neck trauma

Post on 05-Dec-2014



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management of neck trauma



Neck trauma

Done by:Dr. ahmad m. aldhafeeriR1. ORL-H&N surgery

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Type of neck injury

- Penetrating

Gunshot wound

Stab wound

- Blunt


Sport injury



dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 5

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 6

• Zone III

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۞ Zone I ۞ Bound superiorly by the cricoid and

inferiorly by the sternum and clavicles

- The great vessels (subclavian vessels, brachiocephalic veins, common carotid arteries, and jugular veins),

- Aortic arch

- Trachea

- Esophagus

- Lung apices

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 8

۞ZONE II ۞Bound inferiorly by the cricoid and

superiorly by the angle of the mandible

- Carotid and vertebral arteries

- Jugular veins

- Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea

- Esophagus, base of the tunge

- Phrenic , vagus , and hypoglossal nerves

۩ Injuries here are seldom occult

۩ Common site of carotid injury

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 9

۞ZONE III ۞ Lies above the angle of the


- Carotid arteries

- Jugular veins

- The salivary and parotid glands

- Esophagus, pharynx - Major cranial nerves

۩ Vascular and cranial nerve injuries common

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 10

morbidity and mortality

• Zone I injuries are associated with the highest morbidity and mortality rates.

• more common among males than females.

• Most are adolescents and young adults

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 11

• Neck trauma accounts for 5-10% of all serious traumatic injuries

• missed cervical injuries secondary to neck trauma result in a mortality rate of greater than 15%.

• 10% of neck wounds lead to respiratory compromise. Loss of the airway patency may occur precipitously, resulting in mortality rates as high as 33%.

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 12


• Thrombosis is the most common complication of vessel injury, occurring in 25-40%

• the most common sites of vascular injuries internal jugular vein (9%) and carotid artery (7%).

• Injury to the pharynx or the esophagus occurs in 5-15% of cases.

• The larynx or the trachea is injured in 4-12% of cases.

• Major nerve injury occurs in 3-8% of patients sustaining penetrating neck trauma.

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 13

Vascular injury

• Hard evidence:

sever active hemorrhage, shock unresponsive to volume expansion, absent ipsilateral upper extremity, neurologic deficit

• Soft evidence:

bruit, widened mediastinum , hematoma

Decreased upper extremity pulse, shock response to volume expansion

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 14

Laryngotracheal injury

Subcutaneous emphysemaAirway obstructionSucking woundStridorDyspneaHemoptysisHoarsenessDysphonia

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 15

Pharynx/esophagus injury

Subcutaneous emphysema,




dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 16

Approach &


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Primary survey

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• Established Airway• be prepared to obtain an airway

emergently• intubation or cricothyrotomy• Be a ware of cutting the neck in the

region of the hematoma -- disruption there may lead to massive bleeding

• must assume cervical spine injury until proven otherwise


dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 19

• Zone I injuries with concomitant thoracic injuries• pneumothorax• hemopneumothorax• tension pneumothorax


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• Bleeding should be controlled by pressure• Do not clamp blindly or probe the wound

depths• The absence of visible hemorrhage does

not rule out• Two large bore IVs• Careful of IV in arm unilateral to

subclavian injury• Do not remove objects protruding from the

neck in the ER


dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 21

• Cross-match, hematologic analysis, chemistries, urinalysis, coagulation profile, blood gas, toxicologic analysis

• B-hCG for female • Urine cath.• CXR – inspiratory /expiratory films to

assess the lung, mediastinum and any phrenic nerve injury

• Cervical spine film to rule out fractures• Soft tissue neck films AP and Lateral• Arteriograms, contrast studies as indicated

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 22

• Obtain from any witnesses or patient• Mechanisms of injury - stab wounds,

gunshot wound, high-energy, low-energy, trajectory of stab

• Estimate of blood loss at scene• Any associated thoracic, abdominal,

extremity injuries • Neurologic history

Secondary survey

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 23

• Thorough head and neck exam using palpation and stethoscope to search for thrills and bruits

• Neuro exam: mental status, cranial nerves, and spinal column

• Examine the chest, abdomen, and extremities

• Be sure to examine the back of the patient as unsuspected stab or gunshot wounds have been missed here

• Don’t blindly explore wound or clamp vessel


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Zone I

• Adequate exposure for exploration and repair may require sternotomy, clavicle resection, or thoracotomy

• suspicion must be great before taking the patient to OR because high mortality rate.

