national perspective april 18, 2010

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National Perspective April 18, 2010


Sunday, April 18th, 2010 Edition 86 Vol. 2 - Week 35


mutiny aboardthe d&e bus

Bus Passengers fights off armed Guatemalan bandits

Top Left: Luisa Carillo, Top Right: Bus driver, Ernesto

Castillo Jr., Bottom: D&E Bus Continued on page 4

Belizean Man Strangles American Wife

Faces fi rst-degree murder in Westmont Illinois

Belizean: Ian A. Alamilla, 33, of Westmont Illinois (left) is charged with fi rst-degree murder in the strangling death of his estranged wife,

34-year-old Tara Feldman Alamilla.

Drug plane crash lands near Northern Two CayePolice mum on Drug cargo’s whereabouts

Belize City, Thursday, April 15, 2010Belizeans are beginning to fearfully wonder about the fate of what may have been a cargo of cocaine that is unaccounted for from a small plane that crashed in the shallow waters just off the southern end of Northern Two Caye in the Lighthouse Reef Atoll last Thursday night.Belize is the natural home for “wet drops” - cocaine from South America dropped into the sea for collection and transshipment northward, and back in the heady Eighties and early Nineties

“Sea Lotto” was the catch phrase that once signaled that some fortunate fi sherman had happened on a fl oating bale of cocaine and had cashed in. The trade has become increasingly violent, however, as the traffi ckers have taken to exacting terrible sentences of death on those unwary enough to try and steal their cargo when a transaction would go awry.The story is that far out in the Caribbean Sea, on the most remote part of Belize’s World Heritage Barrier Reef, a small plane attempting

Police mum on Drug cargo’s whereabouts

Luisa Carillo, 19 is in the Belize Healthcare Partners Hospital fi ghting for her life after she jumped or was shoved from a moving passenger bus on Sunday night. D & E Bus left Belize City around six on a routine run to Benque Viejo Del Carmen in the Cayo District. There was nothing unusual about the trip and the driver, nineteen year old Ernesto Castillo Jr. had no way of foretelling the drama that would unfold later on the open highway. Castillo stopped at Clarissa Falls to let off some passengers off and soon was back on the highway headed toward

See story on page 3

See story on page 5

Continued on page 3

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 2

Department is in chaos. The Commissioner has lost control of the streets and of his men. Every offi cer is trying to gain favor with the Prime Minister in the hope that they be given promotions. They are aware that the present Commissioner is on borrowed time therefore, no respect is given to his leadership. However, in their zeal to please the Prime Minister, several high ranking police offi cers has resorted to political victimization of PUP

supporters. We say this because Sunday was the fi rst day of the Village Council Elections with two more months to go and as the UDP loses political ground, their cronies and supporters will become more desperate as they realize their hustling days are diminishing. They will provoke PUP supporters and hide behind the Police Department who is only too willing to please this vindictive UDP government. We are very concerned that the situation will become more volatile and will eventually ignite into bloodshed and the police appear naïve as to what the outcome of these clashes will cause. From the reports received, everyone that was present in Douglas Village, including the Police, saw UDP supporters drinking contraband beers in public and yet, this behavior was allowed to continue unchecked. The Police should not have condoned such unlawful behavior, while at the same time, victimize innocent Belizeans simply because they are of a different political persuasion. As a country Belize is regressing politically, socially and economically. There is no sensible discussion on how to improve the lives of Belizeans. What is evolving is an emotional society high on political victimization and partisan politics. There can never be any real progress if there is not a clear direction

on where the country is going whether socially, spiritually or economically. The UDP government’s only solution to the problems facing the country is to pass more laws and hold press conferences. For example, the 2010-2011 Budget was rammed down the throats of Belizeans without any consultation or the usual press conference and fanfare. Belizeans are now being taxed to death with no relief in sight. To add insult to injury they

have set up a project called Horizon 2030 which is just another hustle for a certain UDP crony. Every so often Godwin “Know-it-all” Hulse and Henry “The Devil in Saintly clothes” Gordon are on the media talking about the Constitution claiming they are educating Belizeans. These two hypocrites are actually Senators; Henry Gordon voted in favour of Barrow’s killa

All good intentioned Belizeans were wondering when the Honorable Prime Minister would raise his ugly dictatorial head, as is his main characteristic. Well he has. Firstly, he sent his goons to Nuevo San Juan on Sunday evening to provoke the victorious People’s United Party supporters, who were celebrating the ass whipping infl icted on the UDP at the polls in the 2010 Village Council Election. These UDP goons were fully intoxicated with contraband beers handed out by their UDP representatives in Orange Walk. It must be noted that these contraband beers undermines the Belizean company and compromises the jobs of thousands of Belizeans, because if the government supporters have free access to contraband beers that does not pay tariff, then no one will buy the Belizean beer, thus, putting the Belizean company out of business. As mentioned earlier, these UDPs attacked the jubilant PUP supporters and then went directly to their cohorts, the Police, to fi le complaints which led to the arrest of several innocent PUPs. Secondly, on Wednesday, the Commissioner of Police called a press conference to update the media on crime. All press personnel were frisked to ensure that they were not carrying a camera or tape recorder. This is a fi rst for Belize that a press conference is called and the media is disarmed. In this technological age the Commissioner is placing the media back in the Stone Age. The media should be blamed for enduring that humiliation; they should have protested and boycott the session. The real question is what is the Commissioner of Police afraid of? Maybe he does not want a repeat of the sorry performance on Holy Thursday when he confi rmed to us that he can turn a Prime Minister into a real jackass. Based on the bullshit and lies that was fed to the Belizean people on Holy Thursday, the Commissioner still had the audacity to call another press conference to discuss statistics that refl ect that crime has been reduced since January. That is such a big joke, at a time when bodies are dropping like fl ies in the streets and robberies and home invasions are normal occurrences. Why would the media sit at a press conference where they are censored and are fed a pile of nonsense? As stated before, the media should start boycotting these bogus press conferences especially those that seeks to embarrass them and take the Belizean people for fools. Presently the entire Police

budget in the Senate and Godwin Hulse previously voted for the government to hijack BTL. Both of those actions by these gentlemen have been detrimental to Belize and Belizeans. The new tax-fi lled budget will kill Belizeans economically and the BTL takeover has scared every investor that was looking at investing in Belize. So, these gentlemen need to fi nd the nearest pond and drown themselves. They have betrayed the Belizean people’s

trust and have disgraced themselves and their families in the process. We called out these two gentlemen because they are two UDP operatives that the Prime Minister uses regularly to brainwash the pseudo intellectuals of this country, while at the same time, using the police to bash the grass roots people into submission. As we close, our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the slain caused by a government too inept to act appropriately. We grieve with the mothers and families of those that have lost their loved ones to violence and can only advice that they fi nd solace in the fact that there

is a higher power at work. However, we warn that you believe not for one second that any relief will be forthcoming from this incompetent and corrupt UDP government. We say Rest in Peace to all those that lost their lives since our last publication.

25 Nanche St. Belmopan


Why would the media sit at a press conference where they are censored and are fed a pile of nonsense? As stated before, the media should

start boycotting these bogus press conferences especially those that seeks to embarrass them

and take the Belizean people for fools.


Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 3

Continued from page 1Continued from page 1

to land and refuel on a short dirt landing strip on the speck of an island call Northern Two Caye missed the runway and crashed violently into the shallow waters breaking into several pieces.The strip was lit by solar powered lamps and perhaps there was some fault or perhaps the pilot just mis-judged his height and speed. It would seem that those who waited were unprepared and ill-equipped for underwater crash, rescue and recovery operations that involved night diving and may have abandoned their efforts with the break of day. Or maybe they were spooked by the unfortunate accident.Either way the body of a man presumed to have been the pilot was found floating near the caye by a vacationing angler on Friday. He and his partner informed the police who appeared soon enough and collected the cadaver. The angler and his party apparently did not notice the debris and left the scene in search of other catch, while the police apparently investigated.When they returned the following day Sunday, it was only then that they discovered the disturbed wreckage.The police department made no report to the media as to the plane and its contents, and offered no description of any of their operations in regards to the

incident.The body was transported to the mainland for examination by police medical examiner Dr. Mario Estradabran, who concluded that the cause of death was trauma shock due to multiple blunt and sharp object injuries. The body which was clad in a green shirt, brown pants and brown shoes and which carried a substantial amount of US and Mexican currency was reported buried near the Department’s “Advanced decomposition post mortem facility” located along the Boom-Hattieville Road.On Sunday an ice box was found floating near the north end of Caye Caulker and which contained fourteen parcels of suspected compressed cocaine.Commissioner of Police Crispin Jefferies in answer to a question at a meeting with the media on yesterday afternoon said that the plane’s fuselage had been examined by authorities and there was nothing there. He would not say if they had found anything at all and/or if anything had been removed and/or what had become of it.At press time today the fishermen’s boat, which had been seized by the police, was still impounded.On Tuesday night two young men, 23

year old Kevin Lino and 26 year old Kevin Casanova, both security guards on four days leave from the Maya Rio Development Resort construction site on the Placencia Pennisula were gunned down in Belize City.Both men were shot after meeting someone in their vehicle. Lino died from a shot to the head inside the vehicle while Cassanova was pursued by his assassin and shot in the chest and back of the head as he tried to escape into his sister’s house.There is speculation that the pair may have found something washing ashore from the shipment and were trying to sell it. The killing had all the earmarks of a drug trafficking hit.There is speculation that the police may have some of the cargo. There is speculation that its real owners, a Mexican cartel is trying to get it back.In the past cocaine washing up in Belizeans waters and on our shores usually means a sharp upsurge in gun violence on our streets.Belizeans are left to wonder if there’s even more violence now about to descend on us.

Drug plane crash landsnear Northern Two Caye

Belizean Man Strangles

American Wife

Belizean national Ian Alamilla of 33 years and resident of Westmont Illinois USA have been charged with first-degree murder by Chicago Police after he allegedly strangled and killed his estranged wife, 34 year old Tara Feldman Alamilla, as their three children ages 2, 5 and 11 slept in another room of their home. Authorities allege that an altercation between the couple erupted about 2 a.m. Saturday 10th April in the home where she lived with their three young children. About 5:30 a.m. Saturday, authorities said, Ian Alamilla surrendered to Chicago police at the Central District police station, 1718 S. State St telling investigators that he had a quarrel with his wife and that “someone needs to check on her”. Police contacted Westmont authorities, who drove to the home in the 300 block of South Park Street and found Tara Alamilla unresponsive in the basement. At the time she was found Tara Feldman Alamilla was fully clothed but with visible signs of bruises to her throat. An autopsy conducted certified that she was strangled. Tragically, Tara Alamilla’s life was taken on the birthday of her youngest child. She was the School Program

Continued on page 4

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 4

The climate of terror besetting our jewel shows no sign of letting up as day after day we hear increasingly alarming news of young men being killed, homes being burglarized and business places being robbed. What is even more alarming is that these incidents are now happening in broad daylight and in the full view of many witnesses. There was a time when there was safety in numbers and when folks could feel secure at least in the confi nes of their homes; but not anymore. These brazen criminals invade even the sanctuary of the best fortifi ed residences and as the Prime Minister recently related, it is a “problem that so far is defeating us.” It is a very distressing situation for even the young and able bodied among us, many who now limit their movements and spend more time in the company of television or networking on internet sites like facebook. One can only imagine the extreme stress and trauma experienced by our elderly citizens who live alone and in many instances, are devoid of the expensive security apparatus necessary for safety.The unfortunate reality is that while everyone suffers from the effects of crime, it is no secret that politics has played a prominent role in creating the existing environment. It is widely believed that, leading up to the last general elections in particular; many crimes were actually instigated and encouraged by some politicians to scare the electorate into voting a certain way. What they obviously did not take into account is that even after achieving their end, the situation would persist and come back to haunt them. Many will remember the current Prime Minister at that time, calling for sustained civil unrest. Well Mr. Barrow, is this what you had in mind?After listening to recent proceedings in the House of Representatives, many are left wondering if our parliamentarians are not in fact, imitating the behavior of the hoodlums on the streets; or maybe it is the other way around. The atmosphere of disrespect, name-calling and scurrility among our elected offi cials is appalling and how then, can they expect otherwise from the young people on the streets. They need to understand the need to lead by example.This past weekend saw the beginning of Village Council elections and if what has happened so far is any indication of things to come, we need “band our bellies” and “soak our beards”. A mere eleven out of a total of a hundred and ninety-one villages that will be holding elections over the next couple of months went to the polls this past weekend and at least two saw incidents of violence. Given the current climate of discontent and frustration, coupled with aspirants’ desperate quest for power, one can truly only imagine the possibilities. According to reports, contraband beer was fl owing freely in the north as politicians attempted to infl uence voter decisions. The result was hot heads and drunken brawls and much worse can be expected as the bigger villages

prepare for their turn at the polls. The security forces will be hard pressed to control emotions that are being stirred by politicians desperate to retain control of their positions. One would hope that these politicians

would refrain from the distribution of alcohol until at least after the elections. None can begrudge them the privilege of celebration after the fact but why contribute to an already tense and volatile atmosphere.The reality is that for a long time, village council elections were considered outside of the realm of passionate party politics. To learn now that

political parties are openly presenting and endorsing election slates is disturbing and ridiculous. It further divides and polarizes our nation and creates an environment of discord among members of these small villages;

many of whom are directly related to each other. Many of these villages are comprised of hitherto close knit families and friends who are now being torn apart and destroyed by the cruel arm of politics. Politicians should heed the cry of the people and remove themselves from the whole process of village council elections.Of course, it is very diffi cult, if not

impossible, to keep politics out of these elections when the entire Elections and Boundaries body is controlled by politicians. How can one expect impartiality when the controlling offi cials are staunch political cronies? Alberto August who holds the post of Chairman of the Election and Boundaries Department is an avowed UDP stalwart and even publishes a weekly political organ for the party. He is heard quite often, even after his appointment, extolling the virtues of his party on national radio. Another controlling member of the board is Phillipa Griffi th Bailey who is also

the current Secretary General of the United Democratic Party. These are two very aggressive and controlling personalities who have evidently intimidated and terrorized all other members of the board, including the Chief Elections Offi cer. What we have here is a recipe for disastrous corruption and if left unaddressed, will result in unthinkable mischief. I do not believe that we cannot fi nd within our nation, a few qualifi ed individuals with no commitment or connection to these dominant political parties to serve in these very important positions of trust. The results of the village council elections so far are

showing a turning of the tide. The incumbents have demonstrated that they will stop at nothing to cling to their positions of prestige and power. The course is set for some turbulent times ahead. While in the streets, bodies continue to pile up and living conditions continue to worsen. Oh my little Belize, wherefore goest thou?

A mere eleven out of a total of a hundred and ninety-one villages that will be holding elections

over the next couple of months went to the polls this past weekend and at least two saw

incidents of violence. Given the current climate of discontent and frustration, coupled with

aspirants’ desperate quest for power, one can truly only imagine the possibilities.

Coordinator at the Brookfi eld Zoo.Tara Alamilla fi led for divorce March 25, making no allegations of violence. The couple married in August 2002 in Oak Brook, Illinois the court papers stated. During divorce proceedings, Ian Alamilla had been living several blocks from his wife in Westmont in another suberbAccused Ian Alamilla appeared for a bond hearing Court in DuPage County to face a charge of fi rst-degree murder on Monday 12th April was ordered jailed today on $2 million bail. So far, Alamilla has not been able to raise the mandatory $200,000 dollars or 10% bond to secure bail which in any event he would have to surrender his travel documents to secure his release. “The heartbreaking, senseless loss of life in this case is compounded because it involves three young children who have lost their mother and now see their father accused of taking her life,” DuPage County State’s Attorney Joseph Birkett said.

