naughty marietta libretto

Post on 14-Oct-2014






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riiggiinnaall BBooookk && LLyyrriiccss bbyy:: RRiiddaa JJoohhnnssoonn YYoouunngg

MMuussiicc BByy:: VViiccttoorr HHeerrbbeerrtt

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Act 1

In eighteenth century New Orleans, the townspeople go about their daily business in the Place d'Armes

("Clear Away!") Étienne Grandet, the son of the colony's acting governor, has just returned from a trip

to France, and the young ladies warn him that the pirate Bras Priqué has been attacking ships bound for

New Orleans; the town fountain is supposedly haunted by the ghost of a woman he killed. Étienne,

unknown to all but his father and his quadroon slave mistress Adah, is really Bras Priqué. He gives his

father a share of the profits from his crimes, and his father keeps his identity secret.

A band of American woodsmen, farmers, and Indians, led by Captain Dick Warrington and his lieutenant,

Sir Harry Blake, ("Tramp, Tramp, Tramp") into town. They vow to capture Bras Priqué and seek the

governor's signature on a warrant for his arrest. They also hope to find wives among the casquette girls,

who should arrive in New Orleans any day. These French girls have been granted dowries by the King of

France and sent to the New Orleans to marry the colonists. Lieutenant Governor Grandet, Étienne's

father, refuses to sign the warrant. He knows Étienne has imprisoned the real governor on

a Caribbean island. Étienne seeks to establish Louisiana as a dictatorship under his own command,

separate from both France and the burgeoning United States of America.

The Lieutenant Governor oversees the girls' arrival, and the men excitedly introduce themselves

("Taisez-Vous"). A plain-looking girl, Lizette, is ignored by all the men except the boastful Silas Slick,

Captain Dick's Yiddish servant. After everyone leaves the square, the fragmented song of the "ghost"

comes from the fountain ("Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life"). It is not a ghost singing, but an Italian girl who

introduces herself as "Naughty Marietta". She was one of the casquette girls, but she ran away from the

ship at Mozambique and came to New Orleans on her own. Captain Dick, who met her in Mozambique,

sees her by the fountain. He agrees to help her hide, but explains that "We’ll Never Speak of Love"

between them. He and the Italian puppeteer, Rudolfo, agree that she can disguise herself as Rudolfo's

son and work at his marionette theatre. Marietta tells Dick that it has been foretold that she will love

the man who can complete the melody she sang at the fountain, which came to her in a dream. She asks

him to try to complete it. He refuses, but finds himself whistling it soon afterwards.

Though Lizette ignores Silas, he tries to impress her ("Anybody Else But Me"). Adah feels that Étienne

does not love her anymore and tries to see her future in cards (“Southern Moon"). Marietta, disguised

as Rudolfo's son, performs an "Italian Street Song" for the townsfolk. The Lieutenant Governor

announces that a dispatch has come from the King of France offering 10,000 francs for the return of the

Contessa d'Altena who exchanged places with her maid and travelled to the colonies as a casquette girl.

The Contessa always sings a fragment of a certain tune, and the townspeople recognize it as the ghost's

song. Sir Harry Blake, Captain Dick's lieutenant, arrives in the square and accidentally betrays Marietta,

noting that she is really a casquette girl disguised as a boy. Étienne insists that Marietta reveal her

identity, but she declares that though she is not a boy, she is not the Contessa. Governor Grandet's

indecisiveness prevents a fight between Étienne's guards and Dick's men, and Marietta runs off with



AAcctt 22

Rudolfo teaches Marietta to work the marionettes ("Dance of the Marionettes"), and Étienne asks her to

attend the quadroon ball with him, believing that she is the contessa and hoping to marry her ("Marry a

Marionette"). Dick has warned Marietta that the ball is dangerous for a young girl, but she ignores him

because she believes that Dick has been flirting with Adah. She agrees to go to the ball, but not as

Étienne's partner.

The ball is representative of everything excessive and decadent in New Orleans ("New Orleans, Jeuness

Dorée"). The attendees are gaily drinking, gambling, and womanizing (" New Orleans"). Lizette is at the

ball, still looking for a husband ("By-and-By"). Silas has been appointed whipping boy to the Governor's

family and has decided to find a better-looking girl than Lizette: he will complete the Contessa's song,

and once she is found, she will marry him. Marietta is shocked by the obvious immorality of the ball and

asks Étienne to take her home. When Captain Dick arrives, she assumes he intends to see Adah. Though

he tells her he has come to protect her, she declares she will "Live for Today" and dance with Étienne.

Lizette attempts to spark Silas's jealousy by flirting with the Governor, but Silas ignores her. Étienne

proposes to Marietta; a marriage to a contessa would legitimize his plan for a Louisiana republic under

his control. She asks what he will do with Adah, and he says he will auction her. Marietta leaves him and

finds Dick, who realizes he may be in love with her ("Falling in Love with Someone").

Étienne auctions Adah at the ball, and Dick buys her so she will not be unhappy with an old and ugly

master. Marietta jealously agrees to marry Étienne, announcing that she is the lost Contessa d'Altena.

The quadroon girls and Marietta leave to prepare for the wedding. Adah remains with Dick, and he sets

her free. She gratefully tells him that if he tears Étienne's right sleeve he will reveal Étienne's real

identity: Bras Priqué.

Silas revels in the glory of his new job ("A Quiet Life"). Dick tears off Étienne's sleeve and denounces him

as the notorious pirate. However, he cannot legally arrest Étienne because Silas, as the family whipping

boy, is obligated to take any punishment destined for Grandet family members. The guards carry Silas

off and Lizette brokenheartedly follows. Adah tells Marietta about Étienne's true identity, and so she

refuses to marry him. The Governor threatens to send her to a convent and locks her in a room. She

hears a voice outside completing her song, "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life". It is Dick, and they embrace

through the window. Étienne discovers them, but Captain Dick's infantry appears before he can take

action. They have freed Silas and have come to arrest Étienne and the rest of the pirates. Étienne

relinquishes his claim on Marietta, as Dick and Marietta join together in "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life".

Dick and his men allow the pirates to escape without harm.


