naturopathy - what is naturopathic medicine?

Post on 19-May-2015






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Are you looking for an alternative form of medicine that can help you with an ailment that you are currently dealing with? Pseudoscientific medicine is becoming more popular, providing a viable alternative for many people. Naturopathy focuses upon what is called the vital force, specifically looking at adaptation, growth, reproduction and metabolism.


Naturopathy - What Is Naturopathic


Are you looking for an alternative form of medicine that can help you with an ailment that you are currently dealing with? Pseudoscientific medicine is becoming more popular, providing a viable alternative for many people.

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Naturopathy focuses upon what is called the vital force, specifically looking at adaptation, growth, reproduction and metabolism. It is a holistic way of helping people to feel better without using drugs or surgery.

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Understanding Naturopathic

MedicineThe father of naturopathic medicine, Benedict Lust, popularized this form of medicine which was revived back in the 1970s. Part of the holistic health movement, it is practiced in the US and also in Canada. More info on:

Three Categories of Naturopathic

MedicineThere are three different categories associated with naturopathic medicine. There are traditional naturopaths, naturopathic physicians, as well as some medical practitioners that also provide naturopathic services. More info on:

The physicians stay within the context of what is called conventional medical practices. They use herbal medicine, on different types of counseling, and remedial massage for the treatments that they provide.

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The Practice of Naturopathic


There is a term that is often used called vitalism, referring to the energy that guides bodily processes. The diagnosis of any disease using this form of natural healing surrounds the fact that the body can naturally heal itself.

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In Contrast To Science

Scientists are the first to disagree with this form of medicine because there is no empirical evidence to support that it actually has tangible supporting evidence to show that it actually works.

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Doctors will obviously discount this type of natural medical help for the same reasons. Fortunately, thousands of people have been helped by this particular type of medical practice, which is why it's still is practiced today.

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Consultations and Recovery

When you meet with a naturopathic doctor, they will do a quick consultation. They will do a physical examination looking at physical features, your emotional tone, your existing medical history and the lifestyle that you currently lead.

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Although it is always recommended that you still see your regular physician for ailments and problems that need medical attention, naturopathic medicine can provide an alternative way of looking at your current situation and provide you with alternatives that may be able to help you resolve some medical conditions.

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As long as you are able to continue with your regular doctor's prescriptions, and do what they have recommended, you can also use naturopathy as additional help to allow you to recover from illnesses that you may be suffering from.

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