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The New Masque of the Red Death Introduction

New Masque of the Red Death Rulesfor the Living Death Campaign

by Claire Hoffman

D&D Design Advisor: Jonathan TweetRPGA Living Campaigns Manager: Robert WieseEditor, Research Assistant and Science Advisor: Keith Hoffman

Thanks to the following people for their assistance in both play-testing, providing feedback and/orhistorical research; Ed Gibson, Jeff Richards, Alex Lombardi, Wayne Melnick, Patrick Connolly, SeanFlaherty, Bruce Finch, Wayne Straiton, John Grierson, Craig Walker and Mike Davis.

The material presented here has been converted to work with the new D&D rules and is based onthe following material:Masque of the Red Death boxed set by William W. ConnorsDomains of Dread by William Connors & Steve MillerRavenloft boxed set by Bruce Nesmith with Andria Hayday“Donning a New Masque” by William W. Connors; Dragon Magazine #215“Mystics, Miracles, and Meditations” by James Wyatt; Dragon Magazine # 236“Masque of the Red Death- Victorian Knights: Heroes of Gothic Earth” by Andrew Hauptmann;Polyhedron Magazine #124Archeologist Kit developed by Peter ParkerAnimal Breeder Kit and Politician Kit developed by Keith HoffmanCriminal Kit developed by Jeff RichardsThe Players Guide to Living Death by Claire Hoffman

ADVANCED DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, AD&D, RAVENLOFT, and RPGA areregistered trademarks of TSR, Inc. LIVING DEATH is a trademark of TSR, Inc. Tournamentdetail copyright 2001 by TSR, Inc. TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not bereproduced without the approval of RPGA Network.

Table of ContentsIntroductionChapter One: Abilities, Races, and Alignment…………………………Page 3Chapter Two: Classes…………………………………………………… Page 4Chapter Three: Prestige Classes Page 23Chapter Four: Skills in Gothic Earth…………………………………… Page 32Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth……………………………………..Page 48Chapter Six Equipment in Gothic Earth…………………………………Page 53Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth………………………………Page 64Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth……………………………Page 77Chapter Nine: Magic in Gothic Earth ………………………………… Page 87

The New Masque of the Red Death Introduction

IntroductionThe goal of this book is to present to the player andjudge the world of Gothic Earth in terms of the newD&D game system so that the flavor of the Masqueof the Red Death (MotRD) setting remains basicallyunchanged while updating the campaign for the newD&D rules.

These rules are designed for the ongoing LivingDeath Campaign, which is a tournament campaign.This campaign was already underway before theintroduction of the new D&D. That fact influencedsome of the choices made during the design process. Ifyou wish to use these rules for a home campaign, youmay wish to make a number of adjustments.

In general many things remain fairly similar to theoriginal MotRD. Magic is still slow, unreliable andoccasionally dangerous to use. It is still set in the late19th Century and the Classes, Skills and Feats havebeen adjusted to reflect that time period. It is the gamemechanics that define how these things work orexpressed that has changed. Skills and Feats havereplaced Non Weapon Proficiencies. Instead of Kitswe have a greatly expanded group of Character Classesand Prestige Classes.

This is not a stand-alone work. Players will need thenew D&D Player's Handbook (PHB) and if the usethe Prestige Classes they may need access to the DMG.Judges will need the new D&D Dungeon Master'sGuide (DMG) as well as the Living Death CampaignGuidelines. This is available from HQ and willaccompany each event when RPGA HQ sends them tothe Convention, or Gameday, Coordinator. Only thoseaspects of the game mechanics and spells that aredifferent from that in the PHB or the DMG arepresented here.

The campaign will convert to these rules on January 1,2001. A separate guide for converting heroes isavailable from the RPGA.

The Ravenloft effects and the World ofGothic EarthThe 2nd edition AD&D Ravenloft Campaign expansionincluded several rules adjustments for campaigning inthis dark setting. These rules were also a part ofMotRD, which in turn made additional adjustments toreflect the differences between Gothic Earth and more

traditional campaign worlds. Previously DMs andPlayers needed to refer back to various Ravenloftproducts. This work includes all "Ravenloft" effectsthat are part of Gothic Earth.

The Lands of Ravenloft are places were the fight ofGood vs. Evil is very real. They are also places werefrequently Evil is in a position of power or strengthsuch that it can warp the very nature of the land.

Gothic Earth is a place where a creature of Evil hascorrupted and weakened magic drastically. Thiscreature, known as the Red Death, may reach out totempt a character into corruption and evil deeds withpromises of power.

The detailed history and geography of the world ofGothic Earth and the entrance and effect of the RedDeath on that world was originally presented in theMasque of the Red Death . The officialWotC/RPGA web site < > alsohas a section where this material is posted. The MotRDcampaign is set in the 1890's in a world very similar to,but not exactly like, ours in the 1890's. This is a worldfilled with intrigue and scientific inventions, greatwealth and great poverty. A world rushing forward tothe end of the Century and perhaps to the end of otherthings as well.

In the Living Death Campaign, the term hero is usedinstead of the term Player Character. Many playerscreate more than one hero for the Living DeathCampaign.

Chapter One: Abilities, Races, and Alignment 3

Chapter One: Abilities, Races,and Alignment

AbilitiesAbilities in this setting serve the same function as inD&D but there are some differences you should beaware of when creating a hero for the Living DeathCampaign. Table 1-1 in the PHB lists the modifiers forability scores.

All Living Death heroes start with 72 ability points. Atcharacter creation, ability scores can range between 3and 18; however, the only scores that can beduplicates, at character creation, are 10 and 11. A herocan have as many abilities as you choose with either ofthose scores, so long as you do not exceed 72 points.No other numbers may be repeated. For example, youcan have a hero with abilities of 16, 14, 12, 10, 10 and10 (in any desired order), but not 16, 16, 10, 10, 10 and10 the two 16's are duplicates.

As in regular D&D a hero gains ability points as shegains levels. There may be events that remove abilitypoints. If subsequent ability point gains or losses causea hero to have a duplicate number, that is allowed. It isonly when creating the hero that the prohibition exists.

StrengthStrength works exactly as in D&D. However,technology available on Gothic Earth makes thephysical demands on characters quite different fromtraditional D&D. Because of the prominent use offirearms and the obscurity of large melee weapons, theStrength ability plays a less important role thanexperienced D&D garners might expect. Howeverstrength is a factor when using large firearms. SeeFirearms Chapter for details.

DexterityThis ability works exactly as in D&D. The ACadjustment from Dexterity is often the onlyimprovement to AC a Living Death hero will have. Italso affects use of firearms and, of course, ReflexSaves.

ConstitutionThe medical sciences of Gothic Earth are far superiorto those on other D&D game worlds. Still, the bestway for a character to avoid death is to be resistant toinjuries and illnesses. The Constitution score indicatesthis quality and functions as it does in D&D.

IntelligenceIntelligence is a measure of natural reasoning, logic,and memory. It represents the ability for concentrated,organized thought processes so vital to both scienceand spell casting. On Gothic Earth, wizardry is all butunknown. On the other hand, the magic that dominatesother D&D game worlds is replaced by an 1890'sequivalent: science. In all matters except one, thisability works in the same manner in Gothic Earth as itdoes in D&D. The exception being that Adepts do notgain additional spells due to high Intelligence. TheIntelligence modifier does affect the success of theattempt to cast and learn spells. (See Chapter Eight:Magic in Gothic Earth )

WisdomIn all matters except one this ability works in the samemanner in Gothic Earth as it does in D&D. Theexception being that Mystics do not gain additionalspells due to high Wisdom. The Wisdom modifier doesaffect the success of the attempt to cast spells.

CharismaAs in D&D core rules, Charisma is a measure ofpersonality and leadership ability. A high Charismascore is important for all characters that must dealregularly with strangers. As investigation is frequentlyan aspect of Living Death adventures, this ability canplay an important role.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 4

RacesOnly the human race is available for heroes; see PHBfor details on humans. A hero can be any nationality orfrom any racial group. However, Vistani heroes are notallowed. Heroes do get all the benefits of the humanrace listed in the PHB.

Since heroes are human, they receive their nativelanguage free and get additional modern languages inthe same manner as presented in the PHB. As beforeknowledge of a modern language includes the abilityto read and write it.

Minimum age of a hero is 17. Players may otherwisechoose the age of their hero, as well as height, weight,gender and similar physical features. See PHB.

AlignmentThe premise of the Living Death Campaign is that allheroes are members of an organization dedicated tofighting evil. (For more information on the Society ofthe White Rose, see Chapter Seven: Adventuring inGothic Earth section of this work.) Therefore allheroes are required to have some version of a Goodalignment. Heroes may be Neutral Good, LawfulGood or Chaotic Good.

Judges should warn players if proposed actions willendanger character alignment, as permanent alignmentchanges can be cause for the PC to become an NPCand out of play.

Chapter Two: Classes

While most D&D worlds are setting in technologiesthat resemble our Medieval or Renaissance period, theMasque of the Red Death is set in a world thatresembles the latter years of our 19th Century. Thenumber of professions, trades, crafts, arts, and fields ofacademic study have proliferated greatly. The classskills for each class are denoted in table 4:1 in ChapterFour. This setting as well as the general lack of divineintervention in the world and the lack of class kits hascaused some major reshaping of Character Classes.The fact that Living Death is a campaign that isalready in progress had some effect on how the classeswere shaped.

AdeptThe Adept is the wizard of Gothic Earth. However, herroad is much different that that of the wizard in mostD&D worlds. Magic is all but unknown on Gothic

Earth. Still, a few individuals have secretly kept alivethe ancient knowledge of spell casting and magicallore. While many frauds might claim knowledge of thearcane arts, truly talented people are few and farbetween. Because of the differences in how theknowledge of magic is taught Adepts on Gothic Earthcan not automatically memorize the spell Read Magicwithout their spellbook. Adepts do not get bonus spellsfrom high Intelligence.

Adept Hit Die is a d4. In the Living Death Campaignthe Adept has 4 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) , and gains 2 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of adept.

Adepts use Table 3-20 in the PHB for attack bonuses,saves, bonus feats, and spells per day; however, theydo not get Scribe Scroll or Find Familiar. They do geta bonus Metamagic feat at first level and oneadditional bonus Metamagic Feat every five levels (asWizards do in D&D).

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (5+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 5 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesAdepts can not be proficient in the use of any armor orshield.

Weapons: All adepts are proficient with the following:dagger, any pistol, baton, sword cane or club. Theymay become proficient in other weapons with the useof the proper feat (See PHB)

Spells: The Adepts have the ability to cast Arcanespells through the use of the Spellcraft ability. TheCharacter’s Adept level and her intelligence determinethe level of spell she can cast. She must have anintelligence equal to or better than 10+ the level of thespell she is attempting to cast. In order to actually casta spell, the player rolls a Spellcraft check in order todetermine if the spell actually works. The DC for thisis 8 + level of the spell. The Spellcraft roll is a d20+Intelligence bonus.

Those Adepts who wish to study a specific school, andthus improve their ability to cast spells in that school,can do so with the Spell Focus Feat. A specific schoolmust be indicated each time that this Feat is taken.

When adepts learn new spells they must make aSpellcraft check to learn the spell and a Con checkafter each attempt to learn a spell. The DC to learn thespell is 10 + the level of the spell. The DC for the Con

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 5

Check is 10+ the level of the spell learned. If Concheck is failed, the adept loses one point of Str or Con,her choice. The effort to learn a spell takes an adept 16hours per level of the spell and the adept must call onher inner physical resources in the process. All Adeptcharacters begin the game with knowledge of thedetect magic and read magic spells. In addition, acharacter is assumed to know 4 other spells for a totalof six. The spells are limited to two 0 level and two 1st

level. One spell of each level must be a defensiveenchantment while the other two may be offensivespells. The players may select the spells their heroknows from a list presented in Chapter 9. Chapter 9includes information on magic and spells.

Wealth: First level Adepts start with 2d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome.


Athletes run the gamut of Gothic Earth's social classes.Some, like baseball's Christy Mathewson or HonusWagner, are simple, unassuming folk at heart. Others,like tennis's Lottie Dod or Joshua Pim, are moresophisticated members of the upper class. The natureof a given sport dictates the dress and mannerisms ofits athletes. Athletes are fierce competitors. They feel aconstant need to push themselves farther than everbefore each time they begin play. While there are thoseallow their fame (such as it is) to go to their head, mostpursue their chosen career simply out of a love for thegame they play. They spend a great deal of their timetraining and as such are not well versed in the use ofweapons as a soldier. Each game has a differentbenefit. See sections on each sport. Note: Of the sportslisted only Tennis and Field Hockey is available tofemale heroes.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists level-dependent bonuses

Athlete Hit Die is a d8. In the Living Death Campaign,Athletes get 8 hit points at first level (+any Con bonus)and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) each additional level ofthis class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (6+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 6 + Int. modifier

Class Features

Weapons: Sap, club, brass knuckles, knife, all pistols,baton. They may become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Special Bonuses by SportOnly one sport can be chosen as the Athlete's primarysport, and gain the following bonuses .

Baseball/Cricket:The hero can only have one of these benefits:If the player is a pitcher, he receives one Bonus WeaponFocus Feat: for a specific thrown weapon.

Players best known for their batting gain one Bonus WeaponFocus Feat: for club, sap or Brass Knuckles.

SoccerFew sports are as demanding as this one. Therefore they geta +2 bonus on all Dexterity based checks at first level and +2on Endurance Checks at 3rd level.

TennisQuick reflexes and agility dominate this sport, however thisis also a sport favored by the middle and upper-classes.

Tennis players gain the Feat: Lightening Reflexes as a BonusFeat at 3rd level

HockeyWhether the traditional game of field hockey or its recentlyintroduced winter cousin, this game demands much from itsplayers.The hero can only have one of these benefits :Goaltenders are rugged folk who gain Toughness as a bonusFeat at 3rd level Other hockey players must be quick andagile Lightening Reflexes as a Bonus Feat at 3rd level.

FOR ALL ATHLETES:At the start of each game session, all athletes must make anAthletics skill check (DC 15). Failure indicates that theathlete has some minor, nagging injury received during arecent game. The exact nature of the injury is up to the player(subject to the judge's approval.) As a general rule, an injuredathlete suffers a -2 penalty to all Fortitude and Reflex savingthrows made during the game. If the roll was an unmodified1; however, the injury is more severe. In this case, thepenalty is a -4.

Wealth: First level Athletes start with 2d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome.

CharlatanGothic Earth is filled with stage magicians,prestidigitators and illusionists For the most part, thesepeople know nothing of the Red Death or art of magic.Every now and then, however, a charlatan stumbles uponthe truth. If that unfortunate soul survives the discovery ofreal magic, he quickly learns a new respect for the

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 6

supernatural and gradually begins to master the hiddenenergies that he has tapped. The Charlatan casts Arcanespells.

Unlike other types of arcane spellcasters, the charlatan isstill learning the nature of his powers. More often thannot, these characters are haunted by a doubt in theirabilities or eaten a belief that they are somehow tainted bythem. It is not unusual for charlatans to become consumedby the Red Death before they perfect their magicalabilities. However, the Charlatan is a skilled stagemagician and an expert in sleight of hand.

The Charlatan's Hit Die is a d4. In the Living DeathCampaign the Charlatans have 4 hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) , and gains 2 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

Charlatans use the Wizard column Table 3-1 in thePHB in the for attack bonuses & saves and Table 3-2for level-dependent bonuses. They use table 3-20 fornumber of spells per day. They do not get bonusMetamgic Feats shown in table 3-20.

Class Skills

Skill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (6+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 6 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesWeaponsThis class is generally proficient with the followingweapon types: all pistols, sword cane, Knife, club, &baton. They may become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Dexterity Bonus The natural manual dexterity of thecharlatan gives him an advantage in learning spells thathave somatic components. Whenever the character tries tolearn such a spell, or cast such a spell, he adds any bonushe gets from high Dexterity to his Spellcraft Check whenlearning and casting spells (but does not alter the DC ofresisting the spell).

Also if they have at least one rank of the Pick Pocketsskill, they receive the Skill Focus Feat: Pick Pockets atfirst level.

Spellcraft: The Charlatans have the ability to castarcane spells through the use of the Spellcraft ability.The character’s Charlatan level and his intelligencedetermine the level of spell he can cast. He must havean intelligence equal to or better than 10+ the level ofthe spell he is attempting to cast. In order to actually

cast a spell, the player rolls a Spellcraft check in orderto determine if the spell actually works. The DC is 8 +level of the spell. The Spellcraft roll is a d20+Intelligence bonus.

Those who wish to study a specific school, and thusimprove their ability to cast spells in that school, cando so with the Spell Focus Feat. A specific schoolmust be indicated each time that you take this Feat. At4th level they get a bonus Spell Focus Feat (choose oneschool).

When Charlatans learn new spells, they must make aSpellcraft check to learn the spell and a Con checkafter each attempt to learn a spell. The DC to learn thespell is 10 + the level of the spell. The DC for the ConCheck is 10+ the level of the spell learned. If Concheck is failed the adept loses one point of Str or Con-his choice. The effort to learn a spell takes anCharlatan 16 hours per level of the spell and the adeptmust call on his inner physical resources in theprocess. All Charlatans characters begin the game withknowledge of the detect magic and read magic spells.In addition, a character is assumed to know four otherspells, for a total of six. The spells are limited to two 0level and two 1st level. One spell of each level must bea defensive enchantment while the other two may beoffensive spells. The players may select the spells theirhero knows from a list presented in Chapter 9. Chapter9 includes information on magic and spells.

Constitution: Magic is extraordinarily dangerous for theCharlatan. She is not yet sure of the limits of her powersand does not fully understand the repercussions of heractions. Therefore she makes a Fortitude check DC 10 +level of the spell or is Dazed for 1d4 rounds after spellcasting.

Wealth: First level Charlatans start with 2d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.

CowboyCowboys are known by many names throughout theworld; on the ranch they are called wranglers, inMexico vaqueros, in South America gauchos-but allare easily identified by their working clothes andequipment. Standard dress includes tight denimtrousers and chaps, high leather boots, a kerchief orbandanna, and a broad brimmed hat or sombrero. Acowboy's most important asset is his horse, which ishis only reliable form of transportation on the range. Ahorse is so highly valued that a cowboy who is low on

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 7

water will give it to his horse instead of drinking ithimself. Standard equipment includes a lasso (called alariat in the southwest United States), knife, and armyrevolver. Rifles are not used as frequently by cowboysbecause they are bulkier and less practical thanrevolvers. The glamour and fame cowboys onceenjoyed has mostly faded into memory and the stuff ofold stories and dime novels. Most cowboys are nowranchers, and the rest have found new roads to travel,and new adventures to seek.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Fighter column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Cowboy Hit Die is a d10. In the Living DeathCampaign, Cowboys get 10 hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) and gain 7 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsStarting Skill points (6+ Int. modifier) x 4Skill points per level advancement 6+ Int. modifier

Class FeaturesMartial WeaponsThis class is generally proficient with the followingweapon types: all rifles, all pistols, dagger, Bowieknife, lasso, bolo and one of the following: (hand axe,machete), (sap, brass knuckles), or (short bow, longbow). They make become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Bonus Toughness Feat at 1st levelBonus Weapon Focus Feat: Lasso, bolo or bow (pickone) at 2nd levelBonus Skill Focus Feat: Weather Sense at 4th level

When dealing with city folk (people inmetropolitan/civilized areas) the Cowboy is at -2 forthe following skill checks: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise,Etiquette and Gather Information.

Wealth: First level Cowboys start with 2d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.

CriminalSome criminals are driven to their crimes by the desirefor wealth; others do it just for the thrill of the dangerinvolved in breaking the law. Others feel that theyhave no choice but to turn to a life of crime becausetheir background and upbringing did not give them thechance for success that others in society may have had.

All criminals feel that members of the law enforcementcommunity are the "enemy".

The criminal class represents all manner of people whomake their living through illegal activities, from thelow-life mugger skulking in the dark alleys of NewYork City, to the high-life/high-society professionaljewel thief of Paris. This kit can serve any person wholives outside the law, making their living by using theirskills to profit off of their fellow man. In the LivingDeath Campaign this class has some restrictions. Ahero can not use the multi-class option to gain thisclass. This class can only be taken at first level.(Authors note:This does not apply to NPCs.)

All Criminal Class Heroes must meet the campaignrequirement of having a "Good" alignment . Thus allcriminals should be of the type that have some sense ofmorals and honor (even if somewhat twisted to suittheir own ends). Perhaps only stealing from those whocan afford to lose it (the Robin Hood approach), oronly taking what they believe they rightfully deserve(justified in their own minds of course). Thecharacters background and method of criminalactivities should account for the conflict between hisgood alignment and pattern of illegal activities. (It isgenerally not considered "good" by most societies toharm or steal from others.) Illegal activity does resultin a Dark Power Check. (See Chart 8:1 in Chapter 8.)Because of their habit of illegal activity, Dark Power'schecks are made at double the normal percentagechance for that act.

Criminals must take extreme care to cover up theirillegal activities and not leave incriminating evidencethat could convict them of their crimes. Should acriminal be blatant about criminal activities, they couldbe arrested, convicted, and incarcerated for extendedperiods of time

Alignment: It is a requirement of this class that thecharacter be any non-lawful alignment. It is arequirement of the campaign that a hero be of Goodalignment.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Criminal Hit Die is a d6. In the Living DeathCampaign, Criminals get 6 hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) and gain 4 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (8+ Int. modifier) x4

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 8

Skill points at additional levels 8 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesWeapons: all pistols, all rifles, dagger, Bowie knife,sap, club, brass knuckles, knife , baton, and swordcane. They may become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Search allows Criminals to find traps.At 2nd level the Criminal gains the Sneak Attack abilitythat D&D Rogues gain at 1st level. (PHB pg. 48.)

At 3rd level the Criminal gain the same Evasion abilitythat D&D Rogues gain at 2nd level. (PHB pg. 48.)

Wealth: First level Criminals start with 3d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.


The upper crust of society has more than its share ofpeople who have no experience with everyday life inthe real world. These pampered folk have spent theirdays in the lap of luxury, never knowing work, want,or suffering. All too often, they are little more thanspoiled children with bottomless bank accounts andunending narcissistic desires.

Characters of this class are best portrayed as vain andperhaps foppish. They will devote their energies toenjoying themselves and experiencing the manypleasures that the world has to offer. Serious work,especially of a physical nature, should be avoided at allcosts. These characters might be portrayed as harmlesseccentrics, parasitic leeches, or socially worthlesssloth.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Wizard column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Dandy Hit Die is a d4. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 4 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 3 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (10+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 10 + Int. modifier

Class Features

Weapons: This class is generally proficient with thefollowing weapon types: all pistols, all rifles, swordcane, knife, club, baton, whip and one of thefollowing: (foil, rapier), (shotgun), or (short bow, longbow). They may become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Influence: The dandy's family is almost certainly wellconnected and respected. Once per month, the dandycan use this influence to acquire some favor or exertsome influence in official matters. The DM shouldcarefully consider the request and, if it seemsreasonable, allow the player to make a Charismacheck. A successful check indicates that the favor willbe granted.

At first level the Dandy has the bonus Skill Focus Feat:Etiquette.

Wealth: The First level Dandy starts with 6d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income. The dandy is assumed to come from awealthy family, and as such, to draw a regular incomefrom a trust fund or similar source.

DetectiveThe detective class represents all manner of lawenforcement agents, from the constable strolling thefoggy banks of the Thames to the sheriff on the dustystreets of Dodge City. This class includes officialpolice officers as well as their unofficial counterparts,like the much-renowned Sherlock Holmes.

The actions of a detective are dictated by the desire toend the careers of criminals and lawbreakers. Somedetectives are intense and dedicated, perhaps seekingvengeance for a wrong committed in the past. Otherspursue criminals as an intellectual matter, matchingtheir wits against those of their enemies. Still othersmaintain a vigilante approach.

All power checks for criminal or violent acts by thedetective (see chart in Adventuring in Gothic Earth)are doubled.

Alignment: Lawful only. The Campaign requires it bea Lawful Good Alignment.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Detective Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, Detectives get 8 hit points at first level

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 9

(+any Con bonus) and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) everylevel additional level of this class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (10+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 10 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesWeapons: This class is generally proficient with thefollowing weapon types: all pistols, all rifles, allcarbines, sword cane, knife, club, baton, sap, and brassknuckles. They may become proficient in otherweapons with the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Influence: Heroes with this class are assumed to haveclose ties to local law enforcement agencies. As such,they will have some level of access to police files andsimilar sources of information. Once per month (onceper module in the LD campaign), the player may makea Charisma check to obtain some special favor fromthe police. The DM may limit the specifics of thiscontact. The DM may also require the detective to payback such favors, possibly at inopportune times.

Wealth: First level Detectives start with 2d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.


When the spiritualist movement spread through GothicEarth in the late 1800s, a few wealthy, upper crustcuriosity-seekers turned this idle fascination into afull-fledged lifestyle. Unlike most, these amateurdabblers into magic occasionally found somethingmore than a fake fortune telling. They discovered thepowers of mysticism and the spiritworld. Thesewell-to-do dabblers, called dilettantes, achieved whattakes most mystics a lifetime to learn.

Dilettantes are thrill seekers who look for newsensations and experiences through magical rituals andevents. They visit any place or event that proclaimsitself to be magical in nature, including pagan rituals,seances, fortune-readings, haunted sites, and anythingelse possibly related to the spiritworld and mysticism.While their approach is eclectic, unprofessional, andhaphazard, dilettantes sometimes manage to find truemagic amidst the fakery and stage magic, and to enjoythe experience regardless of its authenticity.

The Dilettante's Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 8 hit points at first level (+any Con

bonus) and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Cleric column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses. For the number of spells per daysee table 3-6 in the PHB but omit the extra domainspells.

Class SkillsSkill points at first level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4Skill points at additional levels 6 + Int modifier

Class FeaturesWeapons skills are dagger, all pistols, baton and club.They may become proficient in other weapons with theuse of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Spiritcraft :. All Dilettantes cast Mystic spells throughuse of the Spiritcraft ability. Access to spells isdetermined by study of domains, not by worship of adeity. The rituals and knowledge of spiritworld are thebasis of their spells. The Dilettante must have aWisdom ability equal to or better than 10+ the level ofthe spell she is attempting to cast. The Dilettante doesnot get additional domain spells or special abilitiesfrom their studies of the domains. Unlike the D&DCleric the Dilettante can not swap out spells to getcure spells on the fly. Dilettantes start out with Minoraccess to the All Domain. (See Chapter Nine: Magicfor details on the domains.)

Exposure to a broad base of mystic practices has itsadvantages. Every other experience level starting with1st, a dilettante can choose to research two domainsinstead of one. When reaching the next level ofexperience, the dilettante gains minor access to bothdomains. However this also has it's down side as well.Dilettantes can not keep there minds focused on thestudy of any domain long enough to gain major accessto it.

Awareness: Because of their study and awareness ofthe spirit world Dilettantes become increasingdisconnected to the real world. Therefore, they have a -2 penalty equal to all Spot, Search, and Initiative rolls.

At first level they can attempt to turn Undead as aD&D cleric with the penalty discussed in ChapterNine.

Wealth: The first level Dilettante starts with 6d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income. The Dilettante is assumed to comefrom a wealthy family, and as such, to draw a regularincome from a trust fund or similar source.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 10

Explorer/ScoutThe waning years of the 19th century are a time ofexploration and adventure. Large sections of Africa,Australia, and the Americas are savage and untamed,the polar regions are all but unexplored, and themysterious Orient holds unlimited wonders forindividuals brave enough to seek them out.

Explorers take many appearances and roles. Some areprofessional scouts who serve as guides for hire.Others pursue their own explorations, seeking the fameand prestige of being the first human to set foot in aremote, dangerous place. Despite any differences,however, these heroes have a love of the wildernessand the sense of wonder that comes with the discoveryof nature's hidden secrets. Explorers are self-reliant.They do not seek the company of others, but recognizethe necessity of companions at times.

The Explorer/Scout Hit Die is a d10. In the LivingDeath Campaign, they get 10hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) and gain 7 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Fighter column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

Class SkillsSkill PointsStarting Skill points (6+ Int. modifier) x 4Skill points per level advancement 6+ Int. modifier

Class FeaturesMartial Weapons: This class is generally proficientwith the following weapon types: all rifles, all pistols,dagger, Bowie knife, club, and one of the followinggroups: (hand axe, machete), (short bow, long bow) or(lasso and bolo). They may become proficient in otherweapons with the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Tracking: Like the D&D Range, Explorer/Scouts getthe Tracking Feat as a bonus. At 4th level they can alsoFind Traps with the Search Skill.

Bonus Toughness Feat at 1st levelBonus Skill Focus Feat: Survival At 2nd level

When dealing with city folk (people inmetropolitan/civilized areas) the Explorer/Scout is at -2 for the following skill checks: Bluff, Diplomacy,Disguise, Etiquette and Gather Information.

Wealth: First level Explorer/Scouts start with 2d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income.


The laborer is the common individual of the world;therefore heroes can not acquire this as a second classusing the multi-class option.

Whether he works the land as a farmer, hammers ironinto horseshoes, or lays the bricks that build cities, heis strong of will and body. A determined worker, he isproud of his craft and strives to see that his efforts areunequaled.

The rest of society often overlooks the laborer. Far toooften, his humble contributions go unrecognized,despite their importance to the operation and growth ofany city or village. The same is often true in anadventuring party. For the good-hearted, hard-workinglaborer, however, the lack of attention means little. Hisreward is the test of his mettle against a task and theability to complete it. No satisfaction is greater thanthe sense of accomplishment.

Laborer Hit Die is a d10. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 10 hit points at first level (+anyCon bonus) and gain 7 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

Class SkillsSkill PointsStarting Skill points (3+ Int. modifier) x 4Skill points per level advancement 3+ Int. modifier

The Laborer Class is excluded from ever gainingKnowledge skills. If the hero multi-classes away fromLaborer, and gains any knowledge skills, he cannotreturn to the Laborer class.

Class FeaturesMartial WeaponsThis class is generally proficient with the followingweapon types: all pistols, all shotguns, scatterguns,Bowie knife, club, and one of the following; (sap,brass knuckles), or (hand axe, machete). They maybecome proficient in other weapons with the use of theproper feat. (See PHB.)

Bonus Great Fortitude Feat at 1st level

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 11

Bonus Endurance Feat at 4rd levelBonus Iron Will Feat at 7th level

Wealth: First level Laborer starts with 1d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome.

MediumThe medium is rather an unfortunate soul. Thisindividual might have no desire to possess or employmagical powers, but is blessed (or cursed) with themregardless. While other mystics might spend yearsmastering their craft, the medium's powers to castMystic spells develop spontaneously.

The medium is a tortured soul, for the burden of hispowers is great. In some cases, the medium hasaccepted his lot in life and uses his powers willingly.Others are reluctant to use their magic out of fear thatthey are tapping into something beyond their control.In either case, the medium takes the practice of magicas a very serious responsibility.The Medium's Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 8 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of that class.

The Medium uses the Cleric column on table 3-1 in thePHB for base attack bonuses and saves. They use table3-2 for Level dependent bonuses. From Table 3-6 inthe PHB, they get the number of spells per day.

Class SkillsSkill points at first level: (5 + Int modifier) x 4Skill points at additional levels 5 + Int modifier

Class FeaturesWeapons this class are proficient in are: dagger, allpistols, baton and club. They may become proficient inother weapons with the use of the proper feat. (SeePHB.)

Spiritcraft :. All Mediums cast Mystic spells throughuse of the Spiritcraft ability, which they need to castspells. Access to spells is determined by study ofdomains, not by worship of a deity. The rituals andknowledge of spiritworld are the basis of their spells.The Medium must have a Wisdom ability equal to 10+the level of the spell she is attempting to cast. TheMedium does not get additional domain spells orspecial abilities from their studies of the domains.However, if he has major access to a Domain he gets a+2 bonus to his Spiritcraft checks when casting spellsfrom that Domain. Unlike the D&D Cleric the Mediumcan not swap out spells to get cure spells on the fly.

Mediums start out with Minor access to the AllDomain. (See chapter on Magic for details on thedomains.)

Because of his natural reception for magic, themedium is able to cast additional spells. Each day, hemay cast one additional spell per level available tohim. Thus a 3rd level mystic can cast three 1st leveland two 2nd 1evel spells per day. This extra spell perlevel must be from either the All Domain or theDivination Domain. The Medium can therefore useTable 3-6 for the number of spells per day as it appearsin the PHB.

The primary sign of a medium's gift is the ability fordivination. For that reason, the medium must expendskill points 4 to purchase at least 4 ranks of either thePsychometry or Sixth Sense skill. In addition, themedium's first studies (after abandoning or completingstudy of the All Domain) must be the DivinationDomain. The medium can begin to study other spheresonly after he has acquired major access to theDivination Domain. If the Spell Focus Feat is taken, itmust be for the Divination Domain before it is takenfor any other Domain.

Because of their study and awareness of the spritworld, Mediums become increasing disconnected tothe real world. Therefore, Mediums have a -2 penaltyequal to all Spot, Search, and Initiative rolls.

At first level they can attempt to turn Undead as aD&D cleric with the penalty discussed in ChapterEight.

Wealth: First level Mediums starts with 2d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.


The metaphysician is an expert in the occult, who cancast Arcane spells. He views the practice of magic andthe study of all that is supernatural as an scientificendeavor. His hope is that application of scientificmethod to the macabre will result in a completeunderstanding of that which seems to defy explanation.

In all dealings with the supernatural, the metaphysicianremains cool and calm. He tries to examine everyencounter with the dispassionate eye of the scientist.To his mind, no mystery is so dark and no creature isso fantastic that it cannot be mastered throughapplication of the scientific method. Observe,

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 12

hypothesize, and test; that is the motto of themetaphysician.

The Metaphysician Hit Die is a d4. In the LivingDeath Campaign the metaphysician have 4 hit points atfirst level (+any Con bonus) , and gains 2 hp (+ Conbonus) each additional level of this class.

Metaphysician use Table 3-1 in the PHB in theWizard column for attack bonuses &saves and Table3-2 for level dependent bonuses. They use Table 3-20in the PHB for spells per day. Unlike the Adept,Metaphysicians do not get bonus Metamgic Feats.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (5+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 5 + Int. modifier

Class Features Weapons: This class is generally proficient with thefollowing weapon types: all pistols, sword cane, knife,club, & baton They may become proficient in otherweapons with the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Spellcraft: The Metaphysician have the ability to castArcane spells through the use of the Spellcraft ability.The character’s Metaphysician level and hisintelligence determine the level of spell he can cast. Hemust have an intelligence equal to or better than 10+the level of the spell he is attempting to cast. In orderto actually cast a spell the player rolls a Spellcraftcheck in order to determine if the spell actually works.The DC for this is 8 + level of the spell. The Spellcraftroll is a d20 +Intelligence bonus.

Those Metaphysicians who wish to study a specificschool, and thus improve their ability to cast spells inthat school, can do so with the Spell Focus Feat. Aspecific school must be indicated each time that youtake this Feat.

When Metaphysician learn new spells, he must make aSpellcraft check to learn the spell and a Con checkafter each attempt to learn a spell. The DC to learn thespell is 10 + the level of the spell. The DC for the ConCheck is 10+ the level of the spell learned. If Concheck is failed, the metaphysician loses one point ofStr or Con - his choice. The effort to learn a spell takesa Metaphysician 16 hours per level of the spell and theadept must call on his inner physical resources in theprocess. All Metaphysician characters begin the gamewith knowledge of the detect magic and read magicspells. In addition, a character is assumed to know 4other spells, for a total of six. The spells are limited totwo 0 level and two 1st level. One spell of each level

must be a defensive enchantment, while the other twomay be offensive spells. The players may select thespells their hero knows from a list presented in Chapter9. Chapter 9 includes information on magic and spells.

The Metaphysician is well versed in the theory andpractice of magic. His knowledge of the supernatural ispractical and well reasoned. This methodical approachto spell casting permits the character to memorizeadditional spells; each day, he can memorize oneadditional spell of each level that he can cast. Thus, a5th-level metaphysician can cast five 1st level, three2nd level, and two 3rd level spells per day.

With all his efforts toward analytical thought, themetaphysician has a difficult time accepting that whichhe cannot explain. The powers of the Red Death, so farbeyond those of mortal man, defy explanation in hismind. Because of this, the metaphysician is unusuallyvulnerable to mind-affecting magic. Therefore allchecks vs. Mind-Affecting Magic are made with anegative 2 modifier.

Wealth: First level Metaphysician starts with 2d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income


In MotRD the Mystic class is somewhat like the D&DCleric but there are major differences. In the world ofGothic Earth Mystics get their abilities from the studyof the spiritworld and they learn how it can be wovento interact with the real world. Some Mystics are alsoclergy members of one of the various religions. This isa reflection on the type of personality who can believein what others may not see. There is no actualconnection between religion and mystics. There is nodivine guidance or power involved in any mystic spellor power.

The Mystics Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, Mystics get 8 hit points at first level (+anyCon bonus) and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of soldier class.

Mystics use Table 3-6 for attack bonus, saves andspells per day, with the exception that they do not gainthe extra domain spells.

Class SkillsSkill points at first level: (5 + Int modifier) x 4Skill points at additional levels 5 + Int modifier

Class Features

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 13

Mystics can not be proficient with any type of armor.

Weapons: Mystics are proficient in the followingWeapons: dagger, all pistols, baton and club. Theymay become proficient in other weapons with the useof the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Spiritcraft :. All Mystics cast Mystic spells through useof the Spiritcraft ability which is need to cast spells.The access to spells is determined by study ofdomains, not by worship of a deity. The rituals andknowledge of spiritworld are the basis of their spells.The Mystic must have a Wisdom ability equal to orbetter than 10+ the level of the spell she is attemptingto cast. The Mystic does not get additional domainspells or special abilities from their studies of thedomains. However, if they have major access to aDomain they get a +@ bonus to their Spiritcraft checkswhen casting spells from that domain. Unlike the D&DCleric the Mystic can not swap out spells to get curespells on the fly. Mystics start out with Minor accessto the All Domain. (See chapter on Magic for detailson the domains.)

Mystics get a bonus Metamagic Feat at first level, fifthand tenth level (levels of Mystic only count toward thisand other mystic spellcasting class do not get thesebonus metamagic feats.))

At first level Mystics have the knowledge of the ritualsneeded to Turn Undead. At first level they can attemptto turn Undead as a D&D cleric with the penaltydiscussed in Chapter Eight. At second level Mysticsget the Extra Turning Feat as a bonus Feat.

Because of their study and awareness of the sprit worldmystics become increasing disconnected to the realworld. Therefore, Mystics have a -2 penalty to allSpot, Search, and Initiative rolls.

Wealth: First level Mystic starts with 2d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome


In this context, the term parson is used to refer to anydevoutly religious man or woman. Whether such acharacter is a Christian or Jew, a Moslem or Buddhist,his devotion to the church is unshakable. While suchcharacters lack the spellcasting ability associated withthe D&D game's cleric class, they can do much to raisethe morale of any adventuring party. Parsons areamong the greatest enemies of the Red Deaths for they

feel a deep compulsion to rid the world of its dark andsinister agents.

Parsons range from soft spoken, fatherly gentlemen toadamant believers gripped with a missionary fervor. Inany case, they are assumed to be knowledgeable abouttheir faith and the teachings of their church. Theparson is just as quick to pray for divine favor beforeundertaking a hazardous task as he is to offer thanksfor its successful completion.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Adept column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Parson's Hit Die is a d6. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 6 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 4 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (6+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 6 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesWeaponsThis class is generally proficient with the followingweapon types: all pistols, sword cane, knife, club, andbaton They may become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Modern Religion at 1st level

Bonus Feat: Iron Will at 1st level

At 5th level The Parson gains the knowledge of therituals involved in Turning Undead as a D&D clericwith the penalty discussed in Chapter Eight. They turnas a mystic four levels lower than their Parson level. Ifthey multi-class to a mystic spellcasting class that canTurn Undead the Parsons ability to Turn Undead willstack.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 14

These characters devote much of their time and energyto the study of their faith and in silent prayer. Further,they are peacemakers who will do everything in theirpower to avoid violence. As such, parsons can notlearn any weapon- related heroic feats at any time. TheCombat Feats that they are barred from taking include:Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Mobility, SpringAttack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expertise,Improve Disarm, Whirlwind Attack, ImprovedCritical, Mounted Archery/marksmanship, MountedCombat, Trample, Ride-By Attack, Mounted Combat,Spirited Charge, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack,Point Blank Shot, Disarming Shot, Far Shot, PreciseShot, Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Power Attack,Improved Bull Rush, Quick Draw.

Wealth: First level Parsons start with 2d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome.

PerformerThis class includes the stage actor, the opera singer andeven the circus acrobat. They all live and die by theirreviews and popularity. Those who are well known gettop billing, higher pay, better roles and betteraccomdations. Because of this, less well knownperformers tend to be flamboyant people. They oftendress very conspicuously and act in a pompous orotherwise singular fashion. While there can be nodoubt as to the talent of these people, some do tend tobe full of themselves.

The Performers Hit Die is a d6. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 6 hit points at first level (+anyCon bonus) and gain 4 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

Class SkillsClass skills at 1st level (8+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 8+Int. modifier eachlevel

Class FeaturesWeapons skills are: dagger, all pistols, baton, knife,and club They may become proficient in otherweapons with the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Bonus Skill Focus Feat (for one Performance skill inwhich they have at least 2 ranks in) at 1st level and 5th

level, and 10th level.

Performers have a natural flair for the dramatic that,although essential to their success in the theater,cannot help but spill over into the other aspects of theirlives. In game terms, this results in a natural -1initiative penalty. The time lost by this handicap isassumed to be filled with banter, posturing, and similardramatic elements.

Wealth: First level Performer starts with 2d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income

Professional:This class includes those involved in careers thatrequire specialized Education, to provide a service forincome. Professional Class includes the Accountant,Archeologist, Physician, Journalist, Lawyer, Politician,Animal Breeder and others.

The Professional's Hit Die is a d6. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 6 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 4 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

Class SkillsClass skills at 1st level (10+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 10+Int. modifier eachlevel.

Skills marked as "s" in the Chart in Chapter Fourdenote those skills that only go with a specific type ofProfessional class. (See below.)

Class FeaturesWeapons skills are: dagger, all pistols, baton, knife,and club They may become proficient in otherweapons with the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Bonus Skill Focus Feat; at first level each type ofProfessional receives a free Skill Focus Feat see belowfor which feat. They must have at least 2 ranks in thatskill. If they do not they forfeit the bonus feat.

Class SpecialtiesThe Professional Class can only have one classSpecialty.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 15

Animal Breeder

Animal breeders have an extensive knowledge aboutcare, handling, and attributes for the species in whichthey specialize. They can discern the general health ofthe animal from its appearance and in time (at 5th level)may be able to guess the identity of likely breeders ifin their part of the world. Breeders will be able tocontrol and usually calm excited animals of theirselected species if they make an Animal Empathy skillcheck. They can always recognize the tracks, fur,feathers, etc. of the species they raise.

Additional Class Skills: Animal Affinity, AnimalEmpathy, Animal Husbandry and Handle Animal areclass skills for this type of Professional

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Animal Husbandry atfirst level (They must have at least 2 ranks in thisskill).

These individuals tend to be very focused towards theiranimals and suffer a penalty of -2 to charisma andEtiquette checks in dealing with the general publicwho is not particularly interested in those animals.They also suffer a -2 penalty on any knowledge checkson topics that do not involve animals.

Wealth: First level Animal Breeder starts with 3d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income


He probably calls himself an archaeologist, or anacquirer of rare antiquities, but some others use quitedifferent names, names like grave robber, tomb raider,and ghoul. He may or may not have a degree, butregardless, he is more at home in a ruined temple or anancient tomb than a classroom. He is an adventurerdevoted more to the search for and preservation ofantiquities and mysteries of the past. Whether he ismotivated by excitement, the quest for knowledge,material gain, or a combination of the three, he is atrue and classic gothic adventurer, constantly seekingnew antiquities to uncover. His original training (ortalent) may equally have been engineering or ancientreligion, but his focus soon centered on archaeology.

Additional Class Skills : Search, Spot, Survival, andknowledge based skills

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Archeology at first level(They must have at least 2 ranks in this skill.)

Wealth: First level Archeologist starts with 3d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon heroes' income

JournalistThe popular press is a rapidly blooming industry in the1890's. Every major city has at least one newspaper;monthly magazines bring stories of global events to aneager public; and the works of popular novelists arepurchased as quickly as they can be printed. Theworld's authors whether they be newspaper reporters,fiction writers or poets, document all that happens onGothic Earth. Journalist characters are constantly onthe watch for events that can be documented andreported. Most recognize their place as historians,recording every incident so that others can vicariouslyexpand their knowledge and experience. A goodjournalist is dogged and relentless in the quest for astory. A journalist might be motivated by a desire forpersonal fame, the noble belief that he is serving hisfellow man, or the simple joy of revealing that whichothers would prefer to keep secret.

Additional Class Skills : Gather informationSpot, and Search

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Journalism at first level.(They must have at least 2 ranks in this skill.)

Journalists are expected to learn every detail of a story.When covering a story, you can become obsessed inthe pursuit (-2 to all Wisdom Checks, and Diplomacychecks) and may even ignore facts that contradict whatyou wish to believe

Wealth: First level Journalist starts with 3d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income

LawyerFrom the solicitors with their through understanding ofbusiness and financial law, to the barristers who arguecases before the criminal courts, Gothic Earth is rifewith lawyers and attorneys. Whether they prosecutethe guilt, defend the innocent, or litigate trade disputes,their importance in the western world cannot bebelittled. Lawyers tend to be methodical, carefulpeople. They pay constant attention to the words andactions of others, while guarding their own to avoidgiving away any secrets. Whenever possible, they taketime to formulate a plan and make sure nothing is leftto chance.

Additional Class Skills: Academician, Gatherinformation, Innuendo, and Perform (Thespian) areclass skills

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 16

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Law at first level (Theymust have at least 2 ranks in this skill.)

Wealth: First level Lawyer starts with 4d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome

OtherThe list here is not all-inclusive. Obviously there areother Professionals in this era. The Accountant, theMortician, the Pharmacist, and Entrepreneurs are alsopossible Professional class type heroes. However atthis time they are limited to using the general classskills listed above and a free Skill Focus Feat thatdirectly relates to their type (such as Mathematics forthe accountant). They must have at least 2 ranks in thisskill. Chinese Pharmacists have an additional classskill of Herbalism.

Wealth: First level Professional starts with 4d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income

PhysicianAll Medical Doctors MUST be Professional, PhysicianClass. Healers have a long and notorious history in theworld. Working with the most current scientificmethods and the highest of ideals, healers seek to bringcomfort and health to the suffering and dying. He is afamiliar figure, trusted and beloved, who must do hisbest to remain in touch with the latest news from themedical community. Most physicians have sworn anoath to ease the pains of man at every opportunity, andfurther, to cause no harm to a patient. Players ofphysician characters should keep this in mind as thecharacter's constant motivation. This is especiallyimportant in combat. The physician is a healer, not akiller, and will be reluctant to use force wherecleverness and logic will suffice. He will not hesitateto take measures to protect his allies from harm, andwill tend the wounded (even injured enemies—of anon-supernatural nature, at least) as soon as gunplay isover.

Physician characters may write prescriptions. Theygenerally have access to medicines and chemicals notnormally available to adventuring parties. The DMdetermines which chemicals may or may not beavailable.

Additional Class Skills: Academician, Healing, andListen. (For Chinese Physicians only, Herbalism isalso a class skill.)

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Medicine at first level(They must have at least 2 ranks in this skill.)

Medicine Skill: At first level a Physician must take noless than 3 ranks in the Medicine Skill. In order to keepabreast of the latest scientific discoveries in the field ofMedicine the Physician is required to have at least thesame number of ranks in Physician as they havePhysician class levels+1.

