na t i v e americ a n s 1 8 year s a n d ol d e r wh o hav e t y p e 2 dia b e t es

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Brochure Albuquerque Service Unit. Wh o ca n joi n th e. Wha t d o I hav e t o d o when. Health y Hear t Project ?. I’ m in th e pro j ect ?. Specia l Diabete s Progra m fo r Indian s I n dia n Heal t h Se r v ic e. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Native Americans 18 years and older who have type 2 diabetes.

You should be willing to participate in monthly case management visits.

You should be willing to participate in the project for the next 3 years.

Ask a friend to join with you!

Who can jo in the Hea l thy Hear t Pro ject? Spec ia l D iabetes

Program for Ind ians

I n d ian Hea l t h Ser v i ce

Hea l thy Hear t Pro jec t

Let the project staff know; we will ex- plain the project to you and answer your questions.

confirm you are eligible.

How can I join the HealthyHeart Project?

You may contact Healthy Heart Project staff for more information:

Where can I get more infor-mation on this project?

Albuquerque Indian Health Center

801 Vassar Dr. NE Albuquerque, NM

87106Offices Located on the 4th


Have a physical exam, lab tests, and an electrocardiogram (ECG) so we and learn more about your health.

Complete a baseline questionnaire that has to do with your physical activity, diet, your health history, health status and your feel- ings about the project.

Attend monthly case management meeting with your case manager.

Attend Honoring the Gift of Heart Health

Set goals for yourself that the Healthy Heart Project team members can help you accomplish.

What do I have to do whenI’m in the project?

What are the Goals?

Weight Loss.

Increased physical activity.

Lydell Lewis, Program Asst. 248-7740

Mary Jo Zunic, Pharm D 248-7741

Louise Bernal, LPN 248-7621

Mariela Cisco, RD 248-7658

Control heart disease risk factors with lifestyle changes and medications.

Learn how to make healthier choices about your nutrition and exercise.

Feel Better!

BrochureAlbuquerque Service Unit

What is the SDPI HealthyHeart Project?

risk of heart disease in people with diabe- tes.

Diabetes is a serious problem for American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Heart Disease, which affects the heart and blood vessels, is a major complication of dia- betes and is also the number one cause of death among American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Studies have shown that it is possible to reduce your risk of heart disease by: Controlling blood pressure, cholesterol,

and glucose levels.

Stopping smoking.

Taking an aspirin a day.

Losing weight through a healthier diet and physical activity.

Indian Health ServiceSpecial Diabetes Program for Indians

We are looking for volunteers who have di- abetes to participate in our

project, which includes case management services (clinic visits and

education) to reduce risks for

Most people don’t know they have heart disease until they have an emergency such as a heart attack or stroke.Risks for heart disease include:

You have diabetes.

You have high blood pressure.

You have high cholesterol levels.

Your blood glucose (sugar) is too high.

You weigh more than you should.

You smoke.

How do you know if you haveheart disease?

The Healthy Heart Project can help you in several ways:

You will be assigned a case manager whomeet the goals you should have for blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, weightsmoking (if you smoke).

Your case manager will be your team-mate who will help you prioritize the goals you have. He/She will be your coach, mentor, educator, and “cheer-leader”.

You will take classes about reducing heart disease risks and learn about managing dia- betes.

You may be able to delay or prevent getting heart disease by participating in this pro- ject.

Participation is completely voluntary.

Why should you join theHealthy Heart Project?

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