new york 2014 fair-list - geisenheyner · edition. with hand‑colored title, 29 large...

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New York 2014Fair-List

German Primer printed in Philadelphia1 aBC – (seBaLd, Hugo): Das ABC mit Bild und Reim. With 25 full page color woodcuts by Hugo Sebald. Philadelphia. Sebald,H., (1876). 18,3 x 15 cm. Color illustrated original half cloth. 44 p., 2 l. US$ 1.600,–Rare first and only edition of a primer for German children living in America – very costly printed and nicely colored. – The Impressum: „Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by H. Sebald, in the Office of the Librairian, at Washington“. – Hugo Sebald (1825‑1903) was illustrator and publisher and printed many classical German picturebooks for Germans in USA.

Theodor Hosemann’s First Children’s Book as Picture‑Sheet2 aBC – HosemaNN – (Das allergrösste Bilder-ABC). With 110 contemporary colored illustrations on 22 lithographed plates. (Berlin. Winckelmann, 1828). Sheets: 41 x 33/34 cm. box (cloth) and in passepartouts. 22 l. US$ 18.000,–First edition of this large ABC picturebook and in the extremely rare form as picture-sheets. This outstanding ABC is mostly known as book – only Wegehaupt (Winckelmann No.1) points at the fact that the plates were also offered as sheets. This is the first publication of the publishing house Winckelmann in Berlin and probably also the first children’s book done by Hosemann. – This oeuvre numbers among the most beautiful and extremely rare publications of the ‚Biedermeier‘.

Nr. 1

3 CoHN, E.B. (PS: d.i. Emil Bernhard; Hrsg.): Jüdischer Kinderkalender. – Jüdischer Jugendkalender. 4 volumes. With many partly colored illustrations, 1 (instead of 3) colorlithographed game of dices and 1 tear‑off calendar. Berlin. Jüdischer Verlag, 1927-1934. 21 x 17,4 cm. 2 color illustrated original boards (joint of backside well restored) and 2 color illustrated original half cloths. US$ 550,–Rare series of this ambitious calendar which was meant to strengthen the Jewish self-awareness and showed a great up do date conception. The calendarium, done by Brodsky is comparable to the modern Russian painting.

4 ComiC – CoLLeCtioN of Comic-Supplements for American Newspapers from Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and New York. Mostly color illustrations by American and German‑American caricaturists of this time. 1905-1925. Folio. Cloth-box. 45 bi-folios. US$ 1.800,–Rare collection from the early days of ‚Comic‘ and with first prints of many well‑known comic‑series illustrated by (e.g.): F.M. Howarth, J. Swinnerton, F.Opper, R.F.Outeault, TAD, R.Dierks, H.J. Knerr, Cliff Sterrett, J.Gruelle, H.C.Greening, E.Hurd, C.A.Voight, Harrison Cady, Hershfield, A.Briggs, C.H.Wellington, H.T.Webster, Debeck, Bud Fisher, Leo McManus, Sol Hess. – The comic-series are printed in:

Nr. 2

Nr. 3

Chicago Sunday American Comic Section: December 31, 1905. American Examiner New York (W.R.Hearst): Lustige Blätter des Morgen‑Journals 14. und 21. Juli 1907. America’s Greatest, Color Comic Section: February 23. und 25., December 23. 1923 und September 13. 1925. The Cincinnati Enquirer, Comic Section: November 15. 1925. The New York Herald, Comic Section: September 19. und October 20. 1912. The Indianopolis Star, Comic Section: September 13. und October 25. 1925. New York Tribune, Comic Section: Dec. 31. 1922 und Januar 7., February 25., May 6., 13., 27., December 16. 1923. The Atlanta Journal, Comic Section: October 7. 1923. Sunday American Atlanta: December 23. 1923.Some of the titles: „Und ihr Name war Maud“ – „The Katzenjammer Kids“ und „The Captain and the Kids“ (vgl. dazu sehr ausführlich Rühle 1859 und Dolle-Weinkauff, Comic S. 21ff). – „Mr. Twee Deedle“ – „Percy“ – „Polly“ – „Betty“ – „Peter Rabbit“ – „Mr. and Mrs“ – „Little Jimmy“ – und „Butt and Jeff“.