The physician character operates under a strict code ofconduct. He must give aid to all that need it, regardlessof personal risk. A physician who ignores this dutymay be investigated by a governing medical body andstripped of the license to practice medicine. Suchcharacters lose all access to prescription medicines,and are unable to place patients in hospitals or similarfacilities. Because of this they would be at -4 to allattempts to use their Medicine Skill to heal anyone, asthey do not have the proper supplies.

Wealth: First level Physician starts with 4d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.

PoliticianDuring the 1890s, politicians increasing come from theprofessional class rather than upper class of society.Many politicians are “self-made” men who had a firstcareer as physician, lawyer, scholar, soldier, diplomat,banker, publisher, or parson. Also, during the 1890s,the consideration of politics as a “science” was justcoming into vogue. While in some parts of the world,politics is still seen as a public service of high calling;in the United States, the image of the politician issuffering from various public scandals. Regardless ofprivate opinions, politicians are usually treated ashonored leaders and become the center of attention.All politicians have high people skills (charisma) andare extroverts. Some politicians will be well-read onpolitical theory around the world and able to discussvarious proponents and political systems of the day(Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels - communism;socialism - Karl Kautsky, Rosa Luxemburg, andEduard Bernstein; populism - The Grange movement;conservatism - Edmund Burke; anarchism - PierreJoseph Proudhon; absolutism; democracy; and soforth).

A politician will enjoy being the center of attention(unless it is unfavorable) and play up to the crowds.Some politicians may have a serious demeanor andwill stick to logic while others go for emotions. Therole of politician is a center of power and statussymbol in a society (although meaningless in the

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 17

wilderness or where no law holds). The politician willtend to call for law enforcement over physicallydefending himself.

Influence The politician tends to get good receptionfrom both government and business leadership in anycommunity, assuming he can communicate with them.When dealing with them he gets a +2 to diplomacy,etiquette, savior-fair and Bluff skill checks. He will bemore likely to obtain favors and exert influence withinthese officials and businessmen. (Judges are notincluded unless the politician is able to appointjudges.)

Politicians must be careful not to ever damage theirimage in public. If they bring disgrace upon theiroffice, their reputation will cause a -4 reaction from thepublic and no favors will be obtained from officials orbusiness leaders. Dark Powers checks are doubled ifthey break a law or an oath.

Additional Class Skills: Diplomacy, Spot and Listen

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Etiquette at first level (Theymust have at least 2 ranks in this skill)

Wealth: First level Politician starts with 6d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.


The scholar is an academic who has devoted his life tothe pursuit of knowledge and education. As a rule,such characters are almost always affiliated with acollege, museum, or similar institution devoted toresearch and learning. Scholars tend to be bookishindividuals who prefer the comforts of the lab andlibrary to the rigors of field research.

A Scientist is a man of learning, who pushes todiscover new knowledge using precise methodology,extremely dedicated to his particular branch of study.

Gothic Earth scientists are often considered to beintroverted and cold. To be sure, most would rather behard at work in their laboratories than enjoying a nighton the town. The latter criticism, however, is oftenuntrue. Most scientists pursue their work with thedream of making everyone's life better.

Other bold souls may be suited to go into the worldand discover things; the scholar and the scientist

prefers to remain in his study or Lab to catalog, testand analyze the findings when they return. Of course,from time to time, even these folk are forced to leavetheir comforts behind to examine something firsthand.

When you take this class for your hero you must pick afield, be it Chemistry, History, Literature, Physics,Biology, etc. as your initial area of expertise. That skillwill be the one improved by the your first bonus SkillFocus Feat.

The Scholar/Scientist Hit Die is a d4. In the LivingDeath Campaign, they get 4 hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) and gain 3 hp (+Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Wizard column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (10+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 10 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesWeaponsThis class is generally proficient with the followingweapon types: all pistols, sword cane, knife, club, andbaton. They may become proficient in other weaponswith the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

Bonus Skill Focus Feat: Knowledge Skill at first level(They must have at least 2 ranks in this skill.)

At fifth level the Scholar/Scientist gains a bonus SkillFocus Feat for any Knowledge based skill.

Just as the Scholar is assumed to be affiliated with acollege, museum, or similar institution devoted toresearch and learning, all scientists are assumed tobegin play with access to a laboratory sufficient tomeet their research needs. This facility is not theirs todo with as they please, however, and presumably ispart of a school, museum, or similar institution. If aplayer wishes to outfit a private laboratory for hischaracter, the cost to do so is assumed to be $500.Each Campaign year, an addition $100 must beexpended to keep the facility stocked and up to date.

Circumstance: The Scholar and Scientist benefit fromhaving the proper resources. If in a good Library orwell-equipped Lab, they get a +2 bonus to all non-arcane Knowledge skill checks. Also the reverse istrue, if they do not have such facilities on hand theyhave a penalty of-2 to these checks.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 18

Wealth: First level Scholar/Scientist starts with 3d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income

ServantThe well-groomed butler, the attentive maid, theuniformed coachman, the matronly lady-in-waiting,the obedient foreign manservant all of these imagesand more come to mind when one thinks of those dedi-cated souls who find employment as personal servantsto society's well-to-do elite. Whatever their officialtitle or function, they all share the same purpose, to seeto the needs and comforts of their employer and hisfamily.

Cultured, genteel, prim and proper, all of thesedescribe the ideal servant. Manners and protocol arethe highest of virtues, prompt and quality service theloftiest of goals. The needs of the employer (and hisguests) are of the highest import, and the servant willsee to those needs, even if the employer himself doesnot recognize them!

Servants in the Society of the White Rose: Mostemployers will not look favorably on servants wholeave with little notice and who can not give anestimate when they will return. Frequent absence is aninconvenience to the employer as are long absences.The returning hero may find themselves without a job.This class works best when another hero is theservant's employer. Any character of noble or wealthybreeding would do, though the ideal hero companionwould be a Dandy, Dilettante or Politician class hero.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Rogue column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Servant's Hit Die is a d6. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 6 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 4 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsSkill points at 1st level: (6+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 6 + Int. modifier

Class FeaturesWeaponsThis class is generally proficient with the followingweapon types: all pistols , sword cane, knife, club, andbaton and a choice of one of the following: (hand axe,machete), (sap, brass knuckles), (rapier, foil), and (pots

and pans) .They may become proficient in otherweapons with the use of the proper feat. (See PHB.)

A good servant attempts to maintain a calm and properdemeanor no matter what happens around him. Theunflappable character gains a +2 bonus on all FearChecks, whether magical or non-magical in nature.

They are very good at what they do and get a bonusSkill Focus Feat: Etiquette at second level.

At 5th level they gain another bonus Skill Focus Featfor one of their class skills. (Their choice.)

An unfortunate side effect of the servant's attitude is anatural aversion to objects, people, and situations thatmight be considered improper, rude, or vulgar. Thisgives the servant a -2 penalty on all Horror Checks.

Wealth: First level Servant starts with 1d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. See Chapter 6 for information on hero'sincome.

ShamanThe shaman is a representative of a so-called primitivepeople. The typical citizen of the 1890's, in brandingthe shaman as primitive, has no idea that the shaman'saffinity for nature and the wild is a far greater talentthan the supposedly civilized people of Gothic Earthcould ever guess. This affinity for wild things and thevibrant energies of life give the shaman his power tocast Mystic spells.

This class can not be taken as a second class. If youhave this class you may gain another class, but you cannot become a Shaman later.

Whether a native American, an Australian aborigine,or an African tribesman, the shaman is a force not tobe underestimated. His outlook on life is not tainted bythe creature comforts common to the inhabitants ofEurope and the United States. Indeed, he looks at thesepeople with pity, for they have broken their ties withnature. To live like they do would certainly kill him,for theirs is a discordant culture.

The Shamans use the Cleric column on Table 3-1 forattack bonuses and saves. They use Table 3-2 for leveldependent bonuses. Spells per day are on Table 3-6with the exception that the bonus domain spell isdropped.

Shaman Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 8 hit points at first level (+any Con

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 19

bonus) and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

Class SkillsSkill points at first level: (5 + Int modifier) x 4Skill points at additional levels 5 + Int modifier

Class FeaturesShamans can not be proficient with any type of armor.Weapons: Shamans are proficient with the following:dagger, all rifles, Bowie knife, club and one of thefollowing;.( machete and hand ax), (short bow, & longbow) or (lasso and bolo). They may become proficientin other weapons with the use of the proper feat. (SeePHB.

The shaman's ties to nature are strong enough to besensed by man and animal alike. A comforting aurapermeates this character that strikes a chord in even themost hardened city dweller. As such, a shaman's has abonus of +2 to all Charisma based checks, except theGaming skill.

Spiritcraft :. All Shamans cast Mystic spells throughuse of the Spiritcraft ability feat at first level, whichthey need to have. Access to spells is determined bystudy of domains, not by worship of a deity. Therituals and knowledge of spiritworld are the basis oftheir spells. The Shamans must have a Wisdom abilityequal to or better than 10+ the level of the spell she isattempting to cast. The Shaman does not get additionaldomain spells or special abilities from their studies ofthe domains. However, if they have major access to aDomain they get + 2 to their Spiritcraft check whencasting spells from that domain. Unlike the D&DCleric the Shaman can not swap out spells to get curespells on the fly. Shamans start out with Minor accessto the All Domain. (See chapter on Magic for detailson the domains.)

Because of their ties to nature Shamans have a +2bonus when casting spells from the Animal, Plant orWeather Domain.

Because of their study and awareness of the sprit worldmystics become increasing disconnected to the realworld. Therefore, Shamans have a -2 penalty equal toInitiative rolls.

Shamans do not have the ability/knowledge to TurnUndead.

Wealth: First level Shaman starts with 1d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.

Soldier -This class is based on the Fighter class of D&D.However, during the time in between the Renaissanceand the 1890s, the soldier/fighter has become more ofa specialist. They generally are good at a few weaponsrather than knowledgeable with all weapons. In viewof this fact the Soldier has a more limited list ofweapons with which they are proficient. Soldiers canmake use some alternative weapons. Additionalweapons are gained up by taking the Feats for exotic ormarital weapons. This class is designed to reflect menwho are enlisted in a military force. Selections areoffered for the different branches of the military. Thecharacter must have one and only one branch chosenfor class skills and feats (even if the character is nolonger in a military organization).

See Table 3-9 in the PHB for attack bonuses, saves andbonus feats based on level.

The Soldier's Hit Die is a d10. In the Living DeathCampaign, Soldiers get 10 hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) and gain 7 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of soldier class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsStarting Skill points (4+ Int. modifier) x 4Skill points per level advancement 4+ Int. modifier

In Chapter 4 there is a chart listing all class skill for theSoldier class. Some of these skills are listed as "s" forspecial. There are 3 main types of Soldiers; Infantry,Cavalry and Sailors. While certain skills are shared byall 3 types of Soldiers the descriptions below list thoseskills that are "class skills" for that type.

Class FeaturesAntique Weapons: A majority of the weapons listed inthe PHB are considered antiques and are not incommon use. Therefore the Exotic WeaponProficiency Feat is required if the player wishes hercharacter to know how to use such weapons ashalberds, long swords or crossbows (to name just afew).

Bonus Feats: Like Fighters in D&D Soldiers get BonusCombat Feats at 1st, 2nd, and every two levels thereafter(4th, 6th, 8yh, etc). The light shield Feat is the onlyexisting Armor and shield Feat in Gothic Earth.Soldiers are not automatically proficient in the use ofShields.

Weapon Specialization

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 20

This Feat is available only to soldiers who havealready taken Weapon Focus Feat and have reached 4th

level. If the weapon is a firearm, the damage onlyapplies to Aimed or Rapid Fire and only if the target iswithin 30'.

Wealth: First level Soldier starts with 3d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. You must buy all of your equipment(even if your hero is currently the member of a militaryunit). See Chapter 6 for information on heroes' income.

Infantry Class FeaturesMartial Weapons: All Soldiers are generally proficientwith the following weapon types: all rifles, all pistols,all carbines, all shotguns, scatterguns, saber, artilleryweapons, dagger, and Bowie knife. All Soldiers arealso proficient with the non-martial weapons: club,sword cane, baton, and knife. (Hand axe, machete),(sap, brass knuckles), (rapier, foil), (short bow, longbow) and (lasso and bolo) are not considered standardweapons, but may be substituted instead of one ormore of the above listed weapons types to tailor thehero to the character concept.

For example: If a player wished to create a soldier herowho is an Native American then the player couldsubstitute the short bow/long bow weapon group forthe artillery weapon group. If a player wish to create acowboy type soldier, then they could replace artilleryweapons with lasso and bolo.

Bonus Feats: Like the D&D Fighter, Soldiers, Infantrygain bonus combat feats based upon class level(seeabove). Their Combat feats in Gothic Earth are:Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,Mobility, Spring Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency,Expertise, Improve Disarm, Whirlwind Attack,Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, ImprovedUnarmed Strike, Pugilism, Stunning Fist, ImprovedUnarmed Strike, Martial Weapon Proficiency, PointBlank Shot, Disarming Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot,Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Power Attack, ImprovedBull Rush, and Quick Draw.

Special Class Skills: Climb (Dex), Equestrian (Dex),Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str).

Cavalry Class FeaturesMartial Weapons: All Cavalrymen are generallyproficient with the following weapon types: all rifles,all pistols, all carbines, all shotguns, scatterguns, saber,artillery weapons, dagger, and Bowie knife. AllCavalrymen are also proficient with the non-martial

weapons: club, sword cane, baton, and knife. Lance,(Hand axe, machete), (sap, brass knuckles), (rapier,foil), (short bow, long bow) and (lasso and bolo) arenot considered standard weapons, but may besubstituted instead of one or more of the above listedweapons types to tailor the hero to the characterconcept.

Bonus Feats Like the D&D Fighter, Cavalrymen gainbonus combat feats based upon class level (SeeAbove). Their Combat feats in Gothic Earth are:Ambidexterity, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility,Spring Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Expertise,Improve Disarm, Whirlwind Attack, ImprovedCritical, Improved Initiative, Improved UnarmedStrike, Martial Weapon Proficiency, MountedCombat, Mounted Archery/Firearm, Mounted Combat,Trample, Ride-By Attack, Mounted Combat, SpiritedCharge, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, PointBlank Shot, Disarming Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot,Rapid Shot, Shot on the Run, Power Attack, QuickDraw, and Shield Proficiency.

Special Class Skills: Equestrian (Dex), Handle Animal(Cha), Animal Affinity (Wis), Animal Empathy(Cha),Jump(Str), Teamster (Wis)

Navy Class FeaturesMartial Weapons: All Sailors are generally proficientwith the following weapon types: all rifles, all pistols,all carbines, all shotguns, scatterguns, saber, artilleryweapons, dagger, and Bowie knife. All Soldiers arealso proficient with the non-martial weapons: club,baton, and knife. (sap, brass knuckles), (rapier, foil), and (short bow,long bow) are not considered standard weapons, butmay be substituted instead of one or more of the abovelisted weapons types to tailor the hero to the characterconcept.

Bonus Feats: Like the D&D Fighters, Sailors gainbonus combat feats based upon class level (see above).Their Combat feats in Gothic Earth are:Ambidexterity, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Dodge,Mobility, Spring Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency,Expertise, Improve Disarm, Whirlwind Attack,Improved Critical, Improved Initiative, ImprovedUnarmed Strike, Pugilism, Stunning Fist, ImprovedUnarmed Strike, Martial Weapon Proficiency, PointBlank Shot, Disarming Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot,Rapid Shot, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, andQuick Draw.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 21

Special Class Skills : Climb (Dex), Jump(Str),Seamanship (Dex), Swimming(Str) Navigation (Int)Intuit Direction (Wis) and Weather Sense (Wis)

Soldier, Officer: Infantry, Cavalry, orNavyMilitary Officers generally have some formaleducation and usually a college degree. Some spend aportion of their time working the system and usingpolitics to insure continued promotions and goodassignments. Others continue to study military historyand tactics, trying to devise ways to cause more harmor discourage an enemy while keeping their troopssafe. While they must be physically fit, their time spentbehind a desk and at official functions is reflected inthe smaller hit die that is used for them. Duringtraining their time is focused more on learning andcommand.

See Table 3-1 in the PHB. Use the Fighter column forattack bonuses and saves. Table 3-2 lists leveldependent bonuses.

The Officer's Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 8 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 6 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

Class SkillsSkill PointsStarting Skill points (6+ Int. modifier) x 4Skill points per level advancement 6+ Int. modifier

Class FeaturesMartial Weapons: All Military Officers are generallyproficient with the following weapon types: all rifles,all pistols, all carbines, all shotguns, scatterguns, saber,artillery weapons, dagger, Bowie knife and lance. AllMilitary Officers are also proficient with the non-martial weapons: club, sword cane, baton, and knife.The weapon groups (rapier, foil), (short bow, longbow) and (lasso and bolo) are not considered standardweapons, but may be substituted instead of one ormore of the above listed weapons types to tailor thehero to the character concept.

Antique Weapons: A majority of the weapons listed inthe PHB are considered antiques and are not incommon use. Therefore the Exotic WeaponProficiency Feat is required if the player wishes hercharacter to know how to use such weapons asHalberds, Long swords or crossbows (to name just afew).

Feats: Depending on which of the three branches ofservice the Military Officer will have specific BonusFeats, which they receive, at first level

Army: Skill Focus: Artillery and Combat Reflexes(requires Int of 13+)

Cavalry: Mounted Combat and Light Shield (requiresmin of one rank of Equestrian as min)

Navy: Skill Focus: Artillery and Skill Focus-Navigation (requires minimum of one rank ofNavigation)

Wealth: First level Officer starts with 4d6 x $10.00 forstarting cash. You must buy all of your equipment(even if your hero is currently the member of a militaryunit). See Chapter 6 for information on hero's income.

SpiritualistThe spiritualist is a scientist devoted to the study ofmystical powers. Like the metaphysician, he appliesscientific method to every endeavor. To the spiritualist,magic is simply a field of science that has yet to beexplored. The Spiritualist casts mystic spells.

The spiritualist tends to be arrogant. His vision of thespirit world makes him feel superior to the blindness ofthe common man. Those scientists who do notrecognize the supernatural as a valid area for researchhe considers to be ignorant fools.

The Spiritualist's Hit Die is a d8. In the Living DeathCampaign, they get 8 hit points at first level (+any Conbonus) and gain 5 hp (+ Con bonus) each additionallevel of this class.

Spiritualists use the Cleric column on PHB Table 3:1for attack bonuses and saves. They use table 3-2 forlevel dependent bonuses and Table 3-6 for spells perday with the exception that they do not gain the extradomain spell.

Class SkillsSkill points at first level: (5 + Int modifier) x 4Skill points at additional levels 5 + Int modifier

Class FeaturesSpiritualists can not be proficient with any type ofarmor or shield.

They are proficient with the following weapons:dagger, all pistols, baton and club. They may becomeproficient in other weapons with the use of the properfeat (See PHB)

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 22

Spiritcraft :. All Spiritualists cast mystic spells throughuse of the Spiritcraft ability which they need to castspells. Access to spells is determined by study ofdomains, not by worship of a deity. The rituals andknowledge of spiritworld are the basis of their spells.The Spiritualists must have a Wisdom ability equal toor better than 10+ the level of the spell she isattempting to cast. The Spiritualists does not getadditional domain spells or special abilities from theirstudies of the domains. However, if they have majoraccess to a domain they get a +2 bonus on theirSpiritcraft checks when casting spells. Unlike theD&D Cleric the Spiritualists can not swap out spellsto get cure spells on the fly. Spiritualists start out withMinor access to the All Domain. (See chapter onMagic for details on the domains.)

While he may appear to be a boastful fraud, thespiritualist is every bit the expert that he claims. Assuch, any spell cast by such a character is especiallyeffective. The great amount of time that he spendsstudying his spells adds +2 to DC for saves against hisspells.

The spiritualist's methods make him a perfectionist. Hetakes his time when casting a spell and devotes everythought to making sure it is cast exactly right. Theresult of this dedication is that spells cast by aspiritualist take longer to cast than those employed bymystics. Double all casting times. (If a spell has acasting time of one action it then becomes a one roundspell.)

Because of their study and awareness of the sprit worldSpiritualists become increasing disconnected to thereal world. Therefore, they have a -2 penalty equal toall Spot, Search, and Initiative rolls.

The Spiritualist cannot Turn Undead.

Wealth: First level Spiritualists starts with 2d6 x$10.00 for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for informationon hero's income.

TradesmanTradesmen make up the majority of the population inGothic Earth. Tradesman are the artisans, the cornergrocer, the tailor or the policeman on his beat, to namebut a few of the possibilities.

The tradesman does not require any knowledge skill topractice his craft or trade. His work is more "hands-on"and the stuff of ordinary life.

Tradesman use the Rogue Column on Table 3-1 in thePHB for attack bonuses and saves. They use Table 3-2for level dependent bonuses.

The Tradesman's Hit Die is a d6. In the Living DeathCampaign, Tradesman get 6 hit points at first level(+any Con bonus) and gain 4 hp (+ Con bonus) eachadditional level of this class.

Class SkillsClass skills at 1st level (10+ Int. modifier) x4Skill points at additional levels 10+Int. modifier eachlevel

Class FeaturesWeapons skills are: dagger, all pistols, baton, knife,and club. A tradesman who wishes to learn additionalweapons must take the Marital Weapon ProficiencyFeat.

At first level Tradesman receive one bonus Skill FocusFeat: this must be for a Craft type skills in which theyhave at least 2 ranks.

Tradesman cannot use Search ability to Find Traps.

Wealth: First level Tradesman starts with 4d6 x $10.00for starting cash. See Chapter 6 for information onhero's income.

Multi-class Heroes• MotRD characters are limited to one additional

class. (This does not include Prestige classes).MotRD characters may gain more than onePrestige class as long as they qualify.

• Characters can not have two classes that cast thesame type of spells arcane or mystic, except forprestige classes. In other words the character canhave levels in both Mystic and Adept but they cannot have class levels in both Mystic and Medium,or Adept and Charlatan. They can, however, haveclass levels in both Mystic and the Prestige ClassExorcist.

• Any given LD hero cannot gain a combination ofthe prestige classes, Minister, Shepherd andQabalist.

• All general D&D rules about multi-classing apply.

Chapter Two: Classes in Gothic Earth 23

• When determining level for playing an event, alllevels, no matter what the class, are counted as itis character level that counts.

• If a hero multi-classes ; he does not get the starting(character creation) money or starting skill pointsfor the second class or prestige class (as per PHB).

• For adventure starting cash (discussed in Chapter6 on Equipment), the multi-class hero gets theamount for the class/kit they have the highestnumber of levels in. If both classes have the samenumber of levels the amounts are averaged.

• Some classes can only be taken at the creation ofthe character, you cannot decide to become that

class later. These classes are Criminal, Laborerand Shaman.

• Athlete, Professional, Soldier and the SoldierOfficer Classes all require you to select a specifictype of that class. A character can only take onetype of that class; they cannot multi-class toanother type. For example; an 3rd level Athlete:Tennis can not multi-class to be an 3rd levelAthlete: Tennis/ 1st level Athlete: Baseball.

• Be aware that certain combinations of classescould be cause for your hero to receive negativereactions from NPCs.

Chapter Three: PrestigeClasses for Masque of theRed Death

ExorcistExorcists are religious specialists who are trainedand empowered to banish evil spirits. Unlikemost religious figures on Gothic Earth, exorcistsdo have spiritual powers (mystic spells) to helpthem in their spiritual warfare against evil.Through elaborate rites the exorcist hopes todrive away the spiritual forces of the Red Death,preventing them from causing harm to the bodiesand souls of humanity. Specific creatures thatexorcists are particularly effective in combatinginclude ghosts, haunts, odems, carrionettes,ghostlights, even fiends, as well as other

monsters capable of dominating or possessingtheir victims. They also have heightened powersagainst all forms of undead.

Exorcists are serious about their work and verydevoted to their religion. Not all of them are dourand grim, but most are. Generally, exorcists havecompleted many years of training to learn theirskills and perfect their devotion. Most exorcistsshould be at least middle-aged.


Able to cast 3rd level Mystic Type SpellsLawful Good AlignmentMinor Access to Protection DomainMajor Access to All Domain5 ranks in Modern Religion5 ranks in Forbidden Lore

Table 3:1 The Exorcist





WillSave Special Spells

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Extra Turning Feat +1 level of existing mystical class

2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Resist Possession +1 level of existing mystical class

3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Skill Focus Forbidden Lore (onetype) +1 level of existing mystical class

4th +3 +1 +1 +4 1/day Protective Ward +1 level of existing mystical class

5th +3 +1 +1 +4 1/day Dismissal +1 level of existing mystical class

6th +4 +2 +2 +5 Maximize Spell Feat +1 level of existing mystical class

7th +5 +2 +2 +5 Dispel Evil +1 level of existing mystical class

8th +6 +2 +2 +6 Extra Turning Feat +1 level of existing mystical class

9th +6 +3 +3 +6 2/day Protective Ward +1 level of existing mystical class

10th +7 +3 +3 +7 2/day Dismissal +1 level of existing mystical class

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 24


The Exorcist's class skills are Religion (bothAncient & Modern), Ancient Languages,Forbidden Lore, History, Concentration andSixth Sense.

Skill points at each level: 3+ Int modifier


Spells and Turning: As the exorcist continuestraining in some areas of Spiritcraft, they gainadd their Prestige Class level to their formermystic caster level when determining both thespells per day and Turning Undead. If theprevious mystic spell caster class could not TurnUndead then only the Prestige Class levels countwhen attempting to turn Undead. (See TurningUndead in the Chapter Eight) They do not gainaccess to new domains as they gain levels in thisPrestige Class

Extra Turning Feat: bonus Feat (see PHB fordetails on this feat).

Resist Possession: Because of the nature of theirstudies Exorcists gain a +4 bonus to their Willsaves whenever a creature or person attempts totake over their mind either by spells, like MagicJar, or a Monster's natural ability.

Protective Ward: You can perform a ritualwhich use some of your physical energy as wellas the energies of the Spiritworld which grantssomeone you touch a resistance bonus on hernext save equal to your Prestige Class Level.This protection fades after one hour. This ritualtakes 2 rounds and has a DC (to completecorrectly) of 14. A 4th level Exorcist can do thisonce per day. A 8th level Exorcist can do thistwice a day.

Dismissal: Due to their study of the ritualsinvolved in exorcising spirits, a 5th level Exorcistcan cast Dismissal once per day, even if they donot have major access to the SummoningDomain. This does not take up a spell slot nor

does it mean that they can also take this as one oftheir normal spells (unless they have majoraccess to the Summoning Domain). A 10th

Exorcist can cast this twice a day. A Spiritcraftcheck is still required when using this ability.

Maximize Spell : At 6th level the Exorcist gainsthe bonus Metamagic Feat: Maximize Spell. Ifthey already have this feat, they gain no bonus.

Dispel Evil: Due to their study of rituals and thecasting out of evil spirits the, 7th level Exorcistcan cast Dispel Evil once per day, even if they donot have major access to the Good Domain. Thisdoes not take up a spell slot nor does it mean thatthey can also take this as one of their normalspells (unless they have major access to theGood Domain). A Spiritcraft check is stillrequired when using this ability

Forbidden Loremaster

These characters believe that knowledge ispower, especially knowledge of the past and ofmagic. They believe that they must find outwhat secrets groups like The Defiance (destroyedin ancient Alexandria) knew. Their focus is onlearning which paths of research the ancientsfollowed. (They are assuming that since theGreat Enemy feared them so much that they hadfound important information.) They spend theirtime looking for journals and diaries from timeslong past for clues as well as searching forancient texts and rituals. In their studies they arealso searching for ways to cast more magic-arcane or Mystic or how to cast more effectively.


8 ranks of Academician SkillHas two different Ancient Languages Skills with5 ranks each5 ranks in one Ancient ReligionSkill Focus Forbidden LoreSkill Focus AcademicianCan cast 1st level Arcane Spells or 1st levelMystic Spell

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 25

Table 3:2 The Forbidden Loremaster





WillSave Special Spells

1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Instant Mastery Ancient Language +1 level of existing class

2nd +0 +0 +0 +3 Mythic Lore +1 level of existing class

3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Instant Mastery Ancient History +1 level of existing class

4th +1 +1 +1 +4 Mythic Lore +1 level of existing class

5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Rediscovered Ritual +1 level of existing class

6th +2 +2 +2 +5 Instant Mastery Ancient Language +1 level of existing class

7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Second Rediscovered Ritual +1 level of existing class

8th +3 +2 +2 +6 Quicken Spell +1 level of existing class

9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Mythic Lore +1 level of existing class

10th +4 +3 +3 +7 Maximize Spell +1 level of existing class


The class skills for the Forbidden Loremaster areAcademician, History, Ancient Languages,Forbidden Lore, Concentration, Cryptology,Alchemy and Archeology.

Skill points at each level: 6+ Int modifier

CLASS FEATURESSpells per day: As the Forbidden Loremasterdoes continue their study of the ways of magicthey do add their Prestige class levels to eitherthe arcane spellcaster class level or the mysticspellcaster class that they had previously (theymust chose which type). Those who previouslywere mystical spellcasters and who continue inthe study of the Spirit world do gain access toDomains in the same manner as their previousmystic spellcaster class. They do not gain inability for Turning Undead.

Instant Mastery Ancient Language: this worksmuch like the Loremaster Secret: Instant Mastery(DMG pg. 45). You gain 4 ranks in one(heretofore unknown to you) Ancient Language.Each time you receive this it you must designatea different language.

Mythic Lore: Your intense research in to thefacts behind the myths of a specific culture givesyou a +5 Bonus to checks on Forbidden Lorechecks associated with a cultural myth. Theculture must be designated each time you gain

this benefit (and it must be taken for a differentculture each time).

Instant Mastery Ancient History: this worksmuch like the Loremaster Secret: Instant Mastery(DMG pg.45). You gain 4 ranks in one(heretofore unknown to you) Ancient History ofa specific country or people.

Rediscovered Ritual : You have discovered andcan utilize a mental exercise, which allows youto memorize an additional 1st level spell per day.

Second Rediscovered Ritual: You havediscovered and can utilize a mental exercise,which allows you to memorize an additional 2nd

level spell per day.

Quicken Spell: Your study of the past hasallowed you to learn new methods for castingyour spells. This works exactly like theMetamagic Feat: Quicken Spell. Only those whohave dedicated their time in the quest of ancientknowledge can comprehend how this works.Dark Power checks for spells cast with this featare at the level it is cast at +2

Maximize Spell: At 6th level the Exorcist gainsthe bonus Metamagic Feat: Maximize Spell. Ifthey already have this feat, they gain no bonus.

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 26

Dark Power checks for spells cast with this featare at the level it is cast at +2

Lycanthrope Hunter

At some point in the career of these heroes theyhave been profoundly effected by an encounterwith a werecreature of some type. In some casesit may have been the sight of a trusted friendchanging shape before them or seeing a relativeshredded by the claws and fangs of one of thesedreaded beasts. Whatever the motivation, the

Lycanthrope Hunter has become a deadly foe ofthese creatures. They focus and polish their skillsin order to improve their chances against thesedeadly and cunning beasts.


Base Attack Bonus +55 Ranks in Forbidden Lore Lycanthrope5 ranks of Sixth SenseTracking Feat

Table 3:3 Lycanthrope Hunter





WillSave Special

1st +1 +2 +0 +0 +1d6 Sneak Attack vs. Lycanthropes2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Favored enemy (1 type) Lycanthrope3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Bonus Combat Feat4th +4 +4 +1 +1 +2d6 Sneak Attack vs Lycanthropes5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Favored enemy (2nd type) Lycanthrope6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Sense Lycanthrope7th +7 +5 +2 +2 +2d6 Sneak Attack vs Lycanthropes8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Favored enemy (3rd type) Lycanthrope9th +9 +6 +3 +3 Bonus Combat Feat10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Smite Werecreatures


The class skills for the Lycanthrope Hunter are:Forbidden Lore: Lycanthrope, Sixth Sense,Wilderness Lore, Spot, Search and Survival.Skill points at each level: 4+ Int modifier


Sneak Attack: This works in the same manneras the D&D Rogues Sneak Attack except that itonly applies to Lycanthropes.

Favored Enemy: This works in the samemanner as the D&D Ranger's favored enemyexcept that each time the Hunter gets it (at 2nd,5th and 8th) it is for a specific type ofWerecreature such as Werewolves, Werebear,Werejaguar or Weretigers. This also gives theLycanthrope Hunter knowledge of the specialattacks, defense, immunities, and generalvulnerabilities.

Sense Lycanthrope: This will withconcentration detect the presence of Lycanthropein the same manner as the detect Undead spell.Use of this invokes a 2% Dark Powers' check.

Bonus Combat Feat: A t 3rd and 9th level theLycanthrope hunter gains a bonus Combat Feat.

Smite Werecreatures : Much like the D&DPaladin's ability to Smite Evil, at 10th level theLycanthrope Hunter can Smite Werecreaturesonce per day (PHB pg42)

MinisterWithin the Society of the White Rose is thedepartment of Ministers. The departmentprovides splendid medical assistance, including afirst-class sanitarium for mentally disturbedmembers, as well as spiritual healers. The lattertend to our members who have become taintedwith the corrupting touch of the Red Death, but

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 27

are deemed to be still salvageable. This PrestigeClass represents those individuals in the Societywho work as Spiritual Healers.

Ministers spend their time honing theirknowledge of methods of redemption. Thisincludes increasing their knowledge of mysticalspell casting.

Campaign Note: This Prestige Class is the onlymethod that a player who wishes their heroes tobecome a part of this department in the Societymay do so. Heroes who take this path would notbe used frequently, as that (Traveler) is no longertheir primary duty. Once a hero has taken a levelof this Prestige class, they are restricted toplaying High Level adventures. They are alsobarred from participating in "Any Level"adventures. Any exceptions, such as the Inner

Circle Series, to this will be stated in the blurb ofthe module.

NPC members of this department within theSociety may have this Prestige Class, however itis not a requirement for NPCs (some may not bethat high a level as of yet, but are already inservice in that department). Players should notuse the knowledge that this Prestige Class existsin evaluation of the legitimacy of any NPC.


Can cast 5th level mystic spellsMajor Access to All DomainMajor Access to Magic DomainMajor Access to Good DomainMinor Access to Healing (can have major)5 ranks in Sense Motive Skill3 Favorable Inner Circle Notice Certs

Table 3:4 Minister





WillSave Special Spells per Day

1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Skill Focus: Forbidden Lore: Tainted orRedemptionHierarchy Contact: The White Rose +1 level of existing class

2nd +0 +3 +0 +3 Skill Focus: SpotSpiritcraft bonus +1 level of existing class

3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Maximize Spell +1 level of existing class4th +1 +4 +1 +4 Skill Focus: Sense Motive

Enhanced Spiritcraft bonus+1 level of existing class

5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Empower Spell +1 level of existing class


The class skills for the Minister are: ForbiddenLore, Concentration, Healing, Psychology, SenseMotive, Spot, Sixth Sense and Etiquette.Skill points at each level: 5+ Int modifier


Spells per day: As the Minister continuestraining in some areas of Spiritcraft, theirPrestige Class level is added to their mystic spellcasting class level when determining the numberof spells per day that they can cast. They do not,however, gain access to new domains as theygain levels in this Prestige Class. Prestige classlevels do not added to their previous class levelswhen making attempts to Turning Undead

Skill Focus: Forbidden Lore: Tainted orRedemption: A bonus Skill Focus Feat in eitherForbidden Lore: the Tainted or Redemption. Ifthe hero does not already have at least two ranksin one of these they must now spend the skillpoints to acquire them. If they do not, theyrelinquish this benefit.

Hierarchy Contact: White Rose; 4 free ranksin the Hierarchy Contact: White Rose Society.This focused version of the Hierarchy Contactincludes knowledge of how to contact specificdepartments within the organization and can begenerally used in the same manner the HierarchyContact skill is used.

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 28

Skill Focus: Spot: A bonus Skill Focus Feat:Spot. If the hero does not already have at leasttwo ranks in this then she must spend some ofthis levels skill points to acquire at least 2 ranksof this skill. If they do not, they relinquish thisbenefit.

Spiritcraft Bonus : Because of the focus of yourstudy of the spiritworld you have a +2 bonus forSpiritcraft check for casting spells from All.Magic. Healing, and Good Domains.

Spell Defense: At 3rd and 5th level (each time)the Exorcist must pick one domain, for whichthey have the Spell Focus Feat. They gain a +2spell resistance bonus from spells in that domain.If they do not have a Spell Focus Feat they gainno benefit.

Maximize Spell: At 3rd level the Minister gainsthe bonus Metamagic Feat: Maximize Spell. Ifthey already have this feat, they gain no bonusDark Power checks for spells cast with this featare at the level it is cast at+2.

Enhanced Spiritcraft Bonus: Because of thefocus of your study of the spiritworld andfrequent use of spells in the All. Magic. Healing,and Good Domains you have learned how to besubtle and sparing in your use of power.Therefore , all Dark Powers checks for spellsfrom those four domains are at a -2 (Minimum of1%).

Skill Focus: Spot : At 4th level the Minister gainsthe Skill Focus Feat: Spot. . If the hero does notalready have at least two ranks in one of thesethey must now spend the skill points to acquirethem. If they do not, they relinquish this benefit.If they already have this feat, they gain no bonus .

Empower Spell: At 5th level the Minister gainsthe bonus Metamagic Feat: Empower Spell. Ifthey already have this feat, they gain no bonus.

QabalistAlthough the formal practice of magic has beendead on Gothic Earth for many centuries, tiny

clusters of individuals still exist to study thesecrets of this forbidden art. The qabalist is amember of such a society (In Living Death thesociety they belong to is The Society of theWhite Rose).

The Qabalist is a spy-a collector of informationabout Qabals, as well as an arcane spellcaster. Inthe Living Death Campaign, the Qabalist PC ispart of a secret arm of the Society of the WhiteRose-secret even from other members of theWhite Rose excepting those of the Inner Circle.

The Qabalist is a seeker of knowledge aboutQabals, both modern and ancient-their identity,their symbol, typical membership, history, and inthe case of modern qabals, their suitability forworking with the White Rose. The Qabalist isinterested in discovering if another qabal mightbe an alley (to participate in joint tasks), aneutral (to be avoided), or an enemy (to bedestroyed). While the Qabalist is not chargedwith safeguarding the individual White Rosemember from the taint of the Red Death, theQabalists are charged with learning how muchanother qabal knows about the White Rose.

Because of their knowledge Qabalists may bemore secretive than others and less trusting. Theqabalist's membership in this department of thesociety is a secret that requires a great deal ofcare on the part of the player. The character mustalways guard what he says and does. OtherTravelers should not be allowed to learnanything about this department. While theQabalist does have a separate set of drops toconvey messages regarding informationregarding magic, they do not receive replies anyfaster than other Travelers do.

REQUIREMENTSCan cast 3rd level Arcane spells5 ranks in Forbidden LoreSkill Focus in Forbidden Lore2 Spell Focus Feats1 Favorable Inner Circle Notice Cert

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 29

Table 3: 5 Qabalist





WillSave Special Spells per Day

1st +0 +0 +0 +1Instant Mastery- Hierarchy Contact: WhiteRose +1 level of existing Arcane class

2nd +1 +0 +0 +2 Instant Mastery +1 level of existing Arcane class

3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Skill Focus Concentration +1 level of existing Arcane class

4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Spell Defense +1 level of existing Arcane class

5th +3 +1 +1 +5 Quicken Spell Learning +1 level of existing Arcane class

6th +4 +2 +2 +6 Scrying Spell +1 level of existing Arcane class

7th +5 +2 +2 +7 Instant Mastery +1 level of existing Arcane class

8th +6 +2 +2 +8 Spell Defense +1 level of existing Arcane class

9th +6 +3 +3 +9 Spell Mastery +1 level of existing Arcane class

10th +7 +3 +3 +10 Greater Scrying Spell +1 level of existing Arcane class


The class skills for the Qabalists are:Academician, Forbidden Lore, Open Locks,Disguise, Listen, Bluff, Sense Motion, Hide,Gather Information, Concentration, Read Lips,Psychometry and Sixth SenseSkill points at each level: 6+ Int modifier


Spells per day: As the Qabalist continuestraining in some areas of Spellcraft, theirPrestige Class level is added to their arcane spellcasting class level when determining the numberof spells per day that they can cast.

Instant Mastery: Hierarchy Contact WhiteRose: This works much like the LoremasterSecret Instant Mastery (DMG 35) You gain 4ranks in this skill. The Qabalist have knowledgeabout the organization and hierarchy within theSociety of the White Rose. They also have somegeneral knowledge of other modern qabals andcan match name and symbol of another qabalwith a Forbidden Lore-Qabal check (DC15).They do not know names of any membersoutside of those they have personallyencountered and their immediate superior in theirdepartment.Instant Mastery: This works much like theLoremaster Secret Instant Mastery (DMG 35)You gain 4 ranks any one class skill (heretoforeunknown to you). Qabalist gain this at 1st and 7th


Skill Focus: Concentration A t 2nd level theQabalist gains a bonus Skill Focus Feat for the

Concentration Skill. If they already have this featthey gain no benefit.

Spell Defense: At 4th and 8th level (each time)the Qabalist must pick one school of magic, forwhich they have the Spell Focus Feat. They gaina +2 spell resistance bonus from spells in thatschool. If they do not have a Spell Focus Featthey gain no benefit.

Quicken Spell Learning: Because of the finetuning of the qabalist's skills in magical studies itonly takes them 8 hours per level to learn a newspell. In Campaign terms this means that theQabalist can attempt to learn two different spells-the combined level of those spells can not begreater than 6- at the end of each adventure fromthe spells offered.

Scryng Spell: The Society teaches you this spell.(Add to starting spellbook on character sheet-likestarting spells the requirements for Spellcraftchecks and Con checks are waved.)

Spell Mastery: At 9th level the Qabalist gainsthe benefit of this Bonus Feat. See PHB pg. 54for how this feat functions.

Greater Scryng Spell: The Society teaches youthis spell. (Add to starting spellbook on charactersheet-like starting spells the requirements forSpellcraft checks and Con checks are waved.)


The Shepherds have the charge of protecting theSociety from the taint of the Red Death on the

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 30

inside. The Shepherds insure that no wolves insheep’s skin hide in our flock. They also dealwith members who have gone “rogue.” ThePrestige Class presented here represents thoseShepherds that deal with problem members andthose who have become irredeemably tainted.Shepherds are extremely dangerous people.Campaign Note: This Prestige Class is the onlymethod that a player who wishes their heroes tobecome a part of this department in the Societymay do so. Heroes who take this path would notbe used frequently, as that (Traveler) is no longertheir primary duty. Once a hero has taken a levelof this Prestige class, they are restricted toplaying High Level adventures. They are alsobarred from participating in "Any Level"adventures. Any exceptions to this, such as theInner Circle Series, will be stated in the blurb ofthe module.

NPC members of this department within theSociety may have this Prestige Class, however itis not a requirement for NPCs (some may not bethat high a level as of yet, but are already inservice in that department). Players should notuse the knowledge that this Prestige Class existsin evaluation of the legitimacy of any NPC.


+10 Attack Bonus3 Weapon Feats (Feats that improve use of aweapon in combat)4 ranks of Move Silently4 ranks of Hide3 Favorable Inner Circle Notice Certs

Table 3:6 Shepherd





WillSave Special

1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Sneak attack 1d6 & Skill Focus: Forbidden Lore-The Tainted

2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Skill Focus: Open Locks & Poison Use

3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Sneak Attack 2d6 & Skill Focus: Disguise

4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Death Attack & Toughness Feat

5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Sneak Attack 3d6 & Skill Focus: Spot


The class skills for the Shepherds are: ForbiddenLore, Bluff, Gunsmithing, Hide, Listen, MoveSilently, Open Locks, Rope Use, Search, Spot,Survival, and Wilderness LoreSkill points at each level: 4+ Int modifier


Skill Focus: Forbidden Lore: Tainted: Abonus Skill Focus Feat in Forbidden Lore: theTainted. If the hero does not already have at leasttwo ranks in this skill, they must now spend skillpoints to acquire two ranks of this specificForbidden Lore. If they do not they, relinquishthis benefit.

Sneak Attack: If a Shepherd can catch a targetwhen she is unable to defend herself effectivelyfrom his attack, he can strike a vital spot for

extra damage (PHB 47). The amount of this extradamage goes up as the Shepherd gains levels.

Skill Focus: Open Locks: A bonus Skill FocusFeat in Open Locks. If the hero does not alreadyhave at least two ranks in this skill, they mustnow spend the skill points to acquire two ranksof the Open Locks Skill. If they do not, theyrelinquish this benefit.

Poison Use: Shepherds are trained in the use ofPoisons and never risk accidentally poisoningthemselves when using them. They do not haveToxicology knowledge without taking that skill.

Skill Focus: Disguise A bonus Skill Focus Featfor the Disguise Skill. If the hero does notalready have at least two ranks in this skill, theynow must spend the skill points to acquire tworanks of the Disguise Skill. If they do not, theyrelinquish this benefit

Prestige Classes for Masque of the Red Death 31

Death Attack: If the Shepherd studies his victimfor 3 rounds and then makes a sneak attack thatsuccessfully deals damage, then the target maybecome either paralyzed or die. See DMG pg. 30Death Attack for details on how this works. Theonly difference is that this can be used with afirearm, however only when using aimed fire.

Evasion Feat: The Shepherd is trained in the artof killing and in fact is harder to kill. He gainsthe Evasion Feat (See pg 48 PHB).Skill Focus: Spot A bonus Skill Focus Feat forthe Spot Skill. If the hero does not already haveat least two ranks in this skill, they must nowspend skill points to acquire two ranks of theSpot Skill. If they do not, they relinquish thisbenefit.

Undead HunterAt some point in the career of these heroes theyhave been profoundly effected by an encounterwith undead of some type. They may have had abad experience in a graveyard, or encounteredrestless spirits of dead friends. Whatever themotivation the Undead Hunter has become adeadly foe of these creatures. They focus andpolish their skills in order to improve theirchances against the seemingly endless hordesthat the forces of evil may send against them.


Base Attack Bonus +55 Ranks in Forbidden Lore Undead5 ranks of Sixth SenseTracking Feat

Table 3:7 Undead Hunter





WillSave Special

1st +1 +2 +0 +0 +1d6 Sneak Attack vs Undead

2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Favored enemy (1 type) Undead

3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 1 Combat Feat

4th +4 +4 +1 +1 +2d6 Sneak Attack vs Undead

5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Favored enemy (2nd type) Undead

6th +6 +5 +2 +2 Sense Undead

7th +7 +5 +2 +2 +2d6 Sneak Attack vs Undead

8th +8 +6 +2 +2 Favored enemy (3rd type) Undead

9th +9 +6 +3 +3 1 Combat Feat

10th +10 +7 +3 +3 Smite Undead


The class skills for the Undead Hunter are: ForbiddenLore, Undead Sixth Sense, Wilderness Lore, Search,Spot and Survival.

Skill points at each level: 4+ Int modifier


Sneak Attack: This works in the same manner as theD&D Rogues Sneak Attack except that it only appliesto the Undead

Favored Enemy: This works in the same manner asthe D&D Ranger's favored enemy except that eachtime the Hunter gets it (at 2nd, 5th and 8th), it is for aspecific type of Undead such as Zombies, Ghosts orVampires. This also gives the Undead Hunter

knowledge of the special attacks, defense, immunities,and general vulnerabilities.

Sense Undead: At will with concentration; can detectundead presence within 60 feet as per the spell DetectUndead. Use of this ability invokes a 2% Dark Powerscheck.Bonus Combat Feat: At 3rd and 9th level the UndeadHunter gains a bonus Combat Feat.

Smite Undead: Much like the D&D Paladins ability toSmite Evil at 10th level the Undead Hunter can SmiteUndead once per day (PHB pg42)

Chapter Four: Skills for Masque of the Red Death 32

Chapter Four: Skills for Masqueof the Red Death

Skills in D &D reflect the knowledge and societyof a time similar to the medieval or Renaissance.MotRD is set in the late 1890s which is adistinctly different frame of reference. It is nolonger possible for one man to know everythingthere is to know. Just as the classes are morespecialize in Masque of the Red Death so are theskills. Therefore there are some differencesbetween the regular D&D skills and the onespresented here. Only those Skills that are uniqueto MotRD or treated differently than in normalD&D are fully described in the text following thechart.

