networker - issue 49

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A publication for Rotarians and other community minded people.











In this Issue

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011

DG Weekly MessageDG Iven and Marilyn say Farewell and Thank you d9800.

On Sunday, 26 June, 2011, District 9800 conducted its Changeover Lunch, held at Moonee Valley Racecourse, Moonee Ponds. It was a wonderful afternoon and enjoyed by the large crowd in attendance. Well done Roger Leask and team who hosted.

I would like to share with you part of what I had to say on the day.........

“My friends, Good afternoon, I started my talk this time last year with the words “I can feel the weight of office already”!

I would like to start my address to you today with the words........ I can definitely feel the weight of office & maybe that shows, looking at some of those photos on the slide show that we have just seen showing some highlights of our year together!! Thank you very much Andrew Hunter for preparing that wonderful snapshot of 2010-2011, to the music of “Cowboy Logic’,

Iven Mackay and MarilynDistrict Governor 2010-2011

Contact the Editor

Clarice Caricare

Do you have a letter for Clarice? Is something on your mind?

Send Clarice an mail at

July is Rotary Fellowship Month


DG Weekly Message

VECCI Business Tip

District Changeover

District 9800 Awards

Daylesford Rotary CFA

Peace Builders District

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Notices & Events

Letters to Clarice

which is the theme song of RIP Ray Klinginsmith. It has been adopted by his Governor’s around the World and was also heard during our District Conference in Adelaide.

A little earlier we presented our District Awards for the year. Congratulations to all the District Award winners and all our Clubs that have done so much this year. You are all winners and have helped improve the lives of so many this year.

Welcome to you all once again and in particular, our partners & friends, who have come here today for our DG Changeover lunch. We value your support.

Firstly, most importantly, and number one......I want to thank my wife Marilyn, who has been by my side at Rotary over the last 27 years...thank

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you Marilyn. You have been a wonderful 1st Lady and it’s been great for us to have enjoyed this busy year together. Our son Ashley, who is studying at University in Sydney, has come down with his girlfriend Shayne to be with us on this special day & it’s great to have them both here. A very big thank you to our sponsor DAA (Disaster Aid Australia).....bringing all the pieces together. They do such good work.

The GSE (Group Study Exchange) with D5840, Texas, USA, was a very important part of this year and many of us individually and as Clubs have bonded with our new friends from The Lone Star State, Texas. Our outbound Team returned home to D9800 on Friday. They are here today. Please stand Team Leader Ross Butterworth and Team Members Christine, Liam & Paul who have made a special effort to be here (apologies from Tinika). We do appreciate it and look forward to your Official Welcome home dinner in August. Well done on representing our District so well.

Youth Exchange needs our support and I think we all know just how wonderful it can be and the bonds of lifelong friendship that can develop between Students, Club members & host families. We also know the other side of the coin that brings with it challenges & sometimes a few headaches. But no matter what, whether it’s an immediate realisation, or one that takes a few years to develop, the exchange program for the student & all who become involved is life changing & contributing to world understanding, tolerance & peace. We reintroduced USA this year (D5520 New Mexico/West Texas) with great success and I thank all Clubs who have got involved in this program. We have also had a good year with International House ( home to the D9800 Board, DLT & many District Committees meet here) and at our wonderful District facility Camp Getaway, at Axedale.

I would like to thank my Club, the RC of Toorak, who have always given me total support and they were kept very busy this year. Along with RC Brighton Beach and members from another 7 Clubs in the District, under Conference Chairman Alan Freedman (the man in the yellow jacket), delivered a very successful District Conference in Adelaide. Thank you to all those who attended and we are delighted you had such a great time.

To be DG in D9800 is indeed an honour & privilege and Marilyn and I thank you all very much for giving us this opportunity, of which I must say, we have loved every moment. I have been asked what the highlight of the year is, and it is of course the people, the Rotarians & partners of our Wonderful D9800, who do such amazing things..... year after year! We have been warmly welcomed wherever we have gone.