Characters and Casts

Marietta (Runaway Contessa d’Altena)…………………………………………………………………Mary Jeane Egloso

Capt. Dick Warrington (Soldier-Adventurer)………………………………………………………….Lawrence Jatayna

Lieutenant-Governor Grandet (Deputy Governor of New Orleans)…………………………Avelino Guande

Ettienne Grandet (His Son)…………………………………………………………………………………….Yen Dilig

Silas Slick (Capt. Dick’s ‘man’)…………………………………………………………………………………

Lizette (Casket Girl)………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mia Ariana Tanciongco

Rudolfo (The proprietor of a marionette theater)……………………………………………….…Michael Bualong

Adah ( Quadroon slave-girl)…………………………………………………………………………………… Roxanne Abuel

*Sir Harry Blake (Capt. Dick’s Irish Adjutant)……………………………………………………………

*Florenz (Secretary to the Lieutenant-Governor)……………………………………………………

Fanchon (New Orleans girl)……………………………………………………………………………………Stefanie Quintin

Nanette (New Orleans girl)…………………………………………………………………………………….Clariane Liz Avila

Felice (New Orleans girl)…………………………………………………………………………………………Mia Flores

Graziella (Servant to Rudolfo)………………………………………………………………………………….

Night-watchman………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jayson Santiago


Flower Girl…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Olive Martinez


Flower Girl…………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. Jackie Lou Queyquep

Man flower seller……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Mark Queddeng

Parakeet/Italian Parrot Seller……………………………………………………………………………………Karl San Jose

Fruit Seller……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Rexur Sabuga-a

Sugar Cane Seller……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Gian Rabang



Convent Girls…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Street-Sweepers……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Aries Molina Jayson Santiago Jerome Valdez Marvin Dizon

Capt. Dick’s Men………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Town Crier…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Casket Girls………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Clariane Avila


Kelly Paralejo

Mia Flores

Olive Martinez

Stefanie Quintin

Lia Soliongco

Kelly Paralejo

Monique Pereda

Jacky Lou Queyquep

Cris Go

Camille Lorenzo

Italian Men…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Dice Player……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Jayson Santiago


Dice Player…………………………………………………………………………..………………….…………..Jerome valdez


Card Player……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………Mark Abesia


Card Player………………………………………………………….…………………….………………………..Mark Queddeng


Man………………………………………………………………………………………………….………..………..Gian Rabbang


Man……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….……..Rexur Sabuga-a


Man ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..…….Aris Molina

4th Man ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…..……………….Mark Abesia

New Orleans Girls…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Clariane Avila

Kelly Paralejo

Mia Flores

Olive Martinez

Stefanie Quintin

Lia Soliongco

Kelly Paralejo

Monique Pereda

Jacky Lou Queyquep

Cris Go

Camille Lorenzo

*Non-singing characters.


Musical Contents

Act 1

1. Overture

2. Opening Act 1

2. Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! (Captain Dick and his men)

2. (A) Exit Music

3. “Taisez-Vous” (Casket Girls and men)

3. (A) Exit Music

4. Naughty Marietta (Marietta)

5. We’ll Never Speak of Love (Marietta and Dick)

6. Anybody Else But Me (Lizette and Silas)

7. Southern Moon (Adah)

8. Zing! Zing! (Marietta & Chorus)

9. Final Act 1 (Ensemble)

Act 2

10. Prelude and Opening Act 2 (Marietta and Rudolfo)

11. Marry a Marionette (Etienne)

12. Melodrama

13. Intermezzo (The Dream Melody)

14. Opening Act 2 (Scene 2)

15. Falling In Love with Someone (Dick)

16. New Orleans (Chorus)

17. By and By (Lizette)

18. Live for Today (Marietta, Adah, Dick, Etienne and Chorus)

19. Reprise: Falling in Love With Someone (Marietta and Dick)

20. A Quiet Life (Silas)

21. Finale Act 2

22. First Curtain Call (“Ah, Sweet Mystery ofLife)

23. Second Curtain Call (Falling In Love with Someone)

24. Play-out

Synopsis of Scenes

Act 1 The Place D’Armes – a square in New Orleans Act 2 Scene 1: The Marionette Theater

Scene 2: The New Orleans Club Time: Towards the end of the 18th Century




No. 1 “Opening Act 1”

(CHORUS) Scene 1: The Place d’Armes, a square in New Orleans

Open Curtain ……Church bell strikes five)

NIGHT WATCHMAN: Five ‘o clock and a fine clear morning! All’s well!

The BEGGARS bestir themselves and a LAMPLIGHTER enters. SACRSITAN crosses and unlocks cathedral door. Enter


FIRST FLOWER GIRL: Jessamine! Jessamine and roses!


SECOND FLOWER GIRL: Come and buy! Come and buy your posies!

FIRST FLOWER GIRL: They’re all lovely! Roses!

MAN FLOWER SELLER: They’re all lovely flowers!



CHORUS: Flow’rs we’ll buy for a new day is waking! Hours soon fly and it’s time we were making garlands fragrant and fair for maidens in love to wear! Hurry! Morning is breaking! Roses! Roses! Come and buy! Each bouquet’s still as fresh as the dawning; some fine lady ‘twill soon be adorning!

Haste make haste while we may! Far, far too short the day Welcome this wonderful morning!

PARAKEET-SELLER: Parakeets! Parakeets! Very cheap I’m selling! FRUIT SELLER: Fresh figs! Oranges! SUGAR-CANE SELLER: Sugarcane! Sugarcane! CHORUS: Don’t pass us by!


Maybe we’ll buy! STREET SWEEPERS: (CHORUS) Clear the way! Make way! Clear the way!

We have to earn our pay! So clear the way!


Make way, way, and stop your argufying! We’ve got to sweep to earn our pay, and have no time for buying! The casket maidens come today! Come today, and so we say: Make way! Make way! Clear the way! To make the square all fresh and fair we’re trying!

ITALIAN PARROT SELLER: Parakeets! Parakeets! Good at fortune telling! FRUIT SELLER: Sweet grapes! Nectarines! SUGAR-CANE SELLER: Sugarcane! Sugarcane! CHORUS: Don’t pass us by! May be we’ll buy! Don’t pass us by! A line of CONVENT GIRLS enters and starts to cross the stage.

