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COMMERCIAL. Stocks Opened Generally Higher

and Advanced, Despite Some ' Weak Features.


Securities Were Strong at the Close, Upon the Three Days Senate



Stocks ruled generally strong yesterday, despite some declines tn speculative Indus­tries and coal properties. The opening, in sympathy with Ix>ndon. was higher, and the market recorded advances until about mid­day, when it halted on the Introduction of another Jingo resolution on Cuba in the Sen­ate. The check was of but short duration, and was practically void of effect on the standard shares, which closed at about the best prices upon the report of the Senate's adjournment until Monday. Sterling ex­change was firm and higher.

Malm a t the Board, Inrloding sat iated stocks, aawented to 154.0CM shares, aga ias t 148.323 Wednes­day a s d 109,061 «m Tuesday. Fol lowing U a sum­mary of yes terday ' , market:—

Adams Express. . . . Am. Sp. Mte Am. Sp. MOt. p f . . Am. Cotton (Ml Am. Cotton Oil pf. Am. Express •Am. .Sugar R e f s . . •Am. S. Refs , pf.. Ala. Tobacco Am. Tobacco p f . . . A. .T . & 8. F . .* . l .p . A . T ft 8. F. pf . . •Bay State G a s . . . . B-'kfyn Colon Gas. • R. T . . . . Canada Southern . . I S H . t Ohio Cbl. ft G. W e s t . . . Chicago Gas CM. * N. W Cbl. ft X. W. p f . . . C-. B. * g . . . C . C. C A St. I_.

c x .c. A st.L. pf. C U. A St. P t \ . M A St. P. pf. «'.. u. I. & Pac. . . Conurervlal Coble. Consol. Gas C o . . . . DaL A H u d s o n . . . . m K I Co. X. T. Erie Evan*. A T. H pf. • Jenem! E l e c t r i c . . . Illtnoh, Central . . . Il l inois Steel C o . . . Iowa Central p f . . .

}.aciede Gas .. B. A Wast, p f . . - ik- Shore

Ismc Island I / w i s . A Nash Manhattan Con. . . . Mlsourl P a c i f i c . . . . Mo.. H A T Mo.. K. A T. p f . . . X. J. Central X. T. Central N V . C. A St. L . . N Y . . r AS.I . 2.1 pf. X. Y . S. A W . . . . X. J . S. ft W. pf.. X A W. pf .a I. p. North A m e r i c a n . . . Northern Pac i f i c . . . Northern Pacific pf. Ontario A W e s t . . . Oregon R A X Pacific Mail r A R . all In pd. Pull . Pal Car St. L. A San Fran. St . P. A <)mnha. . St . P. A Omaha t»f. s tandard R. A T. . . Southern R y . . . . . . Southern Ry. o f . . . T.-nn. Coal A Iron.. T»xas Pacific I'nb»n P a c ' . f i c . . . . . . V S. Express • ( ' . 8. l e a t h e r • I ' . S. Lest her pf. I". H. Rubber I' S. Rubber pt>. . . Wabash pf Wells-Furgo Ex West I'nlon Tel .. Whee l ing A L. E - .

• l u l l s t e d .

Sales. Hitch. 40 154

1.410 2t*5 350 345

30 9.018

402 1.240

90 1,1 2. ft. WO

103 930

17 0.390

100 6.300

000 50

18.4«7 327 10O

16,806 79

2 .81"


d o s i n g . Hid. Asked. ISO 158

R. A P . . . 18% B „ 11. A P.p. R.. C. I t A S . 70 Can. Pac l f lc . 56 Cen. Pa-ifl--.. 14% Cbl. A Alton. 100 Chi A A. i.f. 174 Cbl. A K. I. . 40 c A E I pf. M C. A Pi t ta . . . 1 6 2 c C A 1 D . H C. C A I. O.p 2 C. r *r I . . . 2SU. C *-H •'.» I •» 4 ' , C . H. V A T . 1 7 ^ C H V ftT.p 50 Cocaol Coal.. .VI D . L. ft W . . 1 3 3 D A n. « . . . \\% n . A P •*.. ». 42 P . M. A F. D. 8 D M. A F . D p 50 TV. S. S »W. 3V, T». S S.ftA.p Erie 1st pf. .. 34 Erie ?d t>f .. 10% E r t e T . A T . . tG F v . A T. H . . 27 Ot Nor. p f . . l l 8 F i r l e a i 290 Honwutake . . 35 lr-s»~m «'• Ptml 7V. Jel l , f A Chi . .153 K*n A Mich. 4 V A 1> M. . 2 K A D M p. 13 Keok A W . 80 JMC G '»'. . 73 T. F„ A W . . 17 I_. X A. A C. -L . N A . A C p -Man Coal U. l «o M C. A R. p.100

l l f i . 07S . i rS; l l l l S H S , « M 4 1 , n n . l a Phi lade lphia-Clear ings . 10,961.141; balances . •1,340.780. I s B«ltrmore-Clearu>fis. »2.807,1»6: bal­ances, 9347.870. Chicago-Clearing*, f 1.3.156,006; bal­ances, 6884.558.

The Montreal market showed more ac t iv i ty , a s d prices were generally firm a t the close. The final • g a r e s , as reported by 3. S. Bacbe A Co.. compare a s fellows w i t h those of Wednesday:— j . _ Yesterday. Wednesday.

S 3 ! KuwaV*/.'•.::;;;::;;:;. % §k Bank of Mo45treal 2 » 228 Commercial Cable (260- s h a r e s * . . . W i a 161% 163ft

X e w York Central's gross earnings for . the month Of December Were $3,638,167, a decrease of 9382.679; from October 1. •11.068,564. a decrease of 9730332 , a s d from July 1, 933,038,468, a decrease of 91.060,938.

Money oa cal l t o borrowers on stock col lateral w a s 1% a 3 per cent , closing a t 1% »er cent. T ime money, 3 per cent for s ix ty days t o four months. 3%' per cent for fire to s i s months. Commercial paper in good demand a t 3 % a 4 per cent for indorsed bil ls receSvshle, 4 a 4% per cent for first c lass s ingle names and 0 a 8 f t per cent for other, s ingle Barnes,

Exchanges oa N e w York a t domest ic centres:—Chi­cago , par; Boston, par a 5c. discount: Charleston, buying, 1-Jfic. premium, se l l ing l - W c . discount; S s -vannab. buying l-16e. off. se l l ing par; San Francisco, s ight 12fte. premium, te legrams 15c. premium; Kew Orleans, commercial 91 .50 discount, bank par; St . Louts, par; Cincinnati , over coooter. 50c . , be tween banks. 23c. discount.

Copper in the London market declined 2s . 6d. , t o <4» 7a. Od. for spot s o d £48 17s. 6d. for futures. T h e sales w e r e : - B o o t , 128 tuns; futures. 390 tons .

Robert Gibson, for twenty-five years connected wi th the firm of Knickerbocker A Co.. and George T. II..1 lister, w i t h Vermiiyea A Co. . were yesterday ad­mit ted to the Stock Exchange, tak ing the seat s re­spectively of Mark Vassler and Max H . C. Bram-bacber.

The surplus reserve yesterday gained 3100,009 gold in exchange for currency. The amount w a s de­posited by Ladenburg. Tbalmann A Co.. to Whom i t was conaijtned from Port-au-Prince.

The American National Bank of Denver, Col., which suspended payment April 21, 1896, having complied wi th the condit ions imposed by the Comp­troller of the Currency precedent to resumption, has been permitted to "reopen i t s doors for business as an ac t ive national bask ing associat ion.

Railroad earnings for the fourth week (and month) of December:— B. A O. Southwestern 8205.837 Inc . .

Month 556.128 Inc . . Cincinnati . Jackson A Mack. . 19.605 r o c .

Month 62.338 Inc. . Eransv l l l e A Terre Haute 28.014 D e c .

Month 94,272 Dec . EvansvlUe A Indianapolis 8.195 Inc . .

Month 23.127 D e c . Texas Pacific. 237,408 Inc. .

Month 796,940 D e c . West . N. Y. A Pennsylvania . 74,500 Inc . .

Month 252,900 D e c .

338,506 "'I 2,500 1.920 8,575

537 a. i ts 4.200

76.787 4,500

12,900 Odd .roods ,tre bought Flowly at Fal l River. Regu­

lar print <loths not a l all . The quotation remains nt 2 V „ nominal. The manufacturers s t i l l hope for Increased sa les to wipe out a part of the enormous stock In a healthy way . There Is much doubt as t o the final result.

2.450 10O

3.073 33

58M 10.02O

30i> 7

530 4

1.302 3.465

The forclsm exchange market w a s firm, wi th posted rates unchanged, at 4.84ft for s ix ty days and ftc hljrher. at 4.87Vj for demand. Actual business w a s done a t 4.83% a 4.84 for s ix ty days . 4.87 a 4.87ft for demand. 4.87Vi a 4.87% for cables and 4.82% for aom-mercis l . In Continental exchange Paris francs S e r e quoted i t 5.19% for s i x t y days and 5.18ft for c l i c k s . relcbsmarks a t 94% for long and 95ft for checks, and gui lders at 40% for long and 40% for demand.

