national institute of information technologies · the final build of ie9 is expected to be released...

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National Institute of Information Technologies


White Paper


“What is New in Internet Explorer 9”

Submitted by:

Md. Yusuf Hasan

Student ID: S093022200027

Year: 1st Quarter: 2nd

Program: M.M.S Date - 08 June 2010 Dhaka - Bangladesh


Internet Explorer 9 (abbreviated as IE9) is the upcoming version of the Internet Explorer web browser from Microsoft. It is currently in development, but developer previews have been released.

IE9 will have complete or nearly complete support for all CSS 3 selectors, border-radius CSS 3 property, faster JavaScript and embedded ICC v2 or v4 color profiles support via Windows Color System. IE9 will feature hardware accelerated graphics rendering using Direct2D, hardware accelerated text rendering using Direct Write, hardware accelerated video rendering using Media Foundation, imaging support provided by Windows Imaging Component, and high fidelity printing powered by the XPS print pipeline. During the October 2009 Typ09 conference, Microsoft was reported as saying that it was considering supporting WOFF in IE9. WOFF is "a strong favorite" for standardization by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Fonts Working Group.

At MIX 10, a new preview was released that featured support for CSS3 and SVG, a new JavaScript engine called Chakra, and a score of 55/100 on the Acid3 test, up from 20/100 for IE8. This preview is expected to be updated approximately every eight weeks, functions in parallel with any other installed browsers, and is a preview of the renderer technology only, lacking traditional chrome elements such as an address bar and navigation buttons.

The final build of IE9 is expected to be released in 2011. Support for the HTML5 video and audio tags was also promised. Some industry experts claim that Microsoft will release IE9 as a major out-of-band version that is not tied to any particular version of Windows.

The system requirements are Windows Vista SP2 (with Platform Update and Internet Explorer 8) or Windows 7. Windows XP is not supported.

Internet Explorer History In the early 90s—the dawn of history as far as the World Wide Web is concerned—relatively few users were communicating across this global network. They used an assortment of shareware and other software for Microsoft Windows operating system. In 1995, Microsoft hosted an Internet Strategy Day and announced its commitment to adding Internet capabilities to all its products. In fulfillment of that announcement, Microsoft Internet Explorer arrived as both a graphical Web browser and the name for a set of technologies.

1995: Internet Explorer 1.0: In July 1995, Microsoft released the Windows 95 operating system, which included built-in support for dial-up networking and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), key technologies for connecting to the Internet. In response to the growing public interest in the Internet, Microsoft created an add-on to the operating system called Internet Explorer 1.0.

1995: Internet Explorer 2.0: In November 1995, Microsoft released its first cross-platform browser, Internet Explorer 2.0, which supported both Macintosh and 32-bit Windows users.

1996: Internet Explorer 3.0: In August 1996, Microsoft released its completely rebuilt Internet Explorer technology, which included features that were revolutionary for the time. Designed for Windows 95, Internet Explorer 3.0 technology offered useful components that immediately appealed to users, including Internet Mail and News 1.0 and Windows Address Book. Later, Microsoft NetMeeting® and Windows Media Player were added.

1997: Internet Explorer 4.0: Designed for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT®, Internet Explorer 4.0 technology was a significant move forward. For Web developers, the addition of Dynamic HTML (DHTML) heralded the next step in Web design. DHTML gave Web developers more control over content and style and created opportunities that previously had been possible only with software applications.

1998: Internet Explorer 5.0: With the September 1998 release of Internet Explorer 5.0 technology, developers gained the ability to design richer Web applications. DHTML capabilities were expanded, giving Web developers more flexibility and power to create interactive Web sites.

2001: Internet Explorer 6: Internet Explorer 6 technology was released with Windows XP in 2001 as a more private, reliable, and flexible technology than previous versions. Because privacy and security had become customer priorities, Microsoft implemented tools that support Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P), a technology under development by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

2006: Internet Explorer 7 was released on October 18, 2006. It includes bug fixes, enhancements to its support for web standards, tabbed browsing with tab preview and management, a multiple-engine search box, a web feeds reader, Internationalized Domain Name support (IDN), Extended Validation Certificate support, and anti-phishing filter.

2009: Internet Explorer 8 was released on March 19, 2009. It is supported in Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 on both 32-bit as well as 64-bit architectures. It includes support for Accelerators - which allow supported web applications to be invoked without explicitly navigating to them - and Web Slices - which allows portions of page to be subscribed to and monitored from a redesigned Favorites Bar. Other features include In Private privacy features, and Smart Screen phishing filter.


Internet Explorer 9 Features

1. New JavaScript engine supports modern hardware.

2. Same Standard Markup works. HTML5, CC3, DOM, SVG.

3. Modern hardware accelerating the modern web.

4. IE9 Platform preview rhythm, community and standers.

5. Hardware accelerated HTML5 video.

Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview Build is already available for download and testing purpose. Should be noted that it’s not complete browser just platform preview to browser websites and test IE 9 features.


