mainstream parents of their hard earned resources while alienating children

    permanently from their parents.

    Mr. Koziols six and eight year old daughters were systematically removed from him during an

    arbitrarily prolonged custody case in recent years after he began speaking out against oppressive

    child control laws in New York, Washington, D.C. and Massachusetts. He has never been

    accused or found to be an unfit parent. His children were featured during parades and campaign

    events in his 2006 and 2007 run for state Senate and county executive.

    Last week, Mr. Koziol was informed that his law license was suspended as a result of his non-payment of child support, an act of civil disobedience which has been compared to that of Susan

    B. Anthony, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. Seven months earlier, Mr. Koziol was

    deprived of all reasonable contact with his children in response to his premature exit from acourtroom. That exit was in protest to retaliatory practices orchestrated against him for his legal

    positions, logical human demeanor and public views. According to the attorney-father, it was an

    abusive process focused not upon the interests of his children but revenue generating interests of

    the state and child alienation practices typical of New Yorks dysfunctional form of child


    Attorney Koziol, who remains licensed in federal court, is taking aim upon a multi-billion dollar

    child industry in America which he cites as a principal cause behind declining productivity andincreased health care costs across the nation. Joined by a group of similarly victimized fathers

    with representative cases featured in the U.N. Petition, Mr. Koziol hopes to secure the return of

    his children in a manner that parallels the ordeals of David Goldman and Elian Gonzalez.

    The National League of Fathers, Inc. is a civil rights organization which advocates for the rights

    of both male and female non-custodial parents. Mr. Koziol serves as Legal Counsel to theorganization. For more information contact: (315) 507-6287 or Mr. Koziol directly at (315) 796-


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    John Parent, individually and on behalf ofhis natural born children, Child A andChild B, and on behalf of parents PETITION CHARGINGsimilarly situate in the United States of DIVERSE HUMAN RIGHTSAmerica, VIOLATIONS



    State of New York, the New York StateUnified Court System, the U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services and theUnited States of America,


    To: Secretariat of the United Nations

    Human Rights Committee

    Committee Against Torture

    Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination

    Committee on Racial Discrimination


    (1) This is a Petition brought on behalf of representative victims of cruel and

    inhuman treatment inflicted by government agents of the State of New York, hereinafter

    State, in domestic relations matters.

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    (2) In conformity with the practice of sister states and territorial possessions

    of the United States, the State effectively and systematically removes countless children

    from the care and control of their natural parents in order to exploit them for money

    generating purposes. It has become the engine behind a multi-billion dollar child

    industry in America.

    (3) The practice, challenged by this Petition, is a fraudulent, oppressive and

    gender discriminatory one preserved and masked by government propaganda which

    rationalizes the States abduction and ransoming of children with such terminology as

    child support, parental visitation and a so-called best interests of the child

    standard for determining a relatively more fit parent for child custody purposes.

    (4) Parents unable to reside together, regardless of their self-sufficiency and

    cooperative childrearing arrangements, are forced into a State sponsored child control

    institution through a scheme of laws that unnecessarily places children above those

    same parents against a natural order of childrearing. Parents otherwise capable of

    maintaining a joint household are nevertheless incited to separate from one another in

    aggravated fashion by the States imposition of a superior status and monetary award

    for the parent who is best capable of denigrating or destroying the other parent in a

    contemplated divorce or domestic relations conflict.

    (5) In short, children are functionally seized and ransomed to good and

    mainstream parents who are forced to fight over them in public arenas known as family

    and divorce courts. It is a barbaric war for those parents who love their children the

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    most. This modern day war is created by financial enticements and a generalized fear

    instilled in the adult litigants of losing their children in any custody process.

    (6) United States Census Bureau reports continue to demonstrate that the

    statistically predominant victims of this barbaric practice are the male parents and

    innocent children. Good fathers, particularly the economically underprivileged, are

    regularly committed to debtor prisons long deemed repugnant to the American

    Constitution and related human rights documents. Others have been compelled to take

    the law into their own hands due to the lack of meaningful recourse, leaving the

    children often times parentless or scarred for life. This, in turn, produces disrespect for

    authority, aggravated criminal activity and a wide range of social ills in the general

    population and future generations of Americans.

    (7) The current Petition contains the representative cases which demonstrate

    the barbaric nature of this child control practice. Each case has worked its way through

    the States domestic court systems only to become exhausted or grounded by the ever

    escalating and self-perpetuating controversies that leave the parents economically

    depleted. The parents become effectively enslaved to a child industry that breeds and

    feeds off of these controversies.


