neurodevelopmental sequelae of postnatal maternal care in

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Neurodevelopmental sequelae of postnatalmaternal care in rodents: clinical and research

implications of molecular insights

Arie Kaffman1 and Michael J. Meaney2

1Abraham Ribicoff Labs, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, USA; 2DevelopmentalNeuroendocrinology Lab and McGill Program for the Study of Behavior, Genes and Environment, Douglass Hospital

Research Centre, Montreal, Canada

Parental care plays an important role in the emotional and cognitive development of the offspring.Children who have been exposed to abuse or neglect are more likely to develop numerous psychopa-thologies, while good parent–infant bonding is associated with improved resiliency to stress. Similarobservations have also been reported in non-human primates and rodents, suggesting that at leastsome neurodevelopmental aspects of parent–offspring interactions are conserved among mammals andcould therefore be studied in animals. We present data to suggest that frequency of licking andgrooming provided by the dam during a critical period in development plays an important role inmodifying neurodevelopment. These findings are examined in the broader context in which exposure toother sensory modalities such as vision or hearing during a specific period in development shapes braindevelopment with functional consequences that persist into adulthood. We also discuss recent rodentwork showing that increased frequency of licking and grooming provided by the dam during the firstweek of life is associated with changes in DNA methylation of promoter elements that control expressionof these genes and behavior. The stability of DNA methylation in postmitotic cells provides a possiblemolecular scaffold by which changes in gene expression and behavioral traits induced by postnatalmaternal care are maintained throughout life. Finally, the relevance of findings reported in rodents tothose noted in non-human primates and humans are assessed and the research and clinical implica-tions of these observations for future work are explored. Keywords: Family factors, hormones, parent–child interaction, maternal care, epigenetic, DNA methylation.

Childhood abuse or neglect is associated with in-creased vulnerability for several psychopathologiessuch as anxiety, mood disorders, poor impulse con-trol, and psychosis that persist throughout life(Bebbington et al., 2004; Freyd et al., 2005; Heim &Nemeroff, 2002; Mullen, Martin, Anderson, Romans,& Herbison, 1996). Importantly, sequelae of early-lifestress are not restricted to psychiatric vulnerabilities,but are also associated with increased risk for severalother medical morbidities such as obesity and car-diovascular diseases (Felitti et al., 1998). Severalobservations suggest that at least some of the long-tem effects of early-life stress are mediated by poorlevels of parent–infant bonding and decreased par-ental investment during early life. For example, poorparental bonding not considered abuse or neglect isalso associated with increased risk for severalpsychological vulnerabilities (Canetti, Bachar,Galili-Weisstub, De-Nour, & Shalev, 1997), andrandomized control interventions aimed at improvingparental care demonstrate improved behavioral out-comes and cognitive performance that persist foryears (D. Olds et al., 1998; D.L. Olds, Kitzman et al.,2004; D.L. Olds, Robinson et al., 2004). Parental carealso affects similar aspects of behavior and cognitionin non-human primates and in rodents (Barr et al.,

2003;Meaney, 2001; Suomi, 2003). Indeed, so-called‘maternal effects’ are apparent on defensive re-sponses to threat and reproductive strategies in aremarkable array of species, ranging literally fromplants to mammals (Cameron et al., 2005; Mousseau& Fox, 1998). This apparently conserved influence ofparental care on neurodevelopment suggests thatsuch animal models could be used to further under-stand the molecular mechanisms that guide theseprocesses. The two aims of this review are: first, topresent recent progress in our molecular under-standing of how parental care influences braindevelopment in a manner that persists throughoutlife, and second, to discuss clinical and researchimplications of these findings.

We divided this review into three main sections. Inthe first section, we summarize evidence obtainedmainly in rodents to demonstrate that tactile sti-mulation provided by the dam during the first weekof life appears to play an important role in estab-lishing diverse and stable behavioral phenotypes inthe offspring. These findings are also discussed inthe broader context of experimental paradigms suchas the monocular deprivation and the developmentof the auditory cortex in which sensory input duringearly life shapes neurodevelopmental trajectory in amanner that persists throughout life. In the secondsection, we present recent studies suggesting that aConflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared.

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48:3/4 (2007), pp 224–244 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01730.x

� 2007 The AuthorsJournal compilation � 2007 Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA

pattern of DNA methylation established by maternalcare early in life provides the molecular stabilitynecessary to maintain transcriptional regulation ofgenes that control behavior throughout life. We dis-cuss the controversy around the possibility of post-mitotic DNA methylation and demethylation, andpropose that DNA methylation and other stablechromatin rearrangements represent a new field inmolecular neuroscience with promising potential toexpand our understanding of how stable behavioralphenotypes are established and maintained. We alsobriefly examine the role of extracellular matrixdeposition in maintaining the visual sequelae ofearly-life monocular deprivation to demonstrate an-other mechanism by which changes in brain func-tioning early in life are maintained throughout life.Finally, the ability of maternal behavior to affectseveral behavioral phenotypes in the offspring,including maternal care, provides a mechanism bywhich acquired and stable behavioral traits can bepropagated across generations via epigenetic modi-fications of DNA. The research and clinical implica-tions associated with this form of transmission areexamined in the third section of this review.

Historical background

Studies in the 1950s by Denenberg, Levine andothers showed that brief (3–15 min) daily removal ofthe pups from the dam during the first three weeks oflife has profound and long-lasting effects on stressreactivity throughout life (Meaney, 2001). More spe-cifically, adult animals handled during the postnatalperiod showed increased exploratory behavior innovel environments and blunted hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) responses to stress as comparedto nonhandled animals (Hess, Denenberg, Zarrow, &Pfeifer, 1969; Levine, Alpert, & Lewis, 1957; Levine,Haltmeyer, Karas, & Denenberg, 1967; Meaney,Aitken, Sharma, & Viau, 1992; Meaney, Aitken,Viau, Sharma, & Sarrieau, 1989). Further workshowed that handling during the first week of life,but not during postnatal days 14–21, is as effectiveas handling for the entire first three weeks of life(Hess et al., 1969; Meaney & Aitken, 1985). Thesedata indicate that brief separation during a specificperiod in development (i.e., the first week of life) issomehow necessary to alter the animals’ response tostress in adulthood.

Part I: Tactile stimulation provided by the damduring the first week of life is associated withlong-term changes in behavior

The enduring effects of postnatal handling on stressreactivity raise several questions: Why is handlingeffective in the first week of life, but less so there-after? What environmental aspect of the briefseparation is responsible for the behavioral sequelae

of handling? What molecular events are necessary toinduce neurodevelopmental changes associated withhandling? How do such ‘downstream’ molecularchanges influence behavior and stress reactivity inadulthood? Here we address the first question andpresent data that suggest that tactile stimulationprovided by the dam plays an important role inestablishing the long-term sequelae of handling.

Like all other mammals, the rodent pup isdependent on the mother for survival. It is thereforenot surprising that the pup is capable of detectingseparation from the dam and mounting an adaptiveresponse to the absence of the mother. Such a re-sponse includes ultrasonic vocalization, attemptingto relocate the nest, the release of stress hormonessuch as corticosterone, and inhibition of severalanabolic pathways associated with development andgrowth (Hofer, 1994; Kuhn & Schanberg, 1998; Le-vine, 1975). The increase in ultrasonic vocalization,for example, helps the dam to locate the separatedpup while corticosterone release is thought to beimportant for gluconeogenesis necessary to maintainadequate glucose levels in the absence of exogenousfood supply. Work from Hofer’s, Schanberg’s, andLevine’s groups characterized the aspects of mater-nal care that appear to mediate this complex re-sponse to separation. For example, loss of thermalsupport provided by the dam appears to be import-ant in inducing ultrasonic vocalization, while loss ofactive tactile stimulation such as licking andgrooming appears to initially inhibit secretion ofgrowth hormone and DNA synthesis, followed byactivation of ACTH release after a more prolongedperiod of separation (Kuhn & Schanberg, 1998; Le-vine, 2001). This initial work focused mainly onchanges in pup physiology associated with maternalseparation with little attention to the effect of pupremoval on alteration in maternal physiology andbehavior. Formal observations showed that when thedam is reunited with the pups, it immediatelyapproaches the pups to restore maternal care fol-lowed by a sustained increase in several forms ofmaternal behaviors. These behaviors include in-creased licking and grooming (LG) and crouchingover the pups in an active form of nursing known asarched-back nursing (ABN) (Lee & Williams, 1974;Liu et al., 1997). It is currently unknown if thechange in maternal behavior seen in handling is dueto physiological changes that occur in the motherduring the separation period, or to the ability ofthe reunited pups to elicit more maternal care, orboth.

Since handling induces physiological changes inthe pup and also alters maternal care, it was unclearwhether the former, the latter, or both were respon-sible for the behavioral and physiological sequelae ofhandling. The answer to this question is stillunknown, but a growing body of evidence presentedbelow indicates that at least some of the long-termconsequences of handling are likely to be mediated

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by changes in tactile stimulation provided by thedam during the first week of life (Levine, 1975;Smotherman, 1983).

First, treatment of the mother with a benzodia-zepine, which prevents the compensatory increase inpup LG following brief mother–pup separations,completely blocks the handling effect on exploratorybehavior (D’Amato, Cabib, Ventura, & Orsini, 1998),providing support for the maternal mediation hypo-thesis.

