new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1859-08-25 [p...

Post on 26-Mar-2018






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8 rrm' DOTLAI J\TL LINE tit STONWO-«.««IN', end «x«r air,.-., -»jiT-n/'ö* Ear.-rs Mall^«eerwr» »LVMülTM r\h!r, Capt Jo«! fiter«, «od

»- -Tlr'n-'Rf'ILT, Capt D H V.,, ,, l:> ron^-tlc«»7:hU*iA. _fOW!NOTi »N AND PROVIDENCE, anal HOHPON AND» gjgnPENCE RAILROAJB. i*.t1««lAew-jfaet del f.

E, Meepted > freer. Pier l*x|rtir>IUw. fir if .. . a f aaw*lIt So**? »'*r*- ».< t ? m., Stoulur n it a, o., a

aauVr inlMl i the Mail Train wt... u-^«. h a-.* a- S . D a4 fV C VANDERDU.T, fmm N. m York, i|,.id*y, '.vJtatZ

Bad PlhhaJ i V <o «. ¦ tT.ea .ar Tn Mal ana »et

IV PLTMIXTH EOCK, tnm Raw York, Ptie.dar T'iura-* Sjej^and tettu.iay; f V If . i.dey »'MjriU} ul

paaaenrra frr« »*d fyoaj it. . r..n per ra' 'rr *<. >o f n vadeoaa.»¦..' v the Eapreee Mall Tra'a. r.avi.m. aa I p fa*«j la

r BJ>«i*eof-><ee by ..ther ronie», »-.d |. ». v, .. ,

gawTT, . »<- i n. rth and ra t. P«*. ;,rera thairlti.nuain.n e. ard the, en ya night, reat 0«-rhed, r-rrak'art )< deeln 1 a-id 'eavr Khe»«

train, .-onneettua. at Provide*** Ua !l a. aa. train (a>


BePare ft- «i Pr*vid»nre to Nearer4. «V ¦¦..p*a.A baatege uuwter a.. ..mpa-i.a the i>anvr and t.tin throtuBi

¦ath way **w"

Pot twaeeae, berth, evet* r .= a r frrlr'i, apt a .» boaw« theateaa. r or at the FrH-htO* e, P*r No. J Nor fi RWer orUIfeaoff.oe. No II Battery pia. e. j jjj jp_

»AILROAD and STEAMBOAT LrNE~.AP-hTERNOON BOAT at fti a r H i MON f.-.nlj,'trt

ad Harrte..n at (w.n'b aide), kv.dlng at Calfw.lPa. W-ct P.(ril_d ACaaaaai a Di^ki Newbur.t ft.ftirrTi MihiJ «V^,e-a^, Rl i,.erwk,rWlf K... .uteepaas. rbl »aRF M CENTS toNEW:>i ro^VoV^IVkVkp^taaK.1^?<-Ä2rhag.*f folh *.., rrarea H .r. v arera » H« i ,» Ua, OhJSt,

. '**: E.lwarua. » - S'a-. I.i;;e, «| &=, Stte khridfeB»iBJ«hnaoad, B2A«; Bhaker ViOaae p. -.r- d »2*)'

f?f* B3*j RopervAM» KU aT"\t* V

AAirKICA. t apt At .-.,...,,. erill ea*< thePiert AofJay^t,k> r, aide) on MONDAY WEDNESDAY ant PRIDAT atlBF«"« - I p- tXJ.

C~ENT1RAL RAILROAD of NEW..JKWSBY-Conne-ii., Nrrw-Haaaftoa with the Delaware, JawBaV

arar r.aand Weataca Railroad, ai.d at Eaatcn w. h the Xy n.ahValley Railroad.Pimm, a Am.ii.thk.iti Conm-i,. hja M-y 1», IBBR t>ave«

New Vork (or tuet.« aod Inter mediate fpla» -a frort] 1'aer No ii,NaWh RJeer, at 7:H> ai d li t* a. ai.. and at .» p a ihr Somereille hy the ale.Te trau... a-<! a- S:48 p m. T - ahora tr&lna on-wert at Enaaheth traina on the New- ll -a. T Rai'r. ad whir bleave New-York from foot of Cur. laud tat., at 7.40 and ISaa., and 4 and b p. in.

ffie II ?Aa n. train IV.B. N w-T ik mak.a a rloee ,.onne-1'at Eaet't the I.kjh Vaib-y Railrt ad, and th. .. rWEaat Railroad b, Rending withoat of rare,and eooneeta at Readln* dire, t 'or PotUv ille ai. i Htrrlabür«.Paawtinra fcr the Deuwar-. La. kaeraatM a V\ .vrt full

read will leave at 7:*' a. in. M h (of I.ehigh V alley Raiiroaal at1 * a re. and Ilttftochy.

_^£HN_° ¦TERNS, B pertr.tawMletit

]a7fcW-YORK and HaKLEM" RAILROAD.JJ bl'MMER ARRANaEMENTOn arA a»er \\ edr . aday. Jroae 1, traina will leere »-h-

at aratioi. New-V-ik, aa follow.:P- r \t ili.«u..orid)(e.7:tiai d 9:Jfta. m.; 2.**' aid Ski p raRat W hite Plain*. li :.10 a. rr>. ; 4.i-' and S.'-n P.

For White Plain.- fiU p. in. In la Watte and Ce .'.re ate.Par Dover PatiM >

Per Albany- S :3<i a. m., M^-l Train.Retui nlng wrlil leave

Rover Plalna, ^ '-.a. i<.YA'hi'e P.aii ., ft "0 ei d 7:<»i a. m.; S;«i and6:t«1 p. ra.WkiraameSrid/e, 8:40 at,d üi'jna. in.: |:M and i p. in. awAV m., fiallTrafca._W. J. CAMPBELL, 8ui«-r,-.f..ndenfc

HUDKON RIVER RAILROAD Prom .Iu>yS, \K«, TRAINS wtll leave Chamber, at Button aa

Rdhrwa EaBJ real, 6 and II a. m., and 6 p. m. Pi r H tet*», 3 ofjp.m j for Bing Siug, 9:V> a.m., and 4 ai d 1 >:*> p.rr forPou»hke*-iwle, 7:15a. m. at.H 1 15 D. m.; for Tarrytown, I ua|awtta. aa. t for PeakattB, ft:30 The Hod. u, Poi.rhk.ep.ta,PeeAakill, Sir ( Sing and Tairy-..wn Traina atrp a: moat >f la*Wav . v ¦ Paaae- e. ¦ tekei a ('htrrbera, Cet.a Chrietopheiandkl.t ata. Train, for New York leave Troy at 4 4ft and 1:91a. m., and I 4', p no.; anil Albany abot.t U n. itel later. OaBnoday. at (¦ p. m._A. P. SM ITH, Bnpt,

1 K/".CJ) - THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRALlt>l«7. RtlLROAD..The af . .ty of thii Road u noweejnel to any In the eom -ry.


BETWEEN Pill I, A (»EI, H 11A AM) Pl-TSM'Rf ,i.aenueetit.t dir.. a: Plirtad-iphia with thro .gh Uan.a from R_ton. New Ti 'k and all Batatl eaat, and In the Uajea itepot alPttaahnrgfi witij 'hrr-ngb train, for Cincinnati, 8'.. loni.. Clere-hvDd, Ci I-a«r, B' rBaak a, h; PaaPa Ualaamaol a. J>, i.vllleB»w Or'tau, «id al!i : -i liata p. -, kg »#,. oi- a. DRBate, Kento. ky, Mi. higan, Wi.^onaln, M aneaota, Muwo-m, Kan-aaa and N-braii . ie. for i"e tranapor'jv-bVki of paaaengera nnanrpaae-d for ipeeo ai>d BaajafeTi by any utieat

£xpr.*a and Part Llnera run through to PP.«..bti-gh ..f ear. or oor d..if ta.

SMOXINO CARS are a:!a.-hed to ee'h train. Wodn.P'iBLPP.P1NO CA RB to Earreee and K»«t Tr.-.a THE EXPRESS Rl'.NS DAILY: Mailaod Peat .-, x .......-i . p'vi

Mail Train leavee I't. .'i ia at.7:15«, in

Paat Li. r leave. Philadi Ipme at.IllSOa, BA,Eapreaa Tru t-i letM-i Philadelphiaat.|( 11 p. m.

Btx DaUy Train, between New-York and Phi,ad, Iphia, TwaBadfaaTralii. U-tweeti New-York and B.w'or Through Tfoheu(al Rai!i are g.^d na erh of thv above trainaBOAT TICKETS from Roetoa er« t.Hi via N. ,-wl-h, Pall

Bfv.r or^- «'i a,Paaaei.gera from Waalilngtoei City have two da' v traina ft<aa

Be It in».f. OOaasi 'ior at Harriabnrg (ur ali p. uia v'eat -lee ringkW-in.. at-a. n. and-p. m.

Paaereae.a tot Soobory, Willlan a|k.i*. EloalrB, Buffalo, NtagaitPa''a. ai d It .ermedtate p. bate, l.-avmg Philadelphia BtltM a, aa

BD.. II ¦ a n k dire, tlj throuab.TW-k-ta Waattevd mav [». ..biaiued at the affjeai of the Coae-

aaiiy In Philadelphia, New-York Boaton or rtty.oi-are; andfVie'. Eaat ward at any of the Important Railn ad tfn ie In theW>«t: al«', on te ard any of the reg1., let Line of Steanmr. ou theId .... or fjido RiTera.PARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY JTHER ROL7BL

ASK FUR TICKETS BY PlTl'Shl P. tiThe completion af the Weaten. o>«ine< iiuua of the Peraay*.

eaaia to Chi. ar.- makea thl. theDIRECT LINE BrTU EEN Till. EAST AND «ÜB

OREAT NORTH WEST.The row)*, ting ot uact. hy the Railroad Brida-e »t Plttah-irafc,

Ing all drMare or f-maai of PYalfkt. ^>«etb..^ with theI of time, are advaatare. readily apprei-iated ty ahlppon e«

t aad the travelii c pPRElOHTS WESTWARD.

By thleroute, freighta of all diw< rtfttOBM eaa be 'oewarded free»

Philadelphia, Niw-York, u, or Ba'tlmote, k I atte point oa

aV ratlnwda of Ohio, Kentnrky, Indiana, lilinoii, Viaawnalo,or Miaaouri, by railroad dtreet.

The Peuuaylvarla Railroad alao ««une.'U at Plnabnrgh wtllBkaaaoera by which good. <an he forwarded to any pen oa theOha., Eentacky, Tei.neaa.-", Camt-ifaxd, IJaiiohiWh».n.ii. Mia* Btt, Rat aa. Aikaiaaa and Er i K!/,¦:.: and a.

