new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1846-02-14.z _z r^rtbccorreepondentofth«* new-tot- herald...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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«....-... . z _Z

r^r Tbc correepondent of th«* New-Tot- Heraldfrom tbi» place, bi log entitled to the " hat " lor certain¿uurifhe* made in hi» report» of the proceeding» of the

Legislature, wa» yesterday lei.end a bat by the mem-._r» of Assembly. Then; should bave been bells on it.

and then the f«.»ol would be complete.¡Albany Knickerbocker.

Conn Cnlendnr.BUTJT.toa Cot-RT .This Day.Nos iX). 105. 77. 23. 1 !

65.37. 113. 6, .-.24. 101. 111. 1_4, 131. 133.134.135tO-l-tOCirctitCci-rt. Monday. N«»» 366, 38. 75. 12.32. 'Si.

34. 35. -11.-4.-.. 4.. 5^. 64,94.9?. 9s, 101.341. 102. 103. 105.K)6. lOft 109.The Ci r.-iTion I'lea« cemmenr.-» a new Term on Mnn

day .L>»> Calendar not yet ready.



T1IK tOS -I11E .llOliN. rC.L SKA

Rises..'» 56 r-et» ..5 32 Rises... 9 4 Morn...10 _"*LATKST UaTSS.

London.Jan. 3 Havre.Jan. 2

Liverpool. _Jan. î New-Orlean«-i_frij-XS* SEE FOURTH /'.'_£.

ARRIVED.Bri_ George Vatr-s. - d« ft" Charleston, with cotton

and rice, to Qeo Sutton.e-cbr Hiram Dixon. Bush. 3 ds tm Virginia, with oys¬

ter», t i muster, , ,

?chr C.'areridon. (of Thma»-,m.. Inirraham. 12 ds !m

Wilmingtoo, NC wr.h naval store*, to S L Mitchell.Sehr ¡serení, fm VirgiM«. wiiti oysters.

BELOW.Ship Emily, Davis, from rit. Thorna*, to Aymar ic Co.Twu ships ¡a the Eastern ulrifjg at áucset No -¡ignals.

SAILED.Bark Mallory, Si Marks. Wrn-I NNWe«t.

_3nsin_ss Notices.C...KT.H.1 Shaving Casus.A cetnp.ele variety of ih«»

most compact form, and beautiful finish, suitable to the

wsnisof -I« traveling-public, for s*:e a' G. SAl'NÜERS _

SON. 177 Broadway. I2f ¡fl

Metallic TaBLKt Razor Stboi»..Certificated by some

of the most scientific gentlemen in the cou'.ry. and awarded

toe fir»', preruitiui uf the American luslitute when exfnbil«?«!for competition, for »ale at ibe iiian-jfaciorer«.13f3t (;..SAI*NIjKIIS ai SUN. 1T7 Broadway.Sands"» Sarsapakii la.V.u.;! n» Well a« l»r»dy außer»

from tfieefl-ct of cutaiieou« and u.cerou» dl«ea»-»» Th-ir-ritauon >,f ib_ «kin exf'i'1» to _S temper, ani If the Indica-fleas ofthe disease disfigure the face, a knowledge of therepulsive appeaim-re tt presents, add« to tiie discomfort and_in"> arjce «if thi «urfer-r. L--«:al applications win lie fuui.'l.Unie u«e m iii».-a»-» nl the «am, and limy may Le danirer-ou«. Tue. eruption, II «Inveo In i»y evaporatm;; lotion* maja.«e iijw.r'l lnfla__alioa. The only ruiical ujettioo of"eurei« 'oailnrk the basiaofÜM Complaint m the !' uod and_»vffiClllil«iiti)eol, SbjjU»'» i»ar»»ipariila 1» a puleiu a.ef,'.._To tuu-_ -Abo have witnessed trie nliiio»! t'icredil.le result«produced tiy this preparation I» cutaneous maladie». It l» tint

oecea.ary In «ay a word. Those who !¡«ve not, will tin in

Ihe »oral of" testimony Ihey canti »l doubl, proof a.must a»

coavliiCing a» ocular deniun«ir»liuu.Kri-i-if»«! an-t »old, wnoiesate a'lG reta::, by A. B. _ U

»aMiS, Wholesale Drugi**«t». 7h Kufum-rt. '¿i'o Bruaow «y»ad 77 Ea»i Broad why, New-York. So.d also by Dragvlsla«.enerally ibrou.hou: th» United State«. Pncail per m

-.le, or six bottle* "or sjtSCV . WIM-L'S Okii.i.nai. ami only genuine Magical

Paljje Extractor.Hie Wonder and Blessing of the Age..Tbi» medicine ha» more power and influence over dt»_a»e»,.baa any y-i known. No humane phy»ician or parent «h.-ul'lbe wiihoul it a moineiiL Tb« palliant th«- woml huma »top¬ped instantly, and healed Mtliutii c-ar. It is a »o a aoveietgnr*mi-dy for the followin«; d.e-_i a ¡.Pili., boib lilind andbleedlug ; Bronchitis; ¡»«».a j lfra-l; KtwiimaiUm, l.lam-matory anl chronic ¡S-.r- Eye«. Salt Rh-uin, Spinal Weak0.», Fever S«ire«. Wound». Swelling», Broaeri Brea.taSoie Nipple», Felon», Barbel'» Itch, Ague in ¡lie Face, ¡

Throat, TIcDoloreaux.Chapp'd tlaud», and in fact everythin.; that is [ amful. Only Depot for the Utiited Stale«, Nu.21 Corlland-«t llf 2teod

W" 'Vbo 1« the persan preferrio«* -altier to »tiller with ill«'Piles than pav Us for Hay'« Liniineiii and the Balm ufChina, from 21 Conland-st and tiave a pcrfecr rure war-

«.ted-_* Sar»np»ril¡a I« «ild a. .1

-others sell u

.ST The efTortaor o-ri.r» n^v-e 'il".-e, lieen »ucce««ful in

scuiopui-itlufi to color the Unir und not the »kin, a« ¡heEtiaiIn'll» Hair Dy»-, ar ¦.'! Cortfand ».. Jje« the ihini; .'e-

Ughtiully._ llf2ieod

*_.** LoNtiLHV». Panacha, from ÜI Cortland-Ht-, is war-

rial., in »II ru»e» of Indigestion and constipation of ibebowel«,l-i bo the ti..»t medicine in use. and to _lve perfect»llslactiou.


f _teo<1

(_f ' i"n-'i_,t « Italian U.itaiwit Soup, foi the curo ol Ptnpies, Frecsle», TKii,.'.luwue«i., Krni-ti m». i;1 ». skin Ini<tiretiieui»,aiihe<miv'l<3p«ii.i7 Walker-*L 1st Store «""ROMBriH>!wK;,, «». <--»nu a cake. Uie.-iiu. ¡Ii»r I>y.3. .'«fet..f.yA«mul riln.«.., for crimsonlnjl lii¡'« ind Ci.eeka Po-uV.._('^. fur tiuilti^utii«» juj.rryi.iuu Iojur«. ..

tfca »km. Lily Whits, foi In*.ntlj scaUerin_ redoes* anMB.from Utef-wn. Acoustic drop» foi .-urlrj«' deaftje..»«..kc The ahoye celebrated préparai]on* of Dr. Uouraud'isratulie fourni on:¦/ (b ..- ¿lnfJ at ft- IValker-ak lat St »r.

7RUM BroadwayAcraTi.-E. B. Tun,e, A.»-:»,id; Bull«.age, Phitedelpols

¦ordan. S Mllk-»t. B..«to»i Carletoo k <~o Lowell Ives, Sf.let. W LOerristi. N.R-d'.- !. Solid,Bangor: BU..Spiinifteli r*»e-ii v r »v ,¦>.,.¦..¦ v --, N- Bavejj .)» -r

Ho! you with balr thai'» rnui'liand coar«eand wirv.Hoi you with hair lhat'» dirty, grey or fiery.Hul yoa who»e hair i« falling (< um your pate.Expend three »hlllim;* before It is too 'ate. t

Tb»t Iriflinu «um is all y.m have to givePor Jin«.»'» Coral Half Restorative.It mike« and keeps Hie fair «u »o'land fine.Soclean. »o dark, »o perfectly divine,llcleao. the scalp, makes ihe root» strong ihil before

were wiik,And forre» un wth on the bet., «»Inn or cheek.

IS^hüADEas: Jusi.s'-, Haik RESTOSATIVB really, mm,:.

reaiiy possess. »lllbese qualitiea Just try it at nice. Sold»t lb- American Eagle, »1»' Clmifiaiu-st. ¡ 321 Broadway >-i

iai Pl|l|..n.«t. Hr..,.uivnl_f 't e'., i

©encrai -.otices.Pf The Member» ofthe Grand Council ..»' th»- Grand

United Urder «if Odd Fellow», are hereby nolined 10 attendib» funeral of r tí M. Isaac Lewi«, loniorrow (Sunday)from bi» late residence. No. SI Pell-»i. at one o'clock I'. Mprecisely. The member* will assemble with their finer«.!ngsJlaal their Lo«1i»e m m in F.imat at 12 o'clock to priesed In a body to the re»ld-ni-«'. The memlier« of the rf.-i-loui»thHon tnd Hamilioti L»>.ice» lof-ether with the friendsH ibe deceased are respecifn ly li ».-î-rd to attend. The i'n-iTaliviii pruceed fro Pell-sL through Mort to Chathamst-asre, ibe» to Bowery, loálaiiton-»!. to St. Phillip'» BuryburOr«iund in Cli'v-ti'-ii THOMAS no.VNINP.Hf ll* Coininvie- in lieha'f of Grand CoUUdl-or Sohn ofTempei.acs* -Jt.¦rsou Division N>- 7.

lb» "ilenin.-i» of ti.i» Division are einie»i!v rtrqueated i,» beprmet't «i out uexi tequiar meelin_, the lost, a» busl»S.¦ ol vita) importance »ill lie Inlrndt cit for their ron»lii-sraUon. By order of 8. O. TAYLOR. R. S Mf2u»»CÏ*" Tt-i'lU! Tt-etli !- Tvelli Inserted wiihoul pair, ami

winra: led ..».-.! a.« ;'.-¦ ua'.ural one», for lilliu. and int_ncti-flonA complete »ei of heal mineral Teeth on tine[Old plates. ..».'.' 00

Aselotoest miaeralTeeth, fine gold plate,for the uppet Jaw, to l-e worn by àimuspher-lepr.-««tire. SO t.

Single Tiaith. from.ftl 00 to So i»'

Plugiíioi» Teeth with ».'Old, from. 75 to 1 ó<>By Dr JONr'S. comer of fanal-st and Broadway, en-

iraace lu Canal-si_


CT Wiatnr'» Umleiiiii ot Wild (."herry..RegularrtiYildan» bave u _tur_anUpathy to »»Patent M<.Icinr»."ud are very Jually opposed 10 llie line of the thousand andone uoatrunia utTere-i 10 ihn pulillc a« certain, for*"""ry »p«s;le» of di»ra»e, al !e»«t until they have »ome evi-dence a favor of their u-onderfut effects; liut hundred» ofÇ*»»*» c»i b« cited In which wistaR'S balsam OFWILD CHERRY ha« been recommended, and u»ed with**"»rked jueces». We gin below a «lQi'le iuilance

BAskt.NBMDCK. N. J. Oct. 10, 1845.Mr. Seth W. Fowle. Bo»ton Dear Sir. 1 perceive by all

tl» newspaper», ihat you are the General Axeni "f thai veryo*Hb'i and ol<hlv popular me.iic.lne calle«! WISTAR'SBALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. Ail.iw me m inform

jjou. ilr. lhat I have ui.ed thai medicine in my family witha«*.e. »ucee*«. Last fall my wife was very sick, had a

**ry b»d cough. I iin»ulli_'a phvsirtan, woo visited her,*_1 prescribed some medicine, which did not relievenefCouih. At last be -t.lere.l Dr Wi.tir'» Balsam of'.lid Chnrv. I immediate'v pr.«cured a tiotlie of voitr»ter-tínihi» place, Mr. U. W. D.'iv «h- look il, ard 'i"*ii*l bar entirely. During il e tune' 1 had a fever mvself.*»¡ct! 'r'1 mr *"* v,rA*' a"'^ feeh..I hsd a severe cougb¦»Mchuoubird me »ome iiine. ih».recourseto your BalsamVtla. »aj found it highly !»-nefi,-.ial I «rae obliged, how-"vr.loi_etwo bottle« tiefore 1 wa» entirely well. Ali**tiob»Te bad cold», «eveie coujili«. or dl»«ta»ed fuitg«. I¦*"-.o riu«; lo lrv Dr. Wutar»» Balaam of Wild Cherry at

".y*» {Sutnedl DAVID AY£RS.itm personally »..^uaiuted with Mr. Aver», ami believe

T" "-""-tieill to tie irtie and entil'e I 1.» t! - confidence ol¦*>*_Put>ac. |Si_ued» Rev. OSCAR HARIS.ryiorof the Kir.». Preabyterian Church at Ba.keiihnd-e.C»-.are. dally 0CC«JJtriD< m evnrv pari of the, .uuttlrvWfh prore IncouteauMy ,he va»t «uperloruv of I.* Bat

¦avis very «tiarteof luug _nd Ufer ««,.', over every°<i>irr préparait, u heretofoi». known to the world._*7'c*-r»*I'i'i a*"1 _.*. U> setimiio Dr. Wi,i_r»» Balaam of"lid Cle-ry .None genuine unie«» It ¡,_| ihe .NKW wraI-"I*. which atti-ay* tiear» the wntlen »'.«-.nature of I Bvtts~-loib-r»arccoui:teif«lt«. S_TH W. FOWLK.

