nero lite v11.2.00400 v2.1 updated instructions

Post on 27-Oct-2015






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Nero Lite v11.2.00400 v2.1 UPDATED Instructions

First of all this is a SAFE method and 100% virus free!!!

PLEASE do everything in THIS ORDER and never miss a step!

You can extract the content of Nero Lite v11.2.00400 v2.1 UPDATED Instructions.rar

to the same folder where you have extracted the Lite Installer.

IMPORTANT: If you installed any previous version of Mara’s Nero Lite Installer UNINSTALL it FIRST!!!

See the uninstall section first at page 7 (remove every trace)

Also is not necessary if you use Mara’s Lite Installer BUT I always edit the hosts file before installation!

In Start Menu in search field or in Run, copy this:

notepad %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

and hit Enter

Add the following lines to the end of the hosts file:

Save it before exit!

Nero Lite v11.2.00400 v2.1 Installation

Step 1.

Run as administrator the Lite Installer.

Click YES in the User Account Control window.

First it will install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (only in case if you haven’t installed it already)

Click on Accept.

Step 2.

Select the TRIAL=DEMO serial:


copy and paste it in to the Lite Installer window.

Click on Start Installation.

You will see the following at the bottom of the installer:

Preparing for extraction, Extracting files, Checking serial,…

If you get the following message at Status: Serial key is not valid.

Do not worry!

In this case DO NOT CLOSE the Lite installer keep it running go to and do everything JUST ONLY in Step 4.

after that copy the following FULL serial: 9004-0173-5M17-EU7K-KLPZ-XT4P-2MT3-4PA8

in to the Lite installer and click on Start Installation. You are done! No other step is required!!!

But normally it will install Nero Burning Rom and all your selected applications.

Untick the components you don’t use or don’t want to install.

After the SUCCESSFUL installation it will show

Status: Idle…

and you will see the

Uninstall button.

Exit the installer.

Step 3.

Open Nero Control Center from Start Menu.

You will see the trial=demo serial is registered, and as usual it expires in 30 days!

Select Remove.

In the Remove Serial Number window

click on Yes.

In User Account Control window click on YES. Close Nero Control Center.

If you Open Nero Control Center

again you will see it is empty!

Step 4.

In windows explorer right click on AdvrCntr6.dll and Copy from the extracted archive’s folder.

Then go to this directory:

c:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\AdvrCntr6\

and here right click and select Paste.

in Copy File window click on

Copy and Replace

In Destination Folder Access Denied

window click on Continue.

Step 5.

Select the FULL serial=(Nero 11 Platinum): 9004-0173-5M17-EU7K-KLPZ-XT4P-2MT3-4PA8

right click and select Copy

Open Nero Control Center

Click on Add button.

In User Account Control window click on YES.

Paste the Full serial

Click on Next.

After this CLOSE the popup window so DO NOT DOWNLOAD anything!

Close Nero Control Center.

If you Open it again you will see the serial NEVER expires and State OK!!!


After this you can Open Nero Burning Rom and you have to see Nero Burning Rom in the title bar without the

TRIAL sign!

If your operating system is not English and you installed Nero Cover Designer you have to run as administrator

FIRST and after that you can start it normally!

Nero Lite v11.2.00400 v2.1 Uninstallation

Step 1.

Run as administrator the Lite Installer.

Click on Uninstall button.

Close Nero Lite Installer.

Step 2.

Erase the following folders in windows explorer:

c:\Users\All Users\Nero\

c:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\Nero\


c:\Program Files\Nero\

c:\Program Files\Common Files\Nero\

Step 3.

Click on windows icon from start menu and in

search field type: regedit

Hit Enter.

In User Account Control window click on YES.


expand Software, on Nero right click and

select Delete.

In Confirm Key Delete window click on YES.

Then Expand




In Confirm Key Delete window click on YES.


Credits to MARA for the amazing Lite Installer and to Need4Steer for serials and info!

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