Chrvefcr a. Band laky and CbJeago with aM to all port* aa

Rae Ni rth-W eatem l.akea. , , ^ aod Shipper! Inün.tltut the araaafaww^lea of theS

Preignt to thle Company, -*n rely with c>" v.i iu apeedy

<fuM RATES OP PRKIOIITto any petal h kkl Wert By »Ae

PW.ylvai.ia RaUroad are at all tiane. aa favorable a. are uhMfedBy othar Railroad Coinpeulea.B> Bwrtieiilar to maik . n. ». " ria Penn. R K.Her. baute In the W eat ordering goor. f BBI the Kaat will *e

Well v dira. t them to be .hipped bv true

Pot Freight Contra.-U or Stripping l.'ireetiwi«. apply to ot aiBkwea aathet of the fotkwtrut ti e C inpany:|

D. A BTtWART, PfttaburghiBtayte« Co HiitatiifBl Ohi... EL 8 Pwäwl A Ce., Taaeaellle, Ohio; .1. J. Joiuiaton, Ripier, Ohio; R, kaoNeely, Mayaetile Ky 1 Cropper, Port.mot th. OMei Paddooh A.e Jefferaonvilla, Ind. H. W. Brrera k Co., Otwofa nati, OtleaUhem A llihhert, Liii<inaatl, Otiio. R. C Mridnun. Madiewlad.: William Bimbam Ie>i iaville, Ky.; P. O. O'Rilry k U>-¦Nrai.iTi le, Ind. f«. W Oraham A ( ( alrr, Iii R B*. Saa.BX Lou'a, Mo John H Harria, Neatn: .e, Teprt; Harri» AHurt Meniohia,' Triin. CUrk k Co CMaaipa, 111 W. H. MRoonta tft-u, 111.; Murpny A Wakw, Dubua.e. .owe; er U

BreUht Aaaaaa of Raili'Muia at deff,,,.t [H.inta ra Ike Wert

Parti-, a-fiidlng to their own ablpioe-ita from tie Eaat wit

Bwd It U. their lirtereat to call on toe Ag- uU o' rhu Company at

fcke lolaiwik* pleoea bef .re thipplng Bl Utvr. .ddreaaed to . the*af them, on the iublect of rreiabte, wtll aaeet wlu pioeapt aseaw

¦atE J. INI EDER. Phl'ade'rh'aMAORAW A ROONI, No i>r NorJi at-, 8al..iw-«re.

leEECH A Co.. No.SAetOf, No. t S Wi.liam-iU.BLTLEECH k C.k No M RCby-aC. Boeten.H. H. Hf» 6TON Oei.ral K.eirht Arent. rhUa4e.phla.ffer tkroagh UckeU apply at the oft..-e PJo »^Artee^eaafc

R. I» NOtTT. Oeneral TI-ket Atel.'. P lai.'aria.T. A. aOOTT. OeueraJ Sriperlf endeui. A'. «>-oa Pa.

Ctgal Kotiere._

]N PURSUANCE of »» eerier of* tR« Sun-.n-ateaf tke Cwaaty af Peaaw-ToH .¦ per*

aaoa l.a»ii.griaia.aa«ai M ISA AC DEt Oh, i.teid tfci CHy atN> w 1. it ,!.. ea. . iue- w I .*. rib. r. at her reekh -. fca the t . M kere,Weetckeat. r County, N 1kern.«- Dated N- w 1 J«k, tke .

v*',_b.-ii»we.nTh miriam C. DP.voi

A.iin baa-atrta.

IN PURSUANCE a. bb <-t-l^r »1 Um ofNew i...». uetue la hereby tlnu t- a., prr.oi.a Barta* dUiiuj

aawirr EDWARD L CONNOR let. fth. * f New-i ark,aVeeawd. .- I .JaheeVtbe, .,' I WWWh,,^ 2.» Broad,

«rar. kttkeCltl IN . [?' ". I>7aww.keriwxl DatedN.wi rl the ele»en dai fMay. lUk

,.> w n To « HARLES 1 CONN.*, 1..

CLPREME ( »ÜBT..JOB» JAY «nd ELEA*lO NOR K. JA1 . * '.'J'Laar« j.v. hi. wile; Henry Ai r .' * D B .. t * a a

Helen Du Koia. hi. «'fe Aea.i.oer M Br .e a .. I

Drue... hie wit-. He. ty > P.-. -w a. a Maa. »» 'arle, William Clark .oi Au.uata Jay Franc:. *

asd Helen Ja> Oetretteoi Ma wife: Marj BuiPr.n.-. Mi 11 Pi PM fa »<-J rt_J^"NCLARKSON JAY a-id MARTIN /auK1>*:E. Traa* .

k>r Augue<a Jay .-der toe will of Ann Jay. ejaj

e^aaeeai: r -,».». i ..-a..- J.v .

Truat« . f. Mary J D.w.. .1:1:0.1 ewi' .e .-od Aua 'a%

.eiwaaed: laki f. Batter* U T- ? ... f. -erw r.a

and Ai.atu.t. J. B ..- rw rth t. w. 1 of -fte .«:.- ^

ateeeawd. J. h:, i kufcl ley. I rrii « ».

Ae. .1 AnaJiy, der.a..d: »td Mary» Daw '

awortl,, Anaaato J. R UerWurth, A I Ml I Jay A . ita Bt ¦

EHeaheth Bakh *, L » . Ba b Matthew Chukaon and Boaao

Matilcat trba ¦ wife Williana Mead ¦ U bt loh *. I «

kaee trader tke will of eeia Ann Jar d... .we d, f . I he Ti.

hytiea) S. mil ary la orglr g t., -I Pr .. . 1 » P» *in Palrf.» Coei ty, \ irpLaai The Eva: «-' .- K »11 ""

ty, in the 4. ity <l New Y.ik and TI- \n a.. Tra' »>¦''»¦

Raatfrnted m the t 14 .-. N.w-Y' rk Def. 1 -a..t* Buman .-

BW Eehef. T., th.- i. K 1. aaai ai d aa f Ifceaa: 1

ky .utuiueaed aid r, lahyad la .i.ivu the 4 mplai I Ikla .

taou, will be kk i w tka al.t the Ce-rk ol :te C.ty an 1

ILouBty o| New York, at tie tyU rof N w Yorkai.n . «¦ ... a ; y \ » ta t' :¦¦ p'a. a, R 74 Wall«1 i: kbi .aid Ci'v,Wil (wei ty dan-.tter the eerri.-.-of , s n

elo.ive of the day . 1 a 'h aervli. and li > fall t a:.i*erlheaaid C ri plalr-t, «rRkAi the Baa* aNNaakfJfaa 1 .(i. ac¬

tion will apply f th. Court f»r t. e .. -t i ma oed in me Coia-alaiit.-Dai. <i 24th May, IS&R SMITH 1 «YOODWARD,

P.atutiSa' AtttM »y*The Complaint In thl« a< -ioD wti Dad la the ffk-e of the aaid

Clark of the City and County of N-w York, at to- City Hall,W the aa^i Cat) cf New-York, a :he :w»n. -. eeveoth d.y if May,IMS-Da'. A .. MXITlik \SOhDWaRd.«14 tMawlvwTJ.. I tkV A;tvit.'V-

iilcöua!.J11:A LTII Of A II E RICAN «x>t**5 WOMEN. *).£

The tu-,- v.Im f ORAEPKNBERO MEDICINES|.itra_t.e,| ly te.tincu.iii bbm U.«> mar». di.-u.«.,|eeeit Bjen m

try, * I«-.. Lao**.end |_f rv_»L. * ..f «ennioe f_tr»' >r-ere it ihr .. iv.. e r ( _. t |..irn .i.vr-*t»d. An, n* then, *.-e... mm Acm th« oo\ ep.nors OB TWO STATE! ImCHAIRMAN of the BOARD Of HEATH M New-York. Oa»of the Si.i... i.. ii, Chief of HEI.LEVr.-E HO«PITAL- Many


¦. .! B.;_n. Tl.» PROPRIETOR <i I'.aR.n: M S MUSE-I M And many other f i»bU< mm, together w._ editorial to-

tiers fiom ti.r inaim oorr.tli is .iie nuairy.Convincing udiiiiuiwrrtU 17 m.i'i t«» b»c addr»Bttd

to leadu* Phyi.iaaulBiei S.."geoi_ cf W.e d»). pr ,. .

MM « wt "in were

Dr. \ «lentit #. Mor. President tfj| Prcfe** ret* I i-iery.Dr Edward H. Djou, Editor of Suop-I and 0|_M-_aj

Bariecn.Dr. O. 8. Bf dfc ri ?i '> -. t r I D_- «ei, ' f 'A- i . N-w-Tork

I'olvenlty.Dr. W EM Parker, Prnid< tit of Academy of M-dicina.Dr. J. Marion Sin.inn, Head f Women. H'.rpiiaJ, New-YorkDr. L> wla A Styre, BaaS ef BaOarae Hcepttal, Now-Tefk.Dr. John C. Cbe*emtn, Profeaaor <.f Ditet*»* of Women, New-

York.tV iluny pnUthtt, tiptciaHy vifftring from Female

C'o»///<.i*f«. wAo Aura hrtn u...... /..»., \ r,fry . *.( r/ iA«abcnt n.ieied Bw_aiS in, Aicr htm tni.rtly cured ly Ifu drat/ttyberg trtatmtnt uithin i /tic month).

From The Sty-Y r* Tnovn*.Tie- GbwbmI r|Family Rataeiteaare Maat laJaaMa. in the

niiireraal ai.d dtetreMini di« of Women, the remediee are

«. htie, j .do ioui, ai.d lurely efle. t ..».

From Thi Mtie l'or* .Vrirt.The r.itii moral heia-vr if th»- |Bat___M of the f.riefenberg

Cornpary, and th- medVal»At-11 of ti.e | mmi _aj poya. riaii (Dr.BJrJ t>), ali..;iid Ii d >« entire ronfideuee in their preparaniM_a.

>'*«a» 7V.r .Ve^ EarA Da 'y limtl.The OraaSaaa*aj| Oaaapaar] !.»-..» iMattad] aMLr teAt., mIMM

ev.iy %. ./.n-imi<la'.iou laal'ord'd tboae who deaire the p. ra«.ri*ladii. (I the MM p.)¦<:;.:.. ill laialMS. Mti MiajMHI.iaatiai tha ity, who r. q ilr» profernlonal ad.i^«, had tetter Ta IM lim. Dr. Bridge tea -eyi.Ur pbyaielan of fine attainmenu,Mi "f (treat juu«rnei t ai.o dia..nmiLati'.u in 'Jit treataient oldifeaae. -

AB ad tr.» OPAF.EENP.KKO KtMI.'.Y MEDICINES are f.,|.a'i attheofl eof MMImI bSMB,Ha.89 PARK ROW,Near-York.


ftj ffrred oi a tn ttnn ntrejor all Jtmale monthly trrtfui indervroA'..:», f imuri, ulrtratiun, ir.l.imie.iiic. i, v hilft, fulling an!othtr local dtrnng'mrntt cf the u'triM oryani, at leell at theMMaRkSB i/ bHW (iri.iajifrom them.