Continued from page 1

mutiny aboard the d&e bushis fi nal destination. That was when he noticed two passengers making their way to the front of the bus. He turned on the lights and there learnt that the two men weren’t exactly typical passengers. Castillo said that he noticed that one had a grenade and the other had a gun. The man with the gun ordered Castillo to keep driving and then asked for his purse. The conductor handed it over and the gunman made his way to the back of the bus. The grenade man remained on the third step and kept brandishing the grenade. He told the young Castillo that if he made any signs to other drivers that everyone on the bus would die. When they reached Succotz the grenade man ordered Castillo to slow down and to open the door. That was when a passenger kicked the grenade man off the bus. The gunman remained on the bus and proceeded to rob passengers. Luck soon changed for the gunman when his gun jammed as he attempted to shoot. The heroic

passenger, who had earlier kicked the grenade man out of the bus, made his way to the back where he started tussling with the gunman. He was soon joined by the conductor and other passengers who beat and stabbed the gunman multiple times eventually killing him. He has been identifi ed as Wilson Orland Paz Dominguez, a Guatemalan. Police retrieved the stolen purse with the cash as well as the belongings of the passengers from the dead man. During the melee, nineteen year Luisa Carillo apparently jumped off the bus and landed face down and sustained a fractured skull. She was fi rst taken to the Karl Huesner Memorial Hospital and then transferred to the Belize Healthcare Partners Hospital. Doctors are guarded about her prognosis and say that her chance of survival is 50-50 but enhanced by her youth and her good health. The family is asking for assistance with medical expenses. Persons wishing to contribute may contact Luisa’s brother Eswin Carillo at 651-1090 or make contributions to Belize Bank Account number 10558.

Continued from page 3

Belizean Man Strangles

American Wife

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 5


Pretends to care about Black Southside Belizeans

Willfully ignores Barrow & UDP’s Corrupt Practices

Deceives Belizeans into think-ing (His)tory is Belize’s History.


Shots Buss at PM Barrow’s Law Offi cePolice Department imploding; Media Muzzled

Belize City, Thursday, April 15, 2010 Commissioner of Police Crisipin Jefferies called a meeting with members of the media yesterday afternoon at the Raccoon Street Police Station but barred cameras and recording devices from the confab. It was the fourth such meeting called by the Commissioner and the second time he had sought to limit the media’s transcription of the discussion. Ostensibly the meeting was for the Commissioner to present his quarter year crime report statistics, and for the second time in six months that the Compol said the statistics show that reports of crime were down, decreased by 30% when compared

to the same period last year. The skeptical press did not take his word for it but were eager to move on and instead pressed Jefferies on several other issues. The Compol was hardly availing, refusing instead to provide answers to several key questions. Many now question the utility of the exercise and speculate as to the Compol’s true motive other than to enlist the media’s cooperation in improving the relationship between the two. Some speculate that perhaps the Commissioner had been seeking to head off mounting speculation on the growing controversies in which the

Belize Police Department is fi nding itself embroiled. Morale within the ranks is at an all-time low and sinking. The April Fool’s Day press conference at which the Prime Minister and the Commissioner confi rmed that there was corruption within the ranks and told a tale that has proven contradictory in several aspects, has further

exacerbated the disgruntlement in the ranks. On that day the Prime Minister and the Compol described a scenario that involved a police road block, a frightened miscreant, a disappearing driver among other things but a few days later a leaked copy of the daily Sitrep (Situation Report) read: “REPORT NO. 2 ATEMPT ROBBERY 11:15PM 02/04/10 MR. LEE MARK CHANG, 37yrs, D.O.B:

5/9/72, Belizean Businessman of mile 4 Northern Highway, Belize City, reported that on Wednesday 31st March 2010, at approximately 6:00pm whilst at his business establishment in Belmopan he received a call from one of his employees who informed him that two young men of creole descent visited his business places in Belize City namely, CHON SAAN PALACE situated on Kelly Street and questioned the employee as to the operation of the business and that they would return back that same night to rob the establishment. As a result, a Police sting operation was carried out that same night which lead to the detention of JERMAINE PALACIO and JERMAINE MANGAR. A review of the surveillance camera at the business establishment yielded the performance of the suspects namely JERMAINE PALACIO and ERNIE MIRANDA. ACTION TAKEN: Statements were recorded, P/D JERMAINE MANGAR, 28yrs, D.O.B: 4/1/83, Belizean Police Constable of #21 Cran Street, and JERMAINE PALACIO, 24yrs, D.O.B: 25/8/85, Belizean Laborer of #52 Castle Street, Belize City, P/W ERNIE MIRANDA (OPU), M.U.I. by ASP. A. ALVAREZ.” And to add to it, the PM’s and Compol’s assertions that the so-called ring was responsible for the murderous Scotia Bank armed robbery was publicly refuted by both the police press offi cer and Cayo formation commander Senior Superintendent Paul Wade. The grumblings in the ranks soon began to reach a crescendo with line offi cers openly saying that Mangar had been set up by the Inspector Edward “Eddie” Broaster,

Continued on page 18

Compol Jefferies

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 6

This week the Prime Minister told a LOVE FM reporter, that he was forced to admit that his government is at a lost as to what to try next to bring this madness of youth killing youth, under control. With twenty five murders recorded since January, 85% of them in Belize City, what can the government do? What we are seeing are the results of this long line of “injustice” that is finally coming home to haunt us, as “chickens coming home to roost”; we sowed the circumstances that produced this animal that now demands our attention. In last week’s article we advanced

the observation that our criminal justice system in Belize has “inadvertently’ become a part of a “triangle of injustice” that has contributed to the creation of a criminal culture among our youth, and has sent thousands of youths through the revolving doors of the police, court and prison system. In this essay we look at how these institutions, individually, have contributed to this phenomenon that continues to plague our society.

POLICE OPERATION H o w was this injustice perpetuated by the operation of the police in their war on crime in the last two decades? This is not intended in any way to indict the police or to suggest that there was some conspiracy on their part in trying to perpetuate injustice upon these youth but to examine the circumstances; to show a very distinct pattern of the injustice that has occurred even without their intent. Police work changed in the eighties and nineties in response to the rising incidents of crime and the shift to drugs/guns/gangs as the main occupation of police activities. As public pressure on the police grew government put provisions in the law through the Crime Control Act I and II to make police work more effective. These provisions expanded the powers of the police and relaxed the due process of law guaranteed by the constitution, to allow the police to “catch the criminals” more effectively. By relaxing constitutional “search and

seizure” procedures, for example, the police were, theoretically, in a better position to apprehend criminals, who may have been withholding some evidence and would be otherwise protected by a constitutional right which says that there must be “reasonable cause” to justify a search. By justifying the need to be ‘tough on crime’, the legislation relaxed this constitutional principle and gave the police the power to search whomever they suspected. This meant that the public had to become use to a new scene in Belize City that of police officers stopping and searching youth

suspects in the streets, with their guns drawn. In Ireland, where this type of British police tactic had its origin, the search may have been for weapons of war, but by the time the British taught it to the Belize Police Force, the search was for anything incriminating. Emboldened by the law and public sentiments to get tough, the police saw themselves additionally empowered in their war against crime. Unfortunately, in their zeal to fight that war, thousands of youths entered the criminal justice system over the last two decades, sometimes for ‘fine/confine’ offences, that began their journey through the revolving doors of the police, the court, and the prison system.This zeal to control the streets also created a new culture within the Police Department as rogue cops came in contact with the criminal element and were seduced by the lure of quick money and used their special police training and contacts to facilitate the criminal element. There is evidence that police became hit men for special interest in the underworld. Police were suspected of selling confiscated drugs, as well as selling weapons to youths on the streets. It’s important to note that the demand for more police officers over the last two decades motivated recruitment drives to bring in more recruits; unfortunately the low pay scale coupled with the low entrance requirements meant that the cadre of new police officers was in most cases not much different in background and culture than the youths they were

pursuing. The training period at the Police Academy was also short, which resulted in officers entering the streets with very little scientific knowledge of policing, therefore relying on the “way we do things” approach of older officers in the field. There was a time in this country when the police had the maximum respect of every citizen in the jewel, even if we complained of their inefficiencies, there was a feeling that this is “our police” and we can call on them at any time, especially late in the night when we see suspicious movements. Today this is changing; while the police are still called upon for emergencies, the public confidence that the police will bring justice has been seriously compromised by a number of factors; more specifically, the events over the last few years of rogue cops shooting each other and being involved in robberies and murders throughout the country has really damaged the reputation of the police.Clearly, the work of the police in Belize has been commendable in their war on crime; nevertheless, they have inadvertently become a part of that “triangle of injustice” that contributes to the criminal culture that now burdens Belize. In their frontline war against the criminal element of Belize they have ‘successfully’ sent thousands of youth to prison; some well deserving but many for minor offences that started their journey through the criminal justice system.

COURTS For expediency in the Courts, the Crime Control Act I and II removed the discretionary

Triangle of Injustice




powers of the magistrates/judges in determining sentences. Sentences were predetermined and magistrates were limited in their power to discriminate and examine extenuating circumstances that some cases may have presented. This resulted in some cases where young, first time offenders, and was sentenced to six years in prison for robbery. Most important to note however, are the two most alarming aspects of the court procedures that contribute to this part of the ‘triangle of injustice’: one is the staggering amount of youths who have no legal defense, and the other are those who remain remanded while they await trial. Legal aid is only provided in capital cases; consequently, the result is hundreds of youths passing through the Magistrates Courts without proper defense. Also, in sentencing where the option is ‘fine or confine’, most must defer to the latter. Those who can’t afford bail are remanded, sometimes as much as a year, in the slow-grinding due process of law. All this before they are found guilty in a system that says you are “innocent until proven guilty”. It is opined by some, that that this is a necessary tactic to keep the degenerate criminals off the streets, but while this net approach may capture the decrepit, it also entraps those youths who are just entering their journey through the criminal justice system.It does not take a constitutional lawyer to see that something is wrong with a system that at the end of the day, affords the privileged a constitutional right that belong to every citizen.

by: Nuri Muhammad

(To be continued next week)

Mar. 14, 2010The EditorThe National Perspective

By: Anonymous

Dear Editor,

Ref: Your edition dated Sunday March 28, 2010 - Response to Letter to the Editor captioned: “The Kolbe-Rotary Connection”

In response to that letter, I would like to ask the author to get his facts straight. First of all it is very obvious to anyone with a little sense that this person has a big gripe with Mr. Rene Villanueva.First of all, I would like him to get a copy of Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. so call contract. Secondly, Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. has never been a member of the Rotary Club of Belize or any other Rotary Club for that matter. Thirdly, while Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. may have not any prior prison experience, he does have management experience and have several training certificates to prove it as well. If Mr. Auil, Jr. is so unqualified, why is it that the former superintendent

of Colorado’s best run prison was so impressed with Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr.’s performance that he told me personally, that he and two of his superiors (together they have 100 years prison experience among them), “knew that Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. was the real deal and knew what he was about.”Do you know why that is? Because Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. has a heart, unlike a lot my fellow Belizeans whose primary function it seems is to criticize and destroy anyone who shows some kind of integrity. He is trying to make a difference. Nobody said he could do it by himself. But like a lot of others in this country, we all want a solution to the crime situation, we all have a lot of “opinions”, but very few of us are willing to roll up our sleeves and address the “real” problem. As for why he left JMA, dear author, I would caution you to thread very carefully there! You clearly don’t know the facts, I do. I know exactly where you are going with that, and I know exactly where that came from. Ironically, the originator of that said “rumor”, cannot look Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. in his face and make that accusation. However, God is a just

Continued on page 12

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 7

By Rhenae NunezAfter the embarrassing poppy-show by Prime Minister Barrow and reappointed Compol Jeffries in front of the media last week, the Police Department is in no hurry to show their faces on camera to discuss the current spate of violent crimes in Belize. Things lulled after the gaffe before the Easter Weekend but soon resumed its murderous tenor immediately after.On Northern Ambergris Caye a robber was shot dead by his would- be victim on Saturday night around nine. Friends, Samuel Gonzalez and Dimas Gumalliant-Silva were on their way home on a golf cart following a hunting trip. The men say that when they reached the Tres Cocos Area, they saw a coconut tree trunk and some palm fronds blocking the road. When they stopped to clear their path, two masked men, one armed with a handgun, emerged from the nearby bushes. Samuel Gonzalez who had his 12 gauge shotgun on his lap, drew his weapon and quickly fired a shot which found its target injuring the armed robber who staggered back into the bushes and collapsed. The other “Picado Bandit” took off running and escaped. The injured bandit was identified as Leon Aldana, 21, of San Pedrito Area of San Pedro Town. Aldana died at the scene and Police found a handgun and a mask next to him. On Sunday afternoon, Belize City, the nation’s crime epicenter erupted in seismic proportions as bullets flew and blood splattered. Around 1:00 p.m. Kashif Jefferies, 24, a car dealer of a University Heights address on the north side of Belize City, was sitting in his car talking to two young women on Levi Slusher Street in the Port Loyola area when two men emerged from a heavily tinted, green four door Ford Explorer without license plates, which had pulled up and parked in front of Jefferies’ Toyota 4 Runner. The men advanced toward Jefferies and opened fire mortally wounding him. Jefferies received ten bullets to the chest and arms. He was rushed to the KHMH where he died shortly after. Kashif Jefferies’ death has reverberated

throughout the society. He is the son of veteran broadcasters, Esme Anderson and Trevor Jefferies. He was known to have led a productive life and was making a living as a car dealer. His mother in a tearful interview with the media expressed confusion about why her son was made a statistic in Belize’s importunate violent crime spree. At the time of the attack, Kashif was on his way to say goodbye to his grandmother before he left for Houston, Texas, where he was going to pick up two vehicles for sale in Belize.Shortly before the attack on Kashif Jefferies a vehicle fitting the same description as the one from which the attackers on Jefferies emerged, was reported to have been involved in another incident at the corner of Nurse Findley Crescent and Fabers Road. Kimberly Ciego, 24, was shot in the abdomen and both legs as she rode on a scooter with Ricky Valencia, 26. Police say that when the couple reached the corner, a man exited the vehicle and began shooting. Ricky Valencia escaped unhurt. Around 9:35 on Sunday night police were once again called out to KHMH where Keith Nunez, 32 was receiving treatment for gunshot wounds to the lower abdomen, right big toe and left hand. Nunez was standing in Rhaburn’s Alley when a man wearing a blue rag over his face approached and pointed a nine millimeter pistol to his face. Nunez reflexively knocked the weapon away and then took off running toward New Road. The man then fired causing the injuries that Nunez sustained. The violence had erupted all over the nation, literally moving from east to west. Roaring Creek Village near the nation’s geographical center was the scene of another bloody confrontation which ended fatally for a teenager. Teenage father of a baby girl, Raheem Velasquez, 16, was shot four times in the Another World Area of Roaring Creek on Sunday night. Family members say that Raheem was sitting on a fence near his home when his friend Lorencio Ho, Jr., ran to him for help from a dark alley after he was chopped in the head by neighbors with whom the boys had grown up, but with whom they had a

long standing problem. Raheem rode to where his friend had been injured on bicycle but never got a chance to find out what happened. Someone from within the group who were hiding in the bushes opened fire fatally injuring the sixteen year old father. He was shot once in the chest, the lower abdomen and twice in the back as he attempted to flee to safety. Although Lorencio Ho, Jr., was grievously injured in the confrontation he was arrested and charged. Police have also detained another man who they say can help them with their investigation. They are looking for the other four men involved in the deadly attack. There have been no major developments in these stories and police seem reluctant to speak following an embarrassing appearance in front of the media last week in which Prime Minister Barrow and Commissioner of Police Jefferies disclosed that they have busted a ring of rogue cops who had been operating a nation-wide racketeering and armed robbery operation. Officer Jermaine Mangar remains on remand after he was caught in a sting operation set up by Superintendent Edward Broaster

and Senior Superintendent Russell Blackett. According to the duo of Broaster and Blackett, Mangar masterminded a string of robberies in Belize City and beyond. His attempt to rob Chon Saan Restaurant on Kelly Street was thwarted after his accomplices were caught in a police dragnet. The two are then supposed to have turned informers and had exposed Mangar’s plan and cooperated with police to trap Mangar after he was lured to a Baymen Avenue address where he was supposed to collect

his portion of the proceeds from the robbery. The story given by the so-called intended target of the robbery made the Police Department, Commissioner Jefferies and Prime Minister Barrow the laughing stock of the nation after it was disclosed that Mangar was not involved in the Spanish Lookout Bank Robbery on March 31st in which security guard Steven Lopez was shot and killed. On Monday Ernie Miranda, one of the men caught in the purported police sting operation was charged for attempted robbery. He pleaded not guilty and was remanded to the Belize Central Prison until May 6th. Minister of National Security Carlos Perdomo has been conspicuously absent for the past two weeks and our attempts to know his whereabouts have been futile. According to a senior member of the Police Department, Perdomo is on vacation. Superintendent Broaster, we have been told, was rushed to the Medical Associates Hospital over the weekend after he experienced symptoms of a heart attack. Broaster was still hospitalized up to Wednesday.