The fol lowing were t h e closing prices In the Boston and Philadelphia markets, aa telegraphed to Messrs. Moore A Schley:—

Boston. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked.

lof t 24<0

H5ft 78 U8ft

30 125 100


83 71ft 43ft 28ft 31 14% 26ft »4

Boat. A Alb. Host. A Me. Ch. June, c Ch. June. pf. Fltchh'-r pf.. N. Eng. pf. . Mex. C. 4's . . Mes . C. stk. Old Colony. . W. E. R. c. III. S t e e l . . . .

Leh. V a l . . L.C. A N. C. Penn. R. R. . Pb A R. N. P A .RstnU's Phil. Trac. . . Un. Trac E . A P . T. C. Met. Trac . . . C. T. .N.J . s.

210 164 100

— 01ft 60 06


— i 38

30ft 41 61%

165 101 104ft 92

66% 2

177 05% 40

Dom. Coal . . A. B. T e l . . . Erie Tel Gen. El . pf. Host. A M.. Oak A Hee . . Osc'la ex d. Quincy Mln. Tam. M l n . . . Boy 8. Gas.

Phi lade lph ia 30% C.T.. N.J.S's 41ft 52

13 7-16 13H 80 6Tft

iB 110


V Oft

Tif t 110ft

On. G. I. C. W. G. U Co. E. S. B. c . . . E. S. B. pf.. P . H . . L . A P c P. I I . L A P pf W. Com. c . W. Com. pf.

y% 208

65 76ft

»"?*• 340

29ft 124 l>0


82% 71ft 42ft 28 30 14ft 26 24 t>2

Closing quotation* i r the Chicago market , as re­ported by H. U Horton A Co.:—Alley " L . " ft a %; American Straw hoard. 32ft a 32%; Canal and Dock. 6 1 % a 62: City Rai lway , 215 s 220: Diamond Match. 116ft a 118; Lake Street " L , " 18ft a 18ft: New York Biscuit . 51 a 52; North Chicago Street Rail­way . 186 a 186ft; West Chicago Street Rai lway . 82 a 83.

82 128

The following were the closing quotations for stocks in which there were DO transections:—

Bid. Asked Alb. A Sus . .170 A A T H . . . 55 Am. Coal I l l A T. A C . . . S3 Ann A r b o r . . . A. Arbor pf.. At. A P a c . . . . Bai t . A O. . . . B. AOSW.p.n B. A. L. pf. .: Brunswick Co ft B . R. A P . . lft-X

9 21ft

ft l« f t 8

11 23

IT8 8

105 %

23 63



Man. B e a c h . . 3 Md. C. p. x.d. 46 Met. Trac 109<, Mex. Central , f t M. Nat . c t f s . . 1ft Minn. A S. L . 18ft M. A S.L Istp 78 M, A S.L 2dp. 46ft Minn. I r o n . . . . 52 Mol>ile A O . . . ? ! Mdr. A E**ex.l«4 Nat L e a d . . . 23ft N I.-ad p f . . . " Nat. U n . Oi l . Nat. S t a r c h . . . N. S. i»« pf- -N. 8. 2d p f . . New Cent. C . New England. --N Y A N. H.177

SO 13

55 2t>

NX.CASLtftr . 85 1 N. Y L A W 110

- N. AW.a. i .pd. l i f t 24ft Ohio So -

5 Ont. Minims... 10 17% Ore. R A N . . 14 57 O B L A V P X K . I . P ' 3 f t 4t» Fenn. C o a l . . . 3 0 0

157 Peo. . T). A E . 2 A2ft Peo. A E a s t . . 5 IS P . c . C.AS.L. 12ft

0 P..C..C AHL.p 45 - P F. W.AC. 168 5 OulcksllTer . . 1ft

lO Otilcksllver p . -34% RCJH. A S a ' . i f i O 2 i R.. W. A O 117 «5ft S. f . A S E l«tp 34 31 S. I . . A S . F 2 d p 12

123 St L. S. W.. 4 - (*t t.. S. W p. to 40 St. P A P u l . . 21)

b St. P A D P. 7,1 St P. M AM.112

0 S r«U. Cprfs. « 4 ^ 3 So. P a . l f l c . . . 13ft

15 Third Aven-e .161 40 T01 A O C . 3« S« T. A O. C rf . 50 ISft r». P . . D. AG.

ft w , h . » j , 1% W. O. B e e f . .

" • W. A L. E. p . 115

I* 27ft

Government bonds were practical ly unchanged. There were sales of the new fours, coupon, a t 120%, of the old fours, coupon, at 111% and the currency s ixes of 1898 at 103ft. Among State securit ies Vir­ginia funded debt 2-d's of 1991 sold a t 61ft.

The business in railway bonds was on a larger scale , but prices were marked by some irregularity. Chesapeake and Ohio 4f t ' s and Chicago aud Northern Pacific fitsts were prominent in the dealings, but the former only made a sl ight gain, whi le the la t ter rose 1% per cent. The principal changes were as fol­lows:—

Ch. A N. P. 1st t. Peoria & East 1st .

Advanced. 1% St. Paul 7's gold

, lv» Declined.

Beech Creek 1st 1 Or. S. L.AC. N. e. t. r. C . C . C . A S t H s t . S t L d. l f t Wabash 1st. D . A C . Lone Island con 5 ' s . . 2% Wabash 2d

The sa les amounted to t l . 8 M . 0 0 9 . as follows:— 74ft S2000 M A S P. I 74%


$WO0 A Sp M Co «'s 0000 A Arb 1st 4 s 1000 A. T A 8 Fe

gen 4's 10000 loooo

»000 it as* :>oo

1SOUO 5u0

10U00 11000 A,

do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. T A

b3 SO 80 «u 79} 7i

10000 uooo

500 1001SJ 10000

adj 4 ' S . . . do . do. do. do . do.

S Fe

79̂ 1 80

44 ft 44 4 3 % 44 44 ft

* 3 %

8 2 M 82-4

c i ear ine House exchanges. 9108.888,453: balances, 98.546,008; Snb-Treasury debit balance. 91.200.325.

Bar silver w s s l-16d. lower in London, at 29 1116d . r*r ounce, and Kc. lower in Xew York, at 64%c Mexican dollars were qncted a t 30ftc . s 51ftc.

I^a-lede Gas Licht Company, of St . Ixmis, earned net for the month of Decemlier $92,022. a decrease of 919.090. and for the year 1896 9750,972. a decrease of 9104.914.

Th* follow! nir Is s createst cban-rea on

So. M»si. pf. A Ohio.

Am. S * be*. _ C . B. A U c . >T A St. P t \ . It. I A F . . . . . C C . C A St L. lid. El. 111. of X. X

-*m. Cotton Oil pf. Pay S t t t e Ga« Brooklyn R. T • ' •mar t O c -Del A Hud o i . . v .

l i s t of stocks Otat showed yesterday's dealings:—

. ft Ev. A T . H . pf

. l f t I -in • Island

. % l o n l s . * Xash

. % N. Y Central

. % i-ullmaa Car ft Southern Rv. pf ft Western Colon

. 1»<. l l l loo's Steel Co

. l f t N. J. Central .

. ft N.X. .C. ^ g t . u 2d pf

. 3 Standa'd R. A T

. l f t U. S. Leather p f . . . .


I* l f t

1 T *


The dry roods market U subject to l imited baying from day to day. bat the general tendency i s toward dnlaeas in nearly al l departments . Even prints which are especial ly seasonable at th i s t ime of t o e year are not bonght wi th the freedom expected when prices were made. Staple cottons s e e utterly lacking i s a liberal buying spirit , bleached goods being bought only where a minimum price has been reached. Urowu «oods for export are generally firm

<£nd fairly act ive . Woollen gooda l a al l Uses are dull, wi th sagging prices reported on serges s a d a few other l ines. S i lks are dull . Hosiery s a d under­wear without change and doll . Laces and embroid­er ie» sl ightly mete tn demand than heretofore.

Union Pacific. Denver and Galf earned gross for X o v e s t W . 1898. 9312.008. s decrease of 96,540, and net , $t25,463. a decrease of 94,305. From January 1 to November 30. 1898, gross earnings were 92.829.-124. a decrease of $1,200. and net, $865,697, a de­crease of 97.809.

