nbc february rivers 2016

Post on 25-Jul-2016






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February 2016 edition of the Rivers of Living Waters Newsletter from Nipawin Bible College.


Do you ever wonder what some of your classmates are up to these days? Are you interested to hear where other NBC grads are serving? Here is an update on a NBC alumnus from (2007-11).

Tell us about your family: Heather and I have been

married since August 2012. We met while I was doing my internship as a student at NBC. Heather has just completed her Masters in Health Administration through the University of Regina. She enjoys drinking coffee (especially with others) and adventuring through various trails and parks. We have a 20-month old daughter named Sophie, who is an absolute bundle of energy.

Where are you ministering?At the time of writing, I am concluding my ministry at Minnedosa Evangelical Covenant Church in Minnedosa, MB, where I served as Associate Pastor for 4.5 years. On February 1, I began ministering as Senior Pastor at Blackstrap Covenant Church in Dundurn, SK (about 20 minutes south of Saskatoon). I will also be working on my Master of Divinity degree through Briercrest.

What is an interesting initiative that your church has been involved in recently?Our church in Minnedosa has a community BBQ during an annual summer parade. This year, the church donated all of the proceeds to a project at the local senior’s home. This has helped build the reputation of the church, as it shows that we care about our community.

What has God been teaching you?Becoming a father in recent years has caused renewed reflection on what it means when we call God, “Father”. Parenting has made the characteristics of God less abstract and more concrete in our day to day lives. Heather and I have been amazed at how deeply...

...continued on page 3


February 2016

Nipawin Bible College

March 4- 6



A youth retreat for grades 9-12

REGISTER ONLINEwww.nipawin.org

FEBRUARY 15-19NBC Reading Break

MARCH 4-6three60five youth retreat

Grades 9-12

MARCH 11Dessert Theatre

7:00 pm, Rempel Auditorium

MARCH 14-18Theology Lectureship

God’s Design for ManhoodSteve Masterson, Promise Keepers

MARCH 20-21Campus Days

Grades 9-12

APRIL 17Graduation Ceremony

2:30 pm, Rempel Auditorium

JUNE 6-10Encore Seniors Retreat

Age 55+










Jennifer Enns Dean of Women

Favourite thing about your job: The relationships built with the ladies in the dorm. I just love spending time listening to them, praying with them and reading God’s Word together. Hardest part of your job: Learning how to lead and disciple well, and not lean on my own understanding, but rather, trust in the Lord for wisdom and courage.Favourite passage of Scripture and why: Lately, Colossians 3:1-17, for the reminder for me to always fix my eyes on Christ, and not on earthly things, and honoring Him in all that I say, do, and think.Favourite winter activity: Staying inside and enjoying a cup of tea, although if it’s not too cold, I do like going for walks! If you could have a discussion with anyone (current or in history) who would it be: Barnabas from the Book of Acts

Favourite thing about your job: The staff dynamic here at NBC, it was as if I was brought into a family.Hardest part of your job: Probably having to see students leave before the end of a semester, knowing that there is more for them to learn.Favourite passage of Scripture and why: There are a lot but one that has come to be valued as I look at my life and what I’m doing with it is Revelation 21:5. A verse that brings hope as we look at the world and the work we do at NBC.Favourite winter activity: It’s so fun to go for a nice snowmobile ride. Growing up in the north it was something we did all the time. I haven’t got to do it in a long time, but I have such great memories of cruising on our old ski-doo with good friends all over the community. If you could sit down and have a discussion with anyone who would it be: Tim Keller, a pastor in New York. He’s a great speaker and author, who loves Jesus, is insightful and seems to be ahead of his time.

Bradly Lytle Dean of Men


Do you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus? Do you desire to know God and His Word better? Do you want to make a difference in this world for Christ?Our guess is your answer to each question was “Yes!” Find out how Nipawin Bible College can help you achieve these worthwhile, challenging, and God honouring goals for your life.

We’d love to have you come and spend a couple days with us in Nipawin. We’re confident that once you meet our students and get to see what God is doing at NBC, you will sense this is a place with tremendous value for your life and walk with God.

