_necron mvii 0418 warhammer 40k 2nd

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  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd



    The Complete Guide ToThe Necron Resurgence

    In The Forty First Millennium

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron Army List11/19/ !

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Armies o" the #1 st MillenniumNecron Rules

    $eploymentDue to the tremendously advanced nature of Necron intelligence gathering techniques, the Necron player

    always deploys last, but must always move his models first in the Turn Sequence. This rule is alwayssubstituted for other deployment rules taken from the general rulebook, or any published Code .

    $isruptor %one!f a vehicle or a dreadnought is within "# of a Necron at the start of its turn, then it must roll a $% on D" tomove at all that turn. &ven if successful at this roll, its movement is halved that turn. 'ny weaponattempting to shoot suffers a () To *it penalty for each Necron within "#. This applies to all weapons,including Tyranid weaponry. &nemies in *t* combat against Necrons may not use the Strength of closecombat weapons they carry when resolving hits+ use the Strength of the model itself.

    Rep&ir Slain Necrons are not removed as casualties but are placed on their sides in a manner similar to that of aslain Tyranid with the egeneration -iomorph. The Necron takes no part in the game while in this

    condition and cannot be further harmed. 't the start of each of its controller s turns, roll a D6 and consultthe epair Table below/

    Roll Effect

    1The Necrons body fails to repair itself and wastes away+ remove themodel as a casualty. Note that a roll of ) always has this result, nomatter what bonuses are applied to the epair oll.

    2-5 The Necron remains on the ground.

    6+ The Necron is repaired. !t rises to its feet and can immediately moveand fight as normal.

    Necrons who are down at the end of a battle count towards the full number of 0ictory 1oints of slainmodels.

    Isol&tion Necrons ordinarily must maintain squad coherency as is normal for a squad. *owever, 2active# Necrons donot need to maintain this coherency with Necrons that have been downed in combat and are attempting torepair themselves. Thus a Necron which repairs itself may find itself outside of normal coherency to therest of its squad. Necrons in such a condition are said to be isolated .

    Necrons that recover must try to 3oin up with a Necron unit of the same type as themselves or with another individual model of the same kind. 4ntil it does so, the Necron is isolated. !solated Necrons cannot shoot,although fights as normal in all other respects.

    Le&dership &nd $e"e&t Necrons do not take 5eadership tests6any test they would normally be required to take, they automatically pass. The 5d of )7 has been provided for convenience.

    !f the entire Necron force is reduced to 89: or less of its models of Squads ;this number also includes all5ords in the 'rmy< at the start of any Necron turn, then the whole force will mysteriously vanish+ the

    Necrons are assumed to have been driven away. Necrons that have fallen down but not yet removed can t be counted as part of the remaining force, so a Necron army can be defeated if enough models are knockeddown even if they are not permanently destroyed.

    Should this take place, the opposing player is automatically declared the winner.

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    Necron Monolith$escription

    The =onolith represents the pinnacle of Necron science. !t serves as a troop transport, heavy assaultvehicle, and >hospital to the Necron forces. 's such, it has several specific rules which apply to it, whichare summari?ed below.

    $eployment!f desired, =onoliths may be held in eserve, and deployed first during the =ovement 1hase, instead. ThisDeployment is similar to that of Drop 1ods+ however, rather than drop from the sky, the =onolith actuallyemerges out of the ground, instead@

    1lace a A# blast marker for each =onolith anywhere in the battle ?one in a clear area. Bnce the marker has been placed, roll an 'rtillery and Scatter die/

    $eployment Roll $eployment ResultMisfire (Artillery Die) !gnore the Scatter Die result, and consult the =alfunction Table.Hit !gnore the Scatter Die result, and place the =onolith on the

    marker as indicated.

    Arrow/Number The =onolith has drifted off target. oll 8D", and move the -last=arker a number of inches equal to the sum of the 'rtillery Dieand the 8D" roll in the direction shown on the Scatter Die.

    $' Roll M&l"unction T&(le1-2 The =onolith has trouble emerging from the ground, and the 1ortal is blocked.

    !t can only be cleared on a D" roll of $% each turn or by the =onolith spendinga second turn in that location to rise completely to the surface.

    -5 The 1ower =atri fails and the =onolith falls on a random side as it emerges.!f this is the side with the 1ortal, then the Teleporter may not be used. The=onolith may not right itself, and must finish the game from this position.

