national parks of romania

Post on 06-May-2015






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There are included information about National Parks of Romania.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and this publication reflects

the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be

made of the information contained therein.

With over 58 000 ha and partly located in SE Romania and partly in Ukraine, it is the largest and the

best preserved European Delta.

• entered into UNESCO patrimony in 1991 as biosphere reservation.

• it is an exotic land with over 1200 vegetal and animal species, the largest number of bird species

(over 300, among them unique pelican species) or fish species (about 100 species, with sea herring

and sturgeons, source of caviar)

• it is a real bird paradise with 98% of the European water species

• it is the most compact reed area of the world.

Rodnei National Park is the widest protected area from the East Carpathians with an area of 46. 000 ha.

It is important due to the mountain geology and geo-morphology, the various vegetal and animal species,

endemite and glacial relicts.

It is located in the MidWest Carpathians, with an area of 38.138 ha from Retezat-Godeanu Mountains.

There are 20 inner peaks over 2 000 m (Peleaga is the highest- 2 509m) and 80 glacier lakes (Bucura Lake

is the greatest of them).

It is well-known for its vegetal and animal diversity, with 1190 superior plants, 130 rare and vulnerable

plants, 50 mammal species, 168 bird species, 9 reptile species, 5 amphibian species.

It is home of wild species from the upper area of Călimani Mountains, the larges volcanic mountains.

There are many hiking paths through different eco-systems: pine trees and beech trees in Neagra depression, pine

and juniper trees, and alpine meadows at over 1900 m altitude.

Following biological studies since 1900, there have been mentioned 1004 vegetal species where tree species are in

minority and grass types are in majority.

Ceahlău Massif is the most impressive of the Eastern Carpathians, one of the few places in Europe with unadulterated nature and old-growth forests.It displays an incredible concentration of flora - over 2,000 flower species, and wildlife.Over 90 species of birds can be seen in the Ceahlau National Park. The capercaillie (Tetrao urogalus), the biggest bird in the park, can be seen here.The park is also home to the black goat, the lynx, the wolf, the fox, the brown bear and the pine marten. The elk (Cervus elaphus var. carpathicus) - monument of nature and the most valuable species of Ceahlau - can be admired.

Is of a great geologic, geomorphologic and paleontological interest. It is also interesting from the point of view of its

landscapes, and biological diversity generated by the great variety of geoclimatic conditions. Bicaz Gorges are famous in

Romania also because of their impressive dimension. At the same time, the Red Lake, formed through the natural blocking of

Bicaz waters (1837) offers a lovely scenery to the eyes.


-Belvedere points, special scenery, impressive gorges formed by the Bicaz brook and its affluents

-The Red Lake resort: a well - known climacteric resort

-Suhardul Mic ( observation point ) - one can observe the Red Lake region

-Ghilcoș massif ( observation point ) - one can observe the Red Lake region. The Ceahlau massif can be observed as well.

-Bicaz Gorges on DN 12 C, with a length of about 5 kms., the most impressive gorges in Romania.

- Șugău Gorges

- Bicăjel Gorges

- Hășmașul Mare peak - ( 1792 m altitude)

- Piatra Singuratică ( The Lonely Stone ) - Hășmașul Mare

It is located in the SE Romania, south of Anina Mountains, in Caraş – Severin County, including a karst area on the middle of Nera. Nera Gorges - Beuşniţa National Park has an area of 36758 ha. The unique natural beauty is due to a spectacular karst formation. Nera river flows through steep walls and large glades. It hosts rare and old animal and vegetal species.

It has an area of 17.100 ha and it is located in

the Central – South of the South Carpathians.

It is considered one of the most beautiful and

spectacular national parks as it includes 7 000 ha

intended for scientific research.

Cozia National Park hosts protected species like

edelweiss, white ivy and mammals like wolves,

lynxes, wild cat, martens, hedgehogs, squirrels,

bears, brown bears, wild boar and black wild


It is one of the newest protected areas with an area of 11.127 de ha.

The wilderness and the beauty of the places together with the fauna and fauna impress the eye.