Find out more and register online at www.nipawin.org to be sure you reserve your spot as NBC will accept students on a first come-first serve basis.GRADE 11’s, 12’s OR RECENT GRADS

The drama will present the life of Evie Brand, a missionary to India. Evie felt God’s call to go to India and she spent more than 60

years there ministering to the people in the “mountains of death.” Despite opposition from the Indian people, her family, and later

the mission organization, Evie and her husband, Jesse, ministered by providing medical care and showing the love of Christ to the

people. Even after Jesse’s death, Evie found a way to continue the work and the call she felt God gave her to reach the 5 mountain

ranges of India. She didn’t stop the work until her death at age 95.

You can read more about “Granny” Brand at:https://www.gfamissions.org/missionary-biographies/brand-


“Evelyn Brand. Evie. Granny Brand. Abandoning a life of wealth and luxury, Evie gave her life to providing medical care and the Gospel in India. Loss, heartache, illness, and slow progress did not daunt her.

Souls were won. A life fully spent.”invites you to

A DESSERT THEATERabout evelyn “granny” Brand


7:00 pmRempel Auditorium

RSVPwww.nipawin.org/desserttheater2016/ by Monday, March 7


...we love our child. Experientially understanding God’s fatherly heart for his children gives us great confidence as we move into this new ministry.

What book are you reading right now?I always have far too many books on the go. I am currently re-reading Center Church by Tim Keller, which is a very good book for pastors seeking to contextualize the Gospel for their community without having to buy some kind of pre-packaged church plan. The book challenges pastors to think contextually about the values of the community that they are ministering in.I just finished Henri Nouwen’s In the Name of Jesus. While Nouwen is a Roman Catholic priest, he provides some excellent thoughts on Christian leadership. My favourite line from the book is the following, “The central question is, are the leaders of the future truly men and women of God, people with an ardent desire to dwell in God’s presence, to listen to God’s voice, to look at God’s beauty, to touch God’s incarnate Word, and to taste fully God’s infinite goodness?” It is a strong reminder for myself to long for Christ rather than approval.

How can our readers pray for you and your family?As we transition into ministry in Dundurn, there are several unknowns. Heather will be looking for work, Sophie will be looking for a daycare and I will be looking to build relationships with the congregation and the community. For anyone who has moved, you know that everything is new. New relationships, new community, new driver’s license, new everything. We appreciate your prayers on our behalf. If you are ever in the Blackstrap area, be sure to look us up.

Favourite lesson learned at NBC?In my time at NBC, I learned that knowledge puffs up while love builds up (1 Cor 8:1). I had considerable knowledge of the Bible in my first year, but truly struggled to apply to my own heart and life (particularly the parts that talk about the tongue, gentle words, etc). It slowly became apparent to me that people don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Serving as an RA and as a pastor has made me very aware of the need for this. Robust theology should not be abandoned, but it is important to consider how we share the Scriptures with others.


COMPETENCE ...to root beliefs and convictions upon the Scriptures, with breadth of understanding and sound interpretation. (2 Tim 2:15; 3:16) If there ever was a time in recent memory when we need to have a firm foundation to stand on, it is now. As society seems to be in a freefall in regard to truth and morality, the church needs people who can follow Paul’s challenge in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” Correctly handling the word of truth is a core skill we endeavour to build into the lives of our students. The Bible is central to our curriculum at NBC with each class being grounded deeply in scriptural truth. We also intentionally integrate the Scriptures into life at College beyond the classroom. One of our key initiatives is in the area of discipleship where students gather weekly in 7-24 groups and together with a staff member discuss how the Word of God interfaces with their walk of discipleship. 7-24 groups are built on Matthew 7:24 where Jesus says: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 7:24-25 For Jesus it was not enough to hear the Word of God, it is imperative to put the Word of God into practice. As students do the Word of God and have opportunity to speak the Word of God into the lives of others, they give a reason for the hope they have. They understand the Scriptures to be “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17) We unswervingly believe in the truth of the Bible and are committed to interpreting and understanding the Scriptures contextually with integrity and submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The success of the ministry of the college can be measured by the extent to which our students allow the Word of God to saturate

their lives and engage in the good works God has called them to do. Our success will not be measured by people speaking well of us but in our student’s lives as they engage in the harvest that is ready and proclaim the transforming message of the gospel for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, our great King.