Chivalry5 das ritterweseN, oder die Reise nach der Löwenburg. Zur Unterhaltung und Belehrung für die reifere Jugend. With engraved title by J.A. Bühler and 15 (1 bi‑folio) engravings. Nürnberg. Renner & Schuster, (ca.1820). 14 x 19 cm. Original boards. IV, 56 p. US$ 3.800,–Rare first edition of a typical children’s book of the ‚Biedermeier‘. The tutor of the boys Fritz and Paul explains to them the life of medieval knights. The very good engravings (gold‑ and silver heightened) could aswell serve as a history of medieval costumes.

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Nr. 5

6 deHmeL, Paula: Rumpumpel. Ein Buch für junge Mütter und Ihre Kleinsten. 3tes bis 5tes Tausend (2. Auflage). With gilt title and 15 handcolored plates by Karl Hofer. Köln. Schaffstein, H. & Fr., (1907). Oblong-4to. Illustrated original boards (slightly rubbed). 45 SS. US$ 3.400,–Paula Dehmel was enthusiastic about the pictures for the book, done by the artist Karl Hofer. The book in itself was in this time – about 1900 – really very exceptional.

‚Anti‑authoritarian‘ Children’s Lyrics7 deHmeL, Paula und Richard: Fitzebutze. Allerhand Schnickschnack für Kinder. Neue, verbesserte (2.) Auflage. Fünfzehntes Tausend. With many full‑page color illustrations by Ernst Kreidolf. Köln. Schafstein, 1901. 4to. Color illustrated original half cloth (back restored). 1 l., 40 p., 1 l. US$ 1.000,–One of the children’s books with great artistic skill and big influence in the time of ‚Jugendstil‘. – The 2nd edition is enlarged and improved and published now by Schafstein.

8 Foerster, Hans: Aus Adolf Hitlers Kinderzeit. Ein vaterländisches Bilderbuch. With 6 color plates and 4 text illustrations by Rudolf Bär. Leipzig. Pfau, 1933. 21,5 x 27 cm. Colored original half‑cloth. 8 l. text. US$ 3.900,–First and only edition. Very rare. – The book was meant to point out to children that in his childhood ‚our friend‘ had to experience good and bad times like everybody else, and here (in 1933) ‚little Adolf‘ was still allowed to celebrate Christmas. – On the title page the author introduces himself as „Pg.d.N.S.D.A.P.u.S.A.M.“.

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Nr. 7

9 Grimm – Das Kind als Märchenbaumeister. With 3 color panels and 45 color figures etc.. (Ludwigsburg. Hausser, Otto, Max & Müller, Freyer, ca. 1910). 46 x 28,5 x 5 cm (box). Original cardboard box. 1 (instead of 3) l. text. US$ 1.800,–Very rare game to build up the scenery for three fairy‑tales: Little Red Riding Hood – Snow White – Hansel and Gretel. – Each child gets a panel with color décor and with the right dice number is allowed to put (15 different) parts in little metal slats to build up the fairy tale.

Nr. 8

Nr. 9

10 HerGet, Anton: Josef Haydn. With 4 (3 full‑page) color lithos and 6 (1 full‑page) black/white lithos by Grete Brzezowsky. Prag‑Wien‑Leipzig. Haase, A., (1917). 25,5 x 30 cm. Illustrated original half cloth (slightly rubbed). 6 l. US$ 260,–The biography of Haydn revised for young people and illustrated with synpathetic historical ‚Jugendstil‘‑illustrations by the Viennese illustrator Margarete Brzezowsky (1878-1926).

11 HiLdeBraNdt, Lily: Klein‑Rainers Weltreise. With 14 color lithographs by Lily Hildebrandt. München. Lithographed and printed by Eckstein & Stähle in Stuttgart für G.W. Dietrich, 1918. 16 x 32 cm. Illustrated yellow original boards (back restored). 16 l. US$ 3.400,–First edition of an important exemple of the experimental children’s book with it’s figural and abstract imagery world. ‚Little Rainer‘ (1914‑2004), the son of the artist, had been the founder and director of the ‚Checkpoint‑Charlie‑Museum‘ in Berlin.

