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Post on 16-Oct-2021






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2021 NCRCC Flyer NEXT (June)


• NCRCC June club meeting -outdoors at

the NCRCC flying

field The Grill will be Lit from 5:30pm to

6:15pm The meeting

will start at 6:30pm sharp.

• Free Food

• Build Contest

• Please bring a chair.

• Continued good judgment and health!

Individual Highlights:

Prez Sez 1

May General Membership

Meeting Minutes 2

More Meeting Minutes 3

Yet more Minutes 4

Warbirds Over Ellington 5

Warbirds Event Email 6

Crystal Lake Float Fly‟s 6

June meeting Agenda 6

Activities Director Report 7

Y.F.O.C Float Fly Dates 7

Liaison Report 8

Field Supervisors Report 8

From the Treasurer 9

Rudy R-.‟s Condolences 9

Engine Run-In 10


I can't believe it's June

already, though by the

recent weather I can't tell what season we're in, much less the month . . .

Prez Sez

Bob Laflamme

NCRCC President

Treasurer‟s Report 9

Cub Scout Rockets ! 10

90 Degrees, 40 Degrees, 4" of rain, snow, cold and heat-wave. All in the

past two weeks ! From a COVID perspective, things

here in the Northeast and in Connecticut are especially good. Almost all restrictions are lifted ( save

masks on public transport ) for those fully-vaccinated, restaurants are open, people are gathering. It's good to have

some normalcy. What does that mean for NCRCC?

Well for June it means a meeting at the field which will look a lot like those in 2019. Also events are ramping up

albeit with a few precautions in place. A start down the road to normalcy.

We have to remember the pandemic is by no means over. In the US we are doing

much better, but still have far to go. To those of you vaccinated, Thank you. To those not yet, please consider getting it

not only for yourself, but those you come in contact with. Other countries are in dire straits. For example, while India is a

leading manufacturer of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, there is very little vaccine available for its citizens. Thailand

is also devoid. We are very lucky to be living in the USA.

Stay safe and we'll see you at the field.


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NCRCC Meeting Minutes – 5/13/2021

Stan Kulesa

NCRCC Secretary

Continued on page 3 of 10

The meeting was called

to order at 6:13 PM by Vice President Mike

Maznicki. The meeting was held at the flying field in Ellington and attended

by 41 members and 9 guests.

Mike asked for any

corrections to the April meeting minutes as they were reported in the May

issue of the newsletter. No corrections were noted.

Mike asked for a motion to accept the minutes. A motion was made,

seconded, and passed with membership approval.

President’s Report:

No report.

Vice President’s Report:

Mike Maznicki welcomed the membership.

Mike noted that we have a

lot of important club business to discuss during the meeting. He called out

the tallying of the proposed by-laws update ballot that

will be announced later in the meeting.

Mike thanked the membership for their efforts

in complying with the COVID-19 restrictions. He shared with the group his

personal experience with it and remarked with optimism

that we are getting close to the end of its restrictions on normal life.

Mike noted that he was

quite pleased with the strong turn-out at the Guy Beaudoin, Sr. celebration of

life on 5/8/21. He estimated that there were ~85 people present and that the vast

majority of attendees were members.

Secretary’s Report:

Stan Kulesa reported that

NCRCC currently has 186 members. Guests attending

the meeting and introduced included Norman Desrosier, Jim Trefethen, Ethan

Grimaldi, and James Lewis. Bill Howard and John Reid

also attended as guests but were not reported as their attendance was not known.

Joan Liska (AMA District 1 AVP) was also in


Stan gave a report on the club website. In April there were

1,059 views (and 316 visitors).

Stan asked the membership in attendance if they received the 5/10/21 email blast

communication. A few did not and Stan noted that steps

continue to be taken to diagnose the problem. Affected members are

primarily Cox Internet users. Stan reported that he has sent

emails to those members with problems reported during the April meeting with a summary

of the known issues and suggestions on how

individuals can address those issues.

Stan advised the membership that Irv T- and Mark N- had graciously accepted the

responsibility of counting ballots associated with the

proposed by-laws updates and the two of them are situated at a designated table to do just

that. They will report the tally later in the meeting.

Stan asked all members to wear their badges when at the

flying field.

