neurons speak. the neuron is the fundamental “working unit” of the nervous system

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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In most respects the neuron is like other cells of our body


Neurons Speak

The Neuron is the Fundamental “working unit” of the nervous system

In most respects the neuron is like other cells of our body

But is different in that it can produce electrical impulses near its cell body region

That move down the axon and lead to the release of specialized neurochemicals (neurotransmitter

substances) at the Synapse

Synaptic release of Neurotransmitter substances may in turn affect “postsynaptic” neurons; mostly in

the dendritic regions

The Neuron is also different in that the axon is typically myelinated by “glial cells”

The Neuronal communication process can be thought of as an “electro-chemical” event

• How is the electric signal produced?• How is the Chemical event produced?

The Neuron is Like a little battery

The resting Membrane potential (RMP)

Ions are responsible for the charge of a neuron

Cations +Anions-

At Rest, ionic substances have different concentrations inside vs. outside the neural membrane

The forces of Diffusion: Concentration Gradients

“Threshold” triggers the “Action Potential”

By activating Ion channels

Once triggered, the AP is all or none, and “one-way.”

Myelenation and size affect speed

Action Potential at the Terminals

The Synapse: PRESYNAPTIC and POSTSYNAPTIC processes


Classical NTs

NTs Terminology Post synaptic effects

Acetylcholine/ACH Cholinergic +/-Serotonin/5-HT serotonergic +/-GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid) GABA-ergic -

Glutamate/Glu Glutamatergic +Norpinephrine /NE Adrenergic +/-Dopamine /DA Dopaminergic +/-Enkephalin/Endorphin +/-Many other neurotransmitters are derived from precursor proteins, the so-called

peptide neurotransmitters. As many as 50 different peptides have been shown to exert their effects on neural cell function.


Specificity- Lock and Key analogy

EFFECTS OF NTs?Many factors, but all lead to:

• IPSPs: inhibiitory post synaptic potentials– Decrease probability of action potential

• EPSPs: excitatory post synaptic potentials– Increase probability of action potential

Neural Integration

NT-receptor interactions must stop!Enzymatic degradation


Effects of Nerve gas exposure

Neuromuscular Effects

Autonomic Nervous

System Effects

Central NervousSystem Effects

•Twitching •Weakness •Paralysis •Respiratory failure

•Reduced Vision •Small pupil size •Drooling •Sweating •Diarrhea •Nausea •Abdominal pain •Vomiting

•Headache •Convulsions •Coma •Respiratory arrest •Confusion •Slurred speech •Depression •Respiratory depression


Here are the SSRIs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specifically to treat depression, with their generic, or chemical, names followed by available brand names in parentheses:

Citalopram (Celexa) Escitalopram (Lexapro) Fluoxetine (Prozac, Prozac Weekly) Paroxetine (Paxil, Paxil CR, Pexeva) Sertraline (Zoloft)

These medications may also be used to treat conditions other than depression. Side effects of SSRIsAll SSRIs have the same general mechanism of action and side effects. However, individual SSRIs have some different pharmacological characteristics. That means you may respond differently to certain SSRIs or have different side effects with different SSRIs.

SSRI possible side-effectsSide effects of SSRIs include: Nausea Sexual dysfunction, including reduced desire or orgasm difficulties Dry mouth Headache Diarrhea Nervousness Rash Agitation Restlessness Increased sweating Weight gain Drowsiness Insomnia

Drugs may affect neural transmission in different ways

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