nasal strips how to stop snore--kongdy

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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What causes men to snore?

It seems to be every man there, snoring is a kind of disease, it will not only affect our sleep quality, but also lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therefore, we should attach importance to the treatment of snoring snoring disease, can choose to nasal strips.

What causes men to snore?

1, the respiratory tract of nasopharynx, jaw cause physiological abnormalities is caused by snoring. Such as nasal septum, nasal polyps can cause nasal stenosis caused by airflow blockage caused by snoring, the nasal strips can be extended cold caused by nasal cavity stenosis, open nasal passages, give you a free breath.

Snoring and cardiovascular disease is a natural link, it is customary to have a high degree of snoring apnea caused by varying degrees of hypoxemia, resulting in increased blood pressure

3 obesity is one of the most important reasons causing snoring. Due to obesity than normal to airway stenosis, when awake during the day, keep an open airway throat during muscle contraction, and thus will not cause the airway by blocking nerve excitability decreased. However, sleep at night when muscles, pharyngeal tissue congestion, so on the airway collapse, when the air flow through the narrow part, will also produce eddy current caused by vibration, so the bursts of snoring (snoring [] translation: commonly known as snoring is sleep after a normal person is breathing sound, is a physiological phenomenon.) is generated.

The characteristics due to the emergence of "sleep apnea syndrome" snoring, mouth breathing during sleep due to stop breathing and sleep in repeated arousal, woke up very tired, sometimes there will be a severe headache.

Suffering from snoring patients, either benign or malignant snoring snoring, should be active prevention, of course, for benign snoring, easy to control, the best way to malignant snoring patients is timely medical treatment, so in life need to do the following:

1, do not engage in stimulating activities before going to bed:

The best pre bedtime activities in gently, don't let the mood is too high, because the nerve will not immediately relax, make the night unable to firm and secure the rest.

2, sleep:

The correct use of pillows, supine or prone to sleep will make the respiratory tract is not smooth, side sleep, relaxation of the muscles tend to side, do not block the respiratory tract

3, avoid smoking, drinking and stimulating drugs:

Smoking, drinking and stimulating drugs can make the muscles more relaxed, but also block the respiratory tract

4, lose weight:

Obese people are usually more nasal polyps hypertrophy, and throat and nose inside the meat is more dense, more likely to block the respiratory tract

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