ndfhs journal vol 43 (2018)

Post on 26-Jan-2022






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NDFHS JOURNAL Vol 43 (2018)

SURNAME INDEX AINSWORTH Laura 74 ALLISON Ann 77 ANDERSON 21; George 152; Ephraim 152 AMORY Widow 16 ARMSTRONG Lord 47 ASHLEY Charley 136 ASQUITH Mr 74 ATKINSON Hannah 106; Edwin 140 ATHER Jane 65; William 65 AYRTON T 140 BACKHOUSE Margaret 80 BAILEY Mr 30; Johnson 116 BAINBRIDGE Roger 25; George 25; Mary Ann 25; Joseph 78 BARKER Phillip 95; Norman 96 BARNES Bishop 84 BARRETT George 191 BAXTER Ann 17; Thomas 17 BEATTIE James 138 BELL Tom 38; Robert 44; Ann 44; Isaac 44; Jane 44; Mary 76; Florence 143;

Archibald Compton 143; 163; Mary 168 BENETT Miss 71 BERTOLI Mme 71 BEWICK William 131; George 131; Margaret 131; John 133; William 190 BLANSHARD William 18 BOLAM 21 BOUGHTON 130 BOWERS John George 78 BOYCOTT Captain 154 BRANDLING Charles 86 BRIGGS Widow 16 BRISTOW Aubrey Rhys 125; Owen Alfred 125; Gilbert 126; Walter 126; Frank 126; Frances 126;

Robert 126; Frederick 126 BROWN James 41; Miss 71; Thomas 76; Thomas 138; E 140 BROWNE William 3 BRUNSKILL Dryden 166 BUNNY Francis 116 BURDON Elizabeth 196; William 196 BURKETT A 129 BURN 163 BURTON Mark 18 CAMELL George 16; James 16 CAMPBELL Donald 120 CARR Thomas 16; Henry 17; William 18; 163 CARTER Ernest 136 CHAPMAN Frances 145 CHARLES Lallie 155 CHURCHILL Winston 68

CLARK G 31 CLAVERING Robert 86 COCKRILL Robert 3 CODLING Thomas 150 COLLINGWOOD Cuthbert 84 COLMAN Frances Thompson 11 COMPTON Fenwick 143; Ralph 143; Jane 143; William Fenwick 143 CONLAN Mary Ann 107 CONROY Annie 166 COSSER 21 COSTELLO Nora 107; Pat 107 COULSON W 140 COWAN Matthew 138 COWE Isabel 69 COX Tristram 3 CRAKE 41 CRAM Andrew 161; George 161; Elizabeth 161 CRANFORTH Captain 145 CRIGHTON Thomas 34; Elizabeth 34; Agnes 34 CROISDALE Mr 12 CUMBERLAND Edward 118 CUMMINGS Mary 12 CUNNINGHAM William 16 CURRY John 16; William 27; Hannah 27; Janet Young 27 CUTHBERT Jesse 13; Constance Edith 13; Andrew James 13 DAND Christopher 195; Thomas 195; Mary 195 DAVIS Charlotte 150 DAVISON Emily Wilding 66 DAVY 21 DENT William 161 DERWENTWATER Earl of 88 DINNINGS Miss 144 DIXON John 42 DODD Ted 37 DODDS Mr 31; George Henry 174 DOGHERTY James 182; John 182; John Edward 186; Frances 186; Doris 186 DONALD John 190 DOWNES Thomas 3 DOWNEY Fred 138 DUNN Edith 12; Elizabeth 77 EASTON Mr 132 ELLIOT Margaret 41; George 78 ELLIOTT Captain 164; Eleanor 168 EMERSON Frances 159 ERRINGTON Thomas 16; George 84 EWART 41 FAA 158 FAIRBAIRN James 187; Robert 187; Thomas 187; Eleanor 191 FAIRLESS Ann 174; George 174 FANNEN John Fairbairn 191; James 191; Eleanor 191; Margaret 191; Elizabeth Eleanor 191 FAWCETT Selby 41; Abraham 41; Jane 41