Most of the current skills existed as Non-weaponProficiencies in the 2edition version of Masqueof the Red Death. One of the NWP that does nothave a counterpart in the new Masque of the RedDeath is the Special Interest Proficiency. Most ofthe Special Interest NWP should translate into

either a Connoisseur skill or a Knowledge typeskill. If you have any Questions regarding thiscontact the Campaign Coordinator.

Skill SynergyThis works the same way as in D&D. It ispossible for a character to have two skills thatwork well together. Your hero needs to have 5 ormore ranks in the skills involved to gain the +2Synergy bonus on skill checks. For example;Characters with 5 ranks in the Astronomy skillgain a bonus to the Navigation skill check aslong as they also have 5 ranks in Navigation.Note: All heroes are human therefore they alsoget 4 additional skill points at first level and 1skill point each additional level in addition to thenumbers below.

Skill Points per LevelClass 1st level Skill Points Higher-level Skill PointsAdept (5+Int modifier) x 4 5+ Int modifierAthlete (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierCharlatan (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierCowboy (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierCriminal (8+Int modifier) x 4 8+ Int modifierDandy (10+Int modifier) x 4 10+ Int modifierDetective (10+Int modifier) x 4 10+ Int modifierDilettante (6 + Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierExplorer/Scout (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierLaborer (3+Int modifier) x 4 3+ Int modifierMedium (5+Int modifier) x 4 5+ Int modifierMetaphysician (5+Int modifier) x 4 5+ Int modifierMystic (5+Int modifier) x 4 5+ Int modifierParson (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierPerformer (8+Int modifier) x 4 8+ Int modifierProfessional (10+Int modifier) x 4 10+ Int modifierScholar/Scientist (10+Int modifier) x 4 10+ Int modifierServant (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierShaman (5+Int modifier) x 4 5+ Int modifierSoldier (4+Int modifier) x 4 4+ Int modifierSoldier, Officer (6+Int modifier) x 4 6+ Int modifierSpiritualist (5+Int modifier) x 4 5+ Int modifierTradesman (10+Int modifier) x 4 10+ Int modifier

Skill Table"o" denotes class skills"x" denotes cross class skills

“s” denotes special, see class description

Chapter Four: Skills for Masque of the Red Death 33

"n" not an allowed skill for this class“e” denotes exclusive class skill

"sp" use speak Language rules in PHB


Skill Ade























































. Offi










Academician x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x s o x n x o x x Wis

Accounting x x x x x x x x x n x x x o x o x x n x o x x Wis

Agriculture x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x o Int

Alchemy o x o x x x x o x n o o o x x x x x n x x o x IntAnimalAffinity x x x o x x x x o x x x x x o s x x o x x x x

Wis/ Ch

AnimalEmpathy n n n e n n n n e n n n n n e s n n e n n n n ChaAnimalHusbandry x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x s x x x x x x o Wis

Appraise x x x x o o x o x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x Int

Archaeology x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x x x x Int

Arithmology o x o x x x x o x n o o o x x x x x n x x o x Int

Artillery x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x n o o x x Int

Artist x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x oInt/Wis

Astronomy x x x x x x x x x n x x x o x o o x n x x x x Int

Athletics x o x o x x x x o o x x x x s x x x x o o x x varies

Biology x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x o x x Int

Blacksmith x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o Int

Bluff x x x x o o o o x x x x x x o x x o x x x x x Cha

Botany x x x x x x x x x n x x x o x o o x n x o x x Int

Brewing x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o Int

Carpentry x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o Int

Chemistry x x x x x x x x x n x x x o x o o x n x o x x Int

Climb x o x o o x x x o o x x x x o x x x x s x x x Dex

Clockwork x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o Dex

Clown x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x Cha

Cobbling x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o Int

Concentration o x o x x x x o x x o o o x x x x x o x x o x Con

Connoisseur x x x x x o x o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Wis

Cooking x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o Wis

Criminology x x x x x x o x x n x x x x x x s x n x x x x Int

Cryptology x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x x x x n x x x x Int

Dancing x o x x x o x o x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x Cha

Demolition x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x s s x x o o x x Int

Diplomacy x x x x o o x o x x x x x o x s x o x x o x x Cha

Chapter Four: Skills for Masque of the Red Death 34

Skill Ad












































































DisableDevice x x x x o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Int

Disguise x x o x o o o x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x Cha

Electricity x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x x x x Int

Engineering x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x o x x Int

Equestrian x o x o x o x o o x x x x x s x x x o s s x x Dex

Etiquette x x o x o o o o x x x x x o o o x o x x o x x Cha

Fire-building x x x o x x x x o x x x x x x x x o o x x x x Int

Fishing x x x x x o x x o o x x x x x x x x x x x x s WisForbiddenLore o x o x x x x o x n o o o o x x x x o x x o x Int

Forgery x x x x o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Int

Gaming x x o x o o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IntGatherInformation x x x x o o o x x x x x x o o s x o x x x x x Cha

Geology x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x o x x Int

Gunsmithing x x x o x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x o o x o IntHandleAnimal x o x o x o x x o o x x x x s s x x o o s x x ChaHealing(first aid) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x s x o o x x x x Wis

Heraldry x x x x x o x o x x x x x x x x x o x o o x x Int

Herbalism x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x s x x o x x x x Int

Hide x x x x o o o x o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x DexHierarchyContact x x x x x x x o x x o x o o x x x x x x x o x Cha

History x x x x x x x x x n x x x o x s s x n x o x x Int

Hunting x o x o x x x x o x x x x x x x x x o o o x x Wis

Innuendo x x x x o o o o x x x x x o o s x o x x x x x WisIntuitDirection x x x o x x x x o x x x x x x x x x o x x x x Wis

Jeweler x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o Dex

Journalism x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x s x x n x x x x Int

Jump x o x o x x x x o o x x x x x x x x o s x x x StrLanguage,Ancient o x o x x x x o x x o o o x x x s x o x x x x Int.Language ,Modern sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp

Law x x x x x x o x x n x x x x x s x x n x o x x Wis

Listen x x x x o o o x x x x x x o x s x o x x x x x Wis

Masonry x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o Int

Mathematics x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x o x x Int

Medicine x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o s x n x x x x Wis

Chapter Four: Skills for Masque of the Red Death 35

Skill Ade

























































. Offi












Mesmerism o x o x x x x o x x o o o x o x x x o x x o x Cha

Mining x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o WisMountain-eering x o x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x o x x x x WisMoveSilently x x o x o o o x o x x x x o o x x o o x x x x Dex

Musician x x x x x o x o x x x x x o o x x x x x x x o


Navigation x x x x x x x x o n x x x x x o o x n s s x x Wis

Needlework o x x x x o x o x x x x x x o x x o x x x x o Int

Open lock x x x x o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dex

Photography x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x oInt/Wis

Physics x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x o o x n x x x x Int

Pick Pocket x x o x o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Dex

Presence x x x x x x x o x x o x o o x x x x o x x o x ChaPrognost-ication o x o x x x x o x x o o o x x x x x o x x o x Int

Psychology x x x x x x x x x n x x x x x x o x n x x x x Wis

Psychometry o x o x x x x o x x o o o x x x x x o x x o x Wis

Read Lips x x x x o o o x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x IntReligion,Ancient o x o x x x x o x n o o o x x x o x o x x o x IntReligion,Modern o o x x x x x x x x x x x o x x o x x x x x x Int

Rope Use x o x o x x x x o o x x x x x x x x x s x x x Dex

Seamanship x o x x x x x x o o x x x x x x x x x s o x o Wis

Search x x x o o o o x o x x x x x x s x o x x x x x IntSenseMotive x x x x o o o x x x x x x o o x x o x x x x x Wis

Set Snares x x x o x x x x o x x x x x x x x x o x x x x Int

Singing x x x x x o x o x x x x x o o x x x x x x x x Cha

Sixth Sense o x o x x x x o x x o o o x x x x x o x x o x Int

Spot x x x x o o o x o x x x x x x s x o x x x x x Wis

Survival x o x o x x x x o x x x x x x s x x o o o x x Int

Swim x o x o x x x x o o x x x x x x x x o o o x o Str

Tailor x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x oInt/Wis

Taxidermy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x o Int

Teamster x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x o n x x x o Int

Thespian x x x x o o x o x x x x x o o o x o n x x x xTightropeWalking x x x x o o x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x Cha

Toxicology x x x x o o x x x n x x x x x o o x x x x x o Int

Chapter Four: Skills for Masque of the Red Death 36

Skill Ade

























































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Tumble x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x Dex

Ventriloquism x x o x x x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x ChaWeatherSense x x x o x x x x o x x x x x x s x x o s x x x Int

Weaving x x x x x x x x x o x x x x x x x x x x x x o IntWildernesslore x x x o x x x x o x x x x x x x x x o x x x x Wis

Zoology x x x x x x x x x n x x x o x o o x n x o x x Int

Academician (Wis; trained only)This skill identifies a character who is a trainededucator and who is familiar with the scholasticenvironment. The Academician skill can be used as ageneral check whenever an institution of learning mustbe used by the heroes to obtain information. TheAcademician skill also reflects the knowledge of themethodology used in researching a subject and is anaid when searching for information.

Accounting (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) This skill identifies the hero as a skilledkeeper of monetary records, be they of a business,private estate, or a government.

Agriculture (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill identifies a hero as a skilledfarmer. This skill also bestows knowledge of growingcycles, crop pests, and diseases, harvest techniques,and the like.

Alchemy (Int, trained only)This skill is the supernatural equivalent of thechemistry skill. It provides a hero with a chance toidentify the effect of magical potions that may beencountered in the course of adventuring. Wheneversuch an unknown potion is found, the hero can spendone turn (10 minutes) examining the elixir. The DMthen makes a skill check. If the check is successful, thehero learns the general nature of the potion. As LD is atournament campaign, there may be times when thejudge will not know the exact nature of the liquid (if itis a unique item). If the check is failed, the hero isunable to identify the potion. The DM can simplyinform the player that the attempt failed. If the die rollis an unmodified 1, however, the hero misjudges the

potion and has identified it incorrectly. This skill islimited to identifying magical potions and can not beused to identify natural or chemical toxins.

Animal Affinity (Cha)This skill allows you to modify the reaction of aparticular category of animal (dogs, wolves, domesticcats, great cats, horses, etc.). The DC of the skillcheck depends on the current state of the animal. Asuccessful skill check results in the animal making aWill Save (same DC as the skill check). If the animalfails the save, then the hero can move the animal'sreaction two categories (from hostile to cautious orfrom cautious to friendly). Even if the saving throwsucceeds, as long as the hero succeeded at their skillcheck, the animal will prefer to attack others first.Failure of the skill check means that the animal'sreaction does not change unless the hero rolled a 1. Ona skill check roll of 1 the animal's reaction to the herowill worsen by 2 categories (from cautious to hostile).

Animal Empathy (Cha; trained only)As skill in PHB, pg 63.

Animal Husbandry (Wis, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 73).This skill indicates that the character isconversant with both the training, handling andbreeding of domesticated animals. Attempts to trainmature wild animals should suffer a -2 penalty per HitDie of the creature.

Appraise (Int)As skill in PHB, pg 63. Heroes who have at least 5ranks of Jeweller gain a +2 synergy bonus whenmaking Appraise checks on gems, jewellry andprecious metals.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 37

Archaeology (Int, trained only) This skill indicates that a character is familiar not onlywith the study of the past, but also the techniques bywhich such information is acquired.

Arithmology1 (Int, trained only)This is the practice of finding the numerical values ofletters, words, and names, and using those values inmagical equations to discover truths about an opponentyou expect to face. Names, even assumed names, carrypower, and knowing the values of these names grantspower over the named individual. In game terms, usingArithmology to find the value of a subject's name (realor given) gives you a bonus of +2 to the DC of spellsthat you cast and they have to save against. If the truename of an outerplanes creature is known andcalculated, this bonus becomes +4

Arithmology has two requirements aside fromknowledge of the craft: materials and time. Materialsare easily acquired: paper and writing utensils, andperhaps a book of tables and an abacus. The timefactor can be more prohibitive. When using theArithmology skill, the player must add thenumerological value of the subject's name (where A=1, B=2, etc.). The sum of the letters is the total numberof rounds the calculation will take.

For instance, BENJAMIN HARRISON (U.S. Presidentfrom 1889-1893) has a numerical value of 170. Thistranslates to 2 hours, 50 minutes for skill use.

Only part of a name, or an alias, provides increases theDC of the check. If the full name is known and thesubject is a human NPC the DC of the skill check is15. If only part of the name is known the DC increasesto 20. If you only have an alias (for example; ElderDoctor is an alias), then the DC is 30. If the subject isnot human, additional modifiers are added.

In any event, its user must be free from distractions,making Arithmology impossible to use in combat.Practitioners should discover necessary names andequations before confronting an enemy. BecauseArithmology taps into the magical energies of theworld, any use of this skill requires a Powers Check.This check is made at the end of the requiredcalculation time. In most cases this check has a base of1% per hour spent to complete the process. If thecreature is of a magical nature or a spellcaster, then thecheck is based on the number of hit dice of the NPC. Ifthe hero who has at least 5 ranks of Arithmology and

1 This skill was first published in Polyhedron™ and isedited here for the Living Death Campaign.

5 ranks in the Prognostication skill, then the hero gainsa +2 bonus when using Prognostication.

Artillery. (Int, trained only)With this skill one may direct the fire of heavyweapons against enemy positions. If the commander ofan artillery unit is not proficient in this skill all artilleryfire from that unit is at a -4 to hit. The Commander ofthe unit makes a check (DC15) at the start of combat,this reflect the commanders calculation of range andangle of fire. A check is also made when a cammanderis evaluating targets and deciding such things as thenumber of guns needed as well as the best placementof the guns.

Artist (Int - Craft, Wis - Perform)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) When this skill is selected, the player mustchoose a specific form of artistic expression for thehero. Art forms might include painting, drawing,sculpting, needlecraft, poetry writing, or other mediaof the player's choice. The artist is skilled in that fieldbut this is only a hobby and not what they make aliving at. If they wish to make a living at they musthave either the Perform or Tradesman class. Whenattempting to make an artwork the DC achieveddetermines the quality of the piece. DC 15 =Good, DC20= Excellent, DC 25= Superior, and DC 30 =Masterpiece. This skill may give a synergy bonus.

Astronomy (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill indicates a solid knowledge ofthe rapidly growing science of stellar observation. Thisskill allows a character to identify celestial bodies andto predict upcoming stellar events such as eclipses andmeteor showers. Characters with 5 ranks in this skillgain a bonus to the Navigation skill adding a + 2synergy bonus to a Navigation skill check.

Athletics (varies)This skill requires that the character select a specificsport as the basis of the skill. The exact benefits of theselected sport, as well as the ability score upon whichchecks will be made, is up to the DM. It should be keptin mind that many sports considered common onmodern-day earth have not yet been invented in the1890's, and others (such as baseball) are just starting tobecome popular on a national scale. To make a livingas an athlete the Athlete class is required.

Biology (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) Biology involves the study of all livingthings, including humans. A character with the biologyskill will have a general knowledge of plants and

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 38

creatures and the interactions between them. Such acharacter will have a working knowledge of the humanbody, and may be able to diagnose simple commondiseases. A character with the Biology skill gains a + 2bonus to attempts to stabilize dying companions.

Blacksmith (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) The hero is capable of making tools andimplements from iron. Use of the skill requires a forgewith a coal-fed fire and bellows, as well as a hammerand anvil. The character cannot make armor or mostweapons, but can craft crowbars, grappling hooks,horseshoes, nails, hinges, plows, and most other ironobjects.

Bluff (Cha)As skill in PHB, pg. 64. Use of the Bluff skillcombined with good role-playing can be used tointimidate a target person or group.

Botany (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) Characters with this skill have extensiveknowledge of plant anatomy, varieties, byproducts,propagation, hybridization, and diseases. A characterwho has an understanding of botany may attempt askill check to identify any species of plantencountered. If the hero has 5 ranks in this skill and inToxicology they gain a + 2 bonus to any attempt tocreate a poison (see Toxicology) that is derived from aplant. Synergy with Agriculture is also possible.Brewing (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) The hero is trained in the art of brewing beersand other strong drink. The hero can prepare brewingformulas, select quality ingredients, set up and managea brewery, control fermentation, and age the finishedproduct

Carpentry (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) The carpentry skill enables the hero to dowoodworking jobs: building houses, cabinetry, joinery,etc. Tools and materials must be available. The herocan build basic items from experience, without theneed for plans. Unusual and more complicated items (acatapult, for example) require plans prepared by anengineer. Truly unusual or highly complex items(wooden clockwork mechanisms, for example) requirea proficiency check.

Chemistry (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) The Chemistry skill enables heroes to

attempt to identify and create chemical compounds.This includes the ability to run tests that will identifythe composition of a substance, so that a blood spotmight be identified as something other than dark redpaint. In addition, chemical compounds such asexplosives can be manufactured (assuming that thecharacter has sufficient materials, lab equipment, andtime to work).

Climb (Str; Armor Check Penalty)As skill in PHB, pg64. Five ranks of Climb Wallsgives +2 to Mountaineering checks.

Clockwork (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) This skill reflects the ability to work with thesmall mechanisms similar to those used in clocks andmusic boxes. With the right tools, the character can usethis talent to construct clocks, watches, or similartiming mechanisms. In a case in which a trap isfashioned from such components, the DM may allow acharacter with this skill an attempt to disarm it(possibly with a negative modifier to success).

Clown (Cha)This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 71.

Cobbling (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) The hero can fashion and repair shoes, boots,and sandals.

Concentration (Con)As skill in PHB, pg. 65.

Connoisseur (Wis, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) Heroes with this skill have not onlyknowledge of a subject but an exquisite appreciationfor the art of his field. It is especially useful indetermining between an authentic work and animitation. When this skill is take it is for a specificsubject such as; the cuisine of a nation, wine making,painting, sculpting, music and like subjects. If yousubcategorize further (Tucsan cooking, not just Italian)there is a +2 to your skill check. Selection of a subjectthat is related to a skill you already have (such ascooking) also becoming a Connoisseur gives you aSynergy bonus of + 2.It also offers a synergy bonus for appraise of the samesubject.

Cooking (Wis)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 73.) Although all heroes may have

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 39

rudimentary cooking skills, the hero with this skill isan accomplished cook. A skill check is required onlywhen attempting to prepare a truly magnificent mealworthy of a master chef.

Criminology (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70). The study of crime and its history can beof great importance to an adventurer on Gothic Earth.While the first use of fingerprinting in lawenforcement has not yet occurred, anyone can learnmuch from a careful study of criminals and theirtechniques. At a crime scene, a character with thistalent will be able to realize the importance ofsomething that has been found. If the character has theSpot skill and at least 5 ranks of Criminology she getsa +2 on her Spot checks when looking for clues orevidence. Such a character may also have an advantagein working with local law enforcement agencies.

Cryptography (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) The character with this skill has sometraining and skill in deciphering hidden messages andcodes. The character has some knowledge of howciphers and codes are designed. In its basic form, thecharacter is allowed to make a skill check whenconfronted with a coded message. If successful, theDM can reveal a general overview of the secretmissive.

Dancing (Cha)(This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 71) The hero knows many styles andvarieties of dance, from folk dances to formal courtballs.

Demolition (Int, trained only)Explosives are far more common in the Masque of theRed Death setting than they are in a traditional D&D.This skill means that the character is knowledgeableabout the use of various types of explosives, and howto set charges for the best effect. She also hasknowledge about the storage requirements of varioustypes of explosives and detonators. It is possible thatshe may be able to look at a something that has beenexploded and tell what type of explosive was used, butthis is difficult. Explanation regarding how explosiveswork is found in the Equipment Chapter. While it ispossible for explosives to be used by characterswithout this skill, doing so can be very dangerous forthat character and those in that characters immediatevicinity. Consult Chapter 6 for more details about howthis skill and checks for this skill.

Diplomacy (Cha)As per PHB, pg. 66.

Disable Device (Int, trained only)As per PHB, pg. 67. In MotRD this skill may not beused to disable magical traps.

Disguise (Cha)As per PHB, pg. 67.

Electricity (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) The wonders of electricity are sweepingthrough the world of Gothic Earth. Hardly a day goesby that a new use is not found for this recentlyharnessed power source. With this skill, a charactercan understand and design various machines thatdepend upon electricity for their operation. This skillallows the character to understand and attempt to makeor repair such machines that use electricity. Designingand building innovative or new electrical devices is amuch more difficult task requiring knowledge ofEngineering, Chemistry or Physics depending on thetype of device.

Engineering (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70) This skill deals mostly with theknowledge of mechanical engineering. Thosecharacters with this skill can attempt to figure out howa complex piece of machinery works, the purpose ofthe machine and how to repair or duplicate it. For themost part, steam engines or similar mechanisms suchas water wheels or windmills will power these devices.If the character is to undertake design of new orinnovative machines, a higher DC is assigned.

Equestrian (Dex)This skill is basically the same as the Ride Skill (PHBpg 72). However it only includes the ability to ridehorses, ponies, mules or donkeys. Camels andElephants are different enough that attempting to ridethem may be difficult.

Etiquette (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill gives the hero anunderstanding of the proper forms of behavior andaddress required in many different situations, includingthose involving nobility and persons of rank. TheDiplomacy skill can give a Synergy bonus to Etiquette.If the hero has Savoir-faire they can quickly learn theproper etiquette for a culture that they have notencountered before. In this case the hero gains a +2bonus on Etiquette checks when dealing with apreviously unknown (by the hero) culture. DC for

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 40

Etiquette checks are adjusted based on the hero'sbackground.

Fire-building (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) A character with fire-building skill does notnormally need matches to start a fire. Given some drywood and small pieces of tinder, he can start a fire in2d20 minutes. Flint and steel or matches are notrequired. Wet wood, high winds, or other adverseconditions increase the time to 3d20, and a successfulskill check must be rolled to start a fire.

Fishing (Wis; Trained Only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) The character is skilled in the art offishing, be it with hook and line, net, or spear. Eachhour the character spends fishing, make a skill check.If the roll is failed, no fish are caught that hour.Otherwise, a hook and line or a spear will land fishequal to the difference between the die roll and theDC. A net will catch three times this amount.

Of course, no fish can be caught where no fish arefound. On the other hand, some areas teem with fish,such as a river or pool during spawning season. TheDM may modify the results according to the situation.

Forbidden Lore (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill indicates knowledge of eventslong past that are of the sinister or macabre variety. Ifa particular area of study/knowledge, such as is notpicked; then her knowledge is limited to ForbiddenLore of the most general type. For example, the notedmetaphysician Van Helsing is well versed in battlingthe supernatural evils of Gothic Earth, but is especiallydevoted to (and knowledgeable about) vampires.Someone with only general Forbidden Lore wouldknow perhaps that vampires are real and not just a taleout of folklore. They would perhaps know that awooden stake is generally thought necessary to kill avampire but would not be able to identify all theallergens or weakness of a particular type of vampire.If the Forbidden Lore in question deals with a culturethat from their background and skills and there is noobvious reason for the character to have knowledge ofthat culture, the DC is greatly increased. Characterswith the Forbidden Lore skill have a greaterunderstanding of the dark and macabre side of theuniverse. As such, they make all fear and horrorchecks with a +2 bonus. If the check is directly relatedto some area in which the character is an expert, thatbonus increases to +4.

Like Knowledge skill in D&D, Forbidden Lore hasmany possible specialization's. A hero can choose toconcentration on one area or to gain some knowledgeof many areas and hope for Synergy bonuses.

Forgery (Int)As per PHB, pg 68.

Gaming (Int, trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) The character knows most commongames of chance and skill, including cards, dice,bones, draughts, and chess. When playing a game, thecharacter may either play out the actual game (whichmay take too much time for some) or make a skillcheck, with success indicating victory. If twoproficient characters play each other, the one with thehighest successful die roll wins. A character withgaming proficiency can also attempt to cheat, thusgaining a +1 bonus to his ability score. If the skillcheck for the game is 1 to 3, however, the characterhas been caught cheating.

Gather Information (Cha)As per PHB, pg. 68

Geology (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70). A character who is proficient in Geologyhas a good working knowledge of the processes bywhich the features of the earth's surface are formed andhas a good recognition of various rocks and minerals.Such a character may be able to estimate the relativesafety of travel in a subterranean environment ordetermine the likely source of a rock or soil sample(provided that the sample is significantly uncommon).

This skill includes a working knowledge of mineralogyand topography. A hero who has both this skill and theMining skill gains a +2 bonus to any checks in whichthe two areas overlap.

Gunsmithing (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) The availability of inexpensive and reliablefirearms on Gothic Earth has greatly changed thenature of combat. Characters with this skill are able toclean, maintain, and repair such weapons.

The DC class for repairing a firearm will vary on thebased on the extent of damage the weapon hassustained. Repairing a firearm is DC 15 assumingyou have the proper tools and material and the damageis not extensive.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 41

The DC to design and build new or unique firearmswill vary based on the availability of the material athand and what the character wishes the weapon to dowhen it is completed. The base DC for making a newtype of firearm is 25.

Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the Gunsmithingskill, other than gun repair, is that it gives its owner theability to manufacture ammunition (if materials areavailable) and to arm weapons with special loads(silver bullets, for example). The DC for makingbullets is discussed in the Equipment Chapter of thisbook.

Handle Animal (Cha, trained only)As PHB, pg 68.

Healing (First Aid) (Wis)This skill reflects a familiarity with first aid, naturalremedies, and the like. As such, it functions as in theD&D game rules for aiding efforts for stabilizingdying companions. Players who wish to havecharacters skilled in the more modern medicine of theday should consider the Medicine skill.

Heraldry (Int)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.). While this skill functions in a mannersimilar to its use in D&D games, players and DMsshould understand that it reflects the modern flags ofthe world, military insignia, military medals, andvarious important icons of the 1890's.

Herbalism (Int)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.). This skill includes the ability to use andidentify herbs for cooking, medicine, and other normalusage.

Hide (Dex; Armor Check Penalty)As per PHB, pg 69/

Hierarchy Contact** (Cha)Heroes who are members of a organized religionwhich have an established church hierarchy may haveaccess to resources unavailable to other heroes. Thisskill reflects such resources and indicates that the heroknows how to work within his or her hierarchy to getinformation and other supplies an adventuring groupmay need. This skill maybe used to gather informationabout a specific place, person or object but only onethat has some relationship to the organization to whichthe petitioner belongs. Monetary resources are notrequired to obtain information but access to a modern

means of communication such as a telegraph or mailsystem is necessary. The system used to communicatethe request will effect the length of time it takes toreceive an answer. This is up to the DMs discretion asis the scope of information available.

However, the other aspect of this skill does require acheck. If the hero wants access to consecrated orotherwise special items that maybe helpful in fightingthe supernatural, they must make a successful skillcheck. Such items may include holy water or wafers orother such items. The availability is up to the DM.It is a campaign requirement that the hero be at leastfourth level when using this skill.

History (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70). When the skill is chosen, the playermust select a specific area or period of history to be thecharacter’s area of expertise. For example, the historyof winemaking in Europe might be an appropriatechoice; the history of Europe would not be appropriate;the history of a single vineyard in the Burgundy regionwould also be inappropriate. It is important to make adistinction between this skill and the Forbidden Loreskill.

Hunting (Wis; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) When in wilderness settings, thecharacter can attempt to stalk and bring down game. Askill check must be made with a -1 penalty to theability score for every non-proficient hunter in theparty. If the die roll is successful, the hunter(and thosewith him) have come within 101 to 200 yards(100+1d100) of an animal. The group can attempt toclose the range, but a skill check must be made foreach 20 yards closed. If the stalking is successful, thehunter automatically surprises the game. The type ofanimal stalked depends on the nature of the terrain andthe whim of the DM.

Innuendo (Wis; trained only)As per PHB, pg 70.

Intuit Direction (Wis; trained only)As per PHB, pg 70.

Jeweler (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) Includes the knowledge of how to fashionjewelry from precious metals and other valuablesubstances. This includes the working of fine metalsand gem cutting. A hero who has at least 5 ranks ofjeweler would receive a +2 synergy bonus when using

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 42

the Appraise skill to value gems, jewelry and preciousmetals.

Journalism (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65). This skill reflects a talent for writing and afamiliarity with the business of publishing. It mightindicate one of a number of occupations. a characteremployed as a writer or editor by a newspaper ormagazine; a character working as a freelance writer orphotographer; or a character who writes fictionalstories or novels.Attempts by a character to sell written work will begoverned by skill checks and the DM's estimate of thequality and interest of the work. In any case, anunmodified roll of 20 indicates that a work is hailed asmasterful by critics, while an unmodified roll of 1indicates that a work will be scorned and ridiculed.

Jump (Str; Armor Check Penalty)As PHB, pg 70.

Language, Ancient (trained only)When a player selects this skill for a hero a specificlanguage must be chosen. Languages that qualify asancient include ancient Egyptian (demotic orhieroglyphic), Babylonian, Greek, and Sumerian. Dueto the frequency with which Latin is used on GothicEarth, it may be selected as a modern language.

This skill bestows knowledge of both written andspoken elements of a language, if both exist (whichexcept for Greek is relatively rare). For example, askill in Egyptian hieroglyphics does not allow acharacter to "speak" hieroglyphics. The translation ofancient languages is not always an easy thing and askill check is required. The DM is free to disallow anylanguage that seems inappropriate.

Language, Modern (trained only)Like the Ancient Language skill, a character isrequired to select a specific language. This skill allowsthe character to both speak and write the selectedlanguage. As noted in the Ancient Languagedescription, Latin is considered modern language onGothic Earth because it is so commonly used in churchservices, medicine, and science, and is taught almostroutinely in grammar schools. Skill checks are notnecessary.

Law∗∗ (Wis; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) Heroes with this skill have a goodunderstanding of the law court system and related ∗ This skill first appeared in Dragon Magazine™ #215.

subjects. A hero must at least 5 ranks of Law skill andthe Profession class to be considered to have beenadmitted to the bar and certified to practice Law in onecountry. They must denote what country (or state) theyare practicing in, as the court systems are not alwayssimilar from country to country. A player selecting thisskill may decide that they have studied a specific typeof law. If such is a case, then they receive a +2 bonusto skill checks within his area of expertise but suffers a–2 on all other law skill checks.

Listen (Wis)As PHB, pg 71.

Masonry (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) A character with this skill is skilled in allmanners of construction involving stone, brick,cement, and similar building materials. Her knowledgegoes from building simple retaining walls, buildingfireplaces, foundation work as well as building actualstructures. She also knows how to make bricks.

Mathematics (Int; Trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) The study of abstract or theoreticalmathematics dates back thousands of years in our ownworld; the ancient Greeks laid the groundwork forgeometry, while algebra was a pastime of Islamicscholars and nobles before the European Renaissance.Possession of at least 2 ranks in Mathematics will givea +2 synergy bonus to Arithmology.

Medicine (Wis; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) A character with this skill has attended amedical school or has studied closely under a skilledphysician. Such characters are versed in the scientifichealing methods of the 1890's. Physicians are able totend the wounded, as are characters with the Healingskill. A successful skill check by a physician, however,restores ld4 hit points. In addition a physician is able torender first aid to any character once every 12 hoursrather than once per day. The practice of Medicinerequires a licensee, which requires that the characterhave the Professional: Physician class.

Long term care: As per Heal in the PHB except thatsuch characters recover an additional 2 hit point perday if engaging in normal activity; 4 hit points and 1ability point per day of non-strenuous activity; 4 hitpoints and 3 ability points per day of complete rest;and 5 hit points and 5 ability points per day if placed ina hospital or similar medical facility.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 43

Treating Poison victims: As per Heal except that thephysician attempting to help a poisoned hero grants thehero a +2 bonus to saving throws versus poison(regardless of how the poison entered the system). Ifthe physician has access to a reasonably equipped storeof medical supplies (such as a ship's infirmary ordoctor's office), this modifier increases to +3. If care isgiven in a hospital or similar facility, the bonusincreases to +4.

Physicians are able to diagnose and treat diseases.Treatment does not always indicate an immediate cure(or any cure). It may constitute the easing of symptomsthrough herbs, drugs, poultices, or other therapy.Treatment may shorten the duration of an illnessdepending on the severity of the disease. To administersuccessful treatment, the physician must make a skillcheck. If the physician has access to reasonablemedical supplies, this check is made with a +2 bonus.If care is given in a hospital or similar facility, thebonus increases to +4.

The average physician has no knowledge of magicallycreated or transmitted diseases. For treatment of suchailments, characters must seek out an individual withboth the Heal and Profession (Herbalist) skills. Notealso that the Medicine skill is rarely combined witheither of those skills. Some magically created ortransmitted disease requires the knowledge of a mysticto cure.

Mesmerism (Cha: trained only)(This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 71.) The powers of the mind are onlybeginning to be understood in the 1890's. Themysteries of hypnosis are still beyond thecomprehension of science.

A character with this skill is able to place a willingsubject into a trance. This enables the mesmerist toexplore the inner reaches of the mind with carefullyphrased questions. Unwilling characters or those whoare unaware of the attempt are impossible to entrance.An individual may be mesmerized only once per day.

Establishing the trance requires 1d4 minutes. Duringthis time, the mesmerist and subject must be in a quietplace with no obvious distractions. The mesmeristmust supply some object upon which the subject canfocus his concentration, such as a burning candle,gleaming ring, or polished pocket watch. Thecombination of the focused attention and the soothingwords of the mesmerist lull the subject into a sleepliketrance.

Once the subject has been mesmerized, the charactercan begin to ask questions. With each question asked,the hero must succeed a skill check. A cumulative -1penalty is applied to all questions after the first. Failureindicates that the trance has faltered and the subjecthas awakened. The questions asked must be fairlysimple and straightforward. It is impossible for themesmerized subject to lie or deceive the character inany way, although the answers given may be tainted bythe emotions or beliefs of the subject.

A mesmerized hero has almost total recall, so this skillis useful for recovering information that may havebeen lost to the conscious mind. For example, a subjectwho witnessed a werewolf attack in the foggy alleys ofLondon might well have been so shocked and horrifiedby the sight that he blocked out nearly all memory ofthe event. Under the influence of a skilled mesmerist,the subject could be made to recall many of thespecifics of the scene, which he was unable to recallconsciously.

Mining (Wis; Trained Only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) A character with mining skill is neededto site and supervise the operations of any mine. First,the character can attempt to determine what types ofores or gems can be found in a given area. To do this,he must spend at least a week searching a four-square-mile area. The DM may rule that more area must besearched to find anything of value and may thusincrease the amount of time required. At the end of thesearch, the character can say what is likely to be foundin this area. After this, the character can site the mine.

On a successful skill check (made secretly by the DM),the character has found a good site to begin mining forany minerals that may be in the area. The check doesnot guarantee a successful mine, only that a particularsite is the best choice in a given area. The DM mustdetermine what minerals, if any, are to be found in theregion of the mine. On a failed check, the characteronly thinks he has found a good site. Much effort isspent before the character is proved wrong, of course.A hero who has both this skill and the Geology skillgains a +2 bonus to any checks in which the two areasoverlap.

Mountaineering (Wis, Trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) A character with this skill can makedifficult and dangerous climbs up steep slopes andcliffs with the aid of spikes, ropes, etc. If a characterwith mountaineering skill leads a party, placing thepitons (spikes) and guiding the others, all in the partycan gain the benefit of his knowledge. A mountaineer

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 44

can guide a party up a cliff face it could not otherwiseclimb. A character with this skill gains a +2 bonus perskill rank to making a mountaineering checks to climba surface. Note that mountaineering is not the same asthe Climb Walls skill, since the latter does not requireaids of any sort.

Move Silently (Dex, Armor Check Penalty)As per PHB, pg. 71.

Musician (Cha - Perform, Wis - Profession)(This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 71.) The player must select a musicalinstrument when this skill is chosen. She knows how toplay it but does not make a living by being a musician.If they wish to make a living at they need theProfession skill as well. If the hero has at least 5 ranksof Musician (perform), then the hero gains a +2 bonuswhen making Musician (profession) checks, providedthe musical instrument is the same for both skills.

Navigation (Wis; Trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) Navigation is much more exact onGothic Earth than it is in most fantasy campaignworlds. A skilled navigator with the proper equipment(maps and a compass, at the very least) can find hisway across any stretch of land or sea with relativeease. If a sextant and a clock is used, then the charactergets a +2 on her check.

Needlework (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) The hero is skilled in the use of a needle forthe purposes of sewing or embroidery.

Open Locks (Dex; Trained Only)As per PHB, pg 71.

Photography (Int; Trained only - Craft, Wis:Profession)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) A character with this skill is can use and repaircamera equipment. In addition this talent allows acharacter to develop photographic plates and printpictures if the proper equipment is available. Ifcombined with the Artist skill, the character canproduce photographs that are considered artistic ratherthan merely competent. The hero is skilled inphotography but this is only a hobby and not what theymake a living at. If they wish to make a living as aPhotographer they must be either Professional orTradesman class.

The 1890's is a time in which the wonder ofphotography is spreading rapidly through the world.

Stereoscopes are considered stylish novelties and haveenamored the middle class. George Eastman hasrecently invented the Kodak camera that uses filminstead of glass plates ( 1888), but such cameras arenot yet commonly available.

Physics (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) A character with this skill is familiarwith the forces of nature and the physical laws andstructure of the universe. Physics in the 1890's wasradically different from the physics of our modernEarth. Concepts of quantum mechanics, molecularbonding and even electrons were unknown.

This skill includes knowledge of forces and motion,gravity, heat, light, optics, magnetism, and propertiesof matter and energy. The Physics skill provides agood understanding of electricity and may provide a+2 bonus on attempts to use the Electricity orEngineering talent if the DM deems this appropriate.Like other skills dealing with the sciences, additionalranks indicate the level of learning and the ability topostulate new theories.

Pick Pocket (Dex; Trained Only)As per PHB, pg 72.

Presence*(Cha)Some heroes have such spiritual power that their aurasare almost tangible, especially to supernaturalcreatures. On a successful skill check the hero can shiftthe reaction of a supernatural creature. Any Charisma-based skill checks gain a +2 bonus when dealing withthat creature. If the Presence skill check fails, then allCharisma-based checks gain a -2 penalty. The DC ofthe skill check is 10+ the # HD of the creature. Anyattempt by characters with this skill to use the Hideskill against Undead is at a -2 for every 5 ranks ofPresence that she has.

Prognostication (Int; trained only)With this skill, a character is able to catch fleetingglimpses of the future. When this skill is selected, theplayer must select a method by which the characterattempts to read the future. Possible techniques includeastrology, palm reading, tealeaf reading, andnumerology.

For the most part, individuals who practiceprognostication on Gothic Earth are frauds or fools.They learn nothing from their efforts and knownothing of the true magic associated with fortune

* This skill was first published in Dragon Magazine™#236.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 45

telling. Heroes who take this skill are assumed to havean understanding of the true mystical nature of theircraft, however and can use this talent to accuratelypredict the future (although to a limited degree).

The DC is based on how far in the future and howdetailed the is the information sought. The moregeneral the information, the lower the DC.-verygeneral DC 10, moderately specific DC 15 veryspecific DC 20 exact detailed knowledge DC 25. Howfar into the future you wish to look also effects the DC.Within 24 hours there is at least a +2 adjustment to theDC; 1 week +5, One Month +10.

The use of this skill is hazardous. Because this abilitytaps the magical energies of the world— energies longago fouled by the arrival of the Red death—any use ofthis skill requires a Powers check.

The chance of failing a Powers check is based on thenature of the information sought by the prognosticator.If the character seeks only trivial or vague knowledge(for example, shall I be lucky at cards this month?)then the check has only a 1% chance of failure. Anattempt to glean more specific information (forexample, (Will our battle against the vampire besuccessful?) carries a 2% chance of failure. Moreprecise questions, if the DM allows them to be asked,can result in more difficult checks. Note that this checkmust be made each time the skill is attempted,regardless of whether it is successful. Also, the DMmay increase the difficulty of the powers check if theinformation sought is to be used for an evil ormalicious intent. No retry is allowed on failed attempts

Psychology (Wis; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) The modern sciences that study thehuman mind are still in their infancy in 1890. SigmundFreud, the father of modern psychiatric practices, islaboring in Vienna, performing the research that willeventually change the way humans think about mentalhealth. The majority of Freud's important earlyresearch will not be published till the later part of the1890's. Not until 1905 does the scientific communitybegin to take his work seriously.

The acquisition of a Psychology skill indicates that acharacter is trained in the care and handling of personssuffering from varying types of mental illness. Thisincludes the effects of failed horror or madness checks.This skill has no effect on failed fear checks. Moreinformation on the use of this skill is found in sectiondealing with Madness Checks in the chapter onAdventuring in Gothic Earth.

Psychometry (Wis; trained only)A person with this skill has a limited psychic gift thatenables the individual to detect the faint impressionsattached to items involved in traumatic events. Forinstance, if a hero with pyschometry were to attempt askill check on a knife that was suspected as a murderweapon, a successful check might reveal great painand terror linked to the weapon. If the object had notraumatic event associated with it, or if the roll failed,the character would sense nothing. If the roll is anunmodified 20, the character will relive the traumaticexperience as if he had been present at the event. In asevere case, this could result in a fear or horror check,or even a Fortitude Check to avoid death or coma. Inorder to use this skill, the character must hold theobject in question and spend one complete roundconcentrating on it.

Read Lips (Int; trained only)As per PHB, pg 72, except it is no longer a rogue onlyskill.

Religion, Ancient (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.). This skill provides a hero with aunderstanding of ancient religions that are no longerpracticed openly on Gothic Earth. If the hero wishes tohave very specific knowledge such that the hero is anexpert on the tenets and beliefs of a specific lostreligion. They can take this skill as a specialized skill(Such as Ancient, Religion Egyptian).

This skill tends to provide macabre and unusualinformation about "the dead gods" and similar sinister-sounding concerns. Some small crossover exists withthe Modern Religion skill.

Religion, Modern (Int)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill is similar to the Religion skillin the Player's Handbook. It grants a character ageneral familiarity with religions currently practicedon Gothic Earth. If this skill is used untrained then theDC class of the skill check will be higher. A smallamount of crossover exists with the Ancient Religionskill.

Rope Use (Dex)As per Use Rope, PHB, pg. 76.

Seamanship (Wis; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72). The character is familiar with the boatsand ships employed in the 1890’s (both sailing shipsand steamships). He is qualified to work as acrewman, although he cannot navigate without the

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 46

Navigation skill. Crews of trained seamen arenecessary to manage any ship. Laborer or Tradesmanclass is required to make a living as a seaman. (ASoldier: Sailor is considered to be making their livingby being in a military unit.)

Search (Int)As per PHB, pg. 73. In Mot Rd Criminal Class heroesand 4th level Explorer/Scouts can use the search skill tofind traps. Other classes can attempt to do so but theyhave a -6 penalty to their skill check.

Sense Motive (Wis)As per PHB, pg 73.

Set Snares (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) This skill reflects the knowledge of how to setsnares to trap animals. The DC class for the setting ofthe snare is based on the intelligence of the creatureyou are attempting to get.

Singing (Cha)(This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 71.) The character is an accomplished singerand can use this ability to entertain others and perhapsearn a small living (note that Performers can do thisautomatically). No skill check is required to sing. Thecharacter can also create choral works on a successfulskill check.

Sixth Sense (Int; trained only)A character with this skill is sensitive to the presenceof the supernatural in its many manifestations. If sucha character spends one round clearing his mind andmaking himself receptive to the ambient energies ofthe area, he can sense the presence of spell use andundead or supernatural creatures. (The DM mustdetermine whether a creature falls into this category.)The sensation is only a tingling awareness thatsupernatural energies are near, and gives no clue as tothe nature of the energies, but it may provide acharacter with sufficient warning to take specialprecautions. The stronger and more powerful thecreature, the lower the DC. The more powerful thespell being used, the lower the DC class. The base DCis 15 - the spell level or the level/HD of thesupernatural creature. The DM may assign modifiers tothe role based on the situation. When the hero (in aconscious attempt to see if such energies are in thearea) invokes this sense they are in fact reaching outinto the web and thus a powers check is called for. It isa base 1% powers check. This skill will not pinpointthe location of a supernatural presence, a creature orobject.

Spot (Wis)As per PHB, pg 74.

Survival (Int)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill must be applied to a specificenvironment--i.e., a specific type of terrain andweather factors. Typical environments include arctic,woodland, desert, steppe, mountain, or tropical. Thecharacter has basic survival knowledge for that terraintype. The skill must be taken again to add more typesof terrain.

A character skilled in survival has a basic knowledgeof the hazards he might face in that land. Heunderstands the effects of the weather and knows theproper steps to lessen the risk of exposure. He knowsthe methods to locate or gather drinkable water. Heknows how to find basic, not necessarily appetizing,food where none is apparent, thus staving offstarvation. Furthermore, a character with survival skillcan instruct and aid others in the same situation. Whenusing the skill to find food or water, the character mustmake a skill check. If the check is failed, no moreattempts can be made that day.

The survival skill in no way releases the playercharacters from the hardships and horrors of being lostin the wilderness. At best it alleviates a small portionof the suffering. The food found is barely adequate,and water is discovered in minuscule amounts. It isstill quite possible for a character with survivalknowledge to die in the wilderness. Indeed, the littleknowledge the character has may lead tooverconfidence and doom!

Swim (Str)As per PHB, pg 74.

Tailor (Int - Craft, Wis - Profession)This skill includes competence with all the modernsewing techniques and devices of the 1890's. Theperson who makes their own clothes would use thisskill. However those who wish to go in to businesswould take the Tradesman Tailor class especially ifyou wish to set up in a business comparable to theHouse of Worth in Paris.

Taxidermy (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) A hero who chooses this skill is able todismember and successfully reconstruct the carcassesof animals for display purposes. Such a character maybe employed by a museum or may workindependently, possibly as a hobby.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 47

A person who is making a living doing this would be aTradesman: Taxidermist.

Teamster (Wis; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Profession Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) A character with this skill is able toskillfully drive wagons, carts, and similar animaldrawn conveyances. In general, no skill check isrequired for this activity unless an unusual situationarises, such as bad weather or frightened animals. Insuch cases, the DM may assign bonuses or penalties tothe roll as appropriate.

Tightrope Walking (Cha)(This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 72.) The character can attempt to walknarrow ropes or beams with greater than normalchances of success. He can negotiate any narrowsurface not angled up or down greater than 45 degrees.Each round the character can walk 60 feet. One skillcheck is made every 60 feet (or part thereof), withfailure indicating a fall. The check is made with a -10penalty to the ability score if the surface is one inch orless in width (a rope), a -5 penalty if two inches to sixinches wide, and unmodified if seven inches to 12inches wide. Wider than one foot requires no check forproficient characters under normal circumstances.Each rank of Tightrope Walking reduces thesepenalties by 1. Use of a balancing rod reduces thepenalties by 2. Winds or vibrations in the line increasesthe penalties by 2 to 6.

The character can attempt to fight while on a tightrope,but he suffers a -5 penalty to his attackroll and must roll a successful skill check at thebeginning of each round to avoid falling off. Since thecharacter cannot maneuver, he gains no adjustments tohis Armor Class for Dexterity. If he is struck while onthe rope, he must roll an immediate skill check toretain his balance.

Thespian∗∗ (Cha)This works in the same manner as the Perform skill(See PHB pg). This skill includes acting and oratory. Askilled Thespian is able to adopt the mannerisms andspeech patterns of those she is impersonating withgreat efficacy. A hero who successful combines thisskill with the Disguise skill can withstand the closestscrutiny by critics and audiences. This skill may alsobe used in unison with Dancing or Singing to reflectbackgrounds in specific types of theater or opera

∗ This skill was first published in Dragon Magazine™#215.

gaining a synergy bonus of +2 if they have at least 5ranks in the other skill.

