new bella new coven part 5

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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sorry it took so long!!! bella goes to the cullens house t explain herself.....


New Bella New Coven (part 5)Epov: I can't believe my sweet little Bell drinks human blood! Why did we ever leave her? This would never have happened if we hd stayed and changed her! She would still be with me and she would not be a

vamparla and she would drink animal blood! Bella had just left with Godric whilst me and my family were still staring after them in shock. "B-Bella drinks human blood?!" Alice had finally come out of shock. "Everyone in our family drinks human blood." Bill stated. "Bella just thinks 'what's the point not feeding the monster inside us poperly' we were made to drink human blood." He shrugged. We were all stuned into silence. My Bella would never say something so cruel. "Oh yes she would." Bill answered my thoughts. "The Bella you knew is gone, she has changed and it is all because you left her." I knew he was telling the truth and I did not gudge him for it. "Well me and Jason are going hunting. Anyone want to come?" Jessica asked. "Yeah me and Eric will come." Pam said and got up from where she was sitting and

dragged Eric out the door with Jason and Jessica following them. "We best go." Carlisle said. "Thank you for having us." He said to Bill and Sookie whilst shaking Bill's hand whilst Sookie and Esme hugged. Me and my brother's and sister's said goodbye and walked out the house. I looked back over my shoulder and still I could not beleive my sweet Bella lived in a house that look's like it was made for Dracula.

Bpov: We had just left the house and were heading towards the park where all the drunks hang about. I was dark out and Me and Godric were about 20 feet away from the park and I could already hear and smell the drunks. My mouth began to water and I felt my canines get sharper as my fangs came out. I looked over to Godric and smiled evily when I saw his

fangs were out. (God he looked so sexy with his fangs out!) The only time our fangs came out was when we were hunting or when we were having sex.

Godric with his fangs out!! We started to walk through the park until

we got close enough so the drunks could see us. They all look around the age of 1618 and young blood was my favourite. The biggest of them all turned around and smiled when he saw me. "Well look at what we got here." All the other boys turned around and smiled at me but glared at Godric. "Soz but there is no room for him." One of them said whilst pointing at Godric. Me and Godric chuckled whilst the drunk teenagers looked confused. "Heyy babez would you like to come home with me and have some fun that you would not get from that one." The guy said, talking about Godric. I chuckled. "Oh believe me I have plenty of fun with him." I smiled evily whilst showing my fangs they all gasped and took a step back whilst me and Godric took a step forward. "W-What are you?" The big one aked whilst they all started to back away. I smiled evily at him. "Your worst nightmare." I said before we both

launched ourselves at them and they all let out loud screams but before they could scream too much Godric and I had drained them dry. Since I had been so hungry I did not try to be clean about the killing so I could feel all the blood around my mouth and on my shirt. I laughed as I heard Godric say in his mind how hot I looked and before I could respond he was on me and pushing me to the ground whist kissing me with much lust. I giggled from under him. "I am not doing that here!" He groaned whilst I pushed him off me. When I looked over to the exit of the park I gasped in surprize when I saw all the Cullen's staring at me with pain in their eyes. I looked over to the dead bodys then over to Godric who was digging a hole to put the bodies in so he did not notice the Cullen's, who when I turned back around were gone. Epov: We were running home when we heard scream's coming from the park so we decided to see what was going on. When

we got there me and my family all gasped at the sight in front of us. Bella looked like a wild animal the way she was feeding off those defencless humans. The way she ripped at their throats to quickly shut them up, I could hear of my familys thoghts and all of them were in shock. Esme looked like she was going to cry whilst Alice and Rosalie were cringing away from it. Jasper and Emmett just looked shocked that Bella could be so cruel. We could all smell the blood but it did not bother us because that was the last thing on our minds. When Bella finally finished torchuring the now dead teenagers, she looked over to Godric and laughed. WHY IS SHE LAUGHING AT THIS???!!! What happened next took all of my sef control not to go over and ripped Godric's head off as he pounced on Bella and started to kiss her. If I could try I'm sure a tear would have slid down my face at that moment. I heard Bella telling him she was not doing that hear which I thanked my lucky stars for.

When she got up off the ground she looked over to where we were standing and gasped since she did not expect to see us. She looked over to the dead teenagers and then at Godric I could not stand here any longer so I ran back to the house with my family following me.

The Cullen's mansion. I barged through the door and went straight to the living room with my family following me all the time.

The living room. "What have we done to our daughter?" Esme weeped into Carlisle's shoulder as they sat down on the love seat and Rosalie, Alice, Emmett and Jasper sat on the couch whilst I sat on the other chair. "It's not your fault mom, if I had never lost control then all this would never of happened." "Jazz that was not your fault." Alice comfotered Jasper. "If I had never been so mean to her maybe she would not hate us." Rosalie said. "None of this is your fault baby." Emmett

soothed her. "Emmett's right." All my family looked over to me as I spoke. "None of this is any of your fault's, it's all mine. If I had never had been so stupid to leave the love of my life then she would never have met that. . . Godric. It's all my fault." I dry sobbed into my hands and just as I was about to run up to my room the doorbell rang. Bpov: (just after The Cullen's left) I was surprised that I felt disjusted in myself for what I had done to those teenagers. I had never felt shame for killing people before this, it used to be like a hobby but after seeing the look on all their faces when they saw what I had done, I felt ashamed. "Babe, are you ready to go home?" Godric's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "You go, I have something I need to do." I told him and before he could give me an answer I was running. I hid my scent so