FENWICK William 85; 163 FERENS Robinson 78 FLANAGHAN James 31; Joseph 31; Jane 31 FORSTER 76; Thomas 88; Sarah 118 FORSYTH Jane Anne 183; Thomas 185 GARDNER Joseph 76; Ralph 161 GARGET John 118 GARNET Father 85 GARNETT Anthony 16 GILL Hannah 145; Samuel 145 GILLIES Mary 71 GILMORE Robert 77; Agnes 77; Michael Joseph 77 GILROY John William 132; John Thomas Young 133 GOODWILL George 143 GOWLAND Jacob 64; John 64; Barbara 64; Charlotte 64; Robert 65 GRAHAM Joseph 37; Elizabeth 150; PC 150;George 166 GRAY Thomas 84; Ralph 84 GREEN Mr 19 GREENWELL Margaret 65; Elizabeth 65; Ralph 65; Jane 65 GREY 21; Edward 67; Miss 70 GRINDAL 83 GRIX George 79 GULPH Maria 74 GUNN Joseph Pinder 150 John Walter 150 HAGGERSTON Mr 86 HAIR Thomas 196 HALL George 138; Ann 156 HALLIDAY Joseph 78 HARDIE Samuell 3 HARLE Thomas 16 HARRIS Henry 136; Elizabeth 136 HARTLEY Henry Thomas 166; Louisa 167 HARVEY Thomas 79 HAUSZMAN Caroline 13 HEDLEY Elizabeth 8; Jane 44; John 76; Joseph 178; John 195 HENEGHAN Mary 153 HESLOP John 37; Isaac 159; John 159 HEWITSON John 144; Thomas 144; William 144; Isabella 144; Eleanor 144 HILD Robert 119 HILDITCH Arthur 79 HODGSON John 78 HOLBURN Thomas 195 HOLDSWORTH George 39 HOPE Mrs Harry 68; Joseph 79 HUNTER John 21; Mr 78; J 140; Ann Margaret 192 HUNTINGDON Earl of 83 HUTCHINSON Fred 38; Thomas 38 HURFORD William Edward 110; Mary Ann 110; Oscar 110; Orlando 110; Wallace 110;

Henrietta 110 INGLES William 138 INGLIS David 111

JACKSON Grace 42 JAMES Thomas 141; Mary 141; John 141; Henry 141 JENNER William 81; Samuel 81 JOHNSON Robert 30; Mary 30; William 65; John 140 JORDAN Mary Ann 106 KEATING John T 150 KELLOT 21 KINGHORN 42 KINMOUTH Margaret 34; John 34 KIRSOPP John 16 KIRTLEY W 140 KITCHIN Richard 3 KNOWLES Robert 17 LAMB Thomas 3; David 39; Joseph 75; Amelia 75 LANDELLS 21 LAWRENCE Joshua 174; Dorothy Lisle 174; Barbara 174; Robert 174; Elizabeth Jane 174;

Thomas George 174; Ann 174 LAWS 79 LAWSON Robert 12; Dorothy 161; Daniel 162; Katherine 162; George Gray 196; Mary 196 Le FONBLANQUE Mrs 69 LEAKE Margaretta 196; Robert 196; Edward 196 LEECH Charles James 155 LEGG John 150 LEYBURN John 87 LIDDELL Nora 14 LINDSAY-SPENCER 155 LLOYD John 116 LLOYD-GEORGE David 66 LOVE Joseph 78 LUMBARD Richard 3 LUNDIE William Compton 143 MACKAY Elizabeth 77; John 77 MAJOR J P 128 MANNERS James 16 MARLEY John 16; Dorothy 18 MARSH Charlotte 66; Arthur H MATFEN Peter 42 MCDOWELL Dr Thomas William 193 MCGRATH John 107 MEEK Abraham 140 MEIKLE Andrew 30; David 166 MEIN Margaret 68 MICHAEL Amelia 75 MILLER Thomas 43 MILNER 35 MINNS Allan 130 MOORE T 140 MORLEY Susan 109 MORTON Andrew 18; George 18; Isabella 18; Stephen 18; William 145 MOULD William 78 MURRAY Isabella 134; James 134; John 134; William 134; Walter 138

