new york ny evening telegram 1891 jan - 1891 jul grayscale - 0374.pdf

Post on 17-Sep-2015






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    LIST EDITION. I f i HE AN ? Interesting Testimony in the

    Fansbawe Trial.


    Unable To Bouse Sleepers, But Able To Dress Completely.

    * *

    The trial or JekaM. IX Faaakaw.e charted with ssttlng Are to u e dwelling hoeae Ho. M East Twsa-ty-nutt strest, ot watch he was one or u e oeea-pasts at ihe time, waa resumed to-day la Fan 9 ot i* serai fats bus, before Becerder oayth and a iorr.

    TheacceaedUeyeaag maa at goad family aad waa a clerk in the emc* or u * Knickerbocker Fira Utterance Cepaay whoa the flra occurred, oa Feb-rusry,A, Mas. Tka mauve toe the attempt at arena la aatd to have M I raaahawe'a daalra laraauxa apoa eaiBsaraacepeiicy r*r is . coo, taxea oat by kim apoa hte weerUg apparel a aaert tiaia previously. TbeeeM waa tried ease before aad naaltad to a dtasgrecmeat. Mra. Taa Baser, who leased taa preuiae* u question uarje^rdin* hoeae. tssiiflod thatealy taa accaaad aad acataa he taa various p-sceeU the hoeae whore Ue flames were otecov-arse.

    TM drat wliaeat to-day waa Mats Dengkry. who eouytsd a roaai edjoUing that ot Faaahawe. aad sMtrsUaoo that ka d!d aot knock apoa Uedoor kataata taa apartment* to etve tka alarm, eltheagh n n i akewa that ka waa aaaad draaaad at Ua ttaa tka flra broka ear.

    Mrs. Taa Deter waa thaa racaUcd by taa proaeca-tloa, aad said that ehortiy attar sevaa o'clock oa tha morning altar tha flra aha aad a coaveraauoB with Mr. Faaahawe aad Mra. caartaty la taa receptive max, Ma caxea lata tka raoat with aaverai lattara la ata kaad aad.uid wUaaaa ha waa aorry tor har loss, sad. aa ho waa la tha laaaraaco ausiaeae, ha might bo abla to btlp har recover. Mra. Oaartaay laid Km that wltaaaa waa aot insured, wrueea added t -

    MMr. faaahawa aafct that whoever had doaait ought la ba haagaa. Bo alao aald that ha Ueught ha caaatkaaaylawga ad. Mra. Caartaty told him ba coald do aa by raptaclac tha tfclaga destroyed.

    , Mr. Faaahawa thaa aakad har It aha accaaad him at sarong Ue room ea flra. Mra.Oaartaay raptlad taatakadld aot, bat that it Ue ere had occurred u her ream wader Blssnsr clrcaautaacaa aka would foal obliged to a***e coed my loaa."

    -What rarthor M aa aay about taa flrar* 'if e said taat he waa la bad aad had beta awakv

    aaad by tha flaaio or aaaoka or sossatAlag like tkv bat aa tha door waa aa flra ha eaald aat cat oat ta araaaa taa people n tha hoeae. Mra. Oaartaay aakad aim why ha did aat awka aba way tkroagh ihafaMBagdaoraarlUca Doagatya room. Ba ra> alaaa that the Mdlap; doora war* tltd aadtkatha

    tetreagu enougt to pan taa curuiae aad ihe door leastag teMlaa Doaghty'a

    PORTER I T H R I I I . What He Knows About Our

    "Small" Population.


    Not Ooe Democrat Appointed Supervisor in the Doubtful States.

    .ar*TOaartaay aaaad hisakew ha cama ta ha Craaaadattkottai*. Ho aaM ltatwhaa ho raaad ha eaald aat gat oat or tho room ho treat to ale track,toak a aait of elettaa aat ot i t aad pat them aa." .

    "What did Mrs. Oaartaay aay to that"* -^koraaarkadihatltwaaairaatahaaadairaarh

    aaaatk tadotkn whoa aakad sotstrengueaoogh to kaock oa Bias Doughty** room door ao aa Ugive be sierra."

    Oa crov-exsaunattea by ex-coaster Beeieataa for tha defence, wltacaa stated that Faaahawa braBgkt a wemaa to bar hoaaa whoa* ha latradacM as tfra. ban. Tka latter remained oaly a law days. Fsaakawa waa aot atapptag at tha haaaa almaoir, batkevubad Mra. Ban every aight. aad witness aappaaad that they wara haabaad aad wire.

    Caaaatlthaa endeavored to draw tram wltaaaa an acknowledgment ttat har raoble-mladad sister, who treed with bar, waa mlsehtevoaa, aad tkat thita had haaaa qaarrel betwtea them, Bat wit. ama stated ampkaucaliy tkat har alatar waa act lackareas, aaa that aha aerer tad aay great tressfe with har.