IV" Eapi' w ;er» any of the ft lowing aymptoma a:.

Botlr.d:Ir y'.iari'iet.Weaknear-FalriMnat-

Dei..i ft i Aft et!»,. dM_ w Con.pieai. n

Pant in tilt; B o k ai.d k.dn- y.-Chiite.Oj»JHand! and Fe> k.Bb mW0>.

E< v. »-il> «* -N< -.ralrla.PaipitaOot of Um Heart.

D //.Hei»».Heada lad.Keatltuiieaa.DittnrUd S!>ep.

IImBM of Mrf.Oeneral Pain.Cra* lira and Pain in the Spine and httwe. u the S.iot.ld.ra.

Aeid St/imset,.Nan*, a. lndi)-»*ti"U.

DtBk M I.all i'1 Ortea wRh BmSor J-martlna-lt' liinr. b in ina or (rr'tatirn in the L'terlne Orjai ..

bif tmnre- D. ipsir- llynt. rie« Acaiety.R.d Ftv i N<nroMTa tb hliaj BHillibJ CiaiMlfAaaVai

Irritable Ti mr» r.Sadneaa-Depraved Appetite.P'a'iilence.Bloated and Irreaular Bowela.

! p| MkM * l'».PainI i:i the I'terine Organa.Bsaabaa <. at d Point In the Limb».

Lei' f Mimorj.Bewilderriient.Sorei.ett in the Feet-Pain In the Bark.

The abt>rt lye.'/ifoeM art tad usually met vith in any ont r.iae,

but thty p.. i. /,..-.(/ uterine d_ff.-u.7iri, <ir.<l <Ae

genre*! tyttrm it iympathtxing vnlA und ¦»..dcbUitatrH bpSMIatoi t> vlit. In all rarA eutei un iMiaedi.i.'* rriorl In Mrerr >.'v tfiii »ftl.-ee htulth All tu/7>eeMtttM la p*u»»p p»r/t, oe.f

Mr rovi» und devlinr to reainioa/y atirnrlmij them to fAr poua«;.

orr rtlitttd quickly and turtly bp Mr ____aaa_A

p.-; a_f1MbOraspbissra Masam l'pUtbbibbCatsba,li ox. tyl '-'p- r bottle. Eitr bottltt for tis dollnrt. It can be

tent aafely by rxpteii.AbMtaaa JOtBVA F URint;F. M. l>, tmrn «ey nad Con-

tvlting PBpat*.¦ iiraeftnbtrg Comjxiny, Hd. d« Pitt-low,Ntw-Yota.


Tills I» bamb *xd lassa) has ut»:.v itt IB circul*tio».

IV fni indi IkroupArul Mr rt>t»lry may addrtn l)r. Brtdgtcor,(tmr>i<j their httillh uttth perfett tvnjldcnc*..VtT* If medi.'net are net ordered, and an ettend-d opinion Ii

required, the letter unit rontalii one dollar to _MBM a reply.ttjr PERSONAL COMBI LTATION MAY BE HELD



IV 1 baM inffering from any am'e or chron'e complaint, and

/<idii-i vAd art troubled mSM Map a/ f*e cmphiinlt incidtnt It

tAeir tc-, er <Aci« ick.i oer troubltd vnth any malignant diteue,M it_rerir.p/rot* Mr f/erfi o/ peeci. t mr-wrr trnilaiCTit, an

_Mdttd . r. « .if Me ro»ti./firio v,*>_r o/ Mr Hta<jenbtry Com-

pa-.y, .No. 1. f'iirk »i>ic, .Yr*t^ Turk.

Titk OitAEFENlO rc v_MTABU PILLS (prheCeBit t hot), ire «upi-rior to my other, in the world for Biliont

t u .ainti, Alt bint. Coutipati. n. Dyipe|a:t, Ery.ipe'.ai; Low,IfHIUM mi Simple Fever* Otf.ri. Fev. n. Orr*». Heartburn,H icka, HyaBarl -. Lttat Comp'.tinta, |N i%. .

t Ni taut*. R t.n ttiiin. a .d ail diet _-e» ..i iin» I tu

waut i f arlion in the di/te»:lve orjtant.

KOMAN EYE BAL8Alf--F0S INFLAMEDRA» I.IDS Tne dein tteitiiiitur.-of to. eyeiid render! B

pecuhtrlt tt-ahlvB lud liahle to dlreeee wh. ti fr..m unyMM it

Iba mi men-brine rapidly .idamea .> the itroapawt a_piajUoa Ba jMBm* to

it- :¦ 1 laton rraai tü part*e. the bedy. HnndredtofperauniofI. -n i ;.l.i: ai. i i-hr .:.d by a rawnenor r-d: i ll f the . ji-Hda, roniaionly n 'ed tire ey.-i. Hid tre tor. red with tppre-

of impaired vfcaV- who By wAntUdt Stattai aaap aatata

Ümmt imii eoiate trli. f. lu all apABB, the earlier the remedy it

nil r the better. ..

P:.,.,-.d and Bali by »- B. A D StNDS, Dr. ^.itt. No.Fnlt. n it NeW-York. _

pp ii \:I it tha


horn p re c. i i Brai iy ba tue e.iebrtted1 FRE.M h chemist LEROl X,

u*m*^*+**i Vteinfeld.' eTd kRRHEA,


and all Dlteaiet ol the Bowvla. aMIMBIAFor^leby >

V Na '«a: d hr t BTdpwMlB, Omc»rt, and Btra_

Water Cntc.

Dp E. J. LOWENTHAL'« WATEB-CtTRB». o\MB Kill M Hi t*l a- T i . eat

MrJ Per..... H.irdeii No. I In Blee, le-i N.v> tork.

Bom io Cur i L)ixnEBU.The E_tflilil PBwfie are

_;MUS>irg «ith much gujto the art of dinice. and two

rslSBMM on »u>jectk i onntctfd the tablo have

lately IfUBSrsI «t Ixiodon. From SM we kJBSti itA

,i-n .¦'< i'- for a iJinrer:..Let tie r.mi-erof yonrg e.'t evei e\ .. .- twe ve, * t.i:

rei.' I ¦¦¦*¦¦>"¦ *?12ted ti^t tlx o. tipatu i . are diSertnt. tb. r ta*«e. *iB:i

.i .1 i witi. iura point, of acMart, thai it :.n..' ne.-eatary to

,' '.I" .V .* the db M» L.-tyo«rdtn_*i_anbe ..:.,. f. -.a >. itrrtMdy cleaa, aadOtttaaapwr-

f .-i.e.- « - . i - V men r- . rt

without pr,» Mi- the won en .»»!.:» ».<»' ". *y ..' JZ urduihct be i;.. .0 la un b, r, but , h et . '.engend y^ir>..,t -ate l..-t ib.- ...nt er mi fr-in t; » tttwtanuai *.

o.aia-il .- a_a for the*..i cd to :..e ai^

;;*.ni, e4 Li-ete, IMHBJ arrvad o h :y. arttbatS harry or

ElUZ Maacf bataBtAak-t hm:-e. .f the .lay Le-v-rn-at.:.. ..«.... s"<:;L.irj!i.taty. Lei the Cvdre be very hot, aad _>e baj_er*Wal

-, Lei .. .wina be ipackool rn n;u to Ue.w a

L !_. _Uted ifdeairai. arttboal ;n» -rfenoa who m-* ai

V V ,W o« I f - -a-* be - Ii» M the l-eaaant

^p*:';' ^i^btredwitb ti e h p- that before theet,£pte.r^lirÄ Lai no c_e leave froren, but .et ev-r,M be

l i I'd by niidnipht._ _

Vrcrrun I P.» -Gl n v-Anartule from STaV PUSEf«ri-.v .c, 0 ntr bbjb that tha |S*i th*

b_AB known a«" ohapPBral aro a!-oat the pjM Of B

Urg*,t.,.na when they « ^ ^ -

Pia Bd of ..,.ouib. in b BjBiBl »ort of a wa>. I > a report lik* a pup-^n. ahwt.rfc? th* awfaal ten

..j JineviiM ibro p%| air.

i LSI V AT THE AI HAMB! IThe Iy.nior..«.-rr-ep*.... ni o: /

wr.tttg A up. I.. »»je:T« Bt t f. fc ATbBlahTB CBVOS, ,o ly. ,. ...r,.- ffur.',

J: . rttanwCl ras, eratattreeqao Barry, tufatgi atetfSagtB, and d d his «pm ug ¦ *" -

" i Blf.urfuted «nl et*. Pirat came remwo-i CretarT,»(...«: tre "ngual k»c "f.,- if.jagaia :!<-* bat f. * w-.k-, , ncommit tke biptiogriphicel atroaatj 01 hai:a«l ng ihe bOBO of hu gTM Kvywaxed wrath at the- BMSBBtan that ¦; -nii.»üe oftLi« uioirM.i at*a nioQt-iia), whieh r .. ramrdr' -v the ahmet lleevbke,joat aa Mr. Oiaraali does ILMitometex lie «aM tVr« w%. r-ni y .. ,-u-n< in it,j aeMmly ncttwg; tha- aaeh things woald >-r..r Ia thel»-- re^ij »!td quadr'.ijif i^i faiBiies; that Um w «eflair wa» n j,,ke, tnt-ugn to make a hone langt,th< nvb. j>i.'j Um dnj,i-«i»v or'-<1 g-m in aifgMqtbe disposed to j. ;n very heartily u> the kiiar ty- bat itnerei woald, inould, or cooJd wear agaii Gar I r«CTiD»taticoi oruldnt arc- a -er-.tid 'u,*- t,t u«.ai.aalr beug t-uKi-ct. d to the BaaBaBMSjl afo'.htr Uaieyiised cauie in tbe ajaoent itail,aid the attendant t'tii-g a-. beraai aa :«itake t! .¦ koTM hy the r,..-e m if he were & I/r-JMajor "r ii ja< kac. CMoOI «eemed to < .>aiprener,dtvtrywir.i bbkI, aaaU taät* j. a- a v,<.mr.''.r.ent: f .r

