new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1854-11-17 [p 2]. · 2017. 12. 17. · in errty aariety ol...

Post on 30-Jan-2021






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  • BBOB aai nJU.1T-II bb SALE-A-odrr. '.B 'H t-',;t *.'"- _a_M « i". Alii-pr'.vr-_ aa FB.n.tar. ror. plat tu-tat'l. for a B.w.y-¦£__

    aa-WBrertwiall'bi.IIy Thr who.r will coat l.r.wren t\"tBf te* 03.1"" fwl.ieh eaa ramaia on Ihr nroprrty .1 de-Sre* Ap|i *,. ..»¦', r_. ...1 ,.. A K M rJ-T-A O-t-.

    HOCSE f..r SALE at a OBEAT SACKIFICE,ta BBOOKLYN-For advanre. made t. owaer.-AwM'e mark- fiont thraratory and t_.rr,r f !HH 4E. p.'Waally-taaird r«l«iL. all Ua «._ara ImprovarT.rn... Lby IT. coart Y«d in front Ac ; wortb about Bll.«_. Wul b*aold for »2._-C caab, and 14 6W on jymd and oma .'., (a fewAror* aaat of hrt>*dw by ) whlrh, In contequrnr. of the in-frraaed d.maiid lor oor tinriralod inttrnnirnti have brasIttrdnp wltb .perlal rrgaid to the coiivc-lcnca of oar otu...-r-o.. fn. ndi aud i _u '.


    AW l.Ai'li A OoB QBAHD DIAQ0Na£. PIANO KORTES.w'-h new.>R\M> At.TION Aiao,CAI.IlAllTk NrfcUlJAM'B M'.l.oHK«J>S 8oleAg.-n.-r.H- 411 Broadway I.IM'M.v k THOMPSON."

    ARAKE HAkdALV.A ip!.iidi.i $:«J(l 7-wtarr ROiaKWOOD PIANO KOHTE will be »>ld forBr*' iiol (hrra n-.-r'ht io uar hy tha br*' niakrri fu'ly war-waottd.rxrrllanl ii.or rtnnd corr.rri, metalhr tra-e.. p.rfrcfBrvary w»y OwBer tg folBJ to C-ba. It can br icen gt .No I.ICban bar. .t I>or:. C till b .. rlork,Jn.ic.l aulhr-ritira. to br io _t*B.. iaall d. .liabl* cjnaliiir. of too* aad ll._ of thoer of any inh.r_marirar u._ufa. tnrei T (ilLBEP.T.4- Ci> '4 Premiam PIA-N..> v. b... anl.. il.r .(..lian: IIA1.LKTT ACCM8TONS-IAB08. (of lhe "in iu ii. ot Ht lr( A Ca *nd li*noa of.'tht teetrhreir. niakrii fuatlbih'y oa band. 8erood hand Piaool gt.rai ha.gai.i Pncei, B40, ?-. 075, #|.»i BI7J.f-.arli ln.trui.irnt tna'ai-ta^d To aiilt cnttoma-t m.ntblY

    CymenM are Iak I'gi'.-a ... rent. Caah paid foracco.1-__al_a.w. HORACI WATEBB.No «.i Broadway^IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT in MUSICALIN"TK1VKM- Tl .'. t't iBbular mataiic nerk for V Maa, v .bar* lle. 0. t.'raN.»e.,.nd all .Imilar crtngrla_.ra.i,rr.. havli.g bert Ihi.ronglily teited anrl nnajalrjCBllyB|.*»ovari by larg. r im t-r* of Amacn'. and Ar( tn thr City.f Baaii.n a- 4 ihwwhere. n no* ol.-rrd with ror.fidenca to thepatilir. *, ar. baygfia.I r.t worthy ot tb" highrit con.idrr.tioaaad paiwagfi By BitBcl.i.g ll i. .Bp.r.iu. rvrn lo th. ch. apeai and tlmotl wrrili ra- de.m|.u,n ..I ___¦____, th' Y areBt BBrr tranaformrd In all thrlr aonorou. aod Yihrilory quall-Ke.. and raiead ib valua, ln many ln.tan.r., to l.eoty iimrithett coat An rxamtaalion and trial of tome of thefew n..ilaalteedy fo'..rd wl'l tmmediataly .lUfy eveiy onef_ii.ii.wr aith tha frtaevplaa of mnalcal acirnce. t.f thr va.t im-portanca of lhl* -t.i.l ab'a I. vrLlion. Sr.rlmri . t f (hr nn-pn..rd laat.amrn., aad t*_t_> THK OLDEAT EATABLI8HMF.ST

    T. U. CMAMBtiBS.No. __ Bioadway.

    fllrtfljinmj, ^t.

    SEAV IN 5" MACB INES.Tbe AVERY 8EW-IBO BACH1NE Co. «_l *ttentl_ to tbair -eproradBM..I ahicb rroalrrd tba Arat premiam at tb* CryatalPalaee. T_* patenl ha* beea receatlv purcbaaad oy tbe Fraocba..iiat to b* aar- Ib th* ii.anafa.turr nf N.vy aad ArmyBoiorme. Foi th* grwtaa of b*.vy go. _i, a* -aeke Ba«g

    Bto.t Clolbor Caa-maraa. whar. great atr_gtn tjmachiaa ia InvY-aatil-.

    wt tbw raackiaa To aBBiacbiof. we aay ea_l al

    |i. 2M B-.._ -.

    SECOMMIAND STEAM KNiilNE for 8ALE,-A tw.nty boraa ENGINE and tw* ( YL1NDEB Bi>IL-KR8. all ur. fr*-- nt_i_f order for aale al l1.-. if .pp'ied for_iw.d-l.lT lo J LOMAI Fithkill Landtaf. N Y

    . _B-I I BMIM i-M'-k VT, i.'.aa %ea ___--_--.

    au.b w reoalreA. ibralr raaid w.wkiof i.TTvar. laaa dfcpate abm.1 th* |.tr.t o( tbw raackloa To *Bwbo wiah . good ebeap and Aurabla ai

    iperitird lengtb., »t .price whirh enahl.a fir.-j-oof hnilrlinra t.. be ererted . . rerymodeiate iiiimir on the eoat of wnodea onea The pnh i- »r«inritrd to ej.mine the new bnildm« of Meaera H.rper A Hrothera ia Clifi >t.. where tbey h.r. heen nved Kor fonher luloroi»ion »pp T to COOPER tr HEWITT, No. 17 Bnrling -alip.