The Association of Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of the Supreme Court Dangriga branch will be conducting its first General Meeting on Sunday, April 25th, 2010 commencing at 10:00 a.m. at Mars Place in 2nd, New Site.

The topic of discussion will be “The Role of Justices of the Peace within the judicial system of Belize.” Guest Speaker will be Ms. Antoinette Moore, Attorney-at-Law.

All Justices of the Peace & Commissioners of the Supreme Court are invited to this important meeting as it will serve as an excellent learning forum. Please make every effort to attend.

“To Serve with the Pen is Mightier

than the Sword”.

Criminals Gone Wild!, UDP GOB MuteNational Security Minister Carlos Perdomo in Hiding

(L Pix) Kashif in happier times with his sister Giselle (M Pix) Raheem Velasquez 16 killed in Another World, Roaring Creek Cayo District (R Pix) Minister of National Security Carlos Perdomo. (MIA for almost two weeks)

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 8 Sunday, April 18st,2010



Tropical Gaming Company of Belize Limited (LOTTO) is pleased to an-nounce the recommencement of operations. Tickets for all Lotto, Bel-3 and Scratch games have been on sale since this Tuesday, April 13th, 2010 and there will be Lotto and Bel-3 draws on Saturday, April 17, 2010.

LOTTO is happy to advise the public that tickets can be bought at ALL the usual outlets as ALL its Agents have remained with the company.

LOTTO wishes (again) to inform the public that contrary to the sugges-tion in two recent editions of the El Guardian newspaper, the reason for the long-drawn out negotiating process had nothing to do with any at-tempt by the Ministry of Economic Development to “protect Lotto play-ers and to guarantee their winnings’ a quote that the El Guardian attri-butes to Mr. Lincoln Blake an Economist in the Ministry of Economic Development.

The real truth is that LOTTO was fighting to be afforded the same treat-ment that was afforded to Brads Gaming Company. Brads was offered a ten year airtight exclusive contract and licence, while LOTTO was being offered only a five year contract and licence. It remains LOTTO’s view that the Ministry’s intention was to be protective of the Brads operation and to pave the way for the entry into the market of another lottery op-eration.

Absolutely nothing new has been introduced into LOTTO’s renewed contract that can even be remotely described as intended to protect the public or safeguard its winnings. Indeed, the best protection and assur-ance the Belizean public have are the Company’s sterling payment re-cord, its excellent track record as well as a generous guarantee bond that has always been in place. Tropical Gaming Company of Belize thanks its many customers for their patience and wishes them lots of luck this Saturday and always.

LOTTO, offering legal games and changing lives in Belize.

- A Paid AD -

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 9

NEWS FROM Latin america & regional

Operations are under way in Haiti to move thousands of people left homeless by January’s earthquake to more secure locations as the rainy season nears.People living in makeshift camps at a golf course boarded buses to be taken to a new camp outside the capital. Those being moved are considered at highest risk from mudslides and fl oods. More than a million people lost their homes and some aid agencies say the government has been too slow to identify safer sites. Nearly three months after the quake struck, Haitian President Rene Preval said the country remained “in constant danger”. “We have to confront all the problems

at the same time because the rainy season is coming and not only to Port-au-Prince,” Mr Preval told the AFP news agency. The president said his government had been working to prepare sites in Gonaives, Cayes and other cities before the arrival of the rains. He was speaking as he visited Corail Cesselesse, some 20km (12 miles) north of the capital, where a new camp has been set up. ‘Last-minute’It is hoped that over the next couple of weeks, up to 7,500 survivors judged to be at high risk at the Petionville golf club camp will be relocated either to host families or to Corail. Over the

weekend, a couple of hundred families were being moved. “I’ve lost everything. They asked me if I wanted to go. I said yes. But I have no idea about the conditions there,” Manise Raphael told Reuters news agency. Aid workers have warned that unless more secure shelter is found for people, there could be further disasters resulting from the rains and from the summer’s hurricane season. But concern has also been expressed that people are being moved before the new sites are ready.

Latrines had barely been installed before the fi rst people arrived at Corail. On Thursday, aid agencies Oxfam, World Vision and CARE said the Corail site had been identifi ed very late, giving aid workers scant time to prepare a camp that would guarantee people’s safety and dignity. “We realise this is an emergency relocation due to impending rains and we are moving with utmost urgency to prepare this site,” said Marcel Stoessel of Oxfam. “But future moves cannot be done in this last-minute fashion.”

Haiti begins relocating quake victims ahead of rains

Extradition case rattles JamaicaThe government was initially reluctant to handover Christopher “Dudus” Coke on the grounds that it was protecting the constitutional rights of a Jamaican citizen. Prime Minister Bruce Golding contended that the evidence against Mr Coke was illegally obtained. But under local and foreign pressure, he has now asked the local High Court to review the US extradition request. The perceived stalling by Jamaica over the issue had led Washington to use its annual international narcotics report to question the island government’s commitment to law enforcement cooperation. Mr Golding rejected this claim but some analysts say the relationship has been harmed, at least in the short-term.ViolationIn an editorial on Monday, Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper insisted that the Coke case had “caused a rift in the relationship with Washington”. Jamaica has had a history of completed extraditions with the US, so why not Coke’s, some commentators have

asked? Mr Golding says its because the evidence in the arms and drug-traffi cking case against the suspect was gained through illegal wiretaps - in violation of the US-Jamaica extradition treaty. Mr Golding has been in power since September 2007Critics have pointed out, however, that Mr Coke is closely linked to the governing Labour Party and is a dominant fi gure in Tivoli Gardens,

located in Mr Golding’s constituency. “The case places Mr Golding in an extremely diffi cult situation with both domestic and international political implications,” said the Economist Intelligent Unit in an assessment. Expose casesSaid the Globe and Mail: “The incident threatens to expose political corruption..., underscoring the reality that criminal gangs and politics are still linked in Jamaica, as the two main political parties rely on “garrison

dons” or heads of urban communities to produce votes during elections.” While others debated the implications, Mr Golding insisted he was anxious to bring closure to the extradition saga when he announced the referral to the court. In another comment on the case, Washington-based lawyer, Bruce Zacharis said other Commonwealth Caribbean governments, such as St Kitts, have in the past also rejected US extradition requests because of “tainted evidence” based on illegal wiretaps. “The case illustrates how the US government may use the (annual drugs report) to trumpet its policy positions and also try to expose cases in which it feels aggrieved,” he wrote in the International Enforcement Law Reporter.

He added: “The case also shows the intertwining of international criminal and especially extradition law and politics, especially in small jurisdictions.” The St Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister, Denzil Douglas, asked to comment on the Jamaica case, noted that his country has had its extradition issues with the US. Privy CouncilThe best-known involved Charles “Little Nut” Miller, a Kittitian man that the US alleged was the eastern Caribbean’s most notorious drug traffi cker. The judicial process in Mr Miller’s case took almost four years and went up to the Privy Council before he was extradited in 2000. Dr Douglas said he believed that extradition matters are generally best handled by the courts, though he couldn’t comment directly on the Jamaica case. “Of course, some countries can say, well the Americans want them (suspects) so just send them. I don’t think that is the best procedure to follow,” he said on local radio. The courts may have the last say in Jamaica. Mr Golding has said he has instructed the attorney general and justice minister to obtain a declaration from the courts on whether the extradition treaty was violated before he signs off on the US request.

A new camp is located in Corail, a dry and dusty site outside Port-au-Prince

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 10

Do Suh Getting a Dose of Do Suh and E Nuh Like Suh



Currently there is much attention on the ongoing Village Council elections. Maybe the exercise is a necessary intervention to divert attention away from the ongoing tragedies and diffi culties that we are facing as a nation. Politics and political exercise brings its own fanfare and in these times when the only thing in town is the evening news laced with mortal doses crime and violence - I’ll have me some politics. I can use the distraction. Like in previous years, there are the usual facetious calls to take politics out of the village council exercise. It cannot and will never happen because Village Council Elections like any other election is a political exercise. What I may advocate for is for the removal or toning down of overt political activities where big party wigs attend these exercises and sometimes by their mere presence instigate violent confrontations. It is unfortunate the way the matter was dealt with in Orange Walk because from what I saw on the evening news, both sides were guilty. What was displayed on television and broadcasted on radio is Belize’s brand of stupidity and I am embarrassed to be aligned with it. According to a report that I fi rst heard broadcasted on LOVE FM, a bottle was hurled at Leader of the Opposition, John Briceno. I haven’t heard of any

attempt to fi nd the culprit or to bring the responsible party to justice. Obviously nothing has changed with the UDP and their emissaries in government. It is a good lesson that Johnny and his people are learning. It is a taste of what many Belizeans are experiencing on a daily basis when their fundamental rights are violated and they are further betrayed by the system. Welcome to my world Johnny! You fi red me, gave me $67.30, then someone as pathetic as your leadership wrote in your Belize Times that I should get over it. I am sure other single mothers like me appreciate that. That does a lot of good for your leadership. It is the reason why your leadership has no credibility, why people like me have no confi dence in your leadership and why I believe we should have chosen an unbiased leader by now. The time has come and passed when the date for the National Party Convention should have been announced. The party is now being held hostage by a bunch of wingnuts who cannot win an election. The longer we allow the dysfunction in the PUP to continue, the shenanigans and the circus that is playing to continue the tougher we are making it for Belizeans. The new PUP leadership is obsessed with power and the worst kind at that. They are the type who carry a chip on their shoulders and jack

off by making life harder for others. They want you to get over it! Hmm…I wonder how Hirian Good feels about this. For weeks now I have been paying attention to a festering situation in the new PUP. Narda Garcia the so-called Communications Director has been frustrating the work of the opposition. Her motives have been solely malicious. Narda’s behavior and that of her nemesis, the Chairman, Carolyn Trench-Sandiford have not done anything but detract from what is supposed to be the new PUP’s agenda. As much I have little regard for the inner workings of the new PUP, I am still a PUP and therefore I wonder why Johnny can’t take control of his offi ce? The answer is obvious and I will not belabor that point. I have witnessed just about every disrespect that can be shown to Johnny being meted out. From the contents of his email being hacked to being denigrated in the House of Representatives to being ignored and manipulated by the people in his executive to now being stoned in Orange Walk! Damn! Out of respect for yourself and the Party, you should step down and call the National Convention. We cannot go into a general election with this wishy-washy business. No one will take us seriously. The people you have in your executive are NOT winners. Seriously - honestly tell me what they have won? We the “old guard” fringe has been blamed for attacking the leadership time and time again. As I said to the losers that hauled me into a room and eventually forced me through the door, neither I nor the so-called “old guard” or “baggage” are responsible for the miserable failure that is the new PUP. The infi ghting in the new PUP is pathetic. It is emblematic of people who are more concerned about power

and fame. That poison is what I do not want at the leadership of the country. We already have pompous, offi cious, facetious Barrow and the UDP, we certainly do not need people who hate their own enough to fi re them and do their best to humiliate them for their own amusement. That is sick Narda! You have benefi tted well off the former government and you are doing well for yourself at Smart, why mess with me? It is amusing the fi ght to keep Narda’s prize girl Renee Trujillo around and the way Vibes Radio has been ran into the ground by these losers. I recall the days when a certain person of similar character worked at then FM 2000, how she betrayed the station by stealing or facilitating the heisting of a recording of a meeting and selling it to the UDP. That person loves money and is a UDP. Nuff said.I join my colleagues Gordon Smith and Jeremy Robinson in calling for the National Convention. It is our right to decide who will lead us. The new PUP’s leadership like the current UDP government was born out of malice not any real plan for our advancement. Now that we are living the repercussions of a campaign by G-7 and a malicious, power hungry UDP…. it is time we correct it and move on. Dean Barrow needs to start thinking about calling elections and Johnny needs to call the National Convention. The two have one thing in common; they wanted power and pursued it with vigor and we are paying a very high price for it.The new PUP is squandering precious time when we should be preparing for the monumental task of repairing the damages that are being done by the UDP government. I do not want to risk the kind of shenanigans going on right now in the new PUP to carry over in government. Our call is simple but very important and urgent. Call the National Convention NOW!

The PUP lost the 2006 Municipal Elections, the fi rst national elections it had lost in over a decade, and then lost most of the largest village councils in the 2007 Village Council Elections. One of those villages was Independence Village in South Stann Creek. The village council elections have become an important bellwether of the political status quo. Years ago few persons outside of the particular constituencies paid any attention to the village council elections and in most of the villages, unless you knew the candidates personally, and knew of their political preferences, and understood the interaction between area representatives and their competitors, it was impossible to accurately interpret the results of most village council elections. Sure there were some villages that were traditionally “Red” or “Blue,”

such as Crooked Tree and Placencia, but for the most part personalities and familial relations were far more important infl uences than partisan preferences. In fact I would dare to say that before 2003 few village council elections featured party slates and the partisan politicking was almost universally frowned upon. The passage of the 2000 Village Council Act and the outgrowth of the media changed all that. Before the push for more autonomy and authority for village councils, some village council chairmanships were important starting points or even springboard for some political career, and in some villages the post did carry some authority by virtue of being the highest “government” offi ce around for miles. I think I fi rst noticed the change in the 2004 Village Council Elections when there were scattered media reports

of some results along partisan lines. I recall, for example, that Cayo West area representative Erwin Contrerras was served with a summons to answer charges of aggravated assault and issuing insulting words to a police offi cer for an incident during the Succotz Village council elections. The way I remember the incident he was involved in an altercation with a drunken supporter (sounds familiar?). Before 2000 Belize City Council and Town Board elections were conducted separately. I may be wrong but I think that village council elections were also conducted every two years. The Musa administration re-aligned the various elections so today the municipal and village council elections are now national elections, and as such are now bellwether elections. Politicos ignore them only if they dare. In 1994, in the aftermath of the 1993

General Elections which they won narrowly, the UDP just about swept the then Town Board Elections. By 1997, however, with General Elections looming in 1998, the UDP were almost swept in that contest. It was perhaps a measure of how swiftly the UDP had lost popularity but they lost the 1996 Belize City Council elections handily, a scant 32 months into their 62 month reign. Following the 1998 General Elections the PUP dominated the fi rst Municipal Elections in 2000, and may have reached its political zenith when it just about ran the table in winning the combined General and Municipal Elections in 2003. The fi rst true signs of its fading popularity may have appeared in the 2004 Village Council Elections but it was diffi cult then to interpret the