NBC UPDATE Winter is rapidly passing and we are gearing up for our premiere youth event, three60five (March 4-6). We anticipate over 200 high school students on campus that will be challenged to choose to follow Jesus with their whole heart based on the life of Peter. We trust young lives will respond to the gospel and choose to surrender their lives to Jesus and some will choose to enroll in the College as our guests experience life at NBC and see how they can grow at the College here. This is one of our key events in the college year and we invite you to join us in prayer that it will be life-changing for the youth who attend. Just before Christmas Tim Lenko, our Enrollment Associate, led a team to Japan for a Christmas outreach. Working with local TEAM missionaries, Joel and Sally Kaufman, in Karuizawa, Nagano Province, they dressed in Christmas themed costumes that created an open door to share the Gospel by passing out Gospel-centered Christian literature in this resort city. While this is a novel means of outreach, the written Word got into the homes of many who normally would not receive Christian literature. Our freshmen and juniors have just returned from mission practicums where they had opportunity to do what they have been taught over the past few months. They always come with stories where they have been challenged and have grown. We are excited about the students who have applied for the fall and we are anticipating more to come. It looks like we will have a healthy freshman class in September. God continues to bless us by providing our resources and we are thankful to all of you for your faithful and generous support. We believe Nipawin Bible College is making a difference in the chaos and confusion around us by developing passionate followers of Jesus who are building their lives on the Word of God and faithfully living the life God has called them to.


This year’s Cantata, “All We Like Sheep” was a huge success! I am so blessed by all the students, staff and Nipawin community members who took part in the evening to praise the Lord and share the Gospel through drama and music. It’s estimated that over 300 people were in attendance. Thank you to everyone who played a part in the production, for all the time spent rehearsing, practicing, and setting up throughout the semester to make this evening happen. The Lord blessed the College with a lot of great talent this year and this was seen in many ways: through the acting skills of the students in the drama including some youth from

Nipawin and Tisdale and through musical talents that included many soloists, a choir made up of students, staff and Nipawin community members, and a band that included two flute players, a violinist, and a trumpet player! I am already anticipating what God is going to do in and through next year’s Christmas cantata! And speaking of which…I’m looking for musicians who play orchestral instruments (violins, woodwinds, brass instruments, etc.) that are interested in participating in next year’s cantata. Please phone the college or email myra@nipawin.org if you are interested.

-Myra Schmidt

Do you have a desire to grow deeper in your faith? Do you want to learn more about the key areas of a man’s life?

“Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

With these simple words, Jesus began to call men out of a life of routine and false significance towards a life that will count for eternity. Jesus modelled a life that was confident

in His purpose, knew His identity, and remained focused on the goal. He taught men through experiences, opening up God’s Word, encouraging them to grow together, and

spent one on one time mentoring them.

This is God’s pattern in building men, and this is the pattern of discipleship training.


God’s Design for Manhood

with Steve MastersonPromise Keepers

MARCH 14-18, 2016




“Konichiwa! Presento dozo.”

In our limited Japanese, we greeted passers-by and invited them to take our gifts of candy and brightly decorated Christmas literature. It was cold standing on that frozen sidewalk for 4-6 hours each day, but with heating pads in our footwear and the success of Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and others gladly receiving our Gospel gifts, we gladly bore that small sacrifice. Aiding Joel Kaufman, Karuizawa’s missionary Santa Claus, with the literature distribution filled most of our time. Packing the tracts

with candy was another significant time allotment. Our third notable involvement was serving at the Megumi Chalet, a Christian conference centre that holds a Christmas outreach every year. We sang, visited with English speaking Japanese, and helped Santa take pictures with people and distribute Gospel gifts. The trip saw many lives exposed to the love and truth of Christ’s Gospel and our team of students, alumni, staff, and friends had in us the urgency of evangelism rekindled.