I'"""1 nrgw-.., the .na< I of Daveniej i W Umgol/len bnde ',, the bninotut. Lyne Stephen«: houndiig dowt io tie eOothgkta in the b>leri. Then belAtpped abent like an in nr « ft/.'!'-, r i;.v(.'her of ahOM beantifiii objects of ftDüliVfl ntt'ire tnatLi lmdy ever raw, and üiereti re everjlrody ta.kit aboutUmSS a* tbonpl' thty were iu> pleLtifiil as pig', wti'.-hare ajatj ptatinü, Ol »r»:. t bau aaadwieb. ^ voold sotrut the lercntm$ tfUt tht-y do iu bat-ite-'o.-- ,.¦ a«

| ir>| MM 8Ld dtht-r lalfftbln Iurtbe bat adilCOf v;. ::n.-.I !Uuitr>'kin like S alaMim falsa*. ¦aSJt ajjtltma at Iluwel a JmtumVr, with tue rMaai BMddioerearja m i«\«jr af the laraaaraarv mm, thai «oiki.ow .t aroald la.t, wavraaiad t.i araak, t%-' .rr, hi

the SM re H unf mobad Iba La btet i' «in! I look. W'tiv<l<m t the hHherd«..hen' «'eri-e »>«me pntiii i;.«m| of ths't.irt; at.d Ibas i* Bigbt lo, k McriMOBewiIi r.tetra'ion as to ooet, UiOTjgh perbapa ibajajtaj at to feMkM awaMOS, Allel ( n SSf had shown oti-htr eiperin.etjt bj a HawMMO Uhti -Mr. laVTft r^jwottldnavej Ii rthj of QeorsjolV., botrdt«T»d mit,er rnrii- r 'r>.r*rä ;r a-itn amcDbioed d litj afidaShfjtriityrafallii |Um nWaxtriptkai of i -.r-ij atra "hopp <twitypooes, ü fUiaAaapaore, N.B -NottbeCfuii,., which ia obN fooJaeap. Nazi eame « ;e-pe, labt*n.eoilx r ftbc aaMM ¦ lavaaa\M H v. ry ..¦ aaa v. rjhnri. end who h Ksn-y rxuerimr-uti 'I Qpoa Baraiy if-Itirtra'e Ii - Batthod of QSOliBS wttti au al outaliaioorotk) n an p. ThL- -r« -v'ur'- w«.« tolerably doibut a little mtihrli; bad a will t uw t. niid a way t

ehowicu it, - r at !'r»ft thought it had, aa ia tha eaaawith ntdi««-re Dtopk] n< rally, . -p> t-.m'; a boa Ibt y(¦«.nie fri't/i Um ootfltry, ami gm ParHaintBt, atdfSBi y thty am k.-"it.< to Bre tu« '1 na lies !>. >r« tn-yBeel with their Rare]«ia Ph -adiliy aod l'a! MO>TtltlHot it wii- all a iiii-'ake <'ii the part "t th- r>--p '.r,.-

haaTSO, aa it i« OB the par; of the re^pe tah'ev ii. I: i.- ti t a DiiMi in n tiiillion w:.o nn«an idea of hie riwn, r.or a h< ...*.'..-r. tii-< u-1it ie tftai harder to get tlie notmn i< r oftLcm that tl.iy bBTI OM ¦ tnein, aJoaOal ibaoif i8 to »OSi with |0SOhM origiauyhty, HofrOTOf,l.'arey apatdih/ffJBder-etvi-d ihiH i-<iiiiiiiemlai,|e b'ute;Btft| J'fi lino up, i^.d hiiii 'luwn. roUad hhal over, pHob bit back, sod beot a dran Is h.n i-ar, vki k umanimal Hetesi d to a- abeapfac»)d)j ae tnnu^b tbe parch-oieiit were n «de of bJs OWB hfda, tf^iaatiy tber Tasaeftum.d Lim vf[ aa ci-nti-inptuou^ly an the ez-Wkipperin H«jt»t «Her ehjAoforaing a ragiag Iriafa patrii.fami Hra>aad k < bobos caah ..own, aa i tbe praanun ofthe Qr Trrnnr fleaaraUhip t Um raaJee lalaadt, withright of Acherj for auennaidi hi, I other anfeatueredwild fowl, at tbe next diaaolattnn. Finally thereBtMBJ OB a wbiBBjiBg BBOSBboJaB lit M bear tue" Maoedoi a madajBs or the owede, aboa aa a crow,wild aa sa oogle,"aWroa bb tea hui« nil as".i'ooi nitntu n tbe o!ai .. to ain polite, particularly ih n

weather. KTery nbre kl hie fifalaas aMoaed <.¦> ilike the tatotrk) wirea wkea flarhing agitaticK tidiagiui Soll» rtLo, or at leaet <w the wtrai akoeJd do if tkejbosaaeaawTi lowavMthey aroeBiryingM a highlyintellectual tti iastniBM at iw a telegrapk --'i.-hi !.¦ be.The black heart r eje tlam-d like tue orb 01 the ite»-dOf Oiierti, tin; deiiion hiiiileinan. who wealto chute pad nope, hut i nly brOfU KM blue(tevile, whi< h 'he ttunntLerer wmtlil provide forI mi tn thie- tomtiy without the perspira¬tion correqun:t iijod riolextl eapeatriaa eisiviee,TrtHentlj the ftrui,(;!». I>.-«n*i. The bOTM mined a.-*

il he would jinp out of hie rkin, or ar it hi- -kin IfOtakijimp oil him, wliihi Bavey h-« k*d ad if he didnt 'arethree of the i-frawe he et«-Kl in tlie nti.i-t af win. Ii u|the two oaathageVawM tax k BfaVfM firnt, or .1 ti.'.ii hap¬pened tt^'ctbei lor tbe inuiual OMTaaaiawee of thepnitk' Mi at while, the biped tapped the'|ua«t-

111]" -I on the Oaf h re-lep, at,d abmed 0M of the .trajnnvrr the) loot and above tue SaoO, doabttS|hinb, atd redtvtiBg it t" the poituysed pt>eaiCA<nen.of I.t.rd Hury, who etui tuke bu Mat Km Norwichand can t let" it a'-a e, Iml SB kf. P, an ien t any¬thing else. A little fiiittier aii.bidtxt.-tuy got theother »tr«p over tbe Other in like man¬

ner, wberi-ti|Hin the animal ft.1 upon his bind-It-if. in the iiioi.'e id Nnpoleon .-( har,'. r c-o-.-ing theAlp.* In David - phstore, ir, to u-.- akaaheroic batnu re truthful iUnAtrstkw, hke a n kfa g-korse r Btingon ltf timber tail. TtM atti tide, however. D«tOg high*ly BBOoitifhtiable, a> a pkotafeeqae poaa geh>-raiiy u,UM e.ifc'. colored con hstat.t, who hal .-lain "t.e -r.n'ii

and nmin.ed Mioral aahen, WM BOB n A "lOiif,aid Cüine plump on In.'* ki ti .-«-itii tr.'iiieti-loun forceThere be remained lor boom ten tniBtr'eo, rising veryoftea bat as oftoa oosbaf dowa, each thhio aaore a>odnu re weak.y. Btili be ibowed BOsyaaptoaaaef aivhagin, and at in-t vimked one of the strap-, W, Wbei lie

once more »tooil up^n three l«j;f. Iben begaatbonfBcsaa of aaaarhag the freed htajfaad it t.-.k aearlyüf long <u< l ei;.re hut »v heu Joae the bona kaajaatsshow fifi id nu. e oi-irer.--, an.i hke a i'r.i'i.lri;whale, pufltd and panled, Wtth it" eyes and no*iri!s in

ite btraw. af it to > hut« ut the sigl-t of the iiumipotentbut Under-imt !,-d and eoft-vo;<v.l rstuer. wh"- ioid-BOte Hi r. d an extriioniinarv ronfra.-t i.-tl .. > \ t -1 and

qtdTOting muff of powarhiea riget Lefoie bjat, At l»-tthe ct'iittrt, if euch it COBU BS call- 1, wh.ii- there wae

bo aggreMion, asd the raaJetacee was aB on one alda,d.ew ti' a tinale. The hor-e yh 'ded to br'n* roiled o\

the me*.- i . bk lags lost the.i ten.on; Uai- v in low :i

among bil M t, plaoed the fore one- on lua

head, the hind one on hin undid the.tiapf; and Bp Mood the bofaw aad Sallowed kkainmndthe rug. jast aa If bo had beea foaled ,aadhadalanjf been at linj; in th. SaiV rin a rBortn, th Courierof Bk l^arahnrg, aad the rest "f the role of A-:leyanMprioorakaJ atiiri AkogweawaT, M wa- a mar-

veieur \ k ee of an'.mal nuagntliMn, or aiagiMtif animal-kos, at wkatarei the afr.i. ti..n be and drewfour, prooi^'on-«> Boas the i r iwd it ha-itiraau together. At tke« ry high prices oi ilmiaaafinia gutrea. I (teen fhillitgs, and m vhi and nxpenoe, tbe

piopoodoaaaatbavakwOBcoeaidirahkt, K..r -thantwo hours azkibi loak ii toitrahle leanBeerMkaiof a

giitien nn wiiO. if be f '.:'>» j tbe Latent n* of nature

In his OWB eaee as literally aa be has L-ce w:tn thehorcer. reed er t cnltivate a fa- i.aBh tn lor, or in¬

dulge in other aristocratic habit*, unleia perbap« hewould like to »tnrt f. r Iterident, at.d, like Hu< ha^an,laara what M - to bar* jawaaateraaaj bnj

I kuattadt

MA 117./ 0 OP THE MISSISSIPPIhn.m Tht Mtmrhf .li.ifaa.te.

The difference o' level t>. tw>- >n «rd « waterat t ail" is blly feet The width and ur;.-u at the :ivertrom Cairo at..i Menphii to New-< notntafrrially ircreae»*«!, vet immeree add.(ions are madeto the ijtiantity oftba water in the chatrel by kWfSaUwaVM Baal W th the eartrrn and wee,', rn> ol taa

Mifftsrippi. The queatioa naturally arieee, what lie-ccn ei of tl in v art a-ldrd reaaaas of water ' It i>er-

taialy Boaer reaches New-OiiaaBM, aL.t as oertaiaJy.ices rot evajw-rat»; and i f co it :- n *. ,-. t:u»-i to

ti e channel of the river, for it w ui r -e lar BJjBfltne entile region eoutb of us.

If n well is m.: k anv w !:ere ir - Ar', c-ae :.¦.«-.«».

water ki BaaMl aa aooa aa tht oral ai ft BhvBka p| I is reaekad. W uer the Uk* mbn i poeadown,the water »Ith» aciordirg'y ir. tie we... Tha woe-

i f a »aw-itil!, aoxf twentv milee from the Mi*rLs-ippi,in Arkarrias. di ? a wtii tö ftipp 1 the bt kaa al BMerg'.L* . .Hiring tne late Hood. \> hen the watera re-

ceaed, Li« well went dowa till kia Loae would no

¦BYiaach thewasae am finally ht« w, I waat ir>.He dng. ditch to oa adiaooat hUtä. la ... water .nt-

hla well; tbe lak. was itraiBrl. and th m.; wa- dryawada, barkag I | Iraak tea aa I -t in leasthan a wt ek. ....