FLOWER GIRLS AND CHORUS: Observe with what the propriety the Convent maids go by. Their faces pale with piety, so very frail and shy! They’re Creole High Society, and tie their hair with braid! Oh, lala! Oh,lala! I wouldn’t be a Convent maid! With eyes downcast demurely, in timid schoolgirl style they clutch their books securely and walk in crocodile. A dull existence surely! To smile seem afraid! We do feel sorry for ‘em! Oh, lala! Oh,lala! I wouldn’t be a Convent maid! Not for anything! Oh, lala! Oh,lala! I wouldn’t be a Convent maid!

PARAKEET-SELLER: Parakeets! Parakeets! Very cheap I’m selling! SUGAR-CANE SELLER: Sugarcane! Sugarcane! CHORUS: (STREET SWEEPERS) Clear the way! Make way! Make way!

Pray clear the way, make way, make way, and stop your argufying! We’ve got to sweep to earn our keep, and have no time for buying! The casket maidens come today, come today, and so we say: Make way make way! Clear the way! To make all fresh and fair we’re trying! Yes hurry hurry now; we’d like to do our sweeping (make some money) if we may too short the day! Oh, hurry, hurry we’d like to do our sweeping (make some money) if we may all too short the day!

FLOWER SELLER: Each bouquet’s still as fresh as the dawning; some fine lady ‘twill soon be adorning! Haste! Make haste while you may! Far, far too short the day!


Welcome this wonderful morning! Yes, hurry, hurry now and buy your pretty flowers while you may too short the day! Oh, hurry, hurry, now and buy your pretty flowers while you may all too short the day!


No. 2 “Tramp! Tramp! Tramp!”



PIRATE: He’s the devil, Bras Pique… As the PIRATES leave, the FLOWER GIRLS & TOWNSPEOPLE enter to welcome CAPT. DICK & HIS MEN. CAPT. DICK: We’ve hunted the wolf in the forest; we’ve boarded the pirate at sea; We hold no indenture; we’re out for adventure as all these good men will agree!

We’ve warred the gaudy Comanche powwowed with the proud Cherokee. No fleeing from dangers, for we are the Rangers Sir Harry, my Comrades. Tramp, tramp, tramp along the highway! March, march, march along with me! Come what may along the highway, Comrades in arms are we! On, on, onwards ever my waywide, wide, wide the world and free. You’ll find you’ve loyal friends until the journey ends, if you march along with me, if you march along with me!

TENORS AND BASSES: Tramp, tramp, tramp along the highway!

March, march, march along with me! Come what may along the highway, Comrades in arms are we! On, on, onwards ever my way, wide, wide, wide the world and free You’ll find you’ve loyal friends until the journey ends

if you march along with me if you march along with me CAPT. DICK: You’ll find you’ve loyal friends until the journey ends

if you march along with me if you march along with me. We’ve ranged the far North in the winter; and answered the call of the wild the wolves ‘d be prowling and round the camp howling as logs on the fire we piled!

From Mexico Gulf to the Rockies, wherever we happen to be, no fleeing from dangers, for we are the Rangers Sir Harry, my comrades.

TENORS AND BASSES: Tramp, tramp, tramp along the highway!

March, march, march along with me! Come what may along the highway, Comrades in arms are we! On, on, onwards ever my way, wide, wide, wide the world and free You’ll find you’ve loyal friends until the journey ends if you march along with me if you march along with me

No. 2a EXIT MUSIC Exit Men & Girls


No. 3: “Taisez-vous.”

(CHORUS) Cue: Silas:…. Once the girls got glimpse of me (exit) The MEN gather to welcome the CASKET GIRLS MEN (TENORS & BASSES):` Oh Casket Maid, oh Casket maid will you marry me?

Will you marry me? WOMEN (SOPRANO AND ALTOS): Taisez-vous! Taisez-vouz!

I’ll see whether you’ll really do for me!


ST MAN (BASS): I’ve land out West I can offer you.


ND MAN (BASS): I’ve a range well stocked with caribou.


RD MAN (TENOR): I’ve a snug little nest big enough for two!

WOMEN (SOPRANO AND ALTOS): Taisez-vous! Taisez-vouz! I must have time to consider you! Don’t

imagine from what you see me carry I would marry any Tom or Dick or Harry! That isn’t so! Oh dear me no! This casket given me by the King is far more than your wedding ring you’ll have to be worth marrying. Taisez-vous! Taisez-vouz! Taisez-vous! Taisez-vouz! Very flowery! But the fact is what’s attractive is the dowry not me!

MEN (TENORS & BASSES): Will you marry me? Will you marry me?

Happy for life we’ll be if you promise to marry me! Oh marry me! Marry me! Marry me! Marry me! Marry me! You’re the one I adore. Now and forever more. Oh! Marry me,marry me!


WOMEN: This casket given me by the King is worth far more than your wedding ring.

You’ll have to prove worth marrying! Taisez-vous! Taisez-vous! Taisez-vous! Taisez-vous! Very flowery! But the fact is what’s attractive is the dowry! When you sigh tenderly, it’s for my dowry not me!

MEN: Will you marry me? Happy for will be if you promise to marry me!

Oh, marry me! Marry me! Marry me! Marry me! Marry me! You’re the one I adore now and forevermore! Oh marry me! Marry me! Happy I know we’ll be ‘till we die! Marry me you’ll see!

No.3a EXIT MUSIC Cue: Etienne: Strange… I could have sworn I heard….. (Exit)

MARIETTA emerges from fountain.


No. 4 “Naughty Marietta”


MARIETTA: There are two very diff’rent Mariettas in me, and one is so good like dis!

So sweet is she so discreet, si si! She’d never say one word amiss! But the other Marietta dat’s also me! Has a temper so warm it’s torrid; so you see, when I’m good, I am very good indeed but when I am bad, I’m horrid! “Naughty Marietta, de be good!” says she;”No, no!” say me. “Naughty Marietta, but you should (says she) “be good” like me” Naughty Marietta, do behave!” says she: “No,no,no, no!” say me. That naughty Marietta just won’t be any better, and I’m very cross with me! As a child I was sent to a Covent school with children of high degree. They were so straight laced and so angel faced as pious as pious could be! But the naughty Marietta broke ev’ry rule, for alas she was no blue stocking. Though it’s true when I’m good I am very good indeed, I confess when I’m bad I’m shocking! “Naughty Marietta do be good!” says she; “No no!” say me. “Naughty Marietta but you should “says she “be good like me!”. “Naughty Marietta, do behave!” says she. “No, no, no, no!” say me. “That naughty Marietta her naughtiness won’t let her be good, very good like me; that naughty Marietta juts won’t be any better and I’m very cross with me!