    KJ COCKROACH. Ae., EXTERMINATOR. liro ,t No.44« Broadway. N ¥. None unleaeiltned by BKHBlR. COSTAR. For aale hv ali ihe pr.... ipal UmrUu._

    HEaVY F.£k.ilT I..r CHAJ.l_Ea_TON.-Afew bnndr.d tnni He.ry Freight for tbe .bore port mtybr Laa hy imniediate tppliration lo

    -FOFFOBI). TILESTON k Co No^SO Brotdwty^IMP0RTAV1 to LADIE8 BB- OENTLEMEN.-Mewrt Y. DUMONT k Co beg reepectfully to inforratheir nnmerona rnatomeri Ihal they cunturie ta receire orderafor tbeir mpenir ityle ol IlVKINd and aCOUKl.N.i al. kindiof ai'k tod weelen goirfa, i.dirjr dre«.n, ih.wla. grntl-n.n'icl.thir.g. Ac Kid glorea cleuad wit.uut amelL OSce No._«i_Broad»ay, N. VT_Sl MMER CAXDLES..ALLAN, HAY & Co.roeiiBue lo niaaafactore a nperior artirl. of raUMMKRCANI.LEH, of all aiaea Warrantrd full weigbta, la oontei tothe ponnd. Wi.rki Noa bt. II and 4i Itt aa_

    Prenei gardeR. jrnea bar. datedOl ii nv/e eherta\\ ith rnnntrrfrltaUf Lron'i PillAnd du.i tofill.

    TNE pfiiuino jMAIiNETIC POWDER and|'| I.I-,-. hrar a tar aimilr of hi. aignaturea. and none otnerwm efr. tnally extirtiate i_lecti and ve-niin. Pnncipal itpul,Wa 994 Broeaway.Al' llil. ROl'E.h'uriiiiii.'H.iiirlini-dplauea,hoiatT T ing. heaay wn«hti, ateerieg purpoae. for .eaeele. atayi or

    kraree Ac: nrmrh aaler and far -nore dnrabl. tnai beet he-reor lndr ropea. Aleo. for eaeh wrighte anii dnmb in borld-Inga, coaducf.ra Ar made ol erfra fine an*T.iy.exible. CHAR-ES W. CUPF.LANt).No 61 Btoadwty.

    YEAST POWDEB..B. T. BABBTTT la tliei.iiglna', inTetitoT nf thr CHEMIf AI, YF.A-iT I'O WliKR,whirh ia |ff i a.e.l and aold hy bim at Noa 68 and 74 Waehiug.i.i at Nrw V'.rk in >in cana Thin,. who purchaae ahould eaetbat they get thal with ihe etn ve neme (.u.

    Jnenrance Companiffl.BROADWAY INSIIBANCB COMPANY,Na. 4M Br~adweT. I aaa*

    CASH CAPITAL B-*ja9*,Itanm tgainil Lom or Damage by Fir*,

    ob laTnrahl. lerm.Ii M. FORRESTER. Prri.ient.

    Jtlon IVrav. Beeretary

    ^.0RTU'AMERICa\N EIRE 1XSU___\CEI COMPANY.Utfire No 6 Wall ef, oppwite New^tCAbU CAPITaL. »-»II.OOO,

    va ith a large inipli..Thii Cttapany iDnrea »«alnit loaaor daeiageby flre oa Bnlld- Mrtchaii.iae. hhpa in porl tnd tbeir Ctrgoea, ll.u .l.jidl:.initure ud prrrontl proptrtj genir.llT. .t tbe e.u'.lu.'.eg*JAM-ii W. OTIb, Fra.ideBt.R. W B.ttCRRR, Becrettry,_REPUBLIC 1TK-TlNSlTKANCE COMPAJV-TOftice B* M Wall at..Thia Company harirn tbeir ctp-.ttlof BlA.'.Wt' paiii in eaafa tnd aecarely inreited. ar* prepared iolnmre againat lou or d._tg. by Fire ou ftrorabie trrmt Therharter of tle Company prorldei tbtt after paylr.g interett tothe atockholdrra, at tbe rate of aeren per cent. pt i annum. four.fifihi of tlie rrmain.t protite are to ba dirided ainong tbe ae-aurrd ia errip. be.rini inirreit. whi, b errii. ia ro be rMeetni.UeId caah whrnerer th. acc.njul.ted pr.ifit* aud eepit.l .'aaia.ii..untto8;,iAR,,iW..

    19991999Ch.rlea F R.aell. Dentiir.t Duer. Frederck A Delano,banirl B. KrariBg. Joliu Steaard, Jr., J.nea C Be'l.Wiiliam 11 Rueeeli. R.l.rrt B M.uturn, Danl. l>raxe Srr fh,Augualu.C.Ii-wui.ig.Reubeu Wnhere. Frederic ... koeter,Oaraway B l.tnitr. Edward C lecter, Frleg HtiWm H'it er l.unctB, ioeiah llatra, Kobart S. Hoot,N. H Woife. Joeeph Oaiilard Jr bamael \ HiSiata,lawc T.>wt_and, Jii M Haterbury. laeorre W. Kicji,..mriUarrra, tar.i.e l uitia. JP.oiraudb.ater.Artbar Lea.. Oeorge T. Adea. Joha A. C. Oray,¦ort. *A llti-i!toB. Jobn J, Jt.RuBEkr B BONE rreaidaaLDircaa F. CeatT, Rerreury.__

    rTUE PEOPLE - iire insirXnie com-X FANY i.f thr CITY of HBW-TOBK.

    CA.SH CAPITAL... t* I .jO.OUti B-k a rarplnt.OSrea.N.«. iTs CalaI it aaa it Wila.m it.

    pjorertT generRllr tnenred .t.init ,w..nd damage by Fire.RICHARIj \AR1CK Freiiirnt.

    W. F. l'*l>r*ililt. 8ecrtt_rr.

    (Topartntreliij, Notirca.DISSOLI'TION..Thr partnivaliip baratofereexieiing ni-der ihe firm of BABCO.K. Dt'BL'IS.ON kHALL, lt diteolred by tbe drath ol Mr Btbcock wbowu loet witb the ete.mer Arctic. The baeineo. of thr wlll h* tettled br tbe aurviring partnera. New-York,hot. 1,1141. (iEORl.E W DUBL'I-SON

    JOHN II HALL. Ra 113 Fulton at.PISSOI.ITION -The cotairtn-nbip h.retofor* eirat

    Ing aaaaa tha fna of JOHN CAMPBELL A Cowa. dieai.Tved ba mntnal conaenf. on the let of Norember.The boii_ea*of the late brm w:_ be acttl-d b) 9B-99 ot tkeptiuea. Nor. 1, list.