Second, in a series of elegant experiments De-nenberg, Zarrow, and Rosenberg showed that in-creased intensities of maternal care early in lifereduce stress reactivity in mice. The initial observa-tions demonstrated that mice raised by lactating ratsare less fearful compared to those raised by lactatingmice (Denenberg, Rosenberg, Paschke, Hess, &Zarrow, 1968). To determine whether this effect wasdue to differences in milk composition or maternalcare between the two species, the authors comparedfearful responses in mice offspring raised underthree different conditions with lactating mouse damspresent in all three groups. Postpartum thalactom-ized rats (i.e., nipples were surgically removed) wereadded to the first group, virgin rats to the second,and no additional rat maternal care in the controlgroup. The authors reported that the thalactomizedpostpartum dams provided higher levels of maternalcare compared to inexperienced virgin females,which in turn provided higher levels of maternal carecompared to the control group. Since both thethalactomized and the virgin females were unable tonurse the pups, any differences in behavioral out-come in the offspring would be attributed to differentlevels of maternal care they received during thepostnatal period. Indeed, mice that received thehighest levels of maternal care (i.e., those raised inthe presence of postpartum thalactomized rat) werethe least fearful and secreted the lowest levels ofcorticosterone in response to stress, while offspringexposed to the lowest levels of maternal care (i.e.,those raised in the absence of any additional help)were the most fearful and secreted the highest levelsof corticosterone in response to stress. Moreover,there was a significant correlation between the levelof maternal care provided during the postpartumperiod (r ¼ ).61, p < .01) and fearful behavior in theoffspring (Rosenberg, Denenberg, & Zarrow, 1970).This work demonstrates that increased levels ofmaternal care that are independent of maternalnursing are sufficient to program fearful responsesin adulthood. It is important to note, however, thatthese experiments do not exclude the possibility thatmilk composition or some other aspect of nursingmay also play an important role in pup developmentunder normal conditions. In fact, Levine’s work hasdemonstrated that milk provided by the motherplays an important role in inhibiting the ability of theadrenal gland to secrete corticosterone in responseto ACTH stimulation (Levine, 2001).

Third, we characterized maternal behavior inLong-Evans hooded rats and reported large variab-ility in levels of maternal care between individualdams (F.A. Champagne, Francis, Mar, & Meaney,2003). Quantitative analysis of maternal behavior inthis strain shows that variability in maternal care isrestricted to frequency of LG and ABN with highcorrelations between these two forms of maternalbehavior. Thus, dams that show a high frequency ofLG also spend more time nursing their pups in thearched-back position (Caldji et al., 1998). Import-antly, however, dams that show a high frequency ofLG-ABN do not differ from low LG-ABN dams in otherforms of maternal behavior such as overall time theyspend in contact or nurse the pups. Moreover, dif-ferences in frequency of LG-ABN are normally dis-tributed within the population with some damsshowing almost three times more frequent LG-ABNas compared to others. Dams that are one standarddeviation above the mean are labeled as high LG-ABN and those that are one standard deviation belowthe mean are considered low LG-ABN dams. Finally,frequency of LG-ABN subsides over the course of thefirst ten days after birth (Gubernick & Alberts, 1983)at which time no difference in LG-ABN is observedbetween high- and low-LG-ABN dams (F. A. Cham-pagne et al., 2003).

We predicted that if frequency of LG-ABN isresponsible for the behavioral outcome of handling,then offspring raised by high LG-ABN dams will beless fearful compared to those raised by low LG-ABNdams. Indeed, offspring raised by high LG-ABN damsshow decreased HPA activation in response to stress(Liu et al., 1997) and were behaviorally less fearful inexploring a novel environment compared to thoseraised by low LG-ABN (Caldji et al., 1998). Import-antly, these changes persist into the adult life of theanimal. Moreover, almost all the changes in geneexpression found in association with handling havealso been seen in offspring exposed to high levels ofLG-ABN early in life, suggesting that the two para-digms share many neurodevelopmental pathways(see Table 1 for details). Finally, the observation thatdifferences in LG-ABN were restricted to the firstweek of life is remarkably similar to the time frameneeded for handling to exert its long-term effects.Importantly, this developmental period also overlapswith the critical period in which tactile stimulationdefines barrel receptor representation in the primarysomatosensory cortex (Fox, 1995). Together, thesedata suggest that the developing rodent brain isexquisitely sensitive to tactile input during the firstweek of life and that different levels of tactile inputprovided during this period program neurodevelop-ment with long-lasting consequences on brainfunctioning.

Fourth, work from several groups has demons-trated that stroking the pups with a fine paintbrushaffects HPA reactivity, cognition, and maternal carein a manner that resembles those of handling and

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exposure to high LG-ABN dams (see full discussionon the effects of LG on cognition and maternal be-havior in the offspring in the sections below). Levineand his group showed that unlike adult animals,saline injection in pups is associated with a verysmall elevation in corticosterone blood levels. How-ever, saline injection administered after a 24-hourperiod of maternal separation is associated with asignificant increase in HPA reactivity in these pups.To investigate the role of maternal tactile stimulationin this alteration of HPA reactivity, the authorsstroked the separated pups with a fine paintbrushduring the separation period and showed that thismanipulation was associated with blunted ACTHsecretion in response to saline injection in thesepups (Suchecki, Rosenfeld, & Levine, 1993). Juta-pakdeegul et al. (2003) also report that strokingpups with a brush over the first week of life results inincreased hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor (GR)expression in adulthood [Jutapakdeegul, Casalotti,Govitrapong, & Kotchabhakdi, 2003; see below formore details on the effect of postnatal maternal careon GR expression in the hippocampus]. Similarly,Saul Schanberg and his group showed that 8-day-old pups exposed to a single episode of 4-hourmaternal separation show a dramatic decrease ingrowth hormone secretion and increased cortico-sterone levels. These alterations could be reversed bystroking the pups, but not by other tactile manipu-lations such as pinching, light stroking, vestibularstimulation or limb movements (Pauk, Kuhn, Field,& Schanberg, 1986). Finally, Alison Fleming’s grouprecently developed an artificial rearing system in ratsin which 3-day-old pups are removed from the dam,fed through a gastric cannula, and are reared at acontrol temperature in the complete absence of adam. Using this procedure Fleming’s group hasshown that as adults, offspring raised by this artifi-cial rearing have significant deficits in several co-gnitive tasks and are low LG dams as compared tocontrol siblings raised with a mother. Importantly,

stroking the artificially reared pups appears to re-verse both the cognitive and the maternal deficitsassociated with artificial rearing (Lovic & Fleming,2004). Moreover, the cognitive effects observed byFleming and colleagues parallel closely with thosereported as a function of differential maternal careover the first week of life [e.g., (T.Y. Zhang, Chretien,Meaney, & Gratton, 2005)].

Together, these data provide direct evidence thattactile stimulation in rodents during the postnatalperiod can have long-lasting behavioral sequelae inmultiple behavioral domains such as cognition, af-filiative behavior, and stress reactivity. These find-ings are consistent with Harlow and Zimmermann’sclassic work in macaque monkeys showing thattactile contact with an inanimate surrogate motherplays an important role in the emotional develop-ment and fearful response of the offspring (Harlow &Zimmermann, 1959). In humans, John Dieter andcolleagues reported that massage therapy increasesweight gain and alertness in preterm infants (Dieter,Field, Hernandez-Reif, Emory, & Redzepi, 2003), andFeldman et al. (2002) showed that premature babiesprovided with Skin-to-Skin Care during the first twoweeks of life (i.e., wrapping the baby on the mother’schest for one hour daily) preformed better on cogni-tive and motor tasks at six months follow-up com-pared to the control group (Feldman, Eidelman,Sirota, & Weller, 2002).

The developing brain is exquisitely sensitive tosensory input

The ability of tactile stimulation provided by the damto exert long-lasting effects on brain functioning isstrikingly similar to the ability of other sensory in-puts during the postnatal period to program braindevelopment with sequelae that persist throughoutthe adult life of the animal. For example, amblyopiais a condition in which poor visual acuity occurs as aresult of blocking one eye during early development

Table 1 Handling and postnatal maternal care both affect expression of many genes that control diverse array of behavioralphenotypes

Behavioral phenotype Gene Handling LG-ABN

Stress reactivity GR (hippocampus) H > NH High > lowCRF (hypothalamus) H < NH High < lowCRF receptor (amygdala) H < NH High < lowGABA-A receptor c2 subunit(amygdala, LC, NTS)

H > NH High > low

Cognition NMDA receptor subunits NR1,NR2A, NR2B, (hippocampus)

Not known High > low

Synaptophysin (hippocampus) Not known High > lowAcetylcholine esterase (hippocampus) Not known High > low

Maternal phenotype ER- (MPOA) Not known High > lowOxytocin receptor (MPOA) Not known High > low

Abbreviations: CRF-coriticotropin-releasing factor, ER–Estrogen receptor alpha, GR-glucocorticoid receptor, H-handling, NH-nonhandled animals, MPOA-medial preoptic area. NMDA-N-methyl-D-aspartate, LC-locus ceruleus, NTS- nucleus tractus solitarius.Based on the following references: (Caldji et al., 2004; Caldji et al., 1998; F. Champagne et al., 2001; Liu et al., 2000; Liu et al.,1997).

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(Hensch, 2004). Similarly, exposure to specific tonefrequencies during early development remodels theauditory cortex in rodents in a manner that alsopersists throughout life (Rubenstein & Merzenich,2003). These paradigms appear to be conservedamong rodents, primates, and humans, suggestingthat they may share an important underlying prin-ciple of activity-dependent brain development. Theconserved nature of these paradigms across differentmammalian species supports the use of animalmodels to study the molecular mechanism by whichsensory input shapes brain development in humans.Here we briefly describe details related to the abilityof visual and auditory input early in life to modifybrain development.