    (8) The authority of several treaties together with related prudential

    considerations are addressed here to support the jurisdiction of the United Nations and

    its pertinent Committees to receive and deliberate upon this Petition. Each named

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    treaty carries with it crucial responsibilities to rectify an escalating crisis in human

    rights violations occurring in the United States of America today.

    (9) The individual and joint petitions which follow present a representative

    fact pattern to verify widespread human rights violations that fall well within the broad

    scope and purpose of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

    hereinafter CCPR. The affected family members contemplated by these petitions

    have been made victim to the above referenced barbaric government process.

    (10) Mandatory child support and custody awards are imposed in

    virtually every domestic relations controversy compelled or instigated by the

    governments child control institution. The cash component of these awards can easily

    exceed a half-million dollars over the lifetimes of mainstream obligors and they

    predominantly benefit the interests of government, lawyers and unrelated parties.

    (11) Devoid of any real accountability requirement, these so-called awards

    are regularly exploited for non-child related purposes such as drug abuse, gambling,

    personal interests, litigation maintenance and companion support. Properly described,

    these fraudulently procured awards comprise socialist welfare entitlements that benefit

    lawyers, bureaucratic agents, forensic specialists and non-parties, to the detriment of the

    bottom line purported beneficiary-the children.

    (12) More damaging from a human rights perspective, such custody and

    child support awards are executed in a a manner which immediately, or over time,

    permanently separates both fathers and mothers from their natural offspring. Children

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    are ransomed and exploited to spy and report upon their parents private and intimate

    activities in ways reminiscent of the practices of dictatorial regimes historically targeted

    by international organizations for reform and relief.

    (13) A full range of violations are presented here to implicate the provisions

    of CCPR Articles 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25 and 26.

    Counterpart rights envisioned by the United States Constitution are asserted under

    Exhibit A in a document entitled Petition in paragraphs 103 through 122. Their

    violations are incorporated into this Complaint and are best explained by resort to the

    summary fact pattern contained within that exhibit.

    (14) Prudential considerations are addressed in the same exhibit at paragraphs

    1 through 102. All petitioners named in this communication share a common

    experience with a State domestic relations process which is systematically prolonged

    for money generating purposes. The relevant tribunals are inherently biased and

    financially supported by the growing and cumulative stream of State-mandated child

    support orders.

    (15) Such child support orders are satisfied by government collection

    entities that in effect comprise State owned banking institutions. Victim litigants are

    denied meaningful and timely opportunities to be heard on a variety of crucial

    childrearing matters to parents and their families due to the expedited nature of these

    mass produced orders, even where no harm or conflict may be occurring. The blanket

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    and mandatory imposition of these support orders are accordingly both oppressive

    and discriminatory.

    (16) Following the needless intrusions, the State burdens itself beyond any

    rational capacity for fairly considering the countless and escalating levels of domestic

    relations controversies cultivated by the State itself to satisfy money generating laws.

    Simply stated, recourse is frustrated by a judiciary ill equipped to fill the self-appointed

    role of super-parent. Truly final recourse is further made impossible under a

    continuing jurisdiction power seized by the States overburdened domestic relations


    (17) The events described in this Petition fall squarely within the additional

    scope and purpose of the Convention Against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or

    Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT). The arbitrary abduction and ransoming

    of children by the State and persons acting under color of law produce psychological

    torture of the most calculated and heinous variety among parents and their children.

    (18) The events described in this Petition further implicate jurisdiction over

    the cited human rights violations found under the Convention on the Elimination of All

    Forms of Discrimination against Women. Paradoxically, the violations asserted here

    are not predominantly those applicable to women, but rather those invidiously applied

    against men. Women comprise a mere 10% of statistically impacted parties

    contemplated by this Petition.

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    (19) It is assumed that the United Nations recognizes human rights violations

    of this variety to avoid the conclusion that only women can be the victims of

    discrimination. Such a conclusion is itself discriminatory. The victim petitioners,

    therefore, rely upon the assumption that the elimination of discrimination contemplated

    by this Committee and its authoritative treaty is one that applies more effectively to

    gender. For at least the past 100 years in the United States, men have comprised a

    historically discriminated class of gender victims in domestic relations matters

    (childrearing rights).