none of my family could follo me as I made my way to The Cullen's house. I knew their house was going to be like something out of a fairytale and if I was the same Bella I was about 100 years ago then I would have loved it but I now I just think it looks really big. I walked up the front steps at a slow huamn pace as I listened to The Cullen's talk. I heard them have a say that it was their faults that I was like this and what surprised me the most was when Rosalie said it was her fault. I was just about to ring the doorbell when I heard Edward say something about how stupid he was that he left the love of his life and I could feel I big smile grow on my face as he did so but it went away as quickly as it came when I heard him start to cry. I could not take listening to my family be in pain. I placed my finger on the doorbell and rang it, I could hear them all go silent then someone getting up to answer the door. The door opened slowly and I could see the shock on Carlisle's face as he saw it

was me. "Hello Carlisle, um... I wanted to apologise about what you saw back there." "Well... that is very kind of you." He seemed shocked. He stepped aside and motioned with his hand for me to come in. I stepped forward but hesitated at the door frame. "What's wrong?" "You have to invite me in." I said embaresed. I heard Emmett's booming laugh come from the living room. "Oh, never knew that about vamparla's. Please, come in." I thanked him and stepped over the door frame. Carlisle lead me through a cream colored room and into the living room where the rest of the Cullen's were sitting. The first person I saw when I walked in was Edward we locked eyes for a moment but then I looked away. I looked over all of my old family and decided I would be the first one to speak. "I didn't want you all to see that," I looked down to the floor whilst I spoke "But you have to understand that we vamparla's are different from vampire's and we have to drink human blood or else we become

extremly weak." I looked up at everyone. I could feel lot's of emotions coming off everyone thanks to my new power. Most were shame, guilty but the one I enjoyed the most was coming off of Edward. Love. "Bella," Esme started to speak, "We do not blame you for how you live it just came as a shock when we saw you like that." I nodded in understanding. "We just want you to forgive us and have you back in our lives. Our family has never been the same since you left; we miss you dearly." I looked into he eyes and knew she was telling nothing but the truth. "I missed you too." I felt my walls crumble as tears started to well up in my eyes and started sliding down my cheeks. Esme ran over to me and engulfed me in a loving hug as I let my arms rap around her waist. I felt hate for myself because I had kept all these emotions hidden and for the way I lived. Now I could see clearly again I realised I did not want to kill humans any more. When me and Esme broke apart I looked around the room and saw that everyone

was smiling except for Carlise who had on his thinking face. He saw my confusion on my face. "Bella, who told you that?" "Who told me what?" "That vamparla's become extremly weak if they do not drink human blood and drink animal blood instead?" "Um... All of my family." I shrugged. "Mmm" I wondered why he asked that? As if he could read my mind he answered. "Vamparla's can live the same diet we do and not become weak, they must have been... lying to you Bella." I stared at him in shock. "How do you know that?" I asked. "Because I met a couple of vamparla's about 200 years ago and they had the same diet we do and they were just as strong you are now." I felt my knees give way and I crumbled to the ground. I knew my eyes were open but I could not see anything because I was to busy processing all the information I just recieved. "They. . . lied to me." I felt a small pair of

arms around me and I looked up to see Alice. "Why would they do that to me?" I was trying to keep the tears from falling but one got passed. "Bella," I looked up to Carlisle as he spoke, "Maybe they just wanted you to gie up your humanity and to just be like them or maybe they just did not know that your kind can drink animal blood." But I knew just like everyone else knew that that was not true. Of course The Compton's knew that we could drink animal blood and be the same they just wanted me to be a murderer. I could feel the anger bubbling inside of me as I stood up and faced the rest of the Cullen's. They all gasped whilst looking down at my hands. I looked down and saw because of my anger flames coming out of my hands. I made my hands into fists and the fire went out. I looked up at them again. "I think I am going to go and have a nice talk with my daddy." I smiled eveily at them and was about to turn when heard the one voice that brought my dead heart back to life.

"Bella, you don't have to do that. I know you are not that evil." I looked over at him then to the rest of the Cullen's. "Could you all leave us for a moment?" I asked them. "Yes of course, we all need to go hunting anyway." Esme said and with that they walked out the door. I turned back round to Edward and braced myself for the long conversation we were about to have. "Why did you leave me?" My voice was strong when I spoke because I defanately did not want to sound weak. "I not want you to be in any danger and I thought if you were with me you would be in danger. I wanted you to live a happy human life." "Yeah well that plan worked out great(!)" I said putting lots of sarcasimn into it. "I know and it was the worst mistake of my life. Bella I still love you with all my heart, please forgive me. I love you Bella." He was literally begging me by now.

"Edward, I will not lie and say I do not love you too because I do still love you," Edward looked at me and gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen. "But you broke my heart and I don't know if I can trust you again. Plus I'm married! I can not just leave Godric after everything he has done for me." His smiled faded a bit. "Bella, I know I hurt you and you have no idea how sorry I am and how guilty I felt for a those years." He looked so pained. "I tried to kill myself on many occasions but Alice saw what I was planing and stopped me before I could do it." My mouth made 'o' shape as I took in the information he just told me. I looked into his eyes and saw guilt, regret but most importantly I saw. . . love. I could not help but close the gap between us never breaking eye-contact with him. I let my arms circle around his neck and I leaned up and captured his lips with mine. I could tell he was shocked at first but after a couple of moments he responded by circling his arms around my waist and tracing his tounge on my bottom lip asking

for entrance whih I happily granted. (A/N I'm sorry it took so long but i have been really busy studying for my exams!! Hope you enjoyed!!! comment, rate and subscribe!!! ~Chloe~)

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