Internet Explorer 9: A Fresh Start, With


Ninth time's the charm, sometimes! At least that's Microsoft's hope with IE9, which they've just announced at Mix, brings new HTML5 support (including HTML5 video!), hardware-accelerated 2D graphics, and a totally new JavaScript engine—and no XP support. Microsoft's just demoed the latest build of IE9, the final version of which doesn't yet have a release date, and for something as sleepy as a browser, it's pretty cool. Here's what's new:


HTML5 is basically the talk of the town right now, assuming your town is populated exclusively by web developers and Apple apologists. It's magic! It's going to save the internet! It's going to kill Flash! Etc. But really, it's more subtle than that: It's the next version of the entire language that underlies the web—HTML—and it supports a lot of interesting features, which will make websites behave more like apps. Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera have pretty much left Microsoft in the dust in terms for HTML5 support. Until now! Here are the HTML5 features Microsoft says

IE9 will support:

• h.264 video: When people talk about HTML5 killing Flash, this is what they're talking about.

Some video sites, like YouTube and Vimeo, have been experimenting with video playback that

doesn't require a plugin to play. h.264 is the format standard the big sites have chosen to go with,

and now Internet Explorer will support it.

• Embedded Audio: Just as the video tag allows for video to be embedded directly into a page

without a plugin, the audio tag allows audio files to be embedded straight into the page. IE9

supports MP3/AAC codecs.

• Scalable Vector Graphics: Scalable vector graphics allow for the creation of certain types of

graphics that scale perfectly—because they're drawn as vectors, not plain images. It can also allow

for rudimentary, Flash-style animations.

• CSS3: CSS is essentially what the web is formatted with, and Internet Explorer's various CSS compatibilities have been maddening since, well, forever. IE9 supports more standards-based CSS3—including Selectors, Namespaces, Color, Values, Backgrounds and Borders and fonts—and should support more before launch. They're finally trying, is the point.


The New JavaScript Engine Modern web apps are loaded with JavaScript, to the point that new browsers are practically measured by how fast they can render it. (A faster JavaScript engine means sites like Gmail, Facebook and even Gizmodo don't just load faster, but run more quickly.) Here's how Microsoft says IE9 measures up right now:

Keep in mind that this is a WebKit-designed test, and that IE9 isn't ready for release yet—Microsoft says they'll still improve the rendering speed. And really, while IE9 might not outpace the fastest browsers out there, it's at least close and hilariously faster than IE8. In the onstage demo, IE9 didn't do terribly well on the Acid3 test, either, scoring a mediocre 55/100, which they

vowed to improve. But again, they're at least trying, and when you've got the market share (and history of ignoring standards) that Microsoft does, this is, again, worth a lot.

2D Acceleration Internet Explorer nine adds DirectX video acceleration for SVG graphics and even text rendering, which will make some SVG graphics and CSS3 rendering faster, but also applies to text rendering, which makes the entire browsing process a bit smoother. HTML5 video rendering is much, much smoother than in Chrome (demonstrated onstage), simply because of Direct2D video rendering—Microsoft was able to demonstrate two 720p HD videos playing smoothly in the same browser window, while Chrome choked on just one. Getting this acceleration doesn't require any extra code on the website's part, though developers won't be able to depend on this kind of video acceleration in their webpages, since it's unique to IE9 and Windows, for now. More than allowing for absurd demos like this, what this means is that any video played back via the video tag in IE9 will simply use less CPU power than it would in another browser, which is an objective improvement. (Note: This won't be available on Windows XP.) Additionally, some Javascript rendering can also be offloaded to the GPU, which, again, helps speed along rendering and responsiveness for complicated web apps. A lot of what Microsoft is doing here could be accurately described as catchup. And aside from the 2D acceleration features, there's really not much new here, as far as your average browser is concerned. But Internet Explorer adoption is inevitable, and for Microsoft to embrace modern web standards—at least more than they have in the past—will have a measurable, positive effect on the internet, and the people who browse it. (From work, which I'm fairly sure is the only place where the computer-literate people use IE anyway.)



Development of IE9 began shortly after IE8 had been released. Microsoft began taking features suggestions through Microsoft Connect soon after IE8 was released.[11] So far, the IE Team is focused on improving support for HTML5 and adding support for XHTML and SVG.

Microsoft first announced IE9 at PDC 2009 and spoke mainly about how it takes advantage of hardware acceleration in DirectX to improve the performance of web applications and improve the quality of web typography.

Later, Microsoft announced that they had joined the W3C's SVG Working Group, which sparked speculation that IE9 will support the SVG W3C recommendation.[12] This was proven to be true at MIX 10, where they demonstrated support for basic SVG markup and improved support for HTML5. They also announced that they will increase the support greatly by the time the first IE9 beta is released. The IE team has also introduced the new JavaScript engine for IE9, codenamed Chakra, which compiles code to native code.