Caatoats receipts Tsstsrday were 9568.066; In­terest revenue. 9441,880: miscellaneous, 946,641, a to ta l of 91.083.037; expenditures. 93,915,000: deficit, S2.959.943. For the month to date:—Receipts , 95.372.248: expenditures. 99.780.000: deficit. 84.407,-T32. against s deficit tor (be "same period in Jaau-«xy. 1996, of 93.069.421. For the fiscal yesr to Ante: Receipt*. $162,879,831; expenditure*. $ 2 0 5 -I30.0U0. against s deficit of 919.364.128 for the same period pj the cecal tear 1S9&

f» UOSP~J> lbs Cieariag i i«««c money rate mas 3 per

loOO A A P fftd 4 s 70»>0 At A Pac i n . . 7000 do 60U0 Aus A N VV 1st 7000 do 10UO Beech Cr 1st . 103 8000 B'way A 7th

av 1st c 5's . 117 200PO B C Gas 5 ' s . 106ft 3000 de 108%

lttSJO do 10rt~. 1000O «lo 106ft

1000 B W a W C 5's UMH, :>00ii do i « o 1000 do 99% 1«A>» ' " » 1 " " 1000 R.C R A N 1st 105% 5000 CanSo 1st gtd »« a o o o c tea Ry c 3's 90% 2O00CAO 6 s 1011 119 1000 C A O c 5 ' s . . 108

A D e x t . . . . 130 2t>00 M A S P T 3 s 111 6000 M A S P. W

A Mln D l v . . 110ft 5000 MASP 8's 1st 107ft 3000 M A SI* 7 s g 12f 3000 M A S L c 5's 100ft 1000 M . K A T l s t 4's 82ft 5O00. M, R A T 2d bOvs

21000 do 61 1100O do 6 l f t

7000 do « l f t 1000 do 61% mast do « l ft 5000 do 61% 5000 d o . . 01- j 3000 M A 0 n 6 s 117 1U00 M A O g in 4's 07

StiO do 67ft 5000 do 67ft 0000 do 67ft

10000 N,C A SL 1st 127ft 5000 N S M C 1st 100 2000 N Y C 1st c . 117ft

KMW NY.CASL 4's.c 104ft 1000 do 104ft

10000 NY AN 1st 5 s 118ft 5000 NY^OAW r4's 80ft 1000 NY.SA W g m 2000 N A W 1 0 * y r


5's Tr C cfs 63 8000 Nor Ohio 1st. 103 7000 NP By p 1 4's

3O0O do. W-Sft 28000 C A O g 4ft"; 73j» 25t«10 d o . . . . . . n 3 «••% 25000

»UU0 5iSM>»

5000 !.**«> 1000 ;*MI>I

3.VHS1 10000

do. d o . . d o . . do. no. . d o . . d o . . do . d o .




do do do do do

P 1st 0*s. . do do

P 1st reg. P 3d c Tr

c t f s a s . I 3's w 1

85% N6 KM

d o . do.

S6 113 113 1 K i ­l l 3%

78 52

. R2

itooo C.B A Q c 7 > 118%

aoooc.BAQ, ub . 4's . . . . . s 2 0 f 97

1000 C.B A Q d 5's 97 IO0O do 97ft 7000 C, B A Q c 5's 10W£

15000 C c E l l 5 s 100% 1000 do . . . . 100% 2000 C A Erie 1s t . HOft 20QO do 110%

11000 do 110ft 1000 Cbl A M 1 s t . 126ft

30000 C A X^ P 1st Tr Co c t f s . . 40%

25090 do 49% 23000 ilo 40ft 40000 do 49%

5000 dO 6090 do 7000 da 3000 do

2O00O do 41 10000 do 4Ji 20000 do 411

13000 do 42 40000 •!« 41' 1O00O do 41> 25000 C A NW c 7 s 140' 13000 CAN'Wc g r s l l f i "

2000 CAN W SF 6'« 114 11009 C.R1AP e x V 2000 do 1009 C.SLA NO 6 6009 C C CAS t., S

L D iv 4 ' s . . . 19000 C.HV A T 5's 50U9 u e t Osa Co 5's 8099 do 8000 do 7000 E Tenn. Va 4

G a c | 5 ' s . . . 107ft soon do.; lO?* 1099 do 107%

10900 do , . 107% 4000 do 197% 30X10 Kd El 111 Co of

X | 1st 5 ' s . 116% 2900 Ed El III Co of

X Y c 5 * s . . . 104% 1000 do 198

11000 Erie 1st c T s . ififiu, 3999 Erie 1st mtge 103% a s m Erie 3d rata*. 112

13000 Erie g 1 3-4 's . 63

54000 500

50000 8000

500 10O0N 5000 5000

10000 N 10000 X

Co 59000 X P 15000 5000

18000 d o , . 2000 X P c 5 s Tr

Co c t f s s s . . 55ft 1000 X P term 1st 104% 1000 do 103 5000 N P A M 1st

Tr Co c t f s . . 42% 10000 O So Ist.sOOf NX ft 10000 do. ..siiOf 88

7000 O So g m 4's Tr Co c t f s . . 14

15000 O R A X 1st 110% 4000 O B A N 4's

•888 15000 12000


do . do . do. do. d o . .

1000 Or Sh Line O's Tr Co c t f s . . 112

5000 O S U U S Co Tr Co c fs 63%

5000 do 64 1000 P e l G A C Chi

1st con 8 ' s . 100 2090 Peo A E 1st 75 8009 PAR 1st pf in

T C cfs s I p 15000 PAR 3d pf in

% C c fs a l p 25000 PAR g 4's TV

Co ctfs a s . . 5000 do 9900 do 2 0 0 0 / ' do

1 3 0 0 0 / do „ , 5 0 9 P . F W A C 3d 136

1000 B A D s a 6's 118% 30099 do 1 1 8 *

3000 Bib G W 1st 74 2000 do 78% 8990 I A P i t t s c . 116%

St L. «•* * -7000 K A X.

' r ' d o . .

St Ch Br 1st 108% 103&

^SA"lAXtP4-. ,55lt mMA do 58

1WW 3000

<lo. do.

H8t4 83%

10999 So P s c of Cal 5's con

7000 So Ry 1st 8*s 1000 IftXl aioo a g » 8 R A T r s : 1000 do. 4009 do

t f A a t x ist . „ | • dsr . . . . . . . .

1009 U Cen 1st 8's 1 CsswYl \C I* l l*« l^flik Ii lOOOKnox A O 1st! 1 1000 Lac G L Co of

8 i . 1st 5 ' s . 9000 d o .

•«B*̂ p»

m 2T*

2900 LEAW'1st 5's 114 1009 Long Dock 6 s 133%

18090 I T T con 5 > . 115 6000 E A N, N O _ _

A Mob 2 d . . . 98ft 1000 LA N. P D 6's 108% 4000 I T * N . S A N _

Ala g td 5 s . 93 4000 M A S P . Duk _

• A Gt So 5's . 107

Sales on the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Ex­changes—


* A P 1st 8's d o ! . . . . . . " 2d i n ,

» I C _ . O u r f s

5000 U P 1st 96 Tr C cf s ex m c 100'

5000 W a b 1st 5 ' s . 106] 3000 do 108! 5006 do . . . 1 5000 do . . . » 1000 W s b 1st 5's ,

D e t A C e x t 95 JJ000 Wab 2jl m 5's 72ft 1000 do 72

Sw^«tdV.igS 5000 W S g l ' s reg 104

Brunswick 3.000 C. * •'ripple Creek 1.000 Mt. Boss 300 Phenlx Arisons 200 Sierra Nevada 200 Total sa l e s

WHEAT May option 1.S97.000 82



.14 :l H l s h .






Low. .17 .07 .14 .04 . 48

Last .

I . 14 .04 48


82% 81% 82%

The official c los ing quotat ions for mining s tocks at San Francisco yesterday were as fol lows:— A l t s Belcher Best A Belcher Chollar Con. Cal. A Va Crown Point Gould A Curry H a l e A N o r c r o s s . . . . Mexican



.55 1.


.28 1.00


Onhlr 1.00 Potos i . o j Savage Sierra Nevada I'nlon Consolidated P t s h Yel low Jacket Standard

3 .44 .08 .40



[BT CABLB TO THB HKBALD.l LONDON. Jan . 7. 1897.—There w a s a strong tone to

the market for American share*. Opening prices were a t ga ins of substantial fractions, and the ad­vance w a s well held unti l the close. Bri t i sh consols scored an early advance of 8-16. but la ter reacted s l ight ly , closing ft higher for money, s t 111 11-18. aud 1-16 higher for the account, at 111%. Money on call w a s 2 a 2% per cent , and discounts in the open msrke t were made a t 3 % per cent for both short and three months bi l ls . B s r stiver fel l 1-166., to 29 l l - l « d . per ounce. Bar gold In the open market w a s ftd. higher, a t 77s. l i d .

The. Bank of England gained £359,193 bullion dur­ing the week. The proportion of reserve to l iabil i ­t ies , which las t week w s s 44.28, n o w stands a t 44,98 per 'cent . The rate of discount remains unchanged, at 4 per cent. The weekly s ta t ement of the Bank of France shows a loss in specie of 6,275,OO0f. gold and 2,150.000f. si lver.'

In Paris rentes decl ined 7ftc . , to 102f. 45c. Ex­change on London, 25f. 23c. In Berlin the discount rate was 4% per cent and exchange on London 20 marks 38 pfennigs for s ight bi l ls . The discount rate in Antwerp a s s 2% and in Amsterdam 2% per cent .


PROTECTS AGAINST Undiscovered Wills .

Mrs. V. purchased, in 1881, a valuable corner near Central Park. The ubetraet set out how B. had died seised of the property in 1835, unmarried and intes­tate , and how his brothers and sisters partit ioned the property.

In 1885 Mrs. V. contracted to buy an adjoining lot, and her attorney, by chance, discovered that B. did not die unmarried and intes tate , as supposed, but had married shortly before his death, in the western part of the State . At his death he left a widow and oue child, aud a wil l , by whieh al l his property went to them. They did not know he owned the property near Central Park.

After much inquiry the heirs were found by the attorney for the proposed seller, and quit-claim deeds were obtained from them at great expense.

Title Guarantee and Trust Co.


f 146 Broadway, New York. j 26 Court St., Brooklyn. I N. E. cor. 58tli s t . and 7th av. , New York 1 159 West 125th s t . . New York.

Capital, . . Surplus , .

$ 2 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . $ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

1 a%%



MATURING 1915 TO 1027.


Vermilye&Co. , K u h n , Loebdr. Co., Nassau and Pine Sts . Nos. 27-29 Pine St.

Established 3 2 Years.


Send for my new book, mailed free, "Thirty Years Among the Bulls and Bears ." Replete wi th anecdotes of great speculators.