Stan reminded members to check the main page of the club website for the mowing

schedule. All flying is shut down while the field is being

mowed. Stan recognized Neal C- as one of the volunteers in attendance working on the

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Continued from page 2 of 10

Continued on page 4 of 8

mowing team and keeping our

flying field well-groomed. Stan read an inquiry received on

the „Contact Us‟ feature of the club‟s website. An Ellington

resident (Bill) reached out to ask if NCRCC would be willing to allow four Cub Scouts to launch

their Estes model rockets from our field one afternoon after

school. There was overwhelming support among the members for this goodwill

opportunity. A few members even volunteered to come and

give a model airplane demonstration. Stan noted that when a date is agreed upon he

will send an email blast message to the membership

closing the flying field for this purpose one afternoon from 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM.

Treasurer’s Report:

Len Marchese reviewed club

expenses, income, and balances for the month of April

with the members. Len reported that he is about to

start the process of an audit of the flying field property owners

(Green Road Aero Society). He speculated that the last audit was done quite some time ago

and the information needs to be refreshed. Len will be sending a

letter to the group so that he can revise names, addresses, next of kin, and gather other pertinent


Len advised the membership that new microphones are

needed for events/meetings

and that he is planning to spend ~$400 from the capital improvements fund for this

purpose. Len described that the plan was to purchase a set

with a total of four microphones (two hand-held and two lapel-worn). There

were no objections raised. Activities Director Report:

Peter Tani remarked on how good it was to have an in-

person meeting and to be able to see one another on other

than a virtual meeting screen. He announced that Wayne G- brought along his Spacewalker

which he‟s selling. Peter reminded the membership that

this model won third place at the club‟s building contest not too long ago. He spoke about

the life celebration for Guy Beaudoin, Sr. Peter called out an article which a member

(John W-) had submitted for the newsletter discussing how

a model helicopter actually flew on another planet just a few weeks earlier.

Peter thanked Bob S- for

overseeing another excellent cold weather indoor flying season at the dome in East

Windsor despite the adherence with COVID-related

restrictions. He also called out Gary W- from a neighboring club who, along with Dave A-

from NCRCC, put together important area float fly events.

Peter noted that we are

closely approaching the Warbirds over Ellington event on 6/12/21 (rain date

6/13/21). CD Dennis T- described some very nice

gifts he has secured for participating pilots. Peter went on to thank CD Joel

L- for the prep work underway for Dawn Patrol

on 7/11/21. Peter reminded all of the two-day pylon event planned for

8/7/21 and 8/8/21. Finally, Peter stated that the intra-

club building contest will take place during the June meeting at the field.

Buddy B- asked whether

the club should consider serving food at events now that COVID-related

restrictions are getting loosened due to the high percentage of vaccinated

individuals in our area. This topic remains


Liaison Officer Report:

John Blossick spoke about

the new club apparel and merchandise he‟s

arranged and then showed the membership two tee-shirt styles and a coffee


John announced club raffle prizes. The main prize was an Edge A-430

electric. He also had some 30-minute epoxy and a set

of DuBro ball drivers. Field Marshall/Safety Officer Report:

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Continued from page 3 of 10

Art Usher called everyone‟s attention to the beautifully maintained flying field. He thanked the volunteer mowing crew for their awesome work and noted that John P- recently rolled the runway area. Art then called attention to the five pilot‟s stations and pleaded with all pilots to stay within that area while flying. Art noted that ~50 feet of PVC is needed to make each one of those pilot stations. Art asked the members to check the website for the mowing schedule. He reminded everyone that no flying is permitted to take place while mowing is underway. Art asked all members to wear their badges when at the flying field. Art gave the members an update concerning the mole problem. He shared his history with assorted traps and chemicals but reported that placing some Juicy Fruit chewing gum seemed to work as well as other more costly approaches. The moles are attracted to the gum but can‟t digest it. New Members: Mike Maznicki presented Craig Korsen, Clint Mailishefski, and Mark Henrie as prospective new members eligible to be voted on for membership. Craig and Clint are former members well acquainted to the membership so the two-meeting requirement was waived for them. A vote was held on membership for Mark, Craig, and Clint and all three were voted in. Mike also asked Norman Desrosier, Jim Trefethen, Ethan Grimaldi, and James Lewis (as prospective members) to introduce themselves to the membership. Bill Howard and John Reid were guests and are interested in membership but did not speak. Old Business:

Stan Kulesa thanked Irv T- and Mark N-

for volunteering to count ballots submitted on behalf of the proposed by-laws update. Irv T- announced that 113 ballots voted to “approve”, 1 ballot voted to “disapprove”, and 6 ballots voted to “abstain”. With that result, Stan announced that the club has adopted the revised by-laws and they would now be in effect. Joel L- asked if booklets with the by-laws would be produced and Stan noted that the by-laws would be available on the club website. Stan thanked the ad hoc camping committee for preparing and proposing camping guidelines. He explained to the members present that there had been multiple meetings to review them and that the latest draft was sent to the membership as an email blast on 5/10/21 for their feedback at the May meeting. Members voiced their support and/or concerns with what was proposed. Some questioned why camping would take place at the field if it‟s not tied to an event, raised concern over damage that may be done to the field, suggested the need for limits on the frequency of camping events, and that we shouldn‟t want the flying field to become a campground. Others voiced concern with limitations on the number of camping vehicles that would be allowed at any given time, where the vehicles would be positioned while at the field, disagreement over the number of guests allowed, and why the current version of guidelines did not more closely align with what was discussed by the committee. After much discussion, Irv T- reminded the members that we need to calmly work through our differences to figure the best outcome. The feedback will be collected and

reviewed. New Business:

There were no new business topics raised. Announcements:

Stan Kulesa announced that there would be a Giant R/C Swap Meet hosted by two clubs in New Milford, CT (close to Danbury). He held up a flyer for the event and will leave it on the table for those interested. Gersh T- announced that fellow member Lewis D- wasn‟t feeling well and was recently hospitalized. Gersh offered to share a phone number to reach Lewis. NCRCC wishes Lewis a speedy and full recovery. Wayne G- reminded the members present that he‟s selling a Spacewalker model which he brought along with him. Joan Liska thanked the 50K+ fellow R/C flyers who wrote to the FAA on behalf of the hobby. She felt strongly that the volume and tone of the correspondence significantly impacted the FAA oversight effort. Mike Maznicki announced that there was a table filled with assorted free R/C stuff and he invited all present to take whatever they wanted. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM. These minutes are respectfully submitted by Stan Kulesa, Secretary.

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Just a few more weeks away!!









PILOT DOOR PRIZES One free ticket at registration, Additional tickets $5 each

Nick Ziroli Short kit and plans for North American T-6 Texan

Dremel motor tool Mahogany Warbird Desk model

20' X 150' PAVED RUNWAY and 75' X 600' GRASS RUNWAY


******ATTENTION****** Due to Covid uncertainty, This year we will NOT be holding the charity raffles or

have tee shirts for sale. Due to health regulations, NCRCC will not have food or drinks service at the

field for this event, so please bring your own refreshments for the day Please check the website often for weather/Covid-19 changes

Here is an AMA Events Calendar Link:

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NCRCC – 6/10/2021 General Membership Meeting /Agenda

Call to order

May meeting minutes

President‟s Report

Vice President‟s Report

Secretary‟s Report

Treasurer‟s Report

Activities Director‟s Report

Liaison Off icer‟s Report

Field Marshall/Safety

Officer‟s Report

New Members

Old Business

New Business Announcements


Email to All Warbird Attendees

From: Dennis Thibodeau To: Distribution Date: May 26, 2021 Time: 11:28AM Subject: Warbirds over Ellington

Hi all

This is my last email prior to the Warbirds Event. I

hope you can all make it this year. The Date was changed from September to June due

to a conflict of dates with The B52 Stratofortress Reunion in Dayton Ohio.

I am a past president of that organization and I am scheduled to be a speaker as we dedicate a monument in the Monument Park at the Air Force

Museum. It is dedicated to all the flight crews and the Maintenance crews that have kept the B-52 in the air since 1955! I was a B-52D Crew Chief during the

Vietnam Conflict! This is my last year as the CD for the event. It has

become one of the largest Premier Warbird Events in Southern New England.

I owe it all to your participation and support over the last 12 years. I want to thank you all for making this event the huge success it has become. [ Understand

that John Blossick is to follow –Peter Tani ] It started out small and grew to the huge success.