There are 701 vegetal species and 441 animal species, some of them protected. Here live vipers, otters, lynxes, bears and

the area has a great touristic potential with grottos, natural fountains or caves.

With a surface of 611 km², is Romania's largest national park. It protects the prehistorical forests in Mehedinți, Godeanu, Domogled and Cerna Mountains, situated along the Cerna Valley.The climate and vegetation is typical Mediterranean. Together with the neighbour Retezat National Park and Țarcu Mountains, the area of DCVNP constitutes the last European Intact Forest Landscape, if are not taken in consideration the boreal regions (Russia and Scandinavia).

Rodna Mountains have one of the longest continuous ridges in Romania, with over 50 km from west to east. The two

highest points are Pietrosul Rodnei and Ineu peaks, with 2,303 and 2,279 meters altitude.

The entire Rodna Mountain is included in the Rodna National Park and Biosphere Reserve. This is a 567 km² reservation in

Eastern Carpathians with brown bears, lynx, gray wolves, black capercaillies and eagles.

It covers 1180 km² and the maximum height is 1,410 m. Part of them is included in Semenic - Caraș Gorges National

Park (356 km²).

Is a karst area, with many caves with precious formations (only in Caraș Gorges are 500 caves), gorges, sinkholes etc.

An extraordinary flora variety grows here (over 1,086 plant species), many of them of Sub-Mediterranean.

Also, the largest primeval forests of temperate Europe, including the largest primeval beech forest on continent:

50 km². The beeches here reach 50 m in height.

It has about 37 900 ha within the premises of three counties - Bihor, Cluj and Alba.

It includes the largest karst area from Romania: karst plateau - Cetățile Ponorului, caves - Vântului

and Humpleu (the longest and most inaccessible in România), Peștera Urșilor- the only paleontological

site with fossil remains of ursus spelaeus, intact in the moment of discovery, Scărișoara Glacier and

over 50 gorges.

It also includes animal and vegetal species specific to the mountain areas.

Bucegi Mountains are also a nature park, created to protect the incredible variety of flora (4500

species) and the rich fauna (3500 species), which together with other ranges in Romania and with

Danube Delta make Romania the most biodiverse country in Europe, both by number of species and

the density of animal life.

In Bucegi alone (which are in Prahova and Dâmbovița counties), although the most visited range in

Romania, live probably around 100 bears on only 300 km², making it the area with the highest density

in Romania and Europe (if not in the world).

It is an area of convergence between vegetal and animal world from two regions: Pannonia and Romanian Fields. The presence of an Mediterranean - influenced climate (dry warm summers and mild rainy winters) favored many warmth-loving plants and animals, adapted to these geographic conditions. The various relief and natural elements determined the preservation of many vegetal and animal species, turning Porțile de Fier National Park one of the most diverse regions.

The park has a surface of 308 km² and protects a large variety of landscapes and types of human settlements.

On the territory of the park there are 16 monasteries and hermitages, including some of the most famous in

Romania: Neamț Monastery, Secu, Sihăstria, Sihla, Agapia, Văratec etc.

The park also protects rare animal species like brown bear, lynx, wolf and European bison (brought from Poland and

Caucasus in 1968 and 1977 and reproduced here for several decades).

The park is mostly located in a part of Stânișoarei Mountains, which are 60 km long and cover over 2100 km² and

have as highest point Bivolul Peak - 1,530 m. These mountains have very beautiful and relaxing landscapes and

although not very high, they're really wild, with magnificent forests with tall trees and fresh and strong air.

Protects 91 km² along the 33 km long defile.

The Deda-Toplita pass represents the limit between the Călimani Mountains and the Gurghiu Mountains - volcanic

mountains in the central group of the Eastern Carpathians. There are very tight portions, with high and steep slopes,

with various alluvial fans made of volcanic blocks.

In the places where the pass is excessively narrow, the forest is replaced by everglade weed with a few species of

willow and alder. These tall herbaceous plants have a rich variety of species, many of them having big flowers and a

decorative aspect. The cliff specific vegetation of the pass is very rich.

The fauna is rich in species, the rate of rare or endangered species being rather high. The presence of various species

has been also noticed along the evaluation of large carnivores

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