-Timothy Lenko

Missions Conference 2015 was a wonderful time of reflection and conversation around the question, ‘Missional or Missions-Minded: Do We Have to Choose?” The topic was suggested, and presented, by Dr. Tim Stabell, adjunct professor of Missions at Briercrest Bible College, and currently Full Time Pastor of Prairie Winds Church, Moose Jaw. Tim urged attendees to consider the ways in which their church perceives their role in the mission field and argued that a balance is necessary to be a sending organization of people that are themselves sent. Additional highlights

included a presentation on Residential Schools by Interact Ministries, worship lead by the student team FaceDown and, of course, the over 20 mission organizations that gave of their time and resources to interact with students, staff and the NBC community. We were refreshed and encouraged by the weekend, and have already seen good fruit from the discussions and presentations. We covet your prayers as we organize NBC Missions Conference 2016, and look forward to seeing you there!

-Joel Houston

1. For Tim & Laurel (Abrahamson) Schroder (‘82) and their ministry at NTM headquarters in Papua New Guinea, that God would use them to see His Word go forth there.

2. For Jason & Becky (Townsend) Salmond (‘02) as they seek God’s plan for them following Jason’s internship and graduation in April 2016.

3. For the NBC freshmen students returning from ministering in First Nations communities in SK and for all they learned while on FMP.

4. For Tony & Janet Ens (‘86) as Tony works at the Salvation Army, a job that can be both stressful and dangerous. For Justin’s healing from shoulder surgery and Brett’s continued struggle with Lyme Disease.

5. For Adam Yadlowsky & the three60five committee, led by Landon Schubert as they prepare for the three60five youth retreat March 4-6.

6. For Abe (‘67) & Debbie Koop as they continue to serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators (Church Connections) in the GTA, living in Mississauga, ON. As they connect with pastors and church leaders, introducing them to opportunities for building Kingdom Friendships with churches in other parts of the world.

7. For Guillermo & Mary-Anne Reddekopp (‘86) as they minister in Zambia--a country experiencing an electricity and currency crisis. That they would help people turn to Jesus and learn to wait on Him.

8. For the NBC junior students following their ministry trip to Vancouver. That God would use their efforts for His kingdom and impress upon them His call for them to serve.

9. For Kevin & Melissa Derksen (‘04) that they will connect well with Papuans, continue to learn Tok Pisin, and relate to the cultural ways of the Papua New Guinea people.

10. For Josiah & Anne Jisca (Gaucher) Meyer (‘03) that they would meet their monthly support shortfall.

11. For Kirby, Bernie & Kobe James (‘13) as they pastor the New Life Alliance First Nations Church in Prince Albert, SK.

12. For Wes & Carol (Wiebe) Schellenberg (‘82) and a contact they have in Siberia, 8 year old Sergei--for his protection and growth as a new believer.

13. For Val Weber (NBC cook) as she recovers from knee surgery that took place in January.

14. That God would raise up more donors to support the ministry of Nipawin Bible College, specifically through the monthly Many Hands program.

15. For Devin & Jessica (Friesen, ‘07) Dyck as they are in charge of staff at Torch Trail Bible Camp. That God would lead them to the right people who have a heart for God and kids.

16. For Becky Walker (‘99) as she works with homeless people in Melbourne, Australia, seeking to treat them like humans and not a charity.

17. For James (‘02) & Arlie Harnett, that God would direct them in their next steps in ministry and for the future of the Faith Academy in the changing seasons of missions work in the Philippines.

18. For continued wisdom and direction for the Board of Directors as they bring leadership to NBC.

19. For NBC President, Dr. Wes Dobson as he brings leadership to the staff and students, is on the road visiting friends of NBC and is in the classroom teaching.

20. For Joel Houston (faculty) for continued perseverance, patience, and wisdom as it relates to the research and writing of his doctoral thesis. Also for Joel’s family as they endure having a family member be a ‘professional student’ for the better part of their married/fatherly life.

21. For Walter & Cindy Selke (‘85), for wisdom as they coach their new Healing Hearts staff through raising support and settling into their ministries.

22. For NBC’s Access Team as they visit youth groups and share their stories about how God is working in them.

23. For Peter & Diane Salmond (‘76)as they grow and look to build a permanent structure that will be large enough for the school in Rwanda.

24. For the Alumni Executive led by Kyle Larson. For wisdom and unity as they meet throughout the year.

25. For the Student Life Department (Adam Yadlowsky, Jennifer Enns, Bradly Lytle and student Resident Assistants) as they work with students and foster growth.