    Ttohearugot wltaaaa waa continued attar re-

    WHERE IS THE BRITANNIC? SI**!**) eve m e * tela a d 1**4 Nlghr. B a t

    Maw Mtselntsr, Tne White Star sieaatsktp Bnuanle, which left

    Liverpool oa March * with ker cablas crowded wlib puaaagara, waa sighted at Fire laUad rest aight aad under ardiaary ctrcamsuacaa ekeula hare ban at the Quarantine atanea at day llgat to-day.

    Aanmbor ot Ttaaeia started dawa ta meat tka etgaklptka moroiag. bat the Bntaaale eaald aat be feaad aad they retaraad to tha city to await the fcttag ol the log. Tka ataaaaoat Wdliaai Fletcher iearaeyed so taa health auuoa aner tha aaita aad, sw ladlag tbe M* Wklta eur beat, proceeded to ikelewarbaylaaaarchor her. n o Fletcker raa tkroagk tka tag baaka aad lau every receaa la tka kataor. bat the search far Ua Briuaaie waa trait. has aat the nan tender retaraad ta the Battery at

    ONLY FOUR* HUSBANDS. Mra. Bredrricka W a a t i Another DiTOice

    atereeilNg loaeatlleatleae. 're Dagro, of the Sapener Conn, to-eay tried Xi* felt breagbt ly Caronae Ftaderkta lor a i m -

    '** drtorce rrom Joka Frcderlclv, ker reartk '**>. on ike grooad or entity and abandon-f'-v aha aaa bad elxteea catldreo ay htr rorctr kcaaaads and one of tkeaa. a tniaa at air2?" ****** W M dMHoyed by Fredericks in Hist atora at o. sea second areaee. Her ? .V 1.B(| fttderleka became fneadiy eon a nttk oi proaus aalt retailed. It was Basliy tyjaw aae tie coapa wore married. aaa X5?J , i H r , , r :B* e***T ikey Mparated tIt!*V*w *m rfeeted lor abaadoameat. A vviea aomacai Termed w cvmmti aim. iicctsloa waa mcrred.

    Poll Dead a n F m h A e i n a r , A cikcowa wowaa ran dead en tka aMswilk at

    *^VLlSVb". ,n** ,m"aF,n* today. Ma *! ass rewored to tka Moeteiaia preciact.

    . m Railroad Caao 1st Coart.

    Tic inicwe at tka lefailiy *r me ordlatace re-1' nag it* sartace railroad compaaie* to raa ears IV ^ J ? , ? ? 1 1 ! *" BUkl and are L > u i i u a u i v ! ! y a ? * l l V OwporaiTea dttoraey atrcd S . I t ' i M i V L 0 M Jtateki waa ran-52a a i ? a ! M 5 2 W ? 5 , B n railroads, ct iiaTr..*..iP*.'i,

    Ckalnaaa Weight Uoleomb, ot Ua Censoa Com-mutae.waa anrpriaed tnlamornlcg wnsn ha entered Fait S at taa Costaon Fleas t > flan Robert 1*. r&rter, Superlnteadent ot tka Federal Cenana. wait-ing tor him.

    The committee but week larlted Mr. Porter to take tke aiand aaa tall what be knew about Terk'a email pepnlauea. aad Mr. rorter replied that ba woald ba praseas oa Sainniay. Uwine, howerar, to alcknasa la kla (amliy ha cama aad tcqnastod to be ailoared to appear aa a witneea. Mr. Belceab amUlagiy rerlleu tkat ha aoald ac-coamedate Mr. Porter ana changed tha arrange, menu accordingly.

    AeeooaasUe caairmaa bad caled tie committee :o order he aaaonaced tkat Attorney General Tabor had replied to Ue commutee'a leco'.utioa which re-qaestedalmto adrtaa the committee wkeuterlt waa wUkla Ue power ot toe to pro*lde by law lor titlDg an ennme>atlon In tbe year 1S81 ot Ua people ot Ue Suta. Tha Atiorooy Cen oral aaya Uat It Is andonbtedlr arttbln tbe power ot Ue present Legalatarc to maaa prorlatoa by law roraaenaaarauoawbichcaabe ma-la tae baaa tar aa apportioament ot u e Senate and Assembtr dlttrtcu at tke Stale.

    rOkTEE A WITNESS. Mr. Porter then look tna aiand and teaUfled tint

    he had coma prarlona experience in census mattera. aa ha waa at the head or too second dlrlalan under General Walker. Ilia work there waa aalnly aa aa expert. Be bad now s too persona working tor him. aad ba expected to Bnlth tbe work In 1532.