    JOHN CAMPBELL.AVGUS.lNE BMit-L. Bea Ul and ;'.N***»uit.

    COPABTNEB-ir.-Tha aarr rtaj ptrtnera of th*Ute firm of BABCOCK. Dl Bl ISt4()N A HALL,bare roneolidtted their l.u-rret. w tb lh.** of Joba-aiNll C..undrr ihr naane and nrra ol CAMPBELLIIALL b Co.. wbo will luotiaiie th. paoet rommieeion bian-Beaa laalliu braochea, tl No. 11" and Ut Naeeanet. New-loik, Nor.1,1-1*. JOHS CAMPBRLL

    ORO W lll Bl'lvv.iN.Af. .C4TISK flMITH.

    ._JOHN H HALL.rTHE rSDER*?iGKED -bt. forat. al'AKT-* NER>H1P. under tke firaa of HOYT A JOIIN*ON. ata___r__T_*f_ T_fJ»i.lliTelU..r arteni.ntotb.aal. of..;.. "o_r____»" *¦¦" ¦¦ aa* ..-. . .¦.f**T** »*tl EMatr. ud to the b.bo4m'i..* nt Loaaaoo kondraJa, vi!f*v .. WILLUM 1 HOYT>ew Yi.k N.t l5 ltM WM TEMPLETON JOHNSflS.^=======S=!=:===?=~=--T-----., I " -=-

    _paintB.^iglagg, ^c,Z«_w__SffiT____.,ll,r^i»«- raw_-__:'_-_-__-___-__¦ "'"aed -err work* ud taTbeir \A H ITE -INC wkkh a aaid Ara _we_- -u

    ¦Utite WHI ewewTbe- BROW|ea.l-ve«ee-. -".¦¦ . . , _^^

    ud caa ealy be aiadr froai the Ziac Ore. froa Mww mXMMli,.e ..:: kaawafer lu *rota*UT* iiaiXwaia, .ppoad'u._..... '" ...pfe. __Wva orotker a-etai'ic niarwTbeir STONE-COLfOR PAINT 98-M99 »I the |BBB--_|

    A Ibe Brwwa. and u of ee agr».a*w ro^r far paia-aa _*uvre. dar-K. ma: >*...» bnd*x« aV Dealaaa npg_a4 g-1.- ar. larww ka llAhNINO A MUCIER ke-nu

    tti _..-v- . , .- X.

    fiair. op -vBClurn.H. IViii.n Anr.l. -,-.r


    .. .- it.b.y tBto p.rlor .nr) dminf rretr..r- od Mi-ra-

    - .- / .-...' -t_ War* g'- I'er-.:..-. DI ffB. Of Wti *«.I

    nt beyocd dr_ r -t. _; _«- th* tWpai B_TO" aMCU PA_';-f». i-ct- T.trgtry. B-_*.U Carpeu. 1. »jVaboatr. *-¦ 1 * --nltare la all g_o_l_l npw-dof

    x the ciig_.Ico.t- Th-.m_ arg ca.:. __ '.__*.poaitivc._.

    M.TTHtw JotDAY A-et-aaer

    BY JOIIDAN a\ NOBTOrf, Atirtion^er* andCo_mit_or Merehv_t*. No M Broadway. (np ttuajk.-»-.. F.atBb ar.d Le._a.dgta_

    A M Ao- --¦

    BY BANG-S BROTUER __ Oo..Trade .Sal*R- ». Ba P.-k-rowAT PBIVATB *.ALE-A r.ry larg. ' thvrr

    Ergiiafi BrK.I- conrigurd from ro. a. *t emin-nt L'.od'B peb-bghea inciadinf the whole of Mr Bo-o'i ra-n-e ot Lto.rie*,eauicgce. of whtch may be hBd_

    VV A T.gTr. Ancrlor.-rr Ro B D-.-at

    Gl_OCER__& i ORKS. CIOARS. iAo.-r IV.klat 8p.rrB.n4T.lloYr Candie.. B-ooy Rani Oin Str.1 Prn. ( omlw t.r-Irt. VMra BatAM*. -t-_f Bl.okete, Bralr. vVnghtg,8r-:nr l-rTt*.' _*BB_t- «*loon Ittnrre.f .utitar*. T.ol-( hair. OTttar Bqy Ae_

    AYTHOav J. RLtl.kil. Aaciioaeer

    IAI.-E and PEREM1T0RY .SALE at Al.V-J TloN o' :t VaU'aBIE BDlLBtftO L')T4. onAvannri B grd C ard l-i'h. I.Vh and IStn-at* in tb* Clry ofNrw-\.rk_A J BLF.FCKKR wi! g.11 at Ai'tion, oaWEDNE.DAY, Nov. 12. l&M, .1 12 M at th. Merrrtt-tr'Firb.rig.. Btrw Te_ thr following d'arrlried L'Jf*ie tbe ifih and l»th WO.* o' ihr Ci-y ot Naw York, rn:Avrnoe B ¦*. r'ltronnd on the e_t rde of Avenn* B.

    between IMh and 16tb gt., aad omprinn' tbr entire gveoaefro-t-

    Al*o on Ave-.e C.7 Lot. oa the werterly gide of Aventie C.ccm-nnclng 15 feet 'J laeheg aorth of 1.h

    Al.- .-n tL it v Lot. on tbe norbeily lide of 1-ib.t..c..n mtnein* 1-8 feet eait of Av.i.ue C

    Aia.. n 13th .1 .7 Lot. on th- noitbrrly aidr of 17th ar and[IBIBUir.I BB -rt eut _ Ave-ue B.A,~.onl5_-rt.3 Lota on th* .rulherly .ide of IVIi-.i

    r.ininri,(lii| V* frrl .rg of Avrou. B Alm 1 Oor* Lof,r.m o r. ,. ¦ l-'i irri wral of ta. aboa. deacribed property, mt-(tiring I.V> on Ihe rrar. Al-o M L»t« on thr noriheriy.irte. coii'l't'-iof tbe rolira .treat front, beiween Avennr B

