new faces scouting manual for talent & model scouts

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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Document used for Model & Talent Scouts




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• Meettopmodelingandtalentagents

• Searchourexpansivelistofcastingcalls

• Submityourselfforcommercials,magazines,printads,moviesandTVshows

• Beconsideredfortopassignments

• Networkwithprofessionalmodelsandactors

• Promoteyourtalentandkick‐startyoursuccess


• NewFacesisthe#1TalentDatabaseintheWorld

• NewFacesinventedonlineportfolios.Wehavebeenaroundsince1995,longerthanANYofourcompetition.

• Wehaveongoingrelationshipswithsomeofthebestknownagenciesworldwide

• Wepartnerwithfilmstudios,TVnetworks,magazinesandtopcastingstudios

• Ourmodelsandactorsroutinelysignwithtopagencies,starinblockbustermovies,arescoutedforthecoversofmagazinesandlandnationalcommercials

• Sinceweareanonlineportfolioservice,wetakenocommission

• Ourprocessissimpleandisproventobethebestwaytobreakintotheindustry


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A Personal Message from New Faces founder Hilary Rowland

I created in 1995, with the hopes of designing an online community where models and actors could communicate directly with agents and casting directors. My goal was to provide a place online where talent could promote themselves, book jobs and get representation. New Faces became the world's first online talent portfolio database and the first community for talent online. As a teen model, I quickly learned the inner workings of the entertainment industry. I came to understand that successful modeling and acting careers are strongly based on industry connections. I was lucky enough to establish many solid relationships with model and talent agencies, and these connections became the foundation of New Faces. I still pay personal attention to new upgraded members and forward promising portfolios to my personal contacts. Of course, after almost 15 years, New Faces has expanded far beyond my own industry relationships. Today, fashion and entertainment people of all types connect though the site, by creating portfolios, posting and applying to castings, and private messaging each other. New Faces is for anyone involved in fashion or film - including models, actors, photographers, directors, producers, model agencies, talent agencies and casting directors. We are frequented by the biggest names in the entertainment industry worldwide. If this sounds like a place you should be, then set up your online portfolio today and start connecting! Sincerely, Hilary Rowland - Founder/CEO -

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How Much Does It Cost?

ANSWER: Basic accounts are completely FREE, but only allow you to post one photo and basic stats.

When creating your account you'll be given the option of Basic, Silver, Platinum or Elite. The better your account is, the more photos and details you'll be able to post, which increases the chances that a casting agent will want to contact you.

In all casting searches, Elite members show up first, followed by Platinum, then Silver, then Basic is last. Being a Silver or higher member also allows you access to the special members-only casting areas of the forums.

Is New Faces An Agency?

ANSWER: New Faces is not an agency in the traditional sense of the word. We provide the premier online service for models, actors, child talent and photographers to display their portfolios on and get job offers from.

A big advantage of over a typical modeling or talent agency is that, unlike an agency which takes 20% commission on every dollar you make, New Faces takes no commission - $0 - from each job you get through your portfolio!

If you already have an agency: Your participation in New Faces should not conflict with any modeling/talent agency contracts. You and your agency should only benefit from your increased exposure. A bonus for you: If you choose not to go through an agency for the jobs you get on, you will not have to pay any commission on the money you make!

How Will Agencies, Casting Directors, Etc. Contact Me?

ANSWER: Users will contact you directly through our Member Messages system. Each portfolio links to an interactive form which agents and scouts can use to contact you. The agents must enter their company/agency name, phone number, address, and job info in the message. You will then be automatically notified via email that you have a Member Message waiting to be viewed in your LaunchPad. Your email will not be made public.

With a Silver or higher portfolio, you will also gain access to our exclusive Casting Calls area, where you may choose to contact some of the casting agents and bookers listed in this area directly.

Does It Matter Where I Live?

ANSWER: The great thing about the Internet is that it definitely does not matter where you live. Someone who lives in Singapore will still get the same amount of exposure to modeling and casting agents on New Face as someone who lives in New York.'s Web Site is intended and designed to maximize exposure worldwide, thus helping you to be seen by the right person, no matter where you live.

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How Does Stack Up Against The Competition?

ANSWER: New Faces™ was the very first portfolio service on the Internet. We have been around since summer 1995, longer than ANY of our competition. We are the premier online talent database, used by top industry professionals.

Compare to ANY Modeling Portfolio Site:

New Faces™ has models and actors -- therefore, if you are in the models section, the casting directors for movies, TV and commercials who frequent this site (to look at the actors and also check out the models) will see your photo. Other sites that just focus on models will only have people who are interested in looking at fashion models (ie. usually not film/TV or commercial casting directors) viewing their site and you will miss being cast in any film work.

Some sites, such as, only allow modeling agencies to register - not casting directors, talent agencies, magazine scouts, etc. ( also does not have actors - see previous point.) Many other sites require registration before viewing portfolios - this cuts down on the number of casting agents and agencies viewing a model's photos. Many will not have time or want to register and therefore will not view the photos.