The 2010 Village Council Elections

Continued on page 18

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 11


This week, there are so many negative things happening such that would delight the pallet and appetite of the news writer but I can’t fi nd myself being delighted by all the negative things happening in the country. For me it appears if though demoralization, frustration, disappointment, and impotence would be the common adjective that would describe the mood of many, many people around this time. This is unfortunate because as a people what we desire is to have hope, to have vision, to have confi dence in the people who are given the mandate and responsibility to manage our resources and to deliver adequate goods and services to us. This coincidentally is the third week of Easter for us Christians, Easter is signifi cant because it is that period that strengthens our faith or even build the foundation for our faith. Christian believe that on Good Friday when Jesus Christ died, that it was the signifi cance of his death that destroyed death and it is his rising from the death that we believe we are saved and promised eternal life. But greater than the premise of eternal life, the Lenten

session was more about reconciliation and forgiving and forgiveness. For most of us who pray the Lord’s prayer “The Our Father” in that prayer it is said forgive those our trespassers as we forgive those who trespass against us, but it also begs or beg not to lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil. Now you may ask what the hell does Easter, the Our Father has to do with this article that I am trying to frame, my simple answer would be; I am trying my best to see if I can infl uence and or convince people to be more forgiving, avoid temptations, and turn away from evil, maybe just maybe if we are able to subscribe to such principle, maybe we would begin to avoid the level of crimes, frustration, and demoralizing impact they are having on us really and truly this may sound like a lot of senseless rhetoric but if we seriously refl ect particularly on the book of revelation we’ll come to realize that many of the things that are happening among us today has happened in past generation. When we really analyze this thing we are yearning for good leadership, our

hope is that some good leader will surface but will also be able to fi nd the solution to the very many problems that is confronting us. The parallel I am trying to create is that when Christ became man and was crucifi ed to save the world that was a leader that immerge from a spiritual foundation for us Christians. Now we are not hoping for a messiah but we hope and we expect the leaders that are around us to be able to deliver us from the problems and challenges that confronts us, lead political, religious, social, civil, it doesn’t matter I trust that you would agree with me that we are not getting the type of leadership from any level at the time when we believe that we most need good, strong leader. I am sure that not everyone will share my view, but this is only my opinion, the reason my article took this tone this week is because I was toiling with the idea to write an essay that has a more positive tone this week. But it is so diffi cult to fi nd very many things that are positive in the atmosphere in which we are living. Any ways I will do my best to try and stay positive, least as positive as I can. When I dig deep and look around I think one of the few positive things I can come up with is the fact that our female softball national team has qualifi ed for the playoffs as the number one seeded team in the central American games being held in panama city. In the past Belize has been a perennial para-house in softball but we were not as successful recently, this time we are doing quite well and I think it is fi t in to give much credit to the team manager Greg Moguel, the coaches and especially the team trainer, outstanding football athlete Charlie Slusher who had the challenge of wiping the ladies in shape, obviously there efforts is paying

off. Today Tuesday, Belize will play the fi rst game of the play off but as I prepare this article there is no report on their performance today. Lords thanks fi wahn lee bit ah good news’. Although I indicated I really wanted to dwell on good news, I must dash in a little bit of politics. Sunday past April 11 was the fi rst week of the village council elections, elections were held in seven villages in the Stann creek constituency and four villages up north. As was always suggested these village council elections have major political bearing because they represent technically mid-term elections in Belize. The results of this election will assess the performance of the government over the past two years. If the United Democratic Party wins the majority of villages it is going to have a signifi cant political impact on John’s leadership as leader f the peoples united party because it would mean that under his leadership the PUP has not won an election. But on the other hand if the PUP wins the majority of villages besides it being a referendum on the performance of the UDP governments that is national and local governments it will also be a remarkable accomplishment and achievement for Johnny Briceno as the PUP leader. Without the available statistics it is my understanding that of the eleven villages that had elections over the past weekend, that the PUP won seven, the indication therefore is that it seems to be that the people are showing disapproval with the performance of the united democratic party, this is only one week and with a few weeks still to go, and hundreds of villages we will have to continue monitoring this elections, week by week but for this week this is only my impartial view.

Who is a Leader?

Members of the Coye family and their former employees, all charged for money laundering were chagrined this morning when they were told that by Justice Troadio Gonzalez that they were free to go because there was no indictment for them. The news surprised attorneys Dickie Bradley and Arthur Saldivar and they minced no words about the Financial Intelligence Unit’s “disrespectfulness”. The case was commuted for trial in the Supreme Court in November of last year. It was supposed to commence in the January session but was deferred to the April session. When the seven accused appeared for the matter to commence they were greeted by the stunning news that there was no indictment for them and the FIU was a no-show. Calls to the Financial Intelligence Unit’s offi ce were unsuccessful but eventually attorney Arthur Saldivar reached special prosecutor for the FIU for this matter, Antionette Moore who said that she was

in her offi ce in Dangriga. Seemed no one knew what happened to the matter since November of last year. In speaking with the media outside the Court House, Attorney Arthur Saldivar scolded the FIU for being disrespectful. Saldivar said, “It is rank disrespect to the court because it is a waste of the court’s time, it is waste of the judge’s time to have to sit there and go through the process only to realize that no indictment has been produced.” Dickie Bradley who empathized with the Coyes for the great diffi culty that they have endured since the entire ordeal started in January of 2009 said that “nobody knows what it is like to be charged and waiting one year four months and then you come to court for the April session and the judge says I don’t have an indictment.” The matter remains in limbo since the FIU Director Marilyn Williams was unreachable by phone for comment.

FIU Fumbles CoyeMoney Laundering Case

Coye Family

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 12

Letters Editorto the

Dear Editor,

Please allow me some space in your newspaper to share my heart with the good people of this blessed country. A country, I am proud to call my home. Here in Independence on Sunday April 11th, we held our Village Council elections. It was a resounding PUP win!! It was clear all over the South, all over Stann Creek West, the people showed their love for the PUP. Allow me right here to be honest and truthful, ‘fool me once but no fool me twice’, the people showed how fed up they are in two short years of a vindictive, insensitive UDP Government. We are all feeling the same pinch. We are all hurting because

of a government that lacks vision and purpose. But this is not my main point for writing today. What I really want to say is that throughout the entire day Sunday we felt the unity inside the PUP. We all got that ‘back in love,’ feeling. It was being shouted all over, for weeks prior to Sunday, “PUP all the way! ADELANTE!” We’re back in love, in love with a party of love, a party of unity, a party of peace and prosperity, a party with vision, a party with a heart for the good people of this country. So the people spoke clearly, and the message has been sent. Simply put, there is no comparison between the PUP and the UDP and so, in a spirit of unity,

we continue the march to Belmopan. PUP’s are a reasonable loving people, and we love ALL people. ‘Lord God I ask you to continue to preserve us in union and in that peace which the world itself cannot give.’ There was a time not long ago when that union and the PUP were one and the same and we can now sense that feeling of unity again. We are thankful to our party leaders who rise above the malicious attacks of the UDP media houses and who show us and them that the People’s United Party is doing and will do all in its power to return a united, strong and better PUP to Belmopan in two and a half short years.

On a fi nal note, I am encouraging ALL PUPs to be proud of your party. On Sunday, Independence and Stann Creek West showed the UDP that enough is enough. We are not afraid to fl y our Party colours. We will stand up to the oppressors, fi rm in our faith in God and belief in our Party’s philosophy to serve the people. On behalf of all elected councillors, thank you. United we stand and stand strong and remember, “We got yu back!!!”

With Thanksgiving,Emilio ZabanehNew PUP CouncilmanIndependence Village

That ‘Back in Love’ Feeling

Contributed by: ‘Visionary’

They came into offi ce fi lled with hate and malice. Their primary motive was to wreak vengeance on their political enemies and to monopolize the fruits of state power and resources for their own selfi sh greed and that of their immediate relatives and political cronies.From day one the hallmark of the Barrow regime was to victimize and penalize known or suspected members and supporters of the People’s United Party. Land and house lots were cancelled and confi scated from hundreds of poor struggling people. Hundreds more lost their jobs. This year it was reported that the poverty rate had increased from 32% poor to 43% of Belizeans living in poverty. In two years of a vindictive autocratic UDP government, Belize descended into economic recession and social breakdown.The old capital – Belize City has become one of the dirtiest and most dangerous places in the Americas second only perhaps to drug-infested Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Random murders and daring daytime robberies are now part of the twenty four hour news cycle. The police whose task it is to ‘defend and protect’ the citizens from the criminals have themselves been branded as criminals by a media-greedy Prime Minister in a desperate attempt to deceive and distract a disillusioned public frustrated by the impotence and incompetence of his administration in the face of a spiraling crime situation.People don’t know who to trust. There is growing disrespect for those in authority. The crude and vulgar level

of discourse as practiced by the Prime Minister himself is bringing shame and disgrace to the nation. What a role model for the children of Belize! Yet in the mind of Mr. Barrow, he is an Olympian deity, a self-styled Prometheus unbound who can say anything and worse still, do anything including change any law or any provision of the Constitution at his whim and fancy.After all says he, the people gave him the mandate with 25 out of 31 seats in the House of Representatives…Absolute power does corrupt absolutely! Was it not Thomas Jefferson who said: “The Will of the majority is in all cases to prevail…” He also added however, “but that Will to be rightful must be reasonable.”Under the rule of Barrow, reason must give way to a “muscular central government” for he has long considered big government “a moral and practical imperative.” The rule of law must give way to the rule of Barrow. The independence of the Judiciary is hijacked. The Prime Minister installs his brother as a Judge on the Court of Appeal and his former wife and son as executive members of the B.T.L. Board after the telephone company is expropriated by the Government. Soon the Chief Justice will be removed and replaced by a hand-picked person more to the liking of Barrow.The cancelling of leases and the confi scation of private property continues. Freehold title to property is only valid if the Minister of Natural Resources says it is. He wields the power to take away your land, your farm, your house lot under his infamous ‘quitar’ policy.The Ministerial example has been set

for lesser mortals to follow. Who cares if the over a thousand acre parcel of land at Mile 41 is privately owned. Since the owner is not around there are over 2,000 persons who are now moving in and staking claim to this land. This squatting system is being aided and abetted by Ministers of Government and sanctioned by the Prime Minister.This is how it starts. We are witnessing land invasion and private property taken-over by force. The end will not be pretty when anarchy takes over. The proper course of action would have been for the government to purchase or compulsorily acquire the land for village expansion and arrange for the payment of compensation to the owners.But payment of compensation is an alien concept to this arrogant despotic government. They believe that government has the absolute power to take your property. As far as they are concerned, that section in the Constitution which guarantee protection from arbitrary deprivation of property and which preserve the right of the individual to the ownership of private property and the right to operate private business are just words...empty words.And so it is that after nationalizing B.T.L. by an act of Parliament rushed through the House of Representatives in one day, Prime Minister Barrow has now gone to the extreme of amending the Supreme Court of Judicature Act. Under this draconian amendment once the Supreme Court has issued

the politics of disorder in belizeINVESTMENT CLIMATE, – HOSTILE!

Continued on page 16

God and when you do evil it will come back to you seven times fold. If you are going to write an article in a public newspaper, ensure that you have your facts right. Be careful you don’t get sued for defamation of character.Yes, Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. is a man who takes practicing his faith and worshiping his God seriously. Last time I checked that was not a crime in Belize. If you want to get the facts, I invite you to go to Kolbe and fi nd out. Like everything else, there will be those who have an agenda who would like to see him out of there, especially if he is stepping on their toes. But I will venture to tell you, there is quite a bit of them (inmates and employees alike) who will tell you that Mr. Meliton Auil, Jr. is a very fair, and humanitarian person when it comes to dealing with every individual. As for the crimes you mentioned, those were thoroughly investigated, and there were no indication of any kind of any “cover up” that you are talking about. There will always be evil in every prison system…that will never be totally eradicated. But let me be clear that is true with the world in general, not only the prison. We all have our free will and there are those of us who will choose evil over good every time.As I mentioned before, the next time you decide to write an article in any public forum, be sure to get your facts straight!...and talking about qualifi cations, what qualifi ed you to write such an article talking about expertise needed? Are you qualifi ed to make that kind of criticism?Last, but not least, I DEMAND THAT YOU RETRACT YOUR STATEMENTS MADE and YOU MAKE A PUBLIC APOLOGY!

Continued from page 6

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 13

“The choice is stark. You can vote for a Party that made wild promises to achieve power and then cuts jobs, stagnates the economy and terrorizes the people. Or you can stick with the People’s United Party, whose promises were kept, whose credibility is undisputed, and whose competence is proven”. Those were the words from the former PUP Party Leader Said Musa in the introduction of “Keep Belize Free” PUP Manifesto for 2003-2008. How true are those words which have come to haunt Belizeans in the year 2010 under a UDP Government that hoodwinked the Belizean people into voting for them just two years ago? Today, the People’s United Party is in Opposition after Said Musa fought a relentless battle with the UDP and their allies which included prominent members of the PUP and Ministers of the Said Musa Cabinet known as the G-7. Said Musa is no longer the Leader of the PUP, and for the past two years, the new leadership of the PUP, which is now run by the G-7, are still asking the dumbest political question: Why did the PUP lose? These G-7 leaders want Belizeans to believe that they were not a part of Musa’s PUP Cabinet policy decisions when the PUP government took the high road towards the recovery of the Belizean economy. They are the same members of the Opposition that now have to defend the very Bills and policies that the Musa Administration painstakingly took for the greater wellbeing of the people and growth of the Belizean economy. Since the change of Government, the UDP and their allies continue to demonized the PUP and have made every attempt to criminally charge Joe Coye (Leader of the G-7), senior statesman Florencio Marin Sr., Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca. In the case of Said and Ralph, they had the special assistance of the witch at Channel 5, Amalia Mai, and Mr. Uppity Eamon Courtney. Thank God for the then independence of our justice system that the UDP inherited from the PUP that caused these gentlemen to be vindicated. It is not that the UDP are not trying to trump up more charges to lock up Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca, they have realized that there is NONE! In times like these, a charge against Musa and Fonseca would surely serve as a perfect distraction for Belizeans from all the negative issues that the UDP Prime Minister is creating; Belizeans brace yourselves for the big bukut the

UDP is about to serve you. The Publisher/Owner of the Kremandala organization Evan X Hyde keeps repeating in the Amandala that the PUP needs the support of the Zinc Fence if it is to be a successful Party in the next general elections. This foolishness is believed by many within the higher echelon of the PUP who get nervous when I criticize and challenge Father X and his band of political mercenaries behind the Zinc Fence. I note for the last couple of weeks, and in a particular article in the Perspective, individuals like Marshall Nunez keep ‘bigging-up’ these hoodlums and once even suggested that the PUP needs the X. I won’t be hard on the ‘Ghetto Warrior’

Nunez as I can understand where his loyalty or where he might want the X to know where his loyalty lies. Nunez, now a born-again Christian, is legally blind; he is a former step-child of the Zinc Fence. I said former because the X have thrown Nunez in the ditch after realizing that there is nothing more that he can squeeze out of him; similar to what he has done to many. Nunez was one of the pioneers that started KREM Radio and was a long-time Head Coach of Hyde’s Raiders Basketball team and UB/San Cas Basketball Team under then UB Chairman X Hyde. When KREM Radio was facing serious financial challenges and was about to close operations, Nunez was almost the sole personnel that worked at the station and was at that time being paid by Ralph Fonseca. When Evan X wanted to discipline the late Remijio Montejo from the Collet Division, they sent Ghetto Warrior Nunez after Montejo, remember Marshall? When they wanted to shake down David Fonseca at City Hall, again, the X sent his former step- child Nunez. Additionally, Nunez was the baby-sitter for Mose “Judas” Hyde and

Cordel “Shadow” Hyde, and was very popular, especially on the Southside of Belize City, where Evan X makes his living. If you think that all I mentioned makes a different with the X, then think again. Nunez, a once successful PUP Belize City Councilor and topping the polls a couple times in the City Council elections, became the PUP mayoral candidate in 2006. The X endorsed Zenaida Moya over Nunez; in fact the Judas Mose Hyde actually cancelled one of Nunez’s appearance on his morning show, because Nunez was a few minutes late, while the same Judas bent backwards to accommodate Moya and her band of UDP thieves. When Nunez, who was a member of the PUP