Toxicology (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) Toxicology is the science of poisons,their effects and handling. The character withToxicology has a chance to identify common poisons,know how they are administered and basicunderstanding of their effect. She knows how to handlemost poisons without endangering herself. Knowledgeof Chemistry also permits the identification of newpoisons, as well as the making of poisons. Medicineand Toxicology are needed in order to create newpoisons that mimic a specific natural disease and toidentify the formula for antidotes. The knowledge ofBotany gives a bonus (+2) when creating a poisonderived from plants while Biology gives a bonus (+2)when animal venom is used. Biology can also give abonus (+2 ) if an attempt is being made to produce aspecific effect (for example paralyzation) from apoison.

As with other sciences, a supply of materials andlaboratory equipment is required for making newpoisons, antidotes or antitoxins. The making ofantitoxins requires both Toxicology and Biology. TheDC for making an antitoxin is 10 + the DC listed forthe save against the poison. This can only be done in alaboratory and you get no Synergy bonus for additionalskills. The first successful use of an antitoxin was in1894 against diphtheria.

Tumble (Dex; Trained Only; Armor Check Penalty)As per PHB, pg 75.

Ventriloquilism (Cha)(This works in the same manner as Perform Skill inPHB, pg. 71.) The character has learned the secrets of"throwing his voice." Although not actually makingsound come from somewhere else (like the spell), thecharacter can deceive others into believing this to beso. When using ventriloquism, the supposed source ofthe sound must be relatively close to the character. Thenature of the speaking object and the intelligence ofthose watching can modify the character's chance ofsuccess. If the character makes an obviously inanimateobject talk (a book, mug, etc.), a -5 penalty is appliedto his ability score. If a believable source (a PC orNPC) is made to appear to speak, a +2 bonus is addedto his ability score. The observer's intelligencemodifies this as follows:

Intelligence Modifierless than 3 +6

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 48

3-5 +4 6-8 +2 9-14 0 15-16 -1 17-18 -2 19+ -4A successful skill check means the character hassuccessfully deceived his audience. One check must bemade for every sentence or response. The character islimited to sounds he could normally make (thus, theroar of a lion is somewhat beyond him).Since ventriloquism relies on deception, people'sknowledge of speech, and assumptions about whatshould and shouldn't talk, it is effective only onintelligent creatures. Thus, it has no effect on animalsand the like. Furthermore, the audience must bewatching the character since part of the deception isvisual ("Hey, his lips don't move!"). Usingventriloquism to get someone to look behind him doesnot work, since the voice is not actually behind him(this requires the ventriloquism spell). All but thosewith the gullibility of children realize what is trulyhappening. They may be amused--or they may not be.

Weather Sense (Int; Trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) This skill enables the character to makeintelligent guesses about upcoming weather conditions.A successful skill check means the character hascorrectly guessed the general weather conditions in thenext six hours. A failed check means the character readthe signs wrong and forecast the weather incorrectly.The DM should roll the check secretly. A skill checkcan be made once every six hours. However, for everysix hours of observation, the character gains a +1bonus to his ability score (as he watches the weatherchange, the character gets a better sense of what iscoming). This modifier is cumulative, although sleepor other activity that occupies the attention of the

character for a long period negates any accumulatedbonus.

Sometimes impending weather conditions are soobvious that no proficiency check is required. It isdifficult not to notice the tornado funnel tearing acrossthe plain or the mass of dark clouds on the horizonobviously headed the character's way. In these cases,the player should be able to deduce what is about tohappen to his character anyway.

Weaving (Int)(This works in the same manner as Craft Skill in PHB,pg. 65.) A character with weaving skill is able to creategarments, tapestries, and draperies from wool orcotton. The character requires a spinning apparatus anda loom. A weaver can create two square yards ofmaterial per day.

Wilderness Lore (Wis)As per PHB, pg 76. A hero with 5 or more ranks inWilderness Lore gets a +2 synergy bonus on Survivalchecks.

Zoology (Int; trained only)(This works in the same manner as Knowledge Skill inPHB, pg. 70.) A character with this skill has a workingknowledge of the world's known animals and theirhabits. This skill does not permit a character to trainwild animals, but it can be used with the AnimalHusbandry skill to eliminate the penalty normallyassociated with such attempts. This skill might allow acharacter to tend a minor injury or recognize anailment in an animal, but it does not confer the abilityto perform surgery or diagnose complex diseases.However if the character also has Biology or Medicinethen they can attempt to do those things as well asgetting a +2 synergy bonus if they have 5 ranks in oneof the other skills.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic EarthEach character gets two feats when the character iscreated (since all heroes are human). Every threelevels (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th), he or shegains another feat. The feats come according to totalcharacter level, regardless of individual class levels.(Some classes get bonus feats. Those feats are onlygained when the character's level in that class reachesthe appropriate level.) The Feat List includes allallowed feats in this setting. The descriptions whichfollow is limited to included only those which areunique to the setting and those which are modified or

need additional explanation because of the setting.All the other Feats listed/allowed can be found in thePHB.

PrerequisitesSome feats have prerequisites that are unique toMasque of the Red Death setting. A character musthave the listed ability score, feat, skill, skill group,class, kit or base attack bonus listed in order to selectthat feat.

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 49

Table 5–1: FeatsFeat Type PrerequisiteAlertness General Explorer or Cowboy Class OnlyAmbidexterity General c Dex 15+Blind-Fight General c —Calculator General Int 13+Combat Reflexes General c Soldier: Officer, Soldier, Cowboy or Sailor ClassDodge General c Dex 13+

Mobility General c Dex 13+, DodgeSpring Attack General c Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, Base Attack +4 or

higherEndurance General —Estimator GeneralExotic Weapon Proficiency* General c Base Attack +1 or higherExpertise General c Int 13+

Improved Disarm General c Int 13+, ExpertiseImproved Trip General c Int 13+, ExpertiseWhirlwind Attack General c Int 13+, Expertise, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility,

Base Attack+4 or higher, Spring AttackFeign Death GeneralGreat Fortitude General —Improved Critical* General c Proficient with weapon, Base Attack +8 or higherImproved Initiative General c —Improved Unarmed Strike General c —

Pugilism General cStunning Fist General c Dex 13+, Improved Unarmed Strike Wis 13+,

Base Attack +8 or higherIron Will General —Keen Sense* GeneralLearning* General 3rd level Laborer or 3rd level ShamanLight Sleeper GeneralLightning Reflexes General —Martial Weapon Proficiency* General c —Meditation General Wis 13+Mimicry

Voice GeneralSounds General

Mounted Combat General c Ride skillMounted Archery/Firearm General c Ride skill, Mounted CombatTrample General c Ride skill, Mounted CombatRide-By Attack General c Ride skill, Mounted CombatSpirited Charge General c Ride skill, Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack

Movement Meditation General Wis 13+Perfect Memory

Auditory GeneralVisual General

Perfect Pitch GeneralPoint Blank Shot General c —

Disarming Shot General c Point Blank ShotFar Shot General c Point Blank ShotPrecise Shot General c Point Blank ShotRapid Shot General c Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+Shot on the Run General c Point Blank Shot, Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility

Power Attack General c Str 13+Improved Bull Rush General c Str 13+, Power Attack

Quick Draw General c Base Attack +1 or betterRun General —Savoir-fair GeneralShield Proficiency General c Soldier or Soldier: Officer Only

Chapter Five: Feats in Gothic Earth 50

Skill Focus* General —Sneak Attack General 3rd level Criminal Class or 1st level ShepherdSpeed Reading GeneralUncanny Sense* GeneralToughness** General —Tracking GeneralTwo-Weapon Fighting General c — Improved Two-Weapon Fighting General c Two-Weapon Fighting, Ambidexterity, Base Attack +9 or higherWeapon Finesse* General c Proficient with weapon, Base Attack +1 or higherWeapon Focus* General c Proficient with weapon, Base Attack +1 or higher

METAMAGIC FEATSEmpower Spell Metamagic —Enlarge Spell MetamagicExtend Spell Metamagic —Heighten Spell Metamagic —Silent Spell Metamagic —Spell Focus* Metamagic gSpell Penetration Metamagic gStill Spell Metamagic —

SPECIAL FEATSEvasion Special 3rd level Criminal ClassExtra Turning** Special Mystic, Dilettante, Medium or Exorcist ClassWeapon Specialization* Special Soldier level 4th +

* You can gain these feats multiple times. The effects do not stack; each time you take the feat, it applies to a newweapon, school of magic, domain, selection of spells or sense.** You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.The c next to "General" in the type of feat column denotes Feats that qualify as combat feats for Soldiers.The g next to the "Metamagic" in the type column denotes Feats that qualify as general feats for spellcasters.

Ambidexterity [General]

This does not allow you to use Aimed Fire with bothweapons when fighting with two firearms.

Calculator [General]Benefit: You are able to calculate arithmetic valueswith lighting speed.Normal: Your mathematical calculations take 10 timess long as someone with this skill.Special: If you fail the intelligence check for making amathematical calculation you realize you becamemuddled somewhere along the line and that the answeris wrong. Those without this skill who fail that checkstill believe they have the right answer.

Disarming Shot [General]Prerequisite: Point Blank ShotBenefit: You get a +2 to your attack role when youattempt to shoot a weapon out of the hand of anopponent. This only works with revolvers or rifles. (Itdoes not work with shot guns or scatter guns.)

Empower Spell [Metamagic] The DC of the Powers Check when casting the spell isthe level the spell is prepared +2%.

Enlarge Spell [Metamagic]

The DC of the Powers Check when casting the spell isthe level the spell is prepared +2%.

Estimator [General]Benefit: You can make quick and accurate guessesabout a chosen value. This feat when chosen is foronly one of three values; numbers, weights ordistances. You may take this feat multiple times to getthe ability in an additional value. You get +2 to theWisdom check required to estimate a value. You mustobserve the item or distance for at least 3 rounds.If you fail your check you are uncertain, unless yourroll was an unmodified 1. Then you are wrong by 20 to80% but you are positive that your guess is correct.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 51

Exotic Weapon Proficiency [General]Archaic weapons are included in this category.

Extend Spell [Metamagic]

The DC of the Power Checks when casting the spell isthe level the spell is prepared at +2%.

Feign Death [General]Benefit: Requires that you make a con check tosucceed at achieving a cataleptic state. The DC class is15. If you make the check you can remain in that statefor one hour . If you made the check by more than 2better than the DC then you can remain in that state anumber of hours equal to your con score. If you madeyour check by more than 10, you can double theamount of time that you stay in that state.

Heighten Spell [Metamagic]

The DC of the Powers Check when casting the spell isthe level the spell is prepared at +2%.

Improved Critical [General]

This does not apply to firearms.

Keen Sense [General]Benefit: For each time this feat is taken, the characterchooses one sense that is unusually sensitive, beyondthat of normal human senses. You can observe veryfaint phenomena. This feat compliments the UncannySense feat. Listed below are examples of how this featworks with each of the senses. This is to give the DMand the player a guideline for how this works andshould not be considered the only way the charactercan benefit from this heighten sense.

Hearing-Hear faint sounds like a pin dropping, wellenough to hear a muted conversation 20 feet away. +4bonus to Listen checks.

Sight- See in dim light; such as moonlight or starlight(like an owl) well enough to move or fight normally.+2 bonus to search in lowlight.

Smell- Smell faint orders (like a dog), such as aperfume of a person who has passed by an hour ago,well enough to aid in following that person. Gives a +2bonus to tracking.

Taste-Taste mild flavors, such as in food or drink, wellenough to observe the presence of a poison. Gives a +2bonus to Fortitude saves for ingested poisons.

Touch-Feel smoothness of surfaces, such as in walls,well enough to detect irregularities, such as secretdoors. Search checks for secret doors/compartmentsgain a +2 bonus. Criminals with this also gain a +2 totheir ability to use search to find traps.

Learning [General]Prerequisite: 3rd level Laborer or 3rd level ShamanBenefit: This Feat allows a hero who, because of theirclass, can not gain a knowledge based skill to, bydedicating a great deal of effort and time, learn oneknowledge based skill. Use of this feat does not causethem to lose the ability to gain levels in either Shamanor Laborer. For example if (for whatever reason) aShaman Class hero wished to acquire the knowledgeskill: Electricity they would need to first take this feat.The Electricity skill would be a crossed classed skilland the hero would need to buy at least one rank ofthat skill in order to use it.This skill would not allow an Adept to acquire theAnimal Empathy skill as that is not a knowledge basedskill. This may be taken multiple times and each timeit a new knowledge based skill is designated.Hindrance: If a hero takes this feat more than twicethey are starting to change their hero in such a mannerthat former equals (in general society) will feeluncomfortable around them. For example; a Laborerwho has gain this feat multiple times goes into hislocal pub and is accused of "putting on airs" or ofthinking he is better than the rest of them.

Light Sleeper [General]Benefit: You are waken by the slightest disturbancenearby. Whenever an assailant attempts to sneak up ona light sleeper, a Wisdom check is made. If yousucceed then you awaken instantly and areimmediately aware of your surroundings and suffer nogrogginess. If you fail, you have the same chance of anormal character has to awake. If you roll a 1 on yourWisdom Check, then you are so sound asleep, a loudnoise is needed to awaken you.

Meditation** [General]Benefit: Most religious professionals are trained invarious practices of spiritual discipline and meditation.In addition to the effects of these practices on the soulof the mediator, they have concrete physical andmental effects as well. By spending time in meditationand prayer (and making a successful Wisdom check)

* This feat was first published in Dragon Magazine™#236.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 52

the hero can temporarily boost one mental abilityscore-Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma-by +2. Theeffect lasts one-third the time spent in meditation.Meditation requires freedom from disturbances anddoes not eliminate the need for food, drink or sleep.Only one ability can be boosted at a time.

Mimicry, Vocal [General]Benefit: You can imitate exactly the voice of anotherhuman you have heard. How long and how often youhave heard the voice you are attempting to imitatedictates the DC of the required Wisdom check.

Mimicry, Sounds [General}Benefit: You can imitate the non-articulated soundssuch as the call of a bird or the click of a pistol. Asuccessful check means that the sound isindistinguishable from the real thing. This includes theability to sound like a specific sound such as the barkof the neighbors' dog.

Movement Meditation* [General]Benefit: Certain mystical traditions in Gothic Earth,particularly (but not exclusively) in the East,emphasize physical discipline and exercise as a meansof spiritual growth. This is identical to the Meditationskill described previously, except that one physicalability-Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution-can beimproved by +1 for a period equal to half the timespent in meditation. The same requirements for themeditation must be met.

Mounted Archery/Mounted Marksmanship[General]

Mounted Marksmanship works exactly as MountedArchery (see PHB). The difference is MountedMarksmanship is effects heroes using Firearms, whileMounted Archery helps heroes who used bows, lassosor bolos.

Perfect Memory, Auditory [General]Benefit: The ability to remember anything you haveheard. It is particularly helpful when the hero wouldremember something that the player has forgotten.The check is based on intelligence and the DC is basedon the length of time since the information was heard.For up to one week ago the DC is 10, a month 15, ayear 45. If you miss the check by 5 or less youremember parts of the information but not all.

Perfect Memory, Visual [General]Benefit: The ability to remember anything you haveread or seen. It is particularly helpful when the herowould remember something that the player hasforgotten. The check is based on intelligence and theDC is based on the length of time since the information

was read or seen. For up to one week ago the DC is 10,a month 15, a year 45. If you miss the check by 5 orless you remember parts of the information but not all.

Perfect Pitch [General]Benefit: You can identify any single note played orsung with perfect accuracy and duplicate it. You canproduce a sound that will shatter glass (DC 25) this is aWisdom based check. +4 bonus to any Singing skillcheck.

Pugilism [General]Benefit: Heroes with this skill are highly skilled inunarmed combat. They get +2 to attack rolls whenattempting to fight unarmed.

Rapid Shot [General]This does not apply to firearms.

Savoir-fair [General}Benefit: A character with this skill has the ability tosmoothly and quickly adapt to any situation in anytype of company. A male character suddenlyconfronted by a pack of angry thugs might make aSavoir-faire check to strike up a conversation and passas one of their own. A female character in the samesituation may be able to charm her way out of danger.Conversely, such characters can exhibit all the graceand nobility shown in the great courts of Europe,perhaps garnering the finest tables in restaurants or thebest suites in hotels. Savoir-fair must be taken as astarting feat at 1st level; a hero cannot pick it up later inlife.

Sneak Attack [General]Prerequisite: 3rd level Criminal ClassThis works as the special rogue ability in the PHB.

Speed Reading [General]Benefit: You can read and comprehend any languageyou already know ten times faster than normal. A bookwhich would take others 4 hours to read you read in 24minutes. You gain no special understanding of whatyou read.

Spell FocusThis feat effects Spellcraft and Spiritcraft checks whencasting. It also effects Spellcraft checks whenattempting to learn new spells in that school.

Uncanny Sense [General]Benefit: One sense is highly precise, able to resolvephenomena of the same type. Each time this feat is

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 53

taken, a different sense (of the player's choosing) isenhanced. This feat compliments the Keen Sense Feat.

Hearing- Hear a precise pitch of sounds, able toidentify notes in a chord, a harmonic in sound,distinguish accents, dialects (think of Henry Higgins).Gain +2 bonus to Mimicry attempts.

Sight- See fine details from a distance (like an eaglesvision), has 20/5 vision, well enough to read anewspaper from 20'. Gain a +4 bonus to spot checks.

Smell-Smell distinct odors, such as the subtledifferences in the scents within various perfumes orbody odor well enough to recognize familiar scents.

Taste- Tate distinct flavors, such as from differentwines, well enough to recognize a flavor a a particularvineyard and grape. Gain a +4 bonus to appropriatetype of Connoisseur checks.

Touch-Feel surfaces so that the heat, moisture and/orminute vibrations can be discerned, giving informationwell enough to recognize different weaves, countstitches, aid in determining time of death, or ifsomeone is lying. Gain +2 bonus to Medicinediagnostic and forensic checks.

Chapter Six: Equipment inGothic Earth

While styles and technology change over time, muchof the equipment listed in the Player's Handbook (orequivalent items suitable to the 1890's) is commonlyavailable on Gothic Earth. No matter how many yearspass, a belt is still a belt and a horse is still a horse.Details about specific equipment are found later in thischapter.

All financial transactions in the Masque of the RedDeath setting are assumed to be handled in UnitedStates dollars. The use of this unit of currency isstrictly for the sake of convenience. If an adventure(or entire campaign, for that matter) is set in a countryother than the United States, the DM may simply callthe money by a more suitable name. Thus, ifadventurers travel to Berlin in search of anotherworldly creature passing as an officer in theGerman army, they can expect to pay a number ofdeutsche marks equal to the dollars they would spendat home.

Rather than spending time with conversion tables, theDM should simply replace the term "dollar" with theterm for the local currency. While this may not berealistic, it provides the necessary atmosphere withoutrequiring complicated conversion rules. Masque of theRed Death campaign setting depends more heavily onmood and flavor than minute details.

Following are some terms for common foreigncurrency. More exotic terms can be found in nearlyany dictionary under the entry for money.

Arabia riyalAustria florinBelgium francBulgaria levCanada dollarChina yuanDenmark kroneEgypt pound

England poundFinland markkaFrance francGermany markGreece drachmaHungary forint*India rupeeIreland poundItaly liraJapan yenLuxembourg francMexico pesoNetherlands guldenNorway kronePersia dinarPortugal reisRumania leuRussia rubleSpain pesetaSweden kronaSwitzerland franc* Hungary changed to the korona in 1892.

The Price of Gold

The many worlds of the D&D game regard the goldcoin as the standard unit of exchange. On GothicEarth; however, paper currency has replaced gold forstandard business and commerce. On occasion, playersmay need a standard conversion rate between goldpieces and dollars. A circumstance may arise in whichGothic Earth players wish to purchase equipment listedin a D&D game source.

Three things must be considered when converting goldpiece values into dollars. The first is the directconversion value and the division of the dollar and thegold piece into smaller units. For simplicity, assumethat a gold piece is roughly equal to one dollar. Thismakes a copper piece equal to a penny, a silver piece

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 54

equal to a dime, and the platinum coin is worth tendollars. Note that these values do not accurately reflectthe physical value of gold on Gothic Earth. A coinminted of one ounce of pure gold would be worthabout $5.00 on the open market for the gold alone; itwould be worth much more it if were a rare coin or anantique.

The second matter to consider when converting goldpiece values is availability of goods. The industrialrevolution and resulting mass production on GothicEarth have created great differences between GothicEarth's economy and the economies of typical D&Dgame worlds (such as Greyhawk or the ForgottenRealms). When determining prices for items listed inthe Player's Handbook or other game products, the DMshould consider the difficulty in manufacturing anitem. While an ordinary kitchen knife is probably amass-produced item on Gothic Earth and thereforeinexpensive, such a knife in a medieval setting wouldbe the work of a skilled craftsman and probably fairlycostly. To help in this determination, the DM mayclassify items according to the following categories:

Common: Most items of clothing or food, and alsolodging and services fall into this category. Theproduction costs of these items are considered to becomparable in both campaign settings. Their costs canbe calculated by converting gold pieces directly todollars.

Uncommon: Items such as sword scabbards, barding,and rare weapons (discussed at the end of this chapter)are difficult to purchase on Gothic Earth. In mostcases, a character must locate and commission acraftsman to fabricate such an item. Any item in thiscategory costs at least double the price in the Player'sHandbook.

Mass Produced: While manufacturing assembly linesare several decades in the future, mass production ofgoods is common on Gothic Earth. Also, in manyareas, sweatshops with foreign labor turn out veryinexpensive goods, particularly cheap clothing. Assuch, many objects that were once difficult, costly ortime consuming to construct have become affordable,including furniture, household goods, and many itemsof clothing. Items in this category cost half the price inthe Player's Handbook. An alternative, excellentsource is one of the replica mail order catalogues of the1890s that are available in bookstores. A DM or playerin the Living Death campaign may use such authenticreplica mail order catalogues, as a price list for itemsnot included in this book. (Such catalogs are notaccepted as evidence that a specific firearm not

described in this book should be available in theLiving Death campaign.)

The DM and player should also consider the choice ofmass-produced goods versus handcrafted wares. Amass-produced suit of clothing, for example, might becomfortable, attractive and inexpensive, but a made-to-order, tailored suit, while more expensive, may bemade of finer fabric, fit more properly, and serve as ashow of taste and financial status. An excellentexample of interest to Gothic Earth heroes is thechoice in shotguns. Machine-made shotguns bycompanies of little repute are functional, andinexpensive ($15), but would never be a showpieceitem. A top of the line handcrafted shotgun made byW. W.Greener of England sells for $230, but would bethe envy of gentry and a highly reliable piece ofhardware. Players should have the option of outfittingtheir characters according to the image or taste theywish to portray, with the DM assessing the costs (andsocial reaction) as appropriate.

Finally, a third element should be considered whendetermining the cost of goods; antique value. While along sword is assigned a value of 15 gold pieces in thePlayer's Handbook and such a sword manufactured onGothic Earth would sell for roughly 30 dollars, amedieval sword that once sold for 15 gold piecesmight sell on Gothic Earth for three or four times itoriginal price (or much more). Remember that GothicEarth prices reflect modern goods made on GothicEarth. Never assume that a character could acquire anauthentic medieval sword at a price given in theseguidelines. The price of such an item, unless purchasedfrom an unsuspecting individual, should reflect theantique value of the item. The DM must use discretionin determining such information.

STARTING MONEYMasque of the Red Death characters are not forced tobegin their adventuring lives as penniless beggars. Allcharacters start with some cash to allow for thepurchase of equipment and weapons. The character'sclass determines the starting money. For the LivingDeath campaign, the maximum amount of startingmoney for that class is used instead of randomlyrolling the starting money. For instance, a tradesmancharacter in Living Death would start out with $240.

Table 6:1 Starting Money

Character Class Starting MoneyAdept $120.00Athlete $120.00Charlatan $120.00Cowboy $120.00Criminal $180.00

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 55

Dandy $360.00Detective $120.00Dilettante $360.00Explorer/Scout $120.00Laborer $60.00Medium $120.00Metaphysician $120.00Mystic $120.00Parson $120.00Performer $120.00Professional $180.00/$240.00 (see types)Scholar/Scientist $180.00Servant $60.00Shaman $60.00Soldier $180.00Soldier, Officer $240.00Spiritualist $120.00Tradesman $240.00

Wealth or Income in the Living DeathCampaign2

In the Living Death campaign, it is assumed that theheroes have a “day job” of some sort and do notsimply work solely for the Society of the White Rose.Whether from a craft, a profession, or invested,inherited wealth, each character receives an "income"per tournament module (adventure) that represents thecharacter's disposable net income and savings foradventuring. It is not a salary from the Society of theWhite Rose. This income relieves characters thatwould otherwise not be inclined to steal, become tombrobbers, or demand payment for saving the world,from going broke. DMs of home campaigns in whichthe characters are full-time adventurers may wish todrop (or modify) this rule.

Starting character money is listed earlier; spend what youwish on equipment. Whatever is left over goes in the InBank section under “Money” on your character sheet.This money is assumed to be in a bank or under yourmattress.

At the start of each tournament (adventure), eachcharacter will receive a set amount of cash. This cashrepresents the amount of disposable income available tothe character. The amount is based on the class andadjusted by the average of the character's wisdom andcharisma (rounded up).3 The amount may be adjusted for

2 This first appeared in a campaign update article inPolyhedron™3 For the curious, the formula for the income is theaverage of the Wisdom and Charisma (rounded up),times the square of the number of d6's for the class

certain tournaments based upon national or internationaldepressions--your Living Death judge will inform theplayers of this situation. The cached funds are onlyavailable if the character is able to go to her local bank, orif she can telegraph for funds while away from home (i.e.,she is somewhere that has both a telegraph and a bank), orat the beginning of a tournament. The setting of anadventure may have an effect on the character's ability toget cached funds, but the income is always available. Atthe end of the adventure, any leftover funds may be addedto cached wealth or simply spent. This procedure allowsheroes to save money for a special purpose or unexpectedexpense.

To read the chart, check your character's class description,find the starting money section and note how many d6 arelisted there. The number of d6 tells you which column touse on the chart. Then, add the character's wisdom andcharisma scores together and divide by two. Round upany fractions. Find this number on the left-hand side ofthe chart. Read across that line until you get to the correctcolumn--your character will receive this amount ofmoney at the start of each adventure. For example, if yourcharacter is a soldier (3d6) whose average of wisdom andcharisma (rounded up) is 12, he would have $37.80 cashon hand at the start of the adventure.

On rare occasions in the Living Death campaign, theheroes may receive some money (or gifts) from theadventure. They may deposit that money in the cacheas well, spend it, or refuse it, as they like. Any itemreceived as a gift can be sold (if a value is shown) forcash and that money may be deposited or spent aswell. If the item on a Living Death certificate was sold(to a NPC), then the certificate should be voided.

Table 6:2 Wealth Chart

1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6 4 1.40 5.60 12.60 22.40 50.40 5 1.75 7.00 15.75 28.00 63.00 6 2.10 8.40 18.90 33.60 75.60 7 2.45 9.80 22.05 39.20 88.20 8 2.80 11.20 25.20 44.80 100.80 9 3.15 12.60 28.35 50.40 113.40 10 3.50 14.00 31.50 56.00 126.00 11 3.85 15.40 34.65 61.60 138.60 12 4.20 16.80 37.80 67.20 151.20 13 4.55 18.20 40.95 72.80 163.80 14 4.90 19.60 44.10 78.40 176.40 15 5.25 21.00 47.25 84.00 189.00 16 5.60 22.40 50.40 89.60 201.60 17 5.95 23.80 53.55 95.20 214.20 18 6.30 25.20 56.70 100.80 226.80 19 6.65 26.6 59.85 106.40 239.40 20 7.00 28.00 63.00 112.00 252.00

starting money times $0.35.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 56

Some characters, particularly those with the CriminalClass, may steal items of value or money while on anadventure. The Society of the White Rose does notcondone stealing for personal gain, although on somemissions, theft may be actually part of the assignmentin order to accomplish the mission. (See Adventuringin Gothic Earth Chapter for more details on the Societyand its missions.) The Living Death judge (or homeDM) will deal with any legal (or other) consequencesof such actions and associated Powers Check(s) duringthe adventure. The judge is reminded that PowersChecks of characters with the criminal class aredoubled. Also, other player characters, if they areaware of such thefts, may decide to intervene, possiblyto the point of arresting the thief and escorting them tojail (although hopefully not to the point of endangeringthe mission). If the judge agrees that the character hasobtained the additional wealth at the end of theadventure (and is still alive and a viable PlayerCharacter), then the character may deposit thatadditional wealth in her cache, spend it, or give it awayas she wishes.

Modern Equipment

Many things are available to the people of GothicEarth that do not exist in the Middle Ages setting ofthe average fantasy role-playing game. The equipmenttable provides players and DM's with a list of itemscommonly found on Gothic Earth. This list is by nomeans complete, but it does provide a good basis fromwhich DM's can estimate the costs of other items.

The Goods and Services, and Containers and Carrierstables in the D&D Player's Handbook contain manyitems that are still available to adventurers on GothicEarth. In the interest of space, those tables have notbeen reprinted here. Players wishing to outfit theircharacters with items found in these tables may do soat a cost of $1.00 per gold piece value.

A few exceptions exist, but common sense shouldallow the DM to recognize these. For example, bardingprobably does not exist on Gothic Earth and warhorses do not exist.

Other Common Items

Players will almost certainly express the desire topurchase items that are not on the equipment list in thisbook. If the DM is uncomfortable setting prices forsuch things or determining what is or is not available;several resources can be called upon.

An invaluable resource for period equipment can befound in reprinted mail order catalogs of the era. A fewpublishers have issued these reprints for the sake ofnostalgia. Most contain reprints of the original catalogpages complete with prices and illustrations, ratherthan reconstructed information. Such books wereinvaluable to the construction of the equipment (andfirearm) lists for Gothic Earth. By hunting around inlocal bookstores or libraries, the DM should be able tofind more than enough information about itemscommonly available in the 1890s. The DM may alsowish to consult historical fashion books, also availablein bookstores and public libraries, which show theappearance of various attire worn by Victorian menand women. To maintain the flavor and mood of theera, players and DMs are encouraged to stay within theperiod and not include anachronistic items (bikiniswimming suits or mini-skirts from the 1960's or later,being extreme examples). However, ultimately it is upto the each player to decide if the appearance orbehavior of their character conforms to the norm of theperiod, is an eccentric outcast or viewed as a likelyescapee from a mental sanitarium.Mail order retail had emerged (within the United Statesat least) as a method of reaching more customers andan amazing variety of goods, to even includemanufactured houses, were available for sale throughthis venue. Characters may be able to mail order someitems for delivery with some delay, usually weeksinstead of days.

Because of space considerations, the details onservices, technology, scientific advances, and the artsof the 1890s are not included in this book. The DM,player or author who is interested in such details willneed to research the topic. Several published bookspresent timelines of several of these topics and areuseful references. Most public libraries will have thesebooks. Internet searches may also identify sourcematerial.


Most of the items listed in the equipment table need noexplanation. Some are sufficiently unusual to meritfurther definition. In this section, descriptions forunusual items are provided. Firearms are discussed ina separate chapter so that all the information onfirearms could be consolidated. While it is based onthe Price List presented in the original Guide to GothicEarth some items have been added and some priceshave been changed due to the results of new research.

Binoculars: These optical devices are popular amongexplorers and adventurers for their ability to magnifydistant objects. Binoculars are invaluable in

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 57

surveillance situations and for observing dangerouspersons or creatures. The binoculars listed on theequipment table provide a magnification factor of 10.This means that an object 100 feet away from theviewer would appear to be only 10 feet away.Binoculars are extremely fragile.

Blacksmith's Kit: This large, heavy kit contains awide assortment of metalworking tools includinghammers, chisels, and tongs. For practical reasons, thekit does not include items such as a forge or anvil. Inorder to use these tools safely and effectively, acharacter must make a Blacksmith or Artisan skillcheck.

Buttonhook: This small object is used for lacing thefashionably high-top boots of the period. It is simply asmall, curved metal hook about 1/4 inch in diameter ona handle about four inches long. It is also useful forretrieving small items in tight spaces.

Cabinet Bag: This bag resembles the stereotypical"doctor's bag." It has stiff leather sides and soft leather,hinged top which opens wide to provide easy access tothe objects within.

Calling Cards : A convention of Victorian etiquette, acalling call bears an individual's name, name and title,or name, title, and address. Women's cards typicallybear only the name. The card is handed to a butler,parlor maid, or secretary so that the individual mayproperly announce the caller. In the absence of theobject of one's call, the card may be left as a reminderof the call.

Camera, Box: Perhaps the most commonly usedcamera of the period for landscape and studiophotography, this item is bulky, cumbersome andfragile. To take a picture, a photographic plate must beinserted into the camera. Once exposed, the plate mustbe developed later by a person with skill inphotography.

Camera, Folding: Similar in operation to the boxcamera, a folding camera has a soft body withaccordion folds that can be collapsed for easy storageand transport.

Camera, Stereo: This is similar to a box camera insize and appearance. It produces two images of thesubject, each slightly different in perspective from theother. When such photographs are developed andviewed with a stereoscope (described later), they createa three-dimensional imager. Stereo cameras are verydelicate.

Carpentry Kit: This assortment of woodworking toolsmay enable a character to make repairs to woodenobjects or fashion new items. In order to use thesetools safely and effectively, a character must makeCarpentry skill checks.

Club Bag: This is a cross between the modern duffelbag and the briefcase. It is fashioned of canvas, leather,or alligator hide and has soft sides, a metal frame, anda metal clasp.

Cobbler's Tools : These tools, including knives,punches, and awls, are used for the care and repair ofitems made of leather. Shoes, boots, gloves, leatherbackpacks, suitcases, bags, and more may be mendedwith this equipment. The kit is also likely to containshoe polish, saddle soap, and leather cream. To usethese tools safely and effectively, the character mustmake Cobbling or Tanning skill checks.

Gunsmith's Kit: In addition to the items needed toclean and properly maintain firearms, this kit includesthe tools and parts that allow for minor repairs todamaged weapons. In order to use these tools safelyand effectively, a character may need to make aGunsmith skill check.

Handcuffs: The price given in the equipment list is forsteel handcuffs with double locks. Each cuff can belocked and unlocked independently of the other.

Microscope : This tabletop optical device is used toexamine minute objects and is useful in manyscientific pursuits. It is fragile and can be easilydamaged. The materials required to make slides forviewing under the microscope accompany the devicewhen purchased.

Opera Glasses : These optical devices are ornate, lesspowerful versions of common binoculars. Operaglasses generally magnify at a power of 2 or 3 times,limiting their usefulness outdoors. They are intendedfor use at the theater. They are very fragile.

Photographic Plate : Early photography is achallenging pursuit. Photographers on Gothic Earthmust use heavy, fragile glass plates treated withchemicals in order to take photographs. The chemicalsfor developing the plate after a picture is taken areincluded in the photographic kit.

Photographic Kit: This kit contains all the chemicalsneeded to produce good quality photographs, includingflash powder and the various chemicals used indeveloping and printing pictures. Developingphotographs requires a Photography skill check.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 58

Physician's Bag : This collection includes bandages,gauze, cotton, carbolic acid, ether, silk thread andneeds for sutures, a stethoscope, and an assortment ofmedications common to the period. It is intended toserve a physician for diagnosis and treatment inemergencies. A physician attempting to practice his artwithout this or equivalent supplies suffers a -4 penaltyto his Medicine skill check. Using the drugs in this kitwithout the Medicine skill is illegal.

Sewing Kit: This handy kit includes a thimble, smallscissors, emery bag, needles, thread, buttons, patches,hooks and eyes, tailor's chalk, and other useful thingsto keep clothing and other fabric items in good repair.These supplies may be sufficient to manufacture newitems. A character with the Tailor skill uses it mostsuccessfully.

Stereoscope : This optical device is a hand-held deviceused for viewing photographs taken with a stereocamera. It is made of thin wood and fragile metal partsand is therefore fairly delicate.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 59

Table 6:3 Equipment Price List

Clothing Cost Book, cloth cover $1.00 Tent (2 person) $4.00Belt, plain leather $.30 Book, leather cover $1.50 Typewriter $25.00Blouse $1.25 Book, paper cover $.50 Violin $6.00Bonnet $2.25 Bugle $2.50 Wallet $.50Boots, Riding $4.00 Burner, Bunsen $.75 Watch, pocket $2.50Boots, soft felt $1.00 Button hook $.40 Watch, chain $6.00Boots, rubber $2.00 Cabinet bag $3.50 Watch, fob $.75Cap $.50 Calling cards, 50 $.10 Whistle, police $.75Cape, Opera $1.00 Camera, box $8.00 Zither $3.00Dress, Common $4.00 Camera, folding $20.00 Firearms CostDress, woman’s fancy $7.50 Camera, stereo $15.00 Carbine, breech loading $9.00Gloves, kid $1.00 Clock, alarm $1.50 Carbine, lever action $11.00Hat, Bowler $1.50 Club bag $1.50 Pistol, army $16.00Hat, Deerstalker $1.00 Compass, magnetic $1.00 Pistol, navy $12.00Hat, Ten Gallon $3.00 Gramophone cylinder $.50 Pistol, derringer $5.00Hat, Silk Tophat $4.00 Gramophone, player only $25.00 Rifle, breech loading $10.00Overalls $2.50 Gramophone, recorder $45.00 Rifle, lever action $12.00Overcoat $5.00 Goggles $.75 Rifle, Big Game $35.00Pants $1.75 Guitar $9.00 Shotgun $15.00Petticoat $1.00 Handbag $1.25 Scattergun $20.00Raincoat (oil slicker) $4.00 Handcuffs, double lock $3.50 Ammunition CostShirt $.75 Handkerchief $.05 Pistol, army (box of 25 rnds.) $.42Shoes $2.00 Harmonica $.30 Pistol, Derringer (box of 25 rnds.) $.20Skirt, dress $3.50 Traveling Desk $7.50 Pistol, navy (box of 25 rnds) $.25Skirt, walking $2.50 House paint, gallon $1.00 Rifle (box of 25 rnds.) $.70Suit, ladies’ dress $12.00 Ink, 1 ounce bottle $.50 Carbine (box of 25 rnds.) $.45Suit, men’s business $5.00 Inkstand $.30 Rifle, Big Game (box of 25 rnds.) $1.00Suit, men’s dress $9.00 Lantern $2.00 Shotgun (box of 25 rnds.) $.55Union suit, wool $2.00 Umbrella $1.50 Explosives CostServices Cost Lunchbox $.25 Dynamite (per stick) $1.50Oceanliner (per 100 miles) $2.50 Magic Lantern $4.00 Gunpowder (per keg) $2.50Railroad (per 50 miles) $1.50 Magic Lantern slides (10) $1.00 Nitroglycerine (per vial) $2.00Riverboat (per 50 miles) $1.00 Magnifying glass $1.75 Gunpowder Fuse (50 feet) $5.00Horsedrawn cab (per mile) $.10 Marbles (50) $1.00 Detonator, Plunger $10.00Telegram (per word) $.05 Matches (25/box) $.05 Wire (50 foot coil) $2.50Telegram, international $.25 Match box, silver $1.15 Melee Weapons CostTools & Kits Cost Measuring tape (6 feet) $1.25 Baton $.75Blacksmith’s kit $12.50 Microscope $18.00 Blackjack/sap $.25Carpentry kit $15.00 Monocle $1.25 Brass Knuckles $1.50Watchmaker’s tools $30.00 Music box $4.50 Club FreeCobbler’s tools $3.00 Notebook, pocket $.10 Cutlass $12.00Gunsmith's kit $5.00 Notebook, tablet $.25 Dagger (Hunting Knife) $1.25Photographic kit $25.00 Opera glasses $2.50 Hand axe $1.00Physician’s bag $12.50 Pen, writing $1.00 Knife, pocket $.75Sewing kit $2.50 Pencil $.01 Machete $2.50Thespian kit (wig &makeup) $30.00 Photographic plate $1.00 Rapier/Foil $15.00Transportation, equip. Cost Pipe, Meerschaum $2.50 Saber $17.00Bicycle $35.00 Pocketbook $.75 Sword Cane $25.00Bicycle tire $4.25 Scale, counter $2.00 Whip $.25Tire pump, foot $.30 Scissors $.75Boat, folding canvass $20.00 Soap, bar $.03 Leather goods4 CostBuggy, open $30.00 Spectacles $2.75 Saddle, plain (western) $6.50Buggy, covered $40.00 Spyglass $7.00 Saddle, fancy (western) $9. To $35.Sleigh, open $22.50 Stepladder, 5 feet $1.00 Rifle cover, waterproof with sling strap $7.50General Equipment Cost Stereoscope $.50 Shoulder holster, navy pistol $.60Alcohol (fuel) $.10 Suitcase $2.00 Shoulder holster, army pistol $.85Backpack $2.00 Tambourine $1.50 Pistol holster with belt, army $.95Banjo $9.00 Telescope $12.50 Pistol, holster with belt, navy $.70Baseball mitt $2.00 Tripod, wooden $1.50 Combine cartridge & money belt $.80Binoculars $10.00 Trunk $2.50 Gun Case $6.50

4 Additional items are from the Unabridged Facsimile Catalogue No. 57, Montgomery Ward & Co. Spring andSummer 1895; Dover Publications, Inc.; New York 1969.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 60


Characters may use explosives to intentionally causestructural damage to buildings, bridges, walls, andother structures, for mining, or to cause cave-ins.Explosives may also be thrown as a form of rangedtouch attack with the grenade scatter rules. Explosionsinside of structures (referred to as confined) aregenerally more damaging than explosions in the openor very large chambers (referred to as unconfined).Damage from explosions depends greatly upon theproximity of the person (particularly their head andtorso) to the point of the explosion as well as theamount of the explosive. These game rules represent acompromise between accuracy and ease of play.Superior results generally are achieved if the characterhas the Demolition skill.

In the Masque of the Red Death, three types ofexplosives are commonly available: dynamite,nitroglycerin, and gunpowder. All have specific uses,advantages, and hazards. Only a character with theDemolition skill should attempt to handle explosives,especially in a crisis.

Alfred B. Nobel invented dynamite in 1867. He soakednitroglycerin oil into diatomaceous earth, whichabsorbed three times its weight of oil, to form a muchmore stable and safe explosive than straightnitroglycerin. Dynamite comes in cylindrical sticks, 8inches in length, 1 1/4 inches in diameter and weighing1/2 pound each. Dynamite is fairly stable - if thrown,it does not explode upon hitting the ground or anobject. If put into a fire, it burns but does not explode.Immersion in water for long periods will ruin thedynamite. Storage for long periods in warm conditionswill cause the dynamite to become unstable (the oilcomes to the surface). Dynamite explodes due to theshock from a detonator (blasting) cap, due to the shockof a bullet hitting a stick, or nearby explosion.Dynamite within close proximity to an explosion (asdefined below) will detonate.

Nitroglycerin was discovered in 1846 by AscanioSobrero. Nitroglycerin is an oil that is kept in small (1-ounce) vials. Nitroglycerin is extremely unstable andhence dangerous to use or carry. Any shock can set itoff (dropping to floor, rapping it with a metal object).Nitroglycerin within medium proximity (definedbelow) to an explosion will detonate. Hightemperatures also make it unstable and flame ignites it.At temperatures above 85 degrees F, nitroglycerin hasa 1% chance of exploding randomly each day. Below55 degrees F, it is sluggish and difficult to detonate. A

successful demolition check is required to detonatenitroglycerin below 55 F (DC of 15).

Gunpowder (black powder) is a "low" explosive ratherthan a high explosive. The Chinese invented itcenturies ago. Gunpowder can be set off by flame,electricity, or external shock (by explosion, detonatorcap, or bullet impact) but not by simply being dropped.Loose gunpowder flares but does not explode;gunpowder must be confined to explode. Gunpowderis normally kept in 5-pound wooden kegs.

An explosive device is generally detonated with ablasting cap connected to either a lighted fuse orelectrical wires. Blasting caps (detonator caps) useblack powder as the charge, much like a largefirecracker, in a cylinder around 1 1/2" in length and1/4" in diameter. Electrical caps have two wirescoming out that are connected to a plunge detonator ora battery and switch. In this era, electrical caps areinstantaneous. (Electrical delay caps are not yetavailable.) Fuse caps have a burnable fuse that appearsto be a stiff, slick surface cord. Blasting caps can bebought in boxes and are generally stored separate fromexplosives. Characters with demolition skill mayattempt to make blasting caps with a DC of 25. Failurewith a 1 or 2 result in an explosion with a loss of afinger. Inserting a blasting cap into the explosive is afull action. A blasting cap (of either type) is sensitiveto shock so carrying dynamite with blasting capsattached is dangerous. A shock such as fall on a hardsurface could set off the blasting cap and indirectly thedynamite.

Fuses are lengths of flammable cord that is connectedto a fuse (blasting) cap. When the cord burns down tothe cap, the cap ignites and sets off the explosivedevice. The length of the fuse can be varied to producea delay in the time of the explosion. Use of fuses isstill fairly common. Because such fuses burn unevenlyand at differing rates (and are tricky to light reliably),precision timing of an explosion is difficult. As ageneral rule, a one-yard length of fuse burns in 1minute. A deviation of plus or minus 10% isconsidered average. A careful demolitionist will planfor this variance.

Plunger Detonators are wooden boxes (usually paintedred), with a T-shaped handle on the top, two brass oriron terminals on a side, and a gear-driven dynamoinside. These devices provide an electrical charge thatcan be used to detonate electrical (blasting) caps andthe attached explosive device at a precise instant. Afterthe charge is laid, a pair of electrical wires is runbetween the charge and the plunge detonator (or abattery). At the desired moment, the demolitionist

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 61

pushes the T-shaped handle down rapidly (it takessome effort) and sends an electrical charge down thewire to set off the explosives. If the wire is cut prior tothis action, then no explosion will occur. Whenpurchased, the plunger detonator comes with 50' ofpaired wire, but additional cable may be purchased.The plunge detonator is limited to about 500 yards, asthe electrical resistance of the wire becomes too greatat longer distances.

Batteries are mostly wet-cell devices in this era andcumbersome to transport in functional status. Theliquid is an acid, which will burn flesh if spilled on it.Batteries used for this purpose are about a cubic foot insize. An Electricity skill check (DC 10) is required toproperly set up a battery-powered system.

Explosive (Blast) Damage (not set for demolition)

Unlike firearms, explosives have a blast radius that canpotentially injure or kill several people (in addition todamaging structures). To reflect this variable area-of-effect, four radial proximity zones (called blast zones)of explosive damage are defined: point blank, close,medium, and far. The radial blast zones of theexplosion are defined in Table 6:4. One stick ofdynamite (or equivalent explosive charge) causes 4d6hp within point blank, 3d6 hp within close, 2d6 hpwithin medium, and 1d6 hp within far zones. For each

additional stick of dynamite in a bundle, add 2 hp perd6 of damage to the result. If the target is a person(sentient being) who is able to move (meaning nothelpless), then they get a Reflex saving throw for halfdamage. This damage is shock (pressure wave andthrown debris), not fire, so magical protections againstfire do not protect against blast damage.

• Example One: 5 sticks of dynamite would cause3d6 hp plus (4 sticks x 3 (# of dice) x 2hp/stick/dice) = 24 hp of damage, or 3d6 + 24 hpat close proximity to a person.

• Example Two: 12 sticks of dynamite would cause2d6 hp plus (11 sticks x 2 (# of dice) x 2hp/stick/dice) = 44, or 2d6 plus 44 hp of damagein the medium blast zone to a person.

• Example Three: If a person was in the far blastzone to those same 12 sticks of dynamite, thedamage would be 1d6 + 22 hp.

If the explosion occurs inside of a room or cave wherethe volume of the room is less than the far zone of theexplosion, then the damage is intensified. Treat anyrolled 1's as 2's for such cases. (Explosions do not getthe re-rolling of 6's as do bullets, except as cited fordemolition.) Each vial of nitroglycerin or each 5-poundkeg of gunpowder is treated as equivalent explosivedamage (and blast zones) as a stick of dynamite.