MYERS Robert 81 NEIL Jane 111 NEWTON John Stanwick NICHOLSON Widow 16 NICKELSON Henry 145 OGILVIE Frank Stanley 190 OGLE Thomas 96 O’NEIL Mary 153; Henry 154; John 154; Bridget 153; Art 153 ORANGE 159 OUTTERSIDE 35 PADDON 192 PANKHURST 69 PARK William 17 PARKER Elizabeth 166; Thomas 166 PARSONS Charles 106 PAUL Alice 67 PEAR John Willis 172 PERCY Thomas 85 PETHICK-LAWRENCE 74 PICK Alfred James 140; PIGG William 16 PILKINGTON Bishop 83 PORTER Anthony 161; Margaret 162 POSTHOUSE Joseph 138 PRATT Molly 105 PRINGLE 157 PROSEUS Louisa Todd 167 William H 167 RADCLIFFE Anthony 84; Edward 85 RAE Thomas 134 RAMSHAW Mrs 12 RASTRICK John 30 RATH John 193; Annie 193; Charles 193 RENTON Grace 134 RICHARDS Mary Ann 108 RICHARDSON Edward 76; Thomas 76; Robert 189; Annie 193 RIDDELL Thomas 86 RIX Robert 109; Jane 109; Louisa 109 ROBSON Edward Albert 12; Thomas 16; Thomas 76; William 168; Mary 168 RODDHAM William 168 ROSS Miss 69; John 140 ROWELL Anthony 16; Hugh Fraser 140 Edwarde 179; John 179; Thomas 179 RULE 21 RYLE Matthew 35 SAGAR Richard Thomas 11; Lily 11; Robert 11; Ernest 11; Dora Jane 11; Warwick 11;

James 11; Thomas Matthew 11; Matthew 11; Elizabeth 11; William Kettlewell 11; Frances 11; Ernest 13; Frances Thompson 14


SHERWOOD Mrs 16; Edward 16 SHRIMP John 3 SMART 21 SMITH Thomas 3; Sid 37 SONNISCHEN Peter 105 SPILLETT George 106; John 106 SPIRES Minnie 194; Herbie194 SPRAGGON Joseph 118 STAFFORD 34 STAVERS Peter 195; Sarah 195; Wilkinson 195; Hannah 195 STEEL Ann 77 STEPHENSON Thomas Dixon 79 STEWART Ann 18 STOCKS John 138 STOKER Dorothy 175; Joseph Brodie 175 STOKOE Anthony 145 STOTHARD 21 SWAINSTON Harry 80 SWAN Robert 195; Mary Ann 195 SWINBURN Cuthbert 115 TAIT 21 TALLENTIRE Jacob 136; Thomas 136; Ann 138; Mildred 138; Annie 138; William 138; Lily 138;

Jane E 138; Eva 138; Ethel 138 TAYLOR Mona 74; Thomas 74; Jane 179 THIRLWELL John 159 THOMPSON Thomas 8; Ralph 16; Margaret Eleanor 67; Mary Dawes 67; Harriet 67; Elizabeth 193 THORPE Charles 116 TODD Aaron 166; Elizabeth 166; Thomas Parker 166 Margaret 166; Mary Ann 166;

Louisa 166 TOWERS John 138 TROTT Thomas 16 TULLY T K C 140 TUNSTALL Cuthbert 83 TURNBULL Arthur James 140 Barbara 174 TURNER 21 TWEDDLE Edmund 138 TWENTYMAN 159 UPRIGHT Christian 27; Thomas Kelsey 28; William 28; Thomas 28; Norman 29; John 29 VANCE W B 128 VASEY John 79 VENNER Rachel 105; Samuel 105; William 105; Thomas 105; WAIN Thomas 17 WAITT Thomas J 138 WALKER 12; Bob 37 WALLER James 138 WARD Richard 3 WATSON John 77; James 77; George 77; Isabella 77; Mary 77; Hewison 77; Sarah 77; Ann 77;

Jane 77 WEATHERLEY John 8 WEBSELL Thomas 140 WEDDLE 21

WESLEY John 164 WEST Emily Mary 125 WHITAKER Teesdale 78 WIDDRINGTON Edward 86; John 86 WILD 35 WILES Habbackuk 145 WILKINSON Mary 156 WILLETTS Mrs 70 WILLIS William Richards 108; Thomas 108; Maria 108 WILSON Alderman 19 WOOD Herbert Maxwell 116 WOODCOCK Robert 138 WOOLETT Charles 118 WOORK John 3 WRIGHT Thomas 3 YELLOWLEY John 118 YOUNG Joseph 79; John 152; Margaret 153; Mary 153; Edward 154; Mary Isabella 156;

George Henry 156; Sarah Ann 156 William 156 Robert 156 YOUNGHUSBAND Mary 143 YOUNGSON 21


ENGLAND Berkshire Broadmoor 194

Hungerford 29 Berwickshire Coldstream 187 Buckinghamshire Downley 125 Cheshire Seacombe 29 Winsford 136 Cumberland Aimshaugh 168

Alston 168 Broomfield 138

Devon 35

Barnstable 138 Crediton 28

Morwellham 108 Plymouth 128 Durham Beamish 183

Blaydon 91, 115 Bournmoor 21, 140 Chester le Street 21 Chopwell 114 Crawcrook 114