    Al*o on 1-th *t.-2* L.. en tlie eontherly «id* of MBVf.,brtwren Avrnnr B i-H .' ror, prMl r tk* INft wreet front.Th', prriper-j ofter* nnnraal mdnrameBt. to cipit-tg.. or

    tbote coMerrp'iting r-.i!*.ng. *. thi. portion ot th* rity Igr.ridlv improYing Tbe «. . wil'b« paremptory. gndetchl. tpnt up wili he aold to the btghevt btdeer The term. will be varyhrr.l ga 7.4 par re-L, ran remaln on bond .nd m jrtgtgr for

    iTtsM FormapaaLd p_t:c_an. apply to tba ANo 7 Bnadtt _(M>_

    F. Coi.TOv Auctioneer.

    IABOE SALE ef CABI.NET F«'KVITn,'K.J OIL C-O-BB, CABPBTa MIRROKS. W1BOOWBHADES. kc, Ae-F COLTON wiil tnl. THI. DAV.(Frid.Y.) Nor. 17. at the Auc'un Kiom. Not M Brrk.-uanand £9 Arn iti. a larg. aaaortmenl of Cabinet Furniture ttmu'.ctnrrrwho iigivln. Bpthe baa..M Alio a l.rga lot of*«ioLd l.and Furriitute. fmni a fauiili ri nioving. all of whi.-hi. in good order ciioaiatin. ef Boarwoa. Parli.r Suito( ia B'oc*taliea.d Hair Ciotb. R.*r».*. Hreeaing Bureau. Mah.iganyB.i-rai.1. ll.l.ogaLY French Badate.1* Cottaga Ch._l>er AriitM,M.r Cn.'rr Sidr acd Card Tai.lre: Mu.n Scaoda. Sofaa. Trt.k Tri.. Plsaa >".'!. Exirnao* Tahlee,Bl.rk Dirii.g a..d Tra Tablr* Comer Sr*nd», Book-c**r. and Sarrrlarira M.hog.nv gnd Caae Chair, Mirrira,VAir.dow, Oil P.ia'ini. Olaaaw.rr. Sol.r Lvrrip. Rirhll'. V Me, h.tSi.rd. I."tinga*. Ma-lretar* Pglnajter*.M.hoggny,, Ho*ton R'..a Aucnooaer,

    W'll.I. BELL THU DAY, at IOJ B-laek,II ,r Ba "I Bioadway. corarr of Dataeg_, * lar,. ar.d .j-lmild of nrw and fathionatlr Farniturr of rr.ry de«-ri|4ioti, frlng tha enMre g-ock of arlrv marufartnrrr rotititilng of roa.wa.'. mahogaay. .od wai-aal Pa-lor I'i. ir g r.,-..... aml Chnmber Fura.rnra: a .o enamrlrd Cbamber KarcitBre, ra *nilr; aiao. rirh drc ir.trd C-ina,kilvrr rlatrd W ara ArCttlogori, and the art:r'.i can be t xarr iard ear y on

    lt. rr :ni g ot talr.N H -Krrular Anc'ion ralet held evary VV ednaadav an.l

    E'idaY.of Knriitnrr. I'ieno-Forte*. Of! Paiutkg.. Hotna-fur-ni.l.irg Articln. kc. C niULmrLt. Bollcltrd. .bd adtbbc. t n.adr wben ieg-lrrd.

    Ai IS 'lilork. onr .rand a.-tl.o I'iano Korte._Kliaj Comii. Au. tloreer.

    WILI, BELL »t AUCTIOV. on MONDAYII N fg m, atllo'clork A M .* No. 14R ( hamba-r. it.,

    a r;aaBtitv of Panor and ( baniber Fnrnlmre. con.ia'inx lo part-ood Piano. Mahogani Cb»iri T.ble* B.d>teadi. Hu

    reaui Pt.rClin. Lira CurtAlna, Tipnt.) ..d logiain Car-|r(< Mattr. .*.!. Btorra ai ._

    llivxi T. Ltcdi.Auetionoa,WILL BELL TIIIS DAY. Rev. 17, all IkeV T r-nr.tnrBCott.-edlu Honte No. (2 Wr.r .jtd ,t a- otKroa-vrty. r. B.M r., f Mih..*iny I'ailor Kurnl'ure in hair:oI_. Iturt.'.. Brd.t-a-i. vv aiti-Un-i and rhambrr Fsrak

    ti.. ,C__rta 011 Palnting. and Eigr»,ingt, IIttIftgatf. Paillaaaat Qulltt.-c. Bt'a po.itiYe.r_aorfblnr.atl(v( o'clork, pr.ri.rly_

    A. C TlTTL... Aacliun.rr.

    ItUUi L0T8 DUTCB BULB0U8a' **. 11 JF HOOTS at AUCTION. tlS.i. 17 Wall .1.THISDAY. at 101 o'elock. c..mpr_ir,g tbe l.rg_t and moettho ra aaviortmeot of t. ,'roted llvsc.iti.. Tu Ifw, Crown Im-parlala. Lllitomi. OI_li .ut Ir.i Rar.oncollu., A-amoaiae,Cn. .. Jo. |Bl a Ar .fl-red at .u.-tn.o In .rvaral yaan iolota to .ul pur.b-.rr. Saie peren.ptory. to clr.. curirtfain-ii:..

    Dnj ©oo_8.CLOAKR! CLOAKS:: CLOAKS".'.OEO.Bl'LPIN. Ni. itil Bro.dw.y. rrapretf-Uy invi-Mth**tter lion of I..r* to bi. imporialior.t an* nianutacturee fur tb*i -. ».Lt tratoi.. n o.j rl.ii.g bb AJwonmrBt of

    TEN TIIOL'AASD tba foUowlBg aitr*nrdinary pricai:Two tbrti.nd raperb ck-ta mk line- randrrd taprrb clothtilk lined loaxg .'..* IIBia.1 litrdrti-rujir.-t. clotb till uncd _.IM

    . and v-ry r-rh r.i'.b ul loaki,at.lllTwrlve bnadrrd taregb l.v nt vrln-t tbooM-d npr.-t) Um vrlvet Cloakg. at.IMFive bundirdraperb Lyona Yelrrt Co..t at.A.!Four l.nndr.o magnificest Lvona vrlvet Cloak.. at.04*Five hundred .plrr.did M'io t loaka al.*Three buodred exu. lunar-n. ..tii*2f.Tl.rre hutdred euptrlMivr aatio Cloak.. a:.B.IArd an B.A.. orofualon of rlnih Ts'm.aa at.A and 04

    Ti e ......c.-ii. - dean.. lurthrr eoiruornt nnBerraaary 8ufBfa it tt. aay Ika higb rbai.rtrr uf ibr f.da on .a ¦» al bi. eel.biiehmrBt i* _fBB*Vj wrll krowa and he would mer»ly aodin r *. . «t tl-ahovr wlll be found. ob ln.p* HATS..Ei»a al Paoaana. to peevenl deUntloo

    W\z ra-e of *. i.rlantFor p..aag.. .pply tt tb. Crupen-'i office. No. ITIW.rt at.,

    to J W. RAYMOSD.