Pnprleloraiid Ueueral AkiéiiUjrice dl per botile, or »lx for .?.t..SoM, wholesale and retali. by A. B. it D. SANDS, Dnii»-__Km Fulton-»t- 27a Broadwav, and 77 East Broaaw»v-wj »g.u for New "t o. ». lOf-tteodis "|.9" New-York, It.i F.ruary, ;i>4ô..a DALLEV.**t, D«. Sir My utile i/lrl ve*terCay ¡"ell on the stove sad°^]*tb«r»ejf »evere.v, »ed t Immediately applied some of j.crJía¡r!r_p[,;n _x";,.tur,»_d itile»s_kiiwemynnnu».«»«*""** relieved rroni a'l piic. 1 luve u»ei jrour «alve .»or

.js-noer of year», and I do believe ilia», no family should***l.«.«, o»x .f ltlu u,_..r h,«.-«e I Have a-»o usi«d an j¿°»-|*«JÍ Palo Extract. which I obtained at .1 Coir.nd-»a*inrf^ ! t"**nd totie giKxlfor uotlnnir. Any person wi»_-

2_¿_"***' th" uuih of the aliove »laifmen«, niav call on

^l» Greenwich »t N. T.irk. ROBERT CL'NNINO-___*.- Gênerai Depot for the United Siaie» for ibe sale Of"_22,IS'-e, l'.»3 Fultor.-.l S.i»; Fiildliig, N. Y. 13f6ttS

,^»" -Valnnhle I'roprrtr "i: l'..«»eciier »mi Grovoi(S_?,-*i"I::»;-M- MILLER will *e!l«"i Firiav. Ken ¿;»sn__ Í,''-'»'>c»-. at the Merchant»' E-vchiriie, without rr-

¿¦eeu *i* íül{':***t bidder, »is valu».,« Lot* of Ground or:

»*I<*«jri!_.,I"j(ï,'u;u''r!!'-lDÎ "n .D>! S--»u'ti-we»t corner of^J^ssnd 0'T'V," ¦*-** #**r,) Lot .""'.'''" ^ ie*'t "* to-*-"*-"* "'«"ont

f»»si5v l_f_.on.("ro"<v**í- s-joming the above, each Lot .1Por _, drei«.f I. ir"'011»-»'». Inquire of A. Underbill, l» Wall-»-. Map»U!>,r,T!«^^y,e*n»J'"h»":1»hvrt». orof J. M. Miller, No. -'SS. »C. j '"i** P^-^on of the j-urch.e money can re.

."* -nd «mi mortgage a-. 6 per reut- -l 7u_

¦_".<??.L?_ Ci ISLAND INSURANCE OO.¦»»-___l**U!?'-»ü»000-on.ce il Ku IDJMl BriH.myti-.*_iui-_^'mf*v» ''."-r.yei.tire, continue to lake risks*UtiJ.1'_l*í*»mi^í1D*?r>';1''»*rchtAiidl»e, and property gener-1-5,.«____ ÏUU fta-ror-ble l«r__. This Company has passedö-rr. ____ K»0'---'-»' »"onäagrauoiu ih»t _,ve ever oc-

}^JttZ-___TS___l_^____m._^ ****.-. from themh they

***** «--¦_?Sr_»_aft-M-t

©enera, -íplires.{jjr- Kr« ,- Conttrenulionnl Church m Snliivin-at.

below Hi ti«tí>n-»u.Tbit new e.-.!tic- on ¡tie free teat prto-,., «.i be upen n it.i trow fo> pu! ic worship. Prrach-

log at le* A. M. à n».., 7 P. M. The pab.c «ire iovlied lo

attend. ___HiIt*

'Vr-The Kev. It. 1**. Itnrrett will -liver Ma NinthLecture on the »ten Scripture, oexi Sabbath (lo-morrow,evt»n *. i!- ,!.e Ne-.« .York .*» -ciely L brarv Building. Comer

¦i p-.i-.l-.».-. ai Leonard.»*. u*. 7 o'clock. Sui«-eet-TbeSpirituelSense of the Scriptare reveled through Sweat.i-.i-irg. ia :..Ifilmeütof Divine I'-opne-y. Seal« free. Lee-

mre to lie posipim <t in c»»> ¦¦." a «,orm. "

nr The K,.v.T.r.M..r? ''. Kt-dell. R-c or of nie

Cburcbof ihe Aso n.ton '¦* I '."¦*.* .;. '«» *°'^J° £5Cl_TchoftJ_iEmP-my.l30S_A«tin-ft etw-t-o E»»ex and

Norfolk »la. on Sunday Evening. Krb. 15. **_^»Jf«_menee »I 7 o'clock. The «laied quarlerv collecuon « ill be

mad« ¡or urn benefit of this Cb.ircb All tbe «eat« in which

ai e free._'l

fíT Free Unitarian <hnrcb.-Th« new SociteyrSertbeRev. Mr Wri.lngton wt.l h»v-re^u'ar »ervice»

-, H». II« 1. Grood-st ibetwi-L Foravih sud EW-... i-.-e-t Sunday, ct-.*nmei.cing at 10) A. M. und 3 P. M.« í awtfáat n_

r-^- Kev. K. II. Chapín of Bost'in, wi.l prenchinhe Orchard- »r. (Uaiveraali»t) Church, niar Bnome »i u>-

uiorrow «Mjriilav «lo'n.r.g ard evei .ng. S.-i vices «i tl.elltua hour». Stranger, pooid-,! will. »etiU. 14f It

r-rp- Tbe Kev. Or. \V I,n,lion»,-. Recur of St Til¬ma» Chun.::, will preach th« Q.iaiierlv >eru,on In St. Jude'»(.lurch, ne«.t Sunday Evening. Peb 15,184Ù, when a col'ec-tion will be taker, up in aid fsaid Cburcn. It*

X3T Tn<" Kev. I.T. Uheever will deliver one of biaCou-se of Leetur-s on the condilioQ of tbe Waldense«. Inthe CarmIne-aL Preabyierian Church, .at the head of Var-¡ck tt. on Sabbath evening, a*. 7 o'clock. It"

17*Conree ol I,enure» to the Young..T.i-N.' .-¡e.-titb Lecture of lins Course will be dellverel by theKev. Dr. Magie o!" Elizabemiown, in tbe North DucbChurch, coner of William and Fu.ton »U. to-morrowiSabbath) evening, February 15. Service to commence at 7o'clock. Subject :" Maclin*-»» in Youth." It*

VW (»rantl I. mine of the Slate ofNew-YorkU'..»i»«,, our Ceie-iiHl Grand Master, the great Architectof the Universe, halb in Hi« ¡' finile wisdom terminated ihe

earthly career of our beloved Bnitiier, Alexander H. Robert¬son, M. W. ijrai.d Master of Ma»..ns of this Sutei and as

tbe di» u,gul»he«l position of our dePMied Bro¡ber, as weil«s bis exa !¦.: cnarecier a« a Mason and a» a worthycitizen, de man.Is that a pr per tritmie of re»pect be paid tohi. mortal remain«, the Grand Lodge will assemble U ¡5 o'¬clock on Supi'ay a'ternoun, Ihe I5tb lust In tbe G. Ledgeroom, atibe Howard Hou-e. in al'et.d the funeral oi" theirGian.l Masier, in fall regalia; a! which time and place themembers of the Lodge» of the jurisdiction a>e it vlied to at¬

tend, in tberegalla ofMaster Mason». By ord>-rof tbe GrandLodg». JAMES HERK7SG. Grand Secretary, It»

f"*-* By re'iueet, Kev. wm Patios, D. D.willdellverhi« Sermon upon ihe Fulfilled Prophecies Concerning ihejeivs, in tne Sprt'ig-»'. Church, on Sunday evening, Feb.15lb. at7 o'clock. A collection will be taken up for theP«or.



ty '»».veiith Prenbyterian Church, Biooine, cor

r.'-r of Rtdge-sL .Rev. E. F Halñeld will deliver a Lec¬ture to-morrow evening to Young Men, on the * Hindrances

the.r Conversion." Service» to commence a*. 7 o'clock.

IST Lecture«« on the Ji-we.-Rev. Philip Mllledo-ler, D. I), of this r.üy. will deliver ihe next Lecture of thi«courte to-morrow evening, in tbe Reformed l'uirh Church,corner of Lafayette-place aud Founh-»i. Subject." Theduiv of Israel immediately to become incorporated in iheChurch of Christ." Service to commence «i7 o'clock. TheI.-.'t ¡re will be especially addressed t.. the descendant» ofAbraham, who are respectfully invited to attend. 141" It*

{"t?" Pitman'«, I'hoiiouraphy..All who feel tbewaniof a system ol Short Hand, »Claniific, simple and adapt-ed boili to daily u»- in business and c,rre«ponderice. and toverbatim reporting, and all who wuh to settle the claims ofrival Sy«tem» to the name of PhODOgrapbv or PhoneticShort Haud. are invited lo attend a Lecture at Clinton Hall,in tbe Letitur«? Room of the Mercantile Library Association,on Tuesday evening, Feb. 17. at7J o'clock, by a Member ofthe American Phonographic Society The rapid spread ofMr. Pitman's system in England and the United States.prove» hat il deserve» at least a fair bearing from the public.

14f¡in«" HENRY J. HL'DSON.

C*"*»" French Liin*tim«e ."tlnneaca'H Oral î**ya-tem..A new Evening Cla»» for Oentlein-n i» »boul to

form; al»>n Morning Class for Ladies. Tnose wishing to

join a-e requested to make application Pupil» can be ad¬mitted into Cla«»e» in the 2d. 3d and -lib course«, of the sys-leui MADAME L. MANESCA DL'RAND,

If2wiseod* St Walker-at-

r*r~ By James M. .»lillcr..By order of the as-

signées of James Russell, will be sold at ihe Mercboats'Exchange, in the city of New-York, by Jame» M. Miller,Auctioneer, on Ihe g7th day of February ídsi» a! 12 o'clock,u um. one ituülvlded hfLli pan of llinse fimr rerlaln lots,

piece» or pircel» of laud, «uuate, lying and being at Hal¬let'.'« Cove, in tbe County of Queen», !*taie of New-York,known and designated on a certain map. entitled '. Map ofthe llaltey Estate al BalleU's Cov», U 1 " Imended to behied in tbe office of the Clerk of »aid County of Queen« by !the number» four, (4,1 five, (.*>,) ten (lt.i aud eleven (11.)For particular», inquire of Jame» M. Miller, No. 2 Llb-


(.".»r; )_ llf |Clr*" t'rotou Honni! liisiurunci* t'ompuny, Of-

fice No. 3i» IVall-al New-Yora. J*'ir«r Annual Stolenlent.I», accordance «tilh the requisitions ol Ihe charter of ihi»Company, ihe following S'atement of us huolnes» for theterm ending 31a! December. IM1«, i« publishedTotal amount of premium« received for Fireand ManuerisK».$4.1,0. <**

Of which wa» ntceived for Marineaud Inland risk».2*l.6!*l> 27

For Fire risk».ll'7.;iS7 77Netet in advance of premium«.1114,1 »JO Oh

The whole amount of Losses paid.Marine risk», including inland tran«-

psirtatloa,commissions, and agents'expeiiBe«. 62,'»4t» 7(1

Fire risk», including rt*-in»urance», in-'.ere.i, and ag-ni»' expense».ln4,9Sj,l!i

Expense», including »alarie». rent,books,stationery,tire police, _c for18 ilion:!.».27,715 Sti

45.3,628 (-4

194,991 51Amount ol earned Premium» marked off. 191,358 47The aasel» of the Company are as follow«

Ca.h ou hand I'lol Dec. 1845. «J.f.HO 4i,Bills re, elvoble.301,93:» 52Tberu i« out» for Fire and Marine pre¬mium». Hi agent«'hands, for whichcash and note» an- in tie remitted... 4(.,193 13

Moles ami cash not yet collected ¡nllie citv of New-York. 17.16- 04

-yx9.b?'i 65Less billspayable. lo.oou no

due agents_. 253 83- lii.ayi s:

Total Assets of tbe Company litdile for lo»se«...S258.93l" rij

By order of the Board, Jan. 27,184t".N. CARROLL., Secretary.

Trustee».Jxme« Harper, T. A Meyer. John Breasied.Charles leVose S.Sherwóod, Get. lt. De Kay.Robert L. Crooke, J L. Siarr AS. Crosby.CvouChenery. Noah Rlpley, Herman D Gould,.'.».w-reiice Hill. Geoige Miln. I. H. Suydam..Iiiti'i B. I.««. \brahaiu Van Neal.E. T. Alilncr,3. M. Cratitall, Jame» Phalen. Robert Lane,/.a.i.,cu H.-ait. Ewd. Rtcliardgou, Jubn B. Benlon,Joseph B. None», .iatue» Cruikihan» N L. McCreadv.J J. Herrick. C. E Habicht, Win. M. HaUtèd.«v. II. Townaend, Jobu Peck. Edward Keliogg.Jame» Coot, Edwin It. Treinaln.

CHARLES VUSE, Pre»tdent yro tem.JOSEPH B. NONES,

Ni^H.u.Aa CA»«tii.i.. Secieiarv. j3t) lw_2w3dpCttTTo Ladle«..Mrs. M S. GOVE I« now forming

Classes of Ladie» it.r instruciion iu Anatomy und Phjsio-logy. and the Principle« of Water-Care. Mrs. Gove ha-_lu»t received a Female Model from Atigoux, Part».A Clas« of Ladle» will meet at 643 Broadway, on Thur»-

dnvs end Saturday« in 4 P M. commenc.iug Feb. 12th.The uniform «ucc»»« which Mr» Gove has had during sev¬

eral years in curing disease« by the app ¡cation of Water,and her experience a« medical adviser, at the Lebanon Wa-ler-Cure llou«e, induce her lo continue to give advice toLadle» respecting iht-ir hei'ih. Ladle« can consult Mr«Gove from 10 A. M. till2 P M ai 643 Broadway. lOflwit

EDGAR JENKl.sS, Au.-iiot.eer.Ir?" Executor*' *»nle of Valuable Property,

ironiliiM on Wuahliiglon-Squnri»..Will be «old aiPublic Aucnon, 00 TL'ESUAY. ihe 17ih day of February.all2 ,'cloct. al the Merchant»' Exchange, ihat large andeligibly «uual-d Lot at ihe Westend of Washwgton-sq'iare,corner of Welt Waahington-place, adjoining the two splen-did btiildiug» erected the past year by G. Winthrop Grayand J. Woodford Haven, Esq».The Loi it fortv-tive feet front on Wathinpton-square, and

one huudred and ten feet di ep t«n We»t Waahlnglon-plare ;i« well alapted for a literary inalitution, or a dwelling-i.on.f of the largest cla»«. or for two commodiou« dwelling«.having the privilege of ihe party-wall of the house ownedby G Winthrop Gray E«q on the usual term« oi valuation.The locality is believed to be unsurpassed, ihe soil Rerfect-|y .try, affording superior tub-cellar», «is may be teen In thell.!'"l;.;:.g dwelling«.The retldue uf the Lot« on the West side of the square are

owned by three geniiemeu ivhi .».ill doubtle»» improveihem with dwellings of the first c'a««.The above property is owns« by the undertones!, indi¬

vidually and a« Executor», and a perfect title will hegiven.