The inference tl af the wtioie va-iey of the Mi

aippi, fiom its bank- to the logjam!*, .r. either »hie.n t on a p«>rous rol-tratt m w hu h ah-.-rbe t: e red'

dant water*, and tnua prevenle tuat .;egr-e ..; a. cumu-

Iftt-cr which would bogtiacehave awaptAew-Gh^kMBMMo the Galf 1 i aoa ofaatare, to whielai. ne ber BBVwty ia attr l"itabie. In fact, d Uta BBBt ialiH^torreof tbe>l:?sir*ippi were I ke tbe ehorva ot theOhio the raat plain from Caho to yy-Oriaaaa w i

today be pair and t ..rc>el ot the OflM of Memv and|Ba WMae TSakry a Baak water arm of tbe -a. \\cre

the eeological charactar of tbe »alley dirTerett, :t -

c.r-'iucti.u -f i-v..- ..'.nr.- g tr-e water i: the M:«-

aier ppi to it* cbannelf, would cause tne n#e n the

river to becoire «. great at tie South, that not suth-

.ier.t h-veee i- nld be b -ilt. Tbe current would be

«trongt r and the acctitnulat-on M water greater, a* tte

1, veee are extended north af BB>t:« lewcvtai 'j eLC.^g' a£U:,-atMj

bnt if tr* wafer. tr«tead of breaking th« Jtym« per-nr*t»-,l» Bpaajaaa «pag, _e<i the BlUBBa B really ba*BOBththe »oifarerf tr.e »wan p«. >u< h, it v*i_« tte »1-r pn,v,«e tu .! natojA.ii* - |or ._'.. -.k>-.yaoo aMLaUkU i»cIan jai<>D of ti e n«-h rXmatry aoafiB afn-. We b. he»e tHat ih* fa-T** .>.>_) ».; b* *nc

fttl, aid tl at the orj«. t of a-;, p'j.m a t.e ohiairjeii.11 .. p roBBBSM of Iii.' u.aUruu- Baad n ruakx^ Uteai,ha» f»nwi) irx «t, if ry.t aP, 'Je tawTBBaaä. M-n BOT

I % »nr »rhatt-ar taek t.. wai! iu the ItBMaMdpBJfnmCanoio New-( iHVan-, h-t OB* ee a_t»4.rk «-f pitrir.-:»* wl.eo ¦¦!.....: » r, .. < ? - .

HoB-K4l Tba fit,4 iMM .,..!. e m ..¦--.!.: .« bat aIM IM "tirUie of a |M»MJ «i with

tl e Ml _i«.wi that datb a^ana. tiie 4rt.11 ¦__ «huresof B .liar.<i. Th» crrtry to !.« r»« .'aimed by norIfae« «.all of which mil act, kit fifty y«ar«, i «>*i tr.e1 . .; ¦ MBasel a- Um -<¦ i I »_t. p * ..,. ,:._._aJybttill.WOOJ d n .ike on" hot.iir-.i r%v I kir^.t .ms a* thatover wr KM a li«,l apart* ware? \ .-'.,. 1 tr,. tsaMr,



Wi Wrr. f.rtn a |tkMll n.«n VM a-.:\-i fp>mKifkawav IbM morcirir, tb&t there i- a -hip or a barka-hore. tear Hc__ Ji.l.-t. do d.uht wen . n

dnrit-r, tLe <;nle of Tu».*»'ay r. _i.t.Ill tjo,

DaU* frtni S-in.l.rer" totbo l.'.ioi Alfltt,t atr.e tie fonoa ve»«.-.« !i._d.__ tfuar.o for IIa c

Bosdi foi order*: Brigs, ein E tabath,!. Sa Mai I th. MB Ha.'!' r. Uj&>.Y scho ¦ :-

Saiaii I>. Spark", btoiaf,


1: L- V- hid M Id iti r-^ular ». k!y MoatteOg jiatOfday attettiiMT. -.t :h>- fJ_aa_U <;ar >n. PltMaaMaJt Ytl11 im k in the rr.air, ai. ail :c- u,-rt.'.»-r- (r> -ei.r.A "n.ii uLication «a« laxauYOd funn the (^'laraLtir.e

Ci 11 ri ktaioMra. relative to Um rtiatA^euifnt of thaH-.MU_ HoavataJa, Th« dofan.ent mateil that ti «

phra»rolo(.'y 1 f the lot < f 18-9, n.ak.og an a;ipropr;*-:.. l r tl .. t^jatact.ce fJeMUaMa-OaWIB, ajj-l pfOTMMMt. r ¦ t.tnp. rary Quarar.rine, ami arrartoment« for therarerf the m k, tttiK nr.< t-rtain ai>d dirtieuic of applira-t;..n. ai ii aj oh1'-of ditferast aod «ven eoiaVavllctaarj

-tn.. ;-i f. 1; w««. in petead for t-i't-er the L^urievtu . r :i . Kmij.'ra'ioa Couiiiie^ioi erM t<> maintain sui Qan ii-hrjtii ri. 15ui the tjll-fklalu ('o.;inn--io;,.-.}ib<i«etabli.-tied it. and pn>vi<l> i ctlu-era at<l BMlfa*ti e n»--«el, and ¦WMW '<< tjik»- aMV ,.' tM s^k. Jnil in. aaaj Wat_ tte rei ..iiiiMrruiati «ti "f the ( MBBkt**a retuiution «ih aci p'- u to the elfi-ct that the pabl.owatfaia reqviraa that the QnniBtiaa Ciaaajniaalonnrirl ,,il rt'nin the inn'rul ant n tii'i^en.or.t <it tiie

PrftatiafT Hftptttl. Batd that the ( 0:1'

t is igratii n pa\, a< or l:rto !ftw. UM ."irrent BxpntaM' t ti e tr> i-n.. i.t of th* eirk, hat l.-' lüeliidni^' t:i- pay

I ' e mi (hu. aro* BtWW ti tin- -l-'y-'I a Pparltlfo.ittittt nriatittrig'tri Maawa, Hunt,

Tordy aon K*toedy, to whom wi re referred the laiinsot the .V w-lla\> t. Arn .< ( uipanv, pnkWMaaJ a loMgn porl in reuktion tin.rtto, troB Mail u ». inak- ;i,e

'.¦ ¦ 11 ahrtrartfTie report >ta»e« trat IkdiH MaaMfcTI In tall II lllliH

loaned bj toe New llav. n Ano- i ouipacy on tWOalif«> rn 111 trior r- naiiiely, Sepfc inb. r 3, I v ai.J ApriT25, I8.V*, .«unriry nfle-, ( erbii.ef, au i pi«toi«, thirtbonaoad boil tMrtridg« vtj cafMkio i itmm «rd fortylakkWDaM, of whii h tbi-re are BakMMf BOVM IMMtj IkaT'ttCB p-to!- ruty oar:.; m BBIB, Eottj rariu-i.-. ..1.1eittt tbco«aod two bandreil ball cnrlj'^an. Thifi.lli.wn the titmj oi an order from Maynr T'emtnn t.i

DBMttj ('arpei,t«r, ihreitnj; kiM to aBWd thirty men

to l^Miraitn.e, and UlttBg kiflU .. hud b.'ter rtiitke a

rtquatitk n foi »itty rifiaM, A opv oi r-i aipl from Mr.Kit.rt iiy fur ten p^ti la BBai one tnonaand BBdtridgea.i'. . r »10:11 Mr KaaBttH ft !». -.- »

ltd, to bo ebarged to CwnntinioaMKB oi BtniBTadioa.Alro, BBp) ot order fr< ¦ UM Major laHj aajfiuaiCon 1 ki j to o ai. " Um in.- fa . twewtj ntpaMing rule-.Tb» irji'rt kp< flki< of tt.e atta/'k u[Kin the QoBTMUoBl ioiil roH. Ihd RqBJaitMM fi r potiOO BBaJ BIMaMajOf the>Ii en, mo BBaMaMM IM an att;wk wiwi threat¬en il on Ciutle (Jai'.. « 1 .. bmb BBO

!. nut ¦> a re had, and tl »> Contttnt'ee MJ th-yoil »atirtied ti at a Mat hi ju»'Jy Bm UmNi w lia>en Am Co., fMBIBM lonoed, d'una^-'d and

iibc, Bsd bIm fur cajtiidtaos, carbiBen ran BadreniriK;.-. 111 C* nun t*.-.- bol BVB that a 1'irne j iirtimioi UM w' tpur.- aTBM aJjBOBa in the hiuide oi UM DOM 0.BB_ fcrthd porpi ae 1 f havu f the matt, r :i \ Kiioa'. 4>et t a U tl« r .<> rreaidei t Sti 'man of the L'olfaSI BaSBItl,rett 11; forth that otrtain " arrna were loaned from Utau S< w-Hb*OB Aru a Co.. OBalltiOBB, one of which" wan that they were !.. hd n-tunn-d in food '<r Jer, or" il i.t.t to bo made M at the vxpi'ijae ot BBaeMboaly" wl.nui, the (Vina it'ei- an- iie.-irot!" tn a-. rt».in, IBa" to aiTBBga for B final aatthmiBBL'1 Of Um aTBopOMBakMaaad t.. Ui- polt.« iL« l..i...<*in_ are unneiiujr: i

mil'. o+iit-K Iren {.11 i.t |3H each; in piatola, Don% ii In $ .0 en h at 11 iirtrid^ea r-ui down, onlyDUO Wala rot timed.'1 hi CaajBaMtttOB oj;ain n iterate that " tb>-re < anuot

" he a >1(abi bit UkBt a iiel.t id-Be, and iriUtOtll any.' pr. a- to .- 'in .,: t .r tho p«rt .' *:

"i.A. it. they have no her-ratnm 10 -ayirif ti.o.'" CoBUSiiaaetiaBn oi Kn.inrat.on ha\e BOthtn«" to do" with it, thtir dn'i-r- h-ir»; -Iriitly oontint.1 to the

are ai ..".. k on bj aata'lie touilinttei- '..-tn. tiie CBkMBkeMaaMMOS "I

I n ij. ration oi npy tha aat.a potitioB to Um Polioa ai. !. .1 -t of onr i.-ii..«'C.t.7ii.r. ami r'aim that the I'o-lie. are paid lor pro Ctiag tiie Distxict, emhracii:t(New-Yook, WBotcbootOf Cotutr, btaten Iiland aridPnitkiTB, BjraiBBt bB jubtn brotims Tu« ( onr. tteowitd up aith a ISBUlBlltlB Mt-ksc forth that m the

opiaioa otf tbo Boai- bo |Mit 0/ tao .xasaaaB iav urodbj UM PoHcO hi PWaOOtiagpabtii protjeity on 8tavnlaMBUajH at Ca^le 1 MaTdofl BUjBSUJ m<itWfod to theOtflajaasaMaBOn <i Kn,it;rtttior. The report wad a<-

e; t, I, tiie iBOOlBtiOB adopted, and the CkaMaikitaOO d.<-< barg« d.

1 he Weekly ctatell rt i." »1 f low-'Ntin oer tl Ba ipnaSl trnved to A .« 17, !».».«»,7.JJN.u t/rr oi Br*<_*irtrtri~rl atasa, to .\u§. H, l'Hi.2,7hm

Total.-m,«0To fame date ui 15od.H.WI

INJ». 1S-5«». 1S/J7.Pi r >»n | intnatetin the InaUttrl .

