new testament survey no.6 : john - his gospel account

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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Questions :1. Who was John ?2. How do we know he wrote this gospel ?3. When and where was it written ?4. To whom was it written ?5. What style and approach was used ?6. What role of Jesus did John focus on ?7. Why did John write this Gospel ?8. What did John want to communicate ? 9. What is the structure & direction of his gospel ?

Question 1.

Who was John ?

John Israeli Jew Fisherman – sea of Galilee (Mk 1:19-20, Lk

5:10) One of sons of Zebedee Brother = James Fished with partners – Peter & Andrew Fishing business – hired employees (Mk 1:20) Previous follower of John the Baptist (Jn 1:40) After 1 year, called by Christ to be one of the

12 Part of the 3 closest disciples (+Peter+James) > Experienced closely – transfiguration,

gethsemane, raising Jairus daughter Later > Ministered with Peter (Acts 3-4) Jerusalem church leaders (Gal.2:9) Old – exiled to Island Patmos by Roman Govn

because evangelising for Christ – wrote Revelation

Question 2.

How do we know He wrote this gospel ?

How do we know?Issue . . Not recorded in the gospel we have that John wrote itExternal Evidence . . Major church fathers in AD180: Irenaeus & Theophilus

confirmInternal Evidence . . In-depth detail = He must have been eye-witness of Christ In-depth knowledge of Jewish customs, history, geography –

must have been a Palestinian Jew John 21:20 = “disciple whom Jesus loved” – must have been

one of the three closest disciples – Peter, James, John Not Peter = next sentences shows Peter is separate Not James = died too early – for message that he would not

die >> John = close disciple, eyewitness to all & only one to live

long life

Question 3.

When and Where

was the gospel written ?

When ? John assumed his readers knew Jesus life from other

gospels Written later in life - so he avoided repeating info from

other gospels 92% unique most likely approx. AD 85-95

Where ? Irenaeous states – wrote when in Ephesus Definitely in Asia Minor, before Patmos when


Question 4.To whom did John write to ?(who was the audience?)

Audience ? All believers Especially to Gentiles :

Since written in Asia Minor (likely Ephesus where most believers were non-Jews)

Since explains the Jewish feasts & practices a lot

Question 5.

What was the style & approach John used?

John’s Approach & Style All Gospels written to be real aloud in sections

or read in private in sections – therefore written to be in clear units

Carefully selected miracles & teachings > So not to copy previous 3 ‘synoptic’

gospels everyone heard > unique material – 92%

Question 6.

What part of Jesus’ identity and role did John focus on ?

Jesus as God Throughout gospel – demonstrates – deity of

Christ That Jesus is God

Beginning (John 1:1) – declares Jesus is God End (John 20:28) – statement of Thomas

after seeing risen Christ – He is Lord and God

Claims “I am” – from the special title of God in Exodus 3:14 when God appears before Moses

The Tri-unity of God learnt from Scripture: Jesus is God yet distinct in person from the

Father & Holy Spirit (John ch.1 & ch.14-16)

Seven “I am” statements

Question 7.

Why did John write this Gospel - when 3 were already written ?

What was his purpose?

To >> EVANGELISE – direct evangelistic propaganda !

- with purpose to create belief & faith (like Mark – but different to Luke)

Key verse of purpose = at end of gospel – John 20:30-31

Verse 30 Jesus performed

many signs/miracles which John knew but did not record in this book

Verse 31 The signs/miracles

written by John are to fulfil a definite purpose –> (a) for you to choose to believer & (b) as a result have life now and for eternity in his name

PURPOSE Signs Believe

have Life

Seven signs of Jesus

Signs Change water into wine = reveals Jesus as master of

quality / substance – changing what a vine takes months to do

Healing Official’s Son = over 30 km away –reveals Jesus is master of distance & space

Healing the Lame man = suffering disability set in body for 38 years – reveals master of time

Feeds Multitudes = multiplies food – reveals master of quantity

Walk on water = reveals mastery over natural law Healing man born blind = reveals master over suffering

& misfortune Raising Lazarus from dead = reveals master over death

– demonstrate Jesus transcendent nature as God – control over factors of life: man is unable to control

to Believe Natural response to signs = BELIEVE or REJECT


Gospel written – to draw reader to > BELIEVE

Greek = ‘Pisteuo’ – more than believe – personal commitment to person / message

to have Life Believe > is the means to greater purpose >> have

life (Greek = zoe)

John 17:3 – life eternal is to know the only true God and His Son

Life = consciousness + connection + development + eternity in Christ

Question 10.

What messages did John communicate ?

Focus of John1. Jesus is divine (John 1 & 7 signs & ‘I am’)2.God loved the world > sent his Son (John 3:16)3. Jesus provided the way & New Covenant to all4. Jesus calls all to faith and new Life5. Jesus will send His the Holy Spirit

Question 9.What is the structure of John’s Gospel ?How do we follow the direction of John ?

Structure of John’s Gospel

Public Ministry to the multitudes

Growing rejection & attacks on Jesus

Private Ministry to equip the 12 apostles

Demonstration Son of God - Crucifixion & Resurrection

Direction of John’s Gospel

References: Books to Read … Benware, Paul (1990) Survey of the New


Berding, Kenneth and Matt Williams (2008) What the New Testament Authors Really Cared About.

Tenney, Merrill C. (1997) New Testament Survey.

Recap: Can you answer these 10 Questions :1. Who was John ?2. How do we know he wrote this gospel ?3. When and where was it written ?4. To whom was it written ?5. What style was it written in ?6. Why did John write this Gospel ?7. What role of Jesus did John focus on ?8. What did John want to communicate ? 9. What is the structure of his gospel ?

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