At MIX 10, the first IE9 Platform Preview was released, which featured support for CSS3 and SVG, a new JavaScript engine called Chakra, and a score of 55/100 on the Acid3 test, up from 20/100 for IE8. On May 5, 2010, the second IE9 Platform Preview was released, which featured a score of 68/100 on the Acid3 test and faster performance on the Web Kit Sun Spider JavaScript benchmark than the first IE9 Platform Preview. These previews are not full builds of IE9, as they are for testing the latest version of the Trident layout engine. They are for web developers to send feedback on the improvements made, function in parallel with any other installed browsers, and are previews of the renderer technology only, containing minimalistic user interfaces and lacking traditional chrome elements such as an address bar and navigation buttons.[16] Microsoft says that these previews will be updated approximately every eight weeks.


Security mechanisms of IE 9

The software giant Microsoft has released a new generation of browser products IE 9. Although IE 9 is still a technology preview version (specified test for developers), the performance test proves that the results of IE 9 is just after Chrome and Firefox. Except for the outstanding performance, the security mechanism of IE 9 is also very important. The following are the seven security mechanisms of IE 9: 1. Sandbox technology

Microsoft learned from Google Chrome's Sandboxing technology and added new protected mode in IE. Under Protection mode, the browser's ability to deal with potential attacks has escalated, and IE 9 also solves the problems of collapsing of the old version.

2. Plug-in intelligent management

Usually, hackers use some defect code of plug-in in the process, and successfully bypass the security mechanisms DEP and ASLR to have further attacks. But in IE 9, all plug-ins are out of the process management and reduce the possibility of plug-in attacks.

3. Randomized memory management

Rick • Moi, world-renowned security research firm NSS president says that the randomized memory management technology in IE 9, forcing hackers to carry out a very complex process to determine the specific target.

4. Redirection limit

Users will be hijacked to the other sites which contain malicious code when accessing illegal sites. Now, the redirection limit function of IE 9 can play its role.

5. Content security policy According to the requirements of content security strategy, Microsoft is obliged to provide protection for cross-site scripting and Click-Jacking attack. Mozilla has started the deployment of this mechanism.

6. Plug-in registration mechanism

IE 9 hope that under a certain mechanism to help users to distinguish good or bad plug-in, so that users can use plug-ins better and more securely.

7. Secure API

By providing secure API, reducing the direct use of memory, and will greatly reduce the possibility of attacks. (Norton Internet Security 2010 and PC Tools Internet Security recommended)



With the advent of Internet

Explorer 8 many users are happy

with its advanced features which

are competent with other browsers

like the famous Firefox or the

Google Chrome. Microsoft hasn’t

stopped just with the small success

of IE 8 and they are very much keen

on Internet Explorer 9. In the next

MIX10 (Las Vegas) event Microsoft

is planning to demo its upcoming

Internet Explorer 9. Though MS

had announced about IE 9 road map

at PDC 09, there wasn’t much discussion after that. The new rendering engine for dynamic text and

with entirely new code for Internet Explorer 9, it will definitely make a difference for the users.

At PDC 2009 Hachamovitch, General Manager of Internet Explorer Team, and Steven Sinofsky, Windows Division President, both set a kind of roadmap for Internet Explorer 9 and Dean Hachamovitch confirmed that he will be presenting the changes and improvements made to Internet Explorer 9 sine PDC 2009 at MIX10. New support for Direct2D rendering and the improved support and functionality with Silverlight are the main areas most of the developers are interested to know about IE 9. Market adoption and usage share

Source: Median values from summary

table. Internet Explorer (54.50%;

Usage by version number) Mozilla

Firefox (30.96%; Usage by version

number) Google Chrome (5.61%)

Safari (5.27%) Opera (2.10%) Other


The usage share of web browsers.



The main technologies to call out here broadly are HTML5, CSS3, DOM, and SVG," Microsoft writes, "The IE9 test drive site has more specifics and samples. At this time, we're looking for developer feedback on our implementation of HTML5's parsing rules, Selection APIs, XHTML support, and inline SVG. Within CSS3, we're looking for developer feedback on IE9's support for Selectors, Namespaces, Colors, Values, Backgrounds and Borders, and Fonts. Within DOM, we're looking for developer feedback on IE9's support for Core, Events, Style, and Range.


The latest version of the popular browser is Explorer 9. At the beginning it will simply be a trial

version, named "Internet Explorer Platform Preview", which is free to download from a "test drive"

page on the Microsoft website. The company will release further "platform previews" every eight

weeks before entering the Beta testing phase of the program, which will anticipate the final release

of the product. Even the Beta versions will likely be public. Anyway, in spite of all the bugs that

characterize the current version, which is nothing more than an Alpha release, Microsoft seems to

have a precise strategy in mind: unveiling Explorer 9 and demonstrating that the "browser" battle

is not lost and that Redmond means to fight it with all its weapons, from the adoption of new web

languages standards, to kinds of radical innovation.

Internet Explorer 9 addresses all of the major concerns that users and critics have had with the

world's most used browser. There are several new and interesting features. Web Slices lets you

save predefined sections of a Web page for at-a-glance viewing. Instead of going to a traffic Web site

for updates, the latest commuting news comes to you. Accelerators make repetitive tasks one-click

behaviors, for instance finding directions or blogging.

So, while IE9 is expected to be compatible with the existing Web, it will do things no Internet

Explorer and, potentially, any browser, has done before it.





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