30-day maiglus—Stocks 2 per cent , wheat 2c. a bushel, pork 25c. a barrel. Good for 30 days.


1,433 Chestnut at., Philadelphia.

29 B r o a d w a y , N e w York. STATE OF NEW YORK.

Comptroller's Office, Bureau of Canal Affa! H / l b a u y , December 19. 1896.

Pursuant to the provisions of Chanter 79 of the L a w s of 1895. proposals wil l be received at this office until Tuesday, the 12th day of January. 1897. a t 12 o'clock noon of that day. for a loan of

FOUK MILLION DOLLARS, for which transferable certificates of stock, regis­tered, or coupon bonds, at the option o f the pro­poser, Principal and Interest Payable

in Gold. will be issued In the n.ime of the People of the State of New York, on the credit of the Sinklug Fund es­tablished by said act . bearing INTEREST AT T H E R A T E OK T H R E E PER CENTUM PER ANNUM, payable seml-anuually on the first days of January and July, aud the principal reimbursable on the first day of January. 1912.

Proitosals may he for the whole or any part of the loan not less than 91.000. and should s ta te whether registered or coupon bonds are desired.

Payments for toe loan wi l l be required to be made on the acceptance of the proposal by deposits in the Bank of the Manhattan Co.. in the city of New York, t o the credit of "Treasurer of the State of New York, on account of Canal Fund ," of the amount of the award, together with premium and accrued in­terest from January 1, 1897.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject all bids which are noL^in bis opinion, advantageous to the Interests of the State.

Interest on the loan will commence on the first dav of January next, und wi l l be payable at the Bank of the Manhattan Co.. in the c i ty of New York.

Al! proposals must be sealed and indorsed "Loan for Canal Improvements ," and directed to the Comp­troller of the State of New York, Albany, N. Y.

J A M E S A. ROBERTS. Comptroller.


NO. 20 UNION SQUARE. A dividend for the six months snd three months

ending DECEMBER 31 . 1896. has been declared to all depositors ent i t led thereto under the by laws , at the rate of FOUR PER CENT PER ANNUM, on sums from 95 to 93.000. payable on and af ter January 18 1897.



Bank open dal ly, boldlays excepted, from 10 A M to 3 P. M. Saturdays trom l o A. M. to 12 noon

ANDREW W A R N E R ; President K. M. H U B L B U T . Vice President. r r e w a e n t -JOHN T. W E E K S . Cashier.


HENRY SLEW 11. 18. 15 A N D 17 BROAD ST. 3

MEMBERS OF T H E N. Y. STOCK E X C H A N G E . Orders tor Stocks. Bonds. Grain and Cotton exe­

cuted for investment or oa margin. Interest a l lowed Act a s on deposit accounts.

purauoaa. Branch offlces. 202 5th av.

Broadway, s a d 16 Court s t . .

Agents for cur-

487 87 Hndson s t Jlrooklyo-

AT 4 A N D 4X A N D B P E R C E N T W e have auy amount to loan; sums to s a l t .

S T t a t U N Q A CO.. 96 Broadway. .S&tf1**}*** W 'U J«nd sums. _$5o to

980 to 81.000. ^SSSMrU^SS Write or cal l

B O W D E X CO.. AGENCY. 82 Wsl i s t „ New York 910.000 to Esm on bond s n d mortgaae in Kew York"

Brooklyn and on l i fe insurance pol icies: whole or part. %. S. HESSMAN. 71 Broadway. * ° ° l * W

D i v i d e n d s .

Ofllce of W E L L S . FARGO A CO.. 1 83 Broadway. \

N E W Y O R K , Dec. 20 1896

'*" payable Janoarj 15, 1897,


T H R E E P E B CENT rectors of this company, a t our office, s s a sus* .

s t ^ r e ^ - m ^ u " 1 % * ° * D e " B " W r 3 1 * 1 * * -H. B . PARSONS. Ass is tant Secretary.

JEHfAR^Alf^x D i v l d e n i s .

NORTrtJRI VER SAVINGS B ^ N K SOB: W e s t 34th s t . (near 8th av .L , *

0 2 d S e m i - A n n u a l Div idend. The trustees have directed that interest be credited

depositors on December 31 . 1896, a t the rate of FOUR P E R C E N T per annum on sums of 83 t o $500, and X H R E E A N D O N E - H A L F PER CENT per an­num on the e x c e s s of 9600 to 93,090.

Depos i t s made on or before January 10. wilt d r a w interest from J a n o a r j 1.

S A M U E L D . STYLES, President . A L E X A N D E R C. M I L N K , Treasurer.

E B A N K F O B SAVINGS, 289 F O U R T H A V „ N E W YORK, Jsnoary 2. W .

The Board of Trustees have* declared the usus l in­terest under t h e provisions of the by- laws t o r the s ix month sending the 31s t December, s s f o l l o w s :

A t the ra t s of F O U R <4) P E R C E N T pec.snsmni oa al l sums of $6 a s d upward, not exceeding 83.000. pay­able on and after the third Monday, being the 18th day of t h i s month.

The Interest i s carried s t once t o the credit of de­positors s s principal on the 1st lust . , where i t s tands exac t ly a s a deposi t . •

I t wi l l he entered on the passbooks s t s n y when required on s n d after the 18th Inst

MEBRITT TRIMBLE. President. R O B E R T S. HOLT. Secretary.

t ime

M e e t i n g s T H E WHEELING A N D L A K E E R I E RAILWAY

COMPANY. . • Toledo. Ohio. Dec , 24, 1896.

The annual meet ing of the stockholders of T H E W H k l E U N t T A N D L A K E ERIE RAILWAY COM­PANY wil l b e held a t the general office Of the com­pany. In the c i ty of Toledo. Lucas county, S t s t e of Ohio, on Tuesday, the 28th day of January. 1897. a t 12 o'clock noon, for the elect ion of directors of the company, and for the transaction of audi other business as may be brought l>efore the meet ing . The transfer books wil l close January 8, a t 3 o'clock P. M„ and reopen January 27. JAMES M, HAM. Sec.

T H E Merchants' National Bank of the City of New York, December 12. 1896.—The annual election for Directors of th i s bank wi l l be held a t the banking room. 42 Wall s t . , on Tuesday. January 12. 1897. from 12 M. t o 1 o'clock P. M.

J. W. HARRIMAN, Cashier.

C O I ^ R T N K R S H I P S . _ _ 'January" 2, 189T.—Messrs!' N E W York, January 2 , 1 8 9 7 , - M e s e r s . L . ULL-

MANN A CO. k Auctioneers, 476 Broadway, beg to announce that Mr. Abraham Schaap haa this day re­tired from their firm, and that the remaining part­ners, Mr. Ixxiis Ullmann and Mr. Dav id M, Levy, wi l l continue the business a t same address, under the firm name of L. Ullmann A Co.

S. R O S E N T H A L A CO.—The co-partnership ex is t ­ing be tween the undersigned under the firm name of S. Rosenthal A Co. was dissolved on December 31, 1896, by mutual consent .—Dated December 81, 1806. 8,_ ROSENTHAL.


B U ^ N J ! S S _ « ^ F p R T ] U K I T I a i : S . _ _ _ A TnrekiBir and" Storage" Bus iness ; ' 9 6 , 0 0 0 ; e s s y

terms; posi t ively clearing over 9300 monthly- s ix double Vans, nine large Horses; al»o Storage Ware­house, full of paying goods. Address O W N E R , box 186_ Herald ^Downtown. ...

B O N U S - 9 1 0 0 for influence procuring me lucrat ive permaneat position, except bookkeeper; gent leman (33): educated. Intel l igent, discreet , ac t ive , conscien­t ious; experienced manager: hotel and general busi­ness: bonds: references. Address BONUS, 156 Eas t 125th s t ,

BACHELOR Apartmeut House, occupied: convenient to Waldorf

2 / rooms, fully H o t e l ; expense,

$4,500; income, $8,500; sell Furniture. LUDLOW. DAY A CO., 12 East 20th.

D R U G G I S T wanted- Partner for prescription and perfume and medicine department in first c lass dry goods s tore; w i l l share half expense . Address SA-LOL. 340 Herald.

F I R S T c lass Livery Stable for sa le , w i t h lease: al l Improvements: doing good business: 50 s ta l l s : building can be purchased if desired. Address OWN­ER, care of Robert Wallace , S l l Ful ton St., Brook-lyn. N. V :

FLORIDA!—To party going St . August ine for sea­son is ofTered representation of Florida specialty and free passage both w a y s : s tock_of goods consigned

In r e m

Lit: again*! W.. 291J4erald Downtown,

"lu lal par H. M.,

art of 411

FOR SAL*?-Market , lu lluest res ident ia l c i ty : best prospects for energetic niau. Herald.

F O R T U N E In Wall street for young lawyer wi th 91.000: no. speculat ing. K. P . . 3 Herald Downtown,

GET rich quickly; send for 3O0 Inventions Wanted, book free. EDGAR T A T E & COMPANY. 245 Broad-wa.v.

M A N U P A C - U R I N G Siiortsmau and Athlet ic Goods.—Well established house, having a fine plant and valuable trade, with Increasing demand for product, w a n t s an office assoc iate wi th $15,000. Ap-ply GRIGGS A CARLKTQX. 202 Bromlway,

N E W art ic le , patented , used in every cigar store; cheap to manufacture, for ' sa le . O. R.. Herald 23d St;

P A T E N T E D article, cost $5 to make, sell* for $15: something everylmdy needs: manufactured by a cor­poration: they w a n t a good l ive business man to take an interest in the concern: none but act ive men need apply. A.. 296 Herald Downtown.

