nanowrimo 2012 edgar bajana day 5

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 Archimedes headed home, after all the plans for her voyage with the Captain were all

set and done. She just got out of surgery and was in good shape to head back home.Tomorrow was lift off. The surgery was more cosmetic than anything else. It was no lessdifferent than the ID chip that was implanted underneath her arm.l when she was ayoung girl.

Now that the final preparations were over, Archimedes could have her final moment withher son, before she lifted off.

She had a surprise for her son, though. It was a surprise that born out of a desperatesituation.

This evening would be the final meal that they would have together. It would be a gooddinner filled with all the things that her son loved. He was a cute little boy that was astall as her shoulders.

She knew that her son would not be there waiting for her when she got home. But shewould be ready for him and whoever was escorting him around. She was sure that theCaptain's friends would bring her son home, once dinner was ready. That was the deal.

She was sure of it. The Captain was a man of his word. He promised her. As long asshe submitted to anything he wanted, she got to see her son one last time.


"I submit," she said to Mirror.

Sh submitted to everything. She submitted to the Captain's will. She submitted to beingtaken against her will

on the space voyage, to being taken away from her son and to having the surgerycompleted. His will was her doing. She thought only of her son when she thought aboutthe Captain.

 Archimedes stepped out of the storm and entered through the front door of her cinder block apartment building. After the outer door slid open another door made of glass slidopen. Once inside the small lobby, she took off her heavy coat and hood and checkedthe two heavy pieces in the lobby, in the coat room.

Quickly, she dotted upstairs to get things ready for this evening.

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The Captain had long left her side and Archimedes did not expect to see him until theywere both on the ship, util they were both together for the long voyage. At least, that'show she understood things were going to go. The Captain didn't tell her much. Except,that this evening was her last night with her son.

"Archimedes, how are you?" asked the Mirror.

Mirror's voice echoed in her ear and reminded her of the Captains voice. Their voiceswere slightly similar. However, the mirror's voice was soothing and less nasally than theCaptain's voice. And that what was his intention with the surgery she just had.

"I submit," she said again. She had been repeating those words since she started tohear the Mirror's voice in her ear.

The captain believed that she only needed to get use to him to love him. The first wayhe accomplished this was by placing an implant in her inner ear. Usually, these implants

were used during spacewalks. However, he found another use for the tech. Theimplants linked her to her Mirror and Captain could keep a close eye on her state of mental health.

It had been a week since the Mirror was implanted in her ear and she hardly wanted torespond to it. This evening was the last chance to see her son and she had one lastopportunity to get out of this mess. The Captain knew no limits when it came to her. But,she would try.

When she heard the Mirror voice, she said nothing. Instead, she only thought aboutwhat the Captain had last told her.

It was their last night together in bed when he scooped up close to her and spoke in her ear. "Archimedes, you are the maiden of the voyage. The pearl of my wisdom. That iswhat your are. An that is what you shall always be. You mean so much to me, in thistime of discovery. You are my true love an I will never let you go. I know that you won'ttruly love me until we are together on our journey. On the ship we will be Adam and Evewho will return to paradise. Remember that your feelings will change once we areonboard and flying thousands of miles an hour. I swear to you."

"I submit." She said.

 Archimedes had promised Captain that she would try to love him if she treated her sonwell and if he allowed her to have one last dinner with her son.

She place her inner coat down on the couch and went into the kitchen to prepare thelast meal with her son.

His name was Timothy.

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She was done with preparing the meal, when she heard a knock at the door. She frozeup and a throat got choked up.

She coughed and she her Mirror.

"Are you okay, Archimedes? You've bee so quiet with me that I don't even know the firstthing about you. Are you okay?"

"I submit," she replied.

"Come on Archimedes. There is little time left before we can get to know each other. And I really want to get to know you. I want to know what you think. I want to know whatyour dreams are?come in how about it?"

 Archimedes stayed quiet, as she went straight for the cupboard above the microwave.She pulled the handle open and she saw the pistol inside. She took it and walked to the

dinner table. she got on her knees and stuck it underneath the table.

Mirror asked, "Are you okay. I notices that your heart rate went up."