    (20) Jurisdiction is further conferred over this Petition under the Convention

    and Treaty against discrimination on account of race. African-American fathers are

    statistically and invidiously the most injured victims of the challenged State practice in

    domestic relations matters. Petitioner, Casey Stuckman, is included among the

    represented fathers named in this Petition to show how egregious this particular

    victimization can be in New York State.


    (21) Petitioner, John Parent, is described more particularly in Exhibit A

    annexed and made a part of this Communication. John Parent is a 23-year licensed civil

    rights attorney in New York and the author of this Petition. He is its representative

    sponsor for purposes of common standing, public communications and legal


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    (22) Petitioner, James Bouras, is a citizen of the United States and former

    resident of the State of New York. Due to the violations described in this Petition, Mr.

    Bouras is currently declaring fugitive status. His whereabouts are unknown as he

    remains under limited contact availability.

    (23) Petitioner, Alan Cady, is a citizen of the United States with a residence

    located in New Hartford, New York 13413.

    (24) Petitioner, Michael Paratore, is a citizen of the United States with a

    residence located in Johnstown, New York.

    (25) Petitioner, John Kalil, Jr. is a citizen of the United States with a

    residence located in New Hartford, New York 13413.

    (26) Petitioner, Richard Richmond, is a citizen of the United States with a

    residence located in Marcy, New York.

    (27) Petitioner, Casey Stuckman, is a citizen of the United States with a

    residence located in Rome, New York.


    1). Petition of John Parent

    (28) Petitioner John Parent is a civil rights attorney residing in New York

    State. Prior to his challenge of the States abhorrent domestic relations practices, he had

    enjoyed an exemplary 51 year existence as an American citizen and had enjoyed

    productive childrearing periods with his natural born infant daughters under a

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    purpose to pay for lawyers, litigation costs of all parties and such indirect abuses as a

    campaign contribution to a presently elected United States Congressman.

    (32) The non-payment of so-called child support obligation resulted from

    the States malicious impairment of Petitioners income producing capacities and

    retaliatory deprivations of recourse in the courts. Petitioner has responded in formal

    court papers that he will be compelled to serve a life sentence as these laws have been

    oppressively applied to him. He has likened his condition to that of Nelson Mandela.

    (33) Accordingly, Petitioner John Parent has been compelled to seek

    international protection, asylum or a fugitive condition in order to escape the oppression

    of a human right described by the United States Supreme Court as the oldest liberty

    interest recognized under the American Constitution. This interest is the childrearing

    right which derives from a time immemorial and the fundamental laws of nature.

    (34) The background behind the representative ordeal of John Parent is

    furnished before this Committee by way of the copy of state court pleadings annexed

    under Exhibit A. These pleadings constitute an extraordinary petition for relief after

    all other domestic recourse was exhausted to no avail.

    2). Petition of James Bouras

    (35) James Bouras is an American citizen formerly residing in the State of

    New York who declared fugitive status during the year 2008 to escape oppression of a

    kind similar to that inflicted upon Petitioner John Parent. His current whereabouts are

    unknown and he maintains ongoing parti cipation with the States domestic relations

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    courts only through his attorney, John Parent, or by way of telephonic conferences and


    (36) As a consequence of Mr. Bouras public criticisms and applications for

    parenting relief, this second representative Petitioner has been denied access to his now

    15 year old daughter for a period of two years and continuing. Presently he is facing a

    jail term of six months for an alleged non-payment of child support orders.

    (37) The ordeal of James Bouras is set apart from the common fact pattern

    described in Exhibit A by his government related commitment to duty in the relief of

    victims of Hurricane Katrina in the City of New Orleans. During this period of absence

    from his family, the wife and mother of his only child consummated a separation from

    him while exploiting the child to turn against the father over time.

    (38) The monetary award (child support) and superior parental status (child

    custody to a primary caregiver) referenced in the Preliminary Statement were offered

    to the mother by the State as an incentive to tax and destroy the other (typically male)

    parent James Bouras. All efforts to reinstate contact with his adolescent daughter upon

    his return from duty were met with judge ordered protection devices, public arrest and

    ultimately a criminal prosecution which resulted in his now involuntary status as a

    fugitive from justice.

    (39) Among the egregious examples of abuse occurring within the domestic

    relations proceedings involving Petitioner James Bouras is a declaration by a presiding

    child support magistrate to the effect that unless he (Bouras) is eating air or living in

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    the streets, I (Support Magistrate) want to know how he is supporting himself. This

    denigrating statement was made to buttress the States oppressive system of child

    control dominated typically by the State appointed custodial parent.