T H E treasurer of a manufacturing concern, doing a large and profitable business, desires to remove to another c i ty , and wishes to tlpd a capable man with $4,000 capita l to purchase h's interest and assume his oosltion. Address MANUFACTURER. 181 Her-eld Downtown. •

TO desirable party with $25,000 ready capital .—Po­s i t ion i s offered In very profitable, established man­ufacturing business: b«st trade connections and or­ders bookul t w e l v e montbg ahead for entire output or factory. M A N U F A C T U R E R , box 193 Herald Downtown. _ _ _ _ _ " T O P R I N T E R S . — E s t i m a t e wanted^ publication long run: oply printers wi th large presses, doing tiuest half tatw Twork. apply. Address, g iv ing facil i-t i es . EST1MATK. Herald Itowntown.

WANTED—An act ive young business man. having from $10,000 to $25,000 to invest , so as to give him an Interest in the business, to take charge of the books and finances of n lager beer brewery, having an established, profitable business. Address. In hand­wri t ing of applicant. BUSINESS CORPORATION. 160 Herald 23d St . Wil l reply Saturday or Monday. Com-munlcat lons s tr ict ly confidential.

WANTED—Partner V i t h $2,000 in a good paying mall order catalogue business 1 Jewelry and novel­t ies ) : cash und»r own control: s tr ictest invest igat ion courted: no Sfents . B. A.. 208 Herald 23d St.

$25.000 w i n purchase large, exclusively fine Fancy Groeerv Business, long established, or would accept practical man with $12,000 to $15,000; magnificent opportunity, _ RETIRING. Herald.

$2,009 wanted for quick deal: safe, sure: large profits guaranteed: money secured. Address SE­CURE, Herald Downtown.


Cotton W a s Irregular, Closing F i r m -Wheat Made a N e t Gain of 3 -4 Cent.

COTTON' opened 2 to 4 points lower on disappoint­ing Liverpool cables, and fluctuated within narrow l imi t s during the forenoon, but on a renewal of local buying and lighter receipts there was a rally in the afternoon, and prices closed at the ljest, or at 3 to 7 jsdnts net gain. Total sa les 92.200 bales. S_iot cotton 1-lttc. higher, a t 7 3-16c. for middling up­lands. Kales, 10 bales export and 31 spinning. It now looks a s If the receipts for the week would not exceed 160.000 to 165.0'X) bales, as compared wi th 222.780 last week and 140,659 last year. The interior movement is showing up much l ighter than expected, and Litt le Rock wi l l probably receive not over 400 bales this week, as compared wi th less than 1,500 last year. Tkere Is nothing bright in the print cloth market at Fa l l River. Southern spot markets are said to be quiet, wi th holders sol ic i t ing bids for spot cotton. The bears advance the c la im that there i s enough cotton in the smaller towns to keep receipts up to a point large enough to worry the bulls. New Orleans bought a l i t t le cotton. But some sel l ing or­ders were received from England. Interior s tocks wi l l probably lose 30.000 bales th i s week. The re­ceipts at Houston to-day are es t imated a t 4.000 to 4,500 bales, against 3,559 same day last week and 2,670 la s t vesr, and receipts at New Orleans to-day are es t imated at 5.500 to 6.500 bales , against 2,548 and 5.558 hales . Receipts a t Houston yesterday wene 3.469 bales, against 4,380 same day last week amFt.HSO last year: Augusta, 288 bales, against 596 and 163: Memphis. 836 bales , against 1,333 and 388; St . Louis, 108 bales, against 1,090 and 2,526; Cin­cinnati . 1.320 bales, against 4.521 and 1,320. Re­ceipts at priaripal ports yesterday were:—Galveston, 2,772 bales, sga lns t 3.2_1 and 2.589: New Orleans. 7.962 bales, sga lns t 13.008 and 2,797: Mobile, 1,707 bales, against 1.646 and 600; Savannah, 4.296 bales, against 1.94* snd 1.288: Charleston. 774 bales, against 1.764 and 099; Norfolk. 1,838 bales, aga inst 3.416 and 3.1*8.

Months. 1 Sales . I High. I Low. I Closing. January . 2^-OJ 8961 6.881 8.94 a 6. February 2.000 7.00 6,90 8.98 a 6.: March 63.700( 7.07 8.97 7.08 a April 1.900! 7.13 7.05 7.12 a 7. May 2.900 7.21 7.12 7.20 a June 4.0(H) 7.23 7.17 7.25 a 7.: Julv 1.100 7.30 7.80 7 . 8 0 a August . . . . . . 4.800! 7.31 7.22 7.81 a 7.; S e p t e m b e r . . . —I — — 7.02 a 7.i Octolier I — I _ — — 7.02a7 .< Novemlier . . . . I 700! 7.07 8.98 ' 7.07 a h

..94 a 6.06 1.98 a 6.99

7.06 a — 7.12 a 7.13 7.20 a 7.25 a 7.28 7.30 a 7.81 a 7.32 7.02 a 7.05 7.02 a 7.04 7.07 a 7.09

C O F F E E w a s steady, but unlet . The opening call showed a decline of 10 points on December, w i th other months unchanged. After th i s there was 1 fairly s teady tone, w i t h prices eas ing off a l i t t l e from early sales . Havre was firm: Hamburg easy. The vis ible supply 4f coffee in the United S t a t e s shows s n increase of 111.570 bags as compared wi th a wear ago, and an increase o»" 241.122 bags com­pared w i t h t w o years sgo . Del iver ies s re qui te large, and receipts a t Rio l ight , the cable report­ing 8.000 bags. No reports were received by nubile cable from Santos, owing to a holiday in Brazil yes­terday. Closlnir prices:—March. 9.85c. a 8 .90c. : May. 9.05c. a 10c.; September. 10.10c. a 10.15c.; December. 10.25c. a 10.3*»c. Rio. No. 7. spot. l o ^ c .

GRAIN.—Wieat opened higher and w a s moderately ac t ive a t the l i t t l e advance. The rise w a s on the s ta tement that the Ohio January report made the condition of wheat 88 . against lOl las t month. The report drove In the shorts, but did net s^em to en­thuse outs ide demand, and in a l i t t l e whi le the mar­ket w a s off %r. a %_c. rallying a t midday on strength exhib i ted a t S t . Louis, s n d St . Louis buying on al­leged crop damage reports. The market, however. was not very act ive on the advance and developed but l i t t l e feature. Cables were qnlet and lower and foreign trade was smal l . The s t a t e m e n t of the stocks a t the principal points of accumulat ion in the United Kingdom shows a total 00 band of wheat . January 1, of 10.440.000 bushels, an Increase of 3.272,000 stage September 80 . and flour, 567.000 sacks of 289 lbs . , s n increase of 222.000. This would make t h e total increase, of w h e a t and flour combined since September 8 0 4,470.000 Inishels, The stock of wheat i s 4.280 000 bushels l e ss than l a i t year, while Oie stock of floor i s equal t o 900,000 bushels more than last year. A s ta t ement from the Northwest w a s that ten large elevator companies re­ported receipts of 16.000.000 Imshel* l ess than for P_."*J__ tt™? k s t yesr for the season t o date, ami indicated that only M per ernt of the spring wfaest crop remained on hand. During the afternoon the market was influenced considerably by rumors of large exisirt business. These rumors were dlf-flcult t o trace, but were pers is ted in. and were sa id to include a «cod deal from Boston, where wheat supplies are more avai lable and the amount ofCs-ean tonnage for wheat i s a l so more avai lable . Op these

export Fester-tic. over ifaj, f.lTjBTnfloat;,T^.cl«»ed_nt*«,*t' Corn was dull _nd bmr^jmitmj^__«lLi^eto_? the session, but later showed s steadier tone, clos­ing nacbsmred. Rece ipts of corn West were smal . whi le the exports continue very heavy from AtIsii-t ic ports sggregst l t tg la t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S J ^ e ls . Cash c o m w a s more ac t ive in ajPff, ,™* J J r / and s l ight ly eas ier . Exporter* took _96.009 bwh-e l s . O s t s opened easier . Imt closed ntendjr. n t j n a -ebanged to tjc. advance. Cash oats were dull, wi th shippers out of the msrket . S a l e s , were 42,000 b j - b e l s . No. 2 o s t s quoted nt S 2 « * J . . e levator . Closlbg prices:—

January March . . May . . . July . . .

January M a y - . . .

WHEAT. High- Low-

SSL est . Wed,


.Ill 8 4 ^

91 Mi 8744 83%

8 1 % 8 1 % 31

22 3 1 %

, OATS. January — — — 22s

February 22% 22% 23% 2 7 May . . ' _ _ - I 7 " 231 ,

FXOtra w a s firmer, but wltbont demand. Sel lers reported trade exceedingly s low and prices b s v e very l i t t l e bearing on present affairs. Spring patents s re nominal find irregular, w i t h spring bakers scarce and firm, and less doing. Spring patents a t the close were weak snd l imi t s easier . Sales were 10,110 packages. Including 450 bbls. winter patents , 95 a $5.10: 900 tibls. s traights , 9 4 7 0 a 91.75: ITS bbls extra firsts. 94 .10: 175 bbls, c i t y fines. 98-28: 1,009 bbis, c i ty c lears . 95 a 8 5 . 1 9 ; 1.519 bbls; c i ty patent s . 98-30 a 95.55; 1.500 bbls, spring patents . $4.70 a $4.85; 3,500 packages c lears , a t $3.80 In sacks and 94 In bbls.

