naam aukhad

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8/3/2019 naam aukhad 1/3

23.S. Raghbir Singh `Bir' on Healing through Simran 

Bhai Saheb Raghbir Singh `Bir' were a poet of a high

order, a scholar and spiritually enlightened. This is anextract from his book Bandaginama , - Communion with

the Divine .

“To escape disease, or to fight it, our forefathers used a

spiritual device that

is now in vogue in the West. This efficacious remedy, inthe words of Guru

Arjan, is:

Naam is the panacea for all ills.“Sarab rog ka aukhad naam” 

Guru Arjan- Gauri Sukhmani 

If and when drugs bring relief, we become dependent on

them. But if 

the spiritual device cures a patient, he sheds his fear of 

disease and is cured

permanently. Through his spiritual progress, he helps to

cure others.

Spiritual seekers are well aware of the fact that the body

as such is devoid

of life, it is inanimate, cannot move of itself, nor feel

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anything. Just as a chair

or a table cannot catch fever, similarly the body, which is

like a chair or a

table in its want of life, should be incapable of catchingfever. Another fact,

which the spiritual seeker is well aware of, is that the soul

remains unaffected

and is not subject to disease or death. This means that the

mind alone can

be affected by disease. Anything created by thought exists

in thought or

fancy. To the spiritual researcher, therefore, disease has

no meaning. God

abides in us, in every atom and molecule of our body, as

such disease should

impossible. There must be no fear of disease.

Spiritually enlightened people know how to attunethemselves to the Infinite, and being in touch with the

inexhaustible, treasure-house of force, they

draw strength according to their needs, and do not stand

in need of any external

agency for the sustenance of their life and health.

Even some of those who are not spiritually enlightened,but are endowed with some knowledge about God,

through their study of religious books, have been found to

cure diseases through God's grace.” 

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“The devotee should help to cure patients through prayer 

and Simran. This

will strengthen his faith and enable him to serve humanityin the best way.

I believe that the very touch of a man of Simran could

drive away disease.

The perfect devotee is like the proverbial philosopher’s

stone, and those who

are within the orbit and aura of his potent influence are

healthy and happy.

It is not un-Sikh-like to cure disease through prayer and

Simran. In the

Guru Granth there are many hymns of the Fifth Guru

wherein the greatGuru chanted his prayers for the recovery of his son,

Hargobind, and when

he was cured there were thanksgiving hymns..” 

- Extracts from the Book Bandginama, by S. Raghbir

Singh `Bir

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