The monocular deprivation paradigm, initiallydescribed by Wiesel and Hubel (1963), is based onthe observation that closure of one eye during aparticular period in development leads to a perma-nent loss of visual acuity through that eye. The lossof visual acuity is due to reorganization of synapticinput that takes place in the visual cortex during thedeprivation period. This synaptic reorganization oc-curs as a result of retracting synaptic input origin-ating from the blocked eye followed by outgrowth ofnew axon terminals originating from the open eye tocapture the available synaptic connections. For anexcellent review on this issue see Hensch andFagiolini (2005). Therefore lack of synaptic inputfrom the deprived eye is responsible for the poorsight available from this eye. Importantly, reorgani-zation of the visual cortex occurs only within a veryspecific developmental time frame (postnatal days25–30 in rodents) known as the critical period and isnot extended into adulthood. At the end of the crit-ical period the system locks itself in a state that re-flects available visual input during the critical periodwith no possibility for further reorganization.Reopening the blocked eye after the critical periodwill not restore synaptic input or visual acuity de-spite the fact that perfectly normal input is nowavailable from this eye. Additionally, monoculardeprivation (i.e., closure of one eye) in adulthood isnot associated with reorganization of the visual cor-tex and therefore does not lead to changes in visualacuity from the deprived eye (Hensch, 2005). Simi-larly, work from Merzenich’s group showed that fol-lowing maturation of auditory pathways the rat’sauditory cortex undergoes a remarkable reorganiza-tion that could be modified by exposure to auditoryinput provided during this period (Bao, Chang, Da-vis, Gobeske, & Merzenich, 2003; Chang & Merze-nich, 2003; L.I. Zhang, Bao, & Merzenich, 2002). Theprimary auditory cortex develops as a two-dimen-sional map, known as a tonotopic map, with differentzones within this map responding to a specific tonefrequency referred to as their characteristic fre-quency. During the auditory critical period (post-natal days 14–35) this tonotopic map is refined inseveral ways: it shrinks in overall size, it develops

areas that respond to lower frequencies not detectedefficiently earlier, and the sensitivity and selectivityin which each zone responds to its characteristictone frequency are improved (Nakahara, Zhang, &Merzenich, 2004). Interestingly, exposure of pups tospecific frequencies during this critical period oftonotopic rearrangement leads to increasedrepresentations of these frequencies in the auditorycortex, alterations that are also maintained inadulthood. Importantly, exposure to the same fre-quencies does not alter the dam’s tonotopic map,suggesting that this process of cortical organizationis restricted to a specific developmental time frame(L.I. Zhang, Bao, & Merzenich, 2001).

In summary, at least some of the sequelae ofhandling are probably mediated by its ability to in-crease tactile stimulation provided by the dam dur-ing the first week of life. During this period thedeveloping brain is capable of integrating sensoryinput into circuits that control fear and stress-in-duced HPA activation. Similarly, visual and auditoryinput during specific periods in early developmentare also capable of affecting brain functioning in amanner that persists into adulthood, suggesting thatthe developmental trajectory of the postnatal mam-malian brain is modified in an activity-dependentmanner by sensory input. The next section is con-cerned with how sensory input affects circuitassembly and circuit output during the postnatalperiod and how these changes are maintainedthroughout life. We begin by examining our currentunderstanding of these issues in the monoculardeprivation system, where important details con-cerning these questions have been characterized. Wethen discuss how tactile stimulation provided by thedam might affect neurodevelopment in a mannerthat alters behavior throughout life.

Part II: Long-term sequelae of postnatalsensory input

The extracellular matrix plays an important role inmaintaining the long-term sequelae of monoculardeprivation

Work from Michael Striker, Takao Hensch and oth-ers shows that the shift in synaptic reorganization ofthe visual cortex observed after monocular depriva-tion requires the maturation of specific cellularmachinery capable of detecting competition betweenthe two eyes (Hensch & Fagiolini, 2005). Thismachinery is composed of GABA-containing parval-bumin-positive cells that proliferate and form sy-napses with pyramidal cells in the visual cortexduring the critical period. Using transgenic animals,Hensch’s group showed that conditions that inhibitmaturation and secretion of GABA by these cells alsoprevent the synaptic changes associated with mon-ocular deprivation. For example, monocular depri-vation fails to elicit synaptic remodeling in the visual

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cortex of GAD65 knockout mice in which GABAsynthesis is diminished (Hensch et al., 1998). How-ever, local infusion of GABA agonists into the visualcortex of a GAD65 knockout mouse restored the ef-fect of monocular deprivation on synaptic remode-ling. Interestingly, administration of GABA agonist inadult GAD65 knockout mice was also associatedwith a synaptic response to monocular deprivation(Hensch et al., 1998). Additionally, adequate levels ofbrain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) arenecessary for proliferation and maturation of parv-albumin cells (Jones, Farinas, Backus, & Reichardt,1994). Conditions that elevate levels of BDNF early indevelopment are associated with earlier maturationof parvalbumin cells and earlier onset of the criticalperiod while conditions that decrease BDNF levelsdelay the onset of this period (Hanover, Huang, To-negawa, & Stryker, 1999; Huang et al., 1999).Changes in levels of BDNF and other neurotrophicfactors have been associated with onset of severalother critical periods including variations in earlymaternal care (Bredy, Grant, Champagne, & Mean-ey, 2003; Liu, Diorio, Day, Francis, & Meaney,2000). However, the exact contribution of neuro-trophic factors to behavioral sequelae of maternalcare has not been rigorously evaluated yet. We willreturn to this issue when discussing a possible me-chanism by which maternal care can affect such adiverse array of behaviors (see Table 1 for details).

These and other data not presented here suggestthat appropriate levels of BDNF are necessary for theproliferation and differentiation of parvalbumin-positive cells that in turn provide a surge of GABAinput necessary for detecting competition betweenthe two eyes and the synaptic reorganization asso-ciated with monocular deprivation. The exactmechanism by which GABA tone provided by parv-albumin cells helps to monitor competition betweenthe two eyes is currently unclear (Hensch & Fagioli-ni, 2005). During the last days of the critical period,parvalbumin-positive cells are preferentially en-wrapped with extra cellular matrix (ECM) to formperineuronal nets (Pizzorusso et al., 2002). Condi-tions that delay the critical period for monoculardeprivation also delay formation of perineuronal nets(Pizzorusso et al., 2002). Moreover, administration ofenzymes that degrade ECM in adulthood leads torestoration of neuroplasticity indistinguishable fromthat observed early in life, suggesting that thestructural integrity associated with the formation ofperineuronal nets and ECM deposition somehow‘locks’ the system into its current state and preventsany additional changes in visually-mediated synap-tic input (Pizzorusso et al., 2002). Several mecha-nisms have been postulated to account for the abilityof ECM to restrict plasticity in the adult brain(Hensch & Fagiolini, 2005). First, it appears thatcertain proteoglycans found in the ECM provide astrong inhibitory signal for axon sprouting necessaryfor the synaptic remodeling of monocular depriva-

tion. Second, the ECM might modify the ionic com-position or other components of the extracellularmilieu found around parvalbumin-positive cells,rendering them somehow unable to detect competi-tion between the two eyes. Note that these twomodels are not mutually exclusive and that both maycontribute to the ability of ECM to inhibit synapticreorganization in the visual cortex. Regardless of themechanism by which ECM deposition terminates thecritical period, it is important to recognize that itsstable presence throughout adulthood plays a crit-ical role in maintaining the long-term sequelae ofmonocular deprivation early in life.

As discussed below, recent work has shown thatDNA methylation appears to play an important rolein maintaining the long-term effects of maternal careon gene expression and adult behavior (Weaver,Diorio, Seckl, Szyf, & Meaney, 2004). Together, thesefindings suggest the presence of several mechanismsby which sequelae of sensory input during early lifecould be maintained throughout life. Future workshould examine whether DNA methylation estab-lished early in life may play a role in regulating genesthat modify ECM properties relevant for neuroplas-ticity, and whether ECM plays also a role in main-taining some of the behavioral sequelae of postnatalmaternal care.

Maternal care alters gene expression in thedeveloping rodent brain in a manner that persistsinto adulthood

The blunted HPA reactivity observed in handledanimals led to the search for genes that control HPAreactivity and whose expression is also modified byhandling. One of the first genes to satisfy these twoconditions was the glucocorticoid receptor (GR).Early work revealed that handling is associated withrobust upregulation of GR expression in the hippo-campus and prefrontal cortex in a manner thatpersists throughout the adult life of the animal(Meaney & Aitken, 1985; Meaney et al., 1989).Moreover, several lines of work indicate that levels ofGR in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex canmodify HPA reactivity by yet undefined polysynapticinhibitory tone on cells containing corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) located in the paraven-tricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVNh; pleasesee Figure 1C for details related to the mechanism ofHPA activation). Data to support the role of forebrainGR in maintaining an inhibitory control on HPAactivity comes from several lines of work (de Kloet,2000; Meaney et al., 1989; Sapolsky, Krey, & Mc-Ewen, 1984); however, the most compelling evidenceis based on data showing that direct administrationof corticosterone into the prefrontal cortex bluntsstress-induced HPA reactivity (Diorio, Viau, & Mea-ney, 1993) and that a conditional knockout mouse inwhich expression of GR in forebrain is eliminated inadulthood shows increased corticosterone levels and

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increased vulnerability to stress (Boyle et al., 2005).Based on these observations, we proposed that in-creased levels of GR in forebrain of handled animalsprovide a more efficient inhibition of HPA activity(Viau, Sharma, Plotsky, & Meaney, 1993) andtherefore the observed blunting of the HPA reactivityobserved in handled animals (Meaney et al., 1989).Consistent with this hypothesis we have shown thatconditions that down-regulate levels of GR in han-dled animals, such as seen after chronic adminis-tration of corticosterone, abolish the differences inHPA reactivity between handled and non-handledanimals (Meaney et al., 1989).

