new xml features in cfmx 06.21.03 samuel neff. outline xml xpath xslt what's next? new xml...

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New XML Features in CFMX06.21.03

Samuel Neff





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New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Format for combining data and metadata

Data is the information being exchanged

A person's name

An account number

Metadata is the descriptor of that information



Combining data and metadata into one file simplifies development and interoperability

What is XML?

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Exchange of data between applications

Movement of data within tiers of an application

Storage of highly complex single-purpose data

Where to use XML?

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Movement of data within components of a single-tier in an application

Storage of reusable or relational data

Where NOT to use XML?

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Anatomy of an XML Document

<?xml version='1.0'?><people> <person firstName="Doug" lastName="Jones"> <bio> Doug is a broker. </bio> <!-- Do we have more info on Doug? --> </person></people>

Processing Instructions





(Comments have only two dashes in XML)

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Parsing an XML File

<cfset fileName = expandPath("Simple.xml")>

<cffile action = "read" file="#fileName#" variable="xmlText">

<cfset xmlObject = xmlParse(xmlText)>

<cfdump var = "#xmlObject#" label = "xmlObject">

Example: 1_ReadXML.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Accessing XML Elements

Use simple dot notation to access elements

<cfset firstNameElement = xmlObject.purchaseOrder.customerInfo.firstName>

Use the XML object property "xmlText" to read the text of an element

<cfset firstNameText = firstNameElement.xmlText> <cfoutput>#firstNameText#</cfoutput>

Example: 2_XMLElements.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Accessing XML Attributes

Use the XML element property "xmlAttributes" to read the attributes

xmlAttributes is a structure of key/value pairs

<cfset customerInfoElement = xmlObject.purchaseOrder.customerInfo>

<cfset customerId = customerInfoElement.xmlAttributes.customerId>

<cfoutput><h1> The customer id is #customerId# </h1></cfoutput>

Example: 3_XMLAtts.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Iterating XML Nodes

Use standard structure functions to iterate attributes <cfset atts = arguments.element.xmlAttributes> <cfloop item="i" collection="#atts#"> <cfset attValue = atts[i]> </cfloop>

Use the XML object property "xmlChildren" as an array of child elements

<cfset children = element.xmlChildren> <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#arrayLen(children)#"> <cfset child = children[i]> </cfloop>

Example: IterateXML.cfm, 4_IterateXML.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Language for selecting nodes from an XML document

Supports combining disparate nodes

Supports filtering nodes by complex criteria

Think of it as single-table SQL

What is XPath?

Example: 5_DisplayComplex.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Use XMLSearch() function to perform an XPath search

<cfset nodes = XMLSearch(xmlObject, "/purchaseOrders/purchaseOrder/customerInfo/firstName")>

First argument is an XML object—already parsed

Second argument is an XPath Expression

XPath expression is forward slash delimited list of elements

XMLSearch Returns an array of XML Elements

Simple node selection

Example: 6_SimpleXPath.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Filtered node selection

Use square brackets to indicate a filter

Use relative paths to identify comparison nodes

/purchaseOrders/purchaseOrder/customerInfo [../products/product/discount > 0]

Example: 7_FilteredXPath.cfm, 8_FilteredXPath.cfm

Use @ sign to indicate an attribute

Still include '/' before the @ sign

/purchaseOrders/purchaseOrder/customerInfo [../products/product/@productId = 1]

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

ColdFusion MX XPath Limitations

Can only be used to select XML Elements

In other systems you can select attribute nodes as well /purchaseOrders/purchaseOrder/customerInfo/@customerId

Above valid XPath won't work in ColdFusion MX

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Language for transforming one XML document into another XML document or into text

An XSLT transformation is also a valid XML document

What is XSLT

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

Refactor an XML document

Move, sort and rename nodes

Filter out data

Commonly used for inter-application data exchange when each application already has an existing XML grammar

XML to XML Transformations

Example: 09_XSLT_XML.xsl, 10_XSLT_XML.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

XML to HTML Transformations

Reporting from XML

Simpler than DOM processing

Example: 11_XSLT_HTML.xsl, 12_XSLT_HTML.cfm

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

ColdFusion MX XSLT Limitations

No parameters to XSLT transformation

No caching of compiled XSLT files

Extra XML serialization and deserialization sometimes necessary

New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03


What's next?








New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03



New XML Features in CFMX – 06.21.03

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