nedbank starting up for businesses

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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Helps people with ideas to start their business


  • Small BusinessServices

    Startup Guide

  • Contents

    1 Are you planning to start your own business?

    1 Sculpt your business dreams into atangible business entity

    2 Talk to Nedbank about getting your newbusiness started!

    4 Share your vision with us

    Nedbank is an authorised financial services provider.

    Ltd Reg No 1951/000009/0630



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    This information replaces any information in previously distributedbrochures that may still be in circulation.

  • 1Are you planning to start yourown business?

    Then start by planning your success with us. Setting

    up your own business can be as daunting as it is

    thrilling, which is why Nedbank Small Business

    Services offers you far more than financial services

    we're proud to partner you with practical advice

    and solutions on almost every aspect of starting up

    your business.

    Sculpt your business dreams intoa tangible business entity

    Before approaching Nedbank for the finance that

    will help you realise your business dreams, it's

    essential to know exactly what your requirements

    are. During the initial planning phase you may find

    it helpful to ask yourself a few critical questions:

    What type of business/legal entity would suite me

    best? When deciding the form of the business you'd

    prefer to register, eg a close corporation, partnership

    or company, you need to have a clear understanding

    of the benefits and drawbacks of each, the tax

    implications and so on. The Nedbank Small

    Business Management Guide on our website will assist you in this regard.

    Do I have a comprehensive business plan? Writing

    a business plan is an important exercise that forces

    you to consider the opportunities and challenges

    of your prospective business venture, giving you

    realistic goals to work towards.

  • What are my financial needs? Your business plan

    should give you a good indication of your financial

    requirements with regard to startup capital, running

    costs, etc. Only once you fully appreciate the exact

    scope of your financial requirements can you start

    planning on how you'll acquire the necessary funds

    to start and run your business.

    Do I have the funds I require? Keep in mind that,

    depending on the nature of the new business

    venture, you may be required to contribute between

    10% and 25% of the startup money from your

    own funds.

    Talk to Nedbank about gettingyour new business started!

    Whether you require finance to start up your business

    or flexible transactional facilities that make it easy

    to manage the day-to-day running of your business,

    you can rely on Nedbank's range of products and

    business services:

    A small-business current account is perfect for all

    your transactional needs and includes access to

    Nedbank's convenient electronic banking channels.

    An overdraft or term loan gives you access to

    additional cash.

    Our asset-based finance caters for both fixed and

    moveable assets.

    Debtor finance increases your cash flow flexibility

    by granting you access to funds before your debtors

    have paid them into your account.

    Specialist franchise advice and assistance.


  • Strategic entrepreneurial partnerships benefit

    you directly by offering you both business and

    financial support. Nedbank has formed strategic

    partnerships with:

    - Business Partners & Sizanani Advisory Services,

    who offers a wide range of practical business

    services, such as mentoring and specialised

    business assistance, to the entrepreneur;

    - Khula Enterprise Finance Ltd, who subject to

    certain conditions offers indemnity to the bank

    for up to 80% of the loan, assisting the startup

    entrepreneur who does not have the required

    collateral to support a bank loan.

    Share your vision with usDiscuss your aspirations with the specialists who

    share your passion for business by visiting your

    branch and chatting to a banker or Small Business

    Services Manager or calling our Specialist Unit on

    one of the following numbers:

    Johannesburg 011 630 2134

    Pretoria 012 326 4711

    Cape Town 021 412 3463

    Durban 031 300 5818

    You can also find further useful information in

    our Nedbank Small Business Services brochure

    available at your branch or on our website at


    We subscribe to the Code of Banking Practice of The Banking

    Association South Africa and, for unresolved disputes, support

    resolution through the Ombudsman for Banking Services. We are

    an authorised financial services provider. We are a registered credit

    provider in terms of the National Credit Act

    (NCR Reg No NCRCP16).

  • Kleinbesig-heidsdienste

    Gids vir Beginnerbesiggede

  • Inhoud

    1 Beplan jy om jou eie besigheid te begin?

    1 Omvorm jou sakedrome in 'ntasbare besigheidsentiteit

    2 Gesels met Nedbank oor die begin van jounuwe besigheid!

    4 Deel jou visie met ons

    Nedbank is 'n gemagtigde finansile diensverskaffer.

    Bpk Reg No 1951/000009/0630



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    Di inligting vervang enige inligting in brosjures wat voorheenversprei is en steeds in omloop kan wees.

  • 1Beplan jy om jou eie besigheidte begin?

    Begin dan deur jou sukses by ons te beplan. Om jou

    eie besigheid te begin kan net so skrikwekkend as

    opwindend wees, en daarom bied Nedbank

    Kleinbesigheidsdienste jou baie meer as net finansile

    dienste ons is trots om jou vennoot te wees met

    praktiese advies en oplossings vir byna elke aspek

    wat van belang is wanneer jy jou besigheid begin.

