name and team. good morning… funny picture, preferably of craig chu, here

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Name and Team

Good Morning…

Funny Picture, preferably of Craig Chu, here



Past Medical

PMHx- PSHx- FHx- SOCHx- IMM- Diet- Allergies- Meds-

Physical Exam Vitals: Wt #kg (#%), temp #, HR #, RR #, Pox #% RA, BP

#. GEN: HEENT: Head was atraumatic, normocephalic. Pupils

were equally round and reactive to light. Nares were patent. OP was clear.

NECK: Supple. CHEST: Clear to auscultation. No wheezing, rhonchi or

rales. HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, rubs or

gallops appreciated. Pulses strong in upper and lower ext bilaterally.

ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, nontender. Normal bowel sounds. No hepatosplenomegaly or masses palpated.

EXTREMITIES: Moved all extremities well. Cap refill was 2 seconds. No clubbing or edema, no cyanosis.

LYMPHATICS: No lymphadenopathy appreciated. SKIN: No rashes GU:

Other Investgation…

CBC BMP Other #1 Other #2 Other #3 Other #4



#% Neuts#% Bands#% Lymphs#% Monos#% Eos

Other #1Other #2Other#3








Imaging Study

In order to import images from pacs, do the following:1.Open Pacs to the desired image, zoom, etc (basically how you want people to look at it.2.Hit Ctrl+PrtScn (top right of keyboard)- This image is now copied to your clipboard.3.You can now go to your slides and press Ctrl+V to paste the image into your presentation. You can crop using the PowerPoint image tools to remove the boarders and other stuff.4.Alternatively, you can paste into Microsoft Paint (Start-> All Programs-> Accessories-> Paint) and do your editing there, then copy and paste the image into PowerPoint.5.Please remember to black out patient information in the top right corner.

Teaching Slides


Google. Wikipedia. Uptodate. Attending.

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