Attached is the latest changes to the warbird poster and directions to NCRCC‟s Field. Additional

information is below Thank you all

Dennis Thibodeau

CAMPERS: NCRCC will allow overnight camping Friday after 10: am

and Saturday night at the field for the event.

You will be allowed to fly Friday to get used to the field layouts and approaches.

Trailers/motor-homes need to be parked along the road side or the

parking area near the road or to the left of the storage containers as you face them. Dumping of grey or black

water on the ground is forbidden. There are no available hook-ups at the field.

Please put plywood pads under your

stabilizer jacks so as not to create holes or deep

indentations in the ground which could create a tripping hazard after the event.

Pitting will be on the field side of the guard rails or at your

trailer/Motor home. Thanks FUEL: Due to Fire Marshall

concerns. Fueling of gasoline powered aircraft will be set out a small distance just beyond

the pits and towards the runway.

Sorry for any inconvenience, as it cannot be helped!


Dennis Thibodeau

2021 David Arzt Float Flys (At Crystal Lake)

Monday, June 28, 2021

Tuesday July 20, 2021

Wednesday September 1, 2021

Monday October 4, 2021

Out two-weeks from Vaccination a Requirement

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Activities Director’s Report – May, 2021

Peter Tani


Activities Director

Hello all

I am very glad for our very first

“event” during my tenure as

NCRCC activities director. It has

been a long time coming and I

am eager to announce that our

“2021 NCRCC Building Contest”

will take place Thursday June 10,

2021 during our usual and

outdoor June club meeting.

Various June membership

meeting start times are available

throughout, including our 5:30pm

grill-lighting. Please all, enter

your aircraft/ crafts early.

Participation is limited to NCRCC

club membership. There is no

entry fee. Thank you contest

director Buddy B- and building

contest judge John P- for your

efforts in putting on this event.

Competition is divided into two

categories: “Scratch built/ Kit

built” and “ARF/ Foamy”.

Please all; be sure to finish up

your 2020 winter projects and

then enter your latest and

greatest creation in our building

contest come June 10, 2021.

Exactly two days after that:

Namely on Saturday, June 12,

2021 from 8am to 4pm we will hold

our 2021 NCRCC Warbirds Over

Ellington event. Our first formal

2021 event is open to all warbirds

WW I, WW II, including all current

modern military aircraft. No Limit

to their size or the number of

aircraft that you bring. Turbines

are welcome and jet pilots are to fly

at their discretion. Pilot door-prizes

include a Nick Ziroli short kit and

plans for North American T-6

Texan, a Dremel motor tool, and a

Mahogany Warbird Desk model.

With the cancellation of last year‟s

event calendar we hope this year

will be a much better one for fun.

Thank you contest director Dennis

T- for your many years of service to

our group and to your dedication to

this event. Recall Sunday, June 13

is this events “weather” date;

please check our website for the

latest close-in, if and as required.

Due to the great deal of both

uncertainty and pre-planning that is

required, this year we will not hold

our traditional charity raffles. Alas.

Greater Warbirds Over Ellington event

details are available elsewhere in this


Congratulations to Ellington resident

“Bill” and four Cub Scouts that

celebrated their advancement to the

Boy Scouts with a successful launch

of Estes rockets. Thank you to those

that lent both a hand and their time

with flight and static demonstrations.

Thanks to all NCRCC members for

sharing our field and supporting our

clubs goodwill especially with regard

to this recent and successful field


The Yankee flyers of Connecticut

have made three dates available at

West Thompson Lake for float flying.

It will take place at the boat launch

maintained by the Army Corp of

Engineers at the end of Campground

Road, in North Grosvenor Dale, CT.

In addition, NCRCC club member

David A- has made four dates

available for float flying at Crystal

Lake in Ellington. Thank you Dave.

Greater float fly details are available

elsewhere in this publication.

That‟s all for now. See everyone



2021 Yankee Flyers of Connecticut (At West Thompson Lake)

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sunday, August 8, 2012

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Place: West Thompson Lake next to the boat launch maintained by the US Army Corp of

Engineers. 401 Reardon Rd. North Grosvenordale, CT 06255

Near: 400 Campground Dr, North Grosvenor Dale, CT 06255

Approximate time: 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Approximate landing fee: $10

Open to all RC model f lyers with a current AMA card. Each f lyer is requested to use a spotter.