    Otiheae 8.000 persona about 1.0)0 were clerks. Kearly hai'or tha clerks bad paaaed the civilser elceexamlration. bnt all had paaasd the cenaua ex* amtaatton, which be Uongnt was mora aarore thaa thatot tbe civil cemce. sime persona who bad paaaed the elrll service examination were thrown eat by tha census examiners. .

    This ceasna examination waa especial y aerere in arltciae.le, bat quesuoaa were alao aaked la read, la*, writing aad geagrapny.

    arroKTEO ar THE PRESIDENT. This Board at Examiners waa appointed by tka

    Secretary ot the interior In order to aid Ue bnrer. latandett There were ao anch examinera when General Walker took the census, ana Ue result was tkat the latter had aa inferior lorca ot clerks at Waahlagioa.

    D:d yon appoint any Democrat aSupemtorr* asked Mr. Bartiett.

    "I dla aot appoint aay ot them. The President did that, bat ha usually appointed the men whom 1 appreTed."

    "Did yea recommend Mr. Marray r* Tee. 1 kao w that be waa a man ot integrity aad

    ability and waa jmt u e kind or a Superelaor I wanted."

    Waa recommended blmr* -Cotoael Etaaa Allen and Mr. Carpenter spoke to

    aaa a boat bias." w raa AT A OOOD ssroauca-c

    . "Isw' t Martay tke candidate ot the Republican party aere?",

    T t a t l don't know. Ua waa the only candidate tkat 1 heard oL"

    "Xew.'* said Mr. Bartiett. ccaxingly, "Is It not year, pritate oplnloa taat be waa appointed at the request et Ue parti? What do yon tnlnk about lit"

    "1 kcow that he M a good Republican. 1 took htm largely on my personal judgment ot tho man and ha personal appearance. Be came to Washington to aaa a o aaa 1 liked him. 1 appointed him at tbe rtQaeat cl Colonel Allen aad Mr. Carpenter."

    -ia Colonel Allen a Republican*" 1 think ao, oat he may no a Mugwump lor all 1

    kaew." -Waa Mr. Murray a iriend ot yours!" **1 aerer aaaw him beforr." In response to intther qaeaioni Mr. Porter said

    Unta great mny Democrats were appointed Sc-perrUora and no one waa appointed who was ob-jected to by Ue Democrat*.

    i r DkFESDS. "Was any Democrat appointea Superrlsor In a

    deabtal S--el" loqatred Mr. Bartiett. *! don't kaow what yon mean by a doabUol

    Bate,** replied Mr. Porter, thoughtfully robbing ba chin. "Itdeponde whether yoalowk at It from a Republicaa or Democratic aunJoolnu"

    "Well, 1 guess we can make no a llst,' said Mr. Bertie:t. -Take, for instance. Saw Tork. Xw Jer-sey and Connecticut; they aredonbtiulSates, Ueyaorf

    "Tea. I suppose so." Were any Ueaoca's appointed Superrhors ta

    Ueea suteal" "Idon^koowt postlnly th*ro might bate been,

    ta I doo't ihink ao." Din you aaTo anything to do with Ueappotnt-

    kaea* et u e oautnera toit * So. except to lnstroct UeSoperrlsore as to ihilr

    appolataen'." sure TOSS'S riLSE ricrFJts.

    Mr. Porter said that racoonu had been made la a great many cltl:s and in nearly all of them the second count wee less thsa u e 8rau In all eases tke seconi*. coaot was accepted.

    A complaint waa rccorredrrom M W Tork, bntno recount waa made. The population of New Tork, aa made ap by the Federal ceutu, waa 1.613.M1. Tha was tke count glren oat In July and Mr. rorter belated tbe flgores were correct.

    The exaaiaadon win be continued nam late this afternoon.

    - * o> . NOT YET INDICTED.

    Tbe Grand J a r y Sti l l Unable to Conaltter the Tunnel Dla.iater.

    D'.tlrict Altorocy >icoll was sgaia una' le lo-.tav toca'l ueattentMBOt the crano Jnty ?oli:a Foetia arenne tunnel disaster, owing to u e fact Ma- the type written copy ot the Tciumtnoaa evidence taken at tke Cotoaer'a Inqnctt hid not been placed ta bis hand*. There are eTer ooo page* of this testt. rnony and tka Grand Jury will hT0 a i lmoae task to read It over when it Is received.

    Ifaa leas of life by ibaditaster ba drawn'ho tin which DMUKI Attorney Nicoiibas aeattothe LegtfUiare,by which corporations la Ula State caa t.e male toerimiml prcneco-tion. At It is now, a cotporation when indicitd. aeed not appear to pieae and the inoictreeat must bedlsmiaed. Voder the pr>r-o creese the proportion, ot taxation borne by per-sonal property without the opsretslve and lnquls*. tortal qualities ore listing law would meet with general satisfaction.