Exposure to different levels of maternal LG dur-ing the postnatal period is also associated with HPAblunting and changes in forebrain GR levels thatpersist into adulthood (see Table 1 and Figure 1).As adults, offspring raised by high LG-ABN damsshow increased levels of GR in the hippocampus ascompared to offspring raised by low LG-ABN dams(Liu et al., 1997; Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004;Weaver et al., 2005). Using a cross-fostering designwe showed that pups born to low LG-ABN dams butraised by high LG-ABN dams were indistinguish-able in terms of HPA reactivity and GR levels fromthe biological offspring of high LG-ABN dams, butwere significantly different compared to littermatesraised by low LG-ABN. Similarly, pups born to highLG-ABN but raised by low LG-ABN dams wereindistinguishable in terms of stress reactivity andGR levels compared to the biological offspring oflow LG-ABN dams (Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004).These data demonstrate that postnatal maternalcare is able to program GR expression levels inbrain regions that control HPA activation in amanner that is stable throughout the adult life ofthe animal.

Most of the work to date has focused on themolecular mechanisms by which handling induces

upregulation of GR levels in the hippocampus, withmore recent studies assessing whether similarchanges are also observed in response to variationsin maternal care (i.e., frequency of LG-ABN). Here weprovide a very brief description of the molecular de-tails related to how handling in the first weeks of lifeinfluences transcription of GR in the hippocampus(for more details related to this work please see:Weaver, Diorio et al., 2004). The first physiologicalchange associated with handling appears to be ele-vation in circulating levels of the thyroid hormonestriiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Initially, itwas thought that the increase in thyroid hormones isan adaptive mechanism that protects the pupagainst hypothermia associated with its removalfrom the nest. However, we currently cannot excludethe possibility that changes in thyroid levels are dueto increased LG-ABN frequency associated withhandling. Recent study suggests the latter explan-ation. The day 3 offspring of high LG-ABN mothersshow increased plasma T3 levels compared to thoseof low LG-ABN dams. Interestingly, plasma T4 levelsshow the opposite pattern (Hellstrom and Meaney,unpublished results). Since T3 is the biologicallyactive variant derived from T4, this finding suggeststhat exposure to high LG-ABN enhances thyroid-in-duced metabolism due to deiodination of T4. Alter-ations in thyroid hormones appear to play animportant role in inducing changes in GR levels.Administration of either T3 or T4 to pups on post-natal days 1, 2 and 4 is associated with increased GRlevels in the hippocampus but not in the hypotha-lamus or pituitary of adult animals (Meaney, Aitken,& Sapolsky, 1987). Moreover, administration of thethyroid synthesis blocker propylthiouracil (PTU)during the first two weeks of life abolishes the abilityof handling to upregulate expression of GR in thehippocampus (Meaney et al., 1987). These resultsdemonstrate that an increase in circulating thyroid

High LG


Pituitary (ACTH)


Low LG

Hippocampus GR Hippocampus GR

Inhibition Inhibition

Pituitary (ACTH)


High LG

Low LG


Hippocampal Cell Fields















Figure 1 LG increases expression of GR in the hippocampus and decreases HPA reactivity. A. In-situ hybridizationshowing increase in GR mRNA in the hippocampus of animals exposed to high LG-ABN early in life. B. Quantificationof GR mRNA expression in different subregions of the hippocampus as shown in A. C. Increased GR expression in thehippocampus of offspring raised by high LG-ABN dams is associated with increased inhibitory tone on cells in theparaventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVNh) and therefore the blunted HPA reactivity in these animals(shown as thinner lines). DG: dentate gyrus, ACTH: adrenocorticotropin hormone, CRF: corticotrophin releasingfactor, HPA: hypothalamic-pituitary-axis

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levels is a necessary step for handling to elevate GRexpression.

The effect of thyroid hormones on GR expressionappears to be mediated by the ability of thyroidhormones to increase serotonin (5-HT) turnover andto chronically activate cyclic AMP mediated path-ways in hippocampal cells through a 5-HT7 receptor(Laplante, Diorio, & Meaney, 2002; Mitchell, Betito,Rowe, Boksa, & Meaney, 1992; Mitchell, Iny, &Meaney, 1990). Interestingly, the effects of thyroidhormone administration on hippocampal GR levelsare completely blocked with a 5-HT2/7 receptorblocker. Elevation in cAMP signaling is associatedwith increased expression of the transcription factorNGFI-A, which in turn binds to promoter elementson the GR DNA sequence to activate transcription inanimals that have been handled (Meaney et al.,2000). Together, these observations suggest thathandling leads to increased expression levels of thetranscription factor NGFI-A that in turn supports amore efficient DNA binding of NGFI-A to the GRpromoter and higher levels of GR expression in thehippocampus. Direct evidence that handling modi-fies NGFI-A binding to the GR promoter in vivo is notcurrently available. However, chromatin immuno-precipitation experiments show that in vivo, NGFI-Abinding to GR promoter in adult animals raised byhigh LG-ABN dams is dramatically increased com-pared to animals raised by low LG-ABN dams (Wea-ver, Cervoni et al., 2004). Importantly, studies withprimary hippocampal cell cultures show that GRexpression is increased following treatment withstable cAMP analogs or by 5-HT7 receptor agonists;these effects are completely blocked with an anti-sense directed against NGFI-A mRNA (Weaver et al.,submitted).

Unlike the postnatal period where high LG-ABN isassociated with elevated levels of NGFI-A, no differ-ences in NGFI-A levels were observed in adult ani-mals raised by low and high LG-ABN dams (I.C.G.Weaver, J. Diorio, & M.J. Meaney, unpublished re-sults). This observation raised the following ques-tions: First, given comparable levels of NGFI-A in theadult hippocampus, what is responsible for the ob-served difference in NGFI-A ability to bind and acti-vate transcription of GR later in life? Second, what isthe mechanism by which maternal care in the firstweeks of life maintains differential DNA binding ofNGFI-A in the adult animals (and therefore regulatesgene expression), long after the pups have beenweaned and separated from the dam? The answer toboth questions appears to be the same and is cur-rently thought to be due to the ability of maternalcare to modify DNA methylation during the first weekof life. DNA methylation is composed of acarbon–carbon bond that is very stable. Thus DNAmethylation provides a stable ‘molecular fence’ thatdecorates the DNA and regulates gene expression inneurons, and other post-mitotic cells, for the rest ofthe animal’s life, unless very special circumstances

are used to modify it (see also below). Moreover, asexplained in details below, DNA methylation can alsomodify the affinity of transcription factors for theirbinding sites. Indeed, DNA methylation is commonlythought to inhibit transcription factor binding toDNA and thus silence gene expression (Bird &Wolffe, 1999). Thus, the ability of maternal care tomodify DNA methylation during a critical period indevelopment provides a possible explanation as tohow maternal care early in life influences DNAbinding and transcriptional regulation in adulthood.

Introduction to DNA methylation

DNA in cells is arranged in a complex three-dimen-sional structure composed of DNA, histone proteins,and RNA known as chromatin (for detailed reviewssee Hsieh & Gage, 2004; Jaenisch & Bird, 2003;Lund & van Lohuizen, 2004). Chromatin allows cellsto condense the long linear DNA molecule into amore compact three-dimensional structure that fitsinto the cell nucleus, while at the same time main-taining specific regions of the DNA either accessibleor ‘closed off’ (i.e., silenced) for transcriptional acti-vation based on environmental and developmentalneeds. The first step of DNA packing involves wrap-ping DNA around a positively charged histone oc-tomer core composed of four histone subunits(histone 2a, 2b, 3 and 4; histone 1 serves as a linkbetween nucleosomes). Since the DNA backbone isnegatively charged, it wraps tightly around the pos-itively charged histone core forming a string of yo-yo-like structures (i.e., nucleosomes) that are connectedvia segments of linear naked DNA. Proteins and RNAbind to this partially folded chromatin and furthermodify it to form a more compact structure. Thiscompact and complex structure provides a cellularsolution to the problem of fitting a long linear mole-cule such as DNA into a small nucleus (imaginecompressing 20 km of thread into a grapefruit), butcreates a new problem accessing specific sites on theDNA to activate gene expression. To solve thisproblem, cells developed a complex machinery thatis capable of opening and closing chromatin in amanner that provides access to some regions whilemaintaining others packed and inaccessible. Onesuch mechanism involves the recruitment of a spe-cialized class of proteins known as histone acetyl-transferases (HAT). These proteins are capable ofadding an acetyl group to positively charged aminoacids on specific histones. This in turn reduces theaffinity of the now less positively charged histonecore to the negatively charged DNA, making it nowmore accessible for transcription. On the other hand,a rival group of proteins known as histonedeacetylases (HDAC) can remove the acetyl groupplaced by HAT and render the chromatin lessaccessible again. Therefore, recruitment of HAT orHDAC to a specific location within the DNA plays animportant role in DNA accessibility and gene

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expression. In most cases, when DNA is methylatedit recruits methylated DNA binding proteins thatattract a repressor complex that includes HDAC andtherefore silences gene expression.