    Ir S. MAIL STEAM.SIII.* COMI'AXV.F..rJ* HAVANA .ad NEW-oR[.KAN."» -On FRIDAY,No» 17. .i.F M fn.m |-er |.a,t ,t Warr-ri it N R.. by thewell known ttnd f.rorite tteunablp CREsCENT CITY.CapCJohn cn be wrared tt tbe Comptny'i offi-e.Frrigbt to N.w Orleaiu. oO ceaU per cubic f.u-Srerie enly taker. on f.-> :rht to Havana.boipper. will be tupplird. witn bltnk billa of Ivlrnr of th.

    fcrtL I'.inrJ t\ the Cou.titny. on tppllcttloa tl tbeir o..-. Noolbrr f_rn_ liit-ed, aud nu ..a of ladrng wiil be tAutal afiattbe boiu nf atlllng.

    For freitht ¦* p.M.1. apoIt .1 the ofBre nf th« C.mptoy,Wo 1~ Wret et.. comer of Warren._M. O ROBF.K.T9

    I^OR CTIARLESTON an.l PLORIDA.8efl_r-Weekly l'. 8. Mavil Line..Tbe iteamalup SULTH-F.RNKR T Tf-wan Cntniiranai-r. will le... Pier Np. 4. NortbPtrer. ..n 8ATI ROaY. Nor 18. tt 4 o'clock P. M. pre-rue.y. For Freigbt trrply on board. where all billa of ltdingwi.l be aijned: ar.d for P_aa«e at tbe of Dpotford,Tlieaton A Ca., No. F> Brotdwty.Tl.rooih TirktU to Floiid* u loUowi: Tj Jt-rkaouTiile t'A;

    to I'ilatka 8~The ateamer NuhTtlle wiU rncceed. tnd Ie*re on WEDVE1-

    DAY Nov ..' B B fin .nl »f:«r SATL'RDAY Ba*. 96,theae itein.ra wiT! letTr al Tjo clock P. M. in.teed of Io'clock,t* hertfotore.


    FOR SAVANNAH.FARE REDFCED.Th.«l/riud Steie* Mtii StrtmaLip KBTtTOB- STATE,Cij.t. R lU/d.e. will leave rbii.dr.phia. for 8ai*:intii. uaWEDNESUAV.Noreuihe. _T. tt l''..'..-:ock. A. M Ktre. ?»;Stea-tge. BT The PTATS OF l.FoRi.IA will leare. a*aUive. tbe F0LI.OW1M. tV_DK__DAT. Aimla il NewYork. FCRANTtjX k TALLMAN. No 19 O.d Slip. whereetaterooma may be eecuied

    taJ'HAMSllII'S l.-tw.-a-ii HATBE an.l N'EW-^y YOBR. DIRECT.The iteamihlp ALP4 wlll i*:! from Harre, direc-. New

    V rk. (wjttont celltni *: *ny port ta E.R.nd.) on SATUR-DAY Vuli of Norembrr. The rAt.e of freiibt aad p«**Me in

    ai.. Srci t.d Ctbio* wili ba very niodertle.Tle aAi.aia. ol ihtr lucieariilng i-.e.uirra wili be abortly tn-

    nouBird.Tbe ra'e ef iBinrance In France ia itm by ahip. fYom Herra

    liirrrt f.r NrwYork, rh.n br ahip. cailint at tn E'.glah oor-Applr ii. or P»rii, I'l Boul-vt-da Jet Italieot.t iUj.V

    ALD CL'BRIE o.-inNeva-Yorklo E CL'NARO.No. 4 Bowliag greea.

    T~~j_E~KEW-YORK and LlVERPOOL UNFTEDSTATES MAILST-AMt_3.-rht thipe compotuig tb_line tre tne foilowna

    ATLANTIC. C.ptr. Weat. PACIFIC. Capt. Nt*.ARCTIC. Capt. Luce BALTIC. C*pC Coaaux-LADRIATIC.

    fnea* i-tp* har* ***a bailt by coatrtct. *ipre*aly (br Oot-.rsBieal ternc- Eaary ctre hu beea taken ia tbeir eaoatros-atioa. ti t_o in tbeir e.Ainee. toiaaare atrangth tndapead, * tcfon modAtlOBi for paatenjjrr. are uii-i-aled for elegaoc*aadeomtort Fric. of paaaage from NrwYork te Lir.rpl iaSiei c aa» eahlB. 8139: la aecond de., klj; ncuiira aee of e»tr» a_» atate rooma. 0305- from Lirerpoel to New-York, tXtaai A99. An expeneare. eargaaa atiacbet) to eacb abia. No.ber.b ae. nrrd anti. pald for

    FROPOnED dates of bailino."» TORk. ia - Lirgarooi..

    8AT1RDAV.Sept. t WT.DNESDAY.Sept. 9BATLRrrAV.Sepf-lfi WF.ONKSDAY.!4ep_ » j. H KDSESDAY.0«t 49ATIHDAY.Ott. ig WKDSfcSDAY.Oet 11BAURi'AV .IH- WKDNESDAY.Nor. 1BATt RDAY.Koe. II' WED.VE.SDAY.Not. IJ8A1I RDAY.Not. 24WEDNESDAT.Nor 19.ATLRDAY.Dee. 9 WF.DNF.SDAY.Doe. 13BATI HDAY.De- _> WEDNEiUAY.Oa*. VFor freight or paaaage apply toEDWD R roLLINB A Co ffa. SS *_-._ ¦ TBROWN. SHIPLEY A Co., Li-errjooL

    JOHN ML'NROE k Cu fa* Nr.ire Deme *ee Wtoiia*P-iaorOFO H DRAPER H.era.The ow-Ben of .eee ehip. will aot be aeeoentable far aaUBlret balUoa. ^wcie. Jewelr., practoa* 9988*9 or meta.. oaleea bi!a mt lading are r.(_eai tbere: jr. ta* tbe r.:u. tberaaatbere. 9888*18819-lpper. will ple**e Ut. no".e, that ta* abipt *f t'aU lia*¦etM ctrry aay |»wli oatrtbead of wat.

    T'HE ,.-iT.sH and NORTH AMERICA-tBOYAL MAIL Sl r AVIflMP-- __.FHOM NKW \MMODOiir from Naw York-Moadar. aB-Mlt,day .nd Fi-.y. »'..._ Stouluft-a.Tur.lay, Tbur-lay aud

    Tba P-TBO-TB ROCK fr..... New Y .rk -i-**d.T. Thtira-day and .-tu.Jey. From Btouiufton.Mouday, Wedne»i»y*"»i p'_p,«_.agara, on arrlvlng at BB..kt.B. p'oe.ed P M.