Terms.Ten per cent, aud the suction tee to be paid at ihetime of the »ale ¡ fifteen per cent, on ihe 2d day of March,when the deed will be d»livered¡ :!¡e remaining seventy-five per ce'U in S years, tor sooner, a*. Ihe opuoit of the pur¬chaser,) with intereM at 6 percent uayable half yearly, tobe »ecuretl by bond and mortgageThe »oie will be poiüive to the highest aidder.


lil" 5ti«* Executor» of Stephen Richard, deed.

fV Window **.hii«lt- l«ei«ol. No. 7 faprucc-at..iOfiOO pair alway» on hand Person» ata.ui funitshlng iheirbou»e«, wm «av«, _ least IK« per cent, bv calling al the De-pol. BARTOL '_ DE MAL'NY.ti B..Cord Bro»»ei «ndTaasel» in lots to suit at man*.fsc-

tirar»' pnce». nl5 Uli

tir" Allen Dotl worth's r rivale Uancln« S»chool,No. 448 Sroome-tt. near Broadway. Polka, Mazurka andall other fashionable dance« taught in a correct style.

JCC, Sn.l.


CONTENTS FOR SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 14.-I1'oETR.Y-Truth. bv Augusu« Snodgras»; 1 wait for

¡lie-. ¡iy Dougla» Howard; Molly Astuor; Let never Crueltyd'shjuor Beauty. Extract from Wordsworth." a Potui byWm Wallace.* 11. EDITORIAL-The Tarttl'-Speech ...rMr. Stewart; Briu»h Oppression aud American Slavery J? logging iu Pn«on«: E.CUttateal tn Maryland; Our Eo'r-i-ign ReiaUot.«.Oregon; Coiiuecticul The anti-ProtectiveTar.ti BUI Tne Land B_form ; Euucation and DemecracvSiraimug at a «Jnai; New-liamp«bire; Railroad Iron.ASuggestiou Removal .f the Cajntul of tbe Sia'e; Fuei-Saving lor Steam Engine«, _.-. _c. 111. POLITICAL.New-iora Town E.e.¡ÜOOav-OtweSJO Co.i Palmvr«; ObiOWhig «.'ouvenltou ; Loui.lanaElt-clijn; A Kentucky Cou¬

ler«; Michigan.-c- IV. NEWS.Laie and lutere»uu'g fromBrazil and ihe Argeuune Kepublic ; From Sl Domingo.Yucatan; From the Cherokee»; Highly Important from.Mexico Corretpondeoce o: Tbe Tribune trota Pentacoia,Ttutat, Nauvoo, Ob«o, botiuu. Iowa. Albany, Wa*_n«lon ;PaocKEotsctor Co.ngbe»!.. from our Regular Correspond¬ent; New-Yobk Lt«ii>l.ATt;R_ The Oregon Queitlon.Diplomatic Cone«pondeucr bctwiauB Mettra. Buchanan andPatent.m ; Appointment» by the Pre.ident and bv Gov.Wnght ¡ Alabama; New-1'iunswick, A.c. V. M1SCÊLLA-NEOl'S.The Rich Man.Aü Ideal Sketch . Ctromcle of theCid¡ Report of the Bioomingdal« Asvlum lor the luaane;Bishjp Meale: Question» on the Tariff; New-EnglandFourier Society; Mr. Clay.A Scene al Natelm» ¡ "TheMysieriou« Clipper"; Sitvery in Maryland; City Item«.frimiTbe Daily Tnaune; Notice» of New Public.abas; itc.VI. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE.Produce, Slock»,Money, Cattle Market, New-York Pnce« Current, correctedfor Tbe Tribune; New-York Houaebotd Markets, .c

Single copina, put up In wrappers for the Malls, can beobtaiued at the desk..price 61 cents.C¡r TERMS.S"í per year. All sabscrlpUoos payable

'..lexibly in advance, AddreatGREELEY it McELRATH, Tribune Bt_l«i«ngs,Cor. Spruce and Nassau sis. oppoaite the City Sail. .

Simations, &t. CDanUb.\M


'ANTED.By are»pectatiie Engti.ti Lady, a home.e;ire" «. b< uaekeeoer lor ». «-koh-t .»r .» companion

for a lone lady, l.-t'.er addr-ne-i tu F K Tritruae office. .... promptly -m-oded to. 14.»- 30»

o LAWV tHS. A _.y m r«.m .1 eircutnst-ne.>,wti-i, a lianleome Hand, w :»h»» employ.eol a« a

c,,i,yi.i. Adore. Copytot.Tribuneoffice, uf it-

\l,'.*> I'EII.Hy a re»p-c» Woman a ailuanon ».-

vv cook a»'d 10 wash und iron Beatofreference «Uso, a

nur=- arni seamstreM by at. Eos k»b Pr »testai -. :.;-: »¿ objecti.a t> ihe country. Apply at H Tn -mpnon »r

-' ire. 14 .1-

lTl'>KKKH'hH.-l «':.!,:,.: ..»,,, r«. i.n.i _'.'.?¦experience a ..--.. ;¦. and can give.e best of

referen«;--», war.t« a «llnatiorj in 1 public in*tiran*On, a board-.r._ »¦-:.., .,: a prívale ívriily. !ai,j:. ?.». No. 11 C«lum-bia-sl near Al.aiitic, Suutii Brook.ji.. Hf 5l

PA»*SA._~KOK .I'lDIPE-A Genùenîan lnt_nd-tng to »Mi in April or M&v r-.r Europe, for liie purpose

or" a farther pru«ecu'.ion Oft.;« Medical »tudle». would hie10 .,'>»-ain a p*»»a<r>; lo some pari of France. Holland or

Great Britain, lu exchange f.r i« »erv-.ce» a» Surgeon Ute voyage. Addre.« G at it. » «-rncM. 14f fit

AMtU-A [»«i.'tnit,,-. Vour,g .Vornan lo di mehousework of a »tur... private farailv. Apply

at lb Cottage in 36th-st. between .---iv»»iii»wiii R.i'.r-ad."

i»i»i»K Al'K.NT WAN lull, for toe ci.p.j»»., ul t* ion'» L' t and Tune» ol Henry Clay. Greateocourage-

rn<.tsgiven 10 Agent* wboare ¦-...,: qualified and recom¬

mended. Apply 10 Ihe Pn .- .-r-

141 lw A. S. K ARSES it CO 51 John-*!, cor. of Goid.

\\,'.A.NTfcl".A.. c\,:*ii Keiua.e TeaCber to la.e1 v the entire charge f »mal: Female Schooi in thi« city.A line ».ddr-»»ed lo-'Seminar.." Tribune office, wnn reu!Dam*, Qualification», reference«. J»c. will fie ailended to. Il"-j-"..k'A.NTKll.B»<-a respectnp.e Woman, a »uuaiion lovv c.i.jK, wa»h and iron, rlea»e apply »t »££n Klizatieit-

st_>4f 2l*

\"k'ANT_b By a Woman who can give good refer-. v ence, a situati n a* nuraeor cr.amhermaid. P¡ea»e np-

ply at >. Twenty.first-si. _I4f _v

ANTEIÍ.Bv « respectable Young Woman a silua-lion a» cook, washer, and trôner, or lo qo the general of a »mail private family. Best of citv refer¬ence given. Apply atI889lb-st i ¦'¦ ".


v\ A>'1'IM> p »ce», at lo.- Bowery, a arge asaortmenlu: û rva-it» who an- we tee -miuerde.-i '.or any Station?rvice. Also bovs for trade-, I3f St*

H/ANTKU-A placea» we, nur»e In a genteel family,» v v s bealtby Vouug Widow with afre»t breas», ot milk.Be«lof reference* cive. Inquire lrl Spnng-»L l-t 3t»

PAKTN IB.. in me rri«,t c.-ttiiug ou»me»» 1» .ir»ireiiby a practical Culler, who Is conversant with every

'.ranch uf'die tiu«ine»» and wholly free from all liabilities.H" ria» a l«rge acquaintance, und a good run of custom e«-

ist>li»tied. Si.óiiu will be required to do a ca»h »usine«». A

per«ou acquainted wilh liie value and style of good« re-

i quired for the above btj»ine»« wou.d be preferred. Addrsss,with real name. " Cutler," Chalfiam-nquare Post Office.

: i-fsu-"_\Y*A.NTÉD.Employment a» Boos-keeper, a» as»i.tani* * to a Surveyor, or t ¦ a D11 Berreoty pe Aru.t, by a YoungMar; who ti.» been employed a» !iook.»eeper, ire. and whocf.:. t--.e good reference». Address W. H. al this office.

'I'*-. No It SI.\<*h.K..AgeoUetnao wishes 1 »f'uai.on1 a» Tenor in a Church lu ini-J City or BrooklynReferences given. Address 'T«-iior.' care box I'ol LowerPo-i-OfficB. |0f6lis*

öoarbing.ROOm*«! TO LET«.A suit of neatly furnished ruorcs

m the b«iu»e «if a private family, near Broadway, InWbite-«. They will be rented wIm or without hreakfa«».,itc weelber or single. Inquire at No '.' Whiie-»i. it-

AN I'KIJ.Situation» by two louii. Women lodoh«ju*ewürk, washing avl Ironing in small families.

Good cliv reference. Apply m í7Ceuíre-«t- Il*


BOAKDIN<.*»..A gentleman and his wife or a few »in¬

gle »»entlemen cau obtain board with pleasant room» cl9 Forsyib-»L Reference« exchanged. 141" lw

."flAl.HIED COUPLE wlthouT"chUdren."orTor 4

»ingle gentlemen, can be «ucomtnudaied *_ ith band.«otue room» and hoard In a ri-jpec able private family neartb>. Baitery, where they will me.»t the co-i fort» ofhome. Addre»« to Rolia. al Ibis office. Satisfactory refer¬ences will bu required. MfStis"

i -TllKEE liE.NTLE.11EN »«lilt han«Uomely ftiri.i».».-X ed room* with breakfast and lea; location in Bond or

Oreat Jone« st». near Broadway, or In Broadway aboveH011-1111. n. Addre»» A. B. at ¡hin office, giving a de«crip-lion of rooms, fcc. I2flsri»*

*|.*rVU l»K TliKI-.K single gentil.jeu Can be accom-I modated with boaid and rooms at 70 Chaiuhu-..» »'. 2ddoor went of Broaiiway. 3ftl"i*POAHDI.M; IN «;HA.1|BEI_-sT_A gentlemanIS and la-'.y, or two »ingle gentlemen, can be account!.1-

Iblei with iuard.and » front parlor. Mid bedroom adjoin¬ing. Iurt.ii.hed or uufumhtb-., at 81 Chamber*-»L k-ki

Broadway, on ihe 2d floor Two or three single gentle-men can also be accummodaied with »Ingle room» as aboveN.'iie bul persons of good character and habits will lie re-

ceived. Referencr» exchanged. Jl.i iatfDAIVATj. BOA-tD-SÖ McDou_al.skk I.." IIM*


JOAH'S WEEKLY MESSENGER, »will be put.iuhe.1tomorrow, at lti_r NH»«HU-.t. nexi door lo ihe The Tri¬

bune See. CONTENTS.Tale« and Traditions of New-York, No. 11 Capt. Hy1er

and the Pre»» Gang; Catamhrophe of a Winter*« Night;Tieriiment of the Polish Heiue« tiy the Emperor Nicho.a».11 thrilling narative A Hetoic Man; Playing ihe Advan¬tage»; Poetry, "¡c. _o. ii.CEditorial.Th- Laie Correspondence on Oregon; Ben-

nell and hi« Llliel Suit* 1 Tn» Sexton'» Dinnei Ladte« al iheCard Table, A Western L".»ier; Serving a Subprcna. or

Live vs. Law; Tlteatrieal Itilelliijence Nulice« lu Coi-respondent«; Literary Items; News uf lite Day; Local lu-leiligeuce,_c A.C .c.Price Ihre«! cenim Country Subucribers one dollar per

annum- I4f li

WINDOW SEL.DES I Wholesale l-J. C. WOOD-FORD, _9J Broadway, ha» a larca a««ortment of

,vindow Shade», of late importation» and of recent manu¬

facture, which he will iillernt wholesale at a tnflincadvancefrom the firm c-.-bt Merrhani» fiom the adiucent cttte» wttlBod at the above No (3S9}) a complete a«»ontneni of (a«h-louable Shad.« of ihe Iati-»l »lyle«, and at price« that williti»ute then attention. Nexi door 10 the corner of Read_-st.Lai .rge B "lldltig«.141'


Attorney» and Couu»e.ior at Law, and Solicitor In Chancery.

WILL attend promptly U> the collection and retnluam-eof debí». REKEr.E.NCES.H»iu E. Lan--. Saiidu»Ky City.Ohio.Hon.?:. «Vhiuelsey, Warren,Hon J. C. Wright, Cincinnati, "

P. R Wllcox. E.g. Columbus, " l_t lawim

ttOWN JUKI l.l.I M.S.-in ba'e« _<i Inch BrownDrill«. Km »ale by NESM1TH A- CÛ. 5» Pine »1.55

C*1___-A*-U S<UAU_sk- UAiy.Efi.--Hi iiaie.i

Tcouipruini» »anoue qualme« green, «carlel and printedBockinge of ditfereu; mulle. For «»> by

MfNESMITH _ CO. 50 Pine-si.