DNA methylation involves a family of enzymesknown as DNA methyltransferases (DNMT). Theseproteins scan the DNA and transfer a methyl groupfrom a methyl donor molecule such as S-adenosyl-methionine to a cytosine ring found in thedinucleotide sequence CpG. As mentioned above, theaddition of a methyl group to the 5¢ cytosine ringforms a high-energy carbon-carbon bond that is verystable. Methylation of CpG then recruits HDAC thatas described above further compacts chromatinstructure in the vicinity of these methylated sitesrendering them less accessible for gene expression.This form of transcriptional regulation is referred toas epigenetic regulation. Unlike genetic regulation ofgene expression that involves alteration of a DNAsequence, epigenetic regulation can modify tran-scription from an identical DNA sequence andtherefore plays an important role in tissue differen-tiation and cancer biology. (For details see: Jaenisch& Bird, 2003; Szyf, Weaver, Champagne, Diorio, &Meaney, 2005.) Moreover, the relative stability ofDNA methylation makes it an ideal mechanism inpost-mitotic cells to maintain long-lasting changes ingene expression. Importantly, most of the work todate on DNA methylation has been done in the con-text of cancer biology and early development (e.g.,gene imprinting) in which DNA methylation and de-methylation occur in mitotically active cells (i.e., di-viding cells). Recent findings from several labs,including findings described below, have now docu-mented changes in DNA methylation in post-mitoticcells (Bruniquel & Schwartz, 2003; Cervoni, Detich,Seo, Chakravarti, & Szyf, 2002; Cervoni & Szyf,2001; Detich, Theberge, & Szyf, 2002; Martinowichet al., 2003). However, the role of DNA methylation inpost-mitotic cells is still quite controversial, and

more work is needed to replicate some of the resultsand to further characterize the molecular machineryinvolved. However, if our proposal that DNA methy-lation does play a role in maintaining the long-termsequelae of postnatal maternal care gains furthersupport, it would open a new horizon in develop-mental cell biology with important implications fortreatment and diagnosis of psychopathology associ-ated with early life stress (see also below).

The role of DNA methylation in maintainingbehavioral sequelae of postnatal maternal care

A longitudinal assessment of the methylation state ofthe GR promoter during the postnatal period revealsthat very shortly after birth, this promoter is hyper-methylated on many CpG sites, including two sitesthat are localized within the DNA binding site forNGFI-A (Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004). Exposure tohigh LG-ABN during the following five days of life isassociated with a dramatic reduction in DNAmethylation at the GR promoter, which then persiststhroughout the adult life of the animal (Weaver,Cervoni et al., 2004). See also Figure 2. Using a gel-shift assay we showed that methylation of the NGFI-A binding site that is similar to the one observed invivo reduces the affinity of NGFI-A to its binding sitein vitro (Weaver, Diorio et al., 2004). This is consis-tent with the chromatin immunoprecipitation stud-ies showing that NGFI-A binds more efficiently invivo to GR promoter of adult animals raised by highLG-ABN (i.e., where the promoter is hypomethylated)as compared to those raised by low LG-ABN (Weaver,Cervoni et al., 2004). Indeed, despite comparablelevels of NGFI-A, there is about 3–4-fold greaterNGFI-A binding to the Pl7-GR promoter in the adultoffspring of high compared with low LG-ABN moth-ers. Thus, high levels of maternal LG-ABN during thefirst week of life are associated with promoter re-modeling that allows NGFI-A to bind its site and


NGFI-A GRDecreased HPA reactivity

High LG-ABN(forebrain)

Low LG-ABN(forebrain)



Increased HPA reactivity

DNA methylation

Figure 2 DNA methylation pattern established early in life is responsible for the ability of postnatal maternal care toregulate expression levels of GR and HPA reactivity in a manner that persists into adulthood. Exposure to high levelsof LG-ABN is associated with demethylation of the GR promoter allowing the transcription factor NGFI-A to bind andactivate expression of GR in the hippocampus. The stability of such DNA modifications provides a molecularmechanism to explain how events early in life shape behavior in adulthood.

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support a more efficient transcription of GR in thehippocampus. Conversely, pups exposed to low lev-els of LG-ABN maintain the GR promoter in itshypermethylated state, which in turn inhibits bind-ing and reduces transcriptional activation of GR byNGFI-A (Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004). To test whe-ther this change in methylation is due to postnatalmaternal care or to a possible difference in prenatalmaternal care between high and low LG-ABN dams,we cross-fostered pups born to low LG-ABN damsinto litters of high LG-ABN dams and pups born tohigh LG-ABN dams were raised by low LG-ABNdams. These experiments demonstrated that theGR-Pl7 promoter of pups raised by high LG-ABN isdemethylated, while those raised by low LG-ABNwere hypermethylated regardless of the maternalphenotype of the biological mother (Weaver, Cervoniet al., 2004). These data provide an association be-tween levels of LG-ABN during the first week of lifeand DNA methylation at the GR promoter. Moreover,once these patterns of promoter methylation areestablished, they persist into adulthood and there-fore provide a possible molecular mechanism bywhich early maternal care could program GRexpression and vulnerability to stress throughout life(Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004). The developmentaltime frame of the GR promoter remodeling is con-sistent with the ability of handling during the firstfive days of life to alter stress reactivity in rodents(Hess et al., 1969; Meaney et al., 1989) and suggeststhat in rodents, the first week of life represents acritical period in which tactile stimulation providedby the dam is able to modify neurodevelopment ofcircuits that control stress reactivity in a mannerthat persists into adulthood.

To further assess the role of promoter methylationin regulating GR expression in adulthood we infusedthe HDAC inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) intraventri-cularly into adult animals raised by high and low LG-ABN dams (Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004). Therationale for this experiment is based on the hypo-thesis that demethylation can occur under condi-tions in which active demethylase is present and thechromatin structure is open and accessible fordemethylation. If active demethylase is present inpost-mitotic cells then HDAC inhibitors could triggerdemethylation by making the chromatin structuremore accessible. This hypothesis is consistent withtissue culture work from Moshe Szyf’s lab showingthat HDAC inhibitors such as TSA and valproate candemethylate DNA in a replication-independentmanner (Cervoni et al., 2002; Cervoni & Szyf, 2001;Detich, Bovenzi, & Szyf, 2003; Detich et al., 2002).Indeed, administration of TSA into adult animalsraised by low LG-ABN (i.e., those with hypermethyl-ated GR promoter and poor NGFI-A binding) led tothe expected increase in promoter acetylation, butwas also associated with increased NGFI-A bindingand decreased methylation. Importantly, this re-versal of adult GR promoter methylation was asso-

ciated with increased GR expression and decreasedHPA reactivity in these animals making them indis-tinguishable from those raised by high LG-ABN.Moreover, TSA infusion to animals raised by highLG-ABN had no effect on DNA methylation, NGFI-Abinding, GR expression and HPA reactivity (Weaver,Cervoni et al., 2004). Similarly, intraventricularinfusions of methionine which acts as an interme-diate donor for DNA methylation increased methyl-ation of the GR promoter, decreased expression ofGR, and increased HPA reactivity in animals raisedby high LG-ABN (i.e., those with hypomethylatedpromoter) but had no effect on animals raised by lowLG-ABN (Weaver et al., 2005). These data demon-strate that DNA methylation can be altered in post-mitotic cells and are consistent with the notion thatDNA methylation in post-mitotic cells exists in adynamic steady state that reflects a balance betweenrates of methylation and demethylation. The readermay well wonder if such broad pharmacologicalmanipulations altered the expression of a wide rangeof genes in the hippocampus. Somewhat to oursurprise this was not the case. Microarray analysisof hippocampal samples revealed that infusion ofTSA or methionine changed the expression of lessthan 3% of the hippocampal ‘transcriptome’ [i.e.,genes normally expressed in the hippocampus;(Weaver, Meaney, & Szyf, 2006)].

Recent work reveals that postnatal maternal careis also capable of remodeling the estrogen receptoralpha (ER-a) promoter in the medial preoptic area(MPOA) of the hypothalamus of female offspring,providing another example in which DNA methyla-tion may contribute to maintaining the long-termsequelae of postnatal maternal care (F. A. Cham-pagne et al., 2006). As adults, female offspring raisedby high LG-ABN dams become high LG-ABN andthose raised by low LG-ABN become low LG-ABNdams. Importantly, this maternal phenotype appearsto be stable throughout the adult life of the animaland is also observed in the dam’s behavior towardsfuture litters (F. A. Champagne et al., 2003). Cross-fostering experiments demonstrated that maternalbehavior in the offspring correlates with the mater-nal phenotype of the foster and not the biologicalmother, indicating that maternal phenotype in theoffspring is strongly influenced by the frequency ofLG-ABN the offspring received early in life (D. Fran-cis, Diorio, Liu, & Meaney, 1999). Likewise, the fe-male offspring of high LG-ABN mothers (regardlessof biological origin) show increased ER-a expressionin the MPOA. A wealth of neuroendocrine studiesshow that the expression of maternal behavior in therat is dependent upon the activation of ER-a in theMPOA and downstream effects on oxytocin receptorbinding (Numan & Sheehan, 1997; Pedersen, Cald-well, Walker, Ayers, & Mason, 1994). Female off-spring raised by low LG-ABN dams show increasedDNA methylation in a Stat5 regulatory element lo-calized within exon 1b of the ER-a gene as compared

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to those raised by high LG-ABN dams. Thesechanges in methylation state are associated withdecreased binding of the transcription factor Stat5 toits binding site, resulting in lower levels of ER-a inthe MPOA of adult females raised by low LG-ABN(F. A. Champagne et al., 2006). MPOA levels of ER-aappear to control expression of oxytocin receptor (OTR)in the MPOA (Young, Wang, Donaldson, & Rissman,1998), which in turn regulates several aspects ofmaternal behavior such as frequency of LG-ABN (SeeFigure 3). Data in support of this proposed modelcomes from studies showing that levels of OTR areelevated in offspring of high LG-ABN compared tolow LG-ABN. Ovariectomy eliminates the differencein OTR levels between offspring of low and highdams, but these differences can be reinstated againafter addition of exogenous estrogen, suggesting thatdifferences in OTR levels require the presence ofestrogen (F. Champagne, Diorio, Sharma, & Meaney,2001). Additionally, direct administration of eitherestrogen (Fahrbach, Morrell, & Pfaff, 1985) or oxy-tocin (Pedersen et al., 1994) into the MPOA increasesmaternal behavior and central administration ofOTR-antagonist on postnatal day 3 abolishes thedifferences in LG-ABN between high and low dams(F. Champagne et al., 2001). These observationssuggest that activation of OTR in the MPOA isimportant in maintaining individual differences inLG-ABN. Thus the hypomethylated state of the ER-apromoter of offspring exposed to high frequency ofLG-ABN early in life provides a more efficient tran-scriptional mechanism to upregulate OTR in re-sponse to increased estrogen levels associated withpregnancy. Elevated levels of OTR in the MPOA andprobably other brain regions are then responsible for

the increase in LG-ABN frequency observed in femaleoffspring exposed to higher levels of maternal care ininfancy, probably through subsequent regulation ofdopamine release at the level of the nucleus ac-cumbens (F. A. Champagne et al., 2004; Numan &Sheehan, 1997).