Durham 17, 78, 87, 117, 182 East Rainton 11, 118, 140

Eighton Banks 64 Fatfield 17 Felling 106 Fighting Cocks 138 Framwellgate Moor 77 Friar’s Goose 165 Gateshead 21, 32, 35, 64, 86, 110, 112, 194 Great Lumley 140 Hartlepool 113 Heworth 106 Houghton le Spring 14, 21, 25 Hudegate 166 Hurworth 192 Jarrow 11, 32, 109, 113, 161 Kimblesworth 30, 77 Lamesley 21, 64, 77, 140, 159 Middle Rainton 118 Middleton in Teesdale 138, 166 Monkwearmouth 192 Nettlesworth 77 Old Lambton 21 Penshaw 76,140 Plawsworth 77 Ryton 65, 114, 169 Seaham 104, 191 Shildon 28 Shincliffe 77 Stargate 169 Stella 115 South Shields 84, 105, 140, 165, 190 Staindrop 64 Sunderland 8, 12, 34, 118, 167. 172, 191 Tan Hills 77 Thornley 28 Tow Law 138 Urpeth 159 Winlaton 91, 114 Wrekenton 64 Wylam Hills 156

Hampshire Bramshott 177

Portsmouth 127 Hertfordshire Letchworth 190 Kent Deal 17, 143 Faversham 106

Ramsgate 177

Lancashire Barrow in Furness 110 Lancaster 95 Liverpool 107, 108, 176 Manchester 107 Oldham 29 Withington 29

Lincolnshire Stamford 75 London 66, 143, 155, 170

Bethnal Green 13 Hackney 1367 Hampstead Royal Holloway College 67 Middlesex Chiswick 81 Norfolk Feltwell 128

Great Yarmouth 170 Pickenham 109

Thetford 130 Northumberland Adderstone 88

Allenheads 36 Alnmouth 66 Alnwick 12, 18, 21, 66, 86

Alwinton 83 Amble 170 Ancroft 83 Bamburgh 21, 48 Beal 72 Bedlington 15, 140,195 Belford 21, 30, 143 Belsay 29 Berwick 15, 34, 66, 143 Birtley 168 Blyth 31, 170, 195, 195 Bolam 29 Bothal 83 Byker 46, 161 Byrness 135 Callaly 86 Cambois 142 Cartington 86 Carham 143 Catcleugh 135 Chatton 21 Chillingham 18, 30, 84 Chipchase 74 Chollerton 138 Choppington 193

Corsenside 136 Cramlington 108, 131, 140 Crookham 187 Dent’s Hole 160 Dilston 84 Dudley 44, 131 Ellingham 19, 138 Elsdon 136 Elswick 13, 109, 126

Embleton 21 Eslington 84 Falstone 175 Felton 21, 72 Fenham 86 Ford 21 Gosforth 21 Greenleighton 156 Haggerston 86 Haltwhistle 138 Hartburn 83 Heaton 110 Hebron 83, 141 Heckley Fence 18 Heddon on the Wall 41 Hexham 17, 86 Holy Island 15 Howdon Pans 165 Ingram 140 Jesmond 66, 174, 186 Kielder 135, 175 Kirknewton 189 Kyloe 83 Learmouth 143 Lemington 75 Longframlington 21, 158 Longhirst 140 Lowick 83 Lucker 83 Milfield 21 Morpeth 30, 31, 83 Netherwitton 86 Newcastle 15, 17, 18, 41, 66, 77, 87, 105, 110, 111, 125, 126, 159, 174, 176, 189 Norham 183 North Shields 95,150, 165, 191 Ouseburn 163 Ovingham 169 Ponteland 156 Rothbury 21, 156 Seaton Delaval 131 Seghill 44, 131

Shieldfield 163 Slaley 159 Smalesmouth 175 Spital Tongues 176 Stamfordham 156 Stahope 159 St John Lee 156 Stonecroft 86 Tweedmouth 71 Tynemouth 170 Ulgham 83 Walker 112, 160 Wallsend 106 Warden 178 Weetslade 132 West Denton 75 West Woodburn 138 Whitley Chapel 38 Willington Quay 31, 165 Winlaton 75 Wooler 21, 66

Somerset Bridgwater 110 Suffolk 67 Staffordshire Longport 136 Surrey 35

Epsom 28, 177 Morden 28

Warwickshire Birmingham 177 Westmorland Kirkby Stephen 11, 38

Nateby 11 Nenthead 39

Wiltshire Tidworth 128 Worcestershire Overbury 136 Yorkshire Askrigg 11 Boldersdale 138