Thank you Koren Harvey for being our MC (and what an outstanding job she did at our District Conference) & contributing to the smooth running of today’s event, it’s very much appreciated. Koren is to be inducted into the RC of Central Melbourne Sunrise on Tuesday 28th June. It’s wonderful to see so many PDG’s here today , who served the District so well in past years & continue to do so.It is also an absolute delight to have PRIP Royce Abbey & Jean here with us. We are so lucky to have them so involved and connected with our District. They continue to inspire us all.

This year, Clubs all over the world have been Building Communities Bridging Continents. We have 70 Clubs in our District, and 41 of these received a RI Presidential Citation (18 with distinction), which is wonderful result. Well done. Could I ask that all Presidents 2010-2011 stand and we recognise them with a round of applause & thank them for their outstanding year of service to Rotary? I thank them also for their leadership, friendship and support over our last 3 years together.

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The DG could not function without a team. I could not have asked for more from such a dedicated, friendly & supportive Board & DLT (District Leadership Team).I would like to thank all those who have served on District Committees this year for their commitment & service to Rotary. We brought in many new faces this year and had a number of experienced Rotarians who had not been on District before. I hope more Rotarians out there in our Clubs, put their hand up for a job on a District Committee. It’s fun and will increase your Rotary knowledge, and is very rewarding. Many lifelong friends have been made from joining a District Committee and working together with our fellow Rotarians from other Clubs.

We come from a great District & have such diversity between our City & Country Clubs. Let’s all continue to support & encourage participation in Rotary programs, communicate with each other, and leave our Club, District & the community, in better shape for the future.

RIP Ray Klinginsmith gave his class of 2010-2011 Governors a clear message sometime ago, that we need to bring about many changes in Rotary, starting with Districts & Clubs, and I think we have delivered that message throughout our District this year. He asked us to have Bigger, Better, Bolder Rotary Clubs and we have all worked hard to achieve that result.

The Rotary Foundation (TRF) is our Foundation. The wonderful work of the Foundation requires the support of all Rotarians and I would like to thank you all for the very strong support you have given to TRF this year. The many programs of TRF cannot operate without funds. This hard working District Committee, under PDG John Davis, has guided us well through our 1st year of the Future Vision pilot. “Thank you” Rotarians of D9800 for all that you have done for Rotary during 2010-2011. I hope our Clubs in District 9800 continue to grow in membership & remain healthy & active members of Rotary International. We must keep trying to get younger men & women, who are active in their vocation, which will bring fresh new ideas & energy to your club AND to your club members. Our Clubs must get stronger. Let’s particularly try to increase our female membership (and in District/Club roles) in all Clubs across the District. As Rotarians and members of these Clubs, let us all give what we can, help where we can, & above all enjoy the wonderful fellowship that exists worldwide in Rotary. The Family of Rotary is a very special Family indeed and we all belong to it.

I wish incoming Governor Keith Ryall and Gabrielle, and the entire 2011-12 team, all Clubs and D9800 Rotarians, a very happy and successful year of Rotary service both locally & internationally. Only 5 more sleeps...... and the NEW Rotary year begins. The future of our District is in very good hands. I have no doubt you will enjoy the next Rotary year as you....Reach Within to Embrace Humanity. I thank DGE Keith & DGN Dennis for all their support this year and the 3 of us have enjoyed a very close & friendly relationship. DGE Keith will make an excellent District Governor and Dennis moves a year closer to the day. We welcome Ross Butterworth as incoming DGN (District Governor Nominee).

Last year I read a quote from our new Prime Minister Julia Gillard & it sums up quite well the year that was & it goes like this “There will be some days I delight you, there may be some days I disappoint you. On every day, I will be working my absolute hardest for you”!

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That certainly is a good way for me to finish, as we say goodbye to Rotary year 2010-2011!

Thank you all for sharing this year with us”.

That concludes part of the Changeover address.