Interesting ‚Sammelband‘12 HoFFmaNN, Heinrich: König Nussknacker und der arme Reinhold. Ein Kindermährchen in Bildern. With hand‑ colored title and 33 hand‑colored woodcuts by H. Hoffmann. Frankfurt am Main. Literarische Anstalt, Rütten & Loening (Druck von C.Krebs‑Schmitt), (1851). 24,5 x 19,5 cm. Contemporary half cloth. 32 l. US$ 2.600,–

Early edition printed in the year of the first edition.BouNd toGetHer witH i: HoFFmaNN.: Im Himmel und auf der Erde. Herzliches und Scherzliches aus der Kinderwelt. 3rd edition. With hand‑colored title, 29 large hand‑colored wood engravings and many text wood engravings. Frankfurt/M, Rütten & Loening (sic), ca.1865. 1 l., 26 num. leaves. – Very early hand‑colored edition.BouNd toGetHer witH i: NormaNN, Friedrich Gustav: Die Kinderjahre in Bildern und Versen. 2nd edition. With 12 color lithos after F.G.Normann. Stuttgart, R.Chelius, (1856). 12 l. – R. Chelius printed separately and in high quality the 1st part of „Die Kinderjahre“ (Berlin 1848). – A typical ‚Biedermeier‘ picturebook with games and suggestions of activities for young people in their first 12 years.

Nr. 11

13 HoLd, Ernst (PS): Erstes Buch für Kinder oder ABC und Lesebuch. 5th enlarged edition. With 39 hand‑colored engravings on 16 plates by Ernst Wilhelm Straßberger. Leipzig. Hinrichs, J.C., (1844). Illustrated original boards (slightly stained). IV, 155 p. US$ 3.400,–Priority is given to the illustrations: the excellent colored pictures aimed for the middle class nursery – explaining natural history and showing all kind of letter types. – In such good condition very rare.

Deluxe Edition14 kaLdeweY-Press – LHa GYaL tseriNG, The Wind. A Tibetan Poem with an English Translation by Pema Bhum. With 20 wood‑cuts by Lobsang Wangchu and each page with two wood‑cut borders in four colors. New York. Kaldewey Press, 1996. 27 x 51 cm. In Magnolia Wood Covers. 52 unn. pages. US$ 8.500,–One of 10 Deluxe Copies in Magnolia Wood Covers, carved at the Workshop of Migmargyalpo Lama in Kath‑mandu. In a silk chemise layed in a cloth box. – The Tibetan calligraphy is written by Pema Bhum. The cotton rag paper is handmade at the Kaldewey Press. – Kaldewey Press Volume 26.

15 kaLdeweY-Press – sakokweNioNkwas, OHEN:TON KARIHWATEHKWEN. Thanksgiving Address of the Rotinonshonni People. With 5 hand‑colored illustrations. New York. Kaldewey Press, 2000. 31 x 49 cm. Paper over board in slipcase. 8 leaves and 1 CD. US$ 3.800,– Nr. 13

Nr. 12

First edition and one of 40 copies, signed by Sakokwenionkwas. The text in Mohawk and English. The paper was made at the Kaldewey Press, bound by T.Zwang of Hamburg. The CD was recorded in Fonda, New York and produced by Tape Complex in Boston. – Kaldewey Press Volume 30.

16 kirCHL, Adolf: Franz Schubert. With 4 full‑page color lithos and 7 (1 full‑page) illustrations by Franz Wacik. Prag‑Wien‑Leizig. Haase, A., 1915. 26 x 30 cm. Illustrated original half cloth. 6 l. US$ 260,–First edition. – „Österreichs Ruhmeshalle.“ – Heller, Wien 255, speaks of ‚impressive color lithos‘ which almost all refer to titles of Schubert’s songs.