No. 5 “We’ll Never Speak of Love”

(DUET OF DICK AND MARIETTA) Cue: MARIETTA…..Will you shake hands on it? MARIETTA: You and I si, si, si! You promise you’ll never make love at me?

Suppose you’re tempted to hold my hand? If you’re sure that you’re sure, then I’m sure, yes I’m sure that we mutually understand! Your friend and boon companion, I’ll share your smiles and tears as if you were d’Artagnan and I Three Musketeers.-together hand in glove; yes solemnly swear we’ll never, never speak of love no! we’ll never speak of love!

DICK: Here’s my hand we’re friends you see? Oh, that rely implicitly!

We both agree such nonsense is banned! If you’re sure that you’re sure, then I’m sure, yes I’m sure that we mutually understand! Your friend and boon companion, I’ll share your smiles and tears as if you were d’Artagnan and you Three Musketeers. We’ll face what e’er be fall us but solemnly swear! We’ll never, never speak of love no! we’ll never speak of love!

MARIETTA: I’d never want a kiss from you. DICK: No more than I would from you! But comrades we could be, forever true! MARIETTA: That is my feeling too. What kind of girl will you choose for your wife? DICK: Single blessedness remains may aim in life!


MARIETTA AND DICK: If you’re sure that you’re sure, then I’m sure, yes I’m sure that we mutually understand! Your friend and boon companion, I’ll share your smiles and tears as if you/I were d’Artagnan and you Three Musketeers.

DICK: We’ll face whate’er befall us. MARIETTA: Togetehr hand in glove DICK: but solemnly swear MARIETTA AND DICK: yes solemnly swear we’ll never, never speak of love no! we’ll never, never speak of love!

No. 6 “Anybody Else But Me”

(DUET OF LIZETTE AND SILAS) Cue: SILAS: Ah! But I am not what I am seem! SILAS: I must have been changed in my cradle by the doctor or the nurse;

for I’ve turned out not who I ought to be but someone very much worse. LIZETTE: If what you say is true, how very sad for you! SILAS: No wonder that I get to dreaming, and as plain as plain can see the sort of “me”

I would like to be if I wasn’t the “me” that’s me. LIZETTE: I know just what you mean think what you might have been! SILAS: I like to dream I’m a Pirate King who knows no fear a darin’, swearin’, tearin’ son of a bold, bad buccaneer! I carries around a hundred pound of saber in my sash and shaes my first as I gives a twist to my bristling black moustache! On a coral reef I eats raw beef that I carves with my cutlass true; then my lips I licks, and my teeth I picks when at last the repast is through! LIZETTE: you go too far I think I’d rather have you as you are! SILAS: In dreams I’m the worst buccaneer ever cursed as the Terror of the Sea. LIZETTE: Oh! SILAS: Then somebody wakes me up, and I find I’m lonely me!

I wish I was anybody else but me anyone at all would do, it’s awf’ly discouraging being me when I might have been you or you! I might have been a Rural Dean or the Emp’ror of Siam. I can’t help thinking who I might have been if I wasn’t who I am!

SILAS rushes around to take up his position for the dance. DANCE. SILAS: Then somebody wakes me up, and I find I’m only me!

I wish I was anybody else but me any one at all would do! It’s awf’ly discouraging being me when I might have been you or you!


I might have been a Rural Deam or the Emp’ror of Siam I can’t help thinking what I might have been brilliantly witty something in the City isn’t a pity I’m not even very pretty oh I wish I wasn’t me but I am!

No. 7 “Southern Moon”


Cue: ETIENNE: There, there! I’m only joking…. Au’vour, Adah, auvour. (Exit.)

ADAH: Fate! Give me a sign, and tell me: will the man I love be true to me? Shall I find he still returns my tender passion or is he soon to prove how faithless men can be?

Oh say forever more he’ll love me, and will never ,never let me go! Oh, Fate be kind! I’ll hear no other answer for I’m lost, I cannot dare not know! ‘Neath a Southern Moon our love was warm and tender bright as summer noon beside a Southern Sea! ‘Neath the dreamy shade of palms in tropic splendor, every perfume laden breeze would sigh with me! Golden Southern shore where once we loved to wander, are you ever more to haunt my memory? Fate! Be kind and give a sign: is he true, this man of mine? I pray that soon the Southern Moon will shine again on my love and me.

ADAH moves to the door of the house and exits into the house.

No. 8 “Zing, Zing!”

(MARIETTA & CHORUS) Cue: ETIENNE: Bras Pique?... I never heard such nonsense. Now don’t let’s have any more talk of pirates, listen! The Italians! Come, let’s give them a welcome! And make it gay or I shall think I’ve landed in some dull Yankee town instead of happy Orleans!

FELICE comes running in.

FELICE: What do you think? Rudolfo’s found his little son! FANCHON: What, Rafaello? FELICE: Rafaello! Isn’t it wonderful? Enter RUDOLFO and MARIETTA.

CHORUS: Viva Rudolfo! Bravo the Italians! (etc.) MARIETTA: My heart belongs to Napoli, to Napoli dear Napoli! And in dreams I’m home in Napoli, singing happily, oh so happily! The mandolinas play so sweet it’s grand to hear the dancing feet Along the Toledo down ev’ry street, Napoli, Napoli, Napoli! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” The live long day! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” those mandolinas play! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” ev’rybody singing all their cares away! “La-la-la,la-la-la!” Life’s so gay when you sing “Tra-la-la-la-sing,sing-hey!”


CHORUS: “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” The live long day! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” those mandolinas play! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” ev’rybody singing all their cares away! “La-la-la,la-la-la!” Life’s so gay when you sing “Tra-la-la-la-sing,sing-hey!” MARIETTA sings obligato.