Executive, dared to criticize Johnny Briceño’s PUP Executive in an article in the Perspective, “Nada” Garcia and Uppity Eamon Courtney attacked and called for the removal of Nunez from the Executive. Mark Espat, Cordel Hyde and Bill Lindo, all infiltrators from the Zinc Fence establishment, sat in that meeting and refused to come to Nunez’s rescue. In fact it was rumored that they even supported the move to rid Nunez and replace him with educator Dr. “Chubby” Reneau. Nunez, of all people, should have known better. So you have to admit Marshall, the PUP don’t need the X, the X needs the PUP.Lately, Evan X’s son-in-law Mark Hyde nee Espat seemed to be having nightmares about the special relationship that is budding between his Leader Johnny Briceño and Said Musa, especially since there is a open war between Narda Garcia and Johnny’s friend Julius Espat. Narda is also warring with Carolyn Trench Sandiford. Mark is also worried about the upcoming Village Council Election results which favor the PUP to win even though Mark would like to see the Party lose. He has now started a campaign in

his father-in-law’s Amandala to revisit the old blame game as to “Why the PUP lost”. Remember it was Mark Espat and Carolyn Trench Sandiford that hired Ms. Dionne Chamberlin Miranda to put together a post-election report for the blame game known as the ‘Miranda Report’. Ms. Chamberlin Miranda is now a part of Barrow Telemedia Ltd (BTL) and one of the many UDPs that are enjoying the sweets. It is rumored that a copy of her report “Why the PUP lost” was sold to Dean Barrow. So this paid ad in the Amandala could only come from two evil minded individuals in the persons of Dean Barrow or Mark Hyde nee Espat. At this time Barrow is trying to salvage what is left of

his credibility with Belizeans, therefore, I don’t believe that he has time for PUP inside politics, so the ad in the Amandala has to come from Mark Hyde nee Espat which is a direct attack on Said Musa’s credibility geared principally at weakening Briceño’s leadership. As I mention earlier in my essay, there is nothing to prove Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca’s involvement in any corruption, cronyism or poor leadership. Since the Miranda report did not include many reasons why the PUP lost, maybe Said should tell the nation the name of the contractor that built a mansion on the Western Highway for

a former PUP Minister that allegedly received $250,000 from the sale of Print Belize. Please tell us without Malice Mr. Musa, which one of your former Ministers benefitted from the Border Management contract given to his friends and cronies. Tell us Said Musa how this former Minister, before he was fired as Tourism Minister, pre-paid $280,000 to a certain meat shop in his Division to provide Ham and Turkey to his selected constituents until 2008. And please, continue to tell us about a former Minister’s connection to the new PGIA Concession Company which now controls the Belize International Airport. And maybe Belizeans should be reminded how much that former Minister got from his brother, another former Minister, granting of a monopoly on immigration matters where millions were made. No Father X, you won’t find what I wrote in the Miranda Report; that report was commissioned by Mark Espat and Carolyn Trench Sandiford to embarrass the PUP and now Mark Hyde nee Espat sees it fit to use it against the Party. In April 2004 when Hon. Mark Espat


At this time Barrow is trying to salvage what is left of his credibility with Belizeans, therefore, I don’t believe that he has time for

PUP inside politics, so the ad in the Amandala has to come from Mark Hyde nee Espat which

is a direct attack on Said Musa’s credibility geared principally at weakening Briceño’s



Continued on page 16

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 14

Belize, April 13, 2010

The undefeated St martin De Porres girls will take on the Holy Redeemer RC School girls in the Belize City primary schools softball fi nals, while the Queen Square Anglican School boys will take on the Central Christian boys’ fi nals at the home of softball at the Rogers Stadium on Wednesday, April 14.The Holy Redeemer RC School girls were ranked 2nd in the B division with 3 wins and 1 loss, but they took out the up to then undefeated St John Vianney RC School girls 11-1 on Monday. The cathedral girls collected 11 hits off the pitching of Vianney’s Trina Robinson Jada Parchue, Shanice Neal and Sade Pook each rounded the bases twice, while Danika Blake, Zhanelle Cadle, Ashanti Zuniga, pitcher

Tyra Moriera and Kayla Arnold came home once. Only S. Matura scored for the Vianney girlsThe St Martin’s girls eliminated the Salvation Army school girls 9-2 in Tuesday’s semifi nals. The Martin’s girls collected 9 hits off the pitching of Akeshia Lucas and led 6-0 when Janelle Grinage, Diandra Betson, pitcher Gilda Moguel, Danalyn Magdaleno, Shaneka Augustine, Natasha Anthony, and Shanique Ferguson came home in the 1st inning. Grinage, Betson and Moguel came home again in the 2nd inning to lead 9-2 after Ashley St Claire and S. Rowland scored for the Salvation Army.The Queen Square boys led by Pitcher Devaun Zuniga won 12-0 over the Salvation

Army School boys in Monday’s semifi nals. The Queen Square boys collected 12 hits off Salvation Army pitcher Luis Acosta, as Trey gentle, Adolpho Pavon, Jayson

Anderson and Ashton Moody came home in the 1st inning, and Gentle, Devaugn Zuniga, Pavon, Devin Parham, Moody, Emerson Hamilton, Traus Williams and Ervin Hamilton came home in the 2nd ining for the 2-0 win.They take on the Central Christian boys, led by pitcher Miguel Delgado who won 12-1 over the Division A leaders St John

Vianney RC School boys on Tuesday. Delgado allowed no hits in the 1st inning, while the entire Central Christian diamond

r o u n d e d the bases in the 1st inning and three boys scored twice. The Vianney boys scored 5 runs in the bottom of the 2nd inning, but time ran out, and the score reverted back to the last complete inning, with Central Christian leading 12-0.

St Martin’s girls & Central Christian boys win thru to Belize City primary

schools softball finalsschools softball finals

Belize City, April 9, 2010

The Maria Chang Eagles posted their 1st win of the Digicell “Balling for Life” women’s basketball competition, blowing away the Mysfi ts 54-30 when the competition continued at the Belize City Center on Friday night. April 9.The Mysfi ts held their own in the 1st half led by Glenda Torres who scored 15 pts, but the Eagles’ Shirley Codd shot 18 pts as she led the Eagles to a 19-18 lead at the half time break.Mysfi ts’ Candice Neal tossed in 6pts,

Denise Street added 5pts and Anna Pinto chipped in 4pts. But they had to answer to the Eagles’ Anna Thurton who scored 9pts and grabbed 14 rebounds.The Eagles’ Clarencia Jones also played big in the paint, grabbing 13 rebounds and tossing in 4pts. Tiffarah Swift helped with another 14pts and Jennifer Maher added 9 pts for the Eagles’ 54-30 win.The Sparks had also won 48-29 over the Mysfi ts in their fi rst outing in Game 2 of the female competition. Sheryn Nunez scored 7 baskets for 14pts and added 4 free throws to lead the Sparks with 18pts.

Glenda Torres had led the Mysfi ts with 16pts, but the Sparks were up 28-8 at the half time break.Enid Dakers added 8pts to the Sparks’ score, and Melonie Tasher and Kara Kisling each tossed in 6pts. Mysfi ts’ Anna Pinto had chipped in 4pts, while Candice Neal had drained in one trey and Kenya Brown, Denise Streete and Kelsey Roches each scored one bucket.The Sparks won Game 1 of the competition 48-34 against Maria Chang Eagles. Dakers and Sylvia Clarke led the Sparks with 13pts each; while MelonieTasher tossed in

9pts and Sheryn Nunez added 6pts.The Eagles’ Tiffarah Swift had scored 9pts, while Shirley Codd and Anna Thurton added 6 pts each, and Abby Halliday and Bianca Mcfadzean each added a bucket.

Maria Chang Eagles blowout Mysfi ts 54-30 –Sparks lead 2-0 in Digicell female basketball

Tiffara Swift

St Martins girls

Queen Square

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 15

Belize Bank Junior Bulldogs win rule in Digicell junior basketball

Belize City, April 11, 2010

The undefeated Belize Bank Junior Bulldogs posted their 4th win in a 96-36 blowout of the Youth Hostel boys to lead the Digicell “Balling for Life” junior basketball competition at the Belize City Center on Sunday.Matthew Young drained in a long trey and rammed home 2 dunks to lead the Bulldogs attack with 25 pts, the

Bulldogs were up 21-4 at the end of the 1st quarter. Alejandro Baptist added another 22pts and as the Bulldogs were up 46-15 at the half time break. Luis Barcelona hit a trey to fi nish with 10pts, while Kachief Thomas and Raheem Gaynair tossed in 9pts eachYouth Hostel’s Stannis Thomas and Darren Longsworth scored 12pts each, and Jason Gentle and Raheem Mariano

each tossed in 5 pts, but the Bulldogs hd romped to a 73-23 lead at the end of the 3rd quarter. Bulldogs’ team captain Sherwin Garcia and Raheem Staine chippedin 4 pts each for the big win.The undefeated Orange Walk Running Rebels posted their 2nd win 95-57 against NHI boys 95-57 in Game 2 of the day. Randy Usher led the sugar city boys with 24pts to put the Rebels up 15-10 in the 1st quarter. NHI’s Raheem Franklin

tossed in 20pts to keep his squad in the game, but Rebels’ Omar Tesecum added 20pts, as the Rebels 37-26 at

the half.Michael Martinez scored 14 pts and Marcel Richards added 13pts for the Sguar city squad to lead 66-38 at the end of the 3rd quarter.NHI’s Dennis Brown scored 10pts and Luis Young and Egbert Martiniez each chipped in 7pts, but Rebels’ Roger Reneau’s responded with 10pts, Jamal Harris added 7pts and John Diaz added 4pts for the 95-57 win.

The Truckers edged by the Ghetto Ballers 77-75 in Game 1 of the day. Truckers’ Oliver Solis led with 21pts. The Ballers’ Albert Tasher shot a game high of 43 pts, but the Truckers were up 17-14 in the 1st quarter. Truckers’ Steven Wade added 20pts and Stephen Smith tossed in 13pts to lead 39-32 at the half.Truckers’ Kadeem Tam added 10pts, while Deron Sanchez tchippedin 5pts and Dijonne Ramclam and Kenyon Tillett had 3pts each for an 11pt lead at the end of the 3rd quarter.The Ballers had not given up the ghost and with Clive scoring 8pts, and Jason Vasquez and Kadeem Courtney added 6pts each in money time, the Ballers tied the score to lead 71-

70 in the f i n a l m i n u t e s . J a l e e l A r n o l d , W a d e and Solis t o u g h e d it out to regain the lead and win 77-75 win.

San Pedro Tigersharks upset UB Jaguars 92-72 in Digicell

senior basketball

Belize City, March 28, 2010

The up to then undefeated UB Jaguars got upset 72-92 by the San Pedro Tiger Sharks, who had 2 losses in riday night’s shocker of the Digicell “Balling for Life” senior basketball competition

at the Belize City Center.The Tigersharks had recruited some US imports: Ivan Jackson, who drained in 5 treys as he led the island boys with 30pts, Gene Myvett of Team Belize which won silver in Cancun was good for a trey and a couple of dunks as he fi nished with 23 pts, while Stretch Mrcellus palyed big D and fi nished with 10pts. Winston “Air Jun” Pratt led the UB attack with 3 buckets in the 1st quarter, and Ryan Zuniga, Richard Soto, Darren Bovell, and Tyrone Castillo, tossed in more buckets so that the Tigershrks 14-13 lead seemed mangeable at the end

of the 1st quarter.UB’s Leroy and Farron Louriano, Jorret Jones and Claude “Too Tall” Jones entered the ball game in the 2nd quarter; team captain Stephen “Muerte” Williams drained in along

trey, but Jackson and Gene Myvett were also hitting treys to lead 43-33 at the half.Tigersharks captain Lester Cadle was hot, draining in 3 treys to fi nish with 11pts. UB’s senior senator Richard Soto led the dons with 15pts, while Farron Louriano, Pratt and Bovell each scored 10pts each, but Tigersharks’ tight defense and broke up UB’s passing game and the Tigersharks had opened up a 20pt spread by the end of the 3rd quarter. Tigersharks’ Doug Pendland chipped in 7pts and Sheldon Williams added 6 pts for the 92-72 win.The undefeated Belmopan Bandits posted their 2nd win 94-84 over Brothers habet Berger Boys on Sunday.Bandits’ captain Aubrey Lopez led with 33 pts and Jay Chavarria drained in 2 treys to added 20pts as Bandits led 27-16 at the end of the 1st quarter.Berger Boys’ Greg Rudon and Delhart Dominguez each scored 3 treys; Rudon fi nishe with 23 pts and Dominguez with 17pts but they were down 34-51 at the half.The Bandits’ big center Kirk “Chengo” Burgess dropped in 2 treys to add 16pts, and Belmopan boys led 74-53 by the end of the 3rd quarter.

T h e Berger B o y s

scored 31 pts in money time a s

they tried for a comeback

with Elsworth Itza tossing i n 16pts, Lennox Cayetano added 7pts and Fenton Noralez chipped in 6pts.

Dorian Jones and Shane Lino

each scored 7pts for t h e Belmpan boys, and Mark Wagner added 4pts for the 94-84 win.

Winston Pratt

Belize Bank Junior Bulldogs

Gene Myvett

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 16

The first round of the 2010 Village Council Elections was conducted this past weekend and judging from the events in the village of Nuevo San Juan in the Orange Walk North Constituency, the mercury in the political thermometer is already rising. This is to be expected in the political hotbed of Orange Walk. While everyone’s attention is focused on the results of the elections held in Nuevo San Juan on Sunday, April 11, the rogue behaviour of elements in the UDP should not be overlooked nor countenanced in any way, shape or form. Reports are that some PUP supporters were arrested and charged in

connection with a scuffle that emanated between them and a group of rival UDP supporters following the election results. The group of PUP supporters were arrested and charged even though all indications are the UDPs were the “agents provocateurs”. To add insult to injury, the PUP supporters were detained for a prolonged period of time notwithstanding the fact that some of their injuries required medical attention. Following the intervention of Opposition Leader, Johnny Briceño, the PUP supporters were finally released after 3:00 a.m. on Monday, April 12. The ARROGANCE and BULLISHNESS of DPM Gaspar Vega and the UDP were on FULL DISPLAY in Nuevo San Juan. Turning to Johnny Briceño, it is the opinion of political pundits both within and outside of the PUP that the 2010 Village Council Elections represents a “make or break” moment for Johnny. Whether in their learned view or not, these pundits opine that the results of these Elections will inevitably determine whether or not Johnny Briceño is fit to continue serve as “Leader” of the PUP. My guess is that Johnny & Co. are already engaging in a celebration of sorts considering that the PUP appears to have emerged victorious from the first round of Village Council Elections, namely in Nuevo San Juan in Orange Walk North and Independence in the Stann Creek West. It has been reported by several sections of the media that the PUP slate won in Nuevo San Juan and in Independence, the PUP won all but the Chairman’s seat. Johnny & Co. would be advised, however, to hold off on the champagne and the noisemakers. For one, there’s a long way to go before the

final results of the Elections are made official. Secondly, should the PUP win the Elections, it would be the UDP’s “lost” and not necessarily the PUP’s “victory”. Contrary to popular belief, “cold” is not the opposite of “heat” but the absence of it. Therefore, a rejection of Barrow and the UDP will not be equal to an “acceptance/endorsement” of Johnny & Co. As it were, several independent/non-aligned slates have offered themselves as an alternative to both the PUP and UDP in the 2010 Village Council Elections. Given the growing cynicism among the Belizean electorate, the ability of these

independent/non-aligned slates to tip the scales should not be underestimated nor dismissed. Like the March 4, 2009 Municipal Elections, one has to wonder how much investment Johnny & Co. have put into the Village Council Elections. We all recall how conspicuously absent the National Campaign Manager AKA “Free Rider” was during the Municipal Elections. I won’t be the least bit surprised if he’s a NO SHOW again. And what about Madam Chairwoman AKA “The People’s Reject, the PUP’s Liability”, I would wager with anyone that she can’t even begin to name all the villages of the Belize District let alone the other five districts. As for Mark and Cordel AKA the “Two-Headed Monster”, we already know what the deal with these two dissenters is. Not even the late, great Houdini could match the DISAPPEARING ACTS of this pair of PRESTIDIGITATORS. That’s what you call them, right Father X? As for “NADA”, well, she’s still registering for COMM-101. Back in March 2009, the political pundits had said that the Municipal Elections represented a “make or break” moment for Johnny. Well, we all know the results back then. Now, it’s April 2010 and again, the pundits are re-echoing their proclamation. The truth is that Johnny & Co. has been “broken” for a long time now and there is ONE FIX and ONE FIX ONLY and that is to make way for NEW, FRESH and CAPABLE leadership. It is TIME for a National/Leadership Convention. All those IN FAVOUR say, “Aye”. “Aye!” Mr. Party Leader, I think the “Ayes” have it Sir.

