ncodp on ncoer

Post on 24-May-2015



Leadership & Management



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NCODP on admin and NCOER expectations



MSG Eldred

pro·fes·sion[pruh-fesh-uhn] Noun

1. a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science: the profession of teaching. Compare learned profession.

2. any vocation or business.

3. the body of persons engaged in an occupation or calling: to be respected by the medical profession.

4. the act of professing; avowal; a declaration, whether true or false: professions of dedication.

5. the declaration of belief in or acceptance of religion or a faith: the profession of Christianity.

pro·fes·sion·alprəˈfeSHənl adjective

1. of, relating to, or connected with a profession.

2. (of a person) engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.

"a professional boxer“

3. having or showing the skill appropriate to a professional person; competent or skillful. "their music is both memorable and professional"


• establish an SOP for administrative process and procedures

• cover expectations of evaluations, awards, and action requests

administrative process and procedures

• reporting accountability

• why? who? when? where? and what do we need to give?

• weekly report

• changes to residence or phone numbers

• rating scheme EVERY MONTH

• phone roster EVERY MONTH

• safety briefs before all passes

• POV checklist every quarter or when a new vehicle is purchased

• five Ws and CCIRs/SIRs

administrative process and procedures

• accounting for equipment with hand receipts and 10% inventories

administrative process and procedures

• phased recovery – one, two, three

administrative process and procedures

• phased pre-execution – restock and inspect

administrative process and procedures


• “you are responsible for your own rating”

• accurate

• complete

• timely

• reflect the hard work done

• quality of writing ALWAYS outshines the accomplishments

which one?

o hand picked over 2 other SSGs to run the lab coat cleaning program, processed

over 1,500 units in three months

~or~o selected over two highly recommended candidates to led the hospital in an essential

infection avoidance program; hard work resulted in 20% productivity increase


• Evaluations must be reviewed by the SELs around 25 days before “Thru”

• Evaluations will be signed and submitted between 14 days BEFORE “Thru”

date and not sent to HR until after the “Thu” date

• All blocks will be complete to include counseling dates and APFT date when

sent for review by the SEL

• all “Thru” dates will be confirmed via IWRS before being reviewed by SEL

• must be signed in the proper order Rater; Sr. Rater; Reviewer; Rated last

AR 623-3 and DA PAM 623-3

which one?

o challenged four Soldiers to compete in the Sergeant Audie Murphy board; study

assistance and knowledge allowed three to achieve the coveted honor

~or~o three of his Soldiers earned Sergeant Audie Murphy selection; unprecedented


which one?

o ensured 47 Soldiers succeeded with high marks in their annual Skills Qualification

Exam by providing high quality instruction in military and unit history

~or~o masterly provided instruction on military and unit history to 47 Soldiers who all

achieved high marks during annual Skills Qualification Exams (SQE)

which one?

o single handedly built ten of the 45 tier three tents; greatly contributing to the

success of the units sustainability and readiness

~or~o improved unit readiness by building 10 of the 45 tier 3 tents on his own due to

limited resources and manpower availability; his resourcefulness was unmatched

which one?

o beat all other squads in the BDE Iron-Squad challenge by expertly training his five

man team up in battle drills

~or~o led a team of 5 Soldiers to win the Brigade Iron-Squad event against 8 other highly

trained competitors; his expert skills and top physical fitness were instrumental


• rater only writes one block in the present tense: Daily Duties and Scope• write all three of the bullets in the Values block in past tense

• all bullets must be in past tense. so: o consistently earns the physical fitness badge of excellence (present tense)

• senior rater can provide bullets in past, present and future in the form of:• promote or not (future)

• schools they need (future)

• position they would best serve in (future) (optional)

• performance (passed)

• potential (present)AR 623-3 and DA PAM 623-3

• double check date of ranks

• double check punctuation (each middle initial and the two blocks; Daily Duties and Scope and Special Emphasis get periods at the end)

• items in the special emphasis block will be reflected in the back with bullets

• double check that all acronyms are spelled out somewhere on evaluation

• counseling dates will be 30 days from assignment, and at 90 days each date after – HR WILL kick it back for anything otherwise



• will be submitted ready for signatures NLT 90 days prior to actual presentation date for MSM and 60 days prior to presentation date for ARCOM

• “can” the admin data and the citation as much as possible (always the same, always right)

• spell out ranks

• confirm all data: cost, number of students…etc.

• one main idea or topic per achievement. More can be provided in the follow on pages

• use HIMSELF or HERSELF in the citation: the soldier has affected it – themselves

action requests

• be accurate

• be timely

• be diligent in following up

If you do not get an answer for your action, consider it stuck!



rating schemes are due…



the NCOER can be signed no earlier than this date.

what is 14 days before the thru date?


the ONLY block the rater will write in present tense…

what is the Daily Duties and Scope?

complete and ready for signature at 90 days prior to presentation

what status and when should you submit an MSM?


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