No. 9 “Finale Act 1”


Cue: ETIENNE: Have I not the honour of addressing the Contessa d’Altena?.... ADAH: The missing Casket Girl! ‘Tis she! MARIETTA: No! No! No! No! I’m Rudolfo’s son Rafaello! ADAH: Pray forgive me, Contessa, but I must disagree! ETIENNE: To the castle come with me! MARIETTA to DICK: Oh save me my friend! DICK to RUDOLFO: Defend your son, Rudolfo! Come, man! Speak up! RUDOLFO: Si! Si! She is my son! MARIETTA to RUDOLFO: Oh! Father! RUDOLFO: Indeed she is my son! MARIETTA: Oh, Father dear! DICK: Rudolfo’s son! Yes, his son! ETIENNE: You don’t deceive me! It’s too absurd! CHORUS: He says “she” is his son! How can “she” be his son? MARIETTA: Oh Padre! Padre Mio! Oh, Padre! Padre mio! GOVERNOR: Oh dear! Oh dear! We’ve got a problem here! ADAH: The situation’s very clear. MARIETTA to RUDOLFO: Oh, la, Papa! See how misbelieving people are! They must distrust ev’rything we say its most unjust! Caro mio! Ev’rybody knows I’m Rafaello! Please dear Father, won’t you tell them you would rather not discuss it anymore. I’m not the one they’re looking for! ADAH: ‘Tis she! ‘Tis she!


DICK: You see! You see! RUDOLFO: Si! Si! EITENNE: ‘Tis she! ‘Tis she! GOVERNOR: Dear me! Dear me! ADAH: Clear as clear can be! You’ll see! You’ll see! It’s true! Don’t let me go! No, don’t let her go! No, no! DICK: He is not a “she” quite definitely! Agree with me. You are in the wrong undoubtedly! I know! ‘tis so! Nothing you can do but let him go! You must let him go! Let him go! ETIENNE: I’ll guarantee and she must be under lock and key I know! I know! ‘twould not do to let her go! I can’t let her go! No, no! RUDOLFO: Mt Rafaello, she come home to me! Not “she” but “he”. That’s a right! Si,si,si! Figlio mio, I promise you they’ll let you go! You’re my Rafaello! Figlio! GOV.: Here’s trouble I can see! Dear me! Dear me! Why do they have to bother me? As though I’d know Who’s who? It’s touch and go! I don’t really know! No, no! MARIETTA: I’m a “he” and not a “she”. Padre mio, do not leave me! Nothing they can do but let me go! They must let me go by now they surely ought to know. I am your son Rafaello! CHORUS: Now what fun there’ll be! You just wait and see! Who’s who? It’s touch and go! They don’t really know! No,no! ETIENNE: Governor you must hold the maid! To do your duty, try! GOV.: In due course give me time by and by. CHORUS MOCKING THE GOV: “By and by!” ETIENNE: If the King of France is not obeyed, he’ll want to know the reason why! GOV.: Wait a while let me think by and by. CHORUS: “By and by!” RUDOLFO: My Rafaello! Figlio! My Rafaello! Caro mio!

Mi figlio! My Rafaello! Caro mio!


DICK: No doubt at all! It is his son! Rudolfo’s son it’s plain to see! MARIETTA: Padre mio! I’m Rafaello! Your long lost son it’s plain to see! CHORUS: Give him time! Let him think! ETIENNE: The missing maid its plain to see! GOV.: By and by give me time. Let me think we shall see! THREE/FOUR ITALIAN MEN: She’s Rafaello! Si! Rafaello! To take his son you would not dare!

We mean to see fair play!

MARIETTA: Padre! Padre! ADAH: No! No! DICK: Truly! Surely! ETIENNE: No! No! GOV.: By and by! Let me think! CHORUS: Yes/No, No/Yes! RUDOLFO: Caro mio! My Rafaello! Mio figlio! ETIENNE: She must be arrested immediately! ADAH: You must take her to the Castle! I know ‘tis she! RAFAELLO: I’ve no doubt its Rafaello! GOV.: You must give me time! Wait a while! CHORUS: Will they take her/him to the castle? Now who can say? MARIETTA: Oh save me! ITALIANS: She’s Rafaello! Si! Rafaello! Radolfo’s son and heir, we swear you’ll never take away! MARIETTA: Padre! Save me! Don’t let them me away! ADAH: No! No! To the castle! To the castle! Take her away! DICK: Plainly! Clearly! With his Papa he must stay! RUDOLFO: Caro mio! With your papa you shall stay! ETIENNE: No! No! Come! To the castle I must take her away! GOV.: Let me think! By and by! I’ll make up my mind some other day! CHORUS: No/Yes! No/Yes! Will they take him/her to the castle? Who can say?


GOV.: The King of France is far away! I really don’t know what to say! ETIENNE: Arrest her now! No more delay! GOV.: This is enough to turn me grey. [He struggles to make up his mind, but gives up in despair.]

GOV.: I’ll decide some other day. ETIENNE: No, no, no, no, no, no, no! MARIETTA: Ah!!!!! ITALS.: Yes, she’s Rafaello!

ADAH: No! DICK: Truly! CHORUS: No/Yes! ADAH: No! You must take her to the Castle! I know ‘tis she! No! No! DICK: Surely! I’ve no doubt it’s Rafaello! RUDOLFO: Caro mio! My Rafaello! Mio figlio! ETIENNE: No! She must be arrested immediately! No! GOV.: Let me think! You must give me time! Wait a while! Let me think! ITALS. : Si! Rafaello! To take his son you would not dare we mean to see fair play!

She’s Rafaello! Si! Rafaello!

CHORUS: Yes! Will they take him/her to the castle? Now who can say? Yes/No! No/Yes! ETIENNE: Now to the castle I must take her to the castle. I must take her away take her away! Taker her away! RUDOLFO: Cara mio! With your papa, figlio mio, with your papa with your papa you shall stay yes, you shall stay! Yes, you shall stay!

ITALS.: Rudolfo’s son and heir, we swear, you’ll never take away! No, no! His son you dare not take away! We’ll see fair play! We’ll see fair play! GOV.: up my mind by and by by and by! Some other day! Some other day! DICK: Plainly! Clearly! I tell you that with his papa he must stay yes, he must stay! Yes, he must stay! ADAH: To the castle! To the castle! You must take her to the castle! Take her away! Take her away! Away! Away! Take her away! Take her away!


CHORUS: Will they take her/him to the castle? Will they take her/him to the castle or let her stay? Take him/her away or let him/her stay? We cannot say! We cannot say! MARIETTA: Ah!!!! RUDOLFO and MARIETTA make their escape.

General reaction from everybody.



