negotiation dr. moazami maryam abdolmaleki somayeh shaabani 1393

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Dr. Moazami

Maryam Abdolmaleki

Somayeh Shaabani


Negotiation is :

Communication process between two or more people in which they consider alternatives to reach mutually satisfactory objectives.

Every body is a negotiator

- at home

- among friends

- at work

- with ourselves


Types of negotiators

Soft : their goal is friendly agreement.

Hard: they use contentious strategies to influence and apply pressure to negotiation

Principled: seek integrative solutions & do so by sidestepping commitment to specific position


Types of negotiations

Distributive negotiation

parties compete over the fixed sum or value.

Integrative negotiation

tend to occur when the deal involves many financial and non- financial terms



Negotiation Teams

1. Maturity2. Emotional stability3. Breadth of knowledge4. Optimism5. Flexibility6. Empathy7. Stamina 8. Willingness to use team

assistance 9. Listening 10. Influence at headquarters

Criteria for selecting successful negotiators Criteria for selecting successful negotiators



اعتصاب کارکنان کنترل ترافیک هوایی

در زمان ریگان

مذاکره با نماینده فروش شرکت دیگر


Main stages of negotiation

1. Preparation :

( identify goals, negotiation teams, gather information, prepare documents,…)

2. make a communication

3. Exchange of information

( only the necessary minimum valuable information to the other side)9

Main stages of negotiation

4. Persuasion

5. Agreement (achieved once understanding of both sides

viewpoints & interests).

6. Implementation of course of action


Important factors at negotiation table




Important factors at negotiation table

interpersonal skills - decision making - problem solving - psychology - persuasion - relationships(verbal & nonverbal) - knowledge of cultures

For commercial negotiators (attorney, real state broker, sales person)

- self- steem - analytical ability - patience


Impact of culture on negotiation Language


Thinking and decision making process

non-verbal behavior


non-verbal behavior

negotiations are not conducted between national stereotypes; negotiations are conducted between people, and cultural factors often make huge differences.

- Japanese: most polite, commitments, promises.

- Korean: punishments and commands

-Spain: Diga(speak/hello)

- France: aggressive, threats and warnings

- Mexico: bueno(short for “good day”)


Tips for successful international business negotiations

1. using positive words like “let’s work together”

2. management of preliminaries (training, preparations, and manipulation of negotiation settings)

3. Identifying barriers to success

4. careful attention to what the other side says.

5. repeat the main massages of opponent15

چک لیست پیش از مذاکره

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مذاکرات در صنعت نفت و گاز

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بازرگانی رو به رو هستند.

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قراردادهای نفت و گاز مهم ترین چالش این کشورهاست.


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می شود.

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