N A V A L S T O R E S . — R o s i n w a s steady, w i t h common to good strained quoted at 91.72%. Spir i t s turpen­t ine nntet but firm, w i t h regulars and machines quoted a t 27WC. a 28^4c. Tar and pitch unchanged and quoted:—Tar regulars, $1.75 a $1.80; oil barrels, 93.50; pitch. 91.80 a 91.85.

P E T R O L P H M . — Pipe Hue certif icates closed w i t h 90c. bid. Refined w a s unchanged, snd qnoted:—Bar­rels, N e w York. 96.20: Phlladelphlh, 96.15; e s s e s . N e w York. 98.06: Phl l sde lphla . 96.00.

PROVIPIOX8.—Hog products were quiet and abont s t e s d y . Pork s teady: s s l e s . 300 bbls. Quoted:— Mess. 98.25 a 98.75. Dressed hogs s teady . Quoted:— 160 lbs . . V . : heavy to l ight . 4%c. a 6%c. Cot Meats—Pickled bell ies dull but s t e sdy . Quoted :— 4»4c. a 4%c. for 14 to 10 lbs. Pickled shoulders firm at 4%c. Pickled hams easy s t 8%c. s 9c . T s l -low dull at 3%c. a 3%c. Stearlne firm: lard. 4VsC, a 4 % c : oleo, 4V£\ Lard s teady: sa les . 250 tcs . pr ime s team. $4.05, c losing a t $4.0TH asked: c i ty . $3.70: refined s teady; South A merles , 94.65; Continent,

4.35; compound, 4%c. a 4%c. Options closed at 4.07 nominal for January. But ter unchanged, 'reamery. Western extras , per lb . . 20c . : do. . S t a t e ,

finest. 19c. ; S ta te dairy, half firkin tubs, fall ends , finest, 15c. a lS%c. Cheese firmer. S t a l e , fa l l cream, large, September, colored or white , f sney , 10*4c s l i e ; do. , l s t e made, prime. 10c. a lOMc. Eggs dull s n d lower. Jersey and nearby, fancy, 21c. a 22c . ; S ta te and Pennsylvania, fair to prime, 18c. a 19c.

SuoAR.—The local market Is firm, w i t h buyers s n d sel lers apart, refiners w s n t l n g to buy at old prices, whi l e Importers sre s s k l n g more money. A cargo of centrifugal sugar was offered a t 3V,e., bnt w a s not taken. Bid prices are 3 3-16c. for 96 t e s t cen­trifugal: 2 13-16c. for 89 tes t ramseo-rado and 2 9-16c. for 89 test molasses sugar. Refined sngar was s teady but quiet , w i t h prices unchanged. Granulated quoted at 4%c.


C H I C A G O . Jan. 7, 1897.—Whest to -dsy regained some of the ground lost yesterday. For an hour Im­mediate ly subsequent to the opening there w s s a feel ing of hes i tat ion prevalent, but eventual ly firm­ness obtained control, and prices recovered about a cent . A feature of the trade w a s the buying by St . Ix>uis and the re lat ive strength of the msrket a t that place. Yesterday the balk of the se l l ing w a s for that c i ty , but, as if regrett ing such act ion, the buying orders to-day were from there. Liverpool did not re­spond to our break wi th much enthusiasm, a net loss of but Id. being reported by the cable. The main in­fluence for strength, however, w a s the reported en­gagement a t Boston of freight room for 1,500.000 bushels. "sWiorts" covered freely to-day, and there was not a l i t t l e investment by people whose faith in the u l t imate outcome was unshaken by the setback received during the earlier days of the week. Re­ceipts in the Northwest were l ight, a t 209 cars, against 261 last Thursday and 538 on the correspond­ing day a year ago. Chicago received 10 cars and Inspected out 02,~206 bushels. The Price Current summary of growing crop conditions w a s bearish. Closing Continental cables were irregular. Export c learauces were fair, at 303,351 bushels. May wheat closed at 82V_c.. Ic . higher than yesterday. Cash wheat was ilrm and lc . per bushel higher. Receipts at principal Western points, 249,468 bushels: ship­ments , 133,400: receipts at Eastern points, 14,768; shipments. 165.671.

Corn was dull and closed a trifle l ietter. Receipts were l ight, at 80 cars, and 132,002 bushels were withdrawn from store. Liverpool cables were \k&. lower. Exports were heavy, a t 685,165 bushels. Cash corn was unchanged. Receipts at principal Western points, 273,232 bushels; shlpmeuts , 185,671. Receipts a t Eastern points , 320.815.

Oats were steady and the trade was very mod­erate. Receipts were 103 cars. There were no withdrawals from store. Exports amounted to 70,-432 bushels. Cash oat s a shade higher.

Provisions.—The market for product w a s nar­row. The feeling a t the start was derived from the hog market, but later i t was influenced more or less by the action of wheat . A t the close firmness pre­dominated. May pork closed 5c. higher; May lard and ribs each 2%v\ a 5c. higher. Receipts smal l ; shipments large: cash market quiet and firm.

Est imated receipts to-morrow:—Wheat; 16 cars; corn. 105 cars; oats , 95 cars; hogs, 26,000, Freights , nothing done.

Chicago prices:—

May July


May July


January May . . . .

January May

January May . . . .

Open-lag .

82 77'.*

25% 26^4


97.60 7.80

8.80 8.95

3.90 3.97


7 ^ <'OKX.

26% OATS. 19M. TORE.

97.00 7.85

LARD. 3.82 3.97

RIBS. 3.1st 4.00

Low­est. 8114 76? .

25Vi 28«„


$7.60 7.80

3.80 3.95

3.90 3.97

Clos­ing. 82% 77&

35% 26>4


97.60 7.85

3.82 3.97

3.90 4.00

Last Night.


25VJ, 26'4


97.56 7.80

3.80 3.95

8.85 3.95


LIVERPOOL, Jan. 7—4 P. M.—Cotton—Futures closed barely s teady: American -Middling. low mid­dling clause, January deliverv. 3 58-64d. a 3 59-64d . se l lers; January und February delivery. 4 67-64d.. buyers: February and March delivery. 3 57-64d.. buy­ers: March and April del ivery. 3 67-8+d.. buyers; April and May delivery, 3 57-64d. a 3 58-64d., buvers; May and June delivery. 3 58-64d. a 3 59-646., se l lers : June and July delivery. 3 59-84d.. se l lers; July and August delivery, 3 59-64d. a 3 60-64d.. sel lers; Au­gust and September delivery. 3 5R-64d.

PRODUCE MARKET—CLOSING PRICES. L I V E R P O O L . Jan. 7—3:45 P. M—Beef—Extra India

mess firm at 62s. rid.; prime mess firm at 50s. P o r k -Prime mess Western, fine, s teady at 48s. 9d . ; do. , medium, steady at 41s. 3d. Hams—Short cut, about 14 to 16 lbs . , firm at 39s. Bacon—Cumberland cut, about 28 to 30 lbs . , s teady a t 26s. Od.; short rib, about 20 to 24 lbs. , s teady a t 26s. 6d . : long, clear middles , l ight , about 35 to 38 lbs . , s teady a t 27s . : long, clear middles , heavy, about 40 to 45 lbs . , steady at 26s . : short, clear middles, heavy, dull at 24s . ; clear bel l ies , about 12 to 14 lbs . , s teady a t 27s. shoulders, about 12 to 14 lbs . , steady a t 26s. 6d. Lard—Prime Western spot dull at 20s. 9d. Cheese— American finest, whi te and colored, firm a t 51s. 6d. Tallow—Prime city firm at 19s. Cottonseed oil—Liv­erpool refined firm at 15s. 6d. Spirits of turpentine strong a t 20s. 9d.i Wheflf—•No. 2 red winter, no stock: No. 1 Northern spring steady at 7s. Id. C o r n -Mixed Western, arret, old. s teady at 2s . 10'.»d.: Jan-uarv steady at 2s. 9¥-d.: February s t e sdy a t 2s. 9-Tid.; March steady a t 2s. lOd. Flour—St. Louis , fancy winter firm at 9s . 3d. Hops a t London—Pacific 1 coast firm s t 65s. a 75s.

L O N D O N . Jan . 7—6 P. M.—Calcutta l inseed, spot, 32s. 6d. per quarter; December shipment, v i s Cspe. . <n. Spirits of turpentine. 20s. 10%d. per c w t . Sugar, l i s . a l i s . 3d. per cWt. for Cuba centrifugal , polarizing 96 degrees tes t , and 9s . 9d. a 10s. for Cuba muscovado, fair reflning. Bee t sugar. January, 9 s . 3%d.: Msy . 9s . 8V4d.