No. 10 “Prelude & Opening Act II (Scene 1)”


Scene 1: The Marionette Theater CURTAIN

RUDOLFO: May I present Pierette Pierrot? MARIETTA: How do you do? RUDOLFO: Harlequin, bow to the lady so! MARIETTA: I’m charmed to meet you! Padre , you’ve made me so happy here! RUDOLFO: “Figlia mia” that’s you, my dear! MARIETTA: Now you are just being kind ,I fear! RUDOLFO: No, cara mia I’m quite sincere! MARIETTA: Oh, it’s lovely to be so contented and free! All my life people have said: “Never do that, but do this

instead!” Don’t go here; better go there; these are the clothes you must wear!” Here, with you, free as the breeze! Never spent happier days than these doing the things that I like to do, exactly the way I please! –doing the things that I like to do, exactly the way I please! RUDOLFO: Youth must be free; tyranny rightly you resisted; now have no fear happy the home that we two can share! Here are you free as the breeze very much happier days are these doing the things that I like to do, exactly the way you please! DANCE.

MARIETTA: All my life people have said: “Never do that, but do this instead!” Don’t go here; better go there; these are the clothes you must wear!” Here, with you, free as the breeze! Never spent happier days than these doing the things that I like to do, exactly the way I please! –doing the things that I like to do, exactly the way I please!


RUDOLFO: Youth must be free; tyranny rightly you resisted; now have no fear happy the home that we two can share! Here are you free as the breeze very much happier days are these doing the things that I like to do, exactly the way you please!

No. 11 “Marry a Marionette”


Cue: ETIENNE:… to let them twist us round their little finger! ETIENNE: A man who’s man has the courage to face any foe, on land or on sea;

yet he kneels to a bundle of satin and lace the reason’s as plain as can be; we valiant males are but puppets, that’s all as we laugh, or we sigh or we sing; if we creep or we crawl, if we stand or we fall, it’s the woman that’s pulling the string! Oh, a man is a man do what he can, whatever his breed or birth; And a maid is a maid, and she isn’t afraid of the manliest man on earth! If you’re such a fool as to hope you can rule the woman you’re planning to get, Why then, by old Harry, be sure, when you marry, you marry a marionette that’s all! You must marry a marionette! A man who’s a man has the strength to defy any danger, dread though it be; Yet he surrenders at once if a girl winks an eye it’s really no mystery to me; A man believe he’s Number One and it’s true till the moment the wedding bells ring; Ere the honeymoon’s through he becomes Number Two and the lady is pulling the string! Oh, a man is a man do what he can, whatever his breed or birth; And a maid is a maid, and she isn’t afraid of the manliest man on earth! If you’re such a fool as to hope you can rule the woman you’re planning to get, Why then, by old Harry, be sure, when you marry, you marry a marionette that’s all! When a husband’s the boss you can bet he’s married marionette!

No. 12 “Melodrama”


Cue: GRAZIELLA: The room’s empty –Marietta’s not there! Non-singing.

RUDOLFO: (Astounded) Not there? But she must-a be there! GRAZIELLA: Well she isn’t She’s gone. RUDOLFO: Gone? Where? How? GRAZIELLA: I don’t know where –but I can guess how. [The window is open.]

RUDOLFO: The window! Santa Maria! Quick! Run and look for her –mebbe she not very far yet! I must tell Capitano! You go-quick-run!



Frenziedly scattering a number of Ball, Dresses, etc. RUDOLFO eventually finds his cloak and makes to dash off after

GRAZIELLA. Just as reaches the door, however, he comes to a sudden stop. He stares suspiciously at the marionette

stage. He strides up to it, dives behind the drapes, passes right behind the little stage, and emerges on the other

side. Disappointed, he shrugs.

RUDOLFO: So she really has gone uh?... There’ll be just one hell-a to pay! (Exit.)

Lifting lower curtain. MARIETTA crawls from beneath the marionette stage.

MARIETTA: “One thing certain, Marietta, she must not go to the Ball tonight! You know what that New Orleans Club is like…”. Well Marietta she is going to the Ball tonight –so there! She pushes the puppets over, runs and picks up a domino and a mask.

Next she searches among the scattered Ball dresses till she finds the one she wants. Waltzing around with it, she

finally strikes a pose, centerstage, and sings a final “la-la-la” to the music.

MARIETTA: Lalalalala! Curtain.

No. 13 “Intermezzo: The Dream Melody” (Instrumental)

No. 14 “Opening Act II (Scene 2)”



Scene 2: The New Orleans Club CHORUS: Chances taking wagers making, life is just a gamble try your luck come on and play! Dicebox shaking, fortunes staking, join the frantic scramble get rich quick, the easy way!


DICE PLAYER: A thousand! The CHORUS look towards DICE-PLAYERS’ table.


DICE PLAYER: I double! 1

ST DICE PLAYER: I’ll take you!

FIRST DICE PLAYER throws dice.




CHORUS: Winner! (To 1


Loser! Pay, pay,pay! Loser! (To 2ND



Winner! Play, play, play! Winner! (To 1ST


Loser! Pay, pay,pay! Loser! (To 2ND


Winner! Play, play, play! (To 1ST


Poker faces, deuces, aces, life is just a gamble try your luck come on and play! Care a band on! Back your hand an’ join the frantic scramble get rich quick the easy way! The CHORUS look towards CARD PLAYERS’s table.


CARD PLAYER: My cotton! 2

ND CARD PLAYER: My mistress!


ST CARD PLAYER: I’ll see you!


ND CARD PLAYER shows his hand and FIRST shows his.


CARD PLAYER: I lose! 2


CHORUS: Winner! (To 1


Loser! Pay, pay, pay! Loser! (To 2ND


Winner! Play, play, play! Winner! (To 1ST


Loser! Pay, pay, pay! Loser! (To 2ND


Winner! Play, play, play! (To 1ST


ALL laugh gaily.

No. 15 “Falling in Love with Someone”


Cue: ETIENNE: I must attend to the guests. (Exits.) DICK: (Quietly to himself. Non-singing. ) “No time for romance”… It used to be true. Now I’d better face to what’s happening to me the man whose aim in life was single blessedness!” Nothing to be done about it…. I might just as well admit to the whole world. DICK: That I’m falling in love with someone, someone girl in love with a certain someone,

heart a whirl! And I’m certain that certain someone soon will see that she too, has fallen for someone and tell me that someone is me! Never felt such a wonderful feeling before this

sense of intense jubilation; my heart’s beating strangely, each hour more with frantic romantic elation! I fondly imagined that I was the sort who’d spurn it as mere self deception; but I was a fool for to Life’s Golden Rule I know now that I’m no exception ‘cos I’m falling in love with someone, someone girl in love with a certain someone, heart a whirl! And I’m certain that certain someone soon will see that she too has fallen for someone and tell me that someone is me!