17 kLeukeNs, Friedrich Wilhelm: Allerhand Voagels und Uezepoggen. With colored lithographed title and 12 hand‑colored lithographed plates by F.W. Kleukens – all signed by the artist. Darmstadt. Ratio-Presse, 1919. Oblong-4to. Original half vellum in slip‑case. 14 l. US$ 3.500,–Rare first edition and the first print of the Ratio‑Press (110 numbered copies). All plates colored and signed by Kleukens. It is one of the masterworks of this very exceptional artist. – The illustrations show birds in communication and fight with other animals.

18 köHLer, August: Die immerwährende Versetzung. Ein lebendiges Bilderbuch. With 6 color lithographed plates und 30 color lithographed figures. Berlin. Thiele, Th., (1865). 26,5 x 23 cm. Illustrated original half cloth. 1 l. title. US$ 1.700,–Rare picturebook showing rather neutral landscapes which you can transform with little figures – so that it is possible to compose many different scenes which is exactly what the pedagogue Fröbel intended with his publications about visual education. – August Köhler (1821‑79) had been director of a female teacher college in Gotha.

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19 kreki, (d.i. Paul G. Chrzescinski): Ein dicker Mann. Ein dünner Mann. Ein schwarzer Mann. With many woodcut illustrations by Frans Haacken. Feldberg/Mecklenburg. Peter-Paul-Verlag, 1949. 24 x 17 cm. Colored original boards (back restored). 35 p. US$ 980,–Very rare first edition of: „A thick man. A thin man. A black man.“ Haacken is one of the first and best illustrators right after World War II. Each of his stories has a moral effect, but his slightly caricaturing illlustrations procure a humorous and bright mood.

Constructivistic Picturebook20 krüGer, Hilde: Der Widiwondelwald. Ein Bilderbuch aus bunten Dreiecken. With 12 full page color illustrations by Hilde Krüger. Berlin. Dietz, J.H.W., 1924. 4to. Color illustrated original half cloth. 14 leaves. US$ 2.400,–Rare first edition of Krüger’s first picturebook. She created two picturebooks out of triangles from colored paper – probably influenced by El Lissitzky. – Wegehaupt, Arbeiterklasse 418. Stuck‑Villa II, 241.

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Nr. 19

21 maLdeN, Lucy (PS: d.i.L. Mailänder): Puppchens Geburtstag. With 12 color plates. (Fürth. Löwensohn, 1922). 23,5 x 33 cm. Color illustriated original half cloth. 13 l. US$ 640,–One and only edition of a picturebook (by Lucy Malden, born 1886 in Fürth) describing a doll’s birthday which ends with theatre scenes.

22 musterBuCH für Kinderzimmer-Tapeten. With 7 series of wall‑papers for children’s rooms. No publisher named, (ca.1920). 15,5 x 54,5 bis 26,5 x 61 cm. Wrapper. US$ 2.500,–Rare book of wall-paper designs for nurseries with 8 series. It was not before around 1900, when the middle classes began to think about special furnishing for nurseries. The design of wall‑papers touches the field of endpapers, so that there is a connection to books, especially the children’s books. Moreover educational efforts created a new sight on rooms for children, so that we find children dancing and making music aswell as young sportsmen on the wall‑papers.

23 mYriorama – CLark, John: Myriorama. A Collection of Many Thousand Landscaps. With 16 colorlithographed plates and 3 border strips by John Clark. London. Leigh, S., 1824. 22 x 16 cm (slip‑case); 20 x 7 cm (plates). Color illustrated slip-case. US$ 3.400,–Very early and very well preserved myriorama with excellent lithos of lively landscapes with many persons. – The artificer of this kind of puzzles was Jean‑Pierre Brès (1802). During the time of ‚Biedermeier‘ the Myriorama became a great success all over Europe.