    Train* run dtrrc: to Altoa (.*. mtlre) wttho*t cliaag. ol curgor baggue. and rornr.1 w:-h the rnnpany'. inleodid (teamarf

    W |M HEBTEB AND KEINDtlER(BanclBg ln exclnaivr conaertioB wtth the P_*engar Ttalag)

    throogb tu Bt. LoaU (15 mi.'e*) with.ut l.ndi...T1MK KRL'M CHICAOO TO ST LOUIB I4J HOIJRS.Tli. Cbic.g.1 *nd M.ii.lppi aallro.1 teeont tbroagb loliet,

    B_omia_-a,BartagAeld, and i.'arliuv.llo to Altoni and LhaTraveli-g Publie wlll at .r. aaa the ImwrUnt sdvaotage edIhia, AN AIK LINE ROL'TK TO ST LOUI.4,

    Over ara other route fioti, (hi.*_o (1 tbe -..I'hwaU.NOTK K IMI'OllTA-T ( UNNKCTIONB.

    At AlU' with daily line pa k.t '» Kr.)k..k,mak ng Ihia Ih- m.wt direct route to Uaoaibal, U.ocy, K¦;¦-kuk ai.d N.r'baaair-r. Miaaoori.

    A' r- LfOB f-liefllllfBf wuh flrtt-rlaaa llnatof etramergfor NewOrlr*n. and all point* oa Lowrr MiwAr-lppI, Ohio,Cambrrland, TenneMee and A'kana. River*; aml aiao wrbftsa.«fl for all t...-r.ta uo Mumuri River, _aklnf thi* tn.Urrn Vjoi* to Kanaaa and Cooneil Bloffa.C-_UO.Aaff.MI.l-M. K P. MOKOAN. Ir.. Hop"!.

    CENTRAL KAIL-OADot NLW-JERSEY.-NK.W-YORK BAITOB Si.MKRVILLK. Ae.r ai i. iiiii.Ytn, to*i.vir.»ciYO irrr 4, IfcM.

    Lrave New York for Eaatea, Ac, at I A M., M ul4PMLrave Nrw York for Somrrri'le (w.y) *t A Vt P. M.By .tr.nirn kh'l) JACKKT and VV^oVII.NO, from Pter

    No 2 N K ronnaciinf at'htowa vrttb trg.B. by Naw-Jrriry Raiigo*. from fo. ol Court.ndt.L Rel.rninff, wiilleave

    P_-t4p*0e_| (oppo.Ite Euton) at 6.15 aud 10 A. M. aadBomerrUl* (wav) gt 6 » A. M.

    ELI/.AHKTHPORT AND NEW YORK.Leave Naw York gt 8 and 1" 15 A. M., 12 M. aad 5.30 T. M.L.ave fcluabe_i>ort*t7IO_Bd9-A.M.,I.'28. 3 and H P M|

    fJEOROE H. PEGRAM, Sj,.e,-_i_. nL

    C""A'MDENTiid AMBOY RAILKOADt.. FHILADKLPHlA.from Pirr No 1 North River .Two linafd.ily. .: ti A. M .nd 2 P. M Morning line 8 A. M.,bygte._l.o»: JOHN POTTER to BOUTH AMBOF, thenea byean to wav plarea aad Ph-adnphia. Far. *2 Exprn** linta(2P M. by JOUN POTTERto AMBOY, thence drect toCan.rn by car*. through in five huiira. Kar.AJ Way, Ac-c -I..U-. .Ution and K.migrant Liae at 1 P. M. Eare 11 M. E-grant Line 4 P. M-: 01 75. _

    Ii^LMIRA, CANANDAIOI.'A and NIAWAKALi FALL8 RA1LBOAD-WIDE CARS wftb BOKABEATB-THREE TRAINS DAILY from foot of Dnaae atTbe longe.t br.a_ ga-ge Railroad Boat. ln the world. v:ABew TOlk .nd Erle B.l-o*d to K'mira, El-iiiraCnauiaif-iaand Nugara Fal_ Railroad to Niagara Fa!!*; Oreat W.ateraRailwav K.'aa-dal (o 1). troit. «6rl uJItt Tbe U*9 meattnardroad conrrcu al DaUoll with tba Mk.MaCt.-I- Railroadfor all i-.-iit* to the Oreat We.. Tbe K C an.1 N. V (Uil-road nal Li wiatoti w.'b tbe Royal MaJ Li-.e of Stram-an for alto witt. thr Amerirao Line af Sira.ueri fufKlngaton. Ofder.ibur.h. Montreal and tb* WhiU Mobui.1n*.Tbi* rvule it r.u. witb prrfec'. refula/it; _. f-paich, « ii. .or uectiot..TKKFTBran l^prornrtal aa follow.: From C . Tafiprn,

    i. . hro.rIw.y; M B Bpauldlog. Ne tfi Broadway-, Dt-r.ui Cl.B, No. 17.) Broadway, and at tbe Naw-York aod B-.eRailroad Office. Bai of Duane gt.

    WILLIAM 0. LAPHAM, Sapenntra-ent,Super*ntend.nr_ Oifica.*. Jon. II 18.54.

    V* Vi VV PALMEB, Ag-nt. No. 1_- Breadway, B. T.

    H~~UDSON RTVEJ- RAILROAD..SL'MMERABRANfiEMKNT.Train. C-_.beraat. d.ily forA ar v .nd Trc-y On and atter MONDAY, Aaff 14,1-4, thaTrain* wili rnn u (oi.owt:F.xpreM Train. 6AM, thronrh la foar hotat, from 3Ut rt,

    eonnacting with Northern gnd VVeetern Traina.M.:l Train. 8 AM. T-rengh Way Ir.ia 11 BLExpraM Train. 4.36 P.M. AeeommoAarJon Trgtn at « 50 RM.Foi Way Pageenfer TruoB at T A. M. aod S

    P M : aod VV av. Freifht aad Train at 1 P. M.Foi Peek-iU at 9 A. M..130 P. M. u_ 5du P. MThe Pee__Jl and P.Bffhkeepa- Traiag atop at a_ tho Wa;