• Cardiothoracic surgery consultation a must• 4 vessel Angiography is advocated by

surgeon because difficulty of identify injury intraoperative

• 2 prospective study show only 5% of zone I injury need operation

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 26

Zone II

• Few injuries will escape clinical examination

• Most carotid injuries occur here• algoriyhm • *Several study have suggest of contrast

enhance CT to demonstrate the injury and aid for further invasive investigation or exploration

• *Furthermore studies shown CT angio. More to be useful and comparable to conventional angiography in evaluation vascular inj.

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 27

• *Finally some expert recommend ipsilateral exploration despite increase incidence of negative exploration and increase hospital cost

• None of these algorithm for management of penetrating zone II had shown superiority over the others*

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 28

Zone III

• Upper neck injury with evidence of vascular injury required prompt CT angiography

• Embolotherapy can be used for temporary or definitive management except for Ica

• Direct pharyngoscopy suffice to exclude aerodigestive trauma

• Endovascular stenting or embolization especially in zone I & III should be considered

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 29

Exploration vs. Observation

• Many experts have adopted a policy of selective exploration

• Decreased number of negative explorations, increased number of positive explorations

• Decreased cost of medical care, maybe

• No increase in mortality when adjunctive diagnostic studies and serial exams performed

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 30

*Exploration • Most common approach in anterior of

SCM• Collar incision is reversed for isolated

aerodigestive inj. Or for bilateral exploration

• Major arteries should be repaired where possible except the vertebral which can be ligated

• Veins can be ligated EXCEPT bilateral IJV

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 31

• Partial lacerations can be closed primarily -- vein patches will help prevent subsequent stenosis

• High velocity wounds produce a surrounding area of contusion which may be thrombogenic and which must be resected; then primary reanastamosis if possible

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 32

Aerodigestive injury in EXPLORATION

• DL where laryngeal injury is suspected

• Aerodigestive should repaired primary by synthetic absorbable suture

• IF tandem injury occur a well vascularized flap should be interpose between the repairs to prevent aerodigestive fistula

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 33

• Drain-if suspect aerodigestive injury

To Prevent lethal mediastinitis

and In combined aerodigestive and vascular injuries the aerodigestive repair should be drained to the contralateral neck to prevent break down of the vascular repair from gastrointestinal secretion

• raw surfaces Cover with nasal, buccal, or local mucosal flap

• A keel or soft stent is placed when loss areas are opposed

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 34

In central neurologic deficits:

• repair the artery when there are minimal deficits, with gross deficits restoration of flow can convert ischemic infarcts into hemorrhagic ones -- the artery should be ligated

• a deterioration in neurologic status dictates arteriography and reexploration

• EC-IC bypass when irreparable injury to ICA

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Blunt neck trauma

• Sever Blunt neck trauma can result in significant laryngeal and vascular injury

• Best modality in stable pt contrast enhance CT to demonstrate the injury and aid for further invasive investigation or exploration

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laryngeal injury

• If suspect of minor laryngeal injury can treated with airway protection, head of bed elevation and possibly antibiotics

• Major laryngeal injury required operative exploration and repaired

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Blunt vascular injury

• Usually involves the internal and common carotid artery

• there may also be injury to the vertebral vessels without symptomatology & come later with neurological deficit

• Four vessels angiography and CT angiography are preferred diagnostic modalities

• Severity of the deficits and time of diagnosis are strongly associated with outcome

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 38

• The current recommendation is for operative repair for surgically accessible lesions.

• Systemic Anticoagulant with heparin appears to improve neurologic outcome and is therefore recommended for surgically inaccessible lesions

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 39

• If suspect esophagial injury


If +ve operation exploration ‘ll next step

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 40


• Maintain a healthy respect for apparently minor neck wounds because of potential fatal outcome for initially benign appearing injuries

• Do not try to infer trajectories of gunshot wounds from clinical or radiographic studies

• Careful history and complete physical exam with appropriate studies will avoid missed injuries

• Arteriography for zone I and zone III injuries

• Vascular injuries most immediately life-threatening & missed esophageal injury causes late mortality

dr.ahmad aldhafeeri 41


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