    Assemblyman Walter (X Gilford, or, haa introduced a tax bill into tne Assembly at the Instance of the Farmers' bUte Grange, ot wntehha la president, that will bear close examination. It hi brief but sweeping in Its edict. It reads:

    All taxable real eatate In tha State ot Sew Tork ahali bereaiter be entitled to the same dedceitoafer Indebtedness thereon as pergonal pro petty ta BOW eotit'ed to. aod assessment abail be made only apoa tka amount romslntncartera deduction of all in-debtedness tea*, is made a lien upon aald teal aetata.


    NEW PLAN. I ta Srvr te> G e t CWDTJIO I n t o

    B a s e b a l l C l i e a l l . BrrrstQ, March IXThere ts apparently good

    gToand tor tbe atatemeat that the American ASIO-ciatloa ts altar Buffalo to Ail Ue gap made vacant by the desertion of Johnson sad his Clacincatl Club. Telegrams have beea received from the At-social Ion b/ tie managers of the local clur* but aa yet aw reply aaa beea made. It is aatd tkat the At-soctaiion aaa offered ror u e trancmae ta tarn ctty.

    Manager Powers eaye he rsvoratho la'eraatioaat Letgne eeraete be tkieif tt to tee beat i/eagqe et the present time. A meet nx of the local manarora will probably be called at an early date : consider whatever proposition tke Assoctatlea has to make.

    a e> e Tried l a Ea.l 1.11* sit f i f t e e n .

    Elsie 5*occrea.a nriaac-year-old girl, attempted autcldeat her boarding hcue. So. 321 East Forty-eigkU t:eei. u-day by Uktag opium. She waa re-moved to Believae Uosptu*.

    She l* said the WeaUer Fiend on top of the Equiutie perch to me to-day, and :*>" the whrie town was enveloped In a thick mis'. I am baring lots ot fun with ihe Bailors and aktppeta en u e ses. the bay end the nvere."

    tasked htm why be wanted to cause so teach misery, and be catd be wanted io make people to apptectat! lair weatner wncn be gave uem; that they were always ctowltag about the weather and last ttey made him very tired.

    "Bat IM Ax 'em al right ta * few linnr*,'* esld Ue W.F.: ".'.tunthis lor, tell 'err. ty t--nightand send it away and mate It cle.r and cdler-aay abet t tweatr-flve negroes above zeroJust by way of a biacer. It'll do'em good after the wet" .

    Taen he wnt on to ten me that the res extended a'l the Atomiccat norrnward and win m e t >ls oieatog. It w.t raining M-day all over this s;r.i Ms Ni FiglvM MHS and snow waa railing in Ohio. Indiana, I ;inci< aid Michigan and the troautatn te(t;oa >: Kemccky and Tennessee. All this dia jreexe r.air Is due to a storm that move I down iron? North Haaois and i central over Western reansttva l. wntnre it move t nortneaai-erly. tty to-ct;b; n win have passed the M. Law-rence Valley and win bring -ToirtBg cndli onsand perhaps a enow as tbe atmosphere Urns coMer.

    Watt ot ihe Mlw.tsippitiiey were having a cold waTeard it -af:erz:ngs aw dowra as central Texas and Noiittetn Loutstaas, wMie u e line or the asmswaveexcn:n Cleveland. lata cM wave onsti t rear*,^ by to-moirew ntgs., and the ttmrerator* that was no to {j at ten o'clocc UU ntorntng. win f*n to ':> < r -.5 by sonday morning, liie forexten-wa ;o-.g way oat at ea aabs, CI tere, aad as'tBMi .it Key Weit^Fia^TC Chit ago I* 2: aiv>re an I hr, Paul 2 below.

    bslaw SOOTS,

    The Thermometer To-Day. The following ncord Dews trt citagit la U i

    terspernnriio-'taTi-K'omran.Bi witn tie com-tpanling d tie ol latt ye ir. a. tnlicsied by u a ttir-momtierat llaJnat't. S.al1 Uroiiway:

    ; A CA. a

    12 i r . ar.

    M M

    A awaeaea a e

    14 M M


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    IMX . . W . . M .. hi . . 6> . . fX .. ei

    i t . 35 9 49 11 U M

    - * - - -

    XVriath^r Iml lcn t lnnt . WasniNCTov, M*rch u - F o r Kiera New Tork

    rain; no change la tcn:pcritare; lOBlhiisieriy

    Yoittto; Men. Niw Spring Fant'bois loryonnemen: pirrect

    Atunt and tt.e best rmae. ti io f 7.W. Usuctr, Carhart A Co., Hroadaay and Canal Ik


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    Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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