In closing this final Networker DG message from me, I would once again like to thank all Rotarians in District 9800. We can all be proud of what this District has achieved in the past, what it is currently achieving and what I have no doubt it is capable of achieving in the future. On behalf of us all, a very big thank you to Clarice and all the helpers who produce the “Networker”, our vital communication link between us........week after week!!

Let us now look back on the year with the satisfaction of knowing that we have all done our best and enjoyed many fun times together. Rotary friendships and the family of Rotary is such a wonderful thing. Marilyn and I wish you all a safe, healthy and happy 2011-2012. Signing off..... “That’s all folks” and “bye y’all” ☺

Thank you & Goodbye Rotary year 2010-2011.....DG Iven and Marilyn

DG Iven

PHOTO 1: DG 2011-2012 Keith Ryall & DG 2010-2011 Iven Mackay PHOTO 2:Incoming District 1st Lady Gabrielle and Marilyn Mackay. PHOTO 3: DG Iven & Marilyn.

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Tips To sTarT each day wiTh sTyle VECCI BUSINESS TIP

The first few minutes of work each day can potentially set the tone

for your entire day – a positive and organised start will often lead

to higher and sustained productivity, so with that in mind, here are

some tips to help you ‘hit the ground running’ each morning.

Start the night beforeAs you probably have experienced, it can be hard to automatically click into ‘work mode’ every morning, so spending a few minutes each evening before you go home preparing for the next day can save much time and effort.

For instance, tidy your desk to remove it of papers and documents you no longer need, review your calendar for upcoming appointments and update your task list to see what needs urgent attention tomorrow. You might even want to write a simple ‘to do’ list to put on your desk before you leave.

Set up your computerWhen you turn on your PC each day, make sure all the programs you need to open immediately (email, internet browser, database, etc) are accessible in one click – even better, utilise the ‘Startup’ function on your start menu, as Heather Villa proposes. Also organise your bookmarks to match your tasks for the day so you don’t have them all open at once at the start of the day – this will only act as a distraction.

Hold off on the emailOften a mountain of unread emails can pile up overnight that require attention. If possible, hold off on reading them for your first 10 or 15 minutes and make sure you have at least done a rough plan of your day before you dive into those emails and messages, otherwise they could distract from key tasks.

Start with the most important taskConsult your task or ‘to do’ list and prioritise, and get straight into your most pressing or important task and make progress before switching to another task or consulting email. The positive feeling you’ll obtain from having made some meaningful accomplishment so quickly should hold you in good stead for the rest of the day!

© VECCI 2010 For further information, please click here:

This article is sourced from VECCI’s weekly RADAR newsletter, which circulates to approximately 40,000 unique email addresses. Subscribe to RADAR for free, please click here.

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 6

District Changeover

A hearty crowd met for lunch, fellowship and networking at the Celeb-rity Room at Moonee Valley on Sunday.

MC Koren Harvey announced the arrival of the official party before DG Iven Mackay gave a brief summing-up of his successful year in office, and presented four Paul Harris Fellowships to PDG John Davis, Dr Barry Mullen, Gary Goldsmith and Ron Phillips.

DG Iven then presented the District Awards, which are covered else-where in this issue, as is the presentation of a Peace Builder Banner by Bob Fels.

The hand-over ceremony from DG Iven Mackay to DGE Keith Ryall was conducted with due ceremony, after which our new DG Keith intro-duced the incoming District 9800 Board and District Leadership Team, and hinted at things to come.

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The final presentation of flowers to the ladies and wine to the men was satisfactory to all.

Then the entertainment began: singers Elizabeth Barrow and Marco Cinque delighted the audience with a variety of popular classics, before “The Amazing Warren” delighted us with some magic moments. Warren had Koren all confused, Iven covered in spots, and he then ran rings round Marilyn: all good fun.

The Changeover Lunch was a thrilling and inspiring start to the 2011-2012 Rotary Year.

> View all of the Changeover Photos

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 8

Australian Rotary Health Research Fund AwardRotary Club of WilliamstownFriends R4 project, providing funds for urgent medical research, provide assistance for cancer sufferers and promote features and awareness of skin cancer.

