new years perspective presentation 2013.02.05

Post on 09-May-2015






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A presentation I made based largely on Stephen Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people.



2013 – Daniel Burillo

Daniel Burillo 2013

Common Social Misconception

Daniel Burillo 2013

Why the 7 Habits?


2.  Commitment to timeless principles is our foundation for our character ¤  E.g. integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry,

simplicity, modesty, fairness, human dignity, service, quality, growth, patience, nurturance, encouragement, optimism, affirmation, balance, learning, The Golden Rule

3.  Sustained superior performance requires a balanced focus on achieving results and on building capability

Character   Personality  Who you are   How you look  What you do   What you say / how you sound  Behavior driven by values   Behavior driven by etiquette  Improved through long-term personal development, self reflection, training, and commitment  

Improved through short-term personal development, self awareness, conscious acting, and practice  

Daniel Burillo 2013

What are the 7 Habits?

You take care of me

I am self-reliant

We are greater together

Steven Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” – Henry David Thoreau

Habit 1 – Be Proactive

Daniel Burillo 2013

Proactive vs. Reactive Language

¨  “The quality of our thoughts and ideas can only be as good as the quality of our language.” – George Carlin

¨  “The language of reactive people absolves them of responsibility, whereas proactive language is about considering alternatives, making choices, and committing to one’s own actions.”

¨  “When we are reactive, we surrender what we do to our environment and how we feel.” – Stephen Covey

Daniel Burillo 2013

The Human Behavior Process

Input / Stimuli / Influence à Consciousness à Response

Daniel Burillo 2013

What We Really Control – Our Consciousness

¨  3 types of Problems / Opportunities ¤  Direct control

n  What you think

n  What you say n  How you behave

¤  Influence n  Children, friends, family, work

n  Relationships

¤  No Control or influence n  Weather

n  The past n  International politics

(at least for anyone reading this)

Reactive Focus

Circle of Concern

Circle of Control & Influence

Proactive Focus

Our Consciousness No Concern

The question, “what is the meaning of life?” is an arrogant question. It presumes that the universe is responsible to answer to us. We are the ones with the conscious ability to learn, to think, to make choices, and to act. And so it is we who are responsible to decide what to live for, and we who are responsible for the meaning of our lives.

Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind

Daniel Burillo 2013

Habit 2 – Begin with the end in mind

¨  Thought exercise… ¨  Imagine your funeral in 3 years; what do these

people have to say about you?

Area of Activity Character Contributions Achievements




Church / Community Service, etc.

Daniel Burillo 2013

4 Common Pitfalls in our Society

1.  Being so busy with day-to-day activities that we forget what’s important to us.

2.  Acting out haphazard scripts given to us by our family, friends, coworkers, DNA, and environment.

3.  Confusing management with leadership. “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” – Stephen Covey

4.  Having non-principle based centers: spouse, family, money, work, possessions, pleasure, friends, enemies, church, self.

Daniel Burillo 2013

Our Center - The lens through which we see the world

1.  Security – our identity and sense of worth; source of self-esteem and personal strength

2.  Guidance – our source of direction in life; reference for our decision-making

3.  Wisdom – our perspective on life; source of worldly comprehension and understanding

4.  Power – our capacity to act; our strength to accomplish

Strong inner direction


Parts and principles properly relate

Act according to own values

Sense of high intrinsic worth

Dependence on social mirror

Totally inaccurate map of the world,

nothing seems to fit

Immobilization or a puppet

Daniel Burillo 2013

Identify Your Center(s)





Friend Enemy






Daniel Burillo 2013

The Personal Focusing Tool

¨  Timeless ¤ Mission ¤ Beliefs ¤ Values

¨  Present Tense ¤ Roles ¤ Affirmations

¨  Future Tense ¤ Goals

Daniel Burillo 2013

A Mission Statement

¨  Is your personal articulation of yourself. It is the self-imposed standard by which you judge yourself, measure your effectiveness, and realize your sense of self-worth.

¨  It focuses on who you want to be, your character, ¤ What you want to do in terms of contributions & achievements,

and ¤  It is written in terms of principles such that it is timeless and

independent of material resources ¨  Recommendations:

¤ Use the structure suggested, or make up your own ¤  Look for more examples online and do what makes sense to you,

what’s clear to you, what resonates with you. ¤  Read it every morning. ¤  Rewrite, revise, and update once a week as necessary.

Daniel Burillo 2013

Mission Statement continued…

¨  Example structure: ¤  To be a character and make contributions towards some

achievement. ¤  I want to be this character because I value the following

principles: n  Principle 1 – Your Definition n  Principle 2 – Your Definition n  …

¤  I want to make these contributions and achievements because I believe: n  Belief 1 – Your Definition n  Belief 2 – Your Definition n  …

Daniel Burillo 2013

Mission Statement continued…

¨  Organization Examples: ¤ USA: We the People of the United States, in Order to form

a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

¤  Boy Scouts of America: To prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. n  Oath: On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and

my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

n  Law: A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

¤  Freemasons: To help good men become better men.