    (40) After being ousted from his child and home community under threat of

    arrest and injury, Petitioner Bouras took up residency outside New York State. He

    remains unemployed under a long term disability arising from an automobile accident

    which produced black-outs and a surrender of his driving privileges. Monetary support

    consequently derives exclusively and piecemeal from family members. Mr. Bouras

    continues to face arrest and incarceration on a daily basis despite an otherwise

    unblemished personal background.

    3). Petitioner Alan Cady

    (41) Petitioner, Alan Cady, resides in Oneida County, New York. A father

    of two, he works the night shift in a blue collar position to satisfy child support orders

    arising from his divorce in 2005. Such divorce resulted in oppressive child support

    obligations under Title IV-D of the United States Social Security Act. Such obligations

    are routinely overstated and ruthlessly executed among fathers found in the American


    (42) Although both formerly married parents were, and remain, duly

    employed, self-sustaining, and fully capable of raising their children in co-equal and

    proximate households, the State has forced these parents to participate in the

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    childrearing institution described in the Preliminary Statement. The female parent

    earns substantially more income than the male parent, however, when applying arbitrary

    government formulas, the father is reduced to near poverty status with little incentive to

    seek additional life consuming employment.

    (43) The particularly oppressive law known as the Title IV-D Child Support

    Standards Act (hereinafter CSSA) was exploited to cause Mr. Cady to become

    partially deficient in the one-sided and gender biased child support orders. An

    arrearage of merely $1000 over a period of one year resulted in a sentence of

    imprisonment which has been held over the Petitioners head since its earliest

    imposition more than one year ago in November, 2008.

    (44) Two factors set this Petitioner apart from the common fact pattern

    surrounding the above two petitions. First, the $1000 arrearage represented a day care

    bill for Mr. Cadys children for time deprived to him as a consequence of the challenged

    institution of mandatory child custody. The laws which frame this institution possess

    a standard enforcement practice of two weekends and two overnights per month which

    the father is allowed to parent his children. The term visitation is typically employed

    as a gender-biased slur inasmuch as mainstream fathers, unlike true prisoners and third

    parties, are not visitors in their childrens lives. Nevertheless, this slur facilitates the

    unbridled infringement of human rights to support the money objectives of the State.

    (45) Put another way, fathers and non-custodial mothers across America are

    being forced into the indentured service of parental substitutes which they neither

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    authorize nor are they capable of constraining or supporting financially. They are, in

    effect, paying for the government process which effectively takes their children from

    them. Such indentured service is perpetual and subject to immense exploitation because

    the custodial parent is accorded no incentive to share or fairly apportion parenting

    time with the father of the exploited children. Any such sharing could result in a

    custody transfer and loss of the custodial child support (welfare) check. .

    (46) As a second distinguishing factor, the presiding support Magistrate that

    imposed the sentence of imprisonment upon Mr. Cady supported her determinations by

    an arbitrary carry-over of inflated financial information and improper legal conclusions

    from a decision earlier entered against another father on an unrelated child support


    (47) This gross judicial error was later deemed to be a mere typographical

    error to overcome the true reason that such orders and jail sentences arise from heavily

    overburdened dockets and an inherent disinterest or incapacity for providing due

    process of law to persons made subject to the States (money-generating) jurisdiction.

    Mr. Cady has been featured in community fundraising initiatives and public protests

    relating to the prison sentence and child alienation practices sponsored by the State.

    4). Petition of Michael Paratore

    (48) Petitioner, Michael Paratore, resided in the States capital district of

    Albany, New York when he was awaken from his sleep by armed police officers at 3

    a.m. in July, 2007. Empowered by an ex parte order of protection and eviction, these

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    officers immediately removed him from his (former marital) residence without warning

    of any kind and no place to receive his personal belongings.

    (49) The unannounced invasion of his home and person was based upon a

    hastily drafted civil petition filed by the female parent (former wife) at the time in

    Albany County Family Court. This petition was rift with fraudulent, malicious and

    wholly concocted allegations of abuse contradicted on their face by a police report

    included with the ex parte petition.

    (50) Based upon this sloppy and contradictory petition, a Family Court Judge

    entered an order granting temporary sole custody of the parents two month old son to

    the mother, in effect rewarding her for the perjurious declaration without meaningful,

    reasonably available and timely opportunity for the victim to be heard in this fraudulent

    and non-emergency action..