    6 The =onolith phases in to the ground and e plodes, destroying everything in aA radius of the outside of the vehicle and leaving a massive crater. The vehicle

    is destroyed, and there are no survivors on board@

    !f the =onolith would emerge off the table, it can be brought back on the board and make a normal movefrom that point in the following turn. =onoliths ignore the terrain from which they emerge.

    !f the =onolith is deployed beneath a vehicle or model, the controlling player may move the model suchthat it is one inch away from contact with the Necron 0ehicle once it is on the table.

    Bnce the =onolith emerges, it must spend the rest of that turn in that position. *owever, it may accelerateto any speed in the following turn.

    Mo)ement Necron =onoliths are considered >*eavy Skimmers. hile they ignore terrain penalties for movement,they do not float high enough above the ground to prevent attacks against them in *t* combat. They maynot make popEup attacks, nor cross terrain that is vertically higher than )8#.

    Due to the nature of the 1ortal mechanism, models deploying from the =onolith may do so regardless of the speed at which it moves. *owever, they may only e it in front of the 1ortal, and may only make anadditional move to Charge an enemy unit who is within $# of that point on the turn in which they emerge+otherwise, they must remain stationary. This rule counts for '55 models who e it the =onolith, whether they are Necron arriors inside the vehicle or units who are Teleported to it.

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    *ersonnel C&rrier The =onolith may carry up to $F Necron arriors. These models may be divided into as many legal unitsas the Necron player wishes. They are transported by the =onolith in complete safety, and cannot beharmed until they are sent onto the battlefield or the =onolith is destroyed.

    Should the =onolith be destroyed while carrying units, then they are considered to be casualties for 0ictory1oint purposes. *owever, models on board do not count towards the total number of models in the armywhen determining if the 'rmy will phase out due to casualties.

    't the end of the game, any arriors not disembarked by the =onolith count towards the opposing player s0ictory 1oint total.

    Note that there is no way back into a =onolith. Bnce a unit is deployed, it must remain on the table, andcannot reEembark. There is no way to >pile on to a =onolith@

    $e"ensesThe first defense of the =onolith is the armor itself. The vehicle possesses a selfEadaptive hull+ for eachattack that penetrates the =onolith but does not destroy it, increase the 'rmor 0alue of that location of the=onolith by 8 points, to a ma imum of 89, for each shot which subsequently hits it.

    'lthough it can be attacked in *and to *and, opponents who are not =onstrous Creatures, Dreadnaughts,or larger, may not add multiple attacker bonuses against it due to the fact that it is a Skimmer. Gurthermore,the Necron Disruptor Hone applies to the =onolith as well, and so all *t* attacks against it must use the=odels S score ;or am 0alue

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Energy Projector !f no models have been teleported or Shields used, the 1ower =atri may discharge its energy as a 1article

    hip in the Shooting phase ;see weaponry, belowcurrent of the beam.

    The CTan$escriptionThe C Tan are the godlike beings from the arp who are responsible for the ultimate creation of the

    Necrons. 5ike Ireater Daemons or the &ldar 'vatars, they are not mortal, and possess unique powers thatfar surpass those of creature who are born of the =aterium of the physical universe.

    True N&ture'll C Tan are creatures of pure energy , who are not bound by the laws of the physical universe. This

    provides them with the following abilities, which are common to all members of their >race /

    C Tan always appear as monstrous creatures. They follow all of the standard rules for models of this si?e+however, because they will never deign to 3oin a unit, they are always considered a legal target in theShooting 1hase, even if there is another Necron unit within "# of the shooting model. 'll other rulesconcerning 5BS, cover modifiers, etc., apply.

    's stated earlier, C Tan are not affected by the normal laws of the universe. They ignore terrain penalties by simply floating over the ground without touching it. They are !mmune to to ins, gasses, viruses, acids,and Glamers of all types ;save for the Irey Jnight !ncineratoremerge from the top of it if forced to do so.-ecause of this ability, Iraviton Iuns, ebbers, and even Stasis Irenades have no effect on them.

    'll C Tan cause Terror to any model other than a Ireater Daemon or an 'vatar. =odels who fail the check must recover twice from the effect/ the first ally roll ends the effect of Terror, and the second successful

    ally roll ends the result of Gear. -oth of these recovery rolls must be made with a E8 to the roll.