Several important caveats related to the possiblerole of DNA methylation in programming stable be-havioral traits are important to consider. First, wecannot currently rule out the possibility that mech-anisms other than changes in methylation of the GRpromoter play a role in the ability of intraventricularinfusions of TSA or methionine to modify HPA reac-tivity. However, regardless of the exact mechanismby which these interventions modify HPA reactivity,they show very specific interactions with earlymaternal care (i.e., TSA administration affects onlyoffspring of low LG-ABN with no effect on thoseraised by high LG-ABN). Second, if DNA methylationis not as permanent as initially thought, how is itmaintained throughout life and what conditions canmodify it? For example, we currently do not knowwhether changes in DNAmethylation, GR expressionand HPA reactivity are stable or revert back to pre-treatment condition in adult animals treated withTSA or methionine once these treatments havestopped. Moreover, high LG-ABN dams exposed tostress during pregnancy show decreased frequencyof LG towards their pups and become indistin-guishable from low LG-ABN dams (F.A. Champagne& Meaney, in press). It is currently unclear whetherthese behavioral changes in maternal phenotype areassociated with reversal of ER promoter methylationor whether they represent a compensatory modifi-cation provided by the environment without revers-


Stat5 ER-α


Increased OTR expression andfrequency of LG-ABN



ER-αDecreased OTR expression and

frequency of LG-ABN

DNA methylation

Figure 3 Frequency of LG-ABN in the first week of life modifies DNAmethylation of the ER-a promoter that is thoughtto be responsible for a stable maternal phenotype in female offspring. Exposure to high levels of LG-ABN is associatedwith demethylation of the ER-a promoter allowing the transcription factor Stat5 to bind and activate expression ofER-a in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of the hypothalamus. Elevated ER-a levels render female offspring of highLG-ABN dams more sensitive to elevated levels of estrogen associated with pregnancy and result in higher levels ofpostpartum oxytocin receptor (OTR) in the MPOA. Elevated levels of oxytocin receptor in the MPOA are in turnresponsible for increased levels of LG-ABN in these offspring. The ability of maternal care early in life to ‘program’ astable maternal phenotype in the female offspring ensures epigenetic transmission of maternal phenotype and manyother behavioral phenotypes influenced by early maternal care across generations.

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ing the DNA methylation. These issues are importantto consider when evaluating therapeutic interven-tions that seek to reverse or modify the effects ofearly development on adulthood and will be consid-ered in more detail below. Finally, the pharmaco-logical manipulations used to reverse themethylation status of the relevant GR promoter areindeed very crude. However, and this is the import-ant consideration in such studies, these manipula-tions do reveal that the enzymatic machinerynecessary to demethylate or even remethylate spe-cific DNA sites exists in post-mitotic neurons, even inthe adult phase of the life cycle.

Epigenetic transmission of maternal care in non-human primates

The ability of postnatal maternal care to programmaternal behavior, vulnerability to stress, and cog-nition (see also below) in the offspring allows for anepigenetic mode of inheritance for these behavioralphenotypes. In other words, offspring of low LG-ABN dams are fearful and as adults lick their ownpups infrequently, raising yet another generation ofanimals that are also fearful and low lickers in apattern that propagates itself vertically across gen-erations. Epigenetic modes of transmission differfrom the more ‘traditional’ genetic transmission intwo fundamental ways. First, epigenetic trans-mission is not mediated by alterations in DNAsequence, but by stable modifications of existingDNA sequences such as DNA methylation. Second,genetic transmission is passed across generationsvia the germline while epigenetic transmission des-cribed above is passed to the next generation viamaternal care provided to the offspring early in life(the modifications to DNA methylation describedabove do not involve the germ-line). The relativestability of DNA methylation leads to a stablematernal phenotype in adulthood that ensurespropagation of the maternal phenotype across gen-erations. The historical irony of these findings isthat they suggest that Jean Baptiste Lamarck mighthave been right when he proposed that acquiredmodifications could be transmitted across genera-tions, a point lost due to the radical fervor of the‘neo-Lamarckians.’

The adaptive value of this kind of epigenetic modeof transmission is quite speculative at this point andhere we consider two possible explanations. The firstexplanation argues that environmental challengesencountered early in development are likely to per-sist throughout life, and therefore neurodevelop-mental programming that incorporates theseenvironmental challenges may improve survival inadulthood. For example, the fearful phenotype in-duced by low LG might be protective for offspringraised under stressful environmental conditionsassociated with high levels of predation and scarceresources. The observation that daily restraints of

high LG-ABN dams during the prenatal period areassociated with a decrease in frequency of LG (F.A.Champagne & Meaney, in press) is consistent withthis hypothesis. Additionally, work from Rosenblumand Coplan assessed the effect of postnatal en-vironmental stress on mother-infant interactionsand their behavioral sequelae in the Bonnet maca-que offspring. Their initial paradigm has used threedifferent postnatal conditions: 1) a low foragingcondition in which food is readily available, 2) a highforaging condition in which adequate food supplywas available but required long periods of foraging,and 3) a variable foraging demand condition in whichthe two conditions are randomly assigned makingfood availability unpredictable. Using this paradigmthey showed that the variable foraging condition wasthe most disruptive of maternal care and was asso-ciated with increased CRF levels and abnormal fearresponse in the offspring (Coplan et al., 2005; Co-plan, Rosenblum, & Gorman, 1995; Coplan et al.,1998; Rosenblum et al., 1994). These data demon-strate that environmental stress modifies maternalbehavior and is associated with behavioral sequelaein the offspring, but it is yet to be shown that offspringraised under variable foraging conditions cope betterwith these conditions in adulthood as compared tothe control group. An alternative hypothesis is thatlow levels of maternal care induce a catabolic ‘sporelike’ state of neurodevelopment that is adaptive inseveral ways. First, the lower threshold for stressreactivity may increase the capacity of the pup to re-cruit additional parental care by emitting more fre-quent ultrasonic calls. Second, unrestricted growthand neurodevelopment in the presence of inadequateparental support may result in poorer cognitive andemotional outcomes associated with decreasedpotential for reproductive success in these offspring.

The ability of maternal care in rodents to epi-genetically transmit several behavioral phenotypesacross generations suggests the possibility thatsimilar phenomena may exist in non-human pri-mates and humans. The best evidence for epigenetictransmission of behavior in non-human primatescomes from recent work by Dario Maestripieri onmaternal abuse in macaque monkeys (Maestripieri,2005). Infant abuse in themacaque occurs in the firstfew months of life and consists of dragging, throwing,sitting on, or biting the infant with consequencesthat range from minimal injuries to infant mortality(Maestripieri, 1998). Maternal abuse has beenreported in both captive and free-ranging macaques(Maestripieri, 2005). Importantly, this maternalphenotype is stable across pregnancies, and runs infamilies with an apparent transmission of this be-havior from mother to daughter (Maestripieri, 1999).Finally, intergenerational transmission of childhoodabuse has also been described in humans and theprevalence of infant abuse in the macaque (5–10%)is comparable to the one estimated in humans(20–30%) (Maestripieri, 1999). Indeed, in humans

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there is evidence for the intergenerational transmis-sion of a wide range of parental styles (Miller, Kramer,Warner,Wickramaratne,&Weissman, 1997;Warner,Weissman, Mufson, & Wickramaratne, 1999).

To determine whether the familial pattern ofmaternal abuse in the macaque is due to genetic orepigenetic transmission, Maestripieri used a cross-fostering paradigm in which offspring born to non-abusive mothers were cross-fostered soon after birthto abusive mothers (control/abuse) and infants bornto abusive mothers were cross fostered to non-abu-sive mothers (abuse/control). These two groups werealso compared to two additional groups of abusiveand non-abusive mothers raising their own infants(abuse/abuse and control/control respectively). Thematernal phenotype of the adult offspring was thenevaluated after they gave birth to their first offspring.The results showed that 9 of the total 16 females thatwere abused in childhood became abusive as adultswhile none of the mothers raised by non-abusivemothers (abuse/control and control/control) be-came abusive. The striking result was that the ratesof childhood abuse were similar between the con-trol/abuse and abuse/abuse groups (four out ofeight and 5 out of eight respectively) and these weresignificantly different from offspring raised by non-abusive mothers regardless of their biological mo-ther’s phenotype (Maestripieri, 2005). These resultsdemonstrate that exposure to abusive motherspostnatally is associated with a significant risk forfuture childhood abuse regardless of the biologicalmother and strongly suggests that transmission ofinfant abuse in the macaque is mediated by an as yetundefined epigenetic mechanism. We suggest that,as in the case of rodent licking/grooming, the indi-vidual differences in maternal care may be trans-mitted across generations through a behavioralmode of transmission.

