neat oru spectral imaging facility gang-yu liu, university of california at davis, dmr 0421521

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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NEAT ORU Spectral Imaging Facility Gang-Yu Liu, University of California at Davis, DMR 0421521. The scanner and objective assembly of the CCOAFM and an example of simultaneous AFM and confocal image of a single mast cell. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


NEAT ORU Spectral Imaging FacilityGang-Yu Liu, University of California at Davis, DMR 0421521

UC Davis team (PI, Gang-yu Liu; co-PIs, Donald Land, Atul Parikh, and Yin Yeh) has acquired and installed of a combined confocal optical and atomic force microscope (CCOAFM). The CCOAFM is the first of its kind from Asylum Research and Olympus America, which allows simultaneous acquisition of high-resolution AFM images and multichannel confocal microscopy images. A key feature is the closed-loop and non-tube based AFM scanner, which effectively reduces drift, increases scanning speed, and allows integrated and concurrent confocal imaging. Moreover, the setup is modular allowing subsequent additions of advanced spectroscopy features in future R&D. A revealing example is shown on the right where the local motion of a live cell was captured. The cells moves to the right with short fingers (filopodia) at the leading edge and big tail

(filopodia) at the trailing end.

The scanner and objective assembly of the CCOAFM and an example of simultaneous

AFM and confocal image of a single mast cell

NEAT ORU Spectral Imaging FacilityGang-Yu Liu, University of California at Davis, DMR 0421521

UC Davis team (PI, Gang-yu Liu; co-PIs, Donald Land, Atul Parikh, and Yin Yeh) has acquired and installed of a combined confocal optical and atomic force microscope (CCOAFM). The CCOAFM is the first of its kind from Asylum Research and Olympus America, which allows simultaneous acquisition of high-resolution AFM images and multichannel confocal microscopy images.

Using CCOAFM, UCD researchers Liulevych and Liu were able to perform a single cell mechanics measurement. The compression of cell membrane (blue) nuclei (pink) is clearly visible. The Young moduli and bending constants of cell membrane are extracted from this platform.

Single Cell Mechanics

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