Best Overall Bulletin Award - Hugh Paton AwardRotary Club of Keilor East

Bulletin Awards (Under 55 members)Rotary Club of Camberwell

Bulletin Awards (36 to 55 members)Rotary Club of GlenferrieCommunity Service Director James Long accepted the award on behalf of the club

Bulletin Awards (Over 35 members)Rotary Club of Kew on Yarra

Centurion AwardRotary Club of Melbourne

Club Attendance AwardRotary Club of Melton Valley

Community Service AwardRotary Club of BrightonFamily violence prevention program and establishing a national charity to support their Violence Free Families program. Conference Attendance AwardRotary Club of Carlton

Environment AwardRotary Club of CaulfieldFor sustained support and management of a permanent quarterly eco-market.

Rotary Foundation AwardRotary Club of Melton Valley International Service AwardClub of Bacchus MarshNew Hope Cambodia Project

Club Membership Development AwardRotary Club of Daylesford

New Generations AwardRotary Club of RichmondMultiple projects assisting youth and students.

Public Relations AwardRotary Club of Bacchus Marsh2011 Calendar Project

Rotary-Rotaract Involvement AwardRotary Club of North MelbournePromoting and sustaining Rotaract

Rotary Image AwardRotary Club of BrightonFor The Great Australia Day Swim

Significant Achievement AwardRotary Club of BrightonFor the Family Violence Prevention Program. Vocational Service AwardRotary Club of Laverton Point CookPapua New Guinea Teacher Group Vocational Visit

Best Club Website AwardRotary Club of Melbourne

District Awards 2010 - 2011

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 9

District Award PhotosDistrict Governor Iven Mackay presented the District Awards at the District Changeover, and thanked Community Service Director James Long for his work in this area.Some of the award winners:

Australian Rotary Health Research Fund AwardRotary Club of WilliamstownFriends R4 project, providing funds for urgent medical research, provide assistance and cancer sufferers and promote features and awareness of skin cancer.

Rotary-Rotaract Involvement AwardRotary Club of North MelbournePromoting and sustaining Rotaract.

Significant Achievement AwardRotary Club of BrightonFor the Family Violence Prevention Program.

Best Overall Bulletin Award - Hugh Paton AwardRotary Club of Keilor East

Photos of all winners can be seen at:

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 10

Daylesford Rotary Club congratulated the Daylesford CFA at its 150 years of service to the community celebration, whilst presenting $17,295.45 to the local CFA Group.

Our Community Brunch fundraising event at Lake House on 29th May raised the money for the Glenlyon CFA Group which includes Daylesford and six other brigades.

These funds will be used to purchase vital communications equipment for local CFA vehicles. New radios and GPS systems linked to the wider CFA network will help our incredible local volunteers to be better equipped.

Over recent years Daylesford Rotary has paid for a weather station at the Daylesford CFA site which the public can access, on-line via the Daylesford CFA web site, a major grant towards the purchase of a CFA forward command vehicle and also for the ‘Jaws of Life’ which all help volunteers to better serve the community.

It is important that we do not become complacent with the high rainfall recently. We can expect further droughts and fires and we need to continue to support the local CFA brigades. The 150th anniversary of the Daylesford CFA is a special event that all the community should acknowledge and support.


The photograph was taken in front of the Daylesford CFAs first fire truck, back in about 1861 when the local guys decided to make a cart with hooks around it for buckets to take to fires.

D i s t r i c t 9 8 0 0Membership & Marketing SEMINAR

August 6th, 2011Centre for the ArtsTrinity College$20 ADMISSION A lite lunch will be served and all attendees will leave with a USB loaded with marketing, membership, PR and website tips and information.


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Bob Fels (RC Melbourne) in his capacity as a member of the international Rotary World Peace Centers Committee presented DG Iven with a banner acknowledging recognition

of the District as a Peace Builder District at the DG changeover. This is what Bob said:

DG Ivan, on behalf of the Chairman of The Rotary Foundation Trustees, Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar, and of the Rotary World Peace Centers Committee, I congratulate District 9800 on being recognized as a Peace Builder District and present you with this banner. Rotary likes to recognize outstanding achievement with symbols – in this case a banner.

