network stats using gephi

Post on 12-Apr-2017



Data & Analytics



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Advanced Social Network Analysis Using GephiCMN110FEB 13, 2017

Global Measures Density Degree

◦ Avg Degree◦ Degree distribution

Diameter Avg. Path Length

Network Density StatisticsGraph Density Defined as the # of actual ties / # of potential ties Scale is normalized: 0-----------------------.5---------------------------------1 Low density High density Karate Club = .07 density

Network Degree StatisticsAverage DegreeDegree Distribution- Graph of the frequency of all the nodes’ degreesAverage node degree - Undirected: 2*(#edges)/(#nodes)Karate club----->

Network Diameter StatisticsDiameter Shortest geodesic distance between the furthermost nodes Karate club: 3

Average Path Length StatisticsAvg. Path Length The average shortest paths of all possible nodes Karate club: 1.27 paths

Positional Measures Degree Centrality Eigenvector Centrality Closeness Centrality Betweenness Centrality

Degree CentralityStatisticsaverage degree auto populates data labIn-degree (# links in)Out-degree (# links out)Degree (sum of in/out)Karate club degree (top 5): ID 34, 1, 33, 3, 2

Eigenvector Centrality Statistics Eigenvector centrality autopopulates data lab Nodal influence is relative to its neighbors Karate club top 5: ID 1, 2 3, 24, 25

Closeness Centrality Statistics Avg. path length Autopopulates data lab Sum of the length of the shortest paths between the node and all other nodesKarate club: (some of the top) ID 3, 2, 3, 14

Betweenness Centrality Statistics Avg. path length Autopopulates data lab Measure of centrality based on the shortest pathsKarate club: (top 5) ID 3, 32, 9, 29, 4

Local MeasuresCommunity StructureClique

◦ All nodes are interconnected to all othersCommunity DetectionModularity◦ High: dense intragroup, sparse intergroup ties◦ Karate club: .416


Antonio Paulina





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