No. 16 “New Orleans”

(ENSEMBLE) Cue: ETIENNE…. The Belles of New Orleans! WOMEN (Sop. & Alto): New Orleans! A lover’s Paradise! New Orleans! So naughty, and so nice! If a boy invites us to see the sights, why should we need ask twice! Through the price be notoriety still the spice of life’s variety! Love’s a carousel you can ride pell-mell with a Belle of New Orleans! FIRST MAN: Magnifique! SECOND MAN: Unique! THIRD MAN: Angelique! FOURTH MAN: Tropique! WOMEN (Sop. & Alto): Très chic! Oh, la, la, très chic! CHORUS: New Orleans! So naughty and so nice is indeed a Southern lover’s paradise! Flashing eyes of dark señoritas can conquer a man with their glance! Chiquitas Lolitas and Ritas are maidens just made for romance! They’ve away with gay caballeros those fans and those Spanish refrains! Cachuchas fandangos, boleros the music exclusively Spain’s! MEN (Tenor and Bass): Belles of San Domingo dance the Cuban way, Making every gringo want to swing and sway! Beauties from Havana, dancing their beguines,

show Louisiana just what rhythm means. Ah! WOMEN (Sop. & Alto): Mais voilá! Oh la la! They’re from Paree as you can see!

They have the carefree air the joiedevie! Ah, oui, oui, oui! They are from gay Paree! Debonair and sans souci, they have the flair, the bonhomie, so “laisez faire!” They’re from Paree!

CHORUS: They’re from Paree as you can see! They have the carefree air, the joiedevie!

Ah, oui, oui, oui! They are from gay Paree! Debonair and sans souci, they have the flair, the bonhomie, so “laisez faire!” They’re from Paree! Quelles belles! Now that you have seen them, tell a fella how to choose between them!

Très chic! Unique! Magique! Tropique! Le bon physique! C’est magnique! New Orleans! A lover’s Paradise! New Orleans! So naughty, and so nice! If a boy invites us to see the sights, why should we need asking twice? New Orleans so naughty and so nice is indeed a Southern lover’s Paradise!

No. 17 “By and By”


Cue: LIZETTE:… shows I must have a very beautiful nature! LIZETTE: I’m just a little innocent, demure as I can be; No Casanova gets the least encouragement from me! To all the lusty lovers who pursue me day and night I simply say; “Unhand me, pray; I wait for Mister Right!”


By and by , by and by, bI’ll find the man I’ve dreamed about and catch his roving eye; Then we’ll sigh, he and I and know that from that moment on no others need apply! We’ll build a little nest for two; like turtle doves we’ll bill and coo; But if he tries to turn cuckoo my will feathers fly!

Can’t deny I rely on Mister Right appearing by and by! I’m pretty sure that I could be the pride, the joy, the life of any man who said to me: “I want you for my wife.” But when a villain leers, and gives his black moustache a twirl, With great hauter I say, “You cur! I’m not that sort of girl!”. By and by , by and by, I’ll find the man I’ve dreamed about and catch his roving eye; Then we’ll sigh, he and I and know that from that moment on no others need apply! As happy as the day is long, our married life will be a song; If Mister Right does Missus wrong she’ll leave him and dry!

Can’t deny I rely on Mister Right appearing by and by! Dance.

I’ll find my Perfect Husband by and by! Bye-bye!

No. 18 “Live for Today”


Cue: ADAH: Your good friend – go home with him! MARIETTA: No! Why should I be robbed of all the joy and excitement of life? All the time people say to me: “No, no Marietta, you are too young, too young! But it is while I am young that I want to dance, to sing and to fall in love! The years pass so quickly why do you want me to miss all the fun! How can it be better for me to be sad and lonely? Singing.

MARIETTA: Would you say to the rose budding in the spring: “The sunlight is not for you turn away from the joy golden hours bring stay be shadowed all your little life time through”? Ah, no Let the rose bloom in summer time for in autumn the petals must fall ; let me too, be gay while I may, today, youth passes away once for all. Is ETIENNE: Ah,no! Let the rose have it’s summer time! Let’s be gay while we may today, youth passes away once for DICK: all. Beyond recall, beyond recall! ADAH: Would you say to the rose budding in the spring; “The sunlight ,sunlight is not for you turn away from the joy golden hours bring stay be shadowed all your little life time through” MARIETTA: Ah! “Stay be shadowed all your little time through.” Ah! DICK: Ah, how could I say to a rose in spring? “Stay be shadowed all your life through?” ETIENNE: Ah, how could I say to a rose in spring? “Stay be shadowed all life through?”

ADAH: Ah, no! Let the rose bloom in summertime, for in autumn the petals must fall!


DICK: Ah, no! Let the rose bloom in summertime! ETIENNE: Ah, no! Let the rose bloom in summertime! MARIETTA: Ah! Let me too be gay while I may today youth passes away once for a while beyond the recall, beyond the recall! ADAH: Let’s be gay today youth passes away once for all beyond recall, beyond recall! DICK: Let’s be gay today youth passes away once for all beyond recall, beyond recall!

ETIENNE: Let’s be gay today youth passes away once for all beyond recall, beyond recall! ENSEMBLE: Live for today! Live for today! Tomorrow’s a long way away!

Life’s but begun so, bask in the sun and laugh and love while you may! Ah! Life is sweet! Joy is complete as long as you’ve happy and gay; Love songs are sung while we are young, so live for today, today!

DICK: True, a maid, like a rose, must bloom in the sun, and laugh while the skies are blue but laughter’s not all some tears must fall flowers need summer showers too! ADAH: But youth must surrender to love warm and tender. ETIENNE: While youth has its fling, romance shall be king! ENSEMBLE: Fulfilling the promise of spring summer shall bring rapture, and love shall be King! ENSEMBLE & CHORUS: Live for today! Live for today! Tomorrow’s a long way away!