The “AYES’’ Have It!!Contributed by: Jeremy Robinson

Contrary to popular belief, “cold” is not the opposite of “heat” but the absence of

it. Therefore, a rejection of Barrow and the UDP will not be equal to an “acceptance/

endorsement” of Johnny & Co.

married Evan X’s daughter Eva Hyde, it was speculated that it was purely for political convenience. However having survived this long, both father-in-law and son-in-law seem to share many things in common apart from greed. Both are known for their hypocrisy and power hunger and both are former students of the Catholic Jesuits. Like his older brother Jorge, Mark enrolled in Viterbo College, a Jesuit institution in Wisconsin, USA but it is understood that he suffered a nervous breakdown in his first year and had to return to Belize where he went through a rigid and slow recovery. Prior to his entry into politics, Mark Espat was working in a management position at the then Ramada Royal Reef Hotel and Marina. Please, this fellow did not own this hotel as one would have you believe and his salary was nothing to boast about. Mark Espat, as a PUP Government Minister, seems to benefit generously transcending from a hotel manager to a Minister of Government without showing any gratitude to the PUP or Said Musa. This fellow became a menace to the PUP. When Father X was hammering away at Mark and his older brother and calling them all kinds of names, Mark quieted the X by marrying the X’s daughter who was a member of the Belize Tourism Board’s staff and the X had to eat a huge humble pie.The attacks on Ralph and Said in the Amandala are uncalled for Mark. If you want to be a factor in the next PUP leadership battle then

check to see who the real enemy is. Said is the principal bargaining factor for the greater faction of the Party and with Ralph, it is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ the Party will move in the right strategic and financial direction. The PUP is the Opposition and that is not going to change until 2013 but we must ensure that we have the best Leader in place when that happens Mark. I am certain that that best Leader is not you because you are despised by the greater rank and file members of the PUP because of your hypocrisy, greed and selfishness. Hon. John Briceño needs to understand that unity is important for the Party to be victorious in any future election. The Miranda report which was authored by a UDP was supposed to help PUP insiders to understand how to move forward but it is now being used to attack the Party, Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca. This is being orchestrated by no other than Mark Hyde nee Espat and Carolyn Sandiford nee Trench. Evan X is laughing all the way to where he stores his fortune when he convinced many of us PUPs that we need him and his Kremandala establishment to form the next government. Mark Espat is on the attack once again to distract us from the real issue which is true Party unity. The rank and file of the PUP will reject Mark Espat, Evan X and the Zinc Fence organization. Stop the attack Mark and spare yourself from a fight that you are sure to lose. Those that have Ears to hear! Hear.

Continued from page 13


an injunction against any person, company, NGO or group, if any such person or group goes ahead with an arbitration whether in Belize or outside the jurisdiction, he or they can be criminally charged and fined up to half a million dollars or jailed for up to 10 years. This punitive law is stated to have retroactive effect and purports to give the Court extra-territorial jurisdiction.With all this, the investment climate in Belize is now virtually shattered and the image of Belize has been transformed from a once peaceful and friendly country to a hostile state of disorder ruled by a tin-pot dictator.Serious investors and developers are

turned away by this threatening and uncertain state of affairs. The UDP policy of breaking legally binding contracts has destroyed all investor confidence. More ominously, their callous targeting of individual investors reveal such a mean streak of arrogance and megalomania that no one can feel safe and secure under this Barrow regime.Lest you are lulled by the fact that he was elected by the people exercising their democratic vote, just remember so too was Adolf Hitler in Germany and Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. There is no worst blind than the one who do not want to see. Open your eyes!!!

Continued from page 13


Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 17

Areli Elise to William Ernest Jr. and Linda Swan nee VillanuevaAmayah Elisa to Elroy Samuel and Norissa Michelle Arnold nee MurrilloZaidiely Elma to Elmer Carlos and Mirta Yolanda Carlos nee PechKaityln Carolyn to Edilberto Carlos and Yojana Judith Torres nee SalgueroJuan Carlos to Carlos Manuel and Gabriela Dolores Avalos nee NoveloBaden Benjamin to Hilberto Benjamin Jr. and Nilda Riverol nee Sosa

Orlando Michael Roches, 37Raul Valencia, 46Ignacio Mahung, 68Charles Ralph McFadzean, 91Louise Eleanor Ford, 50Earl Atkin Theus Sr., 73Joan Marlene Sanchez, 69Norma Fay Fairweather, 73

Victor Manuel Orellana to Guadalupe Vasquez both of Yalbac, Cayo DistrictNestor Romeous Teul to Jacinta Dawn Augustine both of Seine Bight, Stann CreekChao Qiang Liu to Sylvia Ayala both of BelmopanThomas Barclay Waltzek to Jennifer Dawn Grimes both of California, USAGregorio Oswaldo Reyes to Aida Elizabeth Martinez both of Belize CityHilberto Benjamin Riverol of Ladyville, Belize to Nilda Nineth Sosa of Belmopan,

CayoNoel Anthony Tyrell Jones to Ivy Jenny Alberta Frazer both of Burrell Boom, BelizeMatthew Kane Casidy to Kimberly Edna Moore both of Virginia, USAAdolfo Cus of San Miguel, Toledo to Senaida Ical of Aguacate, ToledoLyndon Joe Wagler to Cynthia Victoria Soler both of Scotland Halfmoon, BelizeWilliam Bailey to Harryette Michelle Stanley both of Dangriga, Stann CreekAriel Neftali Chan of Cristo Rey, Corozal to Eulali Anabela Alcoser of Xaibe, CorozalJose Avalos of Mile 28 Hummingbird Highway, Stann Creek to Shermaine Faux of

Placencia, Stann CreekEpifanio Ortiz to Romelia Madero Soto both of Sarawee, Stann CreekMarvin Augustine to Loretta Bradley both of Dangriga, Stann CreekMatthew Francis Geronimo to Brittany Lynn Lyons both of Texas, USAAndrew Oliver Smith to Misti Allison Counts both of Tennessee, USAAlbert Joe Caretella to Jamillia Sanelly Belisle both of Belize CityEli Nehemias Galdamez Ruballos to Santos Patricia Herrera both of St. Margaret’s,

CayoJimmy Andy Boucher to Irma Viola Tush both of Belmopan, CayoEdwill Alberto Orellana to Maria Veronica Otero Amaya both of Valley of Peace, CayoEmerson Robert Dominguez to Melanie Stacey Moguel both of Biscayne, BelizeFrederick Ishmael Tzib to Damaris Sarai Mesh both of San Antonio, CayoBradley Craig Ethington to Natalie Rebecca Sciscio both of New Jersey, USAStephen James Field to Sara Helena Cotton both of Minnesota, USACarlos Enrique Tzalam to Erla Edelmira Morales both of Belmopan, CayoMartin Chen to Margarita Tush both of Eldridge, ToledoRudy Dueck to Maria Friesen both of Spanish Lookout, CayoDanibe Junior Sanon to Lourdine Sanon both of Belize CityMarshall Todd Major to Slarle Marie Welch both of Gales Point Manatee, BelizeFloyd Alexander Waight to Michelle Yvonne Myers both of Belize CityRonald Daniel Pierce to Karen Daniels Ford both of Illinois, USADerek Astor De Souza to Tiffany Angelina LaFortune, both of Texas, USAXiaocai Wu of Ladyville, Belize to Li Wah Liang of Belize City









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By: Dulce Silva

The right (& wrong) ways to cleanse, moisturize & exfoliate your skin“I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. What do you want? An adorable pancreas?” -- Jean Kerr, American author and playwright There’s tried-and-true ways to properly care for your skin, from the right way to cleanse your face, to the best moisturizers and sunscreens.Before we start with the proper daily 4-step skincare routine, you’ll need to know your skin type. How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged. Find out what skin type you have.The Basic 4-Step Skincare Regimen Step 1: CleansingSimple is key here. You need to fi nd a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it. See the best cleansers for your skin type. You can fi nd a good cleanser at the drugstore. There’s no need to spend $40 on a fancy wash. Avoid bar soaps as they tend to dry out the skin. According to Rona Berg, in her book, “Beauty,” a French cosmetics executive once told her, “Soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down.” We agree. Choose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a clear cleanser if you have oily skin.Be careful not to cleanse too often. Washing at night should do you. If you have dry skin, consider cold cream like Pond’s, which the French use. Simply apply cream, then wipe off, no water needed (if you have hard water it can be especially harsh on skin). Most women prefer the water method: Use warm water to loosen dirt and clogged pores. Use a dime-sized bit of cleanser, then rinse with cool or lukewarm water. You’ll also want to take off your makeup with a proper makeup remover.In the morning, a splash of lukewarm water is all you need (we fi nd it’s great for removing excess oils from your nightly moisturizing). Never wash your face with hot or cold water (both can cause broken capillaries). Also be careful about overcleansing skin, see signs you are overcleansing your skin. Step 2: Exfoliate Exfoliation is the step most people skip in their weekly skincare routine. But trust me, if you start properly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an almost immediate difference. According to Berg, one of the reasons men’s skin looks more youthful than women’s is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave. There are several ways to exfoliate skin: Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and retinoids. Scrubs work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells that tend to dull your complexion. We fi nd exfoliating skin once a week with a microdermabrasion kit keeps skin glowing year-round. Make sure you use a gentle scrub with tiny grains. Big grains in cheap scrubs can tear skin and cause more harm than good. My favorite microdermabrasion kit is made by Lancome.In the hour it takes to get a chemical peel, you

can take off fi ve years from your face. Can’t afford the

price tag for a monthly peel? Try some over-

the-counter peels that work over the course of a month. I prefer MD Skincare’s.Retinoids (such as Retin-A or the more moisturizing

Renova) also work by removing the top

layer of dead skin cells while also generating

collagen in the skin. “Collagen is the skin’s structural

fi ber,” dermatologist Dennis Gross said in O Magazine. “As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores.” Skincare experts disagree on all sorts of things, but most of them consider retinoids to be a miracle skin saver. I’m addicted to Retin-A, which I pick up in Mexico on my yearly jaunts.Should you use a toner? Some people swear by toners, but many beauty experts do not (I once read a skincare expert claim, “toners are only for copy machines”). Toners are meant to remove all remaining traces of oil, makeup and dirt, but a good cleanser should do this. I fi rmly believe it’s up to you. If you like the way your skin feels with a toner. Buy it. Use it. Enjoy it.Step 3: MoisturizeWhile I know of at least one famous beauty editor who swore skin doesn’t need moisturizer, basically everyone else I’ve read disagrees and is an adamant believer in it. A basic law of beauty is that everyone, no matter her skin type, should moisturize. Even if your skin is oily, it will benefi t from moisturizers. (The only exception is those with acne). Why? Moisturizers seal moisture into skin (Berg calls this the “Saran Wrap effect”). So how much should you moisturize? Your skin will tell you. When your skin is tight, it’s crying out for moisture. Be careful not to overmoisturize -- this can clog pores. Are eye creams necessary? Well maybe. Some beauty experts strongly recommend eye creams. Why? The skin around the eye contains no fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special eye creams are formulated to “thicken” this area. Yet other experts (including the beauty editors of Allure in their new book) claim your daily lotion works around the eyes just as well.Step 4: Apply SunscreenO Magazine ran an article featuring interviews with several top skin care experts and dermatologists (check it out here). Every single one of them said sunscreen was the most important part of your skincare regimen. It was the secret they would pass on to their daughters.The number-1 cause of wrinkles is sun damage, so it’s important to use sunscreen from your early years on even in winter and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: One for night and one for day that includes UV protection. Don’t use moisturizers with sunscreen at night, the ingredients are not meant to be used 27/7 and can aggravate skin. When choosing a sunscreen, make sure it contains Mexoryl (found in my favorite sunscreen La-Roche Posay) or Helioplex, found in Neutrogena products.

4 Basic Skin Care Needs

Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 18

Continued from page 5

signs accurately. What I do know is that several UDP politicians used that election to continue campaigning, and perhaps that is when we entered the modern era of “perpetual” campaigning. The 2010 Village Council Elections is a national election and an important bellwether of the political status quo. This early, a mere 22 months into their term it is not an election the Barrow administration would want to appear to have lost especially after having won the 2006 Municipal Elections, the 2007 Village Council Elections, the 2008 General Elections, and the 2009 Municipal Elections. It was in the 2007 Village Council Elections that I became aware that Melvin “Flippin” Hulse had resurrected his political fortunes. The PUP lost Independence. They may have lost in 2004, but if memory serves me right no

one thought it meant anything much in the national perspective of things then. In 2007, though, it was clearly the handwriting on the wall. I wrote in this space last week that: “The first, and so far only, campaign ad I have seen is one by UDP Stann Creek West area representative Melvin Hulse which seems to praise him more than anything else. He obviously thinks that the election is a referendum on him and he must be feeling a bit bothered to have bothered to have gone to such expensive lengths.” Hulse and the UDP lost Independence last Sunday, and did so badly. They may have “won” the chairmanship by 6 votes but that is in dispute. What is not in dispute is that the vast majority of the people who voted, voted for a slate of candidates that had clearly described themselves as PUP. It is a sign of times and a sign of things to come.

Continued from page 10

Quarreling about Words …

By: Luis Blas Mendez The police are twisted and bend at the will of organized crime where its own elements are fingered by the Chief of Police and by even the Prime Minister on national television. Broadcast. They are fingered that they collude in a ring, organize as a gang of police with civilians. At the moment this situation is being live nationally by all of us, we can clearly say that we are at the brinks or deep into social mistrust. Belizeans see and perceive within this national insecurity, a power vacuum within the realms of Home affairs Ministry specifically at the Police. The Commissioner of Police claims that organized crime has filtered into the Police ranks way up to at least one inspector where as all constables would be seen now by the public as an organize crime gang member force and not as part of the a police force.Organized Crime attempts against our well establish institutions to the extent that with its buy and sell modus operandi way of life it has twisted and bended the Police Force. Organized crime also attempts against the Belizean family when in a cross fire gang related activity any innocent of

a family can perish and propel family anguish. It also violates theBelizean family mental and physical integrity. It violates our fundamental freedom to mobilize ourselves at ease around the streets of our town or city. It violates children outdoor playing grounds or neighborhood socialization and gathering. It is time that the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition stop talk about our economy which has been peg to globalization and will only unhook till 2029 with the super bond maturity. We can’t change that. Its time that this two leaders sit down in the name of the Belizean family integrity and get a crime bill, with its appropriate referendum They should not sit down to collude how to govern the people but how to protect them as a family and as any individual living in Belize. They should cherish our Belize at all times. Together they should also promote and maintain the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the public. An Academy for the Police force is now inevitable; it should be form due to its technical and scientific pursuits which now don’t exist in Belize with its appropriate high tech.