R LEAfH-l) SHEETINGS.M lor »al« byItf C. F H\RR1S. IS Kx'hange-plare.

I. I.KAl ilhl) SIli£KTIM'S-ó4 for sain b)Hf C. F. HARRIS, 46 Exchange-place

'IMlUST PIKE tNSDltAI.CE Company, No. 60I Wall-sL Jones's Building, New»York, continuée to in¬sure again.»-, loss or ri.image by fire, all description»of Merchandise, Buildioea, Ve.ael» In Port. J.c andin the course of liuacd Navigation aud Tmrisporlanor.,on the most favorable l'-riii».

Directors.Valeutine Q. Hall. Martin Hoffman. Edmund Penfold,Wm. Wii tewrighl. Win. K. Leggeit. Kutrt M. Straiioc,R J. Huichluson, Ja« Ö. Towns-end, John Rankiti, Jr.Wm. U. Johnson. Elias G. Drake, John H. Hurtm,Francis Butler, Charle« Williams, John ."".¡e.aveland,

ELIAS G. DRAK.E. Pre.idenLLCSBCOS CilvPMAN, Secretary. Ulf Iwl»


Rea'e-si Gold Foil equal 10 anv ia the ciiy, è_S peroz. Gold Leaf, exira deep, usuai .leep and pale, at thelowest market price». Pale Goid £0 bo per pk. Gold, Sli¬ver and Copp-r Bronzée, Silver Leaf. _c i.e.j-» I mi»» J. L. WAÜQH, Pra.-ticii -'»old Beater.

("UOUYKAR'S Patent Shirred au»peuder». manufacI lured by Huichiueon i. Runyou, at Newark. N. J. are

admitied, by all who have uumI them, lo be the mull perfectBeing fie- from lulpbur. rev are nut liable to the objec-don* made by purchaser», and ar« warranted not to sep¬arate, decompoae, or lose the »pnrtg.W'e are prepart-d with a large a»«0rtment for the «prine

trade, and invite ihe public tu call, examine and « ompareour good» wilh oilier», before purcha»lng elsewhere. We»ell cheap. Warehouse of the Ne«art, N. J. India RubberFactory,33 Malden-laoe.If-ill«_HITCHINSOS .. Rl'NYON*

\rE BALD-HEADED !-L.-o» to your Ha-r-1» »,».laliii.g out or l»irni::g f-reyl* 1» ih-re dandruf in the

root? Try Wyelh's Cream or' Lille*, cele.iraied for 411year» for the em'.ellishmeiil and growth of the hair.pre¬vents 11» failing off or turnt»_ grev, and 1« uuequaied for Ihetoilet.for reai or ral»e curls. CtT Ladle», try it. For saleby J. Û. FAY. 156 Fulton »L (Lamp Slore-iSun Building,NY. Price 50 cent» -f 3mi«eod

¡V/fOTBEKS AND NL"K.**«E>-lf you -would u»eI'M. Dr. Evan»'« Celebraf-J Syrup your littlebanes would avoid v«iy atUicllug and diaire»«iug »ymp-tom», u_i ofieu fatal cunvulaious. The gums swell, thechild i> seiïed v-rith ficquent his of crying, retchings, start¬ing in ihe «iec-p and spasms of peculiar paru 1 «UrieSs withviolence, put« it« hegers lulo il* mouth. _c. Sold by J. O.FAY*. Sole A^enl, 13» Full id«u iLanip Sun Building,Sew-YorJL Price .-¦ ,-erit»._4( ¿mi»euiiW'l'OIr _*»..We are urie lug lue. remaining »iocs of uurO new and »ecoad-hand Hall. Parlor, Oihee and CookingStove» al cost, or «.changed *n liberal term«. 1 splendidmaboga.y Cuunier-deak, 2 «.cond-r ai..: Bureaux, 1 Ex-leuiion Dining Table, là ft ioDg. 1 of Pbyre'» mi.ogacy Trvbles, 1 Refrigerator. 1 Door »creen, 1 Bar. Counter 10 ¡Clong and bar Look_g Glas.s, Benches and Seals, new audsecond-hand. Chairs, Washstands,, 1 Mattrass and¡ot of good Ku»»ia pipe, for »aie cheap, bvluf Steodls" MANSHAE51 _ BRO WN," No. 5 Spruce-»!.


ON j-UKEldN BOOKS... pr. cl ou Brus»«;» an G-r-man edition« ; .do. ol Pan» u... F. G. BERTEAL*.

^10 Broadway, intending lo discontinue the booS bu»iae»i.»,wul sell from'the pre««.1 lime unl'.l ».tie lóth uf April ihe above mentioned reducilou of the pnci-s of in« cam-

¡ogue, ail hi* »10c» of Fren ch, Italian, Spanish, and Germanbooa», Greek a.d Latin Cia»»ic», .c.Trie Cut.1ogue tn-iy be obtained on application, post paid.12f tit..eod Dfc*j_VV_'_

GUODYKAK*.*» Paled Gum Elastic snirred Suspen¬ders..The auri«c'lbers. uii_ul".luers of these good»,

are prepared for the Spring trade w;ih a large aasortmealmade'_ their improved mode, bein^ perfecuy tin"oihe u_

ibecord aad euttrely irec from the »uiel! of »mphur. Theobjection-» urged agai-i»l other »hirred »u.peiider» beingobviated lu tinsse, .»ùyer» are mviled to c«.., examine {oodsand compare qua.ny with that of tne other shirred goods in

ihe umrleL Buyer» :a large qu_iiltieo for Soulhera andWesleru markets are e»pecl_'.v Invited to csli before pur-«.»»«lag. Sf-wiseod FORD Is CO. 137 Peari-»i.

OitUANSi FOR SALE..Beauuful Rosewood Par¬lor Organ. Ai»u four small Church Organs. A n»^m-

berofix-coai-hocd Organs for »ale inquire of the subscriber.l-.f if'.¦« 11E NRY EK ti F.N. 17;«_s»-

'|M» ("KOCEltSi-SO. reams inrary alraw paper, euit-X able for grocers'u»ei also lea ar.J other paper».Ill Iwis* J._MES NORVAL. 100Jolnt-tt.

I^AiUIEE- A>ji^_LLLLEttSi' BANK, Hag« Md..The note» of .__ o.n. bought at 1 per ceat.

dl»couolby TAYLOR k SMITH.t» 1,1 ..So An ".v.u..1

TO TA-LOliS-A Counter 12 feet Ion»». * feel wide,wilh 8 drawer« and a i.ahog-uiy lop, »oltabie lor a T«u.-

lor's cult.& board. For sale by C. A. it G. F. EVERSON,391 Peari-st ' l.flmls*


IT IV H GRAfUMs. Tribuna Hu:'.din_«.-A in« t_.i ::ier,i of the»" bo"» .!¡»sive», Comte. Sentimentala' d plain, at all price, .mm 6d :., |g fjo-,»,;.,, Tag notice.»I b-ugbt at thfI» »wre will be dt-lrvei-ed (to das ctty) when... free Of chnr.'e.

CHEAP HOOKSEllen T'tnple.-. or th- Sp-.-.r.j Cloud, bv the A*r..i"r .'

_, m ..rer-e« m" B -lon.t.r. Price25eeat».The S_pmoiber. a _oman-, try j»rrj_, pttrl i. pr.-»

25 cents ,

;. true - !'.*. ".-"... ;"r «¦ebrun-1I_e K- . ... ¡ot M««'«/'.tie for r"e:r larjThe Loi. ¡'-ti Lan ' rFebrea»

,*- or '.'.- Mother's Bible u excelta) Il rjfor youih. Paper 5*5 cei,-.. cloth J7. el*.L e Sup**rtor Corner Mine«, by J. f* ¡jr. John. Pnce ;1Da-e e.orlheMtda of Cvpru«, » tale of ihe Ma»«acr»

of the' BotTUenot«, Price 12* cet...For «ale v« ess e «r. 1 ".;« U byl«f tl* H .iitl'tlai. Tr»n». BiiH-.g«.


IS APt.ROACHl.-'O, and «v_l .- here m let« than Cotime. ».. all yoa who with i ri:.. am hi» good grace»

....,.. ....... to allai .* M- cAYLOR'S, So . Astor Hoa.e,and pi ire some ol hi« Valenrines; he h_ »11 «¡i.ds. at «.i-;re- from 6 ceatsto 31" plea.e r-tl. a« --.-!-,- ». posfib'e,'a, ibe r u«ii -a be very great oa Friday ana Saturday. Re-

So 2 Astor Booae.J...: Pahlisbed.John's Alive; or.Tt.e Bride of a Ghost.

.by the aoibor ofMajor Jones's Co.rtahip, Sic. _c. Pricel.'j"',-:'--fbe Three Gaords_en.-by Duma», translated hy Park

Benjamin, ¡'rice 5" cent«A'l th" rhean publicaüon« fer »ale pe

WM TAYLOR, -' Astor Boose.¡,, pr-,fc_Tv«-en!v' Year» A::-r; ..r. ine T'.ree Mousque-

l_re*.being a Srquei to the Three Gtiard» uum.I2f.'"-

_ _"ST. VALENTINE'S DAY. FEB. 14.Valentine» Va.enune. and Fancy Paper.

\ FRESH »toe« lust received,.-\ A. -xrn If BOt more elegantAs oAetf .: Bot eAeaper man ary otherStore .au afford to stlL Varying in pnce«From one em' to *JH>. Call and see at

T J. CROWEN'S. 6W Broadway, -orner of Bleecker-» vie»'_


GOLD AND SILVER FLL'IDS Tuese meta.l:- fluid»,which «tere formerly much iurd by the «¡icirni« lor

eii .. uioaled m «ouacripts, er- t.esutifui »rticles for allpurposes of ornamental penm*.a»ti-.p. »uch a« Valentin*-«. !V «:'::-.». Cord». BHIel-denx, u.c. W.iting executed with::..-.- fiuid« has the beautiful appearance and Uotre of fir."told or silver. For sa.e >y ¡he principal Bootsellers and iStationer», and hv ¡he manufacturer» Ijl6 2awislmTu_F ¡".ENT ¡¡ BLACK, 116 John-it.


THE largest and uioit beautiful assortment in the cuy,wnoie»ale and retail. Cupid, at iarge as Ufa, ha» ¡its

place in our window. Our ain*iitton is ¡o auii all tastes.sofar we have done it. Val.*n*in,- Her, Quarters.4f2w.». TURNER i FI<H» R. 74 Cbithim St.


OR THE ADULT HUMAN BODY, n-.iural »uo. Genit. «\ m. Eudicott, No- . Jofcü-.L New-York, haw

ograplird and reDublltbed from tbe origina] German edition.tifrst American edlti-'ii.J lb« eleven entire ¡¡¿urea rutiumed,n part tirai of ihe »hove mured well »nown and va.nablework by Prof M J. Weber, of the Royal Pni»»tan Uotver-»ity »"réiien« William, ai Boi.n. Those G .oires representingo... veo,» as ar'.-ne» are accurately colored from il.e origt-pal copy, arc! the wh'ne »el ot ¡inures with a comprehensiveExpiaoalioo" are uffereu for sa.e iu sheet» with a Port-

folio, or mounted oncoi rasa and roller», and varni.hecl. ItTRIAL OF COSTELLO AND MASON.

THE NATIONAL POLlCtl GAZETTE, published at27 Centre-»!, ihi» morning, »'111 contain, in addition lo

it» other original matter, a ful. report of all the lesiimonygiver in the trial of tbe above named partie» for Abortion, in»H- Court ofSeitioos- It" I

jltlsil EMIGRANT SOC I KTV.-The Treasurer1 u, the " Irirh Emigrant Society acknowledge» the re.

cei,.l of Eleveu Hu idred and Nioety-Foard 'liar, atnl seven ]cent» from Tl.'Jiua* Swanwick, E»q. Tre*»urer of tbe Ballfund, being tbe neti proceeds of their ball glreo at Nlblo'«Saloon, u-. :i,c .«",.:, December 1.t. whichincludes donation«Cram tbe following gentlemenMe»-rs Griiir.ell.Mli.Ulrr, VCo. {jo; Charle« H.Marshall,

E»q 850; Mesar». Brown. Brother» is Co. 52»: Robert Ker-mit, E»q S.>) E. K Co!.I" », Esq. Slot William Nlblo, £«q I«525; Edward B. Linie, E»r¡ S.«,; Messrs. Fox and L¡ $li, Me»si». Wooaball . Miuturu, SlO; JohnGlboD, Em; $10; Jacob Harvey. Eeq St"; .Messrs. W. C.Bryant 4» c«> $7 25.Anthony Buclay. John Caldwell, Mose« Taylor. S. Cam- ;

brelllog, William Ne.-on, James T. Brady, Thompson isNephew, Frederick L. Talcuit, Wll lam Wnltlock. jr., JohnX. Agr.ew. Jam»:. I'he'iic, au* Wiuiam M. Clark«. Esq..«-ach $5. ;William M. Tiletloo, Richard Ee'.i. Bulkley, Graham \

Co., P. Krennar, II. I. Saoford, J..h.i .M.-Menutuv. K. G.Tisdaie Jame« o'Meu-a, Thomas Do au. Patries DaWSOU,Jame» Leaiy. Jumes Maione. Nicho.a» Dlmon Dennis Car-lin, Edward Gallagher, Patrick, and James Harri-ga¡i, E»q». eaehSj. Jame» McBiide, Joli» B>-u«.,n and Pe¬ter O'Connor, E«q». each S' .Ism-» Durti »nd Jame«Shepherd, E.q«. eachSl. And Bl .. meeting of ¡be commit,tee a voieuf ilitr.K« wat. paased to Liiiwr Patrick Henry for |his graiuiioc« service» rendered on the evening of ihe Bali.

JAS. REY BURN, Treasurer¡' : :: of Irish Emigrant S .,--ety.