Table 6:4: Blast Zones

Zones (radius from explosion point in feet)

# Charges Point Blank Close Medium Far1-7 1' 3' 10' 15'8-16 2' 5' 15' 30'17+ 3' 10' 30' 45'

One of the side effects of an explosion is damage tothe hearing of individuals close to the blast. For gamereasons, we have simplified this effect to a temporaryhearing loss of 1d6 minutes if an individual is inside ofthe point blank or close blast zones and failed theirReflex saving throw (as above). Individuals inside ofthe point blank blast zone who failed their savingthrow will also be stunned for one minute.

Throwing Explosives

Either dynamite or nitroglycerin may be thrown as agrenade at a target. Gunpowder, generally found inkegs, is too bulky to be thrown. Throwing dynamite ornitroglycerin is treated as a ranged touch attack with

the grenade scatter rules; however, there are somenuances to dynamite and nitroglycerin that are treateddifferently than say a flask of burning oil or a vial ofholy water.

The range increments for throwing bundles ofdynamite are 10' for 1-7 sticks per bundle and 5' for 8-12 sticks per bundle. Bundles of dynamite greater than12 sticks (but less than the character's carry capacity)can only be tossed up to 20 feet with only the grenadescatter effect, i.e., you heave the bundle into a roomthrough a doorway and run like heck. Even if theranged touch attack is successful, the dynamite maynot explode upon contact and even bounce away fromthe intended target. Dynamite requires preparation of

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 62

a fuse cap and a lit fuse prior to being thrown as agrenade (unless another character is attempting toshoot the stick(s) with her firearm). Judging the properlength of fuse and timing of the throw and predictablylighting the fuse is part of the demolition skill check. Asuccessful check (DC of 15) means the dynamite willexplode where it "lands." An unsuccessful demolitionskill check means that the dynamite bundle hasbounced off the point of impact and rolled a randomdistance and direction away before exploding. Therandom distance may place the intended target (orother characters including the thrower) within variousexplosion proximity zones as per above. A roll of a "1"

on the demolition skill check means the dynamitebundle exploded in the thrower's hand. (Unlessmagical aid is forthcoming, such accidents will meanthe loss of a hand as surgical techniques are notsufficient to restore the hand.) In all cases, charactersget a Reflex saving throw unless they are helpless(unconscious, asleep, bound up or magically Held).Lighting the dynamite fuse counts as a move-equivalent action. This means a character can light afuse and throw the dynamite bundle, but not movemore than 5 feet in the same round. Alternatively, thecharacter can light a fuse and run a normal move


Table 6:5: Resolving Thrown Explosives Ranged Touch Attack against target for Dynamite

Demolition Skill Successful Attack Roll Unsuccessful Attack RollCheck

Successful Target is within point blank Use 2X grenade scatter rulesblast to determine proximity**

Unsuccessful Use grenade scatter rules* Use 2X grenade scatter rulesto determine proximity to determine proximity**

* Roll 1d6 feet plus 1 foot for each range increment for scatter distance, and 1d8 to determine scatter direction per thePHB.** Roll 2d6 feet plus 2 feet for each range increment for scatter distance, and 1d8 to determine scatter direction per thePHB

Throwing vial(s) of nitroglycerin uses the same rangedtouch attack procedure except that nitroglycerin willexplode upon "landing," assuming that it has notalready exploded. The character throwing thenitroglycerin must make a demolition skill check (withuse of the dexterity modifier instead of the intelligencemodifier) to see if she can throw the nitroglycerinwithout it exploding in her hand. The DC for success is20 plus 5 for each additional vial contained in abundle. (The vials have a high risk of banging intoeach other while being thrown.) The character cannottake 10 or 20 in this case as it is impossible to throw itslowly and there is an immediate consequence. Failureresults in the explosion in the thrower's hand. (Thehand can be assumed to be two feet away from thehead or torso, placing the damage in the close blastzone.) If thrown safely, the usual ranged touch attackwill determine if the explosion goes off within thepoint blank blast zone on the intended target or if thegrenade scatter rules are to be used to determine thepoint of impact (as these vials won't roll).

When a character throws either dynamite ornitroglycerin, there is a small chance that they mightdrop the explosive at their feet. If the attack roll was anatural one on the dice, the character must make adexterity check against DC 10 not to drop theexplosive at their feet. Nitroglycerin wouldimmediately explode (close proximity) while theburning fuse on the dynamite would allow animproved chance of escaping the blast. In the lattercase, a successful Reflex save results in no damage andan unsuccessful Reflex save yields half damage fromclose proximity.

Set Charges

Explosives may be set using the demolition skill tocause structural damage. If the skill check makes thedifficulty class (DC) of the task, then the building isdemolished, the wall or door is breached, or the tunnelis caved-in. A minimum charge to demolish with a setcharge a building or to breach a wall or door of 1-inchthickness is cited below. Vary the chargeproportionally to the thickness of the wall or door.

Chapter Six: Equipment in Gothic Earth 63

Table 6:6 Minimum Set ChargeTarget Material Minimum Charge DC (wall/door) Minimum Charge DC (building)

(Wall/Door) (per 10' x 20' room)

Wood 1 10 1 15Earth (unlikely for 0.2 12 2 20less than 1 foot walls)Soft Stone 1 15 2 20Hard Stone 2 20 3 25Iron or Steel 2 25 4 30

For each additional stick of dynamite (orequivalent) added to the charge above theminimum charge, add a +1 modified to the skillcheck. The character setting the charge may take10 per the PHB. Characters with theEngineering skill may also add a bonus of +4 totheir demolition skill check for structures.

The DC of collapsing a tunnel or cave is 15 if inearth and 25 if in stone. Characters who alsohave the mining skill get a bonus of +6 to thisskill check. The DM should assign DC to otherstructures as needed.

The normal successful demolition check alsomeans that the delay for a lit fuse was setcorrectly. If the demolition skill check exceedsthe DC by 10 or more, the demolition was donecompletely safely (meaning if characters were inanother part of the tunnel, it did not collapse onthem or an area meant to be protected, was soprotected).

Set charges may also be used as part of a trap oras part of an ambush. (Setting mechanical trapsmay require additional skills.) If the demolitionskill check is successful, for determining damageto people (or animals) within the explosion, usethe same blast zones as per above, but re-roll all6's (as per with bullets). The DC for a trap orambush using set charges is in the range of 20 to30, depending upon the complexity of the trap orambush.

Antique Weapons:A majority of the weapons listed in the PHB areconsidered antiques and are not in common use.Such weapons as halberds, long swords andcrossbows to name a few are included in thiscategory. This weapons are not in currentproduction. Any that may be found are antiquesand as such are more valuable, especially if theyare in useable condition. These are extremelyhard to find outside of private collections and

museums. (Practically speaking outside of theEuropean continent they are impossible to find)

Melee WeaponsWhile most melee weapons are familiar to D&Dgame players, are no longer in common use.There are some and those that are Gothic Earthappropriate weapons are listed in a chart below.Those that require explanation are described indetail.

BatonThis is a light club similar to the type carried bypolice officers. The statistics listed for baton maybe translated to any improvised bludgeoningobject such as a bottle in a bar fight or a branchin a forest.

Brass KnucklesThis item adds 2 points to unarmed meleedamage.

Bowie KnifeThis heavy knife is about 12 inches long, with aserrated blade. It can be used to cause slashingor piercing damage. It is intended for hunting,self-defense, and wilderness survival.

CutlassThe cutlass is a sword with a single-edged,curved, broad blade attached to a basket hilt.The blade is short and heavy. The sword wasfavored by pirate crews in earlier centuries, but isvery rare in 1890s Gothic Earth.

Knife, PocketThis knife is usually regarded as a tool ratherthan a weapon. Blades average 6 inches in lengthand fold into an enclosing handle. The casing isoften ornate. Although such a knife can be usedfor self-defense, this is not its primary purpose.

MacheteThe machete is a large, heavy knife, about 20"long, used primarily for hacking through heavy

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 64

brush or jungle. It also makes a serviceable, ifcrude, weapon. It is most common in Centraland South American countries.

Pots and PansThe Servant class has the ability to take Pots andPans as a weapon group they are proficient in.These are cast Iron Frying pans or pots ofsignificant size (10"-12") and generally weighing4 lbs. Strictly Bludgeoning melee weapons, ifthrough they can only go 5 an still deal damage.However 'if a proficient hero has a strength of atleast 14 (+2 Strength bonus) they can throw it10', Strength of 16 (+3 strength bonus) they canthrow it 15 feet and still cause damage.

SaberThe saber is a long, curved, single-edged bladeintended mostly for horsemen. It has a brasshand guard on the hilt. It is a popular weapon forlight cavalry and is a standard issue weapon forU.S. Army cavalry officers. It is also verypopular among German officers -- both army andnavy. Dueling scars from saber cuts areconsidered as a badge of honor among some.

Sword Cane

This looks like an ordinary walking stick. Itconsists of a rapier-type blade mounted on a canehandle and inserted into a case that looks like acane. A sword cane can be plain or decorativedepending upon the owner's desire. Whennecessary, the sword is pulled from the case.This is very much a gentleman's weapon.Anyone using such an item on the frontier islikely to be labeled a dandy.

Table 6:7 Miscellaneous Melee WeaponsTable

Weapon Damage Critical Weight TypeBaton 1d4 x2 2 lb. Bludgeoning

Bowie Knife 1d4 19-20/x2 1 lb. Slashing/Piercing

Brass Knuckles 1d3+2 * 1 lb. Bludgeoning

Cutlass 1d6 19-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing

Knife, Pocket 1d2 x2 8 oz. Piercing

Machete 1d6 x3 4 lb. Slashing

Pots & Pans 1d4+1 20 4lb Bludgeoning

Saber 1d6 18-20/x2 5 lb. Slashing

Sword Cane 1d4 18-20/x2 4 lb. Slashing/Piercing

Chapter Seven: Firearms inGothic EarthBy the 1890s, handguns and rifles had evolved tobecome quite accurate and reasonably safe to theuser. Mass production made them readilyavailable at low prices. As such, they became themost popular weapons of the day. Anyadventurer who hopes to survive whenconfronting minions of the Red Death would dowell to keep a weapon or two loaded and in goodcondition.

Because the firearm is the primary physicalweapon of the Gothic Earth hero in her fightagainst the Red Death, a more thoroughtreatment of the characteristics of the firearmwith respect to the Masque of the Red Deathcampaign setting was needed. However, thiscampaign is not meant to be a simulation of aWestern gunfight on the streets of Dodge City sosome simplification was made. This system doesnot recognize the difference in drawing speeds ofdifferent weapons nor does it have any provisionfor misfires or jamming.


In Gothic Earth (as in real Earth of the 1890s),hundreds of variations of firearms exist.However, the vast majority of weapons can begrouped into the types described here, but ofdifferent models or manufacturers. The LivingDeath heroes are restricted to weapons of theseparameters, but a DM of a home campaign mightallow some custom variations. Military arms(from the gattling gun to cannon and torpedoes)are not described here as military forcesgenerally tightly control them and such weaponsare not suited for Living Death heroes. Theweapons described are all relative recent to the1890s; older firearms (arquebus, flintlock,matchlock, wheel lock, or any ball & cap musketdesign) are generally assumed to be antiques andwould not be considered as a dependable weaponchoice of the heroes (or villains).


The rifle is the standard long arm on GothicEarth. It exists in a variety of styles ranging fromthe military designs to those used for hunting,target shooting, and law enforcement. All riflesare two-handed weapons. Rifles are highlyaccurate over long ranges. They are difficult to

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 65

conceal. They cannot point effectively at anytarget within 5 feet of the shooter unless thetarget is helpless. They can be used as a club in apinch although this action risks damage to therifle. The rifles are grouped into three subtypes:the standard (single-shot) rifle, the repeatingrifle, and the big game rifle.

The standard rifle is a breech-loading weapon,in which a shell is inserted manually into thebase of the barrel prior to each shot. The shootermust reload after each shot is fired. While thistype of rifle was very common, it is now mainlyused by target shooters. This rifle will generallyuse .44 or .45 caliber bullets, although somecustom target rifles may use smallerammunition.

The repeating rifle stores multiple cartridgesinside the weapon. A new cartridge is broughtinto firing position (chambered) after each shotwith a mechanical lever; thus, these weapons arecommonly called lever action rifles. Only afterall the cartridges in the weapon are expended isreloading required. This type of rifle is the mostcommonly used for hunting and lawenforcement. This rifle will generally use .44 or.45 caliber bullets.

The big game rifle is a standard rifle grown to avery large size. It is also known as a buffalo gunor an elephant gun. It is generally only used bybig game hunters and usually carried by theirtrusty porter while on safari. Ammunition is hardto find for this size of weapon, which isrepresented by the cost. The big game rifle uses.50 caliber bullets.


A carbine is a lighter version of a rifle. Allcarbines are two-handed weapons. It has ashorter range, uses a smaller bullet (generally in.32 to .38 caliber), and causes less damage.Because it is lighter to carry on daylong marchesand is easier to maneuver in close combat, thecarbine is actually favored by most militaryforces over the rifle. Like a rifle, the carbine canbe either a single-shot breech-loader, or a lever-action repeating carbine. Because of theirreduced size, it is easier to conceal a carbine thana rifle, although not as easy as a pistol.


The pistol is a one-hand weapon. In GothicEarth, the commonly available pistols arerevolvers, which hold six shells, or the single-shot derringer. In the Masque of the Red Deathsetting, such weapons fall into one of threecategories: derringers, navy pistols, and armypistols. The heroes on an adventure mightencounter some variations, but they will not beavailable for purchase. (A DM of a homecampaign may wish to permit custom pistoldesign (such as changing the barrel length), butthis is not available in the Living Deathcampaign.) Pistols may be used in two-weaponstyle, which is explained later.

A derringer is a very small, light weapon thatholds only a single bullet. Although not asdeadly as larger pistols, a derringer is easilyconcealed and may allow a hero to carry a gunwithout notice in even polite society. Derringersare popular among the gentry and are commonlyreferred to as ladies' pistols or purse pistols.They fit easily into small handbags, the bosom ofa corset, a gentleman's pocket, or in smallholsters strapped to a wrist or a thigh. The rangeof such weapons is extremely short, but it is veryeffective in close combat. Derringers use .22 to.30 caliber ammunition.

A navy pistol is a lightweight revolver thatgenerally uses .38 caliber ammunition. They aremore dangerous than derringers, but lack thestopping power of army pistols. Navy pistols arefound most commonly in urban areas (but theyare available for sale in mail order catalogs) andare considered by most city dwellers to beaccepted standard firearms. This weapon is incommon use by police forces. While usuallycarried in a shoulder or waist (belt) holster, thenavy pistol may also be placed in a gentleman'spocket, ladies purse (of moderate size) or hiddenin various containers. With a 2" or 3" barrel, thispistol is easy to draw and maneuver in closecombat.

An army pistol is the classic Western six-shooter with .44 or .45 caliber ammunition. It ismedium-sized and heavy. These are the weaponsof army officers, cowboys, gunslingers,explorers, and other rugged individuals. To suchcharacters, nothing else is worth carrying. Withits 7" or longer barrel, the six shooter has betteraccuracy over longer ranges than any otherpistol. However, it suffers the handicap of being

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 66

more difficult to conceal on one's body. Thearmy pistol can be used in close combateffectively.


The shotgun is a two-handed weapon with alength between that of carbine and rifle. Theshotgun fires a shell packed with pellets(normally made of lead). Those pellets spreadout as they head towards the target, making iteasier to hit a given target, but also reducing thedamage significantly as the range increases. Theshotgun is the weapon of bird hunters and acherished possession of gentry. While the mostplain, no-name shotguns are relativelyinexpensive (as shown in the equipment list), thetop of the line Greener's cost $230. Because ofthe length of the shotgun, it is difficult to concealthe firearm on one's body. In the Masque of theRed Death setting, the shotgun is divided intothree categories: the standard, double-barrelshotgun, the sawed-off double-barrel shotgun,and the pump shotgun.

The standard double barrel, breech-loadingshotgun has limited range, but can inflict a greatdeal of damage at close ranges. The pelletsspread 1' cumulative for each range increment.Because of the spreading shot, the standardshotgun has a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The shotfrom a standard shotgun is not wide enough tohit more than one target at a time at any effectiverange. The double-barrel shotgun has twotriggers, one behind the other. It is not possibleto exactly fire both barrels at the same instant(although both barrels can be fired as a standardaction) so each shot needs a separate attack roll.

The sawed-off double-barrel shotgun is notactually something that is sold in gun shops, butit is easy to obtain. The character simply buys astandard double-barrel shotgun and using ahacksaw, cuts off the last few inches of thebarrels. This action removes the choke at the endof the barrel. The fired pellets spread out over alarger area, making it easier to hit a specifictarget and possible at some ranges to hit multipletargets. The pellets spread 2' cumulative foreach range increment. However, the greaterspread also means the amount of damagedeclines faster with increasing range to thetarget.

The pump (action) shotgun was developed in the1880s and became more commonly available in

the 1890s. It is a single barrel, magazine loadedweapon with a slide pump. It is not available inthe sawed-off version.


The scattergun (redefined from Second EditionMasque of the Red Death) is a highly modified,often illegal, cut down shotgun. By taking asingle barrel (not double barrel or pump action)shotgun, cutting the barrel down to less than 12inches and cutting off the stock behind thehandgrip, the shooter has a one-handed, medium-sized firearm that acts as a very close combat,room-clearing weapon. The pellets disperse in acone-shaped spray that is 6' wide at 10-footrange, 12' wide at 20-foot range, 18' wide at 30-foot range, and so forth (out to 60' wide at 100-foot range). However, the rapidly dispersingpellets deliver rapidly declining damage atincreasing range. In the first 10' rangeincrement, the damage is 3d6 hp. In the secondrange increment, the damage drops to 2d6 hp. Inthe third range increment, the damage drops to1d6 hp. In each additional range increment, thedamage drops by 1 hp (with no minimaldamage). The weapon is not very effectivebeyond 30'. So for a target at 99' from theshooter, the damage is 1d6 - 7 hp. (Because ofthe reroll of 6's -- see the Damage Rolls section -- positive numbers can result, but the result islikely to be zero.) Since this is not an aimedweapon, but an area-of-effect weapon, no attackroll is made. The shooter just points the weaponand pulls the trigger. The targets in the area-of-effect roll a Reflex saving throw -- taking onlyhalf damage if successful. (The judge or DMmay decide that if the shooter is attempting toplace a target deliberately near an edge of thespray--probably to include more targets--if thatparticular target makes her Reflex save, she takesno damage.) Damage for all targets should berolled separately as the results would be quasi-random. One lucky character at 35 feet mightescape any damage at all, while an unluckyinnocent bystander at 95 feet gets a pelletthrough the eye--killing him instantly. Use ofthis weapon without consideration of bystanderscalls for a Powers Check of 5%.

The scattergun is more difficult to hide than apistol but easier to hide than any of the longarms. Discovery of a scattergun by police isusually taken as evidence of criminal intent ofthe bearer as the only purpose of such weapons isto kill people at very short distances.

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 67

Confiscation of the scattergun almost alwaysoccurs.

Carrying Firearms

Characters may wish to carry more than onefirearm on their body and have the weaponsavailable for quick use. There are physicallimits, however, to how many weapons can bepacked on the human body and still allow fornormal movement. In all cases, the weight of thefirearms is added towards the encumbrance ofthe character. Firearms may be carried in thefollowing locations in combination except wherespecifically denied.

• A character may use two hip holsters (forany handgun) OR a gentleman's pantspocket for a derringer or a navy pistol onlyif not on the same side of the body as a hipholster.

• A character may use two shoulder holsters(for navy pistols, army pistols, or derringers,NOT scatterguns) OR the use of a coatpocket (for a navy pistol or derringer) not onthe same side of the body as a shoulderholster. Army pistols cannot be kept in ashoulder holster if on the same side of thebody as a hip holster (with an army pistol,navy pistol or scattergun) is located. Navypistols cannot be kept in a shoulder holster ifon the same side of the body as a hip holsterwith a scattergun.

• One back belt holster with a derringer, navypistol or army pistol may be used.

• One wrist holster with a derringer may beused.

• One ankle holster may be used for only aderringer or a navy pistol. (Ladies, note thatan ankle holster will be visible uponoccasion (normal dress skirts or whiledancing).

• One thigh holster may be used for aderringer only. This location would not bevery accessible for characters who wear longpants.

• One bosom holster may be used for aderringer only. (Gentlemen, please note thatyou are not equipped to use a bosom

holster.) Access to a bosom holster impliesthat a bodice of a dress or blouse is lowcut…which may be thought scandalous byobservers. (Dance hall girls need not beconcerned.)

• Normally one long arm (rifle, carbine orshotgun) would be on a sling diagonallyacross the back. If such is carried, then noback belt holster for a handgun is possible incombination. Alternatively, two long armsmay be carried, one slung on the leftshoulder and one slung on the rightshoulder. This arrangement is not verystable for running. It also cannot be used incombination with hip holsters (no matter thesize of the handgun, or the long arm).Alternatively, one or two long arms may beplaced in sheaths attached to a backpackframe, but this combination (due to thestraps and position) cannot be used incombination with either the shoulderholsters or the back belt holster. (But thehip holsters are fine.) Alternatively, oneshotgun or carbine (not a rifle) may becarried on a lanyard, looped around theneck, and behind the back (perhaps under acoat or cloak). This arrangement cannot beused in combination with the handgun in theback belt holster.

Carrying multiple firearms does have an effecton the chances of on-lookers spotting yourweapons and that is described in the ConcealedWeapons section. Consult the Drawing theFirearm section for the ease with which acharacter can access the weapons in thesevarious locations. Carrying large amounts ofiron on one's body may also be an issue formagnetism, swimming, and for certain spells.

Drawing the Firearm

Commonly characters carry a firearm in aholster, in a container, or on a sling unless theyfeel that combat is imminent. The weight of afirearm in one's arms is tiring over long periods(hours) and the sight of a character wielding afirearm "at the ready" is often taken as anunfriendly, even hostile, act by others. Thistendency of characters leads to the need to drawout one's gun upon the start of combat. If thefirearm is already at the ready, then proceed withshooting.

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 68

If a pistol is carried in a holster (that isaccessible), drawing the pistol is a move-equivalent action. If a pistol is carried in apocket, purse or some relatively loosearrangement where the shooter must fumble forthe weapon, drawing the pistol is a standardaction. If the shooter has previously put herhand on the pistol (but kept the pistol in thepurse, pocket, etc.), then drawing the pistol is amove-equivalent action. The Quick Draw Featchanges the move-equivalent action into a freeaction. The Quick Draw Feat depends upon thepistol being in a fixed location, which isprovided by the holster, or the pistol is already inthe shooter's hand. Therefore, the Quick DrawFeat does not improve the standard actionsituation.

A scattergun may be carried in an oversizedholster, in which case drawing the scattergun is amove-equivalent action (or free action if theshooter has the Quick Draw Feat). If thescattergun is hanging on a lanyard (such asbehind one's back, under a coat), then drawingthe scattergun is a standard action.

Carbines, rifles or shotguns may be carried insheaths attached to a horse, wagon, or abackpack. If the shooter is within 5' movementof the sheath, drawing the carbine, rifle, orshotgun is a move-equivalent action. The sameis true if the long arm is carried on a sling on theshooter's back. The Quick Draw Feat does nothelp with drawing the long arms. Long arms (orhandguns) being held in one's arms areconsidered to be "at the ready," and may bemoved into firing position as a free action.

Carbines or shotguns that hang on a lanyard(such as behind a shooter's back, under a coat)take a standard action to draw. The Quick DrawFeat does not improve this action.

Retrieval of any firearm that is inside of a guncase, bedroll, or other container of transport isconsidered a full-round action. The Quick DrawFeat does not improve this action.

Resolving Attacks

Combat in the Masque of the Red Death settingfollows the same general procedures given in thePlayer's Handbook and the Dungeon MasterGuide. While melee combat is virtuallyunchanged, the advent of modern firearms andthe demise of armor mandates some modification

to the existing rules. The basic 6-second roundremains the basis for orchestrating combat inMasque of the Red Death.

If the character is shooting a firearm as a full-attack, then it is a Full Round Action with only 5'movement possible. The character may take oneAimed Fire shot, two Rapid Fire shots, or threePanic Fire or Blind Fire shots. If the character'sbase attack bonus is high enough (+6) that thecharacter gets a second attack, then in theMasque of the Red Death setting, the charactergets one additional shot in a full-round action.The additional shot is of the same type of Fire asthe others that round, i.e., she would get twoAimed Fire shots, three Rapid Fire shots, orfour Panic Fire or Blind Fire shots. Likewise,if the character's standard (D&D) attack bonus ishigh enough (+11) that the character gets a thirdattack, then the character gets a secondadditional shot of the same type. Under nocircumstances, can a character exceed themaximum rate of fire (ROF) of a specificfirearm. That is a physical limit of the weapon.

If the character is shooting a firearm as astandard action (which allows a 30' movementOR a move-equivalent action--such as drawing apistol out of a holster), then the character maytake only ONE shot. This shot does NOT havethe Aimed Fire bonus, nor does it have the ACpenalty of Aimed Fire. It is, in essence, a singleRapid Fire shot.

For example, a character can take one Rapid Fireshot and then move 30' to reach cover orconcealment, or move, then shoot.

If the character is shooting a firearm as a partialaction (such as might happen in a surprise round,or due to the haste spell, or other factors), thenthe character takes only ONE Rapid Fire shot.

Thus, a character with the Quick Draw Feat whowas not surprised might draw and shoot once hispistol in a surprise round while the target wasflat-footed. Depending upon the initiative, thecharacter might get additional shots at the targetwhile the target is flat-footed. The characterwithout the Quick Draw Feat would be able todraw a pistol from a holster (as per above), butmight not be able to shoot before the target does.

Characters do not have to be standing in order toshoot a firearm--kneeling or prone are acceptableoptions--although the Quick Draw Feat will not

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 69

work if a shooter is prone on her belly.Characters can shoot at a target assuming theyhave enough room to stick the barrel of the gunout. If the characters cannot see where they areshooting, that is Blind Fire.

Players and Judges should consult PHB Table 8-4 (on page 128) for miscellaneous actions thatmight occur during a gunfight.

Rates of Fire (ROF)

The shooter may trade off her rate of fire withher accuracy, i.e., take more shots that are lessaccurate. These penalties or bonuses arecumulative with attack bonuses, dexteritybonuses, range penalties, or other modifiers.

Aimed Fire involves the careful alignment of theweapon to achieve the best possible shot. AimedFire provides a +4 bonus to the attack roll.Aimed Fire is a Full-Round action. A single shotis made unless the character gets additionalattacks due to high attack bonus. For example, ifthe character has a base attack bonus of +11, shegets a second attack (+6) and a third attack (+1).Under that circumstance, she could take threeAimed Fire shots in the Full Round action--thefirst at +11 + 4 +Dexterity Mod (etc.), the secondat +6 +4 + Dexterity Mod (etc.), and the third at+1 +4 +Dexterity Mod (etc.). Rifles and pistolsmay benefit from Aimed Fire; shotguns andscatterguns will not benefit from Aimed Fire.The shooter using Aimed Fire is holding sosteady and so focused on his target that heprovokes an Attack of Opportunity if he is in athreatened square (from melee weapons only).The shooter using Aimed Fire would not benefitfrom Dexterity modifiers to AC nor could theDodge Feat be used. Additionally, if anopponent had readied her firearm to shoot at thefirst sign he was aiming his gun, then the sameconditions would apply although shooting afirearm does not threaten for the purposes ofAttacks of Opportunity.

Rapid Fire is the most common rate of fire incombat. The shooter rapidly raises the weapon toeye level and pulls the trigger as soon as theweapon comes into alignment, not waiting forher hand to steady. The shooter is neitherpanicked (and wasting ammunition) nor so calmand collected as to slowly squeeze off each shot.With a Rapid Fire shot, normal attack rolls aremade (no bonus or penalty due to the rate of

fire). For lower level characters using a repeatingrifle, repeating carbine, shotgun, navy pistol orarmy pistol, the shooter will take two Rapid Fireshots in a Full-Round action, or one Rapid Fireshot in a Standard action or Partial action. Theshooter does not lose her Dexterity bonus to herAC, use of Dodge Feat, or provoke an Attack ofOpportunity if in a threatened square (from amelee weapon). If the character has a baseattack bonus of +6 (and thus qualifies for asecond attack in the D&D rules), then thecharacter can take an additional Rapid Fire shotin the Full Round action only. Likewise for thirdor fourth attacks due to high base attack bonus.No additional shot can be taken in the Standardcombat action or Partial action.

Shooting a single shot rifle or carbine as RapidFire may seem strange, but it would be aStandard or Partial action. With the StandardAction, a normal move would still be possible.The tradeoff is the loss of the Aimed Fire bonusin exchange for a move.

Panic Fire occurs when the shooter is desperate(or panicked) and repeatedly pulls the trigger,filling the air with a shower of lead (or othermaterial). The shooter will not bother to raise theweapon to eye level or will hastily pull thetrigger without seeing if alignment has occurred.Because of the poor alignment, the Panic Fireshot will have a penalty of 4 to the attack roll.But the rate of fire is greater, up to three PanicFire shots in a Full-Round action (for a low levelcharacter) can be made. If the character has abase attack bonus of +6, then a fourth Panic Fireshot can be made in a Full-Round Action.Likewise for a base attack bonus of +11 or +16,a fifth or sixth shot could be made. In a StandardAction or Partial Action, only one shot can bemade no matter the base attack bonus.

Blind Fire occurs when a character simply firesher firearm blindly into an area, generally donein an attempt to force enemies to take cover (orhope for dumb luck against a lethal foe). The rateof fire is three shots (for a low level character) ina Full-Round Action, or one shot in a StandardAction or Partial Action. A hit is so unlikely thatan unmodified 20 on the attack roll die isrequired to hit a target. As before, if a characterhas a base attack bonus of +6, the a fourth shot ina Full-Round Action can be taken. Likewise for abase attack bonus of +11 or +16, a fifth or sixthshot could be made. No additional shots in the

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 70

Standard Action or Partial Action can be takendue to a high base attack bonus.

It is possible to shoot a single-shot rifle, carbine,derringer, or scattergun, or a double-barrelshotgun with Panic Fire or Blind Fire rates.However, the maximum number of shots firedcannot exceed the number of shells in the firearm(one or two, as noted). A repeating firearmcannot be made to shoot faster than themaximum rate of fire. For instance, the

repeating carbine has a maximum ROF of 3.Shooting the repeating carbine with Blind Firewill only allow three shots, never four, five, ormore. Likewise the repeating rifle has amaximum ROF of 5. A character with a baseattack bonus of +11 (with two additional attacks)could get 5 Panic Fire (or Blind Fire) shots off ina Full-Round Action if using a repeating rifle.However, the same character can only get 3Panic Fire (or Blind Fire) shots off in the sameFull-Round Action if using a repeating carbine.

Table 7:1 Rate of Fire

Rate of Fire # of attacks* Bonus/penalty Type of actionAimed one + 4 Full roundRapid one none StandardRapid two none Full roundPanic Three -4 Full roundBlind Three Must roll a 20 to hit Full round* If the hero is of high enough level to gain an additional attack, then they get those additional attacks

Two-Weapon Style

Two-Weapon Style of combat can be used withfirearms so long as the firearms can be used withone hand. Thus, all long arms are eliminatedfrom two-weapon style. For humans, derringersand navy pistols are light weapons, while armypistols and scatterguns are not. The penalties oftwo-weapon fighting cited in Table 8-2 of thePHB are applicable. The firearm used in the off-hand can only make one shot, no matter the rateof fire or type of firearm. The only exception tothis rule is if the character has the Improved TwoWeapon Style Feat, in which case a second shotfrom the off-hand weapon is possible. Also, thefirearm in the off-hand cannot be given theAimed Fire bonus, unless it is the only attackbeing made (i.e., the weapon in the primary handis not being fired). The Ambidexterity Feat willonly allow the switching (from round to round,not in a round) of which hand is consideredprimary. Hence, it does not eliminate thisrestriction. Moreover, if the firearm in theprimary hand is being used with the Aimed Firebonus, no shot may be made from the off-hand.If you use the Two Weapon Style to get an off-hand attack, as per the D&D rules, you must usea Full Attack…which takes a Full-Round Action.

• If the primary hand is shooting Aimed Fire,the off-hand cannot shoot. Penalties to the

primary hand from Table 8-2 do not apply inthis case, because the character is simplyholding a gun in her off hand. Likewise, ifthe off-hand is shooting Aimed Fire, theprimary hand cannot shoot. Penalties for theoff-hand shot do apply.

• If the primary hand is shooting Rapid Fire,the off-hand can make a Rapid Fire shot,and additional penalties from Table 8-2apply.

• If the primary hand is shooting Panic Fire,the off-hand can make a Panic Fire shot, andadditional penalties from Table 8-2 apply.

• If the primary hand is shooting Blind Fire,the off-hand can make a Blind Fire shot.(Additional penalties are meaningless in thiscase.)

• The off-hand weapon can be shot Blind Fire(one shot, or two with the Improved TwoWeapon Style Feat) in a different directionwhile the primary weapon is being shot withRapid Fire. Likewise the off-hand couldshot one Rapid Fire shot (two withImproved Two Weapon Style Feat) whilethe primary hand shoots three Blind Fireshots in a different direction. Additionalpenalties apply to the Rapid Fire shot(s) asappropriate.

• Other combinations of rates of fire are notpossible.

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 71

• The Ambidexterity Feat allows thedesignation of primary and off-hand to beswitched in subsequent rounds (but notduring the same round).

• The firearm in the off-hand does not have tobe the same type of firearm as in the primaryhand.

• Additionally, a character may use a firearmin one hand, and a melee weapon in theother hand, subject to all the normalpenalties. The one additional restriction inthis case is the firearm cannot be used withthe Aimed Fire bonus while a melee attackis being made with the melee weapon.

Attack Roll Modifiers

In addition to their high rate of fire, the power ofguns is so great that several changes to thenormal rules for combat resolution are necessary.The standard attack bonuses always apply. Sincefirearms are ranged (projectile) weapons,dexterity modifiers also apply to attack rolls, butstrength modifiers do not. Range incrementattack modifiers also apply, of course. SomeFeats (such as Point Blank Shot feat) also addbonuses for specific situations. The attack rollmodifiers for the rate of fire are identified in theRate of Fire section. Bullets (and pellets fromshotguns) are considering piercing weapons. Forsome monsters, it might make a difference.Spells such as Magic Weapon can improve theattack roll and damage of firearms. Although afirearm may be enchanted, the bullets are stillmundane unless they are specifically enchanted.If a monster is immune to mundane bullets, itmay be necessary to use enchanted bullets (orother forms of enchanted weapons). Treat thissituation as if a bow and arrows were being usedfor determination of magical effectiveness.

Unlike other ranged weapons (bows, crossbows,slings, etc.), firearms are relatively easier to fire"per shot." One of the differences is thatfirearms, especially long arms, are extremelyeffective when fired from a prone or kneelingposition. Prone position is in fact the favoredposition for sniper attacks because it is mucheasier to keep the weapon steady. The attackerusing a firearm from a prone position gets a +2bonus to her attack roll for Aimed Fire or RapidFire. The kneeling attacker gets a +1 bonus toher attack roll for Aimed Fire only. If theattacker with a firearm is on higher ground thanthe defender, the attacker gets a +1 bonus to her

attack roll. Another difference between anattacker with a firearm and one with a bow is thebowman tends to be much more obvious intiming of the shot--the arrow is pulled from thequiver, notched, the bow is drawn, and aimed--ascompared to say a pistol where the trigger issimply pulled again. So while the bowman gainsa benefit to her attack modifier from beinginvisible, the firearm shooter does not (other thanthe possibility that the defender is flat-footed).The invisible shooter does not gain any addedattack modifier simply for being invisible.

The shotguns and sawed-off shotguns are easierto aim than rifles or carbines because of thespread of the fired pellets (called a pattern).Because of this fact, shotguns (and pumpshotguns) get a +1 bonus to attack rolls, andsawed-off shotguns get a +2 bonus to attackrolls, independent of the rate of fire.

Armor & Shields

The most important change mandated by theintroduction of guns into the D&D combatsystem involves the physical protection offeredby armor. Formidable defenses such as platearmor and chain mail offer little or no protectionagainst bullets. Because the firearm has becomethe predominate weapon of warfare over theprevious two hundred years, the use of armorwas abandoned even though it might haveoffered some protection against the occasionaldagger or arrow. The firearm served as a betterdefense than fifty or a hundred pounds of metal.By the 1890s, armor is a collectable or a museumpiece. The same is true for shields; the shieldprovides no protection against bullets.

Dexterity Modifier for AC

So long as the defender (target) is not flat-footed,helpless, or running normally, the normaldexterity modifier applies to his AC even withfirearms. Dodge Feat is also applicable normally.The defender is not "dodging" bullets butdodging the attacker's aim. The PlayersHandbook (Table 8-8) shows when a defender isrunning, then there is a -2 modifier to the attackroll, but the defender loses any dexterity bonusto his AC. This circumstance applies when thedefender is running straight, whether directlytowards or away from the shooter, or cross-field(perpendicular to the line of fire). It is useful toinclude the circumstance when the defenderelects to run a quasi-random, "zigzag" pattern

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 72

towards (or away from) the shooter. In this case,the defender retains the benefit of a dexteritybonus to her AC. The handicap is that hereffective rate of movement is slowed…in theFull-Round action, she only moves towards (oraway from) the shooter by her normal move(typically 30 feet for a human), not the 4 timesmovement it would have been. If the characterdoes not have a dexterity bonus to her AC, tryingto run a "zigzag" pattern would be ineffective.

Magical Protection

Any magical protection that would normallyimprove a character's Armor Class (whether bydeflection, armor, enhancement, luck, naturalarmor, or spiritual) will function equally as wellagainst firearms as it does against other attacks.Bullets (or pellets) are normal missiles, unlessthey have been magically enchanted.

Damage Rolls

The damage caused by a gunshot can varygreatly. A bullet that grazes the skin is generallylittle more than painful, while a shot to the armor leg can be debilitating; a torso or head woundmay well prove fatal. A single bullet can quiteeasily be lethal, even to a seasoned adventurer.Unless an opponent is somehow protected orimmune to bullets, most combats in the Masqueof the Red Death setting tend to be quick anddeadly.

To reflect this, damage from firearms is resolvedin a special fashion. When a bullet (or pellets) hita target the attacker rolls damage diceappropriate for the type of weapon. All firearmdamage rolls use d6 as the fundamental unit. Forexample, a shot fired from an army pistol inflicts2d6+3 points of damage.

When any damage dice are rolled for firearms,any die that shows a 6 is added to the damagetotal and is then rerolled. The result is added tothe damage total. If the second roll of a die alsocomes up a 6, the die is added and rolled again.Thus, dice that continuously show 6's can bererolled any number of times. If all the originalrolls come up 6's, they are all totaled and rolledagain. By this mechanism, there is a very smallchance that very large amount of damage can bedone by a single bullet.

Modifiers to the damage die, such as the +3applied to the army pistol's two damage dice, are

figured in only after all damage dice have beenrolled and (if necessary) rerolled. Likewise,modifiers such as magical bonuses to damage,range increment penalties of shotguns, or the useof special ammunition are applied after alldamage dice have been rolled.

Consider the following example: JonathanHarker is under attack from a pair of thugs in theservice of Count Dracula. He draws his navypistol (2d6-1) and fires, hitting the nearest thug.Harker's player rolls the damage dice: a 3 and a6, for a total of 9. The die that showed the 6 isrolled again, yielding a 5; damage now totals 14points. Only after all dice have been rolled andtotaled is the -1 modifier applied to indicate adamage total of 13.

Nonstandard ammunition such as silver, copper,gold, steel, or iron bullets are described in thenonstandard ammunition section. They causeless damage, being harder than lead. For eachoriginal damage die, a -1 modified is applied tothe damage from nonstandard ammunition. Inthe above example, if the bullet fired by JonathanHarker was made of silver, the damage wouldhave an additional -2 modifier because therewere two d6 dies being rolled. (Rerolls of diesdue to 6's do not also carry the negativemodifier.) So in that case, the damage wouldhave been 11. Nonstandard ammunition forshotguns may be used as well. In this case, thedamage from the nonstandard pellets is notreduced.

A bullet does a minimum of one point ofdamage. If the roll of the 2d-1 for the navy pistolin the above example resulted in: 1 and 1 (1+1-1-2= -1) …the bullet still does a minimum of 1point of damage. Pellets from shotguns also do aminimum of one point of damage, but pelletsfrom a scattergun do not have a minimumdamage.

Loading Your Firearm

All types of firearms (listed in this book) areloaded (or reloaded) at a rate of two shells (orcartridges) a round (six seconds). Loading afirearm is a Full-Round Action. The charactermay elect to continue to load on successiverounds until the firearm is fully loaded, or toshoot with the newly loaded shells. Hence,loading a navy or an army pistol completelytakes 3 Full Rounds, and loading a repeating rifletakes 8 Full Rounds. For this reason, many

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 73

experienced characters carry a loaded backupfirearm. In the Masque of the Red Death setting,ammunition speed loaders are not available.


All firearms give a kick when they are fired. Ifthe shooter is lightweight and low strength (acondition of many Living Death heroes), this canpresent a problem for them. For each type offirearm in the chart, a shooter weight (in pounds)is given. (Derringers and navy pistols have lowenough recoil that they may be used by anyonewithout a check.) If the shooter is at or abovethat weight, no recoil check is needed. If theshooter is under that specified weight, then astrength check for recoil must be made for eachshot. The DC for recoil is 10. If the shootermakes the check, there is no effect and his

attacks proceed normally. If the shooter fails thecheck, then she is thrown back enough thatsubsequent shots that round are made at a -4. Ifthe shooter's check fails by 5 or more, then she isknocked off her feet and drops the firearm. Inthat case, picking up the firearm and standing upis a standard action, which can occur in thefollowing round. If the underweight shooter isprone when firing, she will not be knocked offher feat, but if she failed her recoil check willstill be at a -4 penalty to subsequent shots thatround. If the shooter is not being shot at (not incombat prior to her initiative, or the opponentsare still flat footed), she may take 10 for theRecoil check for Aimed Fire or Rapid Fire. Theshooter cannot take 10 for the Recoil check forPanic Fire. The shooter cannot take 20 forRecoil checks in any circumstance.

Table 7:2 Firearm Chart

Firearm Size Weight(pounds)



DMG ShooterWeightRecoil



Carbine M 7 1 1 30 2d6+1 100 10 9.00Carbine,Repeating

M 7 12 3 30 2d6-1 100 10 11.00


M 3 6 6 20 2d6+3 100 15 16.00


S 2 6 6 10 2d6-1 N/A 20 12.00


S 0.75 1 1 3 1d6 N/A 30 5.00

Rifle L 9 1 1 150 3d6+1 150 5 10.00Rifle,Repeating

L 9 15 5 120 3d6 150 5 12.00

Rifle, BigGame

L 12 1 1 200 4d6 200 0 35.00

Shotgun L 9 2 2 20 3d6* 150 10 15.00Shotgun,Pump

L 8 5 3 20 3d6* 150 10 28.00


M 8 2 2 10 3d6** 150 10 15.00

Scattergun M 5 1 1 10 Special 200 12 20.00

* Damage drops 1 hp per range increment after the first due to shot spread.** Damage drops 2 hp per range increment after the first due to shot spread.

Unique Situations

Shooting to Disarm

Characters may attempt to shoot at a held firearm(or other weapon) in hope of disarming anopponent. This is a very difficult shot to make, butit is possible. A successful bullet (not pellets) hitwill automatically cause the opponent to drop theweapon. The basic rules are described in the

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 74

Striking an Object section of the Players Handbook.The AC of the held weapon is determined bystarting with the defender's AC (including anydexterity modifiers and magic), adding a +5 bonusto AC for the weapon being held, and a sizedependent modifier. Handguns are considered to bediminutive target (with a +4 AC modifier) for thispurpose. Long arms are considered to be smallobjects (with a +1 AC modifier) for this purpose.If the attacker has the Disarming Shot Feat, he hasa +2 bonus to his attempt. Depending upon thedamage from the hit, the DM can determine if thedropped gun was damaged or is still functional.

Grappling with Firearms

Because of the fact a loaded firearm carries itsammunition (even if one shot) internally (unlike abow or a sling), ease of use, and maneuverability,firearms present a special circumstance forgrappling. If an attacker is carrying a light weapon(whether a firearm or not), they can elect to grapplewhile holding the weapon. Any other weapon mustbe dropped. The choice of grapple attempt meantthe attacker was not shooting her firearm thatround.

The more interesting case is when the defender hasthe firearm and the attacker is unarmed. First, theattempt to grapple provokes an attack ofopportunity if the defender is holding a drawnhandgun. The defender may take a single RapidFire shot for that attack of opportunity. If thedefender has the Quick Draw Feat, a free hand, andan available handgun, then the defender may drawand shoot the handgun with a single Rapid Fire shotfor that attack of opportunity. The exception tothis grappling provocation is if the defender wasalready engaged in Aimed Fire (at another target),and had provoked himself, an attack of opportunityand the grappling attempt was that attack. If thedefender is using a long arm (rifle, shotgun, orcarbine), then no attack of opportunity is provokedby the grappling attempt.

The attack may elect to grapple the defender'sfirearm itself, or grapple the defender himself asnormal.In the first case, the attacker makes an attack roll tograb the firearm. The AC of the defender ismodified by a +5 for the held weapon, and a ACmodifier based upon the weapon size. Because themore of the weapon is accessible to the attacker(than in the disarming shot case), the handgun hasan AC modifier of +2 for size and the long arm has0 AC modifier for size. (The long barrel is easier tograb.) If successful, the attacker and defender makeopposed grappling checks (attack bonus + strengthmodifiers). If the attacker wins, she now holds the

firearm. If the defender wins, he has wrestled thefirearm out of her hands. If the checks were tied,then both characters are still holding on to thefirearm and neither can use it.

In the second case, the attacker makes the normalgrab attempt to grapple the defender. Normalgrappling rules apply, except that the defender maybe able to use his firearm. If the defender is notpinned by the grappling attempt, the defender mayuse his firearm (whether a handgun or a long arm)on his next action instead of trying to escape thegrapple with another opposed grappling check. Ifthe defender is pinned but holding a handgun, hemay still use the handgun to shoot at the attacker onhis next action. If the handgun is a derringer or anavy pistol, the attack is made normally. If thehandgun is an army pistol, the shooter has a -2modifier to his attack roll. If the handgun is ascattergun, damage is rolled (3d6) and the Reflexsave is normal.

Concealed Weapons (Hiding a Firearm)

Characters will often attempt to conceal a weapon,particular a firearm or a knife, on their person,perhaps to remain armed while in civilized society.(In some locations, such as most of the BritishEmpire, carrying of firearms is illegal, other thanhunting rifles or shotguns on private estates, orshooters at target shooting tournaments. In mostplaces, carrying firearms to formal dinners orparties is considered socially unacceptable.) Thesize of the firearm is the primary factor indetermining if an observer spots a concealedfirearm, closely followed by the number ofconcealed firearms.

The base DC for spotting a concealed firearm isincluded in the Firearm Chart. The description ofthe assumed concealment for that DC is below.The judge may assign a bonus or penalty of 2 to thebase DC is she decides the concealment attemptwarrants it. For multiple concealed firearms, theworst DC is used with modifiers described below.Sitting or running while wearing concealedweapons increases the chances that the concealedweapons will be spotted.

Concealment scenarios are:

• Derringer -- assumed to be in a bosom, wrist,thigh, or ankle holster, while wearing normalstreet or formal attire (except the ankle holsteris worn with skirts or dresses of floor length)or in a gentleman's pants or coat pocket, or in asmall ladies handbag. (Medium-sized pursesare more concealing.) Concealment of a wristholster requires long sleeves. Hip or shoulder

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 75

holsters under a hip length jacket or coat arenot as concealing--the DC should be loweredby 2. Concealment DC is unaffected by sittingor running, except for the ankle holster whichshould be lowered by 2.