Dent 28 Leeds 95 MIckleton 138 Middleham 11 Mirfield 95 Ramsdon 138 Sandsend 138

Shipley 67

IRELAND Co Clare 155 Co Down 157 Co Mayo 107

Belcarra 153 Claremorris 155 Hollymount 153 Parcnakillew 153 Taugheen 153

Ulster 157 SCOTLAND Angus Dundee 68 Montrose 111 Berwickshire Duns 68

Hutton 68 Dumfriesshire 109 New Abbey 173 East Lothian East Linton 30 Dunbar 69 Fife Anstruther 143 Kirkcudbrightshire Craigside 109 Midlothian Edinburgh 8, 21, 30, 69 Roxburghshire Jedburgh 158

Kelso 69 Kirk Yetholm 158

WALES Denbighshire Colwyn Bay 29 Glamorgan Barry 113 AUSTRALIA 11, 95, 113 Adelaide 120

Cooktown 120 Darwin 120 Dumbleyung 120 Melbourne 120, 126 Perth 120

Port Arthur 120 Sarah’s Island 120 Shellharbour 120 Swansea 120 Sydney 120 Wave Rock 120

BELGIUM Broodeseinde 128

Louvain 83 Menin128

Ypres 128 CANADA Manitoba Winnipeg 175 Nova Scotia 166 Halifax 176 Ottawa 178 Quebec 175 Montreal 176 DENMARK Copenhagen 170 FRANCE Arras 177

Chocques 172 Etaples 177 Fromelles 95

Haucourt 177 Lagnicourt 128 Martinique 195 Monchy le Preux 177 Paris 106 Vimy Ridge 177

GERMANY Hoyer 105

ITALY Sicily 96 LATVIA Riga 170

MEXICO Tampico 113 NORWAY 112 RHODESIA Salisbury 11


TURKEY Gallipoli 44

UNITED STATES California 113 Forest City 166 Howland Flat 166

Potosi 166 San Francisco 167 Table Rock 166

New York 111, 166 Pennsylvania 166 Utah 166 Washington 167 Northport 175 Spokane 176

ARTICLES INDEX The perils of Sailing up the East Coast 3 Bodysnatching or Anatomical Research 8 A Family of Blacksmiths and Teachers 11 Hearth Tax 15 The Days before Emails & Nothing but Junk Mail 17 A Case of Furious Driving 18 A New Website 21 NDFHS Probate Index 22 Primitive Methodism in Milfield 27 A Miscellany of Information

– from the Registers of Belford 30 The Sad Case of James Flanagan 31 DNA – Members’ Experiences 33 Allenheads in the 40s 36 Kimblesworth County School Class3 1951 39 Selby Fawcett, Newcastle Detective 41 The Search for Robert Bell 44 The Opening of the Grace Darling Museum 1938 47

In Memoriam 64 My Search for Suffragists and Suffragettes

in North Northumberland 66 Much rejoicing at a Marriage 75 Obituaries from The Ontario Christian Guardian 76 Making Connections 77 Funerary Pomp 81 Our Catholic Ancestors 83 Winlaton and Blaydon 91 A Joint Effort breaks down a Brick Wall 95 And by the way …… 96 A Note on the Marriage of Hungarian Refugees 97 The Venner Family 105 Peter Sonnischen 105 Love brought him to Tyneside 106 From Mayo to Morpeth 107 William Richards Willis 108 From Norfolk to Jarrow 109 The Hurford Family 110 From Montrose to Tyneside 111 Records of Ryton 114 Murder at a pub in Middle Rainton 118 Promoting the Family History Society 120

during my visit to Australia 2018 A Cemetery Mystery answered 125 In search of an Oil Painting 131 Grace Renton’s Will 134 Building Catcleugh Reservoir 135 The Parish Clerk down the Generations 141 Great Aunt Flo - exploring a sideline 143 An Anachronism 144 Catching Criminals 150 There and back again, maybe 152 A Family Bible in need of a good Home 159 Dent’s Hole – Newcastle’s lost Village (part 1) 160 Where was Elizabeth? 166 Buried 111 Years after Baptism 168 Captain Thomas Horn – his last Voyage as Captain 170 John Willis Pear 172 A Genealogical Gravestone 173 Joshua Lawrence 174 The lost 500 acre Farm 179 The Life and Times of a Teacher – James Dogherty 182 Revealing my Great-grandfather 187 Another missing Family Portrait 190 John Fannen – Policeman and Artist 191 The Shocking Tragedy at Choppington 193 Wandering through a Graveyard 195

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