FITS' FITS'IVAN'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT.An Infallible Reme-dy for Epileptic Fusor Fallino «¡n-nr...... Convulsión»,

kc~-Tin« mod ¡cine, wbi.i i« purely vej**t»blc. is the onlyremedy that has ever been discovered wn cb w-iil posiilvely jcure ih:s hither1..., invulnerable dneaae. It i« well knownfr.en timeImmemorial physicians have pronounced Epilep¬tic Plis Incurable. It tin« batil-d all th.- r ib..,,r>a»t.ed power of all mediciue. ami conseouenlly «hou»and«havesuffered ¡hr..i«gh a mirerai,!e existence, ami a; ia»t yielded,;p live« upon tbe «Har .>f in-aniiy Thi» l« oo "tíction.a« Ihe pat-rnal feeling frf innumerable 1-es.r.« «-i,! bear lea-tlmony. And wit!, nil deference lo the ..pinion« of pbysi-clan«, the learned acd great, we »ay positl»elv, Epilepsy Ican he cured We care" oot ofbow long alandlng, or Whatare ihe rH'-c's produced by ii, it can be cured. The Veir«.p_.r>ln Extract I» Oil powerful, in curing Ihi« dre»u) «courge oftho human Omll*..hundred» have been cured, and the eer-

lificait.ofmonymay l,e«een«i ihe principal office. 184 Grand-.t_ New York,"wi.ere the »ifi ced are luvlied to call andhave lh-ir ca»e» examined, and ad vire given f'eeof charge.Let ihos« who -inubt tne eticscy of the Vegetable Extract, orwho think their case is hopeless, let «uch call upon the *"ol-owing persons, who have t-itber been cured or «re nowusing ih- medti ¡ne

Mr». Jane Beaaett, whose son wa» «¡flicted for eight or

nine year« with Epileptic Fits, w-as rnr.d by using the Ve-gelahle Exim»-..cail a"d »ee her «¡ 171 Grand-st.Mr.Jact».>Betty,who was »tilii-ted for four year» «¡th

Eptlepiit: Ft'«, was cared by u«ir,g the Vegetable Extrnct jca.i atnl -ee iiiin at 174 DeiHiic>-»t Mr». Eleanor W. Kiefwas »rllicte.l fur twenty years «*-i:h Epiiepuc F:i». ami was

cured by using tbe Vegetable Extract- call Bt.«i »ee her «t

York'.-llle. Mr. Wm. H. Pa.«.-: s, who ha« been »rBiciedfor twenty-three years with Epileptic Fit», I« how using iheVegeta'de Extract.caí! and »ee liitn Bl No. Hit Broonie-«LA'-d numerous others may be called on if desired. Price$1 per bottle.

Ivan'« Vegetable Auti-Biuou» Pil's, for removing til and corrupt bnmors and purifyIne the i,loo«i Price 25cent» per box. DRS. IVANS is HART, Proprietor»Uflmeod Principal Office lrt-1 Gran »t N-w-York.

f.N-aLEY _ DOl.iTÁIt PUKTRAtT**..Voluntary1 teslemonial in favor of Hi- »piendii D .g.i'-rreoiype». .13 February, 1 P4r, Mr I.isley, 122 Broadway,h«» taken ihebeatlikenes« ofme that I have yet hod, afo-r half »dozenlaken by » of lb- be.t artist in New-York.Hf3i- HelNRY MORFOBJJ. Mi.'.dletowu, N Jeney.

WIN lit»\V~i»lI A I»_!*«.- The cheape»! and ir.osi ex-irn.tve assortment ¡n tlie Unte I Stat-s, by H T. Webb,

imponer and manufacturer, wholesale and -eitii!. No 458Pearl-.»i, tour doorssoutbof Cbalhsm-st.N. Y. N. B. Buy-er« «i first hand», pay onlv ..«' profit llf I v.-;.-

K. KUrt'AKU 11. Ul.VU> .tur.Hiiue« a» J.u«. dur-

lug the patt fifteea year» lo attend from 12 to 3 daily, totne ooeiatlve »urgery ul tbe eye, viz: Squinting, Cataract,Dise*.es of the Lids. i.e. i.e. Hour» of cousuliation from6 to 3 evening». Ili'Steod*

¡\.| tl. L.A*».VK, a native 0< Germany, having for somei'Aiime taught hi» native lo-gue, and being thoroughly ac¬

quainted Wim the English, propoae« forming a claat at No.s2 Frautlitj»L near Boodway. Ha teache* on Ollendorff'siuucnap*sroved »yatem. Particular», a» to reference«, term»,A.c. jlc may t,e known by applying to Mr. GREENOUGH,N S3 r.auklins*. Llf iw WkSis"

JOlF.*ÄHÜ>XitUV~*f» Houselteeper'« FurminmÀTsiôre",76 Caliiertne-al.'*.>::«,-jf Oaa.-at._J. B. respectfully X-

lonti» hi» ir-ieud» and Ule oblic li..**.t ne runtiuue» to seep onriant! a good assortment of Cutlery, Brtuiar.i» ware, TeaTray«, plain and Japanned Tin war-, Iron ware. Wood andWillow ware, Bird Cage«, Broom«, Brutbe*. Mat», iic. lie..vhich be wili «ell low for cash.THKaMOM»".Tea» in gTent variety corutanily on hand and

made to order for ¡heimle. d'» SM-WUif

BENJAMIN STANTON,Attorneyat Lor. Bcüe'ostaine. Logan Co. Ohio,

ViriLL practice ¡n ¡lie of Champaign, L">gan, Al-* v ¡en. ¡lardin anu L"u¡ >u ¡ and in the L". State« and CircuitCuuns at Columbu«.Uhio^_\4( lawlm

ÂIvfIÎKÏPS PON- KXPK._*«?»POi>T.-FiityExlra Ca:r;e.-. t-u_»g«-d ¡ur at. Valentine'« Day I.All

L-tter» and Vaienline» depo.l'ed in hi« boxe« will be

pr.notly delivered three tin*.i a dav. r.'

Lr.At'J__»J .""llfcEMM.*.I ~4 lor »ale byit:' C. F. HAIIRIS. 46 Exc' place.


iit>OR SALE.By virtue of a ¡aiid.ord'» warraut.On

Monday. .Il- lô-l day of Fej.-u-uy in«tant. on th» east

corñ-rot Broadway and Caüii'»er»-»t. tb-¡ contení» ot a

Drug Store, o- follow»:.166 Specia B.'itie» and content»,ItiO Tmctuie Botue» and coulea-, ¡wo large Counter Ca¬se« and contents. Fancy Brushes. Bottle«, Perfumery, DrugDrawers and ci.utei.U,-cue. __..._.._.._Naw-Yorfc, Feb. la, lB4o. J. \\ L.NTRINgHAM.

mf2¡. pepuiy Sneritf.

'IUIK U-U_l_-»AUN_l__«_teoy gtv«¡ thai _«-yJL ßivebce- Trutieesol tie estate ot Morgan L.Tburber, on obéce_a_t_- dahtor. All per»oa« tudebted to

»aid deotor are nereby required to meei »aid Tru«tee», at

\ E Heyooiu« store in peter»burgb. on ine lain uay ot

March next at lu «.'cnH- A. M. and reader an account otBÜdebts and »uin» of money owing by them re»p«ctl7ely,and pay the »ame lo «»id Trustees A.l persons having intheirPossession any property or eflect» of »aid debtor, are i

recu'redtodeii'.-ertue sa!_*ta»aii Trti« ee» on orneiore

the.»V above appoint.!: »ad ail the crediur» oi aaldceot-or ore reooests- to deliver Üwii respective account«, and de-maud» to .aid Tru.teea. or oaa oi them, by the sta day ofMarch aext. Dated ai Peter.tiurgc, Ren»«-laer County, ici»^.th aav o* February, UJc..inaay u.reo u


14! »aw-;w- J- BROWN._)_BY OliilEK of Jo»epa L. Kichardtoa, Eiquire, Kirs

Judge of the County tíooit of me County of Cayaga of._e degiee of Counselor at LtArmiLe supreme Cour*..Ni.t:,-». is her« t»v affivna mat an attaenmeat bat ¡taued again»!t'ner.ta_of StLon Van Eu ¡j. late of tue town of Ow_co.m-aiCou1*.' anaCscoadlng or concealssi debtor,oa due

woof__de to'tbe saidJndge; pursuant to .be dlrectiou« of

r--»t^uTe concerning "Stist-mentS against b-scoading.concealed or aoa-re.lueut.Uebtor»,- and U-i lbsiMMi*«r*|lbe told lor ihe poy-eut of bl« iebU, ua.ess he. ¡be said a.-

aiou Van Eiwa^P*-' s-"1 «"i-uarge .ucU »ii_cbm_t tc-

^utngiolaw-wit-auiree mobth. from the nr.« publica-tioo of ihi. notice, and that the payment of any debit, andihe delivery of a*iv property belonging to lue «aid debtor to I

tita or for hi« use' acd the Umoafof ui" aay proper by mm lor

ativ n_n-W wba_ver. are forbidden by Jaw, and are void._- PurP°ij'' p^vLL, Attorney ¡or Ai*_ci_ig Cre-itcr».

Dtttxl Au'imra. Fe_br_ary ¡jth, l-4«i._J4f lawjp

DE. POWELL^ OCULIST,a ND OPERATIVE SURGEON,«iw.rts to ditea»»» ofAS.£ve _«i ¡jall Uaporfectionsof vition. from 9-4.y_ocl a-t'!Tre.-ieuce,2*31 Broodwuy,corn- of Warrea-

*L0p__mi«, «wppai-e of the tear passa.»*, tttaract asdopaciu., Ulflll IHsl'T removed.P/l_a_rU.i«ui~_-vviu. great atteniwoM^Inveteráis CASOS ot Strabismus, or »qtunang, cured to a

f°_r___-1sL*r-s inserted Out con -carcoly be <l__->«i_-*d

ren-»t- *** .**.'**"



KEATS' POETICAL WORKS..First Amer.can Eci-1I03, corrp ete in ^ p»'t*. formirjg No» 56 »nds" of*the

LiB»»£Y opChoicc Re«3¡>c.beautifully printed :n a new,lira- tvpe. 75 r_

¦. Hi» poetry ¡» ,f ,n excee-iicgiy rich and ..i ¡nou* cuar-act-r Penny <-.,-..,-..W* have be»r. -xceedlng'y «truck wiihiw .ir.itu wh!--h

ihese roltl.. disrlsy. and :h- spnit of poetry whichbreathe* through lhemail He has t.qiie»itoQ»r,lj- a reiv

betntiful imagination, and a g'eai f« »lib the io«-stdictl .r. of F.-.;.:-!-: poecrj J..&t_j>4 ¡_~Ae_-.

" Ke«i»' Endymion ft«» great pemj-.y. the fragment .fHyper:.,n. bis .+»t performance, .ibtaiced the admirai: a ofLord Byron. -Eart/c'i. ¦*.»enema.

.. Keats may truly be pronounced » ,-.i«»t of ihe most po»t-icai orler. for be gave ':. rase :' up e iltrelj lo the beaul'fuLand had powers of emreasioo equal to an excess of sen»lr.i.'.ty his earlier poem*. e»pec:a..y the » Endymion,' are,ise a luxuriaat wilderae** of Sosrer* and «ves la, »-red» or*glorious feature:) his latest, the Hi per.on.' wua growingwood of oak«, from which the deepest oraclos or the artrnitiht have been looked for. Indeed, »here Ibey were,a» far«» he gave his thoughts utterance. It ba» been jiel.y»aid. lh«t ne i» :r,e greatest ToCMC Poel lhat ever

appe»red in ihe .aogi-age:' that ».» lo »ay. Hie greate«l whoot Uve to be old,and whose wboie niemorv wiü t«e

blear.ed with tom«.nog both young and great. Bis lyrics»re equal to tfaeüoest we ¡jo»«e*». boih ror aumle feeling* andni'isii*.'*. _.ric«_, tt'atts

Il almosi reqalnM r poet to appreciate it-? unre*cnab'eáeUcaey of Eea».«' use m language. He pluci» his apilhet*fr ru ihe profoundeM niding place« of meaning and associa.-.." lie wrote w-.:h i nio t'.ort-'oo.'«.it* fork«. pursuitcer¬tain detection to the r,u»;.e, re.uciani, ».nciapensab.e best

I»|.. «eese ' satufacu »n sehe» «rhfle yi read -..- -. ie '.. ttom ofthe capability of languagedrops his »plummet word .**>' p. M ...

"The »Eve of Sl Agnes' i« indeed a beautiful poem.worth many pearl«; it i« :'_.: or* miaute and truth.'"_flg*i Hunt.Pub'.|»Bed and for sale by WILEY k PL'TN AM

Mi* »il»_I-, Broad-ày.FIHST EDITION SOED.

TWO TBuUSAND COPIES of the Debate on Slavery»¦.Id In SiS week».WM. H. MOORE 4. CO. 110 Maln-»L will publlah in a

few day» the Second Edi»lt,n of Rice and ßlancnard'» De-hate on S »very, 1 vol ISmo, pp. 4S2Every eiiori wui be made lo pub. sh the »ecund edition of

tins mach sought for work, at the ear!t-at possible hour, li-i.; be published in a style no way inferior to the first edi-lion, and »old at ihe »ame prie-.! ¿5.

OPINIONS OF THE PRESS.». It exhib ¡1» a* full a vie a-of wbat can be »aid pro aud

ecu on me great question of slaverv. as can any where befo'ind. It will ilourirles« be a ata- dard book, an«! one wbichev»ry pe» »on specially interested in Ihe que«ton of slaverywill he eager to R-.L'».Presbyte-ianofthe ll'est.

" This t»~a bOOB greatly neeoec. tl will be highly valued.' * * Il ¡s au excellent nook for reference and we ven-lure local] il a siandnrd work'".Cm G.ette.

'¦ We cannot too earnestly commend thi« work to all thosewho would obtain a complet» view of the religious andmoral aspect« of"the Slavery question, a» presented by two

gentlemen of rare ability and «till..C'mfinnaXi HeraldWM H. MOORE '. C" Piibll»hei».