Nr. 22

Nr. 21

24 mYriorama – sCHLaCHteN mYriorama oder mehr als Tausend Schlachtengemälde. With 18 color lithographed plates, partly hand‑colored, by C. Grünwedel. Nürnberg. Lotzbeck, (ca.1850). 13,4 x 7,2 cm (plates); 14 x 15 cm (slip-case). slip-case with color illustration (rubbed). US$ 3.850,–Rare ‚Myriorama‘, which is not known in any of the well‑known libraries or collections of children’s books. The war‑theme is very unusual for this kind of puzzles in this time.

25 NewBerrY, Elizabeth: The new Game of Human Life. Handkolorierter Spielplan in Kupferstich. London. Wallis, J. und E. Newber(r)y, 1790. 46 x 68 cm. US$ 3.900,–Very early and rare game with 16 segments on cloth. – „The game is played as a journey through life from the age of 1 to 84. The Age of Man is divided into seven periods, each of tewelve years: Infancy to Youth, Manhood, Prome of Life, Sedate Middle Age, Old Age, Decrepitude and Dotage. He passes through life in an variety of situations that are arranged in the order in which they generally succeed each other. The game is played with a teetotum, an early form of dice“ ( – Gumuchian 3266: „Games published by E. Newberry are very rare“. See Buijnsters, Papertoys, S.31.

Dedicated Copy26 redsLoB, Edwin: Der Spielzeugschrank. With illustrated title, 10 full‑page clorlithographs and many text illustrations by Emmy Zweybrück. Leipzig‑Berlin. Beyer, O., (1934). 4to. Color illustrated original boards bound as block book. 13 l. US$ 2.500,–First and only edition and a with an English dedication by the artist: „For my very dear friend Amy May. Emmy Zweybrück, Vienna 1939“. It was the year Zweybrück emigrated to the USA and became Art Director of the American Crayon Company. Already about 1930 she had visited the USA giving lectures to advertise for a new direction in art, the famous ‚Wiener Werkstätten‘, the arts‑and‑crafts‑school she worked for.

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Nr. 23

Original Illustrations27 reiNHardt, August: „24 alte und neue Spiele mit Versen, Erklärungen von V. Rein und zwölf farbigen Bildern von August Reinhardt“. With title in brown and red watercolor over pencil aund 11 (instead of 12) wiped pencil illustrations by August Reinhardt. Dresden. 1862. 24,9 x 19,9 cm (title); 19,8 x 16,7 cm (illustrations). US$ 3.600,–Beautiful and well preserved originals for the print of the homonymous picturebook of his wife Veronika Reinhardt. F.A.Reinhardt (1831-1915) was pupil of Friedrich Preller (Weimar) and known as painter of landscapes and illustrator in Dresden. Together with his wife he edited several children’s books. – For one of the illustrations there is also the first color print so that it is easy to compare both. – Well preserved originals with passepartouts.

28 reisesPieL – müLLer, Johann Wolfgang und J.G.Klinger: Reisen in die V Erdtheile. – Beschreibung verschiedener merkwürdiger Völkerschaften in den fünf Welttheilen nebst Abbildungen ihrer Nationaltrachten. New improved edition. With hand‑colored engraved, folded playing sheet, 32 hand‑colored engravings and 6 hand‑colored maps by Josef Kellner. Nürnberg. Klinger, J.G., 1805‑13. Original slip‑case. 128 p. US$ 7.800,–Splendid and rare travel game ‚Voyages to the five continents‘. – The playing sheet is dated 1805, the text‑volume 1813. Five original slip‑cases hold the single maps of the continents and the cards with costume engravings (6 for Europe, 10 for Asia, 4 for Africa, 8 for America, 4 for Australia = complete according to the text‑volume). – The publisher Johann Georg Klinger (1764‑1806) was well known for his production of globes, which are to be found in all important collections throughout the world.

Nr. 25

Nr. 27

Nr. 26

Hitler’s Biography for Children29 (sPriNGeNsCHmid, Karl): Eine wahre Geschichte. Worte und Bilder von zwei Deutschen aus dem Auslande. With many color illustrations by Poldi Mühlmann. Stuttgart. Frankh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1936. 4to. Color illustrated original half cloth. 16 nn.l. US$ 1.800,–Rare first edition of a picturebook which tells the lifestory of Hitler especially for children. The idea of this ‚true‘ story was to show that already the little boy had been singled out to go his way and become leader and the ‚Führer‘.