    BB.MtPat.engerg taken at Chgaiberg, Caaal, Ch..op.vr, 14th anl

    ¦aaaM MJAY MAIL TBAKtS at 9 ____, (-9 Canal ri. fof

    Albai.v. .lot ping at all Way Siation*.OLlVER H. LEE^Vlee-PtaAitdeo^M~TCHIGAN BOrTHERN RAILROADLINK.-Ti.Yalar. for CHICAOO, 8T. LOL'IS. 1AN-BA8, acd all point. VVnt and Bouth Wegt, ean Thi- j.i.bTickett, acd al. ir.fonnaiion ruBceming ro._e, fare.eV... tuh.rbv the NEWYORR AND ERIE RAILROAD. or NEW-TORR CENTRAL RAILROAD. by appllcarioa at tha Cora-peay .-_.,_-l.Ero.dwav.ew De--.,loJOHN F PORTEl. Oen.ral Afe_, or

    L. P D1NTON Ttckri Agant

    NEW WIDE^bAI.GE ROUTE fr..m NEW¬YORK to ROC HEBTEB-Tha BOCUE-TERgadOEBBBKB VALLEY RAILROAD I* cow op»n and ln eon-Bect_o wt'b the Baffalo. Cornlng New-York _d NewYoik aad Eria Bal-oad.. fonc a direct rotite from New-Yorkto Bi.cbaarrr.Tba dlrectnMB ef thia roeta, tofether with tbe gaprrbr m _-

    fort a-brdeA by the wide oar.. render. lt by _r the moet de_ra-ble -etweea tbe ahova namr cittee.TlckaU caa be procurad Bt tha New Tork aal Eria Railroad

    TV kat O-re. foot ef Daaaa et. a_. at No. 1AI Broad. ay, a.0ba Jer»ey City.BaggM* chrekrd throtua.Frrighu wil! be U-i.pMta.d betw.aa Nrw Tork aad B_r_»

    ter wltb A-patrh. Any info.Balka ta regard tbrretoean br obtaiord hy cgllicf opon tha (Je-oeral Freigbt Af*attbe New York aad Eri* Railroad. Kna riu:._ng» or C. t.TAPPAN. Exprea* Fraifht Affeat, Na I-i BrwadwayNo traiag oa Uf Bulaio. Corninj aod Naw York aa¦aad.y. J. A. aE-FIELD.Bupetlataadaa-

    TOM aBLAHD RAILROAD..I^BTtBraak, **aeert, l" A V tm H- v». i. a ,,_,T- M F.rm.e.-.fa e I 49 P M i.m.i*. I«* »., ¦JJJ

    I Ml«A ll ivJiM' B. I..-4 r>|.»l hiwtj . .. I't. *.tTi-.r.T ' ' Jl.r-tvra.

    , _a,....-t." A bl T fa.-f_-aajfrd.le.9 4e i*. B.. aaaw «>.-i jiT. 4 2b k M F rA M r'.ri: a*AA» LMilje - AYa*iP V

    v '. M_KEW-YORK aad Mv"! __hl.ku_JX_^j:ad altef U ednaWey. I"-!* 9*. anat .-tv '-ittkmt aatJ,r.»rr.«rrTr.." .... Frr'.fW-*a| t. tmtawt aVH»?t.'r.Ptrfee.a-< A M f-ip-aVi.k ri-ee a. * A M«b'ai »i t{ P M ftMtr t-c. ni "_wk_.ii

    -ig F - - . -n. md ii'. Staiwaa. *w aj | VK-r.-ri at 1 F M lut «.?_... koA _BBB___| St.

    "¦v*1.., Csa8-B at M P M. for D.nklr* aad 8-Uia. *.rvn:*.t>P M. k.r Da.ti.-k *_d B*C-.. aad iw^-^

    at. BB-Baa ______._Onr.L.Nl'AY.o4Si:*'>*Kj.»r**lT:_c.»l 'f P B.Tbea. __fl*a* Tia'v l Batal* ar ik *-t utm

    -.-.-ul Rric. r. ou Lat* E.-> for »'l poiU oa li. Ut.. aagal flur.lrk with th. Lake .-"bare fU-nMilj v_Mfe_9.0a

    ll. 4'. Cfwaeral .«u.r,.i^4,lTV'EVr YOKK -»ai Nr.W-IlAv KS KAILHoad:i> FALL MENT. NOV. 9. ItHTraineLeer.- Ne* York f-r New Har.-a. -». I. (la.) __»AM 3 Itt 4. lEt.l 4.V M» F.M.I Far krila.^.. , .

    foid. VairtrUI.SoB-ipar-. tn-1 W eetport. .. I. * AB ^M.P.M.. r«KN«lB, T-. ".** A- _*-i *i .< £«-J __». 9.5,MVP.M; K,.rD_teot_d (..rvj.BW.cb. 7. I. J8 AM la,4 IJ. j IA r. .V F.r Sfa-n.i-. J. ». " .» " » * * 1(Ft.) 5 39, 4 19 IV r M Far Poit CkmU,aai ItUrt-Aaa!____», T.RtAlt-IA Mjl-.I.IJ,.Mi' MCoBnerti,, T..1...-1' r U.^a. « A J* >>« _« P B.

    iXx;l For Ilai4.'....i ai.J 8pc.e«iVIJ. * .Et.) ll # A iLa. I.F M iii -t R.v'f «..' ^* "_¦*.<t a. *4..(Ea ., ForCaoal B_lr..«d. ». (Ea .» 9* A M »«Nrw 1.. ne.ii _.ilroe* « A. M 3 F. M r or H.~a_Mt> Ra*.iraflM: P.r NagetB.-k Rallrawd, 7AM 1 P M (Rt;|lor I'ant.iifT end N.-rwaik R«ilro_l 1 A M.; .> *. P B.T-initi. Nrw V,.,k Fnm. \rw Ha-. A-.7.9B. A B|

    1 ! trl l e'.l,EtI4 4.1,-J J4i.P. M ;iF-iii Hndg.pwt AM,142 1".11 A M I."".' ». 91 fF.i;>rr),B«*w_k.9.**4.9.».l*,«4 M. .Mlir..)MJ,l«»,ri_(Ei l) Frr-tn Fort Che_er. *.».«. 41. 7 > » bt lltJl R.;kiajaB t. - JAV- ____*_£^"Tj-\»'-V0BJ- anii l'HILADELI'ri'.A aod tkoI ROI TH er.i HKT ».. lh. NEW- IBRH9Y HtAll-foad-i s maii. tad BXPBBaa MBBB la***BaaaYork fool of Llba-ftr-et at 7, 8 and I" A M.asdliiad*.P ft) lhrmih in K-ur Honra Ytre Oi t> n> 1: 01 H A *,,and 89 in 9, W tmi niiu.>daf»r Uia. leaaaaat 1. al *'-' ito;rmg »' all way atatioaa Throarh ttrk-taaatflot Ciucinnati (at 819) and tb* Wct. ani for PtltiaByrt.Waa*-InttjiB Nortolk. *c ti d thnmrh bag_a«a 9B99_al .* W'aaB.Iiigtun ni » and 1« A. M And 6 P.M_