U llo Hain-«t.. ea*t aide, between 3d and 4th.THE LONDON QOARTEHLY REVIEW,


L.L'ird Campbell's Lives of the Chancellors.II...MSS. from ir.e Egyptian Mi-aasterie-III.-Highland Sport.IW.amito ^nd Brougham, on Black. Cavendish. Priestly

aud Watt.¦...Leiter» ofMary tin«.n of Scot«.VI..Humboldt'* Cosmo».Vll..Towe»eod'* HUiory of the House of Common*.VIII..TheSinail Debt'» Act

IX. Sc itchEccle*.a'ical Affairs.X. ..Memoir» oflb» Kelguof" George 111.

XI..Ministerial Resignation«.Price -?3 a vear. Single No» »old.

L. SCOTT CO. Publishers,if 112 Fulton-s«. near Na»«an.


OF NEW AND CHEAP BOnKS for »ale byWM. TAYLOR. No. Astor House.

Valentine», a great ihls la the Mth, votaries ofCupid wili have to lojk lively or they will be toc lare. iTue E ve», tran«lated from* tfie German by Thomas Car-

lj ie, with other tales and »ttetcne». Price 25 ct«.Roger Dutton, or the true Prophecy, a laie, by O. P. R.

.Iinne«, author ur" the '"»muggier," " Arrah Neai." Ac. lie.Price first published complete li -.« 1 qual 10 til.«popular author'« be»i

.1,.un« Alive, or the Bride of a Ghost, by the author ofMajor Joue«'« Courtship, !_c. Price 12J eta. An exceed-inglv f.inny production of a verv funnv »ulhor.Mv Mother's Bli»l«, a «torv of New-York. Price S7i cu. I

Racking'« Half Yearly Abs'ract. Pnce 50 et*Braithwaite « Retrospect, No 12. Piiceóü c¡s.Blackwood" s Edinburgh Magazine, the Foreign Reviews.

fee.The. American Review for February. Price M el*.Mo, :<-' Lliieil'» Living Ai¡e. Price lïj cu.

The WesjterD Contlneni, edited by Par» Benjaman, furihn week. 1« full .f excellent readma mailer, li 1« wtthouldoubt the, best family paper published. Term« $2 a year or

6 ct.. per No.Morn»'« National Pre»». No. 1 Puce 6 cts..and all the

Weekly papers of New-York, Philadelphia and Boston, foraaleby WM. TAYLOR, No. 2 Astor House,

IN PRESS.Twenty Year« After, a seq.iei lo ihe Three Guardsmen,

by Duma».Amenta will please forward their order«. J "f 2tls

THE BOOK OF^USEFUÍTkI^WLEDGE;DAPPLETON it CO luve ju-t ruHahe-l a Cyclopi-

. ilia of Six Thousrud Practical Receio'a and CollaieraLiit'on in ».he Art». Mi'tutaciurea and Trade«, includ-

ing Medicine, Pbartnacy »nd Domestic Economy. By A J.Cooley. lvol. 8vo ilbjitrated with numerous wood cuts.Price »*2 25, «tr-iugly hound In leather.Mr. Cooley'S work comprise« a large vartetv of mailer

adapted to alm-'st every pursuit in which preparations ofany kind are ,equi»iie, ftnt m the wiaest exper'.metit« of thechemist'» laboratory to the umsictmmou dully culinary ope,ratiun.Manufacturer« and Mechanic» of every occupation-Artl«i» of every cia»».Expenuientai Philosophera lu eve¬

ry art and science.and Ihu purveyors of nourishment In iheendless variety of satisfying the human appetite« of hungerand thurat.all will find in Ihe "Cycloparrdla of Practical Ro-celp's" adéquat- and correct information, to their uttnoat de-«ire and ne-d, of the beat, most competidintis and mo«i eco-nomlcal ot perfeeilng the vailou» articles whichibey may require. It is a volume essentially necesaary in

every family and ficuiry.Lately pu'ill.hed.A new edition of Dr. Ure's Dictionary

of Art»! MinuÍHcturesand Mine», wuh a Supplement, 2 vol»3vo. ism' engraJing». Price, bound in lea'her. S6 5«". Sup.piemen», to do. separate, price 8' paper cover, 81 M bound.A Hi»lory of Hydr-,ulir» and the Mechanic An« by Thorn-Ewbaoa.iilusiraled w !».h engravings. 1 vol. Bvij.S3 5«'.

______:-|WILL AC I l:Li.»ni..t. I Hi« MOaNl.NC,


THE fini DUmherofthl* new and beauilfui FAMILYNEWSPAPER, win be published uu Saturd* v mor.n-

inssixt. It will be superbly printed un fine paper, andwun new type, casi expressly for the ptirpuse. The con-

tents will be of the mo«t interesting, diversified,and amusingcharacter. Beside» the contribution» of the Editor, ihi«number will contain original contribution« from the pen» ofFinny r"ore»rer, ('race Oreenwooil. Pauldlng, Judge Mc-Lean, Kay, Cox, Brougham, John Ne«i, and ««verai Otherpopular wrlier» The term» are only two dollar, a yearSingle copies 6J cent« It will be served for a year, by car¬riers, to any pari of th" city.or forwarded to anv directionin the cuumry, on Hie payment of $2 a year, in advance, lothe underpinned. Agent», new«meii. and other», «upplledon appllcr.iion to BURGESS, STRINGER Ai CO.

Wh'jletale Ag'-nl« r'or Morris» National Press,l.'fJli« No ggj Hr«,»dwHV. c »rner of Ann-»L

HOM.OPATHY. ALLOPATHY,A ND YOLNU PHYS1C-By Joün Korbe». M. D. F. R.-_S oneol ti.e E tll'irs of ihe Cycfupardl» of PracticalMedicine, Eiltor of the Briu»t. ,\n«l Foreign Quaiierly Re-view, Jtc Price £."» -w. F-»r sa'e w-hol.a'-eau'i r-lall fiy


1-HREE HUNDRED -u.d e.gntv octavo p-.g-s for 50cvt.i»..Tnu day lUbllsbedin oae volume Hvo. nnce 50

Cams, or one dollar per year, Ute Half-yearly Abat.Cl of tbeMedical Se-tices, fur Jan-ary, la-id, being a Praclieal andAnalv'icai Digest of the Content» of the Principal Brlusnaad OoritlLenisI Med'cal Wora« published In the precedingHalf-year, logemer with a Cnilcai Report of ihe Progrès»ot Mc-diclce and die Co..nierai Sciences during the «mue

periud. Publlthed January and July. Edited by W. H.Ran.0«T. M D. C»rua>>.The Ediior ¡»unwilling w allow the Second Part of the

M Half-yearly Atntraci or" me Medical Science«," to appearw-.tboul expressing his wur.te«t acknowledgments to hisprotesaiocal brethren, foran exier.t of patronage which hehail not ventured to contemplate. He regards this flatteringcireumt-tJ.ce asan evidence not only '.hat ine profession at

large I* anxiou» 10 be acquainted wilb the progre*«ive ad-v anee of ihn Science of Medictne, but that the pit. uponwhich it has been attempted lo facilitate the. acquirement ofrecen« and valuable iuformauoc ha* met with 11* cordial »p-pro-a ion. (In consequence of ihe liberal «upport which he ha» n.e». 1

with, :.».- Editor ha» been enabled 10 Increase the quantity ofmaiterioibe prêtent volume. He ssa likewise, at ihe sug-gestion of nnmeruus «uhicnber«, appended acopious index {of this and ihe preceding number.

In future eacn part w:.. contain an Index, as well as theTable of Content».

From the Edinburgn Provincia! Medics! Journal."luDr. Ranking'» 'Abstract' there 1. r ore of Science.

more meihod and arrangement of the materials than m

Braiihewat.e'a Retrospect, and luvalueis greatly enhancedby the admirable »erie* of Reports »eiih which it concludes.Il'afforcs a view of in« progress of the Science a* weii a*

of the An; and. while not deficient m practical Informa-lion, bascaid.» ai»o uu the attention of ihe «,-ientlcc phy«t-eian and »urgeon, and the culiivalor of medicine i- »1 Itsbrancne« '_;3f -tii

NOW HEADY,\10NTEZCMA,lheia»tof the Ailec», by Edwd. Matu-i'lrin. 2vui«. 12mo. Paper, 31: cloth, 31,50.

'. It hi* the mdeiinle impre»» of genios.".ColumbianMagazine.

.. We would rainer De ihe ad'-or of Montezuma than halfJan.e»'s novel».".Vindicator."This w rk presenu freshness and intert-s». ».eyond all It*


Too Greece of ine Ore«»», by G- A. Perdlcan, Ü. 3.

Con»ui at Aih«_». 2 voi». ¡2mo. ; illustrai«.. Pnce, «1,50." We heartily commend the book to all ihose who ¡eve

that land of glorious memone*.".Vindicator... It will be sougnt for wilb avidity.".Tribune.'» Every par; of ihe boot bears evidence of the Author's

knowledge of his subject.'.-National Ma___e-Rambles by Land and Water, or Travel« in Cuba an-1

Mexico, by B- M. Norman. 1 vol. 12mo ; illustrates. 31.».This wors is Int-tueiy interest.»".".Ladles Nat. M»g.We refer cur re_-»-rs lo Ule det_i» of ihts work, th-v

being -, .«.lined ofa most singular and uiystenous interest.".N O. Com Time*.Manm the Republic, »ty Cornelias Mttlhew». 32mo. gilt.

ois cents."- There 1* tire r_d aitrength in the adapta¬

tion in the Rhythm.a iruih and pathos In the verstccatlonand language which must pla«-e these poem» among the in-h.ecuai tresu»ure~ of the age.»»_N. Y. Aurora.

lj'.tl«_PAIN*?: - ai*Rur;SS.6«J J'jnn-«*-


PRICE lit«, cent*..IVM. TAYLOR. Nu. 2 Astor Houae.willpub .s- m.3 morauig, Uoger Duiuin, or the True

Prophecy. By G. P. R. jame», E-q. author of D-ruirV,Ricbelieu, TneRubbera, the Slep-Mother, i.e. JtCNow firat publiahed complete. TMs «tory is etjual te the

ix-ai pro«1ucnon» of litIs popular author m hi« best days. 13:


July, 1845 lo Jaiu.ry, 1.6, wui be puomned on Satar-day, me Mm.

Tfcia invaluable Compend of Medical Intelligence com- .

prise« an account of every ducovery and improvement ofany :_tpur__ce made In tue Medical Sciences daring tfie..'; ii_ monib». il ¿« a wort mat is now acmowiedged to

be iniispensibe to the practiuuner whu» lo seeppace »wirh the improvements of the age ; and its merits are

to well mown 10 need aoy farmer commentsTerms for ti. whole senes, No«. 1 to 12, $6 ; year, 81.

Address, postpaid, the Publisher,13f 2tl* DANIEL ADEE, K»7 Fullou. N. Y.

OV EKCOAT*", Coax», Winter ¥toc_s, _i_ tn variousnew siyio*, for sale, ready made, a» 231 Broadway.

ul_Utf WM. f. JENNINO-_. Co.


AMERICAN *ni**aKI"r!-r.verv lay and «*v,rn¡ñcttta .»«.k. eom-eTicicg Monday. Pel« 2.Spleodld Per-

.or-nanrr« rvrrj »¿ »i71 S.-J w-..e tr find Satar-flay afternoon«at 3 iv,-*.»._Ttw mac».er bas e .g.riM thefo lowing m»_TJi*Vc«>ni «uiraetioo»: Signor Bl.. lb- mostap'er.dld Goitan»*. >n America. Th» K - tu.-« Mu -*rel».Ule !»»»»t Band of E.¡"pi».. in tbe etr . Dl»-.-.-id« View«and Chrom«trop-. M.-«»r. J. R. Hail. -.-.! Bil.v WhnJoct-Superri Fant-s-cim. Mr- Phillip«, too .«»nt-»-" Vixraii.-.-.J .--..-ic G'«Diorama, and G.«-»» BlowingA t.,-:.on -.*. cent» t'i Ireo ande» i«. 1*4 Q«(ilt.


HR K vsooio r-»p«-ci.'u.y arnounre that h!. sr»-ond JU¬VENILE VL'sltML ENTERTAINMENT will be

¿.ve. i.i the BROADWAY TABERNACLE, on Wedne«-5a\ Evening, tbe iSth. when he will ¡atrsxlure an enure

MWMUo' Chórete», Duel». eu-, aided by a JUVENILEORCHESTRA, under the direction of Mr. Charle» L.Barnes.Ticket» 25 emu-for »ale at the usual places and at the

der.N. B.A limited number of ticket» will be l»«u«*d.14"«tile_WM B BRADBURY.

("RAND l _l.KBR.\THI>.-~Srcünd AnniveraaryA of Harrison Uuion No. 2. Independent Daugbtert of

Trmperaccti. u» !«e held in tbe M. E. Church _ Willet-tt.near Grand, on Tuesday Evening, Feb. 17;h.Dr A. D. Wilton will pretide. Dr. Luke Hatten. Grand

Marshal.Singing ander ibe direction of Mettra. Alexander. R. E.

Dt.vla, and Browa of Ynnkers.OBOES. OF KXSBCISt»

1. Prayer-bv Rev Mr. P. Rice.2. S.nging.Tbe Welcome-Ladv liArrnor. Choir.i. Reading the Annual Report.J. K. Kiertted, E»q-4 Address. Pried pie» of the DsngMers of Temperance

.Win Edmond», Esc,.5. Singing.The ceteorated Trumpet Song (by r«*que»l>.

J. M. Brown, of Yonger».6, Slug ¡:g.Tbe Pt.grim's Legacy.R. E. Davi« and the

Company7 Iavi'»ii *n t.. Sign the Pledge of Total Abstinence.bythe Presidian Oih.-er.