Are the Police in collusion with the crime wave and violence.....?

Public Viewsand Opinion

From: Caribbean Export Development Agency

Caribbean Export Visits Belize to discuss Trade Issues

Belmopan, Belize. April 12, 2010. Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) will host a series of meetings with members of the private sector, the Chamber of Commerce, officials of the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Coalition of Services Industries on April 15 -16, 2010.Some of the activities include a review the European Union funded 9th Economic Development Fund (EDF) Caribbean Trade and Private Sector Development Programme (CTPSDP) and the proposed 10th EDF CTPSDP; a sensitisation workshop on Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) and the setting up of a Caribbean Export Council in Belize.According to Escipión J. Oliveira, Special Projects Manager with Caribbean Export, the Caribbean Export Team will take the opportunity to better understand the needs of Belize’s private sector and its trade development priorities with a view to better serve the country.Carlos Wharton, Senior Trade Policy Advisor stated that “the purpose of the MRA workshop is to inform national private sector representatives of recent developments in trade policy and to the necessity of signing MRAs for their respective services to benefit from preferences offered under the CARIFORUM-EC Economic Partnership Agreement. In addition, participants will be made aware of the current negotiation for a Trade and Development Agreement between CARICOM and Canada.These meetings follow a visit last month by Mrs Dixie Rampersad-Pfister, Caribbean Export’s Senior Investment Promotion Advisor, on investment promotion issues as part of the activities of the Caribbean Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (CAIPA).ENDS

About Caribbean ExportCaribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export) is a regional trade and investment organisation of the Forum of Caribbean States (CARIFORUM). Caribbean Export’s mission is to increase the competitiveness of Caribbean countries by providing quality export development and trade and investment promotion services through effective programme execution and strategic alliances. More information about Caribbean Export can be found at

Superintendent Russell “Bogo” Brackett and Assistant Commissioner David “Hindu” Henderson. They say that Mangar responded to the call from Jermaine Palacio because Palacio owed him for some dvds and cds he had sold. The two had developed a relationship after Manger had busted and jailed Palacio some years ago. With the ranks already disgruntled by the frustration of low wages, increasing public criticism, political favoritism, growing danger from criminals and what they perceived as rampant corruption among the senior staff and high command, tensions rose when word filtered out that Inspector Broaster’s personal lap top computer had been stolen, and that among its files were explosive allegations of criminal activity in high places. Broaster himself had to be hospitalized with heart attack like symptoms after discovering that his lap top had been purloined and soon enough the first missive containing information ostensibly from the files have begun to circulate in the form of a letter. The sometimes rambling letter, which purports to quote extracts from the files, accuses Broaster and several high ranking officers of high crimes and misdemeanors in cahoots with several prominent citizens and politicians. Since its appearance earlier this week, the tension in the ranks has soared to unprecedented heights climaxing today with the threat by several officers of a strike or work stoppage.

There is also severe discontent over long delayed promotions, rumored demotions, and the insistent talk that Compol Jefferies have drawn up a list of 41 names of officers who will be sent home. Commissioner Jefferies statistics are nothing more than a bad joke in a deadly stew that is imploding the Belize Police Department. Not even his officers believe that the incidence of crime, particularly violent crime, is decreasing, and in fact believe the very opposite. With the Minister of National Security practically “disappeared” by an impending Cabinet re-shuffle, the Prime Minister embarrassed having been caught in a web of contradictions, and the Commissioner compromised by his own officers and statistics, the Department awaits the next disaster that is sure to erupt. The guns on the streets are growing louder. There is talk that it is the police who may have the contents of a plane that crashed way out on Northern Two Caye and that the true owners are in Belize looking for it. There is talk that there are some in the ranks who work for powerful people and that they are eyeing their fellow officers with deep suspicion. Less than two months ago one officer shot another officer several times until he was dead. Like two street thugs they had a beef and it was settled with hot lead in the dead of night. The next shooting they are saying, may just be in broad daylight right there in the station house. Just today the day began with the report that someone had shot up the Prime Minister’s offices. Who and what’s next?

Shots Buss at PM Barrow’s Law OfficePolice Department imploding; Media Muzzled

Sunday, April 18th, 2010 PAGE 19

HEALTHY LIVINGWhat is bladder cancer?Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body. These extra cells grow together and form masses, called tumors. In bladder cancer, these growths happen in the bladder. The bladder is the part of your urinary tract that stores your urine until you are ready to let it out. See a picture of the female urinary system or male urinary system .Bladder cancer can usually be cured if it is found and treated early. And most bladder cancer is found early.What causes bladder cancer?We don’t know what causes bladder cancer. But being exposed to certain chemicals or cigarette smoking raises your risk. And like other cancers, changes in the DNA of your cells seem to play a role. Also, when the lining of the bladder is irritated for a long time, cell changes that lead to cancer may occur. Some things that cause this are radiation treatment, having catheters in place for a long time, or having the parasite that causes schistosomiasis.What are the symptoms?Blood in the urine is the main symptom. Other symptoms may include having to urinate often or feeling pain when you urinate.These symptoms can be caused by other problems, including a urinary tract infection. Always call your doctor if you see blood in your urine. How is bladder cancer diagnosed?To diagnose bladder cancer, your doctor will:Ask about your medical history and do a physical exam, including a vaginal or rectal exam. Test your urine to look for blood or abnormal cells.Do a cystoscopy, a test that lets your doctor look into your bladder with a thin, lighted viewing tool. Small tissue samples (biopsies) are taken and looked at under a microscope to fi nd out if there are cancer cells.How is it treated?Treatment choices for bladder cancer include:Surgery to remove any cancer. Sometimes lasers or other methods can be used to get rid of tumors.Chemotherapy, which uses medicine

to destroy cancer cells.Immunotherapy, which causes your body’s natural defense system to attack bladder cancer cells.Radiation therapy, which uses high-dose X-rays to kill cancer cells.The treatment depends a lot on how much the cancer has grown. Most bladder cancers are treated without having to remove the bladder.Sometimes doctors do have to remove the bladder. For some people, this means having urine fl ow into a bag outside of the body. But in many cases, doctors can make a new bladder-using other body tissue-that works very much like the old one.Bladder cancer often comes back. The new tumors can often be treated easily if they are caught early. So it’s very important to have regular checkups after your treatment is done.It’s common to feel scared, sad, or angry after fi nding out that you have bladder cancer. Talking to others who have had the disease may help you feel better. Ask your doctor about support groups in your area.What increases your chances of getting bladder cancer?Anything that increases your chances of getting a disease is called a risk factor. The main risk factors for bladder cancer include:

Smoking. Cigarette smokers are much more likely than other people to get bladder cancer.Being older than 40, being male, or being white (Caucasian).Being exposed to cancer-causing chemicals, such as those used in the wood, rubber, and textile industries.What you eat. A diet high in fried meats and fats increases your risk for bladder cancer.Parasites. There is a parasite that causes schistosomiasis, which can increase your risk. This condition is sometimes found in developing countries and rarely occurs in North America.

Bladder Cancer

Domingo, 18 de Abril, 2010Edición 86 Vol. 2 - Semana 35

Robo aRmado sofocado aboRdo TRanspoRTe d&e Pasajeros luchan con bandidos Guatemaltecos

Luisa Carillo, Manejador, Ernesto Castillo Jr., Bus D&E

Beliceño Estrangula Esposa Americana

Enfrenta Asesinato de primer –grado Westmont Illinois

Luisa Carillo de 19 años de edad esta batallando por su vida en el hospital de Belize Healthcare Partners después de que fue empujada o quizás brinco de un autobús D&E mientras se movía el domingo por la noche. El autobús conducido por Ernesto Castillo Jr. se dirigía desde la cuidad de Belice hacia Benque Viejo del Carmen a eso de las 6 de la tarde no sabiendo ni el ni su conductor lo que había pasar un

Un hombre Beliceño identificado como Ian Alamilla, fue acusado de estrangular a muerte a su esposa, Sra Tara Feldman Alamilla de 34 años, en el estado de Illinois. La policía de Chicago dijo que el horripilante incidente ocurrió el pasado sábado 10 de Abril a eso de las dos de la madrugada en la casa donde vivía la esposa y sus tres hijos de 2 años, 5 años, y 11 años mientras ellos dormían en otra recamara en la misma casa. Las autoridades dicen que Ian Alamilla se entrego a las 5:30 esa misma mañana del sábado. Lo que paso dice la policía de Chicago; es que un pleito entre la pareja empezó a eso de las 2 de la mañana en la misma madrugada y que termino siendo una agresión fatal de Ian hacia Tara. Cuando Ian Alamilla se entrego el conto del pleito que había pasado y

poco mas tarde. Castillo paro en el área de Clarissa Falls para desbordar a unos pasajeros y pronto estaba patras en el camino para llegar al destino final. En ese mismo tiempo el noto que dos pasajeros estaban acercándose mas a frente en el autobús. Cuando prendió las luces adentro es cuando se entero que estos no eran pasajeros regulares; uno tenia un arma de fuego y el otro

Continuado en pagina 4

Continuado en pagina 4

Historia en la pagina 3

Beliceño: Ian Alamilla, 33, de Westmont Illinois es acusado de asesinato en el primer degrado por estrangular a su esposa Tara

Feldman Alamilla de 34 años.

Todo Beliceño de buena intención ha estado adivinando cuando el Honorable Primer Ministro revelaría su monstruosa cabeza de un dictador, como su principal característica. Pues lo ha hecho. Para iniciar envió sus combatientes a Nuevo San Juan el pasado domingo por la tarde para provocar a los simpatizantes victoriosos del Partido Unido del Pueblo, quienes estaban celebrando la golpiza infligido al UDP en las urnas para las elecciones Aldeanas del 2010. Estos maleantes UDP estaban embriagados de licor contrabandeado que se les proveo por su Representantes en Orange Walk. Debemos anotar que estas cervezas contrabandeadas afectan a empresas como la Belize Brewing Company Ltd y comprometen los empleos de miles de Beliceños, especialmente cuando el mismo gobierno apoya y facilita el libre acceso de cervezas de contrabando que no paga impuesto entonces nadie en el país querrá comprar cervezas Beliceñas causando una declina en el éxito de la cervecera. Como se menciono anteriormente, estos maleantes atacaron los simpatizantes jubilosos PUP y después ellos se hicieron de la victima denunciando a la policía para que después se haga una redada y arresto de varios miembros PUP. Luego este miércoles, el Comisionado de la Policía Crispín Jefferies anuncio una conferencia de Prensa para presentar las nuevas estadísticas del Crimen. Cuando el Cuero de los medios arribó a la sala de prensa, fueron revisados para que no introdujeran cámaras ni equipo de grabación. Esto es un insulto y primera para el país en donde se anuncia una conferencia de prensa y desarmar a los medios de sus equipos. En esta

era tecnológica el Comisionado de policía parece estar poniendo a los medios los tiempos de picar piedra. Los medios también tienen culpa ya que han aceptado esta humillación ya que pudieron protestar y boicotear la sesión. La pregunta que se presenta es: De que tiene miedo el Comisionado? Parece que no quiere meter las patas y repetir la burrada del pasado Jueves Santo cuando él nos confirmo que pudo convertir al Primer Ministro en un verdadero Asno. Basado en todas las mentiras que proporciono para engañar al pueblo Beliceño aun tuvo la audacia para presidir sobre otra conferencia de prensa para hacernos creer que las estadísticas en el crimen demuestran que ha declinado desde enero de este año. Estas cifras se convierten en el burla y chiste del año ya que todos sabemos muy bien que los asesinatos de personas causa que caigan como moscas, los robos e invasiones de domicilio ahora es cultura cotidiana. Porque los medios quieren sentarse en una conferencia de prensa donde se les quitan sus equipos y son censurados para escuchar tonterías. Los medios como equipo debieron salirse y deben de boicotear cualquier conferencia de prensa anunciada por la policía de hoy en adelante. La policía se encuentra en un caos. El jefe de la policía ha perdido control de la criminalidad en las calles y de sus elementos. Cada agente de la policía está tratando de ganarse el favor del Primer Ministro con la esperanza que obtendrán ascensos. Saben muy bien que el actual Comisionado esta en tiempo prestado y no le dan el respeto debido a su dirección. Sin embargo, en su afán para quedar bien con el Primer Ministro,

varios oficiales de la policía de alto rango han recurrido a victimización política en contra de simpatizantes del PUP. Afirmamos esto por lo que se vio durante los comicios del pasado domingo y solo de pensar que faltan dos meses más se cree que conforme el UDP vaya perdiendo en las elecciones, serán más hostiles por sus frustraciones sabiendo que sus días están contados. Se cree que seguirán provocando los miembros del PUP para después escudarse detrás de la policía quienes han demostrado estar al servicio de sus jefes políticos del gobierno UDP y no a la ciudadanía. Estamos preocupados que esta situación salga fuera de control por su naturaleza volátil y que irrumpa en un baño de sangre porque la policía parece estar ignorante de lo que pueda significar una confrontación de los dos partidos. Según reportes de los quienes estuvieron presentes en Douglas Orange Walk el pasado domingo incluyendo la policía, los partidistas UDP estuvieron tomando cervezas contrabandeadas del otro lado en las narices de la policía sin que se les digieran nada por parte de las autoridades. La policía no debe de estar permitiendo esas acciones ilegales mientras persiguen a los inocentes simplemente por ser de otra persuasión política. Como país, Belice ha regresado políticamente, social e económicamente y no existe ninguna estrategia inteligente de cómo mejorar las vidas de los ciudadanos, lo que está evolucionando es una sociedad emocional embriagada en venganzas y política partidista. No podrá haber progreso si no existe una dirección clara y definitiva. La única solución de este gobierno UDP a los problemas que agobia al país es

implementar leyes y conferencias de prensas. Por ejemplo, el Presupuesto 2010-2011 fue forzado en el lomo de los ciudadanos sin consulta alguna ni conferencia de prensa. Los ciudadanos ahora tendrán que aguantar la viga de los impuestos y no habrá ningún escape. Además han adoptado un proyecto llamado Horizonte 2030 que no es nada mas que un chantaje para beneficiar a una partidista UDP. Cada vez en cuando vemos al sábelo todo Godwin Hulse y Henry Gordon en los medios discutiendo la Constitución según para educar a la población. Estos dos hipócritas son Senadores. Henry Gordon voto a favor del presupuesto con más impuestos en el Senado mientras Godwin Hulse voto previamente para la toma forzoso de la telefónica Belize Telemedia Ltd que como resultado ha causado temor a los inversionistas que consideraban a Belice para hacer inversiones. Estos deben de ir en busca de una laguna y ahogarse porque han traicionado la confianza del pueblo Beliceño y la confianza de sus familias. Quiero anotar que estos dos caballeros son operativos del UDP que el Primer Ministro utiliza como lava cocos del pueblo y los disque intelectuales mientras utiliza a la policía para someter a la clase pobre. Sin embargo, nuestras oraciones esta con las familias de aquellos asesinados causado por un gobierno muy inepto para actuar adecuadamente. Aunque no creo que venga ningún tipo de detente por parte de este gobierno incompetente y corrupto. Que descansen en Paz todos aquellos caídos desde nuestra última publicación.

PAGINA 2 Domingo, 18 de Abril, 2010

Abran Los Ojos,El Pueblo Esta Despierta.