• Navy pistol -- assumed to be in a shoulder,back belt, or hip holster under a hip length orlonger (loosely cut) jacket or coat.Concealment DC is lowered by 2 if thecharacter sits and by 4 if the character runs. Anavy pistol may also be concealed in amedium-sized ladies purse (or similar bag)with this concealment DC. The concealmentDC of the pistol in the purse is unaffected bysitting or running, but it is affected by hittinganother character with the purse. Ladies innormal women's attire (which is close fitting inthis era) could not conceal a pistol easily inthese locations (unless they are wearing aheavy coat or cape). A fine gentleman's dinnerjacket will not conceal pistols in theselocations either, as such jackets were closefitting. The concealment DC should belowered by 10 in such cases.

• Army pistol -- assumed to be in a shoulder,hip, or back belt holster under a thigh length(or longer) coat. An army pistol can be carriedin a ladies' very large purse at this concealmentDC. Dress attire constraints are similar to thatof a navy pistol. The concealment DC islowered by 2 when sitting and by 4 whenrunning.

• Scattergun -- assumed to be on a hip holster, orhanging on a lanyard behind the back, under aheavy, thigh length coat. The concealment DCwhen sitting is lowered by 2 if in a hip holster,by 6 if on a lanyard behind the back. Theconcealment DC when running is lowered by 4if in a hip holster, by 10 if on a lanyard behindthe back.

• Carbine or Shotgun -- assumed to be on asling, under a knee length cloak (not a coat), oron a lanyard, under a knee length coat. TheConcealment DC for sitting is lowered by 6,but for running, it is lowered by 4 if on a sling,10 if on a lanyard.

• Rifle (not the big game rifle) -- assumed to beon a sling, under a calf, or ankle length cloak.Concealment DC drops by 10 upon sitting andby 4 if running.

• Big Game Rifle -- assumed to be "cleverly"disguised as a six-foot wide, rolled bedroll (fortwo) slung on the back. In short, the characterwould have to be real creative to find a way toconceal this weapon and still have quickaccess to it.

Observers make a spot check to see if they spot theconcealed firearm. Naturally, there are somepossible modifiers. Detective or criminal Classesget a +2 bonus to spot checks for firearms.• If a character (say a police officer) walks pass

in the opposite direction on the street, a normalspot check is rolled. The observer cannot take10 (or 20) for this check, unless the observerhas been warned to look for the individual bydescription or the individual is drawingattention by her actions, in which case theobserver may take 10.

• If the character carrying the concealed weaponis moving slowly, with a crowd, pass a fixedobserver (such as a police officer) there is a -2modifier to the spot check because of thecrowd.

• If the character carrying the concealed weaponis moving slowly in single file past a stationaryobserver, the observer may take 10, but nomodifiers apply.

• If the character carrying a concealed weapon ispresent at an (30 minutes or longer) event,such as a dinner party, where an observer canwatch the character for long periods and/orrepeatedly see the character during the event,the observer may take 20. If the observer hasreason to be suspicious of the character(perhaps advance warning), then they shouldtake 20.

• Multiple weapons have an impact on theconcealment DC. Each additional weaponbeyond the first weapon lowers theconcealment DC (of the worst DC of the set)by 1. Derringers in bosom, wrist, or thighholsters or in purses do not count against thistotal. A navy pistol in a ladies purse also doesnot count against this total.

A police officer (or other character) mightphysically search the character in which case asearch skill check is made. The same concealmentDC is used. As with spot check, a detective orcriminal kit get a +2 bonus on this search forfirearms. If the searcher is hurried, watching othersuspects, or under a threat, the check must berolled. If not pressured, a standard search forweapons would be the "take 10." A search at apolice station that amounts to a strip search wouldbe a "take 20." However, in this era, European orAmerican police officers are more respectful ofbody privacy so such searches are less common,particularly of women.

Nonstandard Ammunition for Firearms

Sometimes characters in Gothic Earth wish thebullets of their gun (or the pellets in their shotgun)

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 76

were made of something other than lead. Somemonsters are only harmed by mundane weapons ifthe weapons are made of a certain material. Theuse of silver weapons to injure werewolves is awell-known example. Other monsters might bevulnerable to other materials. Since magic weaponsare so rare (nonexistent?) in Gothic Earth,characters do not have the option of a magicalweapon that will hit anything. However, suchweapons, bullets or shotgun shells, are notcommonly available in a variety of materials.

Silver bullets are available in small quantities fromsome of the larger suppliers of ammunition. Theysee it as a novelty item and do not keep largeamounts on hand. Silver bullets (1d10) of any onetype will be available once per adventure if there isa company in the area. Eley Bros. LTD., of London(England), Birmingham (England), Glasgow(Scotland), and Liege (Belgium) is one suchcompany. The Society of the White Rose in theLiving Death campaign has arranged for a privatesupplier to stock silver bullets in Hong Kong and inDenver, Colorado, USA, as of 1894. The cost percartridge with silver bullet from such suppliers is:derringer-15 cents; navy pistol-40 cents; armypistol-55 cents; carbine- 50 cents; and rifle-75cents. These suppliers do not have bullets of othermaterials, nor do they have shotgun shells withsilver (or other material) pellets. Sometimes, theSociety of the White Rose may supply its heroesdirectly with some specific ammunition. Suchcases are described in a tournament module.

The Gunsmith Skill allows a character to make bothstandard and nonstandard ammunition for firearms.Only one gunsmith skill check is permitted perLiving Death module for a specific character.Failure of the skill check means that half the costper cartridge was wasted. A set of 25 lead bulletscan be made for half the book price with a DC of10. Lead bullets are easy to make, though, becauseordinary fires are hot enough to melt lead (620 F).The only tools are an iron or copper pot, a bulletmold, and the reloading tools. These tools cost $2.

Silver, gold, and copper are other desired materialsfor firearm ammunition. These material melt atmuch higher temperatures (between 1760 F and1980 F) and ordinary fires do not get that hot. (Aconventional gas-heated, box oven tops out about1250 F.) You need access to something similar to aforced air furnace to melt enough silver, gold, orcopper to make the bullets. A character maypurchase the needed equipment for $70 as a one-time expense. The cost (in dollars) per bullet isshown below. Bullets are attempted in lots up to 25bullets (character choice of one type & number perattempt) with a DC of 15. Failure results in the loss

of half the cost per bullet. Only one gunsmith checkto make nonstandard ammunition can be made perLiving Death tournament module.

Table 7:3 Making unusual Bullets/Cost perBullet

Firearm Silver Gold CopperDerringer 0.10 1.00 0.05Navy Pistol 0.30 3.00 0.05Army Pistol 0.50 5.00 0.10Rifle 0.60 6.00 0.10Carbine 0.40 4.00 0.10

While it is possible to make iron or steel bullets,due to the temperatures for melting iron or steel aswell as the hardness of the materials, it is notfeasible for an individual to do this in a simple shopwith the Gunsmith skill. It is possible that suchbullets might be available upon rare occasions in aLiving Death module. Bullets made of ice, glass,or rock minerals are not possible without magicalassistance.

As stated in the Damage Rolls section, use ofnonstandard bullets reduces the damage by 1 pointper original damage die. Hence, silver bullets forderringers are -1, army pistols are -2, for rifles a -3,and for big game rifles, a -4.

Some heroes would also like to have shotgun (orscattergun) shells also loaded with exotic materials.In addition to the silver, gold, copper, iron, or steel,heroes have been known to try to put various rockminerals into shotguns. Conceivably charactersmight try glass as well. Special material pelletpacking of shells is possible. The Gunsmith skill,access to the materials and tools, and time are ofcourse required. For this purpose, the character isassumed to purchase small gauge wire of silver,gold, or copper and then cut off small piecesroughly the size of a shotgun pellet. Steel or ironwould come in fine rods, and would be similarlycut into small pieces. Some grinding or polishingmight be done to smooth the rough edges. Glass orrock materials would be smashed with a hammerinto small fragments. The glass could be smoothedby use of heat, but the rock materials are naturallyirregular and cannot be smoothed. The use of silver,gold, copper, iron, steel, or glass pellets will notharm the barrels. Use of minerals or irregular-shaped materials will damage the barrel(s) after 3such firings. The basic reloading equipment forshotgun shells cost $1.50. The DC for makingthese nonstandard shells (up to 10 shells in a lot) is10. The cost per shell is silver - 60 cents, gold - $5,copper - 10 cents, iron - 20 cents, steel - 20 cents,

Chapter Seven: Firearms in Gothic Earth 77

glass - 5 cents, and rock materials (if commonlyavailable) 5 cents.

Packing the barrel(s) of a shotgun with finematerials (rocks, metals, etc.) other than rock salt asan expedient measure will work only once, ruining

the barrel(s). The range increment for all such caseswill be only 25% of normal. Packing the barrel(s)of a shotgun with objects that are greater than 0.25inch in any dimension will cause the barrel tobecome blocked upon firing, ruining the barrel.

Chapter Eight: Adventuringin Gothic Earth

Powers ChecksEvil done in the name of Good is still evil. Manyevents in our own world which we look back ontoday as deeds of great evil were done by peoplewho claimed that they were serving the forces ofGood. Tempting people by offering what mayseem to be a chance to improve the welfare ofthe greater good at the cost of doing somethingthat is evil is one of the Red Death’s favoriteploys for gaining allies.

The Red Death is a being of great evil who hascorrupted the world of Gothic Earth, drainingand twisting magical energies. Because of this,using magic is also dangerous and can cause thecorruption of the caster, even if they are doing abeneficial spell such as cure wounds or mending.Rare is the Adept or Mystic who achieves greatpower without feeling the taint of the Red Death.

As far as anyone can tell, it has no corporealbody. The best analogy of this creature is that itis like an awareness or presence that watchesover the fabric of our world. When a deed of evilis done or when magic is used a light flashesbriefly in the darkness and there is a chance thatthe Red Death will notice it. The greater the evil,or magic being used, the brighter the light andthe greater chance for being noticed. Thefrequency can also increase the chance of theattention of the Red Death being brought to bearon you.

When the Red Death notices you, it tries to temptyou by granting you a special ability thatenhances a skill you already have, or gives youan entirely new skill. There is always a costassociated with the new skill or ability, butmany are so tempted by this increase in theirpersonal power that the cost seems insignificant.The Red Death increase the temptation andbeckons you to further corruption by offering

greater power. The steps of this process arereferred to as Stages of Corruption and thosewho the Red Death is tempting in this way arereferred to as the Tainted. Failing a power checkstarts the descent, with additional failures pavingthe way through the Stages. Each Power Checkis a percentage roll. The Suggested PowerChecks Chart lists many of the circumstancesthat would call for a Power Check. These shouldbe considered base numbers for the roll. If theroll is that number or less then the Power Checkis failed and the character has gained the noticeof the Red Death. Such things as location mayadjust the DC of the check.

While the percentage chance of the Red Deathnoticing any singular occurrence of magic issomewhat slim, frequent use of magical abilities(including arcane skills) or frequent evil actsmay in fact increase the likelihood of the herobeing noticed by The Red Death. Repeated deedsof evil have a greater chance of being noticed bythe Red Death. If a hero commits a secondcriminal or violent deed (as shown by the chart)within one hour per 1%of the power check of thefirst deed then the second power check is thesum of the two. For example, if a hero brutallymurders an evil NPC, the power check is 3%. Ifwithin 3 hours (from the 3%) the hero lies toanother hero, the Powers Check for the lie is 4%,instead of 1%. If a third deed occurs within thewindow of the first deed then all 3 are addedtogether. Otherwise it is compared to the seconddeed.

For spell casting (or use of the arcane skills:Sixth Sense, Prognostication and Psychometry)the window on the power check is 10 minutesper 1% of the first spell. If for instance a spellcaster cast ten 1st level spells within ten minutes(all for a good purpose) the successive checkswould be: 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%,9%, and 10%.

If a previous Power Check failed, i.e., the RedDeath noticed the hero, then all powers checksfor the next eight hours are doubled (includingones for frequency)..

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 78

Table 8:1 Suggested Power Checks


Check5 Unholy Acts Checks6

Assault, unprovoked */ 1 /2/4 Breaking a tenet */1/2/5Assault, grievous 1/2/4/6 Breaking an Oath */2/5/10Betrayal, major 1/3/6/9 Breaking a vow */5/10/#Betrayal, minor */1/3/6 Desecration */4/8/#Extortion */2/5/8 Bestowing Curses Check7

Lying */*/*/1 Embarrassing 2%Murder, Brutal 3/6/10/# Frustrating 4%Murder, premeditated 2/3/9/15 Troublesome 8%Theft, grave robbing */1/5/7 Dangerous 16%Theft, major */1/4/10 Lethal 32%Theft, minor */1/3/6 Spellcasting Check8

Threat of violence */*/1/2 Casting a spell for Good 1% per levelTorture, routine 4/7/#/# Casting a spell for Evil 2% per levelTorture, sadistic 10/#/#/# Necromancy School/Domain and Death,

Destruction & Evil Domains2 x the normal

chance• * no check needed• # Act of Ultimate Darkness: automatic failure or chance greater than 10% as DM deems required.

5 Numbers indicates percentage chance for acts against Evil NPCs or Monsters/ Neutral NPCs/GoodNPCs/PCs or innocents6 numbers indicate percentage chance for acts against: evil faiths/ neutral faiths/good faiths/PC’s faith7 Check is made if the curse succeeds or fails8 0 level spells and Arcane Skills that touch the web have a min. 1% check

Possible Effects of Corruption by theRed Death

In the past, because this is a tournamentcampaign, we have down played some parts ofthe corruption/ temptation of player characters.However, NPCs may have these visual effectsand the campaign may in the future be able toincorporate more of this interesting aspect ofadventuring in Gothic Earth. Since Heroes maygain a more detailed knowledge of such effectsby taking Forbidden Lore into Red DeathCorruption and Redemption, the information isincluded.

“Good” effectsCommonly gain significant improvement inone of the five (or even sixth) senses –Vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch. (KeenSense Feat or Uncanny Sense Feat)

Improved physical or mental abilities.(Increases in character abilities.)

Greater knowledge or skills withoutapparent study. (Increased skills)

Innate arcane power to cause magicaleffects .

“Bad” effects

Excessive fondness for consumption of aspecific drink or food.

Observable physical changes: Skin color changesor blemishes or sores. Changes to eyes,fingernails, toenails, hair, or breath.

Fondness or affinity for specific creaturesfor companionship.

The compulsion to lie or steal without cause.

The compulsion to torture or sacrifice livingcreatures.

The compulsion to kill wantonly or destroycivilization.

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 79

Changes in physical form to a non-humancreature, even though some positive effectsmay be associated with such changes. Thiscould be uncontrolled or controlled changes .

Stages of CorruptionIt is possible for one who has become tainted tobe redeemed from her terrible fate. She musttruly wish to be redeemed and acknowledge whatactions of hers brought her to this state. Itrequires a Mystic to ask the spirits to shoulderthe burden of evil.

It is believed that there are six Stages ofCorruption but a Mystic cannot redeem you ifyou have reached Stage 5. Each Stage grantinggreater gifts and more obvious signs ofcorruption. It may start out as a gift of UncannySense of Hearing while your ears becomeslightly pointed and a soft down like fur coversthe back of them. Each benefit has a hindrancethat becomes more obvious the deeper you sinkinto corruption. Those with Forbidden Lore-Corruption & Redemption skill study and try toanalyze this phenomenon.

Stages of CorruptionZero:People without any corruption are known as theclean, or if they recovered from a previous taint,redeemed.

One: The EnticementPeople in stage one are often called Unclean.The Unclean might be relieved by a mystic ritualBless.

Two: The InvitationPeople in stage two are often called Accursed.The Accursed might be relieved by a mysticritual Remove Curse.

Three: The Touch of DarknessPeople in stage three are often called Corrupted.The Corrupted might be relieved by a mysticalritual of Atonement.

Four: The EmbracePeople in stage four are often called Beast.Some ancient tomes say a Beast might beredeemed, but powerful ritual (GreaterRestoration) is required.

Five: Creature of the Red DeathPeople in stage five are just known as Creatures

There are thought to be further stages ofcorruption but all are wholly agents of the RedDeath and quite powerful.


Reversal of the corruption of the Red Death firstrequires that the character is willing. In somecase, the character may not seek redemption. Toremove Stage One corruption, a successful Blessspell is required. Stage Two needs a RemoveCurse and a Bless, Stage Three needs anAtonement, Remove Curse and a Bless and StageFour needs Greater Restoration, Atonement,Remove Curse and a Bless. Basically each spellremoves one layer of corruption and each mustbe done in order. As each stage of corruption isrolled back, the benefit and hindrance of theprevious stage of corruption disappears.

As Living Death is a tournament campaign wehave had to develop the following rules forhandling the corruption and redemption ofheroes. Unfortunately that tends to downplay thetemptation, but so far it has been necessary and abetter method has not been perfected as of yet.Any change of this system will be published inPolyhedron, as well as being listed in LDtournaments.

If a hero fails a Powers check for an evil act orspell casting, during the tournament they do notget any special ability or sign of their corruption;however, they are aware they have attracted theRed Death’s notice. The hero will sense that sheis being observed or brushed by the Red Death.If a character fails two Powers Checks for evilacts during one tournament module, then theyare converted to NPC status. The character isconsidered to have succumbed to the temptationof the power and evil of the Red Death. If acharacter fails three Powers Checks forspellcasting or use of Arcane Skills ( or one forevil acts and two for spellcasting) during thetournament, they are converted to NPC status.The character is considered to have succumbedto the temptation of the power and evil of theRed Death.

If there is a mystic PC or NPC present, they canattempt to help the tainted PC by casting theappropriate spells (described above) during theevent. If the hero only failed one (or in the caseof a spellcaster, two) Powers Check, then it is

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 80

assumed that the Society arranges for the heroes'redemption in-between assignments. Players ofheroes who have succumbed to the temptation ofthe Red Death should contact the LD CampaignCoordinator.

Fear, Horror and MadnessChecksThese checks are tools to promote good role-playing. If the players are reacting appropriatelyto the situations, then the DM does not need tomake the players roll these checks.

FearFear is the response to an immediate physicalthreat. This is frequently a creature but it couldbe someone who threatens them withoverwhelming power or strength. Anothertrigger for a Fear check in Gothic Earth is whenthe characters are faced with something whosenature they understand but whose scopebewilders them. For example, most characterswill have some familiarity with machines andelectricity, but if faced with a humanoid wholooks to be pieced together and gives offelectrical sparks, the average citizen is likely tobe very afraid.

Fear is considered to be an assault on your mind;therefore it is a Will Save with WisdomModifier. The base DC for this is 15, but uniqueaspects of the creature or event may vary this. Ifso, then that adjusted DC will be listed in thetournament. The modifiers listed below arethose that depended upon unique aspects of thecharacters playing the event.

You have a spell already cast on you that ishelpful against the encounter +4

You have a magical item that is particularlyhelpful against the encounter +4

Friend or Family endangered +4

Facing the same threat again on the same day+1

Know how a similar encounter was defeated+4

Defeated previously by a similar encounter-4

The results of a failed Fear Check are the sameas the effect of failing the save from the spellFear-see PHB for details.

HorrorThe distinction between Fear and Horror is oftenhard to discern. While Fear deals with animmediate physical threat, a Horror Checkoccurs when a character stumbles on somethingsupernatural that no human was meant to see.Horror deals with a wider array of emotions suchas anguish, revulsion and repugnance that are sointense they could cause a physical sickness. Anexperienced adventurer in Gothic Earth may nolonger react in Fear when they see thetransformation of a person into a werewolf forthey know how to defeat the creature. Howeverif the person changing is a friend or familymember, then a Horror check is called for.

Horror Checks are Fortitude Saves with Wisdommodifier instead of Constitution. The base DCfor this is 15, but unique aspects of the creatureor event may vary this. If so, then that adjustedDC will be listed in the tournament. Themodifiers listed below are those that dependedupon unique aspects of the characters playingthe event.

Lawful Good Hero -1Hero knows a person in the scene -2Close friend or family member in the scene

-4Closed quarters -1Open area (room to run) +1

Failing a Horror CheckHeroes who fail are stunned for one round; shecannot move attack or defend herself. A d6 isrolled to find the result of the failed check.

Failed Horror Check Results1 Aversion: You cannot bear to look at

the scene or object. It is impossible foryou to stay in an enclosed space wherethat scene is located. You must stay atleast 30’ away. If you violate that, youare automatically Fear struck. A similarscene will automatically affect you.You do not get a new check.

2 Revulsion: This is a stronger version ofthe above. Things that bear a

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 81

resemblance or could be reminders ofthe scene are repugnant to you. If thescene was especially bloody, red wineor rare meat might cause a reaction.

3 Obsession: The experience replays overand over again in your mind. By dayyou are compelled to talk about it ; bynight your dreams are so bad, youcannot get any rest. Each sleepless nightreduces your attack rolls by 1(cumulative). Mystics and Adepts arenot rested enough to meditate andregain spells. A sleep spell will help (noadditional negatives but your negativemodifiers remain the same).

4 Senseless Rage: You are filled withrage and anger with only one desire-tosmash and destroy the that whichhorrified you. You attack anything inyour way. You gain +2 to both to hitand damage rolls as well as an extraattack if using a melee weapon . Ifusing a firearm, you automatically usePanic Fire. You lose any Dexteritymodifier to your AC as you areconcentrating on the destruction of whatwas before you above all else. Evenafter it is destroyed you continue toattack it. You can make a Will saveattempt every other round to stop. Therage continues to simmer inside you. Ifyou see a similar scene, you must makea Horror check at a –2. If you fail, youautomatically fall into a Senseless Rage.

5 Mental Shock: You remain stunned forthree rounds; after that you can make aWill check each round to throw it off. Ifyou fail 3 consecutive checks, you slipinto a deep shock. Once in deep shockyou can only attempt to throw it offonce per hour. If you come across asimilar horror scene your check is madewith a penalty of -2 and youautomatically suffer the effects ofMental shock

6 Fear struck: If you come across asimilar horror scene, your check ismade with a penalty of -2 and youautomatically suffer the effects ofbeing Fear struck

Removing the Horror Struck StateThere are some spells that may be effective inthis cause. If cast soon after the event (withinone week), Modify Memory may be able to lift

the effect. This is limited by the duration of thatwhich caused the Horror Struck State in the firstplace. If that occurred over a period time longerthan one hour, the spell will not be able to help.A Forget Spell cast immediately after the eventmay also cure the problem. The spells Heal andGreater Restoration will also cure the HorrorStuck State.

The Psychology EffectIf a hero with the Psychology skill is nearby,they can affect how the failed horror checks areresolved. If during the round the horrifiedcharacter is stunned, the character withPsychology is able to converse with themwithout being disturbed, they can delay the onsetof the Horror Struck State. The affectedcharacter is considered to be in a state of shockand all attacks, saves and skill checks are at a –4.The shocked hero must keep the Psychologistwithin sight or will lapse into the Horror StruckState.

Once a hero is in a Horror Stuck state, it is up tothe Psychologist to attempt to cure him. Theymust stay under the care of someone with thePsychology skill. The person with the skill canmake a check for each week the patient is undertheir care. If the Psychologist also has theMesmerism skill , they get a +2 to their skillcheck. If the patient cannot be moved tosomewhere quiet and secure for at least a week,then a penalty of at least –2 is applied to the roll.If successful, the patient is cured permanently ofthe Horror Struck state. The DC of this check is20.

A hero with the horror struck state that is notbeing cared for by a hero psychologist by the endof the adventure remains in the horror struckstate. They will be functional as long as thatwhich triggered the horror struck state in the firstplace does not reoccur. However if their fellowadventures mention the problem (in a report ontheir mission) the White Rose will send someoneto work with stricken hero. The judge shouldmake the appropriate checks to determine howlong the hero is out of play.

MadnessThe madness check is mainly reserved for casesin which the person experiences the inner mind

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 82

of an evil, supernatural monster. The check is aWill save with Wisdom Modifier; the DC willvary depending on the situation. If you fail, thenroll a d6 to find out the actual result. Unlike Fearand Horror checks, Madness checks normallyneed to be rolled as they represent the possibilitythat the character has seen too much tocomprehend and stay sane. Some tournamentswill have an alternate results table based on whatoccurred in the module. A player should have acertificate for failed Madness Check, this allowsfor the chance of a continued play as well as achance for being cured.

The definitions below are for game purposes andmay not resemble current day definitions of thesemental health problems.

Failed Madness Check Results1. Schizophrenia: This fragments the mind intoseveral specialized personalities, capable ofdealing with a particular kind of situation withno assurance that the appropriate personality willbe dominant at the right time. There is a chancein any emotionally charged or stressful situationfor the character to change personalities. Thisbase chance is 25% otherwise roll each day tosee which character is the main one for that day.You can use the following table to determine thepersonality type or you can make your own listof personalities:

1. Aggressive, violent person2. Passive, submissive victim3. Naïve, friendly child4. Angry, sulking5. Kind, sympathetic6. Aloof, snooty intellectual7. Artistic, creative8. Compulsive liar9. Bratty smart mouth child10. Stubborn defender11. Cheerful extrovert12. Spiteful accuser

2. Severe Depression: The character loses all willto take action. She only wants to be left aloneand there is a chance to become suicidal. In anygiven situation, there is a 50% chance that thecharacter will not do anything, even to protecttheir own life. If the character has their lack ofself worth reinforced by someone else ( beingberated, criticized or insulted), there is a 50%chance the character will become suicidal. Shewill then attempt to flee or wander away andconcoct an elaborate plan to do away with

herself which has only a 25% chance ofsucceeding. She wants others to believe shewants to kill herself (thus gaining attention andcomforting) more than she wants to actually killherself.3. Delusions: The character believes herself to besomething or someone they are not. They see theworld around them somewhat normally--it is justthemselves that is changed. They take on a newpersona or identity and maintain it constantly.The player can choose the form, however theDM is allowed to veto and insist the playerchoose a different form for their character’sdelusion.4 Paranoia: Unreasoning fear of other people,item, place or action. The situation that triggersthe paranoia should dictate the item feared. Thefear should be large in scope and includeanything associated with the object of the fear.5. Hallucinations: The character sees herselfnormally but sees the world differently. How shesees the world should be centered around atheme, preferably one that has some link to whatcaused the horror in the first place. While anormal person subject to the sight of somethingover and over again becomes immune to thehorrifying effect of that sight, the personsuffering from this is incapable of that. The itemalways produces an emotional response whetherit be fright, enchantment or obsession.6. Amnesia: This is a personality change. Thecharacter suffers a partial change in alignmentand has no memories of his previous life. If shehad been suffering from the results of earlierfailed Fear, Horror or Madness checks, these arenow cured. Even if her memory is restored thoseevents will no longer have any control of her.Your alignment change is limited to whether youare Chaotic, Neutral or Lawful. You make a d6roll and use the following chart:Result1-3 Chaotic4 Neutral5-6 Lawful

Once the alignment is determined the playerneeds to develop a new personality. If they arehaving a hard time of this, they can use theearlier list for Schizophrenia.

The amnesia victim becomes for all intents andpurposes a 0-level character. They retain their hitpoints and ability scores but have no specialclass abilities (such as spell casting). If they haveany knowledge based skills, they can attempt touse them but gain no benefit from ranks in that

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 83

skill. They retain knowledge of how to useweapons (including benefits from Feats) andlanguage skills.

If later cured the former amnesiac can decide toeither use any experienced gained to multi class.Otherwise any experienced gain while anamnesiac is halved.

Removing MadnessThere are only two spells that can possibly helpthe victim of Madness. Heal or GreaterRestoration spells can cure mental illness.

The Psychology EffectOnce a hero succumbs to Madness, it is up to thePsychologist to attempt to cure him. They muststay under the care of someone with thePsychology skill. The person with the skill canmake a skill check at a -4 each month, thepatient is under their care. If the Psychologistalso has the Mesmerism skill, they get a +2 totheir skill check. The DC of this check is 25.

If left in the care of the White Rose the hero isout of play for six months.

CursesWhen a curse is employed on Gothic Earth it isless likely that it will be recognized for what itis. Most people believe in the power of scienceand laugh at those who believe in superstitiousthings like curses. So while curses are less likelyto occur, it is also less likely that a cursed personwill be able to find magical relief from a theircurse.

Curses are caused either through magical means(geas, quest, limited wish, wish, bestow ancientcurse, bestow curse, bestow greater curse) orthrough the actions of the character. The actionsof a character could cause what amounts to a selfinflicted curse by doing something that attractedthe attention of the Red Death which grantedsome wish of the character but in a twisted way.Or their actions may cause another to suchheights of rage for vengeance that the Red Deathgrants them their wish.

Because of the nature of Gothic Earth and theinterference of the Red Death, a Remove Curseor a Break Enchantment spell by itself will not

be enough to aid. See spell descriptions forduration of relief from the curse that these spellscan bring. Whenever a curse is laid upon a heroor NPC in Living Death, the requirements forcompletely removing the curse will be listed inthe tournament module.

Turning UndeadAttempting to Turn Undead in MotRD is verysimilar to attempting it in D&D. There arehowever, two major differences in MotRD. InD&D Turning Undead is a Standard action, inMotRD it is a Full Round action. Otherdifference involves the Turning Check. InMotRD the turning check is a (D20-3) +Charisma modifier.

The Society of the WhiteRose

The history of Gothic Earth presented in theMasque of the Red Death box set (and availableon the Official Campaign web site) mentionsvarious secret societies that have sprung upthrough the centuries. These societies arereferred to as qabals. Some of these qabals areaware of and fight the Red Death. The qabalsoften have a different approaches but similargoals , that is to defeat the Red Death. There arealso groups whose aim are to further increase thepower of the Red Death, as well as their ownpower.

The premise of the Living Death campaign isthat the player characters are members of qabal,The Society of the White Rose. It is this groupwhich gathers the characters together andpresents them with a task to accomplish or aninvestigation to complete. The Society of theWhite Rose is an international society ofordinary people with an extraordinarycommonality of purpose. The members haveexperienced an event that clearly is outside thebounds of normal laws of nature, that is to say“supernatural.” They have banded together tofight the Red Death and its minions. TheSociety’s goal is to identify, acquire and use ameans to rid our world of the Red Death.

The Society is believed to have been organizedsometime during the latter half of the 18th

century, possibly in North America. There aresome indications that Benjamin Franklin had arole in organizing the society

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 84

Some of the more unusual aspects of thesociety's makeup could have developed from hisinfluence. Historically speaking, most of theqabals were formed by people with similaroutlooks on life (alignment) as well as having acommon goal.. While most qabals can actual belabeled or defined by the alignment of a majorityof their members, that is not true of the WhiteRose. The membership of the White Rose ismuch more varied which may explain it’s growthover the past century. It values the contributionsof all, no matter their background, so long asthey share the common goal . The members andoperations are dispersed throughout the world.Ethically speaking they are somewhat pragmaticwhen it comes to the laws of individual countriesand states. They would prefer on the whole notto have to ask anyone to break a law, but if it isnecessary to achieve a victory against the RedDeath they will do so. They realize the risk inthis and so they have taken steps in theorganization of the society to provide a means toredeem those who have been tainted.

Qualifications for membershipFirst, and most importantly, a person must havewitnessed a supernatural event that serves as amotivation for them to fight the Red Death.Second, they must be sufficiently dedicated tospend considerable time and effort in this quest.Third, they must be able to read and write, in atleast one language. (It is unacceptable practicefor a Traveler to ask an outsider to read a Societyletter or telegram. As these are frequently usedmethods of communication, persons who couldnot read would never find out about anExpedition.) Fourth, they must be willing tosubordinate their other beliefs and biases to theExpeditions. Fifth, they must be willing to workwith and to trust their teammates. The Societyrealizes that our international diversity willensure that many different faiths, backgrounds,and personal prejudices will be present amongthe Travelers. The Society cannot screen outsuch attitudes. However, such attitudes shall notbe allowed to degrade the effectiveness of theExpedition. Travelers who cannot havecooperative meetings with either natives or otherTravelers are not effective. They may be lettingtheir other beliefs be of greater importance tothem than their dedication to fighting the RedDeath. Such individuals are invited to leave the

Society. Sixth, they must be willing to follow theSociety security procedures.

What happens to a Traveler who breaks the lawin the performance of his expedition?

Travelers are cautioned to obey the local laws tothe fullest extent possible. Membership in theSociety is certainly not a license to kill, steal orcause wanton destruction. The Society of theWhite Rose exists to help protect ourcivilization. The Society cannot retrieve aTraveler out of prison other than by quasi-legalmeans, and it must keep all contacts indirect.The Society will not turn a Traveler over to legalauthorities if the violation occurred during anexpedition and was considered necessary andunavoidable by the Council. However, Travelerswho have become unacceptable liabilities willbecome the responsibility of the Shepherds.

Can Society members, particularly Travelers,socialize amongst each other in betweenexpeditions?

While the Society cannot “outlaw” suchmeetings, frequent contact between Travelersoutside of official expeditions may run the riskof a security leak and unwanted attention by ouradversaries. The Society will not sponsor norcondone any group social function such as a“reunion,” an “awards banquet,” or a Society“picnic.” The Society may need to assemblelarge groups of Travelers for certain types ofExpeditions, which will be set up in the normalmanner.

How does a member become a part of the InnerCircle?

Becoming a senior member of the Society of theWhite Rose has more requirements than justbeing experienced. One must show seasonedjudgment, quick wit, impeccable morals, andunfaltering dedication in the Society’s work.From time to time, more experienced memberswill be given the opportunity to witness andsupport different aspects of the Society’soperations. Recommendations from currentsenior members are mandatory.

The Organizational StructureA group known as the Council sets the policy ofthe Society. The Council does not involve itself

Chapter Eight: Adventuring in Gothic Earth 85

with daily operations, but identifies Societygoals, raises contributions to the Society, andoversees the Inner Circle and the Shepherds.The Inner Circle, the senior level of our Society,coordinates the various departments of theSociety. The Shepherds guard vigilantly againstthe Red Death corrupting the Society. Realizingthat in this high-risk quest, some heroes will fallfrom grace, the Council made provision toensure that the taint is safely contained andremoved from the Society.

The highest risk department is, of course, theExpeditions. Within this department, there areField Researchers, Field Watchers, and theTravelers (also referred to as Explorers by olderhands).

• The Field Researchers are solo investigatorsof unusual reports or known groups.Typically, they live and work in a locationfor weeks or months. They may be livingwith a false identity. These dedicatedpeople gather information about localevents, people, or phenomenon and pass thatback to the Area Field Supervisor for reviewand action. In some circles, peopleperforming such duties would be calledspies.

• The Field Watchers perform a longer-termrole for the Society. Often recruited locally,they watch and report on any events thatmight occur in their geographic area.Sometimes, Field Watchers are retiredTravelers or Researchers, and their dutiesare not onerous. Often, Field Watchers arenot full members of the Society; i.e., theyare not “witting” of the true scope andpurpose of the Society of the White Rose.Other members should be discrete indiscussing details of the Society with FieldWatchers, or any who are not members ofthe Inner Circle for that matter.

• The Travelers are our brave heroes whoventure into danger, sometimes known,sometimes not, with instructions (general orspecific) to identify the problem and, ifpossible and necessary, end theproblem…permanently. The Society doestry to prepare the Travelers for their“mission” with foreknowledge and resourcesbut often timeliness prevents more than ahastily assembled team. All Travelers arereminded that there is no shame in a discrete

withdrawal and a call for help in the face ofoverwhelming odds. Select senior travelerswill be assembled to respond such cries foraid. While the Society tries to avoid sendingTravelers on tasks certain to fail, we doexpect that these heroes will be resourceful.Travelers are expected to be available at amoment’s notice and to maintain a validpassport.

Expeditions would have little foreknowledge andno aid with spells if not for the department ofScholars. Scholars are the various experts withinthe Society are often unique in their knowledgeof history, languages, science, Forbidden Lore,spiritcraft, or spellcraft. Usually these expertslive quietly in a set location, answer questionsput to them through mail or couriers, and writereports based upon their studies. Scholars poreover the fragmentary field reports, trying to piecetogether the plans and activities of ouradversaries. Some Scholars are former FieldResearchers or Travelers who have decided thatthe less risky profession of Scholars is more totheir liking. Many Scholars teach at renowneduniversities. Some Scholars are ForbiddenLoremasters.

The Travelers sometimes leave a community orgovernment in a state of confusion and disbeliefabout supernatural events. The department ofJournalists works with various journalists,embassies and police departments around theworld to provide them with a comforting,mundane explanation of the events they mayhave just witnessed. Of course, this departmentshould not be taken as license to wantonindiscretion by Society members.

Some Travelers, Field Researchers, or rarelyScholars become injured with mundane orsupernatural wounds in the performance of theirduties. The department of Ministers providessplendid medical assistance, including a first-class sanitarium for mentally disturbed members,as well as spiritual healers. The latter tend to ourmembers who have become tainted with thecorrupting touch of the Red Death, but aredeemed to be still salvageable. Those beyondsalvage, or declining spiritual healing, are left tothe care of the Shepherds. Travelers in poorhealth will be provided with a free, unlimitedstay in the Society’s comfortable, privatesanitarium until they recover.

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The Shepherds have the charge of protecting theSociety from the taint of the Red Death on theinside. The Shepherds insure that no wolves insheep’s skin hide in our flock. They also dealwith members who have gone “rogue.” Recentlythe staff and the vigilance of the Shepherds wereincreased to rectify a few lapses early on in thesecurity of the Society.A very secret function within the Society isperformed by Qabalists. They are not part of aseparate department, but typically are Travelers.Their role is to gather information for the WhiteRose specifically on other Qabals.

One of the more obscure departments,deliberately so, is the department of the Keepers.This very small department consists ofcustodians of special items or, in a few cases,places. Sometimes an item found by Travelers isdeposited with a Keeper who acts as the guardianfor that item. Their identity and location as wellas their responsibility are closely held secrets.

Of course, even a dedicated Society such as ourscould not function without money to coverexpenses. The department of accounting holdsand transfers funds through major banks andWestern Union, buys tickets for rail or sea travel,pays for lodging, rent, or leases, and paysstipends for dedicated research.

With members dispersed throughout the worldthe Society uses telegrams, letters, notes,newspaper classified ads, and field personnel topass information to the Travelers. The Society iscurrently securing a network of telephones incertain major cities to provide more timelycommunications. Travelers must notify theSociety when they depart for a new location.Loss of contact will not only prevent their usefor specific expeditions; it will be consideredcause for review by the Shepherds of the mentaland spiritual health of the Travelers. The use ofcodewords, code phrases, and recognitionsymbols, such as a white rose, are an essentialpart of the Society’s safety program. NewTravelers are urged to learn the system and oldTravelers are urged not to become complacent.

Magic in Gothic Earth 87

Chapter Nine: MagicThousands of years ago, a group of ancientEgyptians unwittingly allowed an unspeakable evilinto the world. It was not their intention to tarnishmagic or to deliver an evil force unto mankind. Itwas not their intent, but it was the consequence oftheir actions. A being, already banished from thenether-realms it called home for its acts ofunspeakable darkness, found itself trappedsomewhere between life and death. When ancientpriests of Egypt attempted to sunder the barriersbetween those realms, the diabolical creatureslipped through the temporary rift and into GothicEarth and so the Red Death entered Gothic Earth.As the powers of the Red Death grew in the world,magic became corrupted. The use of magic becameso dangerous that no sane person would attempt touse it.

In the 1890's magic is a lost and forgotten art. Thestories of ancient wizards like Merlin or greatsocieties like Atlantis are dismissed as fictional.Few people recognize that virtually all suchlegends are rooted in fact. Adepts and Mystics, thetwo player character classes able to harnessmagical power, are the last of a dying breed.Although countless evil creatures, as well as themysterious Vistani, seem able to wield spells, fewmortal men dare to do so.

Two types of magic exist: Arcane and Mystic.Although similar results can be created with bothforms, the ways in which these spells derive powerand manifest effects are very different.

General GuidelinesAlthough its use threatens great peril, magic cancreate results that science cannot begin to explain.Still, magic is not all-powerful. It has limitations,and no creature, not even the Red Death itself, canbend it toward every desired result. Therefore,some guidelines have been created that shouldalways be considered when evaluating the use ofmagic on Gothic Earth.

Planar Travel:Unlike the lands of Ravenloft seated in theDemiplane of Dread, Gothic Earth spins throughthe prime material plane. Since the day that theRed Death entered this world, travel from GothicEarth to other planes of existence has been all butimpossible. While certain creatures can travel toGothic Earth from these nether regions, theyinvariably find themselves permanently trapped.No spell that allows creatures to travel to anotherplane of existence functions on Gothic Earth. Many

of the D&D spells that involved travel or contactwith other planes are no longer known in GothicEarth and those few that do are not always reliable.

The only exception to these inaccessible planes isthe Border Ethereal, which may be reached by useof certain spells. Characters on the Border Etherealcannot pass beyond that realm, however, and mayexit only to Gothic Earth. Because of the lack ofplaner contact many of the spells developed onother worlds by powerful Wizards do not exist onGothic Earth or if they do they are known mymore mundane names.

Divination:Like the evil permeating the domains of Ravenloft,the radiant energy of the Red Death completelyprevents the use of spells for detection of good orevil. Law and chaos can be sensed magically, butonly careful observation of a subject can revealwhether it is good or evil.

Powers Checks:As many wise adepts have observed, the magic ofthis world is arrayed like a great spider web. At theheart of this web, waiting to strike like a ravenousspider, crouches the Red Death. Any use ofmagical energies sends minute vibrations throughthe web that can be sensed by this mysteriouspresence. The casting of any spell, especially oneused for evil or selfish results, has a chance ofdrawing the attention of the Red death. The moremagic an individual uses, the greater the chances ofbecoming an evil pawn under the malignant handof the Great Evil itself.

Necromancy and the Undead:Aspects of magic that deal with the undead andtheir sinister powers have been enhanced by thearrival of the Red Death. All such spells carrysomething of an evil twist, even if used forbeneficial purposes, and require the caster to makean especially risky powers check when using them.

The Enemy's Lair:In the lands of Ravenloft, no magic used by playercharacters can ever equal the specific powers of adomain lord. Gothic Earth is not divided intodomains and does not have dark lords. However,the most powerful of the planet's supernaturalcreatures have established lairs (a vampire's castle,a werewolf's forest, or a ghost's cemetery, forinstance) where their powers are assumed to bemaximized. These places are often referred to asSinkholes of Evil.

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Visual Effects;Many of the spells listed in the Player's Handbookhave pronounced visual elements associated withtheir casting such as Color Spray. On Gothic Earth,the visual elements of these spells are either mutedor eliminated entirely. Details for individual spellsfollow in the spell descriptions.

Powers Checks for SpellcastersIn the dread domains of Ravenloft, all spellsrequire the caster to make powers checks. This isespecially true of magic from the Necromancyschool and Necromantic Domain, or any magicused for an obviously evil purpose.

On Gothic Earth, no one casts a spell withoutalerting the Red Death to his presence to somedegree in most cases, that malevolent entity willnot respond to the vibrations within its web. Still,the danger associated with magic is ever presentand must be considered each time that a spell iscast. The use of magic whether be using an item , aspell or an arcane skill places the character at riskfor a power check.

The casting of any spell (even something ashonorable as cure light wounds) requires a PowersCheck with a percentage chance of failure equal tothe level of the spell. If a spell is cast for an evil orsinister purpose, or the spell is from theNecromancy school or the Necromantic, Evil orDestruction Domain, this chance is doubled. As arule of thumb, most of the spells cast by charactersduring the course of an adventure for defense,information gathering, or other passive effects areassumed to require the spell-level powers checks.

A more complete discussion of Powers Checks canbe found in the Adventuring in Gothic EarthChapter of this book.

Casting Times

The depleted and twisted magical energies ofGothic Earth are harder to tap than the energies inother D&D game worlds. To reflect this, most ofthe casting times listed for spells are increased. Inthe spell description section casting times are listedfor each spell. In cases in which a spell requiresmore than one day to cast, a character is assumedto be allowed a few brief breaks for food, drink,sleep, and other natural needs Anything other thanthese minimal distractions, however, results inspell failure.

Magical ItemsUnlike most campaign worlds of the D&D game,Gothic Earth is not littered with magical items.Magical items while not impossible to obtain, areappropriately rare. Permanent magical items willonly be available from first run events and in mostcases there will only be one. Occasionally, itemswill be made available that have a temporary (oneuse) effect. When these appear they will not beunique items and will still be available to players ofthose modules after the first run of the event.

On Gothic Earth, there is no such thing as a dagger+ 1 that is, a generic dagger of unknown origin thatprovides a combat bonus. Such weapons exist;however, no two such weapons are alike. Each hasits own history and special characteristics.

As a sample, consider a weapon of Oriental design.It might be known as fire of the morning sun; someresearch might reveal that it is said to havebelonged to the first Emperor of Japan. Also, thedagger might confer a +2 bonus if used within theborders of ancient Japan or in the hands of aJapanese character.

The Tainted WebJust as spells have been corrupted by the presenceof the Red Death, so too have magical items beentarnished. Any weapon, even the dagger presentedin the last paragraph, carries a lingering curse. Thecorruption may result in a negative effect (like acurse), perhaps a risk of further corruption (higherpercentage base for Powers check), or simply a callto creatures of the Red Death.

Arcane MagicArcane Magic refers to the magic employed byadepts. It is fueled by the caster's own life forceand directed by the strength of his will and theforce of his intellect. When an adept casts a spell,he is commanding the universe to change in someway, and fueling this reaction with a smallfragment of his own life.

This process obviously poses a risk to the life ofthe spellcaster. With each spell cast, the adeptbecomes gradually consumed by the magic he hasmastered. In the end, he may have greatsupernatural powers, but will be physically weakand decrepit.

This aspect of adept magic is especially importantwhen a character attempts to learn a new spell. Atsuch a time, while the character attempts to harnessthe mightiest of magical energies and knowledge,he is at the greatest risk. Thus, any time a character

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attempts to learn a new spell, a Constitution checkmust be made. The DC for the check is 10 + thelevel of the spell that the adept is trying to learn. Ifthe roll fails, the adept loses 1 point of Strength orConstitution. The player can select which attributeto reduce or can roll randomly to decide.

Schools of MagicAll the Arcane Magic spells in Masque of the RedDeath are divided into schools as in the D&D.Because of the corruption and depletion of magicmany spells that are found in the D&D PHB arenot found on Gothic Earth. Most adepts are selftaught or are single protégés of a master. There isno uniformity of training nor large schools orgroups working openly together. The language ofmagic itself is also corrupted and unclear. The onething all Arcane Spellcasters have in common is

the Spellcraft ability. It is this ability which allowsthem to actually cast spells.

Initial SpellsAdepts must maintain spellbooks. When a hero isfirst created, this book will contain only a fewspells. All adept characters begin the game withdetect magic and read magic spells. In addition, acharacter is assumed to know 4 other spells, for atotal of six. The spells are limited to two 0 leveland two 1st level. One spell of each level must be adefensive enchantment, while the other two may beoffensive spells. On the back page of the LivingDeath Character sheet there is a place to list yourstarting spells. All other spells require a certificate.

The players may select the spells their hero knowsfrom the following list:

Table 9:1 Choices for Starting SpellsDefensive Spells Offensive Spells0 level 0 level Resistance Daze Open/Close Disrupt Undead1st level 1st level Alarm Burning Hands Shield Charm Person Detect Undead Chill Touch Hold Portal Sleep Mage Armor Cause Fear

Magical StudiesAs this is a tournament campaign, some adjustmenthas been made to how adepts acquire new spells.Because of the amount of time spent working forthe White Rose the time an adept has to researchand learn new spells is limited. Because of this, theWhite Rose sends the adept a new spell to learn (atthe end of most adventures). Occasionally, theadept may find a spellbook while on a mission.Some of these books are tainted so strongly by theRed Death that keeping them for any length of timecan corrupt the adept, so some caution isrecommended.

Learning an Existing SpellFor a hero to learn a spell discovered in aspellbook, three steps are necessary:

• A Spellcraft check must be made for the heroto determine the spell's level and school. (DC=10+spell level) The caster can not take 10 or20 on this check.

• The PC must copy the spell into his ownspellbook, then roll a Spellcraft check todetermine whether the spell was copiedcorrectly.