30 struwweLPeteriade – erdmaNN, Wilhelm: Der Tiftel‑Max und andere Geschichten. With many color illustrations by William Krause. Berlin. Meidinger, (ca.1915). 29,8 x 24 cm. Illustrated original boards. 16 l. US$ 620,–This ‚Struwwelpeteriade‘ mit beautiful pictures of the Jugendstil contains stories with themes like electric streetcars, telephon and other new technical things.

Pro‑War Propaganda31 struwweLPeteriade – waLdeCk, Marie: Struwwelpeter wird Soldat oder die feldgrauen Buben. Eine Kinder-komödie. With cover illustration. Frankfurt/Main. Rütten & Loening, 1915. 20 x 13,7 cm. Illustrated original wrappers. 79 p. US$ 340,–First and only edition. – Propaganda for World War I through the original publisher of ‚Struwwelpeter‘: The children do not obey because they are afraid of punishment, but they are well‑behaved because they love their ‚fatherland‘.

Nr. 28

32 teLeorama, Das Königliche Palais. With 5 hand‑colored engraved views – put in a row. (Paris. ca. 1830). 12,7 x 18,8 cm (extended: ca. 39 cm). Color illustrated original board. US$ 1.800,–Early and well preserved teleorama, which was probably published in Paris. It shows the Palais Royal with garden and galeries. Exceptional for this teleorama is the special peep‑hole for all 3 view‑points. – Gumuchian 2219 and Abb. Tafel 107. Buijnsters, Papertoys, S.351.

Nr. 32

Nr. 29

33 tHora-roLLe. Hebräische Handschrift auf Pergament. East‑Europe. (ca. 1850). 16 x 400 cm. 25 columns, 17 lines. US$ 2.800,–Rare and well preserved Rotulus in 6 parts with text from the Book of Esther. – Attached „Gebetsstreifen und Gebetskapsel“.

34 uNsere kleinen Sportsleute. With 6 chromolithographed and 9 bicolored illustrations. (Hannover. Molling, A., ca. 1910). 32,5 x 24,4 cm. Color illustrated original half cloth. 8 l. US$ 1.700,–Picturebooks with the theme of ‚sports‘ are very rare. This title is not to be found in any bibliographies nor in the main libraries. The following forms of sport are shown: auto race – aviatian – sailing – skiing – swimming – cycling – angling etc. Very special is the fact that some of the forms of sport are done by girls, e.g. boxing. According to Mrs. E.Sheridan-Quantz (specialist for the history of the publishing house ‚Molling‘) there was a boxing match between two female boxers at the Olympic Games 1894 in St.Louis, where at the same time the World Exhibition took place. As Molling exhibited there, it might be possible that he had been eye-witness of this spectacular happening.

Expressionistic Picturebook35 uzarski – GiNzkeY, Franz Karl: Bunt durcheinander. Ein Bilderbuch. With 8 color plates and many text illustrations by Adolf Uzarski. Mainz. Scholz, J., (1928). 29,5 x 22,5 cm. Color illustrated original half cloth. 8 l. US$ 1.600,–Rare first and only edition. – Clearly noticeable is the influence of Max Beckmann’s artistic oeuvre like in the picture ‚Fussballspieler‘, or the illustration ‚Grosse Stadt‘ – a theme that had an significant impact on the culture of the twenties. Uzarski is on of the convincing expressionistic artist in the field of children’s books.

Nr. 34

36 uzarski – Scholz’ Künstler‑Bilderbücher Nr. 29: Don Quichote. With illustrated title, many text illustrations and 8 full‑page color lithographs by Adolf Uzarski. Mainz. Scholz, J., (1924). Oblong-4to. Illustrated original half cloth. 8 l. Vlgs-Nr. 113. US$ 1.400,–First and only edition of the rare picturebook belonging to the series of the ‚Scholz‑Künstler‑Bilderbücher‘.

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