"My son is here." She replied and flew over to front door. She opened it an there hewas. He was alone in the narrow hallway. He looked so innocent.

She bent down to hug him and squeeze him as hard as she could. "Baby, are you okay."

"Of course he is." said Mirror. "We think he is the most adorable boy that we have eveseen."

 Archimedes swept the boy inside the home and led him to the dining room. The boy hada glowing tablet In one had a rose in the other hand. The tablet had one of their favoritestories glowing in the face. It was Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. She readShakespeare to him when he was smaller. There was a romanticism in the author'swords that help her overcome the never ending storm. It had helped her overcome allthe awful things that this world had become. It had helped her deal with isolation andthreatening world.

 Archimedes escorted her boy to the table and sat opposite of him. She sat there andstared at him unable to start eating. There really was nothing to eat because the plates

were empty.

He just started at her, hoping that she would just speak. A second later, she reachedover the small table and grabbed both his little hands.

"Mom?" He said.

"Baby, tonight is the last time that I'm going to see you."

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"What do you mean, mom?"

"Is okay Archimedes. It's okay. You can tell the boy the truth," said the Mirror.

"Well Baby." She scooted up next to him. "I love more than anything. But, I have toleave you. So that you will have a good live."

"Without you?"

"Yes," she tried to hold back her tears. He was so innocent. She got closer to him andshe reached underneath the table for the gun. Her heart started to beat faster.

"It's okay Archimedes. We understand that this I trying time for you. But, your son will bein the best hands."

Her hand gripe the gun tighter "Baby, I want you to know that I would anything for you."

"So why are you leaving."

"It's not important. What's important is that we will not be apart. Your coming with me.She kept the gun under the table and pointed at him.

"Why are you lying to him, Archimedes? Now is the time to break it down to him easily.Don't you want to do that? For the sake of the child."

"Baby, I want you to know that I love more than life itself. You are my passion and

without you I am nothing, this world is nothing. Do you understand."

"I understand that you really love me."

"Yes I do." She raises the gun from the table and pointed at him. Timothy looked at her with those pair of doe eyes. Her hand started to shake. "I can't let them take you awayfrom me. I won't allow it."

"You have no choice, Archimedes. You submit. Remember. You submit. You'll regret it, if you kill him."

"I won't because I'll be dead too."

 Archimedes stood up and kept the gun pointed at her son, "I'm sorry baby."

"If you shoot him, you really won't kill him," said Mirror. "Do you honestly think that wewould let the boy be close to you? Come on Archimedes. If you shoot him, you'll dosomething worse than kill him."

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 Archimedes looksd at the boy who she thought was her son. In an instance she saw her son's face become someone else's. The child thr she held a gun to wasn't even her son.He was some other boy, playing to be her son. With that revelation, her heart the shotup.

Mirror spoke. "Take it easy Archimedes. If you shoot this boy. His parents will miss himso much. Please don't shoot him."

The tears brimmed and they began to pour out. The double suicide that she plannedout, fell apart. Suddenly she turned the gun on herself.

Mirror spoke up again, "I won't do that, either. Do you really want to do this to your son?Do you really want to leave him with this nightmare to haunt him for the rear of his life.This may not be your son. But, he is relaying everything he sees to your son, right now,in real time.

"Mom, I'm what are you doing?" She heard her own son's voice through the implant inher hear. When she heard this, she was at her lowest. She wanted to hold him for real.

"Depending on how you act, Archimedes. You will give your son good memories or badones. What is life? But a space filled with memories."

She took the gun away from her own head and spoke to Mirror.

"Mirror, I'm fine. Let the Captain know that I'm ready to leave."


DARK ROADBefore John Pierce became a hero to the world, he was a scrawny 15-year-old kid trapped insidethe trunk of a speeding car heading down a Dark Road.

EVE DREAMS AN UGLY BOYIvan, a deformed tattoo artist, becomes obsessed with Evelyn who he sees only once on the train.Ivan must have her, no matter whose dreams he must destroy along the way.

VICTORIA VICTORIAActress. Psycho. Killer. Victoria Stern is a woman with a shadowy past drenched in blood, pursued by two private investigators, named Colossus and the Hound.

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