    *hysic&l N&ture!n order to interact with the physical universe, the C Tan surround themselves in a sheathe referred to as a

    Necrodermis. This >skin has the following properties/

    The Necrodermis provides the C Tan with an !nvulnerable Save of A%.

    eapons that !nstantly Jill only inflict one wound on a C Tan ;although they will not get a save, if one isnot normally permitted against the attack

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    C Tan 1hase Swords have no effect, and are actually absorbed into the Necrodermis, and lost by theattacking model@ Gurthermore, !mperial 'ssassins technology is largely derived from that of the C Tan, andthey are !mmune to its effects. Bnly conventional weapons may be used by the 'ssassins, and the derive no

    bonuses from their argear when opposing a C Tan other than that which modifies their physical statistics.

    educing the C Tan model to 7 wounds actually only breeches the Necrodermis and releases the energy being inside. hen this happens, all models within $# suffer D)7 wounds on a $%, with no saves allowed.This power effects all models in range, even Necron models+ vehicles will suffer one Damage result to anylocation within the area on a roll of $%, with no 'rmor 1enetration roll required.

    -nergy .&mpiresThe C Tan e ist by consuming the life energies of physical beings. To represent this, all C Tan have thefollowing rules which apply/

    hen a C Tan kills a mortal model, then the victims life energies are consumed by it. No argear, 'bility,or -iomorph will prevent this from occurring+ the model is automatically slain.

    !f this occurs in *and to *and combat, then the death of the model actually restores one wound to theC Tan.

    ther A(ilitiesThe senses of a C Tan e tend though time, spirit, and space. 's such, when engaged in *t* combat, theC Tan always receives a >Charge bonus of %), even if they do not initiate the Charge. Gurthermore, nomortal model receives a Charge or 1osition -onus when engaging the C Tan in *and to *and.

    5ikewise, C Tan always strike first against any model other than a Ireater Daemon, Daemon 1rince, or 'vatar ;these fights are resolved normally

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron Squads

    2u&ds 25%+'ll models under this section are sub3ect to the rules for epair, !solation, 5eadership and Defeat, asoutlined in the Necron ules section. Gurthermore, all Squads possess the Necron Disruptor Hone.

    & rrior ' u #45 points per model (4-8x#

    $roo% $y%e M &' ' ' $ & A "# Necron arrior $ $ $ $ 9 ) 8 ) )7

    'rmored body ;8% save

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    l ye# !es50 points per model (!-4x ! S$uad per !000 points#

    $roo% $y%e M &' ' ' $ & A "#Glayed Bne 4 5 4 5 1 4 2 1

    'rmored body ;8% save

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron SupportIn"&ntry upport

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    !f it is not repairing another model or in *t* combat at the end of each turn, the Tomb Spyder maycreate one Scarab. These Scarabs appear in the ally 1hase, and form a unit with their creator,following all of the standard unit rules. 't this time, roll a D"+ if the result is a ), then the Tomb Spyder loses one wound as it e pends the energy to create the Scarab.

    !f a Tomb Spyder that has created Scarabs is fired upon, then there is a ) in " chance per Scarab thatone of the smaller models is hit, rather than the Tomb Spyder itself.

    OptionsThe Tomb Spyder upgrade one Claw to a Staff of 5ight at no cost, although this will reduce the ' score

    by ).

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    .ehicle upport

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron Special Characters


  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    $,e Ni ,tbri! er "84 points

    $roo% $y%e M &' ' ' $ & A "#C Tan 5ord " " $ )7 F 9 $ 9 )7

    The Nightbringer is a C Tan, and all of the rules for that race apply to this model.

    The Nightbringer may fire a 5ightning 'rc in the Shooing 1hase. hile this attack appears to emanatefrom The Nightbringers scythe, the attack is actually a function of his C Tan nature, and the loss of theweapon ;should it occur< is irrelevant to him.

    !f engaged in *and to *and combat, The Nightbringer may choose to employ what is euphemisticallyreferred to as the >ga?e of death. ather than roll any attack dice, The Nightbringer weakens his

    Necrodermis, instead. 1lace a 8# -last =arker over the center of the C Tan. &ach model fully under the template will suffer D$ wounds on a roll of $%, with no saves allowed ;check for each model

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron Weapons

    4&nd to 4&nd ,e&ponsR 8or 0l ws

    ' .e Armor 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci l

    9 ) EA 8D"%9 Close combat

    & rscyt,eR ! e $o Hit ' .e Armor

    ',ort "o! ',ort "o! 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci lClose co bat only 9 ) 'uto D)8%D"%9 1arries

    =odels struck by this weapon receive no armor saves, even for personal fields.