Work from several groups using different para-digms demonstrates that postnatal maternal care innon-human primates plays an important role inshaping fear responses, social play, aggression, andvulnerability to substance abuse in the offspring. Forexcellent reviews see: (Barr et al., 2003; Coplan etal., 1995). Together with Maestripieri’s work onecannot ignore the similarities between findings inrodents and non-human primates with regard to theeffect of early-life care on diverse behavioral pheno-types. The observations that maternal deprivation inearly-life increases HPA reactivity in non-humanprimates (Barr et al., 2004; Rosenblum et al., 1994),and that women exposed to early-life stress showenhanced HPA activation under stress (Heim et al.,2000) suggest that alterations in early-life care maylead to changes in neurodevelopment that are con-served among mammals. Moreover, despite differ-ences in postnatal brain development betweenrodents, non-human primates, and humans, they allfollow remarkably similar neurodevelopmental tra-jectories in response to sensory input during a crit-

ical period of development. For example, unlikeprimates that are born with rudimentary visualacuity, rodents are born with their eyes closed andhave no visual sensory input during the first week oflife. Despite these differences both respond to mon-ocular deprivation in a very similar way, with theprincipal difference being the exact developmentalperiod that monocular deprivation affects vision inrodents and humans [PND 25–30 in mice and ap-proximately 1–4 years in humans (Hensch, 2004)].These observations suggest a possible shift in thedevelopmental time frame between rodents and pri-mates, but at the same time they underscore a re-markable conservation of developmental principlesbetween the two species. Moreover, some of the mostsignificant progress in our understanding of themolecular details that guide monocular deprivationhas been through the use of transgenic animals byTakao Hensch’s group (Fagiolini et al., 2004; Henschet al., 1998; Mataga, Mizuguchi, & Hensch, 2004).

Part III: Epigenetic mode of inheritance:implications and complexity

Epigenetic transmission in humans: researchimplications

Epigenetic transmission in humans is difficult toevaluate because most adoption studies have notcontrolled for time of adoption and the critical periodfor most phenotypes is not known. Therefore inter-pretation of most adoption studies is tainted by thepossibility that the adoption occurred after a possi-ble period during which relevant developmentalevents occur. However, findings in rodents (Denen-berg & Rosenberg, 1967; D. Francis et al., 1999) andnon-human primates (Maestripieri, 2005) stronglysuggest that epigenetic transmission of behavioraltraits is also likely to be found in humans. Animportant clinical and research implication of thispossibility is that several psychopathologies that runin families such as depression, anxiety (Mullen et al.,1996), and possibly some forms of schizophrenia(Bebbington et al., 2004) might be transmitted viagenetic and/or epigenetic modes of inheritance. Thepoint here is certainly not to contest the potentialimportance of classical genetic variation (i.e., varia-tions in sequence that are inherited from parents),but to simply underscore the possibility that sucheffects occur in parallel and probably interacts withenvironmentally-driven epigenetic modifications tothe genome.

Current genetic research focuses exclusively onidentifying genetic mechanisms responsible for thismode of transmission. This approach, however, hasyielded relatively few examples of genes that arereproducibly associated with psychopathology inhumans. Several reasons have been mentioned toexplain the difficulty in mapping ‘psychiatric genes’(Kendler, Gardner, & Prescott, 2006; Moffitt, Caspi,

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& Rutter, 2005). These include: the heterogeneity ofthe phenotype (i.e., depression), the lack of objectivemeasurements to assess the phenotype, and thecomplex polygenetic nature of these disorders. Whathas been missing in this important list of complex-ities is the possibility that epigenetic transmissionmay play an important role in propagating some ofthese psychopathologies within families. Indeed,gene–environment interactions that form the logicalbasis for epigenetics have only recently been inves-tigated (Mill et al., 2006). The results of these studiesstrongly suggest that the effects of genetic variationsdepend upon environmental conditions (and viceversa). Hence linkage analysis studies should not beconsidered as adequate tests of the potential rele-vance of variations in genotype for any specificphenotypic outcome. Inevitably, the potential rele-vance of any genomic variation in sequence or anyspecific environmental event will only be fullyunderstood within a gene–environment framework.This framework should include epigenetic modifica-tions. This is especially important given the preclin-ical work presented above and strong clinical datademonstrating an association between early-lifestress and increased risk for several psychopathol-ogies in humans (Moffitt et al., 2005). It is importantto acknowledge that the tissue-specific nature ofepigenetic modifications makes the search for suchalterations more difficult compared to the traditionalsearch for genetic factors. For example, methylationof the GR promoter seen in the hippocampus maynot be present in peripheral tissues available to as-sess promoter methylation (i.e., obtaining humanbrain tissue for diagnostic purposes is not an op-tion). On the other hand, since all cells in our bodiescontain the same DNA sequence, mutations seen inperipheral blood cells will also appear in the hippo-campus. The tissue-specific nature of epigeneticmodifications clearly represents a challenge for fu-ture research; however, given its potential for eluci-dating an important mechanism by which theenvironment modifies gene expression, such aneffort is likely to be both informative and productive.

Gene–environment interactions

Work by Avshalom Caspi and his colleagues providescompelling evidence that both genetic predispositionand environmental exposure need to be consideredin assessing several behavioral traits and vulner-abilities for psychopathologies (Moffitt et al., 2005).For example, Caspi et al. (2003) showed that indi-viduals that are homozygous for the short allele ofthe serotonin transporter exposed to early-life stressare more likely to develop depression in adulthood ascompared to individuals with the more ‘protective’long allele of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT)(Caspi et al., 2003). Importantly, these findings havenow been replicated by several other groups andhave been extended to children and adolescents

(Eley et al., 2004; Kaufman et al., 2006). 5-HTTpolymorphism also mediates vulnerability to stressin maternally deprived monkeys (Barr et al., 2004),and knockout mice with a deletion in the 5-HTTshow increased fearful behavior in a dose-dependentmanner (Holmes, Lit, Murphy, Gold, & Crawley,2003) (i.e., homozygous knockout mice are morefearful than heterozygote, which are more fearfulthan wildtype littermates) that is most likely due tolow levels of the 5-HTT early in life (Ansorge, Zhou,Lira, Hen, & Gingrich, 2004). These observationssuggest that the developmental effects of gene–environment interactions are conserved betweenrodents, primates, and humans, and can be furtherstudied in such animal models (Holmes, Murphy, &Crawley, 2003; Meaney, 2001). Despite the well-accepted notion that both susceptibility genes andpostnatal parental care play important roles in pro-gramming vulnerability to stress, the details of howtheir interactions shape stress reactivity are cur-rently unknown. For historical reasons, most of thework to date has characterized the effects of post-natal maternal care (or early-life stress) on neuro-development in rats with very few studies reported inthe mouse, and no group has yet systematically usedtransgenic animals to study this problem. As a re-sult, we know much about how early maternal careinfluences brain development in the outbred Long-Evans hooded rats, but have no information on howthis process interacts with different genetic back-grounds. To address this issue we and other groupshave adopted a paradigm established initially byHymie Anisman, which uses two strains of inbredmice, C57 and Balbc, that differ with regard to theirlevel of maternal care and reactivity to stress. C57dams lick their pups almost twice as much as com-pared to Balbc and their offspring are less fearfulcompared to Balbc (Anisman, Zaharia, Meaney, &Merali, 1998; Caldji, Diorio, Anisman, & Meaney,2004; D. D. Francis, Szegda, Campbell, Martin, &Insel, 2003). Balbc offspring raised by the high LGC57 dams are less fearful and perform better in thevisual-spatial task of the Morris water maze ascompared to those raised by the low LG Balbc dams(Caldji et al., 2004; Zaharia, Kulczycki, Shanks,Meaney, & Anisman, 1996). Interestingly, behaviorof C57 offspring shows very little change in responseto cross fostering, suggesting that they might bemore resilient (or less responsive) to the neuro-developmental effects of cross fostering (Caldji et al.,2004; Zaharia et al., 1996), Kaffman & Meaney,unpublished work).

To further assess whether the observed resiliencyof C57 pups is due to differences in genetic back-ground (i.e., genotypes of C57 versus Balbc pups)postnatal maternal care or environment (i.e., in uterodifferences between Balbc and C57 dams), Franciset al. transplanted C57 embryos into pseudo-preg-nant Balbc dams and assessed the effect of raisingthese pups by the high LG C57 or the low LG Balbc

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dams (D. D. Francis et al., 2003). This created fourexperimental groups of C57 mice: 1) those raisedprenatally and postnatally by C57, 2) those raisedprenatally by C57 and postnatally by Balbc, 3) thoseraised prenatally by Balbc and postnatally by C57,and 4) those raised prenatally and postnatally byBalbc. Of these four groups only C57 embryostransplanted into Balbc and raised postnatally byBalbc (group 4) resembled Balbc offspring in mostbut not all behaviors tested. These elegant experi-ments suggested that genetic background, prenatalconditions, and postnatal maternal care all play arole in establishing individual differences. It is ourassessment that the ability to manipulate genes,maternal care, and exposure to stress makes themouse a unique experimental system to understandthe molecular details of how gene and early envir-onment interactions affect neurodevelopment.Establishing a robust and reliable experimentalsystem in the mouse to study this process representsan important task for future efforts.