In War!', lakaad . 122 l.nci UPJNuiiiher ot inir.atea in Manne ti.epital .... IU133

T tal. 7_i 1. IT!» I.4MBalan ein Bank Jan. I. UkM.*jux> «SAM^^ater...eipt^ to A ¦(. i7. I»"*J.... Blf«,.*r> Zii. .j .. «i: « u>A t .1.:- laaaittta-tkn ol p__en|en,hi. 3,'TS 111.»_ 23

T tal.tiaVrM ilD'ttiirw at p> r ('Am |7. ll-B.S*i,</7»; 7o

Current ea(eu*rt or A | 10 a_d IT..,. 2,71* JO. 100,783 S3

Ea an. e .f (Vn.u.uta'.i. n F md.B ' ¦'

'I Hoanl then adjouri ¦*),

A JiriM-t l'n miii, O.mi. -A llen^ kmzit rr. n ouceiit oi Tlf l!t>ttor. TtmWltr giTBB Um Ml-krB 11 der ¦' pta i. 11 a JapBL«e* pi BtaBg (afioa.

.. I .: - d ai lad ro-»:i the little-.ore-arfhed br ipe, whic-h unitea lleeima witiiNacBaabi, 1 wasaoat t i. Ibo pm. ipai rtreeti.

atn i'peiiO); a lar^e no.-ed col«- inth.- nii;h and maeaivewall ob tk* rtreet. stoc.1 in th* rpariona d 'irt beforeH i [MlBliBg iMBblMlinUBt How mach io l ontraet thetaste M U < I'BJWal jBpMOBO wUk that ot the Datl'kCbiaatiBBB! K.*,a_t ehniba and tiow'-m avlonod Lhta

DBjt, WBlla hl 1 .. rear of the b riltVag POM ta.I

j u:e -t atd BVOBBMOB treee, whic h »UeU heil their lonjr,\ erdant arm; Ol er the batldlag, aa :f to adurn, prot». t,and Blast it. The .tmoture itae-lf i.* .-parioO'-, neat, ande\-i I ii dun e. the roof beiBK in the I hinerd style o!

BlltbittftaipIB tbtiF t»Mfl'% BkH BOSOfsd wiln

!n:er'o. icc Bid biddin,; Jctiance to wator. while thelaMkTf f t».- e i th'e pr p^r wer- ii.ieredaith Leat*. an i eurrooi ;ed by abiiokf paper »i

I: .. |] cBittBg id oi" wood, hBwIäoi-oly pautled. Thei-'taV'i'bn Baa '>. '«M-if» to the (loxerpmect, ax,;,« mar.-

¦god bf ÜMGoaOlBBaBBt, ah«>e* otMi ikM. were aeBted,Be mrpj I. tL* aMkSFj Bl-1 ''o.Li: H 1. £ rUn I

t .'i i .y-w. r- to Le ¦ p.-tit, ato-.r.iiLg to u.-aaf*. mrUawthy BauBibIbbfar tbo Kmper.T. wbo had ioet deoosaBd. diiriLt: wbieh time all publio oihcea are eloaad-.1 J Ail ( nhi'.l llQrinetS UU-p«n.'.e).j. fat

ni'eitaic wbstaMr, a th-ee f\rcumstant f. 1_a.n adcittarc*. V> .th th» -iual Japat ee.-

,.:ttry, t,i.w*\er, th* doors were "peiseo. and 1 wa>

fiesJy tn p<i:tely eiow. all the apartxcBLta aidi s'e'- kit. ; Um e.-?aoMrhni*nt.

'"t>B ore »nie of th* otrii* »u a haad-prei» of re-

ti ie aid in on_:tioB, whiie on tLe other«i< a po»er-prt<«, BtOTdd by a vbooJ of larj,-'-

dian e'er ;r. pSBfaoi order, and ..f «nffi. ient «ix<- tn pro:-troi-ofliLti.e I niteiiStatrt.

'1. {:..« wie nt in uejUoo, for thr reason ...

. I! t: e r- ..*... -.-;...:. 1 i : *. a an.!,at r kB I ..f paper pilei up near tte preat. BB I :.ait«uiaT about idle, ba if they were pOfilSBt yn,'i; . I OX] . B of ÜM daya of mourL.i.-

''¦Hie!:, z ialx'-. K'-lo* ti.-e*, -:. m

j -.if ta* -nine-- '. r- ..o whirh. when 1¦.do I *ei .:».¦:(. hum t.J.e after, two men aer-

.tnk.r^ ft two utavo pairei' of a new Japaneae w. rkin Lattiral hirton thee.l:iaoaa>n*irtinj- of thirty t-opiet.It we* the enterprise of a jwng Japaj.eee d>r HC, wa-i

11 bot r. isatnacii d by a I» 'tri paj-.i jui reaid ajr .a

t! e .;. Mai ». aeee w. re -lrrto^- I :;-

ore auie of the cthca aariiif the Koman type nsed in

pnxttiag boobd and pan pBtMas 10 Dutch, sou me otner

the J".; (.:.-. r - '..:.- the- Japaiere iharat'erare onw eaet in H'-'land and have di-piared th* woodenb o. ke fepjpatbj ui«ii. I he U.xea for the Japaxtaae let¬ter- were ai.-atr'd on tbd same pr.L. .pie aa anth ua.

but it diffwetit (Tr ier. I tii*d my han<f in pi- king up«. nie of theae atrange chaxa. :< ri, but probably a good;ta. v» lit ii.-.erü*!t«J.; 'A ehe Japatet«; tFBBkjMaaltBB,

Iii« type«, both ttocan and Japan*-*», were ejiu. -*

MW, and everything indicated that the Jap«:«-*« were

faref» ad <i the I» Sah ia the |_.p- ,-r.t. .« ^. «vi. ss weiles ia everything e:«e." Bt n .¦ f Um bob er rued in printing i* thick, white.

.L«i 11< t-e, and re«eivee & Im mipres-uon. It ¦ madeBejahet f ia.r- MWMMMV« MlM the bark of a tree.taikti the p*p*r ten beiry, and is cheap ai weil a-

t<* <i. Th»* pared *£.e«-t> «er- r.ncc op over head :¦¦

dry. u»t a- with ne. A dozen or twer/y h.ind- Mln ka yod at the care aid the pree«. wh" appeared toLe rtptrt WLikain, and weie BSdM OoaatOOBa. ThaMtabRaklMBt is niarnced »n'.:re!y by the Japanese,act asing» DatehaaM bMaajadaniued eit .-.r a» »tiper.intenoeit < r workman. The Japene*? are altnuat uru-

ver*a!ly readers, bav.rg their schools e«teb!i«bed bylaw. and books tor the u-e ot t:.- aakahva and I; pie. Mi -t ai there beaks are emali, ana full of 'heuiort ludicrous uJtut ration/, froi. which i'unck mustlave h< rr^». 1 many if V« Hea., thotch i'.fer r.

M< -r of the h«. k- are .:.-. i. -.-<:. ;. v.t :.

M Miel a, while not a few are Ik entioue an i obea ae.

The Japanese have tow ,;. . tb< lea ' at t |is a BBtVi real ar j:n«ce, and the Hutch of little \alue,tri'ic wkksk iMpaeiaioa «Ld a ve-yja.-: v'i.e, the yo-wg\ opie who are teeth if to baaiaaaa, rare ambit:, i..

r>ih:;fal .:'*ir< ....-n and hoi., r.aiaeataaflarl i] awM leara wt iate'-efe-."LfeUs as the batchhaveeeaefee;CMetaeaMMa]

MhieJWMaMf .lapa..- and rather tOey Lav e beoa the.aiide-t ut-e ver ati.ote.i on Mayaatiea aMavtbaartn was inhabited.they were wil.mj. for tiie salve

of rron*y. to procure the prhttfa .; n steria ftfoaa H !-lard WIK a the JenaaMM tow use. The Japanese willi.i t re,d to-ei i abroad f.-r thent :.rfa;n. sinee the.rown W' i derfal aaftBTlity kj able to provide them here-after as they shu.T be needed. Ieasjht M have 1 torn <i a book bindery deee to tbe preee.'

A Cbbsibtb'i Jou o-. aa Obbitboiobist.A. (Jam.on write* to Paris from A.gtr.a tlie followinglor the truth of which he vouchee;"A learntd ornithologist, on a scientific tour n

Algeria, was aaiioMI to MtMBM some of the egg* oftie CartliCiie row., a i-,.eci>s of MMM af ea>y afp»t'jre. Not *o their e^^s, whic't they hide with ro

Mach laeeet* that oar informant, <li ring a residencef f< ur yeer*. has not seen a single ore. Tue na ural-

ist havir e n,«<Je known hie wishes in the presence ofreve-ai nvaeh oflceia, ar..i oflbtiaa; to pay for tbeeggs ore frano apiece, a captain t/TChmttturt I A-srr.r, nu k Zepkfra, retiiarkabie for In a very,but by no means inn. eoM i f inarau.i:i pt"pen>,-te-,prcpofed to appeal to hi* men forTolanteera. In o>i .

lequeace, his orderly neit MOfliag opeaed the *uh-jed befote me aseeuibled coinpany, when it volaa*lot red »o a man to pr.<'ore hundred* of d 'iena at theMi l< reo pine. Tkeeheeoo waa ftiedoo thegreverdinaraiiderM, who repaired t<» the man of -

Fleaaed with tbetr appeenaee, ke readBy y;e'..iei aetheir desire if a p irt paymert in altance, gave tiieativ.'ii'. 11 a. t. -. aad Im ¦ eh bmci If theybtwaaal two dozen by i;. Tin y nude everynaaaiaM aael atatadl the apof wnere they ezpoaf I tobe loeceaafala"Their litft movement wa- M the inn, where, in the

tiiidrt of lopioiie IbatkeM, they iK-^at- to examine the r

11 atrai t. l be tir»t point olicaWi, »«' that i.ettk. i aad. v. r -eec a Cattbiff fowl agf, wl h h ooe Iraily as¬

serted was lai-l in the air -iiu'K' -tiiig, at the »». ue

tin.e. ttiat a latlHoaa attack ot Arah* Would settle thetia:t>r. Hie lotupani'-n objeoted th.- aafahraoMofleceivlog folks, and piopoaad that Iba aggabeinvtnteij. At tois inn-ur- th- inadtweperaiiloedfiom naiket with a hii-k-tlui ot egjjs i oi ported t roil

>pam. The MOMhl eoldier look tWV dozen, at theMil I atMJ a dozen, procured a kettle. Kg li Ia tir.', and M*>n obtaiaed some boilmtr water. Hwhich be plaajnal tha agjoj aadablae eahwM -nkhandkerchief. Whi N fwerewithdraara,the obeli baviaaaeo^re4a«Vrheate bhae tiaia, Thiawaa n<t thaoaht inoVient ta paaak the on latogialA f» w sous w- re ,-xp-t ! in a ighbohng rhoji >,n \

hi,ail box it water color. «Ld a hair pen. i!. Theciors wire well ¦ \-d in a p.nte an-1 a varntv

strange im-rogly \ hite pu iited "ti > oi h shell. Thusj :i v di d, the sun i s-iui l.ui >i>man he.l triumph ,: t y;,. Iba reealecoe of ti<- otattbekxgiat, araiea theyreached .-r^- hi G r« aroalaaj Ho bad gaaahiaaaof a good etiing ben. Biaoarraai wai profbaa a bhIbaorr heard wi'h tr v^e . .. lai :¦> they ha..« hieared, and (mm which they oary ooeapod by kil-lire lour Arabe- paid the ittpihatri price, witn Iw. xtra live trai i piece- tor the evtra rick iaci nad, a-. 1in \ oaaly awaited haa ateatai i retara. No aiiueionhas i ii r been male to this adventure l-y the .' an.

but it ia ktown tbut the baa died if osbaaateoo fromoeer Mttiag."Hlw TrifUHtrn (Vt'ti i A n --' > Mi-si.i«ippi.

