narrative theory - tegan owen

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Narrative TheoryBY TEGAN OWEN

What is the concept of Narrative Theory?

“Narrative theory is the study of narrative and narrative structure, along with the ways that these affect our perception”

Laura Mulvey

Laura Mulvey’s theory was the “male gaze” that films represnet women as passive objects of male desire.

By having our protagonist (female) being chased, stalked and captured by a male, this is in fact supporting Laura Mulvey’s theory.

Tzventan Todorov

Todorov had the “theory of equilibrium”. This was broken down into 5 stages, 1) equilibrium – all is in order, 2) a disruption to the equilibrium, 3) recognition that a disruption has taken place, 4) an attempt to repair the damage of the disruption, 5) a return to a new kind of equilibrium.

In our film we have decided to use Todorovs theory 1) equilibrium – home video, brother and sister aruging, 2) man following protagonist, 3) Amelia running away from the man, 4) Dad and Joe trying to find Amelia, 5) Amelia trapped in a mill.

Vladimir Propp

Propps theory was based on “character theory”. He broke them down in to separate categories of villain, hero, damsel in distress, helper etc to give structure to the narrative.

When creating our characters we used a damsel in distress (Amelia – protagonist), who’s happiness and equilibrium is taken from the villain (stalker). The helpers to the damsel in distress are the Dad and Joe (brother).

John Berger

However, we challenged the theory of John Berger, who states that “men look, women appear” and how “women are there soley for the objectification of women within all platforms of the media”, where this may be true in the sense the female is being hunted down by the male, we have not put her in revealing clothing where she is to be objectified, she is not wearing excessive make up. Yet also, she puts up a fight when being chased, and doesn’t just get taken right at the start of the trailer. Therefore, I feel we challenge the narrative theory of J. Berger.

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