Daniel Burillo 2013

Effective Goals

¨  Focus primarily on results rather than activity ¨  Identify where you want to be ¨  Give important information on how to get there ¨  Tell you when you have arrived ¨  Give meaning and purpose to all you do ¨  Translate into daily activities by providing a target

for proactive behavior

Daniel Burillo 2013

Effective Affirmations

¨  Should be aligned to your Personal Mission & Principles ¨  Can be specific to roles or just be general ¨  A good affirmation has five basic ingredients, it's: 

1.  Personal 2.  Positive 3.  Present tense 4.  Visual 5.  Emotional

¨  Example: Communicating With Others ¤  When people come to me with problems, I consider both the content of

what they say and how they are feeling before I respond. It is deeply satisfying when I am able to understand others and help them beyond their words.

¨  Example: Getting Things Done ¤  I like to break work into pieces and schedule sprints to get those done. I

feel relaxed and in control when I’m making regular progress.

“If you are an effective manager of your self, your discipline comes from within; it is a function of your independent will. You are a disciple, a follower, of your own deep values and their source. And you have the will, the integrity, to subordinate your feelings, your impulses, your moods to those values.” – Stephen Covey

Habit 3 – Put First Things First

Daniel Burillo 2013

Time Management Matrix

    Urgent   Not  Urgent  





I  Crises  Pressing  problems  Deadline-­‐driven  projects  


II  Planning  &  prepara8on  Preven8on  Rela8onship  building  Recrea8on  

Not  Im



III  Interrup8ons  Some  calls,  mail,  reports  Some  mee8ngs  Pressing  ma?ers  Popular  ac8vi8es  


IV  Trivia  Busy  work  Some  mail,  phone  calls  Time  wasters  Pleasant  ac8vi8es  

Daniel Burillo 2013

Results of Time Spent in Each Quadrant

    Urgent   Not  Urgent  





I  Stress  Burnout  Crisis  management  Always  puFng  out  fires  


II    Vision,  perspec8ve  Balance  Discipline  Control  Few  crises  

Not  Im



III  Short-­‐term  focus  Crisis  management  Feel  vic8mized,  out  of  control  Shallow  or  broken  rela8onships  


IV  Total  irresponsibility  Fired  from  jobs  Dependent  on  others    or  ins8tu8ons  for  basics  

Daniel Burillo 2013

Time Management Strategy

    Urgent   Not  Urgent  




I  Do  it  now!  


II    Decide  when  to  do  it  






III  Delegate  it  


IV  Dump  it  

¨  Social Misconception – That the key to being in Quadrant 2 is discipline. ¤  It’s not.

¨  The key pitfall of not having a Quadrant 2 focus is that people’s priorities have not become deeply planted in their hearts and minds.

¨  To know what’s important – one first has to know what his or her mission is.

Daniel Burillo 2013

Be Organized, Schedule Your Priorities

A Planner should meet 6 Criteria 1.  Coherence – from mission, through vision, roles, goals, priorities, and plans.

These things should be in our organizers. 2.  Balance – We should see our roles every day and keep balance between

health, family, community, career, and personal development. 3.  Quadrant 2 focus – Plan at a week-level view, and schedule a “Sabbath”

day for uplifting or inspirational purposes, including reviewing the last week and planning the next.

4.  A “People” Dimension – When dealing with things, aim for efficiency. When dealing with people, aim for effectiveness. Our tools need to reflect that value, and not create guilt when relationships go off-schedule.

5.  Flexibility – The tool should be personally tailored to you, your style, your needs, your comfort. You should enjoy using it.

6.  Portability – you should be able to always have it on your person.

Daniel Burillo 2013

Final Thoughts

¨  “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

¨  “If it’s not helping me to achieve my goals in some way, it’s mental clutter and it’s out.” – Scott Hanselman

¨  Audit your life ¨  Turn off and dump distraction ¨  Consider your system’s structure – Is it efficient? Effective? ¨  Update and or consolidate your toolbox ¨  Schedule work sprints ¨  Schedule 1 hour per week to reflect on the last week and plan

the next one. Ask yourself 3 questions and build a journal: ¤  What went well? ¤  What didn’t go well? Or what do I want to never happen again? ¤  What did I learn?

Daniel Burillo 2013 Personal Diagnostic Tools

Recommended introspection for developing your Personal Focusing Tool

¨  Meyers Briggs ¤

¨  Strengths Finder 2.0


Daniel Burillo 2013

Q & A

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