There are 2 grounds for this award. Firstly, the generous financial donations made by the District over several years through its donations to The Rotary Foundation to support the Rotary Peace Centres.

Secondly, this District leads the world in successfully identifying candidates for Rotary World Peace Fellowships. Candidates are selected in a world competitive process. No matter how you measure it, we are the world’s most successful. District 9800 is the only District in the world to have successfully nominated a Fellow in each of the 10 years of the program. As well, our District having won 15 Fellowships – including 2 in your year -has more awards than any other District in the world. These leading results have been formally acknowledged in several international Rotary publications over the past few months. However, PDG Don Jago disagrees with the number 15. Don is an honourable man and his opinions must be respected. Until recently, Districts could only nominate one candidate. We passed on 3 of our runner ups to neighbouring Districts where they won those Districts’ nomination and went on to win Fellowships. So Don says we have had 18 Fellowships which puts us even further ahead.

The Fellowships are totally funded by The Rotary Foundation and are worth over $US 860,000 to us. That is a great return on our donations to The Rotary Foundation.

DG Iven, I congratulate you on becoming a Peace Builder District. You have us on the world stage.






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2011-2012 Rotary Theme RI President Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year. Banerjee unveiled the RI theme during the opening plenary session of the 2011 International Assembly, a training event for incoming district governors.

He urged participants to harness their inner resolve and strength to achieve success in Rotary. “In order to achieve anything in this world, a person has to use all the resources he can draw on. And the only place to start is with ourselves and within ourselves,” Banerjee said.

Once Rotarians find their inner strength, he continued, they can accomplish great things in their communities and around the world. “Discover yourself, develop the strengths within you, and then unhesitatingly, unflinchingly, go forth and encircle the world, to embrace humanity,” he said.

Banerjee emphasized the family as a starting point in serving others. “The communities we live in are not built of individual people but of families -- families living in homes together, sharing their lives and their resources and their common destinies. Good families lead to good neighborhoods, and good neighborhoods build good communities.”

Rotarians can focus on projects that support families, such as those that provide safe housing or improve maternal and child health, he said. Continuity in Rotary’s work, including polio eradication, is also important, Banerjee said. “There are so many things we are indeed good at: working for clean, safe water; spreading literacy; working in so many ways with the New Generations, our youth, in our newest Avenue of Service and assisting them to become the leaders of tomorrow.”

Citing Mahatma Gandhi’s call to “be the change you wish to see in the world,” Banerjee said Rotarians should also focus on change. “If we wish for peace, we start by living in peace ourselves, in our homes and in our communities,” he explained. “If we wish environmental degradation to stop, if we wish to reduce child mortality or to prevent hunger, we must be the instrument of that change -- and recognize that it must start within us, with each of us.”

Full story at:

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity

Photo: RI President-Elect Kalyan Banerjee announces the 2011-2012 RI theme during the International Assembly in San Diego, California.

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 6


Approximately 1.12 per cent of the Victorian adult population has serious problems with their gambling. They may believe that gambling can give them a source of income that will fix their financial problems or that gambling will help them manage their personal, relationship or work problems.

There are several warning signs that may indicate that a person is developing problem gambling habits.

Problem gambling affects you and those around youGambling becomes a problem when it causes harm to you and those close to you. For example, you may find you are starting to:

• Spend more money or time on gambling than you intend or can afford • Feel guilt and shame about your behaviour, especially if it is out of control • Try to hide the problem from those you care about • Lie about where you have been or why money is missing • Damage your relationships with friends and family • Lose interest in other activities • Suffer financial stress and find that other parts of your life, such as work

performance, are affected • Borrow money or sell personal or family items to pay for living expenses or to

repay gambling debts.• Problem Gambling Victoria has a short questionnaire or Self-Assessment

Test you can use to check if you have a gambling problem.

