new props media

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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• Fake blood, used in almost very horror film, it’s the most know convention of a horror film that there will be blood at some point in the film. This gives our film trailer a more sinister feel. In the trailer we see her drop her bottle of water on the floor as she is jumps at something the expression of her face before the screen goes black shows this. After we see her jump and drop the bottle blood is seen dropping from above on to the bottle cap. We made our own fake blood by watching a YouTube tutorial with and using these ingredients. Golden syrup, red, blue and green food colouring and water.


• Our idea is to use pigeon mask as to the seeing eye these look scary, in the dark even more. No other horror film has this sort of mask it’s a new idea, our idea to scare people, these animals are known as vermin and this can be confusing but also scary. We wanted to use a masked figure because none of our group wanted to be in the film trailer because we aren’t actors so we decided to use a masked figure so we wouldn’t have to act. This also creates mystery of who is behind the mask.


• Blue boiler suits are used as the clothes for the man dressed as the pigeon to make it more sinister, these are used in many films like ‘Halloween’ to give the film a horror feel as he doesn’t look like an ordinary man dressed in a track suit or jeans. This also creates mystery of who is behind the mask and clothing as you cant see any real features because a boiler suit is baggy its hard to define certain features of the body.


• The victim in our horror film trailer uses her phone to text her friend to see where she whist she is at the park where she is supposedly meeting someone she thinks is her friend from online. This is important to our film trailer, because it links to the narrative of our story that we used within our trailer. The “boy” meets the girl over the internet and plan to meet up at the park. Its really life also because what teenage girl doesn’t have a phone in hand all the time.


• For one of our locations we used the schools basement/ boiler room. This room has little lighting which was perfect for our horror film and also has a wood saw which is heard at the start of our trailer when the masked figure is sawing some wood, which makes a horrible noise and is very sinister like.

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