    Omvorm jou sakedrome in 'ntasbare besigheidsentiteit

    Voordat jy Nedbank nader vir die finansiering

    wat jou sal help om jou sakedrome te verwesenlik,

    is dit noodsaaklik om te weet presies wat jou

    behoeftes is. In die aanvanklike beplanningsfase is

    dit dalk nuttig om jou 'n paar deurslaggewende vrae

    af te vra:

    Watter soort besigheid/regsentiteit sal my die beste

    pas? Wanneer jy besluit oor die vorm van die

    besigheid wat jy wil registreer, byvoorbeeld 'n

    beslote korporasie, vennootskap of maatskappy,

    moet jy 'n deeglike begrip van die voor- en nadele

    van elk, die belastingimplikasies en dies meer h.

    Die Nedbank-kleinbesigheidbestuursgids op ons

    webwerf sal jou in hierdie verband help.

    Het ek 'n omvattende sakeplan? Die skryf van 'n

    sakeplan is belangrik en dwing jou om die

    geleenthede en uitdagings van jou beoogde

    besigheidsonderneming te oorweeg en gee aan

    jou realistiese doelwitte om na te streef.

  • 2 Wat is my finansile behoeftes? Jou sakeplan

    behoort aan jou 'n goeie aanduiding van jou

    finansile behoeftes met betrekking tot

    aanvangskapitaal, bedryfskoste, ens te gee.

    Eers nadat jy 'n volledige begrip van jou finansile

    behoeftes het, kan jy die verkryging van die nodige

    fondse om die besigheid te begin en te bedryf

    begin beplan.

    Het ek die fondse wat ek nodig het? Hou in

    gedagte dat, na gelang van die aard van die nuwe

    sakeonderneming, daar van jou verlang kan word

    om tussen 10% en 25% van die aanvangsgelde uit

    jou eie fondse by te dra.

    Gesels met Nedbank oor diebegin van jou nuwe besigheid!

    Hetsy jy finansies verlang om jou besigheid te begin

    of buigsame transaksiefasiliteite wat dit maklik maak

    om die dag-tot-dag-bedryf van jou besigheid te

    behartig, jy kan op Nedbank se reeks produkte en

    besigheidsdienste staatmaak:

    'n Kleinbesigheid lopende rekening is volmaak vir

    al jou transaksiebehoeftes en sluit toegang tot

    Nedbank se gerieflike elektroniese bankkanale in.

    'n Oortrekking of termynlening gee aan jou toegang

    tot bykomende kontant.

    Ons bategebaseerde finansies maak vir vaste sowel

    as roerende bates voorsiening.

    Debiteurefinansiering vergroot jou kontantvloei-

    buigsaamheid deur aan jou toegang te gee tot

    fondse voordat jou debiteure dit in jou rekening

    betaal het.

  • 3 Spesialisfranchiseadvies en -bystand.

    Strategiese entrepreneursvennootskappebevoordeel jou direk deurdat jy besigheid- sowelas finansile steun geniet. Nedbank het strategiesevennootskappe tot stand gebring met:

    - Business Partners & Sizanani Advisory Services,wat 'n wye reeks praktiese besigheidsdienste,soos mentorskap en gespesialiseerde besigheids-bystand, aan die entrepreneur bied;

    - Khula Enterprise Finance Bpk, wat onderworpeaan sekere voorwaardes aan die bank vrywaringvir tot 80% van die lening bied en ondersteuningverskaf aan die beginnerentrepreneur wat nie oor die nodige aanvullende sekuriteit vir 'n banklening beskik nie.

    Deel jou visie met onsBespreek jou aspirasies met die spesialiste wat joupassie vir besigheid deel, deur jou tak te besoek enmet 'n bankier of Kleinbesigheidsdienste-bestuurderte gesels of ons Spesialiseenheid by een van dievolgende nommers te skakel:

    Johannesburg 011 630 2134

    Pretoria 012 326 4711

    Kaapstad 021 412 3463

    Durban 031 300 5818

    Jy kan ook nog nuttige inligting in ons NedbankKleinbesigheidsdienste-brosjure wat by jou takbeskikbaar is, of op ons webwerf kry.

    Ons onderskryf die Bankpraktykkode van Die Bankvereniging Suid-

    Afrika en, in die geval van onbeslegte geskille, steun ons beslegting

    deur die Ombudsman vir Bankdienste. Ons is 'n gemagtigde

    finansile diensverskaffer. Ons is 'n geregistreerde

    kredietverskaffer ingevolge die Nasionale Kredietwet

    (NKR Reg No NCRCP16).

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