    CUlaa-t gPTf._T~EtE l_E__W_*n_5uOT___f WATEE-CURE oSert tbe beil tcioiuaio.atieai. tot poienai Bttre.t-trnt for tbe ¦mtcr.tud Uiut.i. *f *hm. hr-. Aldirm O. U. W-LL1NOTO.V M I»

    No. I73 1*h.t .Nrw >.rflNEW TORR CITY WATlR-tl'BB No. M* \khak,

    Am.rof Cnhfertlfeplare._IVATER-tTEE INsTITlTEand SCH«.()UTT Nn. iSLAH.lir Sl'.R T TRALL, M tk. tk\ a|.0 1'atia.nt. C...ii|»teuttea_a»Phv i-iaiia. Tki-Thiid Lei ture wf ihe llydrop_A_ aadPbTai.U'ti.'.l School wlll commeaea N..» I.

    \%' ATEK-I L'RE, .-..iiitT i.l'i'.lli-av. an.l :*>r*8-giTT iir. MilKW uni'.-. w.ih Dr. TAYLOR lo thia -ta.

    andenmBiodiooieatalliehment forthe Fa.l ai.d Wlater. tk-TIFtaTM and H4'AKI>FKT4 rrcelved al r.aaoi.aUe raua.Out -eor pi«'.i.-« pimiifl'-T **________ to._


    NO PREPARATION evr-r yrl iav.iitaaj eaaesn- OOl RAl'D'S ITAL1AN MEDK ATITD .-!OAr 9*cnrlet ttn, pimple., Irecklrt. cliap*. cha/.e. eiid all aklalaItrmltiri li. were of I. liooa coula.nla* awiwra! eelr.uaeeggcttrrly miiioaa ta> th. ci..| I. end bv Itu ir a»tion eBdanarriug ti-altb. OO-RAUIPS I'ol'DRE 4i;.:TIUot-oof. ai.y part ul the _.1t f.i.i all end aingui.r. bi gooda aod rheiteB,lenda aoairu.iii.i.te in wlioa. baooi or poaa*ae«>n ibaaame n ay be. m that lie be and appcr aai DaatnalI nn tor'ihe 1 ity »nd I ..unty ot PbilatfrlpBi. to be kn.4.u hi« in .nd iir i.ld I ity .nd t'oantr. fb. *rw Mendey Iol DrraanbrrBrjt t.i an.wei THOM \4 J IDLKMAN wf aplra of tieiapet* on the .... Ac. Aml wr tlti coinui.iid fuatbtt y< u lunimoo tll pt raon. In whuae hand. oi peaeeMlee tbemid goiHla r I.a r .y ol them m.v l.e alUahed. a* ibatiiey .ndtvery ol them be-ri..rwrTe.- l*H" Tb... tah.

    iTi.n r. Wallare K C.ldwell, K.,rei»- . BJ Bwla>i;iTALLKNKuHr JAMK.4 HAFFER'I V .--rimone for a Mon.a Demana on r..,,trart (0*8not arrard ).To JAME-i II A FFFRTY Aeinirlaiit ietWhere4.a eummnoed an^ reo'ilred to anewer IS. -aepMH. aaga. tlon wi.i'h *>. ti rd m theOltl.e t th-4 lerkot tbrCitT4aCounty of New York. at the City llall in the Cily. »f lt**>York. on the 3d day of Noe-mh«r, AV D. 1*44, *ai to wa.Ifcoi y ol yoor .r.rwer to tha aaid compiiint oa tbe aabearlberjahiaorfice No kANieaeoat In the aaid City. witbia twamWity* alter the errvicj ol thi* aumnone oa y./o. «*tlaa*Mof tbe day of eucb trrriet; ard if yu fa.i t_ ere.*tbe itid compitint withln _M Um. a' mki ib- *!*__¦¦thU acti.jii will Ute judA-eat aat.n*' y..a for lh- .«*»Atf AU w.rli Intrr.-.i Irom tbe br.t iaj ot Niiw-W.ali..,_at:d.AbthuL...d and M] l'»'}^*Tl'?';,r'w'' ['J*_cti... -D.ird Neva-tU. J, 1SVI > 0 RTALLRNE. liVT.

    aoriai.a A' ori.»| ia p.op«r perw*

    V"TKK'jt'A'lTAIiLMENT..IJyor.Iafr..fn*BJ3l B r iif.rM,oM of the Jii.-ice.ef Ib. bapttam l. m\totice i* berrhy Riaen thal aa aft*chm-nt hai ieiaed,aeaii-t **««. ot ANbftEvv *.tter,-4thit tb. Mirr w:T: bar .old for the peTment of bw d«b_ aaJWhe appetn and diAChtrget iucb attwDtiiet,'. tcrordla* kela-iung 10 him. ani ihe Ir-iafrf ef I*aoch proprrty by bim, te forbiddeo by Uw .ad ."_ _*^.^f.lo Oet 29 ltk WALKER A MOABH.t. Uw9n.F Attora.ja for A'_-tbi*| l.teAMk

    KY. BUFKKME COlRT.-Dfc.NMS I'lUa KINS, MITIHELL C BROOK* tnd tjEyMWHITEiftnatL M. ATTAWAY-To tba DEFFMUA9.h.,a. t.tro-il: Yoai are herehy mmmrned Mid re^n-rtAJAawtr tke complalnt In tka wtkrn. wb ch te ftled .*_»..*¦»a.rl ierkoftLet-.ty aaa Coante of New tb.f «J ¦IS taui cuy tnd to 99989 t fopy of yo4- tn.wer¦** ******,.pU:nt 00 Ibe rob_-rtb«r. *t fii* o*e* No V* ^'*ttidCilyof.New York. »ifhin tweuy dtya tttm tka inmmo-a on yoa. e»da_r. ol ti* day of aai* .*If yoa fall to ai..w.r tbe tali complalnt »ii-n tle i^ei..inai.e piwjjtiB. in thiaecileu will uke j*irm.riiitmiui Thr tuwui 0*2 31 wUhluteMetfr,- -dd k 14*."_with later** no- n.b J_.._ry.l*S4. a49* l«.»"^rr.r,.th.8-hd.TofM.T I9S4: ani 8499 B, with ..ienthefcthdeTwl 3-ur. 1.44, ba^tdee tbe c.eM of taw *\m\m\ Ja-a U. 199a' B.

top related