Environmental enrichment can improve cognitiveperformance of offspring raised by low LG-ABNdams

In previous sections we presented data showing thatseveral pharmacological interventions provided inadulthood modified the methylation state of the GRand HPA reactivity in these animals. We also men-tioned that the stability of these changes once themedication has stopped is currently unknown. Herewe discuss data showing that cognitive performanceassociated with early-life care could be modified by anon-pharmacological intervention provided frompostnatal day 22–70 (i.e., prepubescence intoadulthood) (Bredy, Humpartzoomian, Cain, &Meaney, 2003). Offspring of high LG-ABN damsperform better in several hippocampal-dependentmemory tasks compared to offspring of low LG-ABN(Liu et al., 2000). Cognitive performance in thesetasks is dependent on changes in hippocampalneuroplasticity that are mediated by two families ofreceptors: the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isox-azolepropionicacid receptor (AMPA). NMDA and AMPA receptorsinduce long-lasting electrophysiological changes insynapses within the hippocampus known as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression(LTD) that are required for appropriate learning andmemory (Bailey, Bartsch, & Kandel, 1996; Bailey,Kandel, & Si, 2004; Bliss & Collingridge, 1993; Tanget al., 1999). Offspring of high LG-ABN dams showincreased levels of NR1, NR2A, and NR2B subunitsof the NMDA receptors in the hippocampus and en-hanced LTP as compared to offspring of low LG-ABN.These findings suggested that maternal care im-proves learning by enhancing NMDA-mediated neu-roplasticity in the hippocampus. Exposure of lowLG-ABN prepubescent offspring (PND22–70) to

environmental enrichment improves their perform-ance in several hippocampal cognitive tasks, makingthem indistinguishable from offspring of high LG-ABN dams (Bredy, Humpartzoomian et al., 2003).Note that performance of offspring raised by highLG-ABN dams is not improved further by environ-mental enrichment. Interestingly, environmentalenrichment increases levels of AMPA receptor inoffspring of low LG-ABN without affecting NMDAlevels or LTP (Bredy, Humpartzoomian et al., 2003).These data demonstrate that the functional conse-quences of postnatal maternal care (i.e., hippocam-pal-dependent cognition) can be altered byadditional environmental input later in life, and thatthe mechanism by which environmental enrichmentimproves cognition does not appear to reversechanges established early in life (i.e. low levels ofNMDA receptors), but rather to modify a compensa-tory alternative pathway (i.e., increase in AMPA re-ceptors). These findings are but one example of thepotential for environmentally-induced alterations ofphenotype at later stages in development.

Active parenting and resiliency

An intriguing implication of the rodent work is that itsuggests that active parenting is required to modifyneurodevelopment and induce resiliency to stress.Note that low levels of maternal care simply maintaina default state of promoter hypermethylation estab-lished at birth, while high levels of maternal care arerequired to demethylate the GR promoter and there-fore presumably increase resiliency to stress duringlife (Weaver, Cervoni et al., 2004)(see Figure 2). Ifsimilar processes also occur in humans, these datasuggest that interventions that seek only to eliminateneglect and abuse in maltreated children, thoughobviously necessary and important, may not be suf-ficient to promote resiliency in these children. Thus,future work may need to examine more closely howparental care enhances resiliency in non-humanprimates and children instead of focusing almostexclusively on how childhood abuse and neglect en-hance psychopathology. This is consistent with datashowing that poor parental bonding, not consideredabuse or neglect, is also associated with a significantincreased risk for depression and anxiety disorders(Canetti et al., 1997) as well as with enhanced stressreactivity (Luecken & Lemery 2004; Pruessner et al.,2004). Finally, interventions that seek to enhanceparental skills may not only reduce psychopathologyin children of these families but may also disruptepigenetic transmission of these behaviors acrossfuture generations.

Using randomized control trials David Olds andhis colleagues examined the long-term behavioral,emotional, and cognitive consequences of childrenwho were followed by home visiting nurses from thelast trimester of their mothers’ pregnancies untilthey were two years old. These children were

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compared with a control group that received onlyprenatal care and routine postnatal developmentalscreening, but with no intense home nurse visita-tion. Olds’ group examined the long-term effects ofthis intervention in three separate clinical trialsinvolving three distinct populations: a primarilywhite sample from semi-rural Elmira, New York(D. Olds et al., 1998), a primarily unmarried low in-come sample of African American women fromMemphis, Tennessee (D. L. Olds, Kitzman et al.,2004), and a more ethnically diverse sample fromDenver, Colorado (D. L. Olds, Robinson et al., 2004).Despite some differences in outcomes between thethree trials, all show long-term effects of this inter-vention. The longest follow-up available is providedby the Elmira trial and shows a significant decreasein children’s arrest and emerging alcohol use forchildren assigned to the visiting nurse group ascompared to control group at 15-year follow-up (notethat this is 13 years after the last nursing visit) (D.Olds et al., 1998). Moreover, both the Memphis andDenver trials show that nurse visitation is associatedwith a modest improvement in intellectual and lan-guage functioning at 6 and 4 year follow-upsrespectively [4 and 2 years after the last nurse visit(D. L. Olds, Kitzman et al., 2004; D. L. Olds, Robin-son et al., 2004)]. Finally, the Memphis trial alsoshows significantly fewer behavioral problems inchildren followed by a nurse at the 6-year follow-up(D. L. Olds, Kitzman et al., 2004). The mechanism bywhich nurse visitation improves outcome in thesechildren is currently unknown, but as the authorsproposed might be mediated by improving severalaspects of parental care. These include: improvedprenatal health associated with the presence of thenurse during this period, and additional resourcesfor parental investment due to increased length ofperiods in between additional pregnancies, morestable relationships, and higher rates of employ-ment. Future work may be able to test whether dif-ferences between the group receiving nursingvisitation and the control group extend also to par-ent–infant bonds in the following generation, andwhether differences in psychopathologies could alsobe detected in the grandchildren of the parentsinvolved in the initial studies.

Postnatal maternal care affects several behavioralphenotypes: the question of global changes

A fundamental unresolved enigma is how postnatalmaternal care is able to influence such a broad rangeof behavioral phenotypes in the offspring. Work withrodents shows that such sequelae include: fearfulresponse, hippocampal-dependent memory, sexualbehavior, maternal care, and vulnerability to sub-stance abuse (see Table 1 and discussion above fordetails). Similarly, work with non-human primatesdemonstrates changes in diverse behavioral do-mains associated with manipulations of maternal

care in early life (Barr et al., 2003; Coplan et al.,1995). Finally, extensive clinical data in humansshow that child abuse or neglect are associated withincreased risk for a large number of psychopatholo-gies such as anxiety, depression, personality disor-ders, poor impulse control, substance abuse andpsychosis (Bebbington et al., 2004; Mullen et al.,1996). The question is then related to the molecularmechanism by which such diverse changes can beinduced by maternal care. The answer for thisquestion is currently unknown and unfortunatelyreceived very little attention and discussion to date.In some of our earlier publications we suggested thatprolonged exposure to high levels of stress hormonesmediated by changes in HPA reactivity might beresponsible for several of the cognitive and affiliativebehaviors associated with maternal care (Meaney,2001). However, it is also clear that diverse changesin gene expression, such as changes in ER, GABAsubunits and NMDA receptors, already exist veryearly in life and are therefore not likely to beaccounted for by a chronic exposure to stress hor-mones. Alternatively, Saul Schanberg has pointedout that maternal stimulation in the form of LGmight be necessary to maintain high levels of severalmolecules such as growth hormone and ornithinedecarboxylase that are necessary to maintain theelevated anabolic state associated with growth ofearly development (Kuhn & Schanberg, 1998). Ourwork and work from other labs suggests that lowlevels of maternal care are associated with low levelsof several neurotrophic growth factors such as BDNFand FGF-2 (Bredy, Grant et al., 2003; Liu et al.,2000). These growth factors orchestrate many as-pects of development such as cell proliferation, dif-ferentiation, migration, survival and rate ofsynaptogenesis, and are therefore good candidatesfor molecules able to exert such an extensive changein neurodevelopment. Moreover, some of theseneurotrophic factors appear to play important rolesin other critical periods such as ocular dominanceand tonotopic arrangement of the auditory cortex(Hensch & Fagiolini, 2005; Rubenstein & Merzenich,2003). Finally, recent work has shown that regula-tion of BDNF expression in post-mitotic cells iscontrolled by DNA demethylation of its promoter inan activity-dependent manner (Martinowich et al.,2003). The ability of maternal care to regulate levelsof neurotrophic factors provides a simple mechan-ism to account for its ability to influence suchdiverse genomic, cellular, and thus behavioral out-comes. Clearly, much work is needed to further testthis hypothesis, something that we are currentlypursuing in our labs.


Sensory input during early development plays animportant role in brain development with long-term

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consequences on brain functioning in adulthood.This environmental form of neuroplasticity appearsto be conserved among rodents, non-human pri-mates, and humans, suggesting an underlyingsimilarity in the molecular details that govern thisprocess and the potential of animal models to furtherunderstand it. In this context, tactile stimulationprovided by the mother early in life appears to playan important role in the development of several be-havioral phenotypes that persist into adulthood.Here we discussed two intriguing questions relatedto these observations. The first question is related tothe molecular mechanism by which postnatalmaternal care might be able to affect such a diversearray of behavioral phenotypes. The answer to thisquestion is currently unknown and here we proposethat the answer might be due to the ability ofmaternal care to affect expression of neurotrophicfactors that in turn control diverse aspects ofneurodevelopment. The second question is related tothe mechanism by which tactile stimulation early inlife influences behavior in adulthood. Recent datahas been presented suggesting that the stability ofDNA methylation might provide a molecular mech-anism in which events early in life program geneexpression and therefore behavioral phenotype in amanner that persists into adulthood. The role ofECM in maintaining sequelae of monocular depri-vation early in life was also discussed as anothermechanism by which sequelae of early life might bemaintained across time. Finally, several clinicalimplications related to these findings have been ex-plored. Of these, we wish to emphasize the need forbetter understanding of how genes and environmentinteract to modify neurodevelopment, and how goodparenting may improve resiliency to stress.


We wish to thank Aisha David for careful reading ofthe manuscript and Dr. Jim Leckman for valuablefeedback. This work has been supported by NARSADYoung Investigator, and a K08MH074856 NIMHCareer Award.

Correspondence to

Arie Kaffman, Department of Psychiatry, Yale Uni-versity School of Medicine. 34 Park St. CMHC roomS310. New Haven CT, 06598, USA. Tel: 203-974-7681; Fax: 203-974-7897; Email:


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Manuscript accepted 21 November 2006

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