.The Vest, rn tlotoaTelegraph L'oMponj aoMotiaailaao aepatad hlr. Ed, Cn gotoa to aajaaiMMa 1 Utait skit g and layitg of a new electric cable across thoNisekaappi Birer at thia point. The bk ia now fla*i.-l ...i. aw will be in .i to-inor.ow. «in -Mtti.r.iay we v

ited the walk oo liioody [alawd,wb«n the wotk uu he. agoing OB fbr tkrOe Weeks, mi.I ji .r>.. ..(' the tacts v. c

gathered tot} ptwre of kateroel to oar roadan, 9\ii .; * a wit- whs atreti bed f-oma revy tall polo oa t!lelaad, bat there were fr« i|iient .CCiaaata which ren-

.ter».i rciiiMBaieatloD ancartaia ur irregular. ThaBCod ot 1869 wasto.i dowa tiie c:ant mast on then-land, ai d -n cethat time suspeneion wires have beenabandoned aad -ub aquatic cable- labatBatad. lt.itbl 10, too. wen* i bstackfl to be met, t<>r the impulsiv acurrent of the Missiaaippl presented difltcultiee ia thia*ay of telegraphic biterooana beawaea thJa eity aadtiie ppoe'te shore, which have never to this, dny I.Isin<. »efully over.-i n.e. A graal any able- havefailed, fr¦ m bfl skit g, !o-s ot insulation, t% B., and t) i-j11 metimes after but a tew BOatha lOMiaBMM weeks'.lerwice, Mr. I 'r. ighton tinnk- be hits nunle a cablewhich will now withstand tha force of UMnohhegva>t»rs and aadnre tot years.The cable to be payed out f.emorrnw is iiiannta-t ir aj

of four pu ces of the Atlantic .'ue, purchased of T.f-faay, New-Tork [being jmrt of the retaaaol left ovee'lie NisRsrai, tcunher wu twenty i ne strands of

No. '.' iron wire, aid all pe< urely bound every six

jachoo with 'h<-.-ame No. 9 Bach ptoo of tho At-laitu aahie ha.- tilty-six strands < f wire. M thr.t in theprcaanl sable there are two hundred aadforty-Bvcwi;. «. Taa miles of Atlartii cable are u- d in theMMMaSBpl .urn. and the wbole length ct th>* latterla rw >> tt.ou aad aia baadkad and fifty f.-et. [ta d .m--

teriasrnie hirg over two bafibaa. The total woigi.t bti\a tni - «'..( a nit, an 1 the -o*t ia ab.ui» $3,009. [I.- BOW ..1 in en immense reel, an 1 will be -tret- uedby on- f the II'cgins f.-rr).b'>at>, the t<-rminatiou on

I ¦. ride boiag aew the fixit. BeddOa street.I St. L.. :ieRepubUe*i.,Äi.

Co'v..- Tlie following letter from n planter ofWeet ltator l;«.ui;e to 'I i e Aitoeatt, desrr.hs>s a su g!ar and ren.arkabie rav mg f tbe baakl Of 'he Misc.-I'ppi Kiv.r in that l'ar:-n. The writer <ay»:

At out tiire- liundred yards below the point knownas lioBlsati *, the eavkag i-ej.'au ibout *on up, aidwhen I eirived tl - re, at 8 o Block, K hssl gone in abouthalf an acre Bl depth and wa- crttmbftag hi rapUly.'1 «iiet- mad.- by ihag ol the earik -va-

ooatlaaoas thai rtraooaMfad dkMaat thunder. BThoaI returnrd at snrdown it had tak-a in the!. ii ¦ «1 the aide* < at :.-»sf an arper'.troM the baaki ihobarkag bat barely Bmo ta eacapo,hav icg sav. d on'y half b«r turr:tnre. It bad Uaotaken in a large« ak tree behind the bOBBB, at 'eart 1feet in 1 :ght, weich ba.1 Ciaappeered entirely, and thecavirg eiten.'ed back to «n old gin some dlatOBCO iathe rear, l p«-^ mea-ur:' _r .nth a I netue next niom-

ilg, t:.e depth at the MMBl was t aad lo be M feafl\.rf wt Bfe the h> u-e st.sMl it .«as 7-> feat, ami M feet

as near .tn hank arere it had cave ) a- ,t wa» -afe to

B'pna'h. By the kt'.»n i.Le? .,f tne rropr.etors infr. n'. it it about ti | 0 bot wide, anl j *") -iteps ortoo teef :n dco'ti.

.' \N her. tian.inug the < .iv .. ae-erta :. .t- prohabieau-es, we foutd thai two wer.- le-J.n^'

from tl e j :r.t where g hail aved of them die-ekargiag qiackeaad unto kytha BBrMaaaofl e-aar-.ett thelsslycf It sad 1. t-K' ..ed atd d.ecuargcdit. '.he r'v.-r thm pr.-ir;. tg t1 > ' rntnhiirg of t! ¦.

bank. Aaotborcoojoetara was that :t aaajhi bo theBBckal bed efastnasj. arkieh 1 *d hi former yearjrl> w. I out fr« m the M*j..-i-.-'j.pi at th.« p...Li."Tne h< u-e taken wa# one af the o :e*t in the

parish aid has b»cn .-'ending n-any a .ail < ent-.ry,aid no r.vinj ha- en kt.owt ... a\v taken plat* atth i pr int ct any irrpi rtanc-e within the memory of th*OMaat -i habitants.

Sure.' Baa, BaaiaoD, Mr. Hi ard,faia >tt- r '.¦

Tl" H'fon C/*ri*r, hu the following ;¦: ;¦ ant

gMl af >nerborne. Kngland:in tl I wtrderlul l.nglar.d MM MM MJ nowhere

without retting hut foot . ton * m venerable traditioncr '.rturrst.rg n.-n.oty. H..:e a >.,ero«.-rne, f r ..

s'arce. a p see whu b 1 i to uerelv to vi-,t an oldir.eL.i. out when ere 1 l.nd -ey-xte of attra« »ton tfabich I did not dream. .Sh-rborn* Castie. nard by, Inow r-cccpied by Mr. Pigbp-10 ir»Lt!eman afvery htrga :*...*;.t.e, and tbe local aovereiirB ofthe t ti^hboi:.i--d.was the retidence. oi 9Ju\>'a.ter Baletgh. ac-i the c*r.tral poitioa trf tliett:aoture was bniit by him. Her MB, are tue Ii w i, i Jmmm 1. look Bmb MM and i-cetoaesiBp : i lofaatoai favor.M Carr, and f - w. ich LadyKaieizh vaMTf begged on her kceee. Saerbome ua town of about üve tiiousaiMl tnhaii iar.u; bu'.haa one of the hce<t churcnee in all England. I:is Bv>re bke a earreOrat a chnn h and. indeedit was om-e a cathedral. >i.e-b-m- was a bi-u-.p ssee long before the Norman conuuett, aid,Kxeter, and Salisbury are were babes :n comparison.The cBurch. which haa lately been restoredat the eaaaga of Mr. very goodtaste and at great a very ooble buildiag,wi'h itateiy wxdows of stained glase .modernL glo-rkMBJ MawawW, ahwi a iovl ri carved stei col.

oi« d. II»», asxag other*, il an extraordinary uwsa-I 11 to the meirw ry , f en Earl f Briet» :. who died n

KW, He is carved, ia fu'l l*tig*h, in the ccetume ofIi« r^j-wir, hoxkV, ruffle*, and bat'oa-holeo in-

( bJbo* He had the look t» luv. *ed two wivsetaik.,bj ia 10 rr .>¦ than fair, th* ladie* ar* placsd ob« on

BSji I0OB af WbB| with gown« runoosly cut oo£ of mar¬ble. Tbe nxsuutcart is »nid to hate oost A 1,500, asdin i v >r'd where ruony an/hta are ort too commo«, I

i k ;t will worth tn» H..U. t. Sir lnoma* Wvalf,t, Ii» buried in ib.* hur. n.

K"uv PbbboBI urn A 'nnm'l> froirW»ba* jaat h»vn i>*rp«Mrs!*d in th* «nad village) of Wet-

a gTSa, Saxony, aid a ktBtBTbVbBI Treven give* eatjratbot ,rcredible particulars:

' Y*«4«Hday u. rnüg, Iba only wine-shop ia taa vil-tog«, kr; t 1 ya I ai raxred /-itr^-rah, remainedclosed,i" Iba £tea: a*toci»hn<e(.t af the inhabitant*, ae duriaa*Iba] n -<-[.: n BBBB), »den the u-av»ant* go early to work,

I r SfMMBSd a; daybreak. Aa the house «t Jl re¬

mained shut up ail tbe morn n<-, the Mayor of Wetsear-apr ettöt ... the rp-'t w.:h a locksmith and two

» ':--.-.«. Ha kMOokad aevaral tune* at tbe threadoors cf the house, and rweivirg no anrwer, ta i tha*r< r.t i-re oj »i>d.

Tb :he _reat IMfBBBM f UM Hm] BT ard LbON wttllI ba, Uta tbop waa coBolstsri asjipts; even the two

i\ v ,. i.:if. (.tatad with liBC, had disappeared.IIa liiBB pBiaiMfl bia lBkaMl|BlioBB ¦ other patta of

bbb, wbaOj B diBBdfal ipt c'acl* presented ivself.AH tba innate* -1< ven iti omnber, vii: the landlord,I i* fa, bit three young children, two female aervaats.a oal an. an, a stahlt man, ar,d IBM men woo worked mbia 6bMb> wer* al» found murdered. AU of them aa>ltheir bosses lit erallyesBsjasd with woutwi* made by a

lhB7T>pobatfA] w t .i|.on; aid han.ikcrchi fa were twj¦.y roand the faces of tb" reniaioe, doub:'«»u to;

pteTOBa their scraamiog. Trie iLiors of the roj*ii«.bare the tN>di*fi w»re found were covered witn blood,parti] rXMgBBMsai, and in no purt of »he hone« wastnero to be Ii und tba *nia!l**t article of funutiue.