PAGINA 3Domingo, 18 de Abril, 2010


El presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, advirtió a los sectores que rechazan su gobierno a nivel nacional e internacional, que si pretenden ejecutar un nuevo golpe de Estado como el de hace ocho años y realizar actos terroristas contra la población, la respuesta será radical para neutralizarlos.“Si llegaran a inventar otra cosa, de gente experta ,de una parte muy lejana del mundo, si inventan algo, la respuesta será radical”, dijo el mandatario en su programa “Aló, Presidente” desde el Palacio de Miraflores (sede de Gobierno) en donde conmemora los hechos de abril 2002, que significaron su salida del poder por 48 horas.El mandatario ordenó a las Fuerzas Armadas a estar alertas ante las amenazas constantes contra su Gobierno y su humanidad, y afirmó que a través de investigaciones en Venezuela y en otros países se han detectado planes que pretenden asesinarlo.En su programa criticó a la oposición

de su país por intentar ganar las elecciones par lamentar ias de septiembre con “personajes que son restos del pasado” y no tienen ideas nuevas para el país.“ Su actitud hace imposible la r econc i l i ac ión y algún tipo de acuerdo”, expresó el presidente tras desear conocer líderes opositores con los que se puedan conversar.El Presidente también rindió honor a los venezolanos que perdieron su vida en los sucesos de abril 2002 y presentó sus respetos a los familiares, reivindicando con sus palabras la defensa del pueblo

que hicieron aquellos hombres y mujeres de la Patria.“Yo estoy conciente que estoy vivo gracias al sacrificio de ellos”, comentó el presidente Chávez.Pidió luchar cada día con mayor fervor y conciencia para obtener el proyecto bolivariano y la victoria definitiva.

El Golpe de Estado del 11 de abril de 2002 fue un intento de derrocamiento contra el presidente constitucional a través de un sabotaje empresarial que duró más de tres días, y que fue apoyado por los medios de comunicación social privados que lanzaron una fuerte campaña en contra del actual mandatario.

Chávez advierte a quienes pretenden derrocarlo que cualquier intento se neutralizará El mandatario ordenó a las

Fuerzas Armadas a estar alertas ante las amenazas

constantes contra su Gobierno y su humanidad, y afirmó que a través de investigaciones en Venezuela y en otros países se han detectado planes que

pretenden asesinarlo

EFE/ WASHINGTON GuatemalaLa primera de sus reuniones bilaterales de este domingo fue con el primer ministro de India, Manmohan Singh.Los cuatro líderes extranjeros se encuentran en la capital estadounidense para participar mañana y el martes en la Cumbre de Seguridad Nuclear, que reunirá en la capital estadounidense a representantes de 47 países de todo el mundo.Obama, que realizará también una llamada telefónica de cortesía al presidente en funciones de Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, acudió a la reunión con Singh acompañado de la secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton.Además de Clinton también participaron en el encuentro, el asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca, el general retirado James Jones, el jefe de Gabinete, Rahm Emanuel, y el secretario de Energía, Steven Chu. Singh, por su parte, estuvo acompañado de su secretaria de Exteriores, Nirupama Rao, el asesor de Seguridad Nacional, Shivshankar Menon y la embajadora india en EE.UU., Meera Shankar. La reunión entre Obama y Singh es la primera entre los dos mandatarios desde la cena de Estado con la que el inquilino de la Casa Blanca honró a su homólogo indio en la capital estadounidense el pasado 24 de noviembre.Los encuentros bilaterales tienen lugar en la residencia oficial de invitados de la Casa Blanca, situada en las inmediaciones de la residencia oficial, lo que hace que el área se haya cerrado al público y esté rodeada de un fuerte dispositivo de seguridad.Singh, que llegó a Washington el sábado

último por la noche, dijo esperar a su salida de Nueva Delhi que la cumbre se concentre, según lo previsto, en la amenaza del terrorismo nuclear y en la proliferación de tecnologías y materiales nucleares. “Son preocupaciones legítimas que requieren respuestas firmes” , afirmó el primer ministro de India, una de las potencias nucleares.Obama ha identificado el terrorismo nuclear como “la amenaza más inmediata y extrema a la seguridad global” y quiere que todos los materiales nucleares alrededor del mundo estén debidamente asegurados en el plazo de cuatro años. El hecho de que un número creciente de países desarrollados hayan decidido recurrir a la energía nuclear para

lograr cumplir con sus objetivos de energía limpia implica que hay más combustible nuclear disponible y que parte de él podría ser robado.La Casa Blanca ha expresado su intención de que la cumbre se concentre en el tema en la agenda, el de la seguridad nuclear, pero los encuentros de alto nivel que mantendrá Obama con importantes socios, entre ellos el presidente chino Hu Jintao, hacen temer que la atención se desvíe hacia otros temas. China, el principal mercado exportador del petróleo iraní, se ha resistido por el momento a respaldar las sanciones al régimen de Teherán propuestas por la comunidad internacional para frenar las ambiciones nucleares del país.

Irán no participará en la cumbre, pero aun así, se prevé que gran parte de las conversaciones que tendrán lugar fuera de la agenda oficial giren en torno al “problema iraní” . Las dificultades de ajustarse al guión comenzarán hoy mismo, con las reuniones de Obama con Singh y el primer ministro de Pakistán, Yusuf Raza Gilani.Ninguno de los dos países son signatarios del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear y son claves, sobre todo Pakistán, en la estrategia de Estados Unidos en Afganistán. Más tranquilas prometen ser, en principio, las reuniones con el presidente kazajo, Nursultán Nazarbáyev, y el mandatario de Sudáfrica, Jacob Zuma, líderes de países que renunciaron a las armas nucleares en la década de los noventa.La Cumbre sobre Seguridad Nuclear arrancará oficialmente mañana con una cena de Estado y continuará mañana con dos reuniones plenarias y un almuerzo de trabajo. Se espera que los líderes emitan un comunicado conjunto al final del encuentro en el que se comprometan a llevar a cabo una ofensiva global contra el tráfico ilícito de material nuclear.Según el borrador del documento al que tuvo acceso el diario The Wall Street Journal, los signatarios pedirán un enjuiciamiento más riguroso de los traficantes, un registro más metódico de los materiales nucleares y una mayor cooperación global. La cumbre que se inaugura mañana es la mayor reunión de líderes mundiales auspiciada por un presidente estadounidense desde la conferencia fundacional de las Naciones Unidas que tuvo lugar en San Francisco en 1945.

Obama inicia reuniones bilaterales previas a la cumbre de seguridad nuclear

Presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, durante un encuentro bilateral con el primer ministro indio,

Manmohan Singh, (i), en la Casa Blair. (EFE)

PAGINA 4 Domingo, 18 de Abril, 2010

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Editor: 605-4508 | osilva_56@yahoo.com25 Nanche Street, Belmopan, Belize



Aries 21 Marzo-19 AbrilEl tránsito de Venus por tu signo es excelente para aumentar tus recursos perso-nales. Refleja una etapa favorable para conquistar nuevos objetivos, tanto de tipo personal como sentimental. Ahora tienes más seguridad a la hora de actuar. Tus relaciones te pueden abrir nuevas perspectivas. Es una buena etapa para todo lo relacionado con la capacidad de materializar tus propias ideas en materia de amor. Indica una doble sesión de vitalidad. Revela un periodo de buena suerte, de colocar las cosas en su sitio, de tener que vivir experiencias que te reporten felicidad. Tauro 20 Abril-20 MayoEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa doce indica que vives un momento de gran actividad cre-ativa. Refleja la posibilidad de que le dediques más tiempo a la introspección. Tus experien-cias sentimentales del pasado van a ser objeto de revisión y quizá te aporten datos que te aclaren muchas dudas. Desde el punto de vista de la salud es el momento de decir adiós a un ciclo y entrar en un proceso nuevo de transformación que se puede materializar un poco más adelante.

Gémini 21 Mayo-21 JunioVenus transitando por tu casa once indica un incremento en todo lo relacionado con tus actividades sociales y con tu sentido lúdico de la vida. Refleja que vas a vivir una etapa de mucho trato con la gente, de tener nuevas experiencias y a la vez de aprender gracias a esos contactos. Vas a tener una mayor capacidad comunicativa, lo que te hará sentir te mejor y te dará más éxito con los demás.Vas a mezclar la amistad en todo tipo de actividades, desde las comerciales hasta las románticas.

Leo 23 Julio-22 AgostoEl t ránsi to de Venus por tu casa nueve marca un per iodo donde ad-quieres nuevos enfoques respecto a lo que t ienes que hacer con tu v ida. D iversas opc iones de func ionamiento aparecen para ampl iar tus hor izontes. Indica una etapa donde es necesar io sal i r y ver e l mundo. Es un t ránsi to excelente para aumentar tus objet ivos personales a t ravés de los v ia jes. Ref le ja una fase expansiva donde se amplía la inf luenc ia de tus ideas.

Virgo 23 Agosto-22 SeptiembreEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa ocho indica un periodo para profundizar en tus asuntos más importantes y reflexionar en cuanto a tus excesos y tus carencias. Igualmente deberías hacer un balance o repaso de lo que ha sido tu vida, tanto emocional como material en los últimos meses. Te aconseja que cuides tus emo-ciones y administres tu energía de forma adecuada, sin ningún tipo de derroche. Ahora puedes crear un ambiente muy placentero a tu alrededor disfrutando de tus relaciones más cercanas.

Libra 23 Septiembre-22 OctubreVenus transitando por tu casa siete indica que va a ver mucho movimiento en torno a tu pareja, a tus socios, a tus compromisos adquiridos en forma de contrato, o a todo lo que tenga que ver con tus relaciones con lo demás. Tu energía a la hora de llevar a cabo tus proyectos personales se va a potenciar. Refleja cambios positivos en la forma de entender tus relaciones. Igualmente es un tránsito idóneo para aportar nuevas propuestas, tanto sentimentales. Escorpio 23 Octubre-21 NoviembreEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa seis te abre nuevas vías para lograr tus objetivos laborales. Tu propio trabajo te puede aportar experiencias muy inte-resantes. La suerte está contigo pero olvídate de mantener una actitud pasiva o de esperar a que las cosas te lleguen sin esfuerzo. Vas a tener que ser más dinámico. Indica relaciones armoniosas y más actividad social relacionada con el trabajo. Quizá sea el momento oportuno para proyectarte.

Sagitario 22 Noviemre-21 DiciembreVenus transitando por tu casa cinco indica un periodo de grandes expec-tativas y avances, tanto en el terreno personal como en el del amor. Vives una racha llena de ilusiones. Revela un aumento de tu conf ianza personal, especialmente en lo referente a tu vida amorosa, pero también en tus actividades creativas. Los desafíos sentimentales que vivas durante las próximas semanas darán sus frutos. Indica que cualquier actividad social que tengas te puede abrir una excelente racha para el amor.

Capricornio 22 Diciembre-19 EneroEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa cuatro indica que puedes tener oportunidades para involucrarte en actividades comerciales relacionadas con inmuebles o propiedades. Refleja que empieza una etapa positiva en asuntos de hogar, vivienda y familia, e igualmente influye en tu ámbito emocional más íntimo. Quizá tengas que hacer un camino de más responsabilidad personal, aunque en cualquier caso vives un momento maravilloso para lograr un crecimiento interno.

Acuario 20 Enero-18 FebreroEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa tres indica que puedes vivir una expansión consid-erable en tu vida social. Puedes hacer más viajes cortos que habitualmente cono-ciendo a diferentes personas. Indica que tu mente se reactiva. Refleja que durante varias semanas puedes expresarte de un modo más claro y concreto. Es probable que durante esta época tomes decisiones importantes o formules nuevas estrate-gias y planes para el futuro. Aprovecha este periodo para llevar hacia adelante cu-alquier proyecto personal.

Piscis 19 Febrero-20 MarzoEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa dos indica una etapa donde se consolidan tus pretensiones financieras. Vives un momento favorable para sacar tus mejores cu-alidades en el ámbito profesional. Indica cambios en todo lo relacionado con la economía. Revela una etapa fecunda para tener ideas originales que adquieran valor con el paso del tiempo. Quizá sea ahora cuando puedas desarrollar nuevos proyectos y planteamientos que te permitan avanzar económicamente

Cáncer 22 Junio-22 JulioEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa diez refleja que una nueva filosofía de vida toma cuerpo en tus esquemas profesionales provocando cambios en tu vida exterior. Con seguridad las circunstancias cambian para que puedas dem-ostrar la capacidad que tienes de hacer las cosas con éxito y autonomía. Llega un periodo muy constructivo para tus intereses. Indica nuevas opor-tunidades para progresar en tus metas profesionales, e igualmente es po-sible que recibas ayudas ya sea de forma directa o indirecta.

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dijo que necesitaban chequear a la señora Tara para ver que había sucedido. La policía de Chicago se comunico con las autoridades de Westmont para que ellos averigüen exactamente lo que había pasado. Cuando llegaron a la residencia de Tara Alamilla, la encontraron en el sótano con ropa y todo pero sin señal de vida con marcas visibles de estrangulamiento en su cuello. Una autopsia realizada confi rmo que la señora Tara fue realmente estrangulada. Trágicamente, la vida de la madre de tres hijos fue tomada por el mismo padre en el cumpleaños de su hijo más menor. Tara Feldman Alamilla era una coordinadora de programa de escuela en el zoológico de Brookfi eld. Tara empezó trámites para divorcio con su esposo el 25 de

marzo de este año con ningún tipo de alegación que indicaba violencia. Papeles de corte indica que la pareja se caso en agosto del 2002 en Oak Brooks, Illinois. Durante los procedimientos de divorcio, Ian Alamilla vivía a unos cuantos bloques de la casa de su esposa. El acusado Ian Alamilla apareció ante la corte y fue ordenado a prisión si no paga fi anza de $2 millones de dólares o 10% de la cantidad que arriban a los $200,00 dólares americanos. Ian no ha podido pagar los $200 mil dólares requeridos para salir bajo fi anza; en el evento también tendrá que entregar todos sus documentos de viaje. Este caso es desgarrador porque involucra a tres menores inocentes que ahora no tienen a ninguna madre y el culpable de tomar su vida es el mismo padre.

estaba armado con una granada.

El hombre con la pistola ordeno a Castillo que siga manejando y también tomo el bolso del conductor. Eso es cuando el pistolero hico su rumbo hacia las ultimas sillas atrás en el autobús. El que estaba armado con una granada se mantuvo en frente en la tercera escalera usando la granada como una amenaza. Le dijo al manejador del autobús que si el hacia cualquier señal a cualquier otro manejador, que el iba morir. Cuando llegaron al área de Succotz, el hombre con la granada ordeno a Castillo que pare y que abra la puerta. Eso es cuando unos de los pasajeros pateo a uno de los malhechores junto con su granada afuera del autobús. El hombre armado con la pistola se mantuvo bordo del autobús y empezó a robar a los pasajeros. Pero la suerte cambio también para el hombre armado cuando el atento disparar y la pistola fracaso. El mismo pasajero que había pateado al primer malhechor ahora se dirigió

para el hombre armado juntamente con el conductor y otros pasajeros que apuñalaron al hombre tanto que murió. El ha sido identifi cado como Wilson Orlando Paz Domínguez, un guatemalteco. La policía recupero el bolso con el dinero y las pertenencias de los pasajeros del hombre muerto.

Durante todo el alboroto, Luisa Carrillo aparentemente brinco fuera del autobús y callo en su cara fracturando su cráneo. Ella primeramente fue llevada hacia el hospital Karl Heusner y luego tuvo que ser transferida hacia Belize Healthcare Partners para tratamiento. Oportunidades de poder sobrevivir son de 50% pero los doctores dicen que ella esta joven y tiene buena salud entonces si hay esperanzas. La familia pide ayuda al público para poder pagar los gastos médicos. Personas que quieran ayudar pueden contactar al hermano de Luisa, Eswin Carrillo al número 651-1090 o hacer contribuciones a la cuenta bancaria 10558 en el Belize Bank.

robo armado sofocado abordo transporte d&e

Beliceño Estrangula Esposa


Sunday, April 18th, 2010PAGE 20

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