new energy part 3: the science - quantum electrodynamics

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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The fourth area of modern science we consider fundamental to understanding and applying New Energy -- also called Zero Point Energy. This is the field of Quantum Electrodynamics.


New Energy for an Ultramodern Vietnam

Part 3: The Science

June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group

That is what brings us to our fourth topic in the physics of New Energy:

It is Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)

According to Wikipeida,

Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) can be described as a perturbation theory of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum. Richard Feynman called it "the jewel of physics" for its extremely accurate predictions of quantities like the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron and the Lamb shift of the energy levels of hydrogen.

It is these “perturbations” that create the sloshing and dynamism of the Zero Point Field or

“transmuting ether” (to use LaViolette’s term)

And in this sense, Quantum Electrodynamics helps us fill out our understanding of Wheeler’s “quantum foam” concept

In Quantum Electrodynamics, subatomic (“virtual”) particles are constantly flitting in and out of physical existence, most of them existing

physically for far less than a second


If you begin to think of the Zero Point Field as an ocean that is constantly sloshing around, then

you can start to see how we might harness that perpetual movement similar to the way in which

we harvest tidal energy

The Zero Point Field is normally very chaotic; in order to extract ZPE from it, we must first impose some order on it

When the Zero Point Field is nicely ordered and patterned, we say that it has achieved “quantum coherence”

Scientists used to think that achieving quantum coherence would be impossible, saying that it

would violate the Law of Entropy

However, Nobel Prize winner Ilya Prigogine has shown how quantum coherence is in fact possible

Imagine, if you will, a lake. Its water is subject to all sorts of random

forces from fish swimming about, the occasional fisherman’s boat passing by, etc.

But when a whirlpool (or the opening of a dam) comes along, now those smaller forces

are overwhelmed by a much bigger force, and the water coheres into a specific pattern

In New Energy research, it’s when the Zero Point Field becomes coherent within in a

particular space that ZPE can be extracted

Dirac showed that when the quantum vacuum is caused to cohere by a strong perturbation, new electron-positron pairs can form out of

the transmuting ether

This possibility of “pulling” matter and energy out of the vacuum likely explains part of the overunity results achieved by

many New Energy scientists

The interaction of charged particles with the Zero Point Field is called “vacuum polarization”

One of the most useful things we can do with Quantum Electrodynamics is create antigravity propulsion using

electrogravitic coupling

Anastasovski and Evans have shown mathematically how electrogravitic

coupling is possible within the framwork of Quantum Electrodynamics

Myron Evans

Evans found that he could apply the equations of Mendel Sachs to mathematically define the antigravity effect of electrogravity

Mendel Sachs spent much of his career trying to complete Einstein’s unified field theory

We are not claiming that these equations are easy, but we know you can understand them if you try!

Evans’ equations are important because they show that antigravity is both possible, as well

as mathematically predictable

Without these equations, the antigrav spaceships we build in the future might fly to the wrong star system, or go up when

they should go down, or…

Indeed, antigravity is one of the most exciting applications of Zero Point Energy technology

Because with antigrav, we’ll be able to put traffic jams in the dustbin of history

And travel zip quickly and cheaply through the sky in comfort

Without creating any air pollution, or even noise

Wouldn’t you prefer that to your motorbike? I would.

In order to use Zero Point Energy in the macroscopic world – the world of things we

can see, touch, and ride on/in –

We need to get what physicists call “work” from quantum systems

And that is what Hendrik Casimir’s was researching in the 1940s when he noticed the

weak but very real quantum-induced movement of metal plates he called the Casimir Effect

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