" The police were imuied.a'ely aent in all direction*to make inijinritbut np to tUa true n,i trace* of th*>D rdefsr Lave bee ti <l:*coTtrvd. Two inhabitant a otv tsi (iri;, a wheelri^'.t and a carpenter, were ar-rerted on «ui-pi'-icn, but they were iomiediately ael at

aa there wa* noth'n^ to warrant their deten-ti.ii. Kvery on* ia loet in cmjeer are an to hoar the)B ier of eleven perrona and tue removal of a unan-titj of furniture, hbb8 of it iar»je and heavy, and mer*

obaaatkM, coulii have taken place unobserved in a lo-eabaj rather u. neely populateii, and where dnr.n^ tbiBt e -eA.-i. n paMfM were movies about at all hoara."

AmiatPTUM to Fi.v.. The MuLsoh JwBtraaB ro

l«f«e f. e foOl aTMMJ itcident:Two at three week-Kin.-e a man namini W'3.tia(f,

i\ g near Sun I'Tairie, in th.a country, got i"'.i^ .>a aobad thai be wo;« t<<> pur* for the prairn-, and a BBV

y attempted tu (»ai«' t.> Madiatm or eomc other reli-place. Ha wan t. o t>ure to travel like a tnnrtaJ,

aid I avirg faith that he could fly to his dsetinatioa, hapud lbs e'.perinieo!. He BtBSSjatJ an umbrella,

Bad rfhtlhaal to tbia topaaoal braacb«a of a tree in the)-k rta a Iimbar aiJaSf baiattBg hm nmbrolla, hajaaS] ad Iron tba tree, an N'gan to kick an I MaaabbBB,tbcrabj tbMdÜBt !. piwWl MaSaMat taVMgh the air.

La Mountain r \N i-o dnt not work harder than oar

bats j but alaa for h'imaii cnlculai.oni, ioatead ol goingal -Bi I, ba nmcali dem aasMd to nie ground, h dd ng ontotJM handle of tN- umbrella for dear life. He at laetjrea< i *'11eta t'rma in a aound nta'e, and ha* now made)Bp I ia Blhad that faith i* a g.'o J thing, but nhould sot,DO tt keu in tOB large daeee.A late Madrid letter aavjfl The MBBBBa year ami

IMt w ill a itOBM m Spain a great numher of local ex-

DBB, w i' h a ill seive aa a j relu'te in the prnviu-i ' to the grand one of ItMB, Caetiie, Catalonia anil.*.nd-ilna a h.ive already I::i.-d for the«e fofi.t Isb BflaTT. \'a!ein ia sill have an agricultural exhi-b'tinn < B the M of September next; /.amora a oatthaibpBJ OB thi Mh of UM BMM8 ni nth; Valladohd will

i\. an «^» cultural and ItOSalrlal »«hilu't m on Iba)I lib. for the whole of <)idt'a*'i!i\ on the JUt, C'ir>ta<lReal w ill have a mt.i'ar one t"r MM province "I arh'cix

UM CCBtari at Uaneloiia, an a^rioult'iral exhibi-t in Eor all tbo BfOtfaMOl of Spain w ill be helj fr mi

-tl in tba ;,l t of (lotober ai r\ and a ca'tle ah aas

tittle paOriaOB. frniii thfj M totbotth JOBS, IHK»».Seville wiD BMO have ar. agriciikiiral, iuduntiial Btel«: th \i bition D*X( year, and Malaga «o>>na in-

i. .1 to the system of annual caitle-ehoar». Tblprovini't h otOalliria, Arragon, ami Valencia, ao rich in

naMiial proOiicta, have not yet BBaMBBi the lie.TnutlBLI Rah Bron i" BTl k»«k»..Weieara

:1iki a' mit 9 o otoek p. in., of Th asday ltst, I l»h iaat.,a lew iM' hai'-atorjea, enuie ot which were lu.gertbsB I BB - »2110, . it'oa tn tail [fl the soiith-oBaterB part

i m aha. NebiHnka, and continued to \- 't thing* aoi-ii ¦ >. Bad ;ilal in 'if'' with BMWOMMd se venty, for ahout

tit a n liBBtoa,literally caverir g the ground witu a«heet« ,te, when a heavy rain interceOod, and t him sparet!

the ci aatrj from the lautbar ravaaaa of Wat- r. Thea came frmii the »Barth BBat, lirtakmg window-

irla-ae». and r.eaily ar.nihilatir g everything it touched,i h.- Mans wu aoBOBoa^aaaad by btbbo, or to* ..e.

ii Woald dosbfjaai have been much greater.y fVaaVi .» as tayi a fen eon IbMbJbbI soutn of tbai) were badly injured. (St. Jo. journal, Las .ii Chili o" hi:, .We understand that

on Batarday lait, a gentleman presented |II,inn| ir.i tee at tho Branch of the-Bank ot the S'.»'« of MhHi ill I, Bt rhilltootbll. for redemption; but by th* tuna.* ii -:.wr had boBB pa.d bun, a crowd of aeveoty-t aa jer<«<>tiN gathon d in tbe banku.g-rooiii, aLii ord< reilhim (a pre-ent no more of the bits. Tlo-y, further-BMXS, Oialeisd him |a loavo town, and gavo ii u tha

II l.r.-f rpaOO (at live uiin iteii to do it in. A« rhacrowd WBB hii/hly excited, and cr:*a even of ''Hai)|»him !" wer» heard, tbe gentleman thought it the parof prsdaBOB I iStMS, parti'-nlarly M he wa* aot ahlato ship a Baob ot tmventy live men.

IPbila. Rorth A mer: an.

Pator. Wisi I'r it Labt. Jaba Wi««, tne bai-1«Mn.i-t, hau made -,H miles more of hi* traaa-«ontin*B-tal vyatrt:. He wa* to go from l.afayelt* iome .'J,fX><)ii laBOrfcWra, Hetrietl to aecoud on Tues lay, buCeoaM BBC. ' Wtdneaday he made another exTurt.Ho took with him, aays 'J'hf Liijay ih.Journal, aliout9M poundn of ballaet, and wa* prepared for a lungvoyage. He remark'-tl, when start uig, that he ahoaMr.ot be rati. tied with a trip of !*»* than 1,01)0 mil** n

wnfib, Ba aaaMwied al i "'<aoeb n. m., andatii::»!p. in. he landed two lullte Slid a hail from i Vaa;..rd"-i la. The Journal aiids, as tha editors wife aai<i

hasj the oaaj kii ked over the milk pail, " ' nminert ufi in i-e'sary."s»i i i V,oi nr.«. At . bbbbof -lave* that took;

p'lu e no Monday, at BowUag Qfsoa, in this Slate, n o

followirg pn< ee w.-re obtaiiiodI:. «r. aaa H yean M.$»tiaaaS a an, V> years old. 7'i6

'. Basse wi iim "> >n "i*. MB1 lira-'" a..auRii, 41'veini Id. SOI

tf $UL i yean aM.1,181i SM 11 yean aM. 0*0

? t «ii. Byi art ..Id. MIBA I. . R. p if 1.

LlXAKDaoi KbTTLB l.Ak»..Toe i'ollowing BSMBSBa-ii k ii cf the iizarda of Kettle Lake .a fromtbe i'ti-rof a gentleman cocncced wttb 8nperint*od-

' .'in- expadltaOB to tba Yaiikton Ind.ana, ad-.'I t<> A gentleman of \\ ae'ii' gton, and putii^ahsd

in Tt.e >Var .

T.-.ere wa* bnt little pleasure it the trip, I m-rm

yon, ti e weather bi icg unusaa'ly h-it, and BonOM hut.B faw breadia} daofca, .OBBary Bab; nothing, indeed, toetab!' any ore to cheat hnniell *i*.a the notion he wm<t0 g>ps>'Eg- And then our ' a up at Kettle Ltaka.why there was nothing in that ketlie but Uaardi; aa lsacij lizards, tbe vilest and uioet diaguatiog rap'jlaaan r drOBBBad ot in a ti» of indignation: and tney wouldBt : ftay in the rown kettle. They swarmed the wholesan p. .raw!") arx u' up in the tent*, crept inio oar

-, and rlimed theme'he» in'u our wafer paJs; an<li. w a- i. mpe'led to wa'i h another while he at»pL, t<a

t en. ill his companions far*, and'.i.enafrom makir-g a kettle of lit* tnroat. We were Uiieedk< the .'no nt M.irin.r upon toe tlrepm/r aeas,

.water wai.-r ei-rywher* and not a dr.»p M aVMaV,VN e had i" MBat Ml n mile- f r a drink of water.T'earant, that, at 160 ;nthe shade."Mima Pob TlOMI KoPr Wai.kiso..AD tiia l.ttla

bojl m Bi.tfa.o ato, we preaume, n otlier places mthe vicinity cf ti e hails.who can fix Bp a rope,an»Icai-iirx to walk it, a In MoaMMs. Thoee who can't geta n pa, wa.k iKiara feucea, arith any pieoaof board or

I k they ac oer IjoH of aa a balanoe p.i^.¦ |«.*aj. Rer -|-.

Can ai. Com r>Tio*..M"verx>«ata are on foot, woiimierataxd, lor the h< idmgof a < anal Conveation atRochester early ia September, and to follow it np withothers at Auburn, at I tn A, and ia the Southern tier afBoarBties, The early i un.pletion of tbe canals is asab-j'u of euch Mitene« ihterei» to the people bow, thatthaae meetings a out be largeiy attended. Ereryw« U|wisher to the enterprise, in this county, wdl cooperateaith their friends elr.-where, in unions; abook a«***>fDuimation so levoutiy to be wished. (Troy Waig.

pKiTii-Krr.HT. J%t Alton fill.) C'oatrwr states thatamong tie pertooe who atteadtd the phzo-flght be¬tween B; rxea and Connors, there wera 162, each ofwhom hau an eye gou*t»l out? On* of the boats,when retorotrg. had U, stop and back opposite Ahoa,'. k up p*r««,n* who nad (alien overboard whito

AN' vr i. St at i ii.The 'is? l^lmiort of Michiganpa-aeo ao ait ampowenag any number of erttxoBf, BOtleas thaa ten aor more than on* hundred, to orgsauaothemeelves into a body corporate <Mor tbo MnsaMOafapprehending huraothievee and other feioss " bus

^veatixg eacn member of aot h body, when esWawed.n making an arreet, with the powers of a ««ortable.Kork River was never knows to bo lower taaa it fa

at present, by the " oldest mhabitaax."

f£ XaTäo.L1' U gW * Wlwr*"T. ^ «0 tks aMf cd

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