26. For Nathan (‘02) and Natasha (Ginther, ‘04) Enns, for wisdom as they look for teammates to be involved in NTM church development in a remote village in Papua New Guinea.

27. For the kids of NBC staff & faculty that they would grow in their faith. For wisdom for their parents as they teach and guide them.

28. For NBC 7-24 Discipleship Groups made up of students and staff that meet each Wednesday. For a deep desire to grow and be transparent.

29. For Tiffany Barkman (‘01) in Southeast Asia as she has opportunities for discipleship with two Achok young ladies who are living with her as language helpers.

30. For Jason Elford & Timothy Lenko (Enrollment) as they meet up with prospective students at churches, youth groups and career fairs.

31. For the NBC faculty (resident and adjunct) as they spend time preparing for classes, marking and interacting with students.

32. For Mike (‘95) & Sharlene McDonald as they acclimate to a new area of service in Mexico. For improved internet access so the kids can complete their schooling online.

33. For the students that will attend NBC for the coming 2016/17 school year. That God would bring those He wants to be in attendance.

34. For NBC 4th year students, Brenden Peters, Doug Robinson, and Jeremy Sherwood as they serve in their internship ministries, complete homework and travel to and from campus for module classes.

We invite you to submit your requests throughout the year by

calling NBC or by visiting the Praise & Prayer page under “get involved” on

the Alumni tab on the website.


mail: Box 1986 Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0

phone: 306.862.5095 or 888.862.5095

fax: 306.862.3651

email: info@nipawin.org

website: www.nipawin.org

Rivers of Living Water is a publication

of Nipawin Bible College

Editor: Amanda Anderson

Executive Editor: Wes Dobson

FSC logo

Living Proof will also be traveling with their drama production from April 19th

to May 1st with events in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Please call the college if you would like to have the drama team come to your area, or to find out when they will be near you.




FEBRUARY 19-20SHBE ConventionSaskatoon, SK

FEBRUARY 26Praise & PurposeMeadow Lake, SK • 7:00 pm • All ages

MARCH 4-6three60five Youth RetreatNipawin Bible College

GYM BLAST FEBRUARY 26Praise & PurposeMeadow Lake, SK 7:00 pm • All ages

MARCH 4-6three60five Youth Retreat, NBC

MARCH 18-19Identity Youth Retreat Vegreville Alliance

APRIL 1Prince Albert First Baptist • Youth

APRIL 19Hillcrest Evangelical MissionaryMedicine Hat, AB • 7:00 pm • Youth

APRIL 20Prairie Christian AcademyThree Hills, AB • 11:15 am • Chapel

APRIL 21Park Meadows BaptistLethbridge, AB • 7:00 pm • Youth

APRIL 22Brightview Baptist ChurchWetaskiwin, AB • 7:00 pm • Youth

APRIL 23Faith Covenant ChurchBreton, AB • 7:00 pm • Youth

APRIL 24Evangelical ChurchGlendon, AB • 11:00 am Sunday Service




FEBRUARY 24Martensville Baptist Church6:45 pm • Youth Night

MARCH 11NBC Dessert Theatre7:00 pm • Please RSVP • see ad for info

MARCH 13Kinistino Community Church11:00 am • Sunday Worship Service




ENCORE RETREATNipawin Bible College55+ Seniors Retreat

JUNE 6-10, 2016






Biblical Teaching • Fellowship • River Cruise • Crafts & Games • Music • Special Activities • Great People •

And more

Bible TeachingJim Houston


ConcertBruce Rawling

Musician & Songwriter

Standard Plan (5-Day Package): $330/couple, $190/single Commuter Plan: $140/week, $65/day

Calgary AreaAbbeydale Christian FellowshipWednesday, March 16 • 7:00 pm

Three Hills AreaMount Olive Evangelical FreeThursday, March 17 • 7:00 pm


Look for other Alumni & Friends Connect Nights in Red Deer, Edmonton, Lac La Biche, and La Crete areas later this spring and early summer.

For more information and the tour dates not yet confirmed for the FaceDown tour (April 19th-May 1st), please contact the College.

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