LONDOV WOOL SALES. LONDON, Jan. 7, 1897.—A sale of wooled sheep­

skins w a s held here to-day. a t which 3,683 bales were offered. The attendance of operators w s s fair, hut the bidding w a s insc t ive and prices were lower. Long wooled merino skins declined from %d. to %d.; crossbreds from par to %d., and short wooled skins V»d. from the prices of the las t sale . The transac­t ions and the prices otoained w e r e : -

N e w South W a l e s , 200 bales, clothing and comb­ing, a t 3d a 5%_d. Queensland. 600 bales, clothing and combing. 4%_. a Bd.: pieces and damaged. 3%d. a 4%d. Victoria. 700 bales , clothing and combing. 3%d a 5%d.: pieces and damaged. l%d. a 5d. South Austral ia . 600 bales, c lothing and combing l ^ d a 5%d ; pieces snd damaged. l%d. a 2>4d. W e s t Austral ia , 400 bales, c lothing and combing, l%d. a ftMd.: pieces and damaged. 3d. a 8%d. Tasmania , 100 bales , clothing and combing. 4%d. a Bd. New Zea­land. 400 bales , c lothing s n d combRig 2%d. a 7%d.; pieces and damaged, 3d. a 6%d. Punta .Arenas . 300 bales, c lothing and combing. 2%d, a 5%d.: nieces snd damaged, 2%d. a 4%d. Buenos Ayres, T8 ba le s , clothing and combing, 2%d. a 4%d.

HAVANA MARKETS. HAVANA, Cuba. Jan. 7, 1887.—Markets unchanged.


Slight Revival in One Branch of the Market—Some Large Foreclosure

Auctions Yesterday.

for 1134,450, and No. W West 123d Etreet.U three story atone front dwelling, oa lot l i t , _to.H to John Carlew. for JB9.W6. T i l

Richard V. Harnett A Go. sold the eo«tW^ weet comer of Columbus avenue and 106th 1 atreet, five five story brick flats, on plot' xlOO, to the plain tiffs in foreclosure, Margaret Marshall and others, for 9148.436.

William Kennedy sold Nos. 229, 231, 233 and 235 East Ninety-seventh street, four five story tenements, on lota each 25x100.11, to the plain­tiffs In foreclosure, George A. Meyer and others, for 166,000.

RECORDED TRANSFERS. 113th St. a s . 810 ft e of 4th av. 21x100.11;

Msrgsret P H s n l e y to Emma E Johnson. . 105th s t . 254 W : Annie Cohen to B F Cohen. 114th St. s s, 126 ft w of 7th s v . 50x100.11;

J A Msnoner ft w to W R Powers 186th s i , s s. 225 ft w of Lenox av , 123x99.11;

H R Garden iref) to W Hers 8th av. n a cor 123d s t , 25x100: a lso a s 123d

s t , 1 0 0 ft e of 8th s v , 25x100.11; J V Judge fref) to D _ O F o w l e r ft s n o 86.660

Prospect s t , n s. 275 ft e of Courtlandt av, 25x 100; Mary Schmidt to L W Bartelsen ft sno 3 300

Haven s v , w s. ISO ft a of 170th s t . 75x103.3; A VBn Santvoord tref) to W M i l l e r . . . . . . . .

Same property; A N Morris ft w et s i to Mary Schmidt ».

Wi l l i s av , w s , 50 ft s of 143d st , 25x108; j Fromme (ref) to Ellen C Kelly . . . .

Washington av , w s . 77.9 ft n of 164th st'. 47.3x100; J L Spaeth to Anna K Spae th . .

186th s t . B s. 105 i t w of Washington av, 53z 95x irregular; same to same

7tii s t . a s, north part of lot 724. niaii'of Wakefield. 64x106: Catharine Nora to M

. Nora t 57th s t . 008 W ; Msry L Hitchcock to Caro-t lino M Lawlor i 83d st . n s, 270 ft w of Central Park West'. J 20x102.2; A Stern to Grace Ahrens . *

Same property: C T Wi l l s ft w to A Stern; . f»7tb s t . Jmjf; W F Wslker e t s i to Mary

J L Hitchcock 77th s t . 417 P.; K M Wsl laeh t o M K Wallach. 55th et . 122 ft w of 1st s v , 22.4x100.5; J _»

9100 1







1 8.WM

I 1


Rumors of interesting sales of real estate were thick enough yesterday, but the trans­actions actually closed were comparatively few and unimportant. Daniel Birdsall ft Co. sold to a Mr. Prentice, representing adjoin­ing owners. No. 369 Pearl street, northwest corner of Hague street, for about $25,000.

Slawson ft Hobbs sold for Mrs. Sarah Jane Hull No. SOB West End avenue, a three story brown stone front dwelling, 20x55x100 feet. Crow ft Taylor sold to a Mr. Bonner No. 539 West End avenue, a four story dwelling, 17.5 x58xl00 feet.

L. J. Phillips ft Co. sold for Abraham Stern to Grace Ahrens No. 19 West Eighty-third street, a four story dwelling, on lot 2ox 102.2 feet.

The auction sales of real estate held, in the New York Salesroom under decrees of foreclosure yesterday embraced more valua­ble properties than usual, two of the par­cels selling for considerably more than 9160 -000 each. Three out of four holdings offered were purchased by the plaintiffs in the ac­tions.

Peter F. Meyer ft Co. sold the northwest corner of Bedford and Downing streets a

I *?**?* *?** A M ^ offerings, the msrket c losed ftilrly I a e v e n s t o r y b r i c k b u i l d i n g , o n p l o t 9 1 7 x 9 0 * t o 1 I steady at a Lfftte under the best figure* of the day. at I t h e plaintiff In forec losure , J o h n S 7 Bortth, 1

, . _ _ ... - u i »at a v . jet Marren A al t o E J Cnddehy 1

53d s t . n s, 158.6 ft e of Lexington av. 17.10x 100.5: W F Moller ft w to W I Bnxby 1

57th s t . s s. 274.5 ft w of Lexington av, lO. l lx 100.5; H Koenlg ft w to W J Ellas 48,000

Bryant s t , w s, 125 ft n of Jennings st , 25x 100. 23d Ward Land Imp Co to Bessie Sul­l ivan

Bryant s t . s w cor 172<1 s t . 100x100; same to P Fncbs

Bryant s t , a w cor 173d st , 50x51x95.6; ssme to J Pexcld

Bryant s t , e s, 50 f t a of 173d s t , 50x100; same to J ' P'cbnnol ly . ' • • • • • _ _

Longfel low s t . w s, 75 ft s of 178d st , 75x100; _ i , » a, same to J Oulnn ft •»

Wil l iam s t . 191; W E Sherwood Korn

ft sno to 8






, , , . , „ 1 Monroe s t . 82 & 84; J Samroet (exr) to A Stern 10.500 Same property; A S t e m to J Flscbel , 1 Monroe at 9_.A a 4ACL. -M • •

















_ , - . • , - . . , . A on-iii 10 4 eiscnei. Monroe st . 246 ft 248; Margaret A Frtasiol i to

Cecil ia Hlrschfaach r Leroy s t . 60; K M Wallacb to M K Wal lach . . 92.600 Bleecker s t , s w cor Wooster s t . 25x100; A * Stern to C T Will* 11th s t . n s. 150 ft w of 4th st . 26.9x111.10;

J E Wood t o C H Young 39th s t . s s. 380.2 f t e of 8th av. 17.1x98.9;

Baebel McAuley to Ella 8. Conk line 39th s t , s s. 346 ft e of 8th av. 17.1x98.9;

same to same 48th s t . n s, 60 ft e of 7th av, 16.8x50.4; same

to same 56th s t . o s. 835 ft w of 8th av. 40x100.5; Ella

S Conkling to Rachel McAuiey 45th s t , n s, 237.6 f t e of 7th s v . 34.3x100 4;

Rsche! McAuley to Ella S Conkling 61st st . 235 W : J H Allen t o O D i c k i n s o n . . . . Msdison av, e s, 85 .2 ft s of 80tb st. 17x82;

L M Norwood to Margaret M Norwood . . . 64th s t , n s. 245 ft e of 5th av, 20x100.5; E

W Ropes to Anna C Ropes 06th s t . 348 E ; E m m a Behrens ft ano to J

Bannen 1st av. 2 .342; Margaretha Bock to R W

Fisher 108th s t . s s. 125 ft w of 2d sv . 25x100.11;

P Hof to R G Rockefeller ft w 163d st. n s. 270 ft w of Teller av, 100x95.6;

A Luhs ft w i f e to W Ahlborn 12,000 123d st , s a 180 ft e of 3d av. 25x100.11:

Eliza Wilson ft ano to H Mandelbaum A ano 1

Rogers place, 939; C A Rosenthal ft wife to T Kelly A ano 3.700

St Ann's av. e s. 450 ft s of 156th st, 104.2X 90x108.6x90: W J Lardner. ref. to Germsn-Amerlcan Real Es ta te Tit le Guarantee Co

131st st , s s, 476.8 ft w of 5th av 33.4x 90 .11; H F Booth &. wi fe to J J MeNainsra.

87th s t . n s, 133.4 ft e of 8th av. 16.8x98.9; Regius Schuster to C F Myers

39th s t . n s. 383.4 ft e of 8th av. 18.8x98.9; J H Judge, ref, to Z P Cohen 12,000

37th s t , n s, 150 ft e of 8th av. 16.8x98.9; Ueglna Schuster to Alice E Myers 1

26th s t . s s. 8O.6 ft w of 8th s v , I8x lrreg: D P Ingraham (ref) to T Thedford 9.550

Colrmbus av. e 8. 75.4 ft s of 62<1 st. 25.1x 100: Adelaide Knowles (ex) to Adelaide Kuowles 1

Lot 125. map of Arden property; W Oppcn-helm ft w to Julia A Woodson 1.000

Oakes av, w s. 200 ft n of Jefferson av. 2T>x lOo: Land Co B, of Edenwald. to J Suther­land & ano

Terrace View av, n cor Klagshrldge av. 78.9x116.2x75x91.11; . D G Crosby to* T H Sllkman

RiK'kfield s t , n s. 925 ft e of Msrlon av. 25x 100, F Faulhaher & w to G Carter ft w . . . .