Why some people develop problems with gamblingPeople usually start to gamble for fun, accepting that sometimes they win but more often they lose. For some people, however, gambling begins to play a major role in their life. There are different reasons that gambling may become a problem, but some attitudes and beliefs are common in people who have a gambling problem.

People may develop problems with gambling because they:

• Feel a sense of security when they gamble – they may feel they don’t belong in social settings other than the gaming venue

• Hope to win large sums of money – they may have had a big win in the past that put them thousands of dollars in front. When they later get into debt, they think gambling will deliver another big win and solve their money problems

• Want to escape from reality and forget their troubles and problems • Need something to do because they don’t have interests, sports or hobbies they enjoy • Cannot give up the dream of great wealth, even in the face of repeated financial losses • Feel excited when they gamble and find that their feelings of nervousness, irritability, indecision and frustration


Help and support are availableThose who have a gambling problem may find it difficult to deal with the problem on their own. Talking to someone is one way to work through the problem.

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 13


Rotary District 9800 14Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011

Notices & EventsNEWMarketing Seminar6 August, 2011

A marketing seminar held at Trinity College focusing on membership, marketing, PR, and website development. A lite lunch will be served. Read More

Sportsman’s Night: Rotary Club of Laverton Point Cook6 August, 2011

Experience a terrific night’s entertainment with former Australian Fast Bowler Rodney Hogg and Bulldogs’ Champion Doug Hawkins. Read More


One ladies diamond flower ear-ring, Lost at District Changeover at Moonee Valley.

Call Sheila: (03) 9500 2359

Welcome New Members

Basil Ornellas was inducted on 21 June into the Rotary Club of Glen Eira. Basil was previously a member of the Rotary Club of Doncaster

Koren Harvey (Business & Innovation) RC Central Melbourne- Sunrise on 28th June 2011.

Koren is known to many members and partners as the MC of the Adelaide District Conference and the recent DG Change-over. Koren is a former Youth Exchange student and also GSE Team member to Germany/Sweden.

Rotary District 9800 Issue 49 of 2010/2011 July 04 2011 15Rotary District 9800

Readers Letters

Dear Clarice,

Melbourne South Rotary Club is hosting a GSE dinner in the next few weeks so I “relocated” twelve of these table decorations from DG changeover celebrations today.

Please could you publicise to clubs that we are storing them, and are very happy to share if clubs are wanting to use them.

Many thanksBronwyn StephensSecretary, Melbourne South Rotary Club

Dear Clarice,

My name is Don Cullen and I am a member of The Rotary Club of Brighton North. I am writing to advise that I am on the “Guest Speaker” circuit within Rotary, and in particular District 9800. We are supported by RAWCS and Southern Region.

My topic is the Tibetan Village Project Australia. Our organization is non – political, non – religious and runs in the West entirely by volunteers. Our aim is to promote self-sustainability in the Tibetan Autonomous Region of Tibet. Our purpose is to “give a hand up, not a hand out”! In the past few years, we have been successful in achieving the following projects: -

7 Medical Clinics. During 2010 we treated over 8,000 patients, FREE including medicines.Implemented educational programmes for children who other wise would not have access to learning facilities. We now have in excess of 1,200 school children.

Provided Green Houses in remote, poor villages. This provides food and extends the growing period from 3 months to 10 months per year.

We are the only NGO on the ground at Yushu where an earthquake struck on April 14th 2010. 10,000 people perished, over 20,000 injured and 80,000 homeless. To date, we have provided over 500 insulated tents for families along with Micro Finance in order for people to get back on their feet. As you can see, we keep ourselves quite busy. We also have other projects, however, I normally cover those in my talks. I am available to speak at your club should you wish to know more about our projects.

Sincerely,Don CullenCullen.don@gmail.comMobile: 0421 088 576

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Do you have aletter for Clarice?

Contact the EditorDo you have a letter for Clarice? Is something on on your mind?

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