This is a fun f ly meet so if you f ly or just w atch come on dow n and enjoy the day!

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Art Usher NCRCC Field


Field Supervisors Report - June 2021 : Memorial Day has come and

gone by the time you read this.

The field is in tip-top shape, the

mowing crew is doing an

outstanding job keeping the field


Please remember to wear your

club badge while at the field, this

serves two purposes: It identifies

you as a member and helps

others who may not know you

personally to call you by name.

Remember we have almost 200

members in the club and I for

one do not know the names of

more than half of them.

I‟m in the process of raising the pilot

stations by 6-inches to match the

new one I built a couple of weeks

ago. This will take a while to do as

I am bringing them to my house one

at a time.

We recently hosted a cub-scout

troop at our field to launch rockets

as a crossover event to boy scouts.

They had asked the town for

permission to launch them at the

park but were denied.

I believe they reached out to Stan

and we discussed it at an eboard

Liaison Officers Report - June 2021:

John Blossick

NCRCC Liaison Officer

bring any and all projects you

have been working on over the winter so everyone can admire your hard work.

Raffle tickets will be available

to buy prior to the start of the club meeting.

I'm still waiting for the new NCRCC T-shirts, along with

more coffee cups to arrive which should be any day now. If you have a special

request for colors, just let me know and I'll get them rolling.

That's it for this month, until next!


Even better and no

doubt also new and improved:

2021 NCRCC swag!

Thank you John.

Greetings Everyone!

For the upcoming club meeting we'll have new raffle items.

The meeting on the 10th will

also be the club build off, so

Continued on page 9 of 10

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From the Treasurer:

Len Marchese

NCRCC Treasurer

month of June and it is so

COLD OUTSIDE. What is going


Financially, we are in good

shape. For the month of May

the club‟s expenses are starting

to climb but that is normal for

this time of year.

We are into the R/C flying

season, and the field will need

mowing, the tractor and zero-

turn will need fuel, dumpster will

need dumping, some items

needed to be repaired, and the

portable toilet will get weekly

service. So, that means we

need to pay our bills and we


I would like to remind all

NCRCC members, that when

you are at the field flying either

flying, visiting, participating in a

club sponsored sanctioned

event or attending our club

monthly meetings, please wear

your membership badge. We

have many new members, and

it is difficult to identify who you

are, or anyone at the field. So,

please wear your 2021 NCRCC

Well… its Memorial Day

weekend and the

deadline for the June

newsletter article is fast

approaching, so I better

start my article. By the

way, I just spent 2 days

in Marlboro

Massachusetts at a

hockey sports complex

watching my grandson

play in a hockey

tournament. The hockey

rink was much warmer

inside than outside. We

are fast approaching the

membership badge. I will

have clips available for your

badge, if you need one.

There is no charge.

Even though many of us have

received the COVID series

vaccines we still need to be

cautious of other members

and nonmembers at the field.

If you have not received your

COVID vaccine, please


Let us be responsible and

care for our members.

Oh… I almost forgot. At the

June meeting we will be

serving hot dogs,

hamburgers, and cold drinks,

from 5:30pm to 6:15pm. You

are more than welcome to

bring a side dish or dessert.

Club meeting will start

promptly at 6:30pm

See you at the field,

Len Marchese, NCRCC


meeting. The decision was

made to let them launch at our

field. They all had a great

time with the rockets and

watching an airplane

demonstration put on by Bob

Spooner, Dennis Thibodeau,

Larry Clark, Roy Meyer and a

very exciting although short-lived

helicopter flight by Mike

Lewandowski. ( the battery

caught fire about 1 minute into

the flight) Mike being a very

proficient pilot landed the heli

and promptly removed the

battery with very minor damage

to the craft. The battery was

then left to burn itself out and

then removed.

Just a reminder to the electric

fliers, these batteries need to

be respected as stuff can

happen to even the best pilots.

See you at the outdoor



From page 8 of 10

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This Newsletter was edited by Peter Tani

P.O. Box 1544 Vernon, CT 06066


Copying and Distribution of the Newsletter is done by

Joel Lang

Thank You Joel !

We‟re on the Web!

See us at:

Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. Bravo!

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