Business Practice:

• Since we were established in 1995, it has been our #1 priority to make sure that each and every one of our clients is satisfied with our service and their online portfolio.

• We strive for transparency and have our Terms of Use clearly linked from the bottom of each page at our site.

• We have full time staff whose sole jobs are customer support service to our site members.

• We do not take a commission or percentage of the amount you are paid from any jobs that you directly book with casting agents through, unlike a traditional agency that typically takes a 15% commission from all jobs booked through the agency.

What If I Can’t Afford Professional Photos?

ANSWER: Keep in mind: the more professional your photos are, the more job offers you will likely receive. If you can afford it, get professional photos taken (if you don't have some already). If you can't afford it then you should consider getting shots taken at a photo studio like Glamour Shots rather than only submitting snapshots.

Get someone you know is good at photography (a friend or a parent) to take some photos of you. Emulate simple, professional ones from magazines - take a variety of them in different clothes with different makeup and hair (some very natural, some more done-up). Make sure your face is straight on to the camera and is not tilted or obstructed by hair, glasses, a hat, etc.

Photographers will likely contact you through your online portfolio and ask if you want to do free photo shoots to get better photos. You can also contact the Photographers on New Faces and ask if they would be interested in shooting with you. Be sure to check that they're in the same city as you!

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Can You Touch Up My Photos?

ANSWER: Yes, we offer professional photo retouching (Digital Photo Enhancement) for a fee to both members and non-members. We believe that you should have the same advantages that models in magazines do. Our photo retouching experts use the same programs that advertising agencies use to re-touch your photos like they do in magazines.

If you provide us with a high-resolution scan we will retouch the photo and send it back (in the same resolution as it was sent to us). You can then have the image printed on photographic paper for your comp card or portfolio.

Do I Need Experience?

ANSWER: Not necessarily. Many people from many different backgrounds have been successful in the performing arts industry. Models and actors with little or no experience are chosen for large parts in movies, TV commercials, TV shows and more -- every day! Because of's worldwide exposure, you will have the chance to be seen by scouts looking for someone exactly like you.

Will I Be Guaranteed Work By Joining New Faces?

ANSWER: The models and actors on get regular job offers from top TV shows, magazines, agencies, etc.

No reputable modeling/talent agency or service can guarantee work. If they do, this is a warning of a scam. New Faces can't guarantee job placement for its members because the amount of jobs a model or actor gets largely depends on the quality of the model's photographs, the model or actors 'look' and what is in demand.

That said, considering the response our models, actors and child talent have been getting, you do have an excellent chance of landing many modeling and acting jobs, if you have a Silver, Platinum or Elite portfolio. The New Faces™ Web Site is designed to maximize exposure worldwide, thus helping you to be seen by the right person. We get more traffic than any of our competitors, which translates into more opportunity for you to be seen by the 'right' person.

Our Casting Calls & Auditions section gives you access to listings of recent casting calls and auditions, which dramatically increases your chances of getting work. (You may choose to follow these offers up if they are suited to your talent/look.)

Can You Give Me Advice On How To Become A Model or Actor?

ANSWER: We provide a Pro Advice section for Silver, Platinum and Elite members where you can get personal advice from top pro models, agents and photographers. We regret that due to the number of requests we receive daily, we cannot give Basic Members personal advice about modeling or acting potential via email. However, we do provide a Modeling Advice section, which is full of advice for models, actors and parents. We highly recommend our e-books: Insider's Guide to Modeling or A Parent's Guide to Child Talent.

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I Don’t Want My Picture To Show Up On Google

ANSWER: We understand your concern, but as with anytime that you post something online, Google adds that information and photos to their searches automatically. However, we ensure that your personal information, e-mail, full name etc. are not viewable online. If you don't want your photo to come up under your name, change your display name to show only your first name (instead of your full name) under the Membership Tab in the LaunchPad.

Is It Safe To Have My Picture On New Faces?

ANSWER: New Faces takes safety and privacy issues very seriously, which is why we created our Member Messages system. This system keeps all your contact information private and secure, while still allowing you to safely communicate with other members.

In addition, we have implemented the following safety features:

• Your Display Name: We allow you to only display your first name (to choose this option go to the Membership Tab in your LaunchPad).

• Your Location: You are expected to put the nearest BIG city, not necessarily your hometown, which further enhances your privacy.

• Your Member ID: We advise you not to use your full name as your member ID since your Member ID because part of your public portfolio web address. Example:

• Your Images: We imprint member's large photo to limit the possibility of it being stolen from the site by "watermarking" the large photos with a New Faces logo. We also add programming to so that in most browsers, large photos can't be clicked on to be downloaded and saved.