3. Addrest. by Rev. Mr. Covi'.l.9. S ng*.ng..1 M Brown, of Yookera-10. Singing (Dialogue!.Mr. R E. Davi» and Mia» Rob¬

ert*.11. Addre«».Rev. Mr. Martyn.12. Singing.A favorite piece.J. M Brown, of Youker».li. Siugi.-.g.Di»mi»sion.Lady Harrison Choir.14. Beriedirtton.tW Ttckvu One Shtlling-io beh.dofï. W kW. F.

ui.ley.4-o Grandtt; J F. R'issell,34 Norfolk-au J Mint",76 Orchard-*!; J. Brai-t-d, M Broom-st; Mr» Mather. 458Grand-»!; Mr» C. Detini». St Pitt-*i; W. C. Braiated. 59tBowery; Mr. M. Ho,;ghwout, 56 Avenue D; al»o, at Cur-li»'. Drug Sioie. Bowery; Mrs. Cromwell. S5 CltntOO-«i; B.Smith. 404 Eighth-i; T Br»isted, 3 Bowery; W. R King,Grand-«t; and at tiie door of the Church on ihe above eve¬

ning.Door» open at 6 o'clock.exercise» to commence at 7.Car*" The Member» of the Union are requested to meet in

the baaemeat of ¡he Church, with their Regalía«, at 6 o'ekekprecisely. By order


THE EXHIBITION OF THIS MODEL, together withModel» of the PuMic Building» of New-York ami the

Mormon Temple m N.iivoó, will remain open for a abort Itime longer at ihe Grauiie Building. Tick-i« 25 cent«.


Superintendent of Exhibition.Tn« proprietor i» now eonttraclln( «t tin Rroadway. a

MODEL OF NEW-YOHK,representing In carved .mai every buildlcg «bed. tree andoiher object In tbe Great Meiropoi« of America, which willbe completed In a lew month«. Above thi« model will be a

Canopy, i-n which will be delineated view» of public build-¡ag«. places of huslnr»«. manufactories, private residence»,hotel«, »¡eamboats, i.e. ranging from id to 30 inches inlength, for which a moderate coiupeasailou wilt becharge«!.Having now so nearly completed a Model of New-York,

ibe proprietor »ill either »rli or gtve a lease of the Modelof N»w-Haven, lie

Office hour», from 2 to 6 P. M.I4f" 6u« E. PORTER BELCJEN. .-60 Broadway.

HKRR W.~ ~BOL'<'HEl_~re«r>eruully Inform» thepatrons of th» ¡ate German Opera hit friends and the

lover« of art generally, that hit first and only Benefit Con¬cert will take place «l the Apollo Saloon, positively on Sat¬urday, February I4tb. rain or »bine on which occasion beWill be r_«i»le«i ByMadame ADLER. Fräulein KOnSlNSKY, Mr PHILIP

MAYER. Mr. UEO. f.ODER. Signor RAPETTl, Mr H.C. TIMM. THE GERMAN QUARTETTE VEREIN,Mr. VIOERS, and a Full tlrche»ira and Chorua.


1. Overture, Doo Juan.full Orchestra.Moiajt2. Aria from Olieron.Herr Boucher.Weber3. Aria from Pre aux Cler».Múdame Adler.Auber4. Quartern dein -*)i hnee und Regen (the Snow

and Rain,) by lb- German Quartette Verein ...Spohr5. Song, " Ich »a»s in Omen," with »ccompant-

menu of Piano mm Violincello OblígaloKraul-ln

|5. Duel from "La Muelle ile Porllci"-Mr. Phi-lip Mayer and Herr Boucher.Al.'ber

7. Clioru» for Male Voice», from the "Zauber-flote".full Choru« and Orchestra.Mozai t

Part II.1. Concerto in G Minor tor Piano Forte and

Orchenira.H. C. Timm and full«-tra.Maiidelisohn Bartholdy

2. Italian Ana.Madame Adler.Rossini3. Q-iarletie. "Siudeuieng.-us«," (SludenU1 Balulel.. .Klkrn4 Duet, from Z.uheifl .te'.Fraulelu Korslu-

»ky and Philip Mayer.M'-zart.'-.. G«and Aria, front "Zauberlloie".Herr Boucher .Mozart6. Wanderlled Von s"r«a-h.Mr. Pbilio Mayer.7. -La Senuneile." Grnnd Aria and Choru», with

V ouations and Obllgatn Solos, and accom¬

paniments from Piano, Vtolineello and Vio¬lin.executed by Herr Boucher, Mesar».Timm, Rapettl, Gentlemen Amateur» andFull Choru».Hummel

Ticket« One Dollar. lo be had at ihe principal mutlc atore«

and the door Concert lo commence at 8 »'doc«. I3f'jii«

iT'AKtt.WEl.I. KNTK«.TA IN.UKNT at NIblo'.Saloon..Mr. DEMPSTER (who I. about to return to

Europe! bat the honor to announce that hit Farewell En¬tertainment will be given at Nlblo« Saloon, on MondayEvening, Feb. 16th.

Paît I.Will conalst of the following Song» from the works of

Roh-ri Burn«, wuh introductory r-mark», viz : "Tbe Po-. le-'."Ob, Love will venture In''."Wandering Willie"."Highiati'i Mary".* Mary t'i Heaven"."Stwye JohnnyComing"."Thou haal left me ever Ta.te".and "DuncanGray." Part II.Will consist of the foliowi'ig Songs uf Mr. Dempster1«

eompoittion. viz : "Lament of the In«b Emigrant"."Let u«

love one another*.* I'm alon-, all alone'."Blind Boy".and hi« favorite Cantata. "The May Queen," a «ong inthree part».poetry by Alfred Tennyson, E»q.

Part I ...Eva of May.Part II...New-Year'« Eve.Pait III..Return of Spring.

This Son repreaeuis the gradual decay of a youngauu lovely Girl, from the bloom of health to a prematuregrave.Ticket« 50 cent» .lo be had at tbe muaic »tore» and at the

door.Doors open at commence ai j before 8 o'clock. ISf

Cua.lll'l.i.HhNTAKY II-MJK-Lt TO MR Mc-LaCHLaN..At an adjourned meeting of Ihe friends

oi Chane» MdL.cbloo, l.e.d at Sioiit-aU'» ou the 9th matant,James Linen ¡u the was

besol-eod. That ihi» meeting ha« learned with regret, byletter« recently pubiiahad, (although privately addreased toMr. Templeton.) that he and hi« family were exposed lo pe¬cuniary ueceasliy ; and having lung anown Mr McLacQlana« a man ofbonor ano iniegriiy, and believing that lie »nf-ler« hi» presen', difficulties from no wai.t of prudence or in¬dustry, Ihi» caeeliug will endeavor, by public appeal andtneir own extn.on», lo talao n fund that will not only aaalsthtm Immediately, hut will place a rund at hla future dltpo-«al. And lu effect that object, thl« meeting are of opinionthai a Complimentary Co: cart »hall he given to him, to lakeplace at lbs Tabernacle on Tuesday eveulug the 17th InsLLetter» were then lead rom ««¡verai dlalingulihed profet-

»ors, tendering their services gratultuusiy.Ticael» Bay be ha, at the -nrio.i« musical »lore«; of Sax-

ion is Mil»., bjukaellera, 2u5 Broadway, and of the foliow-lug i ee:James Lin-n, Samuel Phillip», Wm Well«,Chat T.Taylor, Jo»eph Shannon, Wm Uuaworib,V'air Cllrebugh, J. wm. Tru»t, C. C. Bgan.Adam Murray, Paul Burdock. E. 8. Derry,Henry J. Megarey.Jobti Harold, L. S. Eddy,Tno«. Thomas, Jr. Edward Lawrence^*!. T Cbrirtianson,Wm Marshall, Jam*« Bowles, Sherman Browned,Edmund Charle», W. el. Smith, Gilbert Lawaon.Gilbert Vale, Alderman Sbaler,

JAMES LINEN, Chairman.Thomas Tiic-Ma», Jr. Secret«ry.Tne Committee of Arrangement» have mach pleasure in

announcing that the following dlttinguUhed talent have vol¬unteered ineir valuable »ervtce» :

Mi»» Mary Taylor, by permUtion of Win. Mitchell, EtqMr» A. Phillip», Sig. De Begnl».Mr. Dempiter, Mr. Austin Phillip*.Mr. Brougb, Mr. Timm,Mr. H. Marttt, by permitslon of Wm. Muchell. E»q.Mr. Walcott. by permi«»ioo of Wm. Mitchell, _«q.

Mr. George Loder. Conductor.f_r~ Programn.e in fiture billig_12f 5t1»


PHANS OB THE NEW-YoRK FIRE DEPART¬MENT FUND, will take place at the Tabernacle on Thurs¬day evening. February 19. On which occaaiou ibe follow¬ing ladte« and genUeinrn have volunteered their «ervlcesSladame Antoinette Oil.1, Ml.« Jenny Lazare,Mit« Julia Not::..-i... Mus Mary C. Taylor,Sig. De Begot«, Mr. Brougb,Rubert G. Paige, E. Shepard.Ai»o. the New-Yort Sacred Mutlc Society. An efficient

OrcñSSira bat been engaged.H. C. Timm. Plau-l. U-C. Ulli, Director.Ticket» one dollar each, to admit a lady and gentleman..

To be obtained at the principal muiic «lore»; E. 's L. li.Embree, loi Bowe ry, or of the Commun..

JAS. PRYER, 246 Front-»«.JNO. ELSWORTH.87 Pi_e-«U

l"fm!9_J. B. PECK. 47.1 Grand-«*._HOWES'CIRCUS AT PALMO'S.

rpHlS EVENING, the performance* will commenceJL wiih a grandRoman Eotree, ¡ad by Mr». Cole and Mrs. Myers.Light and Dvthiag Act, by Waiter Aymar.N. Ö. Turner In a Leaping Act on two Horses.PosUu.g t.d B__cuig oy Mr. Nixon and bon.Tbe Paragon of Female Eqeeuriocs, by Madame MA¬

CARTE*Mr. W. Nicho!» in hi» Backward Feela.Afiernoon Pertormonce every Saturday, at '21, o'efock. 3f

Will clou un rhe lüth of February,TUtS EXU1B1TIOJI of Pe_e'« beauixful Painting,1 THE COURT Oí* DEATH,corner of Broadway and Leonard-»!. 1» open «7ery day ex¬

cept Sunday from 10 A. M. till 9; P. M. Admittance go «a.

$0 t»tf_A."» II LAND BAL.L..In commamortuion of the Ra*_i-

«lauon of tne Treaty of Ghent, will come off at the Colli-emn. 4.S0 Bros.way, on Tueaday, 17th. Tickets One Dol¬lar -».::.-car. be obuiae. al ihe Broadway Houte, How¬ard House, aiid al tbe, comer of Canal-»«, andBroadway.Waliii't weil known Band will be in attecdaace, E. Ken-

del. leaJer. Sf H7

PL .I..C NOTilt.-lis «_»cr;*i-r fotptscuuuy _o-¡ tac Public .iit ue it U. duly auihori^od Ageat of

mast of tb-j nest Newiptpcr» of all the Cities oal pr.i.cipaltown» .the Uoited Slate« and Canada, for wt_-.ii be re«cetve» Adveruiement» o_d Subtcnpuoaa at hit CountryNewspaper Atdvert.lag Agency.Tnoune BuUdrngs, and forwriicii he I» fully empjwered to give rt-celpls. _ntranc« atthe Coal 03.0-. j *_i lmit] V. B. PALMEP^

J-'Al-BANti,»' r_ATfu_.11 SCALbS, wa/-- ._...-_ prjrfecüy and ^ermaueutly wrreet, for »ale bynu.»I«.*_»MrtntMRB V CO M *-V«|!_t.

C^AHfHV WOKfeT-O!-*.«J and double weite fiding»'ot »uperior quality. Worsteds Of any number, made to

order in quanuty, by L. DRAPER GREENE»Uf 3wu_ 41 Beeve_B*-_

TABLiC. .»lATS.-A grttat variety, such as vyuio w,

Rat-a, Pal. Leaf, Oil Cloth, Papier Ma.i«, of eve rythape and pattern,compnitag thelargett assortment» oe

found m thertty, for »ala at low price», si the Hoiseket-g-je.'Emporium, _ Malden-laa- SMITR, TOBREY CO.

-iiutiati Halte.


.A0*?8* stlOHASM «fc PLATT.-Swr*___,_? »''ad-aj.-Usan' Cash Advance« mad« cm eon--*~n*»for A,e_oa Sale*.»-TATia.r-i.-~ MONDAY. March Si.

___-___*^Al__--Tbe _ual sale of Paper. 8_-

£?_; -sirs_-«___"* _**+".¦"". .»- ¦"**»^don Mo--*nf______S___!_ _** ¦*¦ sol~3«-d.

IjuTred »*4T«»*-« WUI _. ___, on ,-od. wh-rj re-

ST Il?^'--*_ ,boQ,ld >>-U""ul«*edby the 6rs- of Februarynext, whsrn ihncatalogue will be poi 10 or«..

NEW-YORK SPRING TRADE SALE.To rommeiK-e Tuesday. March Î4th.

The r-ortv-ar-ocd Regular New-York Trade _». of_£__ s-*"root7i>» PI»!*». Ac. lu;. w_ commeoc* at theatx.e dale.and to be eondneb. a* be.-elofore according 10the regulaUon«.Conaigninent* of the above article* are reepectfaliv so¬


F~ t'OLTO"« «_ CO. AueUoo and Co_n_««i_-, Mer-. obanu. No- 1 Id r*ulton-«L and M a_:-.-«._ Liberal ad-

vane»» mail" on consignment*, and prompt returns made.THL'RSDAY. Feb. li. at 1«'o»cioe_,

Siir.airr's r» or Hams, kc .Comprising bams, shoul¬ders and chop«, of a «upenor quality.

Also, a «juant'.ry of are wnri«Als«*, second-hand furniture, consisting of sofas, chaira,

tatio*. Bruuel* carpet, glas. cases, writing desks,one Iransafe. ¡te.