    Close Com(&t ,e&pons't ff of "i ,t

    R ! e $o Hit ' .e Armor ',ort "o! ',ort "o! 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci l

    7E" "E)F %) E 9 DA E8 D"%DA%9 Close combat

    "i ,t!i! ArcR ! e $o Hit ' .e Armor

    ',ort "o! ',ort "o! 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci l7 )E8$ %) E L ) E$ D87%D"%L Close combat

    5&sic ,e&pons9 uss- l yer 9u!

    R ! e $o Hit ' .e Armor ',ort "o! ',ort "o! 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci l

    7E" "E8$ %) E $ ) E8 D"%$ =etal Glayer !f you roll a " when determining 'rmor 1enetration, roll a further D" and add it to the score. This meansthat if you roll a " for armor penetration, the IaussEGlayer penetrates 8D"%$ points of armor instead of itsnormal D"%$.

    He .y 9 uss- l yer 9u!R ! e $o Hit ' .e Armor

    ',ort "o! ',ort "o! 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci l7E)8 )8EA" %) E 9 ) E8 D"%9 =etal Glayer, Sustained

    Gire E)!f you roll a " when determining 'rmor 1enetration, roll a further D" and add it to the score. This meansthat if you roll a " for armor penetration, the IaussEGlayer penetrates 8D"%9 points of armor instead of itsnormal D"%$. This weapon is not move or fire.

    4e&)y ,e&pons9 uss 0 !!o!

    R ! e $o Hit ' .e Armor ',ort "o! ',ort "o! 'tr Dm Mo# *e! '%eci l7E)8 )8EA" %) E " D" EA 8D"%" =etal Glayer

    !f you roll a " when determining 'rmor 1enetration, roll a further D" and add it to the score. This meansthat if you roll a " for armor penetration, the IaussECannon penetrates AD"%" points of armor instead of itsnormal 8D"%". !f carried by a model, this is a move or fire weapon with heavy encumbrance.

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron Ps !er "#ilities

    $ r eti! "oc3)orce !* +an,e %6'll hidden enemy models within range are detected automatically ;the 5ord will communicate their

    position to friendly troops

    1rogrammed obot )) Normal 1ilot L

    Control via Neural 5ink "

    !f the player fails to roll equal to or higher than the required Control oll, the Necron player assumescontrol of it. hile under his control, the vehicle is fully controlled by the Necron player until the unit s

    player regains control or it is destroyed

  • 8/10/2019 _Necron MVII 0418 Warhammer 40k 2nd


    Necron War$ear

    Chonometron "are!0 points./ecron ords onl1This device allows the Necron 5ord and an attached unit to double their base =ove Score. This bonusapplies for the entire game, or until the 5ord is destroyed.

    This bonus is not applicable to units of Destroyers.

    $estroyer 5ody #nco on%0 points./ecron ords onl1The Necron 5ord replaces its legs for the flight unit of a Destroyer. 4se the Datafa for standard Destroyersif the 5ord is attacked.

    This wargear also increases the 5ords Strength and Toughness scores by %).

    This argear option must be selected if you wish to attach a 5ord to a unit of Destroyers.

    G&0e o" Fl&me "are

    !5 points./ecron ords onl1'ny unit Charging the Necron 5ord in *t* combat has its 5d Score reduced by E).

    'dditionally, the Charging 4nit does not receive the %) bonus to its hand to *and score for charging.

    Lightning Field "are"5 points./ecron ords and 2ariahs onl1This argear affects any unit engaging the Necron 5ord ;and an attached unit< in *t* combat. Bnce eachindividual combat has been resolved, if the Necron model loses, then all wounds of damage actually taken

    by the Necron model will result in the winning model taking an equal number of SEA hits. The attackingmodel may take its normal saves against this damage.

    Nightm&re hroud #ni$ue%0 points./ecron ords onl1This argear may be triggered by the Necron 5ord at any time. hen activated, every enemy modelwithin )8# of the 5ord must make a -reak test.

    'll of the normal modifiers apply to this roll, and so models who are !mmune to -reaking will not need totake the test. ;Note that not all models who are !mmune to 1sychology are also !mmune to -reaking@solar flare. 'ny enemy units attempting to fire at the =onolith or a Necron unit within "# of it suffer an additional EA to hit them. Should these be the closest units, the normaltargeting rules may be suspended in this case, and other Necron models may be selected as targetsfollowing the standard targeting procedure.

    !n either case, enemy models within "# of the =onolith will also have the EA To *it penalty, and will suffer the same effects as if they had been hit by a 1hoton Irenade.

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