    (51) Extensive bilateral proceedings followed which in turn heavily depleted

    the joint financial estate available to both parents for raising their children. However,

    the father was uniquely prejudiced due to an immediate and arbitrary social welfare

    obligation disguised as child support.

    (52) Failing any accountability requirement, these so-called child support

    obligations were exploited to pay for the mothers share of litigation expenses in effect

    making the father a sole financial facilitator for all ensuing government processes. He

    was immediately punished for his role through a mere four one-hour visitation

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    sessions per month with his boy. Such sessions are commonly applied by the same State

    of New York to convicted criminals and child molestors.

    (53) These degrading sessions, supervised by State social welfare agents

    were exploited further by court orders that imposed anger management therapy, costly

    psychological reports and state sponsored parenting classes ordered by the Judge during

    an ever escalating litigation process. This process was further fueled by privately

    retained and state appointed lawyers who routinely feed off of their self-created

    controversies and fraudulent commitments.

    (54) During a one year process of financial inquisitions, father humiliation

    and child control, the several lawyers joined in a gender biased practice known as

    Battered Womans Syndrome which exploits adverse inferences and stereotypes

    against men in the fraudulent filing of malicious petitions in domestic relations

    litigation. The father was regularly served with interim accusatory instruments which

    falsely asserted such heinous crimes as rape, assault, false imprisonment and even

    animal cruelty as part of a common tactic for securing the aforesaid custody and

    welfare award.

    (55) One year following the ex parte sole custody order of August 6, 2007,

    when it became evident that the parents joint financial resources had been depleted, the

    same presiding Judge issued an order, without hearing, which granted the father

    unsupervised overnight parenting periods of three successive days per week with his

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    infant son. This was granted despite failed reports and incomplete parenting sessions

    which proclaimed the fathers gross unfitness as a parent.

    (56) To the time of this Petition, presented before this body in December,

    2009, more than one year after this latest parenting order, there has been no incident or

    evidence to show any parenting issues or indication that this Petitioner is anything but a

    fit father. The arbitrary reversal in treatment comprised a real life declaration that all of

    the escalating accusations and forensic processes bore no connection to any genuine

    child interests. Nevertheless, as an additional custody tactic, the joint custody

    arrangement is presently being jeopardized by oppressive child support obligations

    under penalty of incarceration.

    5). Petition of John Kalil

    (57) Petitioner, John Kalil, is the Director of the National League of Father,

    Inc., a non-profit foundation of parents seeking reform to the States domestic relations

    practices. He has appeared with John Parent on national radio programs and public

    rallies in New York and Washington D.C., among other cities. He is a divorced father

    of one and self-employed in the financial industry.

    (58) This Petitioner asserts a fact pattern set apart from the foregoing

    petitioners through the States arbitrary imposition of imputed (phantom) income

    against the father in child support calculations. Mr. Kalil is required to pay the

    amounts chargeable for his highest income years regardless of downturns in the

    depressed local economy.

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    (59) The oppressive process is made possible by the States further arbitrary

    remand of Mr. Kalil to sub-class human status known as a non-custodial parent. This

    remand occurs regardless of his petitions for equal or shared parenting rights and his

    lowest class status is maintained in order to sustain the aforesaid multi-billion dollar

    child industry.

    (60) The arbitrary treatment causes this Petitioner to incur obligations

    substantially higher than the applicable federal and state formula percentages found

    under Title IV-D of the United States Social Security Act (CSSA). During certain

    periods, this Petitioner is made subject to obligations under penalty of incarceration

    which exceeds 100% of his actual income under a regularly exploited stereotype that

    self-employed men, as opposed to self-employed women, are routinely engaged in a

    child support avoidance scheme of hiding income.

    (61) Such stereotype works invidiously against honest and genuinely

    committed parents due to the growing level of struggling fathers that are compelled to

    work under the table at a second or third job simply to avoid incarceration for

    violating the draconian child support obligations. Under Title IV-D, the states and

    territories of the United States are rewarded with massive incentive grants and financial

    kick-backs based upon the number and magnitude of child support orders mass

    produced in the courts.

    (62) The States judicial process and collection systems are regularly

    modified to expedite decision-making and the fleecing of mainstream citizenry of their

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    hard earned income with little or no concern for the quality of parent-child relations or

    the damage caused to innocent children. Entire college educations are lost to the

    obligations made payable to lawyers and the State as a consequence of this blanket and

    self-perpetuating child control process.