Also, a smai! assortment of dry goods, soaps, tovs, per¬fumery gin,-,!.>le« ,-ake ha«kel*. window «hade«. Ac Ac

% .lA.Ihr» if». IIILI.KK-THUR3DAY, Feb. 19. IM6.

At : i o'clock, ai the store of Cbasrle* M- Leupp A Co. No.3) Ferrvst.

SOi'O sides of Sole Leether,. dozen «urj Calf Skins,

with other article», on a credit of 4 months.FRIDAY, FeO. 27, IS«.

At 12 o'clock, at ibe Merchant»' Excban_*.H*Li.eTT'-» Cova PaoraaTv..By order of the .»ign-.

ofJa-ie» Ru»»el!, the undivided t.-r.fti'u». part or Lou, 4. »,>' sad 11. a« laid down upon Map of Halsev Estate, Hal-

leli's Cove. L. I. For parti»nlars. see New Von Trtrartne.

I/IFTH-A»KNTK AND T1VKI.KTH.ST~AJ. BLEKCK-R A CO. will sell at ibe Mercbanu' Ex¬

cbange on Tueaday, the 17ihday of February, at 12 o'clock,inle«« previo isly disposed of al prívale sale.) the new arxi

modern threv-story and attic brick House, wub sub-cellar,N.» i_» ."Hi SL í »O feet West of the ixh-avecue. on ibe North»i le oí Ute »ireet. oppo*ite the open grounds of Rev. Dr.Phillip«« Church, and having a commanding view of theiihavenue The Lot t» by 116 feet ou the Westerly »lde,and 1. fi-el on the Easterly »id», bouse, . by 4S liri, is

furnished with range, waier hot and cold to third.lory, ¡»at.*» and shower balk, Ac Ac; ha« marble man.lafrom basement to tbe attic

It lain the immediate vicinity of the messt splendid prívaloresidences In the city.A large part of the pure.ase money may remain on bond

and mortgage at«! per cent. If desired. isf »Us*

BY ANTHONY j77Lj*_EC_ER-~CHAM'KRY .-ALE of a Hou«e and Lot No. 3«

Cortland-ai. ou Friday, tbe 20th Feb. at 13 o'clock, atthe Merchint«' EX'-hange. Lot 2B bv \i_ fee«. VJttV

.Uoaton C-iu'tiúii ôalco.

BY T. P. M. K.ICH, ill Broad-sirr-i, oppositeFoster's wharf, Boston.

WEDNESDAY, Feh. U.Boot«. Shoes amo Bsocans..SOU cases Boot«, Shoe«

aud Brogan Leather, Ac Sole Le*iner, Upper In the-ougb and ri shed, Calf. Lining. Binding, and k_d Shi-*.Shoe Thread and «îttw «]._ stock.

WEDNESDAY, Msrch 18.[Semi-Annual Sale.)

Boot-i, Snosa,> Hats..".tío caaos Boots,Sh..e«, Brogmi» and Hals_^^^^^^^

ÊTO LET.Tb«« large three storv and aitic hou»ewith basement and suk-oellar, 457 Bowery, corner ofNimh-n., is well «-alculaled for a boarilme ho«_e»

Rent low to a good tenant. Also, house No. t. Thtr 1 -«-..-

nue ; also, 98 aod 100 Tblrd-avenne ¡ a'so, a neat built col

tage with 9 rooms, with stable and carriage house In literear, wub alley to the dable, between 2Sth aod .lb-sis-,a«.t aide. Inquire of J. L. HAINES,

I4ftfv _13» Third.»wage or 61 Wallst.

MTHIUTEKNTH-ST.-At Private Sale -The t»tot y aud atüc brick House and Lot No. 154 West-st-,between'!. and Sib-avenues.Lot 20 feel front and

rear by 8i« fe«t deep.House 18 feel from »with an alley way,the «»food story JO feet wlde.butlt over the alley, and 36 feetdeep, with a rear brick building. Tbe premise» let for í «. e

A ¡an, at Bloomingdale, a Lot of Orouud ou the east side ofBloomingdale Road, between .tb and 40ib sis. Lot .'.'. feel7 Inches by llu feet deep. Fur particulars apply lo

ANTHONY J BLEECKKR. Aticuoneer,1 11 l«vN... 7 Bru., '-«._

KLEVKNTH-ST.-Al Privat« Sale .Thot»»i_rybrick House and Lot No 4', ou the North*tde of Ulh-.I iir»i bouse West ef 6ib aveuue.the Hause .ato

built In modern style, with all tbe lale improvement*, Cro-um water, under cellar, kc Ac the loi 22x1(10 feet, 3 inches.For particular« apply to

ANTHONY J. Bf.ECKEE, AucUooeor.14 | w No. 7 Broad-et-

MJOIIN-S'F. PRÜPÍ£RTY *r-ol-~ÂL_--Tn»teligiblestajid for business, the thr«*e story «tore andii .use. No 71 John-«t. ne.t to the corner of William.

Fon-'in. apply to A OAMAOK, .0 Wall at 14f St»

~jgw Ti» LET.The ibree story Uuu. and Store No.BE 1*6 Sp- ng-si between O'eeoeand Woosier su. Also,^^tiie t-A»,. siory dwelling House, Sniabed aille, No 88Wo. i--..-., next to corner of spring. Apply to D. HARRIS,e» Wo.i.t-r si. Hi lw«

MKOtt SALE and To L«r For Sale? five Hou».ad Lou io Court, near Balttc-st, South Brooklyn..The House« will be finished In hand «orne style by the

1-iih April, and «even vacant I.uta -n Baliie-ai Also, themodern 2 sbiry brick Home and Lot No .1 Houstou-su,between Avenue* A. and B. To Let. the dwelling part of¦W and 392 llroome-ai near Centre Market A'»u, the mod¬em House No. 181 Mijlberry-*t. N. corner Broome-*L In¬quire at No. !j*3 Rroome, near Mulbarry-tt. from »t to 10 A.M mil from 'J to 7 P. M-_Uf 3i»

ÊBOU.K ANU LOT for Sale.47 Bond-«. 15 by»' * r.s.1 ; ame and under cellar, bath«, **__-closet,:.m .... aie. Crotón lo attic and every other itory

Pr-.c- mo-oe- term« «h«v Inquire a* above. JJ8 2wlsWAI.TKD-A plainly finUhed lw » story or smallili-ee. «buy h-use, Wesl «if Broadway and below Ca-

" ata fair rent. Addreaa C. M. T. Tribune of-_I Of lw!**

COTTAGE IN TUE COUNTRY for"aale, »lluati^i on Long Uland, on the Buihwlck and New town

"¦lurriplko, four mile* from Wllltsmiburith Ferry, byway ot th.- Maspeth-avenue. Stage* pass four time* a day,good School* and Chu relies within ha io mile. Tin.- Co» lag«I» in good repair, one «lory, three room», four bedrooms aodkitchen, a well and cistern at the kitchen door, out-housessuitable for the place, six acres ofthe very best of land, hav-Ing been used for nuarly :-0 years fur raising early vngeta-bies ; locust and other »hade tree» ; 70 or BO frull tree* bi fullhearing, apple, pear and cherry ; about three hundred youngfruit iri'n« ;mt beginning to bear, well »elocte by expert-enced gardener», comprising all the vatielle», »ucb a» apple,pear, peach, cherry, plum. .e. Ac; the garden I* well «to« k-ed with »mall fruit* and dower*.the place I* surroundedby a high picket fence, put «p at at an expense of ovur .'<si ;

two thirds can remain on bond and mortgage. Apply at 47

Boud-st._7f TiiThi.Hs if

VALUABLE! FROeHKTY~F<»K tHALK-älluated In the village of Staplelon, Slaten Island, be.tween lue Slaplelon Ferry and Vaoderblll's Landing.

The premise« are iVt feel 4 lncbn* In breadth In front on

Bay-si; 73 feet 4 inches la front on Brownull-at. 213 feel 4inc.he« in deplhon Ibe Northerly aide, and 2. feel In depthon the Southerly side, or thereabout*. There are upon thepremue« a large brick House In front, generally known aathe Pr.npeci House, wlib other building* adjoining, nowrenting fiir S40<l, and a good frame house In lie rear. Forterm« and farther particular« applv to

J7e-»listf VVILLIAM EMER90N, No. in Wall-«-.

E_TJOt-NTRV MEAT TU LET.-One of tbe mostbeautiful »iiuailuns on ihi* Uland, coutain'.t.g about.ix acre» uf land. On the premlie* 1» a targe and

convenient dwelling, with out-hou*es compliu«. Tbeground» are In pwrfeet order and every way filled fora geu»teel residence The property I* situated on Ihn Bib-avenue,u;n>n high ground, having a commanding view of the EastRiver for «ome distance, the Long I »laud ibora, and over-

looking We»u-.h«*ter Counly for a great distance- Will belet low to a good tenant, or will be sold or exchanged forimproved city property. For farther particular* apply to

¦III» 3tawi»rY W N. SEYMOUR. 3 Cf__hj»ai-*quare.

Ê.*-K_NWICH-«T. near Clinton MarkeL.Atwo-»lory brick front House and «tore marn.t goodbusiness »land .for sale, a bargain i or would be ex-

! changed for property up town, {norm slue.) House 2S by42. io good »ni.-r-, lot full sice, ¡n fee. For terms apply at

541 Qreenwlch-st_130 gilaeod»

£.^7^1178 ANO DWBLLIMO TO of.o*e t_ri*a story brick front house*,with stores attached, tita«led la the ecuirai and. busi-

J ae*s part of Harlem, on the ea*l side of 3d-avenue. between1231 and 124ih sis. Said bouae is fialsbed complete, withevery «convenience for a riMpectable family. Stage« pa*«the door every half hour. Rent mo-lerate lo a good teaant

Apply io J. T. JACOBS, 124th »t. near _d avenue.N. B..For aal'- cheap, 1«>00 yard* ¡uxurtou» garden box

foredging». Apply a« above._2f ImU-

SHERWOüD'fi VI BKA-TORY MAGNETIC MACHINE..The vibratory movement recent»ly subsiitatid for the rotary la thismachine, by the subscriber, en¬dows it wub an extxaordli.rysuperiority over every other form

in which it .»..i« be«*a constructed. Il impart« the -nag-aeilc force* more continuously with l«-ss violence to tiesensations of ibe palled, and with more permanent effi¬cacy, at the «aine urne thai it 1* incomparably lesa Ha¬ble io become impaired by u*e or ml*m*.»gement. Itis cumpactly fitted together with .is battery, wire«, andother appliances. In neat manogany cae. of aeveral sizeeaod powers, atólo (two »lie»;, *:-, 4i4. .d 8.6 each; andforwarded, lo order, lo au> parts uf the Union, the Canada*.West Indies, or South cane la accompli..d with a Manual (6th edition, pp.

214,Ü ino.i.locludmg a complete Manual of iba Practice ofÍIeiI.c.í, with a very full clear and ampledirection« for the u*e of the Initru.etit In tue various dUea-.e* io whlcb It la applicable, and which are found, by thesuecoMtui practice of bandrsids of Operators, to m.ude th«must prevalent, as well ss the most peculiar and obelin»t>,thai are ..own to the medical profession. Pocket .-._ls ufmagnetized bomosopathic r_.leine*.price $3.with ful di-recuona for their use, will be forwaraed with the m*cSinator otherwise, according to order.14f3r H. H. SHERWOOD, M. D- 102Chambers-».U. ..

¦B UREAT MALE of BooU and »hoes at No. 2Bowery, to close up tbe concern, .mmeoclng tht*day _o conunue trum day to day from a A.M un u8 P. M. unul all are «ol..Oenta» sewed c.f

Bool», from ;»- to It*, and 28*,; Men's pegged ¡loot», fro_6«. to 12s. and 14*. ; ooy»' and youf.s* Boot-, from 3a. lo ..aod 10a.. tr.ei. « -Snoea and Brogan*. from 3*. to «.; boys'and youui*', from 3a. io 4s. aodQa-i _..i'« fine Brogaa«. vs.

io 10a; ladies' Gaitera, from 10a.; Buskins and Tie«,from 4*. to »>«.; Suppera, from 2a. to ¿A.; Rubber» and San¬dal*. _*. to S_J Morocco Boot«, ¡n-lo_t. Eealher Boot», -*-

tob« ; _m«c« and ci.dreiV* G-iter«, _. tu ; mif* .*__children'» Sbo«*», 1*. u> 3a. and ._. All »^¡J-_i* ,m ,,.ame proponion. The public generally ,*re £____-___ _t_.wo, ru the.ti>ck must be sold off «jsick- ¦f",_SE!rNo. 2 Bowery, ai the head of Ch--l_^^I!Î_±_.li_

OHB_jrBÔOT»i^^0-SS*THE ¦?^iM.'_»__J_r3o«io_ Sbo. at very reduced.-anioi ^^£áZ^U»_mist»ad an-l examine

price»»,.».=!___^Stwhichw_linduce ibem to givehUa.1*-f^íí^,__p7¿edenied iacr.raseof lu* -uslneae

the..- oiatonj. -sa« r^ ^ .^j^ <lyo u_iversai

aü?r*l%__ OreZs MO- from 6. 6u u «6, warranted to"aUír _,^-m_d?of th« bW Kren- calf and under hi» fan.

S_"--fe-rVuion. Sb-je» from Si 25 to «So--ver,SS_dcl_l- hi* Une at e-qnally lo w price-- Cu-omer«-

gSia-i *ho_ r-ad» lo order at me *bor-_»t nouce, guar-rfrted to fit ba-mjmely and easUy. Drawing, taken of

mm sad a pa.f of test, made and sept expreesly for each

'^N'-^-Boy*' BooU of all descriptlot__ Southem sadWestern wholesale ord«r» pranctuaUy allended.vve«_i_ wnoiiiwu-^_¡. e-^__fl__»i^ U4 «-^^0^.

I2f ImUTTA- ueiwuMi N«*»s- aud Doteh «..

Uj_*..*--.)! F_N>jUí-::-in rolls of FUS/ cSSJrSn h¿_»d si tí» Trtb-oe o_-S. ttt tf


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