
Post on 18-Aug-2015






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1J-C. BRIENT (LLR) Introduction with pictures Prototype design and construction R! on the design o" the "u## sca#e ca#ori$eter

CALICE CALICE --EC%LEC%L si#icon-si#icon-tungstentungsten 2J-C. BRIENT (LLR)&i$u#ation'(isua#isation)*++%' ,%N%Le+e W+W at s = 800 GeVClassified as charged padsClassified as photons padse+e W+W at s = 800 GeV%"ter reconstruction Just to reca## the reason o" the choice Just to reca## the reason o" the choice 3J-C. BRIENT (LLR)Jet $assJets at 91 GeVZHat 500 GeVZ in , H in jetsPhoton energy -e.Photon I! in /etsI! and012 -e. Partic#e $o$entu$-e.%LL .%L3E& in 4E#ectron I! in /etslectron !"#adron $!%!"&J-C. BRIENT (LLR)Loo5ing a#ong the charged trac5 in the "irst 6 72Jet $ass 8 2.0Jet $ass in 2.0-0 82'1(' 2')0' Tau decays I! is essentia# "or I! andpo#arisation $easure$ent charged pionPhotons "ro$ oLoo5ing a#ongthe ch. trac5in1-90 72 (012 -e.) *J-C. BRIENT (LLR) Introduction with pictures Prototype design and construction R! on the design o" the "u## sca#e ca#ori$eter CALICE CALICE --EC%LEC%L si#icon-si#icon-tungstentungsten +J-C. BRIENT (LLR)3(0 ,,ECAL general view3rdstructure (31.4mm of W plates)3(0 ,,180 ,,Silicon wafer2nd structure (21.4mm of W plates)VME/PCI/HCALV!EMo"a#le ta#leECAL$eam mon%tor%n&Global view of the test beam setup Prototypes o(er(iewPrototypes o(er(iew BE%)1st structure (1.4mm of W plates)'etector sla# (J-C. BRIENT (LLR)!esign and construction o" a $ou#d with a## $eta##ic pieces "or the : di""erent structures Mould for alveolus structure 1.4 %#(eo#us structures%#(eo#us structures Structure 5 alveolus :(10 layers)

!etector s#a; (here it is /ust a type < structure)8J-C. BRIENT (LLR),ront End e#ectronics(Cf% / W) structure t(pe ) *%l%con +afer*,%eld%n&PC$-l. *,%eld%n&PC$ (./10 la(ers)- 2 . 2/* ,,0*%l%con +afer(0.121 mm)2un&sten(1.4 mm3 21.4 or 31.4 mm)4.3 mmCompos%te structure (0.11 mm / la(er) Trans(erse (iew !etector s#a;!etector s#a;)J-C. BRIENT (LLR)9 wa"er=0$$=0$$!iode pinout!iode ;ias&ig. readoutPCB>a"ersThe a#u$iniu$ sheet is the ground%#u$iniu$ sheet92$$92$$0 0 0 0 00=!iode "ootprint!etector sche$atic description!etector sche$atic description%$orphous si#icon deposition Protection Capacitance (%C coup#ing)10J-C. BRIENT (LLR) 6? high resisti(ity wa"ers-101 $icrons thic5 @ 1+c$- ti#e sideA =0.2 B 2.2 - 2.9 $$- scri;e #ineA 922 $- scri;e sa"ety ConeA 022 $- guard ring widthA cca D12 $(cca 9.1 E wa"er thic5ness)

EC%L prototype EC%L prototype si#icon wa"er descriptionsi#icon wa"er description!ead Cone width is on#y 9$$>a"er ;oo5 5eeping in"or$ation

2& good 2& good-110n2 lea3age04irst test prod5ction4irst test prod5ction 6ith 2* 6afers 6ith 2* 6afers11J-C. BRIENT (LLR)#ow noise 1.6 nv/Hzgood #inearity non-#inearity94 #arge dyna$ic 650 mip C

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