Please Note:

Unfortunately anyone on the Internet can download (copy) someone's photo and pretend to be them. This unfortunately is the nature of the Internet technology. has no way of knowing if a person who signs up for an online portfolio is the person they are representing themselves to be. And we also have no way of knowing, if some person copies their photo and pretends it is their photo on another site.

That is ALL any website can do. There is no 100% way to protect photos on the Internet. You should realize that although New Faces takes precautions and try our best to protect photos, that we make no guarantee that someone can't or won't copy a photo and misuse it. or any website cannot be responsible for every person's actions in the whole world that is using the Internet.

I Am A Parent Of A Talented Child – Are There Any Special Instructions?

ANSWER: New Faces takes safety and privacy issues of children members very seriously. In addition to our Member Messages system that keeps all your contact information private and secure, while still allowing you to safely communicate with other members, we also have instructions especially for parents of child talent on the site.

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Tellthemaboutourservice.Getthemtosignup! Iftheysignupforayearlypackage:$15perEliteMember$10perPlatinumMember$5perSilverMember


HOWTODOIT:Handoutyourbusinesscards‐basedonthetemplateweprovide‐topotentialtalent.Record their name, email and phone number on the form included in the ScoutingManual.Sendafollow‐upmessageoneweeklatertoseeiftheyhaveanyquestions.


NewFaces is committed to eachmodel and actor's success, the success of theNewFacesWebsite,andtoitscontinueduseintheindustry.Wefeelthatoursite isonlyusefulifhasalargenumberoftalentedmodels,actorsandphotographersavailable.NewFacesneedsmodelscouts tohelpussatisfy thedemandsfromcastingscoutsandagencieslookingforfresh faces. We need models, actors, children andphotographers to sign up and get their portfolioonline–andwewantyourhelp!Getpaidtohelppeopleachievetheirdreams!

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Instead, you may direct talent to the "Castings" page at where we display recent job offers and agency placements that talent on our site have gotten (we also provide a selection of these in the Scouting Manual which you will find in your LaunchPad). We follow-up with all scouted talent to verify and ensure the professionalism of our freelance-scouting representatives. Commission For each member that signs up and upgrades you will make the following commission for referring them: If they sign up for a yearly package, $15 per Elite Member, $10 per Platinum Member, $5 per Silver Member; If they sign up for a six-month package: $8 per Elite Member, $6 per Platinum Member, $3 per Silver Member. Payment will credit your PayPal account according to the above payment plan after three months that each referred upgraded member has signed up. Order Fulfillment will be solely responsible for processing every order placed by a customer on the site. reserves the right to reject any order that does not comply with our rules, operating procedures and policies. Members may not use the affiliate program to obtain discounts for services. Personal purchases by affiliates for services will not be eligible for commissions. Customers Customers who purchase product and services through the affiliate program will be deemed to be customers of Accordingly, all's rules, policies, and operating procedures concerning customer orders and service will apply to those customers. We may change our policies and operating procedures at any time. Prices and availability of our products and services may vary from time to time.'s policies will always determine the price paid by the customer. Relationship of Parties You and we are independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship between the parties. You will have no authority to make or accept any offers or representations on our behalf. You will not make any statement that reasonably would contradict this statement. Affiliates will at no time claim to be model scouts or agents representing nor will they make statements or imply verbally or in writing that they are in any way working as a scout or agent for Qualifications reserves the right not to accept any affiliate for the affiliate program. in no way participates in mass unsolicited emailing (i.e. spamming), and all affiliates are expected to adhere to this policy as well. Violation of this policy will result in the termination of this contract and immediate dismissal from the affiliate program. Limited License We grant you a nonexclusive, revocable right to use the graphic image and text provided for affiliates and such images for which we grant express permission, solely for the purpose of identifying you as a program participant and to assist in generating product sales. You may not modify the graphic image or text, or any other of our images, in any way. We reserve all of our rights in the graphic image and text, any other images, our trade names and trademarks, and all other intellectual property rights. We may revoke your license at any time by giving you written notice.

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Limitation of Liability We will not be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages (or any loss of revenue, profits, or data) arising in connection with this Agreement or the Program, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, our aggregate liability arising with respect to this Agreement and the program will not exceed the total commissions paid or payable to you under to this Agreement. Term of the Agreement The term of this Agreement will begin upon our acceptance of your program application and will end when terminated by either party. Either you or we may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by giving the other party written notice of termination. Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason, you will immediately cease use of, all trademarks, trade dress and logos, and all other materials provided by or on behalf of us to you pursuant hereto or in connection with the Program. You are only eligible to earn referral fees on our sales of services occurring during the term, and referral fees earned through the date of termination will remain payable only if the related orders are not cancelled or returned. We may withhold your final payment for a reasonable time to ensure that the correct amount is paid. By signing up as a scout, you acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to all its terms and conditions. You have independently evaluated this program and are not relying on any representation, guarantee or statement other than as set forth in this agreement. All information on and in this document is strictly copyrighted and cannot be used

on any other Web site or for any purpose other than to promote

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