Jacob s t . s s. lots 300 & 361, map of 8 Cam-. breieng property; Adalyn M Smith to Llz-

s le Heuser Pelhaui av. s s, 25.6 ft w of ("ambreleng av.

25.6xl37 .6x25_ 142.5; J M Croghan to Mary Croghan

173d st , s e <-or Boone st, 31x92.Hxl07.3x lrreg: 23d Ward Land Imp Co to J W Peter

Bryant st , w s. 200 ft n of Jennings st, 2Sx 100: 23d Ward Land Imp Co to J K>lleber..

B n a n t s t . w s. 100 ft s of 172d s t , 75x100, & Bryant s t . e s. 200 ft n of 172d st , 50x100; 8a me to H B Lounsbury .

Brrant s t . w s. 225 ft s of 172d st . 100x100, also Bryant s t . e s. 275 ft s o f 172d Bt, 50x 100: same to S Prowler

RECORDED MORTGAGES. American Society of Civil Engineers to the

Mutual Life Insurance Company, n s 28d (No 1271 s t , 75 ft w of Lexington av; also 218 -ft 220 W 57th s t ; 1 year. . 8135.000

Adler, S. ft w to S Adler. s a 19th st , 126 tt w of 1st av; 1 year

Busby, W E. to W F Moller. n s 53d st , 153.6 ft e of Lexington av; 3 years

Burnstlne. W M. ft w to M Kataeuberg, 217 E 7 2 i s t : 5 years

Brown. W J, to E m m a D Van Vleck ft ano. trus of P Dick ie , dee'd, n s 117tb st , 350 & 325 ft e of 7th av, as widened: 5 years, 2 mortgages ! 44.000

BlrcbaJI. T . ft w to tbs Manhattan A Suhur-Imn Savings ft Loan Associat ion, n w s Van Corlear place, 137.6 ft s w of Wicker place; Insta lments

Same to H F Stryliing, same prop: 1 year aClyde. Jqlla L, Jul ia M ft R J to Sophie F

Ooebel. 32 Ridge s t ; 1 year C^lkinan. L J . ft w to J A Kemp, s s 11th

et . 143.7 ft e of 6th a v ; 5 years Clrrlto. F. ft w to F Sackett . n s 118th st . 210

ft e of 5th a v : demand Same to Mabel A Robv. same prop; demand. . Dana. Helena R. to W Raymond, s s 94th ft ,

581 ft w of Columbus av; 1 vear Dickinson, O, to J H Allen, 235 W 61st s t ; 1

vear , . , . . . . . . . . . , F lscbel . J, to A Stern. 82 s a d 84 Monroe' st";

1 year t Frledberg. R, to W Got bout. 17 Chryatie s t ;

8% years Fswier , D O, &. w and ano to Nancy L Sher­

wood ft ano, u e cor 123d s t and 8th av, and n s 123d s t . 100 ft e of 8th av; 5 years

Fischer, C, ft w to J Schubach, as trus. n s 164th s t , 100 ft e of Amsterdam a v ; 1 year

Fueha. P, to 23d Ward Land Improvement Co. s w cor Bryant and 172d s t s : 3 y e a r s . .

Frank. Hut tie. to K i t t l e F_3ooloa , a s 135th s t . 110 ft w of 5th s v ; 2 years

Gallagher. P, ft w to Rector, fte, of 8 t Bar­tholomew's Church, N e w York, 21 W 3d s t ; 5 years

Gorsch, A and Sophia, to W Hal l ' s Sons, _•_ 81st st , 70 ft e of Lexington av; 1 year 2,000

Guggenhelmer, B , ft w et al to Addle Wert-heftner e t al , s e cor 92d s t and 5th av; 5 years 80,000

Horky V, ft w to W Boroschek, s s 75th st , 344.6 ft e of 1st av; 1 year 8,000

Hogg . W, ft w to Sophia Puselebr, n s 155th s t , 145 ft w of Elton a v ; 2 years 1,000

Hasenbalg . E. ft w ft Emille Loos snd bosbd to 0 E Grubert, s s 166th s t . 249 ft e of Vsn-derol l t s v : 5 years K

Johnson, Emma E. to T i t l e Guarantee snd Trust Co. n s 113th s t . 319 ft e of Park av; 3 years

Keeiean. Mary, to D P Hays , s s 14th s t . wes t hs i f of lot 365. map of I n ion port: d e m a n d . .

Kel ly . Ellen C, to .1 Bussing. Jr. w s Willis av. 50 ft s of 143d s t : 3 years 4.000

Kelleher. J. to Twenty-third Ward Land Im­provement Company, w s Bryant s t . 200 ft n o f Jennings s t : 3 years

Kel ly , T. & w to 0 A Rosenthsl . w s Rogers place. 217.1 ft n of Westchester av; 7 years .

Lounsbury. H D. to Twenty-third Ward Land Improvement Company, w s Bryant s t . 100 f t s of 172d s t ; 2 years

Same to same, e s Bryant s t . 200 ft n of 172d s t : 1 vear

Meagher. D. & w to P H Butler . 158 Spring s t ; 3 years _ , • •„_•_ . • ' •

Munn. Allda. to M U p p s . w s av B, 88 ft a of 4th et. Twenty-fourth ward: Sjrears

Merrill E M. to T Kerry. MO snd 512 W 25th s t ( l e sse ) : 5 years . •_•_•___

Merklen. M ft w to Frances Merklen. s w s 17th s t . 168 ft n o / 1 s t a r ; 5 years

Myers. C F . ft w to Frances M Marks, n s 87th st . 116.8 ft e of 8th s v : 1 yesr _ . . . . . .

S a m e to Minnie Bendbeini ft sno . n s 37th s t , 133.4 ft e of 8th s v : 1 y e a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Moller. W F. A w to Elizabeth W. Catl ln. 147

Martin. K a t e r T t o J Brown, a s 80th"st." I 0 L 8 ft w of 2d a v ; 3 y e s r s

Mvers, Alice E. to Minnie Bendbclm ft sno . n a 37th s t . 150 ft e of 8th av : 1 v e a r . . . . . .

Miller, W. t o A Van Santvoord ireft. lots 129-181. on sa le map: 3 rears <3 m o r t g a g e s ) . . . .

Mandelbaum. H. ft s n o to F J Mlddlebrook. s s 123d s t . 180 ft e of 3d s v : 1 year 8.000

O'Connor. E F. to E c Bosntmaa . J W and C J McTVrroott and J S McNnlty. n e cor 8th av and 58th s t ; secures counsel fees . . . .

O'Brien. J W. ft w to the Franklin Society for Home RcHdtng ami Savings, s s Jennings st rUft.8 ft e of I'nlon s v : ins ta lments

Oehi. H . ft w to Emily Cook, s a 188th s t . 27.6 ft w of St Ann's nv.: 3 years • • • • • • • 15.000

Powers . W R. to J A Mahoney. s s 114th St. 1 2 5 f t w of Tth a v c l y e a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.890

Pe ter 3 W. to Twenty- th ird Wsrd l^and Im­provement Company, s e cor 173d s t snd Boon* f t : 1 year 1.180

Prowler . S. to s s m e . w_s Bryant et , 235 ft s or 172d s t : a lso e s Brvsnt s t . 275 ft s of 172d a t ; 3 yesrs ••_ * 8 5 6

Rohrssen. C. ft w to A Nichols ft Co. 2.093 Madison av : 1 year . - • . . . . . . . •t.. - 1.000

Richer D . ft w to Emma D. \ a a M b k A a a o , trus of P Dickie , n s 117f* St.. 375 ft e of 7th s v . ; 8 rem ( t w o tnortgnces i . . 44,000

Ste in . Helene. to J. P Kernochan e t s i . troa of J R Marshall, 452 W. 22d St.: 3 years . . 17.000

Base . Carrie T . . to R. Hendricks, executor of ^ n a y Hendricks, n s 53d s t . . 273 ft w of

9th a v . ; 5 years 18,000 Same, to E. Hendricks, same property; 8

gchrelBer,' J."' to" "the New York* "Savings Bank, s s 123d St., 100 f t w of Leaox a v . ; __,__. 5 years 99,000

Sp?ngler C . to H. Forster, n s 105th s t . . 150 _ _ f t e Of 5th av : 1 year 1J06

Wrap. Christiana, to A. Hsppel . 1 1 109th St.. 390.5 ft w of Amsterdam a v . : 1 year 1,471

Van Rensselaer. Anns W. . to Alice Van Bens-selaer, 186 Grand St.: 3 y e a r s . . . 8,800

Van S a n a I. ft w to vV. W. Bryan, n s 144th St.. 875 ft 400 ft w of Grand Boule-vard: 6 months ( two mortgages! 8,358

Wallach. M. _LT t o K M. Wal lach. 49T R . nttA T T t h s t . : 1 o__rth R.O00

Same to s s m e , 96 Leroy St . : 1 month









«,(X*> 6.200



13000 3.500




















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