natural dog health guide 2

Post on 27-Jan-2017






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Complete Dog Health Guide



A Complete guide about dog’s health, nutrition and diseases.

Complete Dog Health Guide

INDEXDog Health Tail

Dog Health Lump

Dog Health Nose

Dog Health not Eating

Dog Health Insurance

Complete Dog Health Guide

Dog Health Tail 


A dogs tail can sometimes be an indicator of a dog’s health. Sometimes you may find that the tail of your dog is giving him pain. It may be due to serious injury or it may be due to something not serious at all. For example, the dog’s tail may get hurt at the time you are closing

your door while your dog remain inside, but his tail is not. In such case, if no extremity happens, the problem may only last long for short term period.

Your dog’s tail can attract the insects to climb and bite the softest tip and give them a pain sensation in return. In some cases, this biting can turn out to be infectious and may need a critical veterinary attention. The vet may prescribe antibiotic medications and nursing. If your dog’s anal sac catches any sort of infection, it may also cause the dog to cling down the tail so that it can protect the infected area.


In some cases, when the dog becomes fearful, he may hold down his tail, since the position of tail is a clear indicator of a dog’s communicative cues. If the dog is suffering from back pain or back injury, or if he is suffering from generalized fatigue problem from metabolic health problem or neuromotor problem.


If the dog tail is limp, it may be a serious concern to meet the vet. If the dog is experiencing limber tail syndrome or ‘cold water tail’, the dog’s tail goes limp and then falls down from the original tail base. Sometimes, it just goes straight horizontally and then hangs down. The dog feels absolutely uncomfortable about this condition, however, it sometimes not a serious

Complete Dog Health Guide

issue of concern. Limber tail syndrome usually occurs due to excessive workouts, swimming in extreme cold or hot water and heavy hunting.

Dog Health LumpA lump is a common health issue for a dog. It can develop for a variety of reasons such as insect biting or stinging, formation of abscesses, hematomas, swelling in soft tissues, and malignant tumors. If your dog is experiencing lump, chances are there that he is suffering from tumor. Studies say that nearly two third of these tumors are benign.

When you have found a lump on your dog’s skin, you should take him to the vet. The vet takes two issues under consideration: whether the lump needs

any sort of surgical removal or not, and if it needs surgical intervention, whether it needs further medication or not. In some cases, the dog lump is so evidently benign that the vet even does not bother for a biopsy.

If your dog is diagnosed with lump, doctors put a great effort in examining the lump with regard to its size, appearance and position. In addition, doctors critically examine local lymph nodes if there is any sign of metastasis. Benign tumors typically develop slowly and are subject to a little change over time. It causes the dog much lesser trouble. On the other hand, malignant lamp usually grows faster and within a few weeks it turns out to be critical.

Complete Dog Health Guide

Benign lumps can be categorized under different heads – skin tags and naevi, papillomas and warts, sebaceous cysts, sebaceous hyperplasia, basal cell tumor, histiocytoma, and lipoma. On the other hand, malignant cell lumps can be categorized under the following heads – squamous cell carcinoma, melanomas, and mast cell


A dog lump problem is integrally associated with aging. Most of the cases, it is not so complicated or critical and it is not life-threatening as well. Although in most of the cases, it is not risky, but you should consult to the vet, once you find any lumps on your dog’s body.

Dog Health Nose

There is a ‘warm nose myth’ in the air that makes a pet owner to believe that his dog might not be feeling well. When the dog’s nose is dry and warm, one may consider this as a symptom of bad health for the dog and the owner becomes desperate to see a cold and wet nose of his dog. But this is all myth. There is no reality in it.

The fact is: dog heath can not be determined by its nose condition. It is absolutely natural that the nose changes its

Complete Dog Health Guide

dry-wet condition. Admitted that changes in the nose structure, whether it is crusty or flaky, or if it changes its color, well, it is certainly a matter of concern and you need to take your dog to the vet.

It is also true that a dog will experience a dry nose along with couple of other symptoms if he is suffering from any sort of illnesses. But

solely a dry nose is not a symptom of bad health for a dog and it is nothing serious to be worried of. If you find your dog to reveal symptoms like loss of appetite, diarrhea, loss of energy, vomiting, and so on.

Changing nose health of dog can sometimes be a serious issue of concern and you need to take a great care of the dog, right from taking the dog to the vet to personal care. If your dog is experiencing contact sensitivity, then he may catch allergies from plastics and dyes that may leave trace on to the nose and muzzles of the dog. So avoid using plastics and switch to stainless steel or ceramic bowels.

Apart from that, nasal discharge, black spots over the nose area and sunburn can cause serious problem. So you must seek help from vets whenever you find your dog experiencing such complications.

Complete Dog Health Guide

Dog Health not Eating

Imagine a situation, when suddenly you have found that your beloved dog is not eating properly or the dog has dramatically decreased his actual level of food consumption. This can be a serious issue of concern and thus you should bring it to the immediate attention to your vet, if it persists for quite a long time.

Sometimes it may be possible that the dog becomes so upset or depressed, that it stops consuming food or even if it consumes, the quantity becomes significantly low. Assume a situation, say your dog is very close to your child and your child went for a school holiday vacation. It is very likely that your dog may refuse to eat in sufficient amount till your child comes back again. They are like humans. They have pain, but they can not express in human


When the dog is not eating due to psychological reasons, it may not last longer and when the dog is able to come out from his depression, the eating problem gets over. In most of the cases, a depressed dog typically does not vomit due to depression.

But when the problem is due to physiological reasons, the causes may be varied. Some dietary malfunction, parasitical infection, viral and bacterial infections and so on. If you find your dog not eating for a prolonged period of time, it is high time to meet your vet immediately. When you take your

Complete Dog Health Guide

dog to the vet, the doctor will examine for the causes behind its loss of appetite and reason behind vomiting with the help of different diagnostic procedures.

Whatever be the reason, if the problem persists for quite a longer period of time, you must not be late taking your lovely friend to the doctor. Otherwise, it may lead to serious complications for your dog and sometimes it could be life threatening as well.

Dog Health Insurance

Everyone knows the benefit of health insurance and how it comes to handy especially during emergency situations. Like humans, you can apply for your dog health insurance as well to ensure maximum safety for your dogs. It is an essential aid if you really care a lot about your beloved dog. The expenses involved with the insurance entirely depend on the package you are planning to purchase. There is a wide array of options available in the marketplace, so you can choose one best suitable to your needs.

You can also seek advice from your vet about the appropriate plan to consider. It will give you the desired peace of mind and make you happy to think that you can support your dog if

Complete Dog Health Guide

he experiences any sort of health problems. However, dog health insurance is dependent on few important factors such as age, breed and current health status.

When you are buying dog health insurance, you are actually minimizing the risk of spending a lot. If time comes when the dog needs to go through major surgical intervention which costs lots of money, the dog health insurance can offer you a great support. Even if you find your dog in the best shape always, being ready always to meet the unknown and unexpected crisis is no wrong.

Today so many options are open for taking a great care for your pets and certainly dog health insurance is one of the best among them. However, you must be careful while choosing the

appropriate plan for your dog, so that you can receive the highest possible benefit suitable to both budget and requirement.

It is unfortunate even today when so many options are open, that many dog owners do not actually care about buying a dog health insurance for their dogs. Many of them consider it as an unnecessary additional burden at the first place. However, they soon realize when the crisis strikes them at the end. So be

ready to book dog health insurance for your dogs and let them to live safely.

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