    6). Petition of Richard Richmond

    (63) Petitioner, Richard Richmond, is a father of three infant children in a

    second marriage. Two children of an earlier marriage have long achieved the age of

    majority and moved on to self-sustaining status. Nevertheless, this Petitioner remains

    indentured to support payments under the earlier divorce decree to the fully employed

    ex-spouse which has severely damaged Mr. Richmonds ability to support his new

    family. The infants mother is a stay-at-home parent further injured by this process.

    (64) Petitioner has filed several petitions in an effort to free himself or reduce

    himself of the earlier imposed obligation. All of these petitions have failed, and

    support orders have instead been imposed which ignore the unique and well established

    realities of a depressed local economy. In recent months, Mr. Richmond has been

    made subject to a six month sentence of imprisonment as a consequence of his inability

    to balance the financial needs of two households. The female parent and children of

    the second marriage are uniquely burdened.

    (65) As a consequence of extraordinary circumstances outside of his control,

    this Petitioner has reached the limits of his capacity to sustain further psychological

    torture by the States callous and barbaric child control practice. As a veteran American

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    soldier serving two tours in Viet Nam in the 1960s and 1970s, this Petitioner retains

    no-regard for himself. He is wholly committed to his infant children and without the

    encouragement and largely volunteer assistance of his attorney, John Parent, the

    potential for a lawless self-help remedy is imminent.

    (66) Petitioner, Richard Richmond, is an otherwise gentle, law-abiding citizen

    who has been compelled to seek psychological treatment. He has become dependent

    upon alcohol to overcome sleep deprivation and on one occasion, due to paranoia over a

    potential arrest or home invasion, Mr. Richmond secured his gun for protection while

    seated on his front lawn. Children across America are repeatedly becoming parentless

    and psychologically damaged by events manufactured and fueled by the States money

    generating schemes of the kind featured in this Petition.

    7). Petition of Casy Stuckman

    (67) Petitioner, Casey Stuckman, resides in the City of Rome, New York and

    remains a client of Petitioner, John Parent, in connection with a civil rights claim

    pending in the New York State Supreme Court. This claim is provided under Exhibit

    C and its contents are incorporated as part of the Seventh Petition asserted before this


    (68) This Petitioner is representative of the race and gender bias found in the

    States mistreatment of a single person during a shots-fired incident in the City of Utica,

    New York. The Petition is set apart from the others by reason of the egregious nature of

    race and gender discrimination remaining in America today.

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    (69) Petitioner, Casey Stuckman, was reported by witnesses to local police

    authorities as a victim of attempted murder on October 14, 2009. During a domestic

    incident, Mr. Stuckman was shot by his female partner in the view of neighbors while

    on the front lawn of a city home. Despite the report, which clearly delineated the

    gender of both the female assailant and male victim, at least ten city police officers

    arriving on the scene drew their guns upon the man and not the woman. The female

    would-be killer remained at all times in possession of her weapon a short distance from

    the victim.

    (70) Details of the incident are otherwise provided in the annexed claim.

    Inclusion here is designed to emphasize the routine discrimination against men in

    domestic relations matters to such an extreme that police officers are placing themselves

    at risk of harm along with the victims of murder and attempted murder by women.

    (71) This Petitioners lawyer has presented reports to relevant city

    administrators, both as a civil rights attorney and former city chief counsel, which

    describe ongoing racial discrimination in employment and law enforcement practices.

    A recent pattern of arrests and assaults demonstrates that these, and other reports over a

    20 year period have generated little or no corrective action.


    (72) Petitioners respectfully ask the pertinent Committees of the United

    Nations to take appropriate measures for the correction of oppressive, punitive and

    discriminatory practices and policies of the State of New York and United States

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    government in matters of domestic childrearing with a particular emphasis upon the

    historically prejudiced male parent.

    (73) Petitioner, John Parent, requests specific and imminent relief which

    would reunite him with his infant daughters. He has been effectively denied all contact

    with them since July 6, 2009. Citing the international incident involving a Cuban

    father reunited with his infant child, Elian Gonzalas, ten years ago, the Petitioner seeks

    a similar reunion in his own native country. Copies of relevant news articles depicting

    this Petitioners long term challenges to government civil rights abuses are annexed

    under Exhibit D.

    Respectfully submitted,Leon R. Koziol, J.D.Attorney and Counselor at LawProfessional Offices: 1518 Genesee Street

    Utica, New York 13502Telephone: (315) 735-2271Facsimile: (315) 735-0991Personal: (315) 796-4000

    Dated: December 16, 2009 e-mail:

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