• If the spell was copied successfully, the heromay attempt to cast the spell; the normalspellcraft check apply.

While Read Magic allows you to learn the ritualinvolved in casting the spell found, it does not tellthe adept exactly what the spell does. Unlike othercampaign settings in Gothic Earth there is no oneuniversal magical language that all Adepts studyand learn. Frequently the magical language hasbeen filtered or altered by the language of whoeverhas written the spell down, hence the difficulty.The steps to learning a new spell are detailed below

Determine level and school.

To determine the nature of a spell, a Spellcraftcheck must be made by the character. If the rollfails, the hero has no idea what the spell will dowhen cast. No subsequent roll may be made to

Magic in Gothic Earth 90

learn the nature of the spell until the character hasadvanced one level. Failing the check does notprevent the adept from attempting to copy the spellinto his spellbook and then casting it, but casting aspell whose results are unknown can be incrediblydangerous. An adept who copies a spell following afailed check suffers a penalty to the Spellcraft rollfor copying the spell. (This is detailed in the nextsection.)

If the roll is successful the caster learns the level ofthe spell and the school to which it belongs. Noamount of research or study will reveal the exacteffects of the spell. Only when a character casts thespell will the precise nature of its magic berevealed. Obviously, this can be hazardous.

Note: Spells given to the hero by the White Rosewill include this information so this step need notbe done for those spells. The hero will also beinformed of what the expected effect of the spellshould be.

Copy the Spell. Once a hero has attempted to understand the newlydiscovered spell, she may record it in herspellbook. The translation of the formula into aformat that is usable by the character takes a greatdeal of time and effort on the part of the character.As such it is generally not attempted during thecourse of an adventure. For this reason spells arenot tradable between adept heroes.

In order to record a new spell in the spellbook, thehero must carefully copy its casting instructions.This takes one day (16 hours) of uninterruptedwork per level of the spell. At the end of that time,the player makes a Spellcraft check (DC 10+spelllevel) to determine whether the formula was copiedaccurately. The hero may not take 10 for thischeck.

A hero who failed the initial roll to evaluate thespell suffers a penalty to the check for copying it.The penalty is equal to the level of the spell. Thus,an adept who copies a 5th-level spell after tailingthe initial roll suffers a -5 penalty to the roll that ismade after the formula has been copied. If thecheck to copy the spell fails the enchantment isbeyond the character's current ability. The heromay try again after advancing to the nextexperience level as an adept.

Casting SpellsThe casting of a spell is not a sure thing in GothicEarth. For an Adept to successfully cast a spellthey must have an intelligence of at least 10+the

level of the spell. They must make a SpellcraftCheck in order to cast a spell. The DC is 8 + thelevel of the spell being cast (0 level spells count as1 for this purpose).

If they have the Spell Focus Feat for the schoolfrom which the spell belongs they get a +2modifier to their role. Spellcraft is based onIntelligence so that modifier also is applied to thed20 roll. The caster cannot take 10 or take 20when casting spells.

In most cases, if the check fails, the spell fails—noeffect, desired or otherwise, takes place. Anunknown element of the casting was performedincorrectly, and the adept or mystic has simplywasted the effort.

If the caster's roll is a 1 without modifiers;however, some tragic mistake takes place. A spelleffect is created, but the result is not what thecaster intended. The guidelines that follow can beused to approximate the nature of the calamity.• If the spell was an attack spell, it boomerangs

onto the caster's party. The DM selects thenew target of the spell or rolls randomly todetermine it.

• If the spell was of a defensive nature, itspowers are reversed so as to make the castermore vulnerable to attacks by enemies. Forexample a miscast Armor spell can result in anAC of 6.

• All other spells have their effects perverted insome manner determined by the DM.

MysticismMysticism is the branch of magic used by those whohave the Spiritcraft ability. When such a hero casts aspell, he draws upon ancient lore and long forgottencommands to force the unseen spirits of the world toobey his bidding. As such, the hero expends none ofhis own life force to manifest spell effects.

Those who follow this path do tend to become lessand less connected to what we perceive as thematerial world. As the realm of the Spiritworldbecomes more and more real to him, that hero'sattention tends to be drawn away from the world,making him slow to react to sudden threats andchanges in the environment. This is generallyreflected in two ways. First the hero suffers -2 penaltyevery time he rolls for initiative. Second since theypay less attention to the world around them, they havea –2 penalty on all Spot and Search skill checks.

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Mystic spell casters do not keep spellbooks. Theydepend upon rituals and ceremonies to createmagical effects.

Domains of MagicBecause mystics are devoted to the study of thetranscendental world in general and not to anysingle supernatural being, they are not limited toaccess to a specific set of Domains. However, thislack of divine involvement also means that allavailable spells belong to a Domain. Certain spellsare not available or work slightly differently thanin regular D&D. Later on in this section you willfind a list of all the domains and the spells that theycontain.

The Evil Domain can only be accessed bycharacters of evil alignment. During the researchthat is done in the process of learning this domainan alignment shift occurs if the character is notalready of evil alignment. The Necromancy andDestruction Domains are also perilous to thosestudying them. Acquiring Major Access to either ofthose Domains will cause a shift in the alignmentof a Character. As the campaign allows only goodaligned player characters and hero acquiring majoraccess to the Necromancy or Destruction domainsimmediately becomes an NPC.

Initial Domain:All mystic characters begin the game with minoraccess to the All Domain.

Accessing New DomainsA mystic spellcaster spends most of his time studyingmystical lore and the unseen realm of the spirits.When a hero is created the mystic spellcaster hasminor access to the All domain. The player mustselect one domain as the subject of the hero’s currentresearch. This may be a domain to which thecharacter has no access, or it may be a domain towhich he has minor access. When a character hasminor access to a domain they know all 1st through 3rd

level spells in that domain. (They can only cast thosespells that they are of high enough level to cast.)

If the hero continues study in a domain to which hehas minor access, the hero gains major access to thatdomain when he reaches the next experience level. Ifthe character researched a new domain, the charactergains minor access to that domain upon reaching thenext level. When a character has major access to adomain the character can access all of the spells inthat domain. (They can only cast those spells that theyare of high enough level to cast.) A character can notgain major access to domain without havingpreviously gained minor access to that domain.

This procedure is followed every time a charactergains a new level. The player must decide whether themystic will research a new domain in order to gainminor access to it, or whether the hero will research adomain to which he has minor access, in order to gainmajor access. If the character multi-classes at the nextlevel, he does not gain that added domain access. Ifreturning to advancing in mystic later the charactermust study the same domain as before or it isconsidered to be a broken off of studying that domainas below.

Breaking off Studies:If a mystic spellcaster discontinues study of a specificdomain, he can never study that domain further. Thus,if a character opts not to pursue study of the Alldomain while advancing from 1st to 2nd level andchooses instead to gain minor access to anotherdomain, he can never attempt to study the All domainfurther. He will never gain major access to the Alldomain.For example: a 6th level Mystic started out withminor access to the All Domain. She began studyof the Healing Domain and gained minor accessupon reaching 2nd level and major access uponreaching 3rd level. She then takes up the study ofthe Knowledge Domain and gains minor accessupon reaching 4th level. At that point she decides totake up the study of the Good Domain. So shegains minor access to that domain upon reaching5th level and major access upon reaching 6th level.

Casting SpellsFor an Mystic to cast a spell, they must have anWisdom of at least 10+the level of the spell. Theymust make a Spiritcraft Check in order tosuccessfully cast a spell. The DC is 8 + the level ofthe spell being cast (0 level spells count as 1 forthis purpose). Spiritcraft is based on Wisdom sothat modifier also is applied to your d20 roll. If theMystic has major access to the Domain of the spellthey are casting, they get a +2 to their check. Ifthey have the Spell Focus Feat for the domain fromwhich the spell belongs, then they get a +2modifier to their role. The mystic spell castercannot take 10 or 20 for this roll.

In most cases, if the check fails, the spell fails—noeffect, desired or otherwise, takes place. Anunknown element of the casting was performedincorrectly, and the adept or mystic has simplywasted the effort. If the caster's roll is a 1 withoutmodifiers, however, some tragic mistake takesplace. A spell effect is created, but the result is notwhat the caster intended. The guidelines that

Magic in Gothic Earth 92

follow can be used to approximate the nature of thecalamity.• If the spell was an attack spell, it boomerangs

onto the caster's party. The DM selects thenew target of the spell or rolls randomly todetermine it.

• If the spell was of a defensive nature, itspowers are reversed so as to make the castermore vulnerable to attacks by enemies. For

example a miscast Armor spell can result in anAC of 6.

• All other spells have their effects perverted insome manner determined by the DM.

Magic in Gothic Earth 93

Arcane Spells in Gothic Earth

0-Level Arcane Spells

Arcane MarkDancing LightsDazeDetect MagicDetect PoisonDisrupt UndeadFlareGhost SoundLightMage HandMendingOpen/ClosePrestidigitationRay of FrostRead MagicResistance

1st-level Arcane SpellsAlarmAnimate RopeBurning Hands.Cause FearChange SelfCharm PersonChill TouchColor Spray.Comprehend LanguagesDetect Secret DoorsDetect UndeadEndure ElementsEnlargeEraseExpeditious RetreatFeather FallFriendsGaze ReflectionGreaseHold PortalHypnotismIdentifyJumpMage ArmorMagic WeaponMessageMountObscuring MistProtection from ChaosProtection from EvilProtection from GoodProtection from LawRay of EnfeeblementReduceShieldShocking GraspSilent ImageSleepSpider Climb

True StrikeUnseen ServantVentriloquism

2nd-Level ArcaneSpells

Acid ArrowAlter SelfArcane LockBlindness/DeafnessBlurBull’s StrengthCat’s GraceContinual FlameDarknessDarkvisionDaylightDeeppocketsDetect ThoughtsEnduranceFlaming SphereFog CloudFools GoldForgetGhoul TouchGlitterdustHideous LaughterHypnotic PatternInvisibilityIrritationKnockLevitateLocate ObjectMagic MouthMinor ImageMirror ImageMisdirectionObscure ObjectProtection from ArrowsPyrotechnicsResist ElementsRope TrickScareSee InvisibilityShatterSpectral HandSummon SwarmWebWhispering Wind

3rd-level ArcaneSpells

Augment UndeadBlinkClairaudience/ClairvoyanceCorpse WhisperDispel Magic

Displacement.Explosive RunesFireballFlame ArrowFlyGaseous FormGentle ReposeGreater Magic WeaponGust of WindHalt UndeadHasteHold PersonIllusory ScriptInvisibility SphereKeen EdgeLightning BoltMagic Circle against ChaosMagic Circle against EvilMagic Circle against GoodMagic Circle against LawMajor ImageNondetectionPhantom SteedProtection from ElementsSecret PageSepia Snake SigilShrink ItemSleet StormSlowStinking CloudSuggestionTonguesVampiric TouchWater BreathingWind Wall

4th-level Arcane Spells

Arcane EyeBestow CurseBlack TentaclesCharm MonsterConfusionContagionDetect ScryingDigDimension DoorDimensional AnchorEmotionEnervationEyes of the UndeadFearFire ShieldFire TrapHallucinatory Terrain.Ice StormIllusory WallImproved InvisibilityLesser GeasLocate CreatureMinor CreationMinor Globe of Invulnerability

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 94

Phantasmal KillerPolymorph OtherPolymorph SelfRainbow PatternRemove CurseScryingShoutSolid FogStoneskinWall of FireWall of Ice

5th-level Arcane SpellsAnimal GrowthAnimate DeadCloudkillCone of ColdDismissalDominate PersonDreamFabricateFalse Vision.FeeblemindFeign UndeadHold MonsterMagic JarMajor CreationMind FogMirage ArcanaNightmarePasswallPermanencyPersistent ImagePrying EyesSeemingSendingStone ShapeTelekinesisTeleportTransmute Mud to RockTransmute Rock to MudWall of ForceWall of IronWall of Stone

6th-level Arcane Spells

Acid FogAnalyze DweomerAntimagic FieldChain LightningCircle of DeathContingency.Control WaterControl WeatherDisintegrateEyebiteFlesh to StoneGeas/QuestGlobe of InvulnerabilityGreater DispellingGuards and WardsLegend LoreMass Haste

Mass SuggestionMisleadMove EarthPermanent ImageProgrammed ImageProject Image.RepulsionStone to FleshShadesTrue SeeingVeil

7th-level Arcane Spells

BanishmentControl UndeadDelayed Blast FireballFinger of DeathForcecageGreater ScryingInsanityLimited WishMass InvisibilityPhase DoorPlane ShiftPower Word, StunPrismatic SprayReverse GravitySequesterSimulacrumSpell TurningStatueTeleport without ErrorVanishVision

8th-level Arcane Spells

AntipathyBindingCloneDemandDiscern LocationHorrid WiltingIncendiary CloudIron BodyMass CharmMazeMind BlankPolymorph Any ObjectPower Word, BlindPrismatic WallScreenSunburstSymbolSympathyTrap the Soul

9th-level Arcane SpellsAstral ProjectionDominate MonsterEnergy DrainForesight

FreedomImprisonmentMeteor SwarmPower Word, KillPrismatic SphereRefugeSoul BindTeleportation CircleTemporal StasisTime StopWail of the BansheeWeirdWish

Mystic Spells

All Domain SpellsVirtuePurify Food & DrinkBlessBless WaterPurify PlacePrayer

Major AccessAtonementSpirit PlaceBanishmentGeas/QuestSymbol

Air Domain SpellsObscuring MistWind WallFog CloudGust of WindWind Wall

Major AccessAir WalkControl WindsWhirlwind

Animal Domain SpellsCalm AnimalsAnimal FriendshipAnimal MessengerInvisibility to AnimalsDetect animalsHold AnimalCharm AnimalAnimal TranceSpeak with AnimalDominate Animal

Major AccessRepel VerminGiant VerminInsect PlagueAnimal Growth

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 95

Charm DomainCommandRemove FearCharm PersonRemove ParalysisHold PersonEnthrall

Major AccessGreater CommandSympathy

Chaos Domain SpellsProtection from LawDetect Law/ChaosRandom ActionEntropic ShieldShatterMagic Circle against Law

Major AccessChaos HammerDispel LawAnimate ObjectsWord of ChaosCloak of Chaos

Creation DomainSpellsCreate WaterMendingObscuring MistMake WholeLesser RestorationCreate Food & WaterHelping Hand

Major AccessRestorationWall Of StoneWall of IronHeroes Feast

Death Domain SpellsDetect UndeadDeath WatchInvisibility to UndeadGentle ReposeSpeak with Dead

Major AccessDeath WardSlay LivingTomb WardFinger of DeathWail of the Banshee

Destruction DomainSpellsInflict Minor Wounds

Inflict Light WoundsDoomDarknessInflict Moderate WoundsShatterBlindness/DeafnessContagionInflict Serious Wounds

Major AccessInflict Critical WoundsPoisonCircle of DoomHarmDisintegrateEarthquakeHorrid WiltingImplosion

Divination DomainSpellsGuidanceZone of truthFind TrapsAuguryLocate Object

Major AccessDivinationTrue SeeingScryingGreater ScryingDiscern LocationForesight

Earth Domain SpellsMagic StoneSoften Earth or StoneStone Shape

Major AccessSpike StonesWall of StoneTransmute Mud to RockTransmute Rock to MudStone TellDigStoneskinEarthquakeIron BodyRepel Metal or Stone

Evil Domain SpellsBaneProtection from GoodCurse WaterDesecrateMagic Circle against GoodBestow Curse

Major AccessBlightDispel Good

DefileBestow Greater CurseBlasphemyBestow Ancient CurseAura of EvilEnergy Drain

Fire Domain SpellsFlareBurning HandsEndure Elements*FireTrapProduce FlameFlame BladeFlaming SphereResist Elements*

Major AccessWall of FireFlame StrikeFire ShieldFire SeedsFire StormIncendiary Cloud*Resist cold or fire only.

Good Domain SpellsProtection from EvilSanctuaryAidMagic Circle against EvilRemove Curse

Major AccessSpirit StrikeSpirit PowerDispel EvilSpirit VoiceRemove Greater CurseSpirit AuraRemove Ancient Curse

Guardian DomainSpellsResistanceSanctuaryInvisibility to UndeadUndetectable AlignmentShield OtherSilenceHelping HandObscure ObjectGlyph of WardingInvisibility Purge

Major AccessSendingGreater Glyph of WardingWord of RecallForbiddanceScreenRefugeTomb Ward

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 96


Healing Domain SpellsCure Minor WoundDetect PoisonDelay PoisonCure Light WoundsCure Moderate WoundsCure Serious WoundsRemove Blindness/deafnessRemove Disease

Major AccessCure Critical WoundsNeutralize PoisonHealing CircleRaise DeadHealRegenerateResurectionMass HealTrue Resurrection

Knowledge DomainSpellsKnow DirectionDetect Secret DoorsComprehend LanguagesDetect ThoughtsFind TrapsClairaudience/Clairvoyance

Major AccessTonguesSendingTrue SeeingFind the PathLegend LoreDiscern Location

Law Domain SpellsProtection from ChaosDetect Law/ ChaosCalm EmotionsMagic Circle against Chaos

Major AccessOrder’s WrathMark of JusticeDispel ChaosHold MonsterDictumShield of Law

Magic Domain SpellsRead MagicDetect MagicUndetectable AuraFarie FireLessor RestorationDispel MagicBestow CurseRemove Curse

Major AccessImbue with Spell AbilityRestorationBreak EnchantmentSpell ResistanceBestow Greater CurseGreater DispellingBestow Ancient CurseSpell TurningGreater RestorationAntimagic Field

Necromancy DomainSpellsDetect UndeadDeath WatchDeath KnellAnimate DeadCorpse Whisper

Major AccessEyes of UndeadFeign UndeadAnti Life ShellCreate UndeadCreate Greater Undead

Plant Domain SpellsKnow DirectionEntangleDetect Snares & PitsPass without traceGoodberryBarkskinWarp WoodTree ShapeWood Shape

Major AccessPlant GrowthDiminish PlantsSnareSpeak with Plants Control Plants Wall of ThornsTree StrideRepel WoodIronwoodLiveoakTransport via PlantsCommand Plants

Protection DomainSpellsResistanceEndure ElementsProtection from G/E/C/LShield OtherResist ElementsMagic Circle vs G/L/E/CProtection from Elements

Negative Plane Protection

Major AccessFreedom of MovementSpell ResistanceRepulsionAntimagic FieldMind Blank

Strength DomainSpellsEndure ElementsBull’s StrengthEnduranceMagic Vestment

Major AccessWall of StoneRighteous MightStoneskinWall of Force

Summoning DomainSphereSummon Natures Ally ISummon Natures Ally IISummon SwarmSummon Natures Ally III

Major AccessSummon Natures Ally IVDimensional AnchorDismissalSummon Natures Ally VSummon Natures Ally VISummon Natures Ally VIIElemental Swarm

Sun Domain SpellsLightEndure Elements*Heat MetalSearing LightDaylight

Major AccessFire ShieldFlame StrikeFire SeedsSunbeamSunburst*Endure cold or fire only.

War Domain SpellsSprit FavorCause FearMagic StoneMagic WeaponShillelaghSpiritual WeaponShatterMagic Vestment

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 97

Major AccessFreedom of MovementGreater Magic WeaponSpirit PowerFlame StrikeGreater CommandBlade BarrierPower Word, StunPower Word, BlindPower Word, Kill

Water Domain SpellsCreate WaterBless WaterCurse WaterObscuring Mist

Fog CloudWater BreathingWater Walking

Major AccessControl WaterQuenchIce StormAcid FogHorrid Wilting

Weather DomainSpellsFog CloudChill Metal

Heat MetalCall Lightening

Major AccessSleet StormSolid FogIce StormCone of ColdChain LighteningControl WeatherStorm of Vengeance

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 98

SpellsThe spells herein are presented inalphabetical order. Basicallywhich is different from the PHBand the description of spell andthe arcane spell components arelisted.

Acid ArrowConjuration (Creation) [Acid]Level: Arcane 2Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Focus: A dart.

Acid FogConjuration (Creation) [Acid]Level: Arcane 6, Mystic 7Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: round/levelThis spell only creates a 10'x10'cube of fog.

AidEnchanment (Compulsion)[Mind-Affecting]Level: Mystic 2Components: V,S,FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Air WalkTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 roundsTarget: Creature (Man size or

smaller) touchedDuration: 5 minutes/levelThis spell is much weaker inGothic Earth. The size of thecreature effected is less as is theduration.

AlarmAbjurationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 roundOnly the mental version of thisspell exists in Gothic Earth.

Alter SelfTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

You can alter your appearanceand form—including clothing andequipment—to appear taller orshorter, thin, fat, or in-between.The assumed form must becorporeal. Your body can undergoa limited physical transmutation,including adding or subtractingone or two limbs, and your masscan be changed up to one-forth.

If you use this spell tocreate a disguise, you get a +10bonus on your Disguise check.

If you do not have the disguiseskill, you can not use this spell tomimic the features of anotherperson. With the spell you get a+10 to your check, you still needto make the check to see if youhave been able to duplicate theappearance of that person.

Animal FriendshipEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Material Component: A pieceof food the animal likes.

Animal GrowthTransmutationLevel: Arcane 5 , Mystic 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 roundsTargets: Up to 1 animal/4 levels, no

two of which can be more than 30ft. apart

Duration: 1 minute/level

This spell is somewhat weaker inGothic Earth.

Animal MessengerEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 2,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Material Component: Amorsel of food the animal likes.

Animal TranceEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting, Sonic]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Animate DeadNecromancy [Evil]Level: Mystic 3, Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round/level of the

spellRange: TouchTargets: One or more corpses

touchedDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

This spell turns the bones orbodies of dead creatures intoundead skeletons or zombies thatfollow your spoken commands.The skeletons or zombies canfollow you, remain in an area andattack any creature (or just aspecific type of creature) enteringthe place, etc. The undead remainanimated until they aredestroyed. (A destroyed skeletonor zombie can’t be animatedagain.)

Regardless of the type ofundead, you can’t create moreHD of undead than you havecaster levels with a single castingof animate dead.

The undead you create remainunder your control indefinitely. Nomatter how many times you usethis spell, however, you can onlycontrol 2 HD worth of undeadcreatures per level. If you exceedthis number, all the newly createdcreatures fall under your control,and any excess undead fromprevious castings becomeuncontrolled (you choose whichcreatures are released). If you area cleric, any undead you mightcommand by virtue of your powerto command or rebuke undead donot count toward the limit.

Skeletons: Skeletons can only becreated from mostly intactcorpses or skeletons. The corpsesmust have bones (so purple wormskeletons are not allowed). Ifskeletons are made from corpses,the flesh falls off the bones. Thestatistics for a skeleton depend onits size; they do not depend on

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 99

what abilities the creature mayhave had while alive. See theMonster Manual for details.

Zombies: Zombies can only becreated from mostly intactcorpses. The creatures must havetrue anatomies (so gelatinouscube zombies are not allowed).The statistics for a zombie dependon its size, not on what abilitiesthe creature may have had whilealive. See the Monster Manual.

Material Component: You mustplace a black onyx gem worth atleast $25.00 into the mouth, eyesocket, or other opening of eachcorpse. The magic of the spellturns these gems into worthless,burned out shells.

Animate ObjectsTransmutationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

Animate RopeTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Antilife ShellAbjurationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 6 rounds

An invisible barrier surrounds thearea you are standing when it iscast, it does not move with you.

Antimagic FieldAbjurationLevel: Mystic 8 Arcane 6Components: V, S, M/ FCasting Time: 1 round/level of the


An invisible barrier surrounds thearea you are standing when it iscast, it does not move with you.

Arcane Material Component: Apinch of powdered iron or ironfilings.

AntipathyEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: ,Arcane 8Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 2 hours

Antipathy counters and dispelssympathy.This spell cannot be cast uponliving creatures.

Arcane Material Component: Alump of alum soaked in vinegar.

Antiplant ShellAbjurationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

An invisible barrier surrounds thearea you are standing when it iscast, it does not move with you.

Arcane EyeDivinationLevel: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutesRange: 50 miles

You create an invisible magicalsensor that sends you visualinformation.

Arcane Material Component: Abit of bat fur.

Arcane LockAbjurationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component:Gold dust worth $12.50

AtonementAbjurationLevel: Mystic 5Components: V, S, M, F, XPCasting Time: 2 hours

Material Component: Burningincense.

Focus: In addition to your normalfocus, you need a set of prayerbeads (or other prayer device,such as a prayer wheel or prayerbook) worth at least $15.00.

XP Cost: When cast for thebenefit of creatures whose guiltwas the result of deliberate acts,the cost to you is 500 XP percasting (see text in PHB).

Augment UndeadNecormancyLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 roundsRange: MediumTarget: 1 Undead CreatureSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

Target must have 3 fewer HDthan the caster. If the spellsucceeds then the creature istreated as if it has 3 more HD forall saves and when someoneattempts to turn them.

AuguryDivinationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Focus: A set of marked sticks,bones, or similar tokens of atleast $12.50 value.

Aura of EvilAbjuration [Evil]Level: Mystic 8Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 6 roundsRange: 20 ft.Targets: One creature/level in a 20-

ft. radius burst centered on youDuration: 1 round/level (D)Saving Throw: See textSpell Resistance: Yes (harmless)A malevolent mist envelopes thetargets, protecting them fromattacks, granting them resistanceto spells cast by good creatures,and weakening good creatureswhen they strike the targets.

This abjuration has four effects:First, the warded creatures

gain a +4 deflection bonus to ACand a +4 resistance bonus tosaves. this benefit applies againstall attacks. Second, thewarded creatures gain a SR of 25against good spells and spells castby good creatures.

Third, the abjuration blockspossession and mental influence,

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 100

just as protection from gooddoes.

Finally, if a good creaturesucceeds with a melee attackagainst a warded creature, theoffending attacker suffers 1d6points of temporary Strengthdamage (Fortitude save negates).

Focus: A tiny reliquarycontaining incense the total costat least $ 500.00

BaneEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

BanishmentAbjurationLevel: Mystic 6, Arcane 7Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round/level of the


This spell works very differently inGothic Earth. If the creatureshome plane is not the BorderEthereal, this spell will teleportthe creature to a random locationon Gothic Earth.

BarkskinTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

There is no visible change to theskin caused by this spell.

Bestow Ancient CurseTransmutationLevel: Mystic 7 Arcane 8, Vistani 7Components: VCasting Time: 1 minuteTarget: SpecialDuration: SpecialSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: yes

Works like the 6th level BestowGreater Curse except that it effectsthe descendants of the targetedcharacter.

Bestow CurseTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 4 , Vistanni 3Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 round per level ofthe spell

Range: Touch ( Vistanni do not needto touch victim)

Target: Creature touchedDuration: PermanentSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

In Gothic Earth bestowed cursecannot be dispelled. Removal isvery difficult depending on themotivation of the personbestowing the curse. It ispossible that it can be removedwith a break enchantment, anda remove curse when doneeither at the same time or oneright after another. In some casesan Atonement and removecurse may be required. If only aremove curse is used then thecurse is lifted temporarily- 10minutes per level of the caster.

Bestow Greater CurseTransmutationLevel: Mystic 6, Arcane 7 Vistanni 3Components: V, SCasting Time 1 minuteRange: closelTarget: SpecialDuration: PermanentSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

The caster believes the target of thespell has performed an act of greatevil. The caster must announce thecurse in the presence of the evildoer.Thereafter the curse is in effect butdepending on the wording of thecurse the effect may not benoticeable for some time.

The lifting of the curse requiresAtonement and a deed of greatcourage (the exact deed requiredmay be hinted at in the wording ofthe curse).

BindingEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 8Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 8 minutes

A binding spell creates a magicrestraint to hold a creature. Thisspell is very powerful and takessome time to cast.

In addition to the speciallymade props suited to the specifictype of binding (cost $ 250.00),

the spell requires opals worth atleast $250.00 for each HD of thetarget and a vellum depiction orcarved statuette of the subject tobe captured.

Black TentaclesConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./level)Effect: 1d4 tentacles +1

tentacle/level, all within 15 ft. of acentral point.

Duration: 30 minutes/levelSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

Arcane Material Component: Apiece of tentacle from a giantoctopus or giant squid.

Blade BarrierEvocationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

BlasphemyEvocation [Evil, Sonic]Level: Mystic 7Components: VCasting Time: 5 rounds

Extraplanar creatures within thearea that are not evil are instantlyteleported to the Border Ethereal.

BlessEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 1,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 action

Bless WaterTransmutation [Good]Level: Mystic 1,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 10 minutes

Material Component: 5pounds of powdered silver (worth$25.00 ).

BlightEvocation [Evil]Level: Mystic 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./level)Area: 20-ft. radius spreadDuration: Instantaneous

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 101

Saving Throw: Fortitude partialSpell Resistance: YesYou call up power from darkspirits to smite your enemies. Thepower takes the form of a cold,cloud of mist. Only good andneutral (not evil) creatures areharmed by the spell.

The spell deals 1d8 points ofdamage per two caster levels(maximum 5d8) to good creaturesand sickens them for 1d4 rounds.A sickened creature suffers a –2penalty on attack rolls, weapondamage rolls, saves, skill checks,and ability checks. A successfulFortitude save reduces damage tohalf and negates the sickeningeffect.

The spell deals only halfdamage to creatures who areneither evil nor good, and theyare not sickened. They canreduce the damage in half again(down to one-quarter of the roll)with a successful Reflex save.

Blindness/DeafnessTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 2Components: VCasting Time: 1 round per level

spell is cast

BlurIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 2Components: VCasting Time: 1 round

Break EnchantmentAbjurationLevel: Mystic 5,Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 minutes

Break Enchantment only lifts(temporarily) the effects ofBestow Curse. The effects arelifted for 1 hour per level of thespell caster. Depending on thecircumstances an atonement orremove curse may also beneeded. Otherwise it works asdescribed in the PHB.

Bull’s StrengthTransmutationLevel:, Mystic 2, Arcane 2

Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Afew hairs, or a pinch of dung,from a bull.

Burning HandsTransmutation [Fire]Level: Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 roundRange: touchArea: special

Your hands glow with the light ofred flames. You do 1d4 points offire damage per your caster level(maximum 5d4) when you make asuccessful touch attack.

Call LightningEvocation [Electricity]Level: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes, plus 1

round per bolt calledRange: Long (400 ft.+40 ft./level)Effect: See textDuration: 10 minutes/level

Calm AnimalsEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Calm EmotionsEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Cat’s GraceTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Apinch of cat fur.

Cause FearNecromancy [Fear, Mind-Affecting]Level:, Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Chain LightningEvocation [Electricity]Level: Clr6, Arcane 6Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 6 rounds

The bolt inflicts 1d6 points ofelectricity damage per caster level(maximum 10d6) on the primarytarget.

Focus: A bit of fur; a pieceamber, glass, or a crystal rod;and one silver pin (worth at least$2.00 each) for each of yourcaster levels.

Change SelfIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 1,Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

If you use this spell to create adisguise, you get +10 on yourDisguise check.

Note: Creatures get Will saves torecognize the glamer as anillusion if they interact with it(such as by touching you andhaving that not match what theysee, in this case of this spell).

ChangestaffTransmutationLevel: Mystic 7Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 minutes

The treant-like creature createdwith this is only 12 foot tall.

Focus: The quarterstaff, whichmust be specially prepared. Thestaff must be a sound limb cutfrom an ash, oak, or yew, thencured, shaped, carved, andpolished (a process taking 28days). You cannot adventure orengage in other strenuous activityduring the shaping and carving ofthe staff.

Chaos HammerEvocation [Chaotic]Level: Mystic 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

There is no visible manifestationwhen this spell is cast.

Charm MonsterEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-


Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 102

Level: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

Charm PersonEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Note also that you must speak theperson’s language tocommunicate your commands.

Charm Animal/PersonEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 roundsAs charm person, except that itaffects an animal instead.

Chill MetalTransmutation [Cold]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Chill TouchNecromancyLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 roundRange: Touch

A victim of the touch who fails herFortitude save vs. this spell takes1d6 points of damage and loses 1point of Strength and 1 point ofConstitution. If she makes thesave she takes 1d6 points ofdamage and loses 1 point ofStrength. the ability loss returnsat the rate of one point per hour.

Circle of DeathNecromancy [Death]Level: Arcane 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 6 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Acrushed black pearl with aminimum value of $250.00 .

Circle of DoomNecromancyLevel: Mystic 5

Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

Negative energy spreads out in alldirections from the point of origin,inflicting 1d8 points of damageplus 1 point per caster level(maximum +20) to nearby livingenemies.

Like inflict spells, circle ofdoom cures undead in its arearather than harming them.

Clairaudience/ClairvoyanceDivinationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds

Focus: A small horn (forhearing) or a glass eye (forseeing).

Cloak of ChaosAbjuration [Chaotic]Level: Mystic 8Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 8 roundsRange: 20 ft.

There is no visible manifestationwith this spell

Focus: A tiny reliquary containingsome ancient relic, such as ascrap of parchment from a chaotictext. The reliquary costs at least$250.00.

CloneNecromancyLevel: Arcane 8Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 hours

Arcane Material Components:The piece of flesh, variouslaboratory supplies (cost$1,000.00)

Focus: Special laboratoryequipment (cost $500 gp)

CloudkillConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

Color SprayIllusion (Pattern) [Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Only the targets of this spell cansee the spray of color.

Arcane Material Component: Apinch each of powder or sand thatis colored red, yellow, and blue.

CommandEnchantment (Charm) [Language-

Dependent, Mind-Affecting]Level: Mystic 1Component: VCasting Time: 1 action

Command PlantsEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 8Components: VCasting Time: 8 rounds

Commune with NatureDivinationLevel: Mystic 5,Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 hour

Comprehend LanguagesDivinationLevel: Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane MaterialComponents: A pinch of sootand a few grains of salt.

Cone of ColdEvocation [Cold]Level: Arcane 5, Mystic 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Arcane Material Component: Avery small crystal or glass cone.

ConfusionEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 4,Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Aset of three nut shells.

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 103

ContagionNecromancyLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell cast

ContingencyEvocationLevel: Arcane 6Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: At least 1hour (see


You can place another spell uponyour person so that the latterspell comes into effect undersome condition you dictate whencasting contingency. Thecontingency spell and the spell itis to bring into effect are cast atthe same time. The 1 hour castingtime is the minimum total for bothcastings; if the companion spellhas a casting time longer than 10minutes, add that amount of timeto the one hour casting time.

Arcane MaterialComponents: Those of thecompanion spell, plus quicksilverand an eyelash of a ki-rin,vampire or similar spell-usingcreature.

Focus: A statuette of you carvedfrom elephant ivory anddecorated with gems (worth atleast $1,000.00). You must carrythe focus for the contingency towork.

Continual FlameIllusion (Figment)Level: Mystic 3, Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Material Component: Yousprinkle ruby dust (worth $50 .00)on the item that is to carry theflame.

Control PlantsTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2

Control UndeadNecromancyLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 7 roundsRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Targets: Up to 4 HD of undead

creatures/level, no two of whichcan be more than 30 ft. apart

Duration: 10 minutes/levelSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

Arcane Material Component: Asmall piece each of bone and rawmeat.

Control WaterTransmutationLevel: Arcane 6, Mystic 4Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Arcane Material Component: Adrop of water (to raise water) ora pinch of dust (to lower water).

Control WeatherTransmutationLevel: Mystic 7, Arcane 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes (see text)Range: 2 milesArea: A 2-mile radius circle, centered

on you (see text)Duration: 4d12 hours

You change the weather in thelocal area. It takes 20 minutes tocast the spell and an additional 10minutes for the effects tomanifest. The current, naturalweather conditions aredetermined by the DM. Or arelisted in the event.

Control WindsTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5,Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

Corpse WhisperNecromancyLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 4Components: S, MCasting Time: one round per level

of the spell being castTarget: one undead creatureRange: special

Duration: 24 hoursSaving Throw: noneSpell Resistance: no

The caster can transmit amessage to an undead creature.If it is a undead creature alreadyunder the casters control, they donot need line of sight. Themessage forms in the mind of thecreature in the voice of thecaster. Only self willed undeadcreatures not already under thecontrol of the caster can disobeythe commands of the voice. Thecaster can send one sentence forevery 2 levels she has within a 24hour period.

Create Food and WaterConjuration (Creation)Level: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes

Create Greater UndeadNecromancy [Evil]Level: Mystic 8Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 hoursRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Target: One corpseDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

This is a spell of great power andnormally only done by those ofevil alignment there is very littlechance for this spell to be castwithout gaining the notice of theRed Death

You may create less powerfulundead than your level wouldindicate if you choose. Forexample, instead of a mummyyou could decide to create aghoul, shadow, or wight. Thesewould possess one HD more thanthe norm for an Undead of thattype.

This spell may be cast atanytime.

Material Component: A deadbody. The DM may assign specificrequirements for various types ofundead For example, the corpsemust be fresh to create a

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 104

vampire, while it should bedesiccated to create a mummy.

Create UndeadNecromancy [Evil]Level: Mystic 6,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 hoursRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Target: One corpseDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

You may create less powerfulundead than your level wouldindicate if you choose. Forexample, instead of a mummyyou could decide to create aghoul, shadow, or wight. Thesewould possess one HD more thanthe norm for an Undead of thattype.

This spell may be cast at anytime.

Material Component: A deadbody. The DM may assign specificrequirements for various types ofundead For example, the corpsemust be fresh to create avampire, while it should bedesiccated to create a mummy

This spell may be cast at anytime.

Material Components: A claypot filled with grave dirt andanother filled with brackish water.The spell must be cast upon adead body, and the DM mayassign specific requirements forvarious types of undead. Youmust place a black onyx gemworth at least $25.00 per HD ofthe undead to be created into themouth, eye socket, or anotheropening of each corpse. Themagic of the spell turns thesegems into worthless, burned-outshells.

Create WaterConjuration (Creation)Level: Mystic 0,Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 actionEffect: Up to 1 gallon per level of the


Creeping DoomConjuration (Summoning)Level: Mystic 8,Components: V, SCasting Time: 8 round

Cure Critical WoundsConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 4Casting Time: 4 rounds

Cure Light WoundsConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Since undead are powered bynegative energy, this spell inflictsdamage on them instead of curingtheir wounds. An undead creaturecan attempt a Will save to avoiddamage.

Cure Minor WoundsConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 0Casting Time: 1 action

Cure Moderate WoundsConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 2Casting Time : 2 rounds

Cure Serious WoundsConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 3Casting time: 3 rounds

Curse WaterTransmutation [Evil]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: two minutesRange: TouchMaterial Component: 5 poundsof powdered silver (worth$12.50).

Dancing LightsIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 action

DarknessEvocation [Darkness]Level:, Mystic 2, Arcane 2

Components: V, M/FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A bit of bat fur and either a dropof pitch or a piece of coal.

DarkvisionTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

DaylightEvocation [Light]Level: Mystic 3, Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

DazeEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 0Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 action

Arcane Material Component: Apinch of wool or similar substance

Death KnellNecromancy [Death, Evil]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Death WardNecromancyLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Touch

DeathwatchNecromancyLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Deeper DarknessUniversalLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

DeeppocketsTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S. MCasting Time : One hourRange: TouchDuration: 1 hour per levelArea of Effect: 1 garment

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 105

Saving Throw: none

This spell allows the caster to preparea garment to hold far more than itoriginally could.The garment must be of superiormake (book price + 50%) andfashioned to contain numerous handsize pockets (no less than 12pockets). The spell enables thesepockets to hold a total of 100 lbs as ifit were only 10lbs. There are nodiscernable bulges were the pocketsare.

If the spell duration expires whilethere are objects still in the pockets,or if a successful dispel magic is cast,the items appear around the wearerand fall to the ground.

Arcane Material Components:Besides the garment, which isreusable, a tiny gold needle and astrip of fine cloth given a half-twistand fastened at the ends is needed.

DefileEvocation [Evil]Level: Mystic 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: One dayRange: TouchArea: A 10-foot/level radius

emanating from the touched pointDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: See text

Defile imbues a particular site,building, or structure, with evilspirits. This has three majoreffects.

First, the site or structure isguarded by a magic circleagainst good effect.

Second, all turning checks toturn undead suffer a –4 Lairpenalty and turning checks torebuke undead gain are at - 4 (fora total of -7 to the check). Spellresistance does not apply to thiseffect.

Finally, you may choose to fixa single spell effect to the defiledsite. The spell effect lasts for 1year and functions throughout theentire site, regardless of itsnormal duration and area oreffect. You may designatewhether the effect applies to allcreatures, creatures who shareyour alignment or belong to yourqabal, or creatures who adhere to

alignment or belong to anotherqabal. For example, you maycreate a bless effect that aids allcreatures of like alignment orfaith in the area, or a curse effectthat hinders creatures of theopposite alignment or an enemyfaith. At the end of the year, thechosen effect lapses, but it can berenewed or replaced simply bycasting defile again.

Spell effects that may be tiedto a defiled site include: aid,bless, cause fear, curse,darkness, daylight, deeperdarkness, detect magic, detectevil, dimensional anchor,discern lies, dispel magic,endure elements, free action,invisibility purge, negativeplane protection, protectionfrom elements, remove fear,resist elements, silence,tongues, and zone of truth. Spellresistance might apply to thesespells effects. (See the individualspell descriptions in the PHB fordetails.)

An area can receive only onedefile (and its associated spelleffect) at a time.

Defile counters and dispelshallow.

Material Components:Herbs, oils, and incense worth at least$500.00, plus $500.00 per level of thespell to be included in the unhallowedarea

Delay PoisonConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Delayed Blast FireballEvocation [Fire]Level: Arcane 7Casting Time: 7 roundsDuration: Up to five rounds

Like Fireball this takes up asomewhat smaller space (only aten foot radius spread).

DemandEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 8Saving Throw: PartialSpell Resistance: Yes

Arcane Material Component: Ashort piece of copper wire andsome small part of the subjectcreature—a hair, a bit of nail, etc.

DesecrateEvocationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

This spell bestows an area withnegative energy. All Charismachecks made to turn undeadwithin this area suffer a –3unholy penalty. Undead enteringthis area gain a +1 bonus toattack rolls, damage rolls, andsaving throws. Undead createdwithin or summoned into adesecrated area gain +2 hitpoints per HD.

Material Component:A little unholy water and $12.50worth (5 lbs.) of silver dust, all ofwhich must be sprinkled aroundthe area.

DestructionNecromancy [Death]Level: Mystic 7Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 7 rounds

This awful spell instantly slays thetarget and consumes her remainsutterly fire.

Focus: A special Focus of silvermarked with verses of anathema(cost $150.00).

Detect Animals or PlantsDivinationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Detect ChaosDivinationLevel: Mystic 1,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Detect LawDivinationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, F

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 106

Casting Time: 1 round

Detect MagicUniversalLevel: Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 action

Detect PoisonDivinationLevel: Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 action

Alchemy skill does not help as it isdefined in this setting as dealingonly with magical potions.

Detect ScryingDivinationLevel: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: 120 ft.

Arcane MaterialComponents: A small piece ofmirror and a miniature brasshearing trumpet.

Detect Secret DoorsDivinationLevel:, Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Detect Snares and PitsDivinationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Detect ThoughtsDivination [Mind-Affecting]Level: Mystic 2, Arcane 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: 60 ft,

Undead of Low intelligence orbetter can project their thoughts,which can be detected with thisspell.

Arcane Focus: A copper piece.

Detect UndeadDivinationLevel: Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round

Undead creatures do get a saveversus this spell. If four or moreare grouped close together thenthey have a –2 /creature there fortheir save and the group savesnot individual creatures

Arcane Material Component: Abit of earth from a grave.

DictumEvocation [Lawful, Sonic]Level: Mystic 7Components: VCasting Time: 7 roundsRange: 30 ft.Area: Creatures in a 30-ft. radius

spread centered on youDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: Yes

Extra-planer creatures are set tothe Border Ethereal

DigEvocationLevel: Mystic 6, Arcane 4Components: V,S, MCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: 30 yds.Area: 5’cube/levelDuration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: noneSpell Resistance: yes

You can excavate a 125 cubic feetof earth, sand or mud per minute.After the first minute you caneither enlarge the original hole(deeper or wider) or you can starta new hole.If you are digging in earth thenonce you dig deeper than 20 feetthere is a 15% chance that thehole collapses. You make thischeck every additional 5ft.This problem occurs sooner inSand (10ft.) and Mud (5ft).Youcan tunnel with this spell only solong as there is a place to put thedirt that is removed.

Dimensional AnchorAbjurationLevel: Mystic 4 , Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

No visual manifestation.

Dimension DoorTransmutation [Teleportation]Level: Arcane 4,Components: VCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Long (400 ft.+40 ft./level)Target: YouDuration: Instantaneous

If you are trapped, then you arein the Border Ethereal, not theAstral Plane.

Diminish PlantsTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 roundsRange: See text

Discern LiesDivinationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Discern LocationDivinationLevel: Mystic 8, Arcane 8Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 20 minutesRange: 500 miles

The range is greatly diminished.

DisintegrateTransmutationLevel : Mystic 7, Arcane 6Components: V, S, M /FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Arcane Material Components:A lodestone and a pinch of dust.

DismissalAbjurationLevel: Mystic 4, Arcane 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

This spell can only send thecreature to the Border Ethereal orto another location on GothicEarth. 50% chance base chanceof it being to the Border Ethereal.If the HD of the caster is greaterthan that of the target of the

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 107

spell, the chance that the creatureis sent to the Border Ethereal isincreased by 5% per HD. Forexample, if a 10t h level caster wasattempting to dismiss a 7th leveloutsider, they would have a 65%chance of sending the target tothe Border Ethereal if their spell iscast successfully.

Arcane Focus: Any item that isdistasteful to the subject creature.

Dispel ChaosAbjuration [Lawful]Level: Mystic 5Casting Time: 5 rounds

There is no visual manifestation ofthis spell.

Dispel EvilAbjuration [Good]Level: Mystic 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 5 rounds

There is no visual manifestation ofthis spell.

Dispelled creatures go to eitherthe Border Ethereal or to anotherlocation on Gothic Earth.

Dispel GoodAbjuration [Evil]Level: Mystic 5Casting Time: 5 rounds

Dispel LawAbjuration [Chaotic]Level: Mystic 5Casting Time: 5 rounds

Dispel MagicAbjurationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

DisplacementIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 3

Components: V, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Asmall strip of leather made fromhide of a chameleon, twisted intoa loop.

Disrupt UndeadNecromancyLevel: Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 action

Undead get a Reflex Save for halfdamage.

DivinationDivinationLevel: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutes

The base chance for a correctdivination is 50%, plus 1% percaster level.

Material Component:Incense worth at least $12.50burnt in a brazier worth at least$25.00.

Dominate AnimalEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Dominate MonsterEnchantment [Compulsion][Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 9Target: One CreatureCasting Time: 4 rounds

As Dominate Person but notrestricted by creature type or size.

If the caster rolls a 1 on herSpellcraft roll then the Monsterhas in fact managed to dominatethe caster.

Dominate PersonEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

DoomEnchantment (Compulsion) [Fear,

Mind-Affecting]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

DreamIllusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 minutesRange: 5000 miles

EarthquakeEvocationLevel: Mystic 8Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Elemental SwarmConjuration (Summoning) [see text]Level: Mystic 9Components: V, SCasting Time: 10 minutes

You cannot reach the elementalPlane itself, however there aresome creatures that hadoriginated on the ElementalPlanes that have been strandedhere. There is only a 25% chancethat you can reach a creature ofnature you wish.

EmotionEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

EnduranceTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2 Arcane 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Endure ElementsAbjurationLevel: Arcane 1, Mystics 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 108

Energy DrainNecromancyLevel: Mystic 9, Arcane 9Casting Time: 9 rounds

If the target fails their save, theypermanently lose 4 hit points aswell as suffer all the effects listedin the PHB.

EnervationNecromancyLevel: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

If the target fails their save, theypermanently lose 2 hit points aswell as suffer all the effects listedin the PHB.

EnlargeTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

EntangleTransmutationLevel Mystic 1, Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 actionRange: Medium(100ft+10 ft./levelArea: Plants in a 20-ft. radius spread

EnthrallEnchantment (Charm) [Language-

Dependent, Mind-Affecting, Sonic]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Entropic ShieldAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1,Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 roundThe Shield is only visible to you.

EraseTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Expeditious RetreatTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1,

Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Explosive RunesAbjuration [Force]Level: Arcane 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

EyebiteTransmutation [See text]Level: Arcane 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 6 rounds

Eyes of UndeadNecromancyLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 roundsDuration: 1hour/caster levelRange: Close (25 ft+5 ft./2levels)Target: One Corpse or Undead

creatureSaving Throw: Will save NegatesThe caster can use this spell on anydead or undead body. Once cast alink is forged with the body thatallows the caster to see and hearanything that the corpse can. Thecaster can not control an undeadcreature with this spell. The moreself-will and intelligent the undeadthe greater chance of hearing/seeingsomething useful. If the Undeadcreature is serving the caster willinglythen no saving throw is made. A deadbody also does not get a save.

Although the range requirement mustbe meet when casting the spell, thecorpse/undead can travel as far as amile away from the caster and thespell will still function.

Arcane Material Component: Aneye and an ear of a dead man.

FabricateTransmutationLevel: Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: See text

Casting requires one minute percubic yard (or foot) ofmaterial to be affected by thespell.

As most machines which useelectricity use more than one typeof material this spell will notfabricate them.

Arcane Material Component:The original material.

Faire FireEvocationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

False VisionIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 5,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 5 rounds

Arcane Material Component:The ground dust of jade worth atleast $25.00, which is sprinkledinto the air when the spell is cast.

FearNecromancy [Fear, Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component:Either the heart of a hen or awhite feather.

Feather FallTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: VCasting Time: See text in PHB

FeeblemindEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 action

Feign UndeadNecromancyLevel: Mystic 4, Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spellRange: TouchTarget: One creatureThe caster or any willing personto masquerade as a zombie. Theperson looks undead, ceases tobreath, and feels no pain oremotion. The person still suffersdamage, but no pain. Spells thateffect Undead do not effect them.The body looks like a corpse andthe joints become stiff makingmovement jerky and slow. She no

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 109

longer attacks as a PC, insteadattacking as a zombie.

Any creature that sees the zombieassumes it is real. Howeveractions that are out of line withnormal behavior (for a zombie)gives the viewer a Will Check (DC10+level of the spell).

Arcane Material Component: abit of bone and dirt from a grave.

Find the PathDivinationLevel: Mystic 6,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 minutes

Focus: A set of divinationcounters of the sort favored byyou—bones, ivory counters,sticks, carved runes, etc.

Find TrapsDivinationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Finger of DeathNecromancy [Death]Level: Mystic 8, Arcane 7Casting Time: 1 minute

FireballEvocation [Fire]Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 roundsRange: Long (400 ft.+40 ft./level)Area: A 10-ft.-radius spreadArea has only 10 radius'

Arcane Material Component: Atiny ball of bat guano and sulfur.

Fire SeedsConjuration (Creation) [Fire]Level:, Mystic 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds /seedRange: TouchTargets: Up to four touched acorns

or up to eight touched holly berries

All damage is fire damage.

Material Component: Theacorns or holly berries.

Fire ShieldEvocation [Fire or Cold]Level: Mystic 5, Arcane 4Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell

Arcane Material Component: Abit of phosphorous for the warmshield, a live firefly or glow wormor the tail portions of four deadones for the chill shield.

Fire StormEvocation [Fire]Level:, Mystic 7Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 minute

Fire TrapAbjuration [Fire]Level: Mystic 2, Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutes

Material Components: A half-pound of gold dust (cost: 12.50)sprinkled on the warded object.Attuning the trap to anotherindividual requires a hair orsimilar object from that individual.

Flame ArrowConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 roundDuration: 1 round/Instantaneous

Arcane Material Component: Adrop of oil and a small piece offlint.

Flame BladeEvocation [Fire]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Flame StrikeEvocation [Fire]Level: Mystic 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 5 rounds

Flaming SphereEvocation [Fire]Level: Mystics 2, Arcane 2Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A bit of tallow, a pinch of sulfur,and a dusting of powdered iron.

FlareEvocation [Light]Level: Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: VCasting Time: 1 action

Flesh to StoneTransmutationLevel: Arcane 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 6 rounds

Arcane Material Components:Lime, water, and earth.

FlyTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Awing feather from any bird.

Fog CloudConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 2, Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Fools GoldIllusionLevel: Arcane 2Casting Time: 2 roundsComponents: V,S,MArea: 10 cubic in. per levelRange: Close (25' + 5' every 4 caster

levels)Duration: 1 hour/levelSaving Throw: Special

You can make copper, brass oriron look like gold. The viewer hasa Will Save to see through theillusion. The save is at a –1 forevery 2 levels of the caster.

ForbiddanceAbjurationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 10 minutes

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 110

Material Components: Asprinkling of holy water and rareincenses worth at least $500.00per 60-foot cube. If a passwordlock is desired, this requires theburning of additional rareincenses worth at least $5,00.00gp per 60-foot cube.

ForcecageEvocationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, M (see text)Casting Time: 7 rounds

ForesightDivinationLevel:, Divination 9,Arcane 9Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 9 rounds

The sixth sense mentioned in thetext in the PHB bears noresemblance to Sixth Sense skill inMotRD.

Arcane Material Component: Ahummingbird’s feather.

ForgetEnchantment (Compulsion) (Mind -

Affecting)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, SRange: Close (25' + 5'/caster level)Target: One PersonDuration: InstantaneousCasting Time: 1 roundSaving Throw: Negates (Will)

By means of this spell the caster canmake the target forget what occurredin the 5 minutes previous. For every 3caster levels the time span (that thetarget forgets) increases by 5minutes.

Freedom of MovementAbjurationLevel: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Material Component: A leatherthong, bound around the arm orsimilar appendage.

FreedomAbjurationLevel: Arcane 9Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 5 rounds

FriendsEnchantmentLevel: Arcane 2Components: V,S,MCasting Time: 2 roundsTarget: PersonalDuration: 1d4 minutes 1

minute/levelCaster gains 2d4 temporary pointsof Charisma.

Material components are chalk (orwhite flour), Lampblack (or soot),and vermilion applied to the facebefore casting the spell.

ForgetLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 roundsTarget: One personRange: 20 yardsSaving Throw: negatesSpell Resistance: yes

By means of this spell you canmake one person forget theevents of the previous 10minutes. For every 3 levels of thespell caster another 10 minutes isforgotten.

Gaseous FormTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3Components: S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A bit of gauze and a wisp ofsmoke.

GateConjuration (Creation, Summoning)Level: Mystic 9, Arcane 9Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 hour

In most cases can only open toBorder Ethereal Plane or to alocation on Gothic Earth. On thoserare occasions that another Planeis actually accessed there is only a25% chance that it is the Planethe spell caster dersired.

Gaze ReflectionLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round perlevel

Range: PersonalSaving Throw: NegatesBy means of this spell the casterseyes become gleaming silver orbs.Any gaze attack is reflected back atthe creature. The originator of thegaze can attempt to make a save vs.the reflected attack at +4.

Geas/QuestEnchantment (Compulsion)

[Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]

Level: Mystic 6, Arcane 6Target: One living creatureSaving Throw: NoneCasting Time: 6 rounds

Gentle ReposeNecromancyLevel: Mystic 2, Arcane 3Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane MaterialComponents: A pinch of salt,and a copper piece for each eyethe corpse has (or had).

Ghost SoundIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 0Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane Material Component:A bit of wool or a small lump ofwax.

Ghoul TouchNecromancyLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 action

Arcane Material Component: Asmall scrap of cloth taken fromclothing worn by a ghoul or apinch of earth from a ghoul’s lair.

Giant VerminTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Targets: Up to three vermin, no two

of which can be more than 30 ft.apart

Duration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: Yes

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 111

GlitterdustConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./level)Area: Creatures and objects within

10-ft. spreadDuration: 1 round/levelSaving Throw: Will negates

(blinding only)Spell Resistance: Yes

Arcane Material Component:Ground mica.

Globe of InvulnerabilityAbjurationLevel: Arcane 6Casting Time: 1 minute

Glyph of WardingAbjurationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutesRange: TouchTarget or Area: Object touched or

up to 5 square ft./levelDuration: Until dischargedSaving Throw: See textSpell Resistance: Yes (object)

Material Component: You tracethe glyph with incense, whichmust first be sprinkled withpowdered diamond worth at least$120.00.

GoodberryTransmutationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

GreaseConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane Material Component: Abit of pork rind or butter.

Greater CommandEnchantment (Charm) [Language-

Dependent, Mind-Affecting]Level: Mystic 5Casting Time: 1 round

Targets: One creature/level, no twoof whom can be more than 30 ft.apart

Greater DispellingAbjurationLevel: Mystic 6, Arcane 6

As dispel magic, except that themaximum bonus on the dispelcheck is +20 instead of +10.Additionally, greater dispellinghas a chance to lift any effect thatremove curse can temporarilyremove . If it does, then theeffects are lifted for 3 hours perlevel of the caster.

Greater Glyph ofWardingAbjurationLevel: Mystic 6Casting Time : 6 minutes

As glyph of warding, except thatthe blast deals up to 10d8damage and the greater glyphcan store a harmful spell of up to6th level.

Material Component:Diamond dust worth at least$240.00.

Greater Magic WeaponTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4, Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 roundsDuration: 1 hour/levelSaving Throw: Will negates

(harmless, object)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless,


If you are a good aligned mysticthe weapon is considered to be"blessed".

Arcane Material Components:Powdered lime and carbon.

Greater RestorationNecromancyComponents: V, S, XPLevel: Mystic 7Casting Time: 20 minutes

Greater ScryingDivinationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S

Casting Time: 7 roundsDuration: 1 hour/level

Guards and WardsAbjurationLevel: Arcane 6Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 1 hour (D)

Arcane Material Components:Burning incense, a small measureof sulfur and oil, a knotted string,and a small amount of Lions'blood.

Arcane Focus: A small silver rod.

GuidanceDivinationLevel: Mystic 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

This spell imbues the subject witha touch of guidance from thespiritworld.

Gust of WindEvocationLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds

Focus: A tiny leather bellows.

HallowEvocation [Good]Level: Mystic 5Components: V, S, M, DFCasting Time: two daysRange: TouchHallow makes a particular site,building, or structure a sanctuaryfor spirits of good alignment.

Material Components: Herbs,oils, and incense worth at least$1,000.00 plus $500.00 per levelof the spell to be included in thehallowed area.

Hallucinatory TerrainIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutes

Arcane Material Components:A stone, a twig, and a bit of greenplant.

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 112

Halt UndeadNecromancyLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 roundsSaving Throw: See textSpell Resistance: Yes

Even non-intelligent Undead get aWill saving throw.

Arcane Material Components:A pinch of sulfur and powderedgarlic.

HarmNecromancyLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 6 rounds

HasteTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Ashaving of licorice root.

HealConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 6 rounds

Healing CircleConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 minute

Heat MetalTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Target: Metal equipment of one

creature/2 levels, no two of whomcan be more than 30 ft. apart; or25 lbs. of metal/level, all of whichmust be within a 30-ft. circle

Duration: 7 roundsSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

If this is cast on firearms, thenduring the round in which themetal heats to searing all bulletsin the weapon will explode.Damage will vary by the amount

of bullets in the weapon and thetype of weapon.

Helping HandEvocationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 roundsThe hand is only visible to youand the person it is looking for.

Heroes’ FeastEvocationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 20 minutes

Hideous LaughterEnchantment (Compulsion)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component:Tiny tarts that are thrown at thetarget and a feather that is wavedin the air.

Hold AnimalEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Hold MonsterEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level, Mystic 6, Arcane 5Components: V, S, M / FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spellArcane Material Component:

One hard metal bar or rod, whichcan be as small as a three-pennynail.

Hold PersonEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 2, Arcane 3Components: V, S, F/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell

Arcane Focus: A small, straightpiece of iron.

Hold PortalAbjurationLevel: Arcane 1

Component: VCasting Time: 1 round

Horrid WiltingNecromancyLevel: Arcane 8, Mystic 8Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 8 rounds

Arcane Material Component:A bit of sponge.

Hypnotic PatternIllusion (Pattern) [Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 2Components: (V), S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Aglowing stick of incense or acrystal rod filled withphosphorescent material.

HypnotismEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: /Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Ice StormEvocation [Cold]Level: Arcane 4, Mystic 5

Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell

Arcane Material Components:A pinch of dust and a few dropsof water.

IdentifyDivinationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 16 hours

Arcane MaterialComponents: A pearl of at least$100.00 value, crushed andstirred into wine with an owlfeather; the infusion must bedrunk prior to spellcasting.

Illusory ScriptIllusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 10 minutes or longer

Arcane Material Component: Alead-based ink (cost of not lessthan $15.00).

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 113

Illusory WallIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

Imbue with Spell AbilityEvocationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 20 minutes

ImplosionEvocationLevel: Mystic 9Components: V, SCasting Time: Up to 16 rounds (see


By use of this spectacular spell,you create a destructiveresonance in a corporealcreature’s body. At the end of the4th round and every 4 rounds afterthat of casting the spell, you cancause one creature to collapse inon itself, killing it.

ImprisonmentAbjurationLevel: Arcane 9Components: V, SCasting Time: 9 rounds

Improved InvisibilityIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting time: 4 rounds

As invisibility, except the spelldoesn’t end if the target attacks.

Incendiary CloudConjuration (Creation) [Fire]Level: Mystic 8, Arcane 8Components: V, SCasting Time: 8 rounds

Inflict Critical WoundsNecromancyLevel: Mystic 4Casting Time: 4 rounds

Inflict Light WoundsNecromancyLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Inflict Minor WoundsNecromancyLevel: Mystic 0Casting Time: 1 round

Inflict Moderate WoundsNecromancyLevel: Mystic 2Casting Time: 2 rounds

Inflict Serious WoundsNecromancyLevel: Mystic 3

InsanityEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 7Components: V, SCasting Time: 7 rounds

Insect PlagueConjuration (Summoning) [see text]Level: Mystic 5,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 minute

InvisibilityIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 2,Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane MaterialComponents: An eyelash and abit of gum arabic, the formerencased in the latter.

Invisibility PurgeEvocationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Invisibility SphereIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 roundsArea: A 10-foot radius sphere around

the creature or object touched

Invisibility to AnimalsAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1Components: S, FCasting Time: 1 roundRange: Touch

Invisibility to UndeadAbjuration

Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

IrritationTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 roundRange: 10yds/levelTarget: one creatureDuration: see textSaving Throw: Fortitude negatesSpell Resistance: yes

You effect the epidermis of thetargeted creature in one of twoways.

Itch: causes subject toimmediately feel an itchingsensation on a part of her body. Ifone round is not spent scratchingeffected body part, the next threerounds the sensation will be sointense that the victim can nothelp squirming and twisting(Concentration check at DC of 15to cast- lose Dex bonuses to ACand attacks are at a -2)

Rash: 1d4 rounds after the spellhas been cast, the targets entireskin surfaces breaks out in a rash.The rash persists until either acure disease or dispel magic iscast upon it. While rash persists,you lose 1 point of Charisma perday (max 4 points) and 1 point ofDex for every two days (max 4).

Material component is a leaf ofpoison ivy, oak or sumac.

Iron BodyTransmutationLevel: Mystic 8, Arcane 8Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 8 rounds

IronwoodTransmutationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 10 minutes/lb.


JumpTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 114

Arcane Material Component:a grasshopper’s hind leg, whichyou break when the spell is cast.

Keen EdgeTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Does not work on bullets forfirearms.

KnockTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: VCasting Time: 2 rounds

Know DirectionDivinationLevel: Mystic 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Legend LoreDivinationLevel: Mystic 7, Arcane 6Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: See text

Legend lore brings to your mindlegends about an importantperson, place, or thing. If theperson or thing is at hand, or ifyou are in the place in question,the casting time is only 1d4×30minutes. If you have only detailedinformation on the person, place,or thing, casting time is 1d10+2days, and the resulting lore is lesscomplete and specific (though itoften provides enoughinformation to help you find theperson, place, or thing, thusallowing a better legend lorenext time). If you only knowrumors, casting time is 2d6+2weeks, and the resulting lore isvague and incomplete (though itoften directs you to more detailedinformation, thus allowing abetter legend lore).

Material Component: Incenseworth at least $25.00.

Focus: Four strips of ivory (worth$15.00 each) formed into arectangle.

Lesser GeasEnchantment (Compulsion)

[Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]

Level: Arcane 4Components: VCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Target: One living creature of up to

7 HDDuration: 1 day/level or until

discharged (D)Saving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

Lesser RestorationConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 minutes

LevitateTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Levitate allows you to moveyourself, another creature, or anobject up and down up to 1 footper caster level.

Focus: Either a small leather loopor a piece of golden wire bentinto a cup shape with a longshank on one end.

LightEvocation [Light]Level: Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: V, M/FCasting Time: 1 action

Arcane Material Component: Afirefly or a piece ofphosphorescent moss.

Lightning BoltEvocation [Electricity]Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Bolt starts at the casters fingertips.

Arcane Material Components:A bit of fur and an amber, crystal,or glass rod.

Limited WishUniversalLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, XPCasting Time: 7 rounds

LiveoakTransmutationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes

Locate CreatureDivinationLevel: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 4 roundsDuration: 10 minutes/level

Arcane Material Component:A bit of bloodhound’s fur.

Locate ObjectDivinationLevel:, Mystic 3, Arcane 2,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Focus: A forked twig.

Mage ArmorConjuration (Creation) [Force]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 roundRange: TouchTarget: Creature touchedDuration: 1 hour/level (D)Saving Throw: Will negates

(harmless)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Focus: A piece of curedleather.

Mage HandTransmutationLevel: Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 actionRange: Short (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Target: A nonmagical, unattended

object weighing up to 5 poundsDuration: ConcentrationSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

Magic Circle againstChaosAbjuration [Lawful]Level: Law 3, Arcane 3Casting time: 3 rounds

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 115

Magic Circle against EvilAbjuration [Good]Level: Mystic 3, Arcane 3Casting time: 3 roundsArea: Emanates 10 ft. from touched

creatureDuration: 10 minutes/levelSpell Resistance: No (see text)

Magic Circle againstGoodAbjuration [Evil]Level:, Mystic 3, Arcane 3Casting time: 3 rounds

Magic Circle against LawAbjuration [Chaotic]Level:, Mystic 3, Arcane 3Casting time: 3 rounds

Magic JarNecromancyLevel: Arcane 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 5 rounds

Focus: A gem or crystal worth atleast $100.00.

Magic MouthIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Asmall bit of honeycomb and jadedust worth $10.00

Magic StoneTransmutationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Magic VestmentTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds

This will work on ordinaryclothing; however, the clothingmust be more substantial than aloin cloth, underwear or a bathingsuit. You can not put it on a shirt

and then on a jacket, no stackingon individual items.

Magic WeaponTransmutationLevel: Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, S, F, FCasting Time: 1 round

Focus: The weapon.

Major CreationConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 5Casting Time: 1 hour

Major ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 3Casting Time: 3 roundsDuration: Concentration+3 rounds

Make WholeTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Casting Time: 2 rounds

Mark of JusticeTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 hour

Mass CharmEnchantment (Charm) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 8Components: VCasting Time: 8 roundsTargets: One or more creatures, no

two of which can be more than 30ft. apart

Duration: 1 day/level

Mass HasteTransmutationLevel: Arcane 6Casting Time: 6 roundsTargets: one creature per level no

two of which can be more than 20feet apart

Mass HealConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 8Casting Time: 8 roundsTargets: Up to 1 creature/3 levels

Mass InvisibilityIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 7

Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 7 rounds

Arcane Material Components:An eyelash and a bit of gumarabic, the former encased in thelatter.

Mass SuggestionEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting, Language-Dependent]Level: Arcane 6Casting Time: 6 rounds

MazeConjuration (Creation) [Force]Level: Arcane 8Components: V, SCasting Time: 8 rounds

Meld into StoneTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds

MendingTransmutationLevel:, Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

MessageTransmutation [Language-

Dependent]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Focus: A short piece of copperwire.

Meteor SwarmEvocation [Fire]Level: Arcane 9Components: V, SCasting Time: 9 round

Mind BlankAbjurationLevel: Mystic 8, /Arcane 8Components: V, SCasting Time: 8 rounds

Mind FogEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 116

Minor CreationConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 30 minutes

Arcane Material Component:A tiny piece of matter of the sametype of item you plan to createwith minor creation—a bit oftwisted hemp to create rope, andso forth.

Minor Globe ofInvulnerabilityAbjurationLevel: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 4 rounds

Arcane Material Component:A glass or crystal bead thatshatters at the expiration of thespell.

Minor ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 2Casting Time: 2 roundsDuration: Concentration+2 rounds

Mirage ArcanaIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

Mirror ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Only one image is created withthis spell.

MisdirectionIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

MisleadIllusion (Figment, Glamer)Level: Arcane 6Components: SCasting Time: 6 rounds

Modify MemoryEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-


Level: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds (see text)

The time that can be modified islonger. You can modify up to onehour of memory.

MountConjuration (Summoning)Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

You summon a light horse or apony (your choice) to serve youas a mount. If one is in the area,The steed serves willingly andwell. The mount does notautomatically come with a bit andbridle and a riding saddle.

Arcane Material Component:A bit of horse hair.

Move EarthTransmutationLevel: Arcane 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: See text

For every 150 foot square (up to10 feet deep), casting takes 20minutes. The maximum area, 750feet by 750 feet, takes 8 hoursand 20 minutes to move.

Arcane Material Components:A mixture of soils (clay, loam, andsand) in a small bag and an ironblade.

Negative EnergyProtectionAbjurationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Neutralize PoisonConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Abit of charcoal.

NightmareIllusion (Phantasm) [Mind-Affecting,


Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes

NondetectionAbjurationLevel: Arcane 3,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Material Component: A pinch ofdiamond dust worth $25.00.

Obscure ObjectAbjurationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 2Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being castArcane Material Component:

A piece of chameleon skin.

Obscuring MistConjuration (Creation)Level: Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Open/CloseTransmutationLevel: Arcane 0Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 action

Focus: A brass key.

Order’s WrathEvocation [Lawful]Level: Mystic 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 roundsOnly the caster sees the grid.

PasswallTransmutationLevel: Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 5 rounds

Arcane Material Component:A pinch of sesame seeds.

Pass without TraceTransmutationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

PermanencyUniversalLevel: Arcane 5Components: V, S, XPCasting Time: 1 minuteRange: See text

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 117

Permanent ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 6Casting Time: 6 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Abit of fleece plus powdered jadeworth $75.00.

Persistent ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 5Casting Time: 5 roundsDuration: 1 minute/level (D)

Arcane Material Components:A bit of fleece and several grainsof sand.

Phantasmal KillerIllusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 rounds

Phantom SteedConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes

Phase DoorConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 7,Components: VCasting Time: 7 rounds

Plane ShiftTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5, Arcane 7Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

The only plane accessible is theBorder Ethereal. It does notmatter where the focus is keyedfor you will either end up on theborder Ethereal or somewhere onthe Prime Material Plane

Plant GrowthTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds


Level: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Polymorph Any ObjectTransmutationLevel: Arcane 8,Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 8 rounds

Arcane Material Components:Mercury, gum arabic, and smoke.

Polymorph OtherTransmutationLevel: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 4 rounds

Arcane Material Component:An empty cocoon.

Polymorph SelfTransmutationLevel: Arcane 4Components: VCasting Time: 4 rounds

Power Word, BlindConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 8, Mystic 8Components: VCasting Time: 3 rounds

Power Word, KillConjuration (Creation) [Death]Level: Arcane 9, Mystic 9Components: VCasting Time: 5 rounds

Power Word, StunConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 7, Mystic 7Components: VCasting Time: 4 rounds

PrayerConjuration (Creation)Level: Mystic 3,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds

PrestidigitationUniversalLevel: Magic 1, Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Prismatic SphereAbjurationLevel: Arcane 9

Components: VRange: 10 ft.Effect: 10-ft. radius sphere centered

on you

Prismatic SprayEvocationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, SCasting Time: 7 rounds

Only the victims who fail theirsave vs this spell see the visualaspect of the spell.

Prismatic WallAbjurationLevel: Arcane 8Components: V, SCasting Time: 8 rounds

Produce FlameEvocation [Fire]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Programmed ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 6Casting Time: 6 roundsEffect: A visual figment that cannot

extend beyond a 20-ft. cube+one10-ft. cube/level (S)

Arcane Material Component: Abit of fleece and jade dust worth$50.00.

Project ImageIllusion (Shadow)Level: Arcane 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 6 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Asmall replica of you (a doll).

Protection fromArrows/BulletsAbjurationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: Touch

This works against bullets.

Focus: A piece of shell from atortoise or a turtle.

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 118

Protection from ChaosAbjurationLevel:, Mystic 1, Arcane 1Casting Time: 1 round

Protection from ElementsAbjurationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 roundsDuration: 10 minutes/level or until


Protection from EvilAbjurationLevel:, Mystic 1, Arcane 1Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane Material Component:A little powdered silver with whichyou trace a 3-foot-diameter circleon the floor (or ground) aroundthe creature to be warded.

Protection from GoodAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1, Arcane 1

Protection from LawAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1, Arcane 1

Prying EyesDivinationLevel: Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 minutesOnly the caster can see the eyes.

Arcane Material Component: Ahandful of crystal marbles.

Purify Food and DrinkUniversalLevel: Mystic 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Purify PlaceEvocationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 1 roundRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Area: A 20-ft. radius emanationDuration: 2 hours/levelSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

This spell imbues an area withpositive energy. All Charisma

checks made to turn undeadwithin this area gain a +3 bonus.Undead entering this area sufferminor disruption, giving them a –1 penalty on attack rolls, damagerolls, and saving throws. Undeadcannot be created within orsummoned into a purified area.

Material Components: A littleholy water and $25.00 worth (5lbs.) of silver dust, all of whichmust be sprinkled around thearea.

PyrotechnicsTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

QuenchTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Rainbow PatternIllusion (Pattern) [Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 4Components:, S, M, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Apiece of phosphor.

Arcane Focus: A crystal prism.

Raise DeadConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 5Components: V, S, M, FCasting Time: 2 minutes

If the caster fails in properlycasting the spell by rolling anatural 1, then the person whowas supposed to be raised fromthe dead comes back as anUndead.

Material Component: A diamondworth at least $ 500.00.

Random ActionEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Ray of EnfeeblementNecromancyLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Ray of FrostConjuration (Creation) [Cold]Level: Arcane 0Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Read MagicUniversalLevel: Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

See earlier discussion on magicfor limitations of this spell.

Focus: A clear crystal or mineralprism.

ReduceTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

RefugeTransmutation [Teleportation]Level: Mystic 7, Arcane 9Component: V,S,MCasting Time: 1 action

RegenerateConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 7, Healing 7Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 minutes

ReincarnateTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 20 minutes

The target can only come back asa human or animal or Undead.Use chart in PHB for results but ifthe result calls for a creatureother than an animal or human,roll again on the following chartfor the type of Undead That thetarget comes back as:D% Incarnation01- 35 Ghost36- 55 Shadow

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 119

56- 75 Mummy76- 95 Vampire96- 100 Lich

Both Undead or animal resultsmean the hero is now an NPC.

Remove Ancient CurseAbjurationLevel: Mystic 7 Arcane 8, Vistani 7Components: VCasting Time: 1 minuteTarget: SpecialDuration: SpecialSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: yes

Works as Remove Curse; howeverit normally requires a specificdeed of Atonement/ Restorationto be completed.

RemoveBlindness/DeafnessConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Remove CurseAbjurationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Remove curse only lifts thecurse one turn per level of thecaster. Once the time has expiredif other conditions are not met thecurse returns. As the cause ofeach curse is different theconditions required for lifting thecurse may be different.

Remove DiseaseConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 3,Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Remove FearAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Remove Greater CurseAbjurationLevel: Mystic 6, Arcane 7 Vistanni 3Components: V, SCasting Time 1 minute

Range: closeTarget: SpecialDuration: PermanentSaving Throw: Will negatesSpell Resistance: Yes

Works as Remove Curse.

Remove ParalysisConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 2,Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Repel Metal or StoneAbjurationLevel: Mystic 8Components: V, SCasting Time: 8 rounds

Repel VerminAbjurationLevel: Mystic 4,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Repel WoodTransmutationLevel:, Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 6 rounds

RepulsionAbjurationLevel: Mystic 7, Arcane 6Components: V, S, F/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast.

Arcane Focus: A pair of smalliron bars attached to two smallcanine statuettes, one black andone white.

ResistanceAbjurationLevel: Mystic 0, Arcane 0Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 roundRange: Touch

Arcane Material Component: Aminiature cloak.

Resist ElementsAbjurationLevel: Mystic 2, Arcane 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being castDuration: 1 minute/level

RestorationConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 4Casting Time: 4 roundsComponents: V, S, M

Material Component: Diamonddust worth $100.00 that issprinkled over the target.

ResurrectionConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 7Casting Time: 20 minutes

Material Components: A sprinkleof holy water and a diamondworth at least $500.00.

Reverse GravityTransmutationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 7 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A lodestone and iron filings.

Righteous MightTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 5 rounds

Rope TrickTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Components:Powdered corn extract and atwisted loop of parchment.

SanctuaryAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

ScareNecromancy [Fear, Mind-Affecting]Level: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Abit of bone from an undead

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 120

skeleton, zombie, ghoul, ghast, ormummy.

ScreenIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 8,Components: V, SCasting Time: 20 minutes

ScryingDivinationLevel: Mystic 5, Arcane 4Components: V, S, M/ FCasting Time: 2 hours

Arcane, Focus: A mirror of finelywrought and highly polished silvercosting not less than 1,000 gp.The mirror must be at least 2 feetby 4 feet.

Mystic Focus: a purified bowlcosting not less than $100.00.

Searing LightEvocationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Secret PageTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutes

Arcane Material Components:Powdered herring scales and will-o’-wisp essence.

See InvisibilityDivinationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A pinch of talc and a smallsprinkling of powdered silver.

SeemingIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

SendingEvocationLevel: Mystic 4, Arcane 5Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 20 minutes

Arcane Material Component: Ashort piece of fine copper wire.

Sepia Snake SigilConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 20 minutesSpell Resistance: No

Arcane Material Components:$25.00 worth of powdered amber,a scale from any snake, and apinch of mushroom spores.

SequesterAbjurationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 7 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A basilisk eyelash, gum arabic,and a dram of whitewash.

ShadesIllusion (Shadow)Level: Arcane 6Casting Time: 6 rounds

ShatterEvocation [Sonic]Level: Mystic 2, Arcane 2Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Achip of mica.

ShieldAbjuration [Force]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

Shield of LawAbjuration [Lawful]Level: Mystic 8Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 8 rounds

Only the caster sees the shields.

Focus: A tiny reliquary that costsat least $500.00.

Shield OtherAbjurationLevel: Mystic 2,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Focus: A pair of platinum rings(worth at least $50.00 each) wornby both you and the wardedcreature.

ShillelaghTransmutationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Shocking GraspTransmutation [Electricity]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 round

ShoutEvocation [Sonic]Level: Arcane 4Components: VCasting Time: 1 round

Shrink ItemTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

SilenceIllusion (Glamer)Level: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Silent ImageIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

SimulacrumIllusion (Shadow)Level: Arcane 7Components: V, S, M, XPCasting Time: 24 hours

Arcane Material Component:The spell is cast over the roughsnow or ice form, and some pieceof the creature to be duplicatedmust be placed inside the snow orice.

Additionally, the spell requirespowdered ruby worth $100.00.XP Cost: 1,000 XP.

Slay LivingNecromancy [Death]Level: Mystic 5

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 121

Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

SleepEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane Material Component:A pinch of fine sand, rose petals,or a live cricket.

Sleet StormConjuration (Creation) [Cold]Level: Mystic 4, Arcane 3Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Arcane Material Components:A pinch of dust and a few dropsof water.

SlowTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Adrop of molasses.

SnareTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 minutes

Soften Earth and StoneTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Solid FogConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 4Components: V, S, MCasting time: 4 roundsDuration: 1 minute/level

Arcane Material Components:A pinch of dried, powdered peascombined with powdered animalhoof.

Soul BindNecromancyLevel: Mystic 9, Arcane 9Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 9 rounds

Focus: A black sapphire gem ofat least $1,000.00 value for everyHit Die possessed by the creaturewhose soul is to be bound. If thegem is not valuable enough, itshatters when the binding isattempted. (While charactershave no concept of level as such,the value of the gem needed totrap an individual can beresearched. Remember that thisvalue can change over time ascharacters advance.)

Sound BurstEvocation [Sonic]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, F/Casting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Focus: A smallmusical instrument.

Speak with AnimalsDivinationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: Personal

Speak with DeadNecromancy [Language-Dependent]Level: Mystic 3Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 20 minutesRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)Target: One dead creatureDuration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: Will negates (see

text)Spell Resistance: No

Speak with PlantsDivinationLevel: Mystic 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

Spectral HandNecromancyLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Spell ResistanceAbjurationLevel: Mystic 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 7 rounds

Spell TurningAbjurationLevel: Magic 7, Arcane 7Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 7 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Asmall silver mirror.

Spider ClimbTransmutationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane Material Components:A drop of bitumen and a livespider, both of which must beeaten by the spell subject.

Spike StonesTransmutationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Spirit FavorEvocationLevel: Mystic 1,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 roundRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 minute

Calling upon the strength andwisdom of the spiritworld, yougain a +1 luck bonus to attackand weapon damage rolls forevery three caster levels you have(at least +1, maximum +6). Thebonus doesn’t apply to spelldamage.

Spirit AuraAbjuration [Good]Level: Mystic 8Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 6 roundsRange: 20 ft.Targets: One creature/level in a 20-

ft. radius burst centered on youDuration: 1 round/level (D)Saving Throw: See textSpell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

A radiance surrounds the targets,protecting them from attacks,granting them +4 resistance to

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 122

spells cast by evil creatures, andblinding evil creatures when theystrike the targets.

Casting this spell has a 10%notice by evil power check.

Focus: A reliquary containingblessed water. The reliquary costsat least $500.00

Spirit PowerEvocationLevel: Mystic 4Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 3 rounds

Calling upon the power of thespiritworld you imbue yourselfwith strength and skill in combat.You gain the Base Attack bonus ofa fighter of your total characterlevel, an enhancement bonus toStrength sufficient to raise yourStrength score to 18 (if it is notalready 18 or higher), and 1temporary hit point per level.Focus: A soldier of yourcharacter level or higher, whoacts as a conduit for the powerand must be within arm’s reachwhen the spell is cast.

Spirit ShieldAbjurationLevel: Mystic 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 roundRange: TouchTarget: Creature touchedDuration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: Will negates

(harmless)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

This spell creates a invisiblemagical field around the touchedperson. The spell grants thesubject a +2 deflection bonus,with an additional +1 to thebonus for every 6 levels you have(up to a +5 deflection bonus).

Material Component: A smallparchment with a bit of ancientlore about the spirit world on it.

Spirit StikeEvocation [Good]Level: Mystic 4Components: V, SCasting Time: 4 roundsRange: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./level)Area: A 20-ft. radius burstDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: Reflex halfSpell Resistance: Yes

You draw down the power ofgood aligned spirits to smite yourenemies. Only evil and neutralcreatures are harmed by thespell; good creatures areunaffected.

The spell inflicts 1d8 points ofdamage per 2 caster levels(maximum 5d8) to evil creaturesand blinds them for one round. Asuccessful Reflex saving throwreduces damage to half andnegates the blinding effect.

The spell inflicts only half damageagainst creatures who are neithergood nor evil, and they are notblinded. They can reduce thatdamage by half (down to one-quarter of the roll) with asuccessful Reflex save.

In addition to the obvious effects,a blind character suffers a 50%miss chance in combat (as allopponents have fullconcealment), loses any positiveDexterity bonus to AC and grantsa +2 bonus to opponents’ attackrolls (as they are effectivelyinvisible). She moves at halfspeed and suffers a –4 penalty onmost Strength- and Dexterity-based skills.

Spirit voiceEvocation [Good, Sonic]Level: Mystic 7Components: VCasting Time: 1 roundRange: 30 ft.Area: Creatures in a 30-ft. radius

spread centered on youDuration: InstantaneousSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: Yes

Using Spirit Voice has two effects:

The spell instantly banishesextraplanar creatures within thearea that are not good to theBorder Ethereal. Creatures sobanished cannot return for atleast 1 day. This effect takesplace regardless of whether thecreatures hear the Spirit Voice.

Creatures native to Gothic Earthwho hear the Spirit Voice andare not good suffer the followingill effects:

HD Effect12 or more DeafenedLess than 12 Blinded, deafened

Less than 8 Paralyzed,blinded, deafened

Less than 4 Killed, paralyzed,

blinded, deafened

The effects are cumulative.

Deafened: The creature is struckdeaf (see blindness/deafness)for 1d4 rounds.

Blinded: The creature is struckblind (see blindness/deafness)for 2d4 rounds.

Paralyzed: The creature isparalyzed and helpless for 1d10minutes, unable to move or act inany way.

Killed: Living creatures die.Undead creatures are destroyed.

Spiritual WeaponEvocation [Force]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 roundsRange: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./level)Effect: A magical weapon of forceDuration: 1 round/level (D)Saving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: Yes

The weapon will take the shape ofa melee weapon you know how touse. Otherwise it works as in thePHB.

StatueTransmutationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 7 roundsRange: Touch

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 123

Target: Creature touchedDuration: 1 hour/level (D)Saving Throw: Will negates

(harmless)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The initial transformation fromflesh to stone requires 1 fullminute after the spell is cast.During that time the victim canonly make small movements astheir muscles stiffen during thechange.

If they already have a weapon inhand, they may be able to use itat a -4 during the first two roundsafter the spell has been cast (noDexterity modifiers).

Arcane MaterialComponents: Lime, sand, and adrop of water stirred by an ironbar, such as a nail or spike.

Stinking CloudConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 3Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Component:A rotten egg or several skunkcabbage leaves.

Stone ShapeTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 5Components: V, S, M/ FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spellSpell Resistance: No

Arcane Material Component:Soft clay, which must be workedinto roughly the desired shape ofthe stone object and thentouched to the stone while thespell is uttered.

StoneskinAbjurationLevel: Arcane 4, Mystic 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spellRange: Touch

Material Components: Graniteand $125.00 worth of diamonddust sprinkled on the target’sskin.

Stone TellDivinationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 20 minutesRange: PersonalTarget: YouDuration: 1 minute/level

Stone to FleshTransmutationLevel: Arcane 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 6 roundsSpell Resistance: Yes

Arcane Material Components:A pinch of earth and a drop ofblood.

Storm of VengeanceConjuration (Summoning)Level: Mystic 9Components: V, SCasting Time: 1 minute

SuggestionEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting, Language-Dependent]Level: Arcane 3Components: V, MCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A snake’s tongue and either a bitof honeycomb or a drop of sweetoil.

Summon Nature’s Ally IConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 minuteRange: 1 mile/levelEffect: One or more summoned

animals, no two of which can bemore than 30 ft. apart

Duration: 1 round/level (D)Saving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

The creatures summon travelnormally to reach the caster theyare not transported via magic. Anelemental can mot be called bythis spell.

Summon Nature’s Ally IIConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 2Casting time: 2 minutes

Summon Nature’s AllyIIIConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 3Casting Time: 3 minutes

Summon Nature’s AllyIVConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 4Casting Time: 4 minutes

Summon Nature’s Ally VConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 5Casting Time: 5 minutes

Summon Nature’s AllyVIConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 6Casting Time: 6 minutes

Summon Nature’s AllyVIIConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 7Casting Time: 7 minutes

Summon Nature’s AllyVIIIConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 8Casting Time: 8 minutes

Summon Nature’s AllyIXConjuration (Summoning) [See text]Level: Mystic 9Casting Time: 9 minutes

Summon SwarmConjuration (Summoning)Level: Mystic 2, Arcane 2Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 minute

Arcane Material Component: Asquare of red cloth.

SunbeamEvocationLevel: Mystic 7

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 124

Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 7 rounds

SunburstEvocationLevel: Arcane 8, Mystic 8Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 8 rounds

Arcane Material Components:A piece of sunstone and a nakedflame.

SymbolUniversalLevel: Mystic 8, Arcane 8Components: V, S, M/F (or V, S, M

for carefully engraved)Casting Time: 8 rounds or 20


"Quickly" scribing the symboltakes 8 rounds as the magic doesnot respond quickly in GothicEarth and great care must betaken. Also that version only lasts10 minutes.

Arcane Material Components(Quickly Scribed Symbol): Asmall amount of mercury andphosphorus.

Material Components(Carefully Engraved Symbol):Mercury and phosphorus, pluspowdered diamond and opal witha total value of at least$2 5,00.00each.

SympathyEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 9, Arcane 8Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 hours

Material Components: $ 750.00worth of crushed pearls and adrop of honey.

TelekinesisTransmutationLevel: Arcane 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 rounds

TeleportTransmutation [Teleportation]Level: Arcane 5,Components: VCasting Time: 5 round

Teleportation CircleTransmutation [Teleportation]Level: Arcane 9Components: V, MCasting Time: 20 minutesRange: Touch

Arcane Material Component:Amber dust to cover the area ofthe circle (cost $500.00).

Teleport without ErrorTransmutation [Teleportation]Level: Arcane 7Casting Time: 7 rounds

Temporal StasisTransmutationLevel: Arcane 9Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 9 rounds

Arcane Material Component:A powder composed of diamond,emerald, ruby, and sapphire dustwith a total value of at least$2500.00.

Time StopTransmutationLevel: Arcane 9Components: VCasting Time: 9 rounds

Tomb WardLevel: Mystic 7Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 daysRange: TouchDuration: PermanentArea: 1 tomb, a cube 30 feet/sideSaving Throw: NoneSpell Resistance: No

Enables a mystic to cast aconditional curse upon a tomb.The mystic sets done the exactconditions for the activation of thecurse as well as the curse and themethods for lifting the curse ifany.

Material components: inks andincenses (value of $50.00) gems(value $150.00) and one pint ofblood (to mix in the ink) or a livehuman (who is intombed).

TonguesDivinationLevel: Mystic 4, Arcane 3Components: V, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Arcane Material Component: Asmall clay model of a ziggurat,which shatters when the spell ispronounced.

Transmute Mud to RockTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5, Arcane 5Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 5 rounds

Arcane Material Component:Sand, lime, and water.

Transmute Rock to MudTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5, Arcane 5Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 5 round

Arcane Material Component:Clay and water.

Transport via PlantsTransmutationLevel: Mystic 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 6 rounds

Trap the SoulConjuration (Summoning)Level: Arcane 8Components: V, S, M, (F)Casting Time: 1 action or see text

Material Component: Before theactual casting of trap the soul,you must prepare the prison, agem of at least $1,000.00 valuefor every Hit Die possessed by thecreature to be trapped (forexample, it requires a gem of$10,000.00 value to trap a 10 HitDie creature). If the gem is notvaluable enough, it shatters whenthe entrapment is attempted.(While characters have noconcept of level as such, thevalue of the gem needed to trapan individual can be researched.Remember that this value canchange over time as charactersadvance.)

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 125

Creating the prison gem requiresthe placement of a maze spellinto the gem, thereby creating theprison to contain the life force.

Focus (Trigger Item Only): Ifthe trigger item method is used, aspecial trigger item, prepared asdescribed above, is needed.

Tree ShapeTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Tree StrideTransmutationLevel: Mystic 5Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 5 rounds

True ResurrectionConjuration (Healing)Level: Mystic 9Casting Time: 20 minutes

If the Spellcraft roll is a naturalroll of 1, then the person comesback as an Undead Creature ofthe same hit die as the personwas in life or the hit die of thecaster whichever is greater.

Material Components: A sprinkleof holy water and a diamondworth at least $2,500.00.

True SeeingDivinationLevel: Mystic 5, Arcane 6Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being castRange: TouchTarget: Creature touchedDuration: 1 minute/levelSaving Throw: Will negates

(harmless)Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Further, the subject can focusher vision to see into the BorderEthereal Plane. The range of trueseeing conferred is 120 feet.

Material Component: Anointment for the eyes that costs$125.00 and is made from veryrare mushroom powder, saffron,and fat.

True StrikeDivinationLevel: Arcane 1Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

Focus: A small wooden replica ofan archery target.

Undetectable AuraAbjurationLevel: Mystic 2,Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Unseen ServantConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 1Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round

Arcane Material Components:A piece of string and a bit ofwood.

Vampiric TouchNecromancyLevel: Arcane 3Components: V, SCasting Time: 3 rounds

For every die of hit points youtake from the victim, the victimloses 1 hit point permanently. Ifthe victim loses 2d6 pointstemporarily (as in regular D&D)lthen of those 2 hit points are lostpermanently.

VeilIllusion (Glamer)Level: Arcane 6Components: V, SCasting Time: 6 rounds You must succeed at a Disguisecheck to duplicate the appearanceof a specific individual. This spellgives you a +10 bonus on thecheck.

VentriloquismIllusion (Figment)Level: Arcane 1Components: V, FCasting Time: 1 roundRange: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels)

Arcane Focus: A parchmentrolled up into a small cone.

VirtueTransmutationLevel: Mystic 0Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 1 round

VisionDivinationLevel: Arcane 7Components: V, S, M, XPCasting Time: 7 rounds

Wail of the BansheeNecromancy [Death, Sonic]Level: Mystic 9, Arcane 9Components: VCasting Time: 9 rounds

Wall of FireEvocation [Fire]Level: Mystic 4, Arcane 4Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 4 rounds

Arcane Material Component:Phosphorus.

Wall of ForceEvocation [Force]Level: Mystic 7, Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell being cast

Arcane Material Component: Apinch of powder made from aclear gem.

Wall Of IceEvocation[Cold]Level: Arcane 4Components: V, S,MCasting Time: 4 roundsEffect: 5ft./level or radius of upto 2ft+1ft/levelThe size is reduced in GothicEarth.

Material Component: A smallpiece of quartz or similar rockcrystal

Wall of IronConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 5Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 5 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Asmall piece of sheet iron plus golddust worth $50.00.

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth 126

Wall of StoneConjuration (Creation)Level: Mystic 5, Arcane 5Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 5 rounds

Arcane Material Component:A small block of granite.

Wall of ThornsConjuration (Creation)Level:, Mystic 5Components: V, SCasting Time: 5 roundsRange: Medium (100 ft.+10 ft./level)

Warp WoodTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, SCasting Time : 2rounds

Water BreathingTransmutationLevel: Arcane 3, Mystic 3Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 3 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Ashort reed or piece of straw.

Water WalkTransmutationLevel: Mystic 3,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 3 rounds

WebConjuration (Creation)Level: Arcane 2Components: V, S, MCasting Time: 2 rounds

Arcane Material Component: Abit of spider web.

WeirdIllusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-

Affecting]Level: Arcane 9Casting Time: 9 roundsTargets: Any number of creatures,

no two of which can be more than30 ft. apart

WhirlwindEvocation [Air]Level: Mystic 8,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 8 rounds

Whispering WindTransmutationLevel: Arcane 2Components: V, SCasting Time: 2 rounds

Wind WalkTransmutationLevel: Mystic 6,Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 6 rounds

Wind WallEvocationLevel: Mystic 3, Arcane 3Components: V, S, M/FCasting Time: 1 round per level of

the spell

Arcane Material Components:A tiny fan and a feather of exoticorigin.

WishUniversalLevel: Arcane 9Components: V, XPCasting Time: 9 rounds

Wood ShapeTransmutationLevel: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Word of ChaosEvocation [Chaotic, Sonic]Level: Mystic 7,Components: VCasting Time: 7 roundsCreatures are banished to theBorder Ethereal

Word of RecallTransmutation [Teleportation]Level: Mystic 6,Components: VCasting Time: 6 rounds

Word of recall teleports youinstantly back to your sanctuarywhen the word is uttered. Theactual casting of the spell inpreparation takes 6 rounds theactivation is only one action.

Zone of TruthEnchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-

Affecting]Level: Mystic 2Components: V, S, FCasting Time: 2 rounds

Chapter Ten: Magic in Gothic Earth127

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