Life’s but begun so, bask in the sun and laugh and love while you may! Ah! Life is sweet! Joy is complete as long as you’ve happy and gay; Love songs are sung while we are young, so live for today, today!

Yes! Let’s be happy and gay while we may! Yes! Let us laugh, love and live for today, today! No. 19 “Reprise: Falling in Love with Someone”

(MARIETTA AND DICK) Non-singing.

Cue: DICK: Yes, Marietta…something has happened to me….something is till happening to me…and I’m hoping it will happen to someone else too… Singing.

DICK: For I’m falling in love with someone, someone girl in love with a certain someone, heart a whirl! DICK & MARIETTA: And I’m certain that certain someone soon will see that he/she, too, has fallen for someone and tell me that someone is me! Non-singing.

DICK: So you see, Marietta, you were quite right. I’m not your good friend anymore. I’m something quite different.


MARIETTA: Something much more wonderful. DICK: To be in love’s the most wonderful thing in the world. MARIETTA: I was right about something else. I don’t just ‘like’ you any more, you see it’s happened to me too. Singing.

DICK & MARIETTA: And I’m certain that certain someone soon will see that he/she, too, has fallen for someone and tell me that someone is me!

No. 20 “A Quiet Life”

(SOLO OF SILAS) Cue: SILAS: Some men are never happy unless they’re looking for trouble! SILAS: Adventurers and heroes have bestridden ev’ry age;

in hist’ry book their doughty deeds loom large on every page; from Caesar to Columbus, from Rob Roy to Captain Kidd, they’ve done things I’d have liked to do, but somehow never did. I used to dream I’d fight my way, with gory sword to fame; If I’d the chance, today, I’d say: “No thank you, all the same!” A quiet life, the simple life, for me; a mossy pillow ‘neath a willow tree! I’d settle for a humble little home and wouldn’t grumble if it was a trifle tumble down and “twee”. I never really cared for desert sand; I’d cope without a far off coral strand; And not yohoa roving going o’er the rolling sea instead I’ll have the vicar in to tea A quiet life, the simple life for me! Bugles sound, and battle bound, the Legion rides again, A skirl of pipes and Hielan’ types go kilting through the glen, A war cry the Hawk eye Injuns off to hunt for scalps, A tuba blows and Hannibal knows he’s got to cross those Alps. For me, “To Arms!” has lost it’s charms; my blood’s no longer stirred; A rippling stream’s soft music seems so much to be preferred. A peaceful life, the country life, for me! The buzzing of the busy bumble bee! Let pirates plot and pillage in some far, forgotten village. I’ll sit on me bott undiligent and free! They say this Frenchie Bonaparte’s declared his plans for conqu’ring England are prepared; But him I’ll leave to Nelson, I’ll say “We’ll, son you’ll agree Old England will expect a victory or else there’ll be no quiet life for me! DANCE.

SILAS dances off.

No. 21 “Finale Act II”


Cue: SILAS: To the Calaboose in the Rue Toulose! SILAS is bustled off by the GUARDS, followed by LIZETTE.


Exeunt GOVERNOR & FLORENZ to ballroom.



NANETTE: Oh, Marietta you look simply lovely! MARIETTA: Please may I just have one moment, alone? FANCHON: Of course we understand. Exeunt NANETTE & FANCHON.

FELICE: You know, Marietta, you’re making a very big mistake. Captain Dick has set Adah free. MARIETTA: Set her free? FELICE: He only bought her to give her, her freedom. It’s you he loves. Exit FELICE.

MARIETTA covers her face with her hands.

Enter DICK.

DICK: Ah, sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found thee! Ah I know at last the secret of it all! All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning, the burning hopes, the joy, and idle tears that fall!

MARIETTA: Ah, at last I hear my dream melody! DICK: For ‘tis love and love alone the world is seeking; and ‘tis love and love alone that can repay! MARIETTA: ‘Tis love! ‘tis love! ‘Tis love! ‘tis love! DICK & MARIETTA: ‘Tis the answer, ‘tis the end and all of living, for it is love alone that rules for aye! Enter ETIENNE with LT. GOVERNOR, FRIENDS, GIRLS.

ETIENNE: What’s this? My bride? MARIETTA: Not yours, M’sieur! He has sung my song, and I know he is my true love, yes my true love! Enter HARRY, with SILAS, LIZETTE and DICK’S MEN.


DICK: Ah, you’re just in time Harry! Everything go according to plan? HARRY: Aye-aye sir! SILAS: I was never in and out of a jail so quick in my life!


DICK: And now, Monsieur Grandet, alas Bras Pique. You shall answer to the Governor of New Orleans. Not this miserable counterfeit –but to Governor Lefarge! I’m well aware he’s detained by your orders on the Island of Pines; you shall accompany the rescue party under arrest! ETIENNE: Indeed, Captain? Enter PIRATES. The two opposing groups cover each other with pistols.

ETIENNE: May I suggest a truce? DICK: A truce? ‘Tis granted and you may thank my bride to be! DICK & MARIETTA: Ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I’ve found thee! Ah! Ah! I know at last the secret of it all! All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning, the burning hopes,

the joy and idle tears fall! For it’s love and and love alone the world is seeking, And ‘tis love and love alone that can repay! ‘Tis the answer ‘tis the end and all of living, For it is love alone that rules for aye! PRINCIPALS sing with CHORUS according to voice.

MARIETTA: Ah! CHORUS: Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” The live long day! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” those mandolinas play! “Zing, zing, zing-a-zing-a-zing!” ev’rybody singing all their cares away! “La-la-la,la-la-la!” Life’s so gay when you sing “Tra-la-la-la!” Every day! CURTAIN.

No. 22 “First Curtain Call”


Principals sing with CHORUS.

CHORUS: Ah, sweet mystery of life, at last I’ve found thee! Ah! Ah! I know at last the secret of it all! All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning, the burning hopes,

the joy and idle tears fall! For it’s love and and love alone the world is seeking, And ‘tis love and love alone that can repay! ‘Tis the answer ‘tis the end and all of living, For it is love alone that rules for aye!

No. 23 “Second Curtain Call”


ALL: For I’m falling in with someone, someone girl in love with a certain someone heart a whirl. And I’m certain that certain someone soon will see that she too has fallen for someone and tell me that someone is me!




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