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Post on 26-Oct-2019






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• M W P W M P

n Aether #f T h * ttstsry" a Sis­ter *f Maud Batlingteit Stoth.

una. rLoitnicx L. u s i m i i . To the man; women who bare read

.with absorbed interest that delightful

Gooct manners ate not difficult tor * young girl to acgotre, bat i t it difficult for tfee average yottng girl to realize their tremendous importance. Tet U she will only stop to think she will remember some old woman who. ID her eyes, holds everything e f grace suid charm. Then why does she not try to Imitate her? Why dace she sot study this woman's personality amd tod o m the secret of this charm? £ n d if she studies this older woman, prowld-ed ber model is a woman of distinction, she will always find that the secret ofi this ctxans generally lies In good man­ners.

The schoolgirl should try first to be i considerate. I s being that she will find nearly everything else will be com­paratively easy, ghe win not talk is

I load, breezy tones, because ghe will , know that she Is dismrbmg other per-sons; she will not hurry through the street* la a bold and pushing manner, nor stand In foolish, jiggling groope

m *www mm W* H * » wit* th* M*f«* Mump 'afnd H«*bl* Walk,

*m> story T h o Eosarrl « , nfll b e on sbse* <aaifie*r-heatiMBr3te^W|lI -•ef mterest to know That *S» "iuthoE. Isjirt, FWrehee L. BarcUy. la a sister •ef Hand BaUingtan Booth, woo also t i l* "written somo oharmmgr boots J o r IcaOdren. i Tb* anthor of "The Rosary" earnest i f t w an English family tralwsd fa th* [traditions of th . <#**> *Wt 'nSstature. land many of Its members have achter i*4 distinction through their pen. She Hi the ri»*4UKtR*r'6f IB*. OtkrM*-' 'WHtb. whose "Mialstarlag Children" ^ read with such aTldlty S(rt*to it HKwared a half century «go. 8h*

i persnaakm it v a a due Chat Slta-. wck « p tk« «t*dy o f Arabic

rOowaiVrasgKtf vt&aahjft ak­in Uw COSUJOCUOO with th*

iUon of "Omar Khtyya**." ' Mrs. Barclay's new DOTCI. "Th* Mlt-'•Msa of 8henstone." Is said to tran-as>nd in interest the much appreciated '••near/" and tollowa out the Uto ca-•saw of certain characters that won 'Sfjsnpathj in the former norcL

know that she is making o f herself nniatoce.

Nor will she enter shops atad engage* m:Wgfc pitehea etrnTemtio**.- p!«U«Hl-ty larded with unlnteUlgttle sling, t n commodlns other custometa by block­ing th* coantera.

U I w will only accept consWeratian U • toaaanOon aad conaclenUouaiy begin her bunding, uting qolet tones and soft colors, laying well polished Hmuyft tact awrifrcVotis? # m an­other, leaving out «U that la harsh aau) ualoVely, >he will aoon And herself pos­sessed o f a stroctnre called » chinning

a yottng >giri i s W a l j l housed within these walla ahe Deed BfTw fsar the lack ijf friends and tweukrity.

Pbota by !«!«*»» Pr«ts Asseolatlofu

nacaaxmiKM r i u i i i iTBUM,«o*rrT^»K.

The aTUtlon face* la <h* Utest The hobble walk and motor slump hsr« stylet Tba UlustrtUoo fl^ia. been dlsttuced In. popular tote'reat by this new UcIsJ contortloo.

The recent ariwlon ia»at4it Belinoiit park, whets bird men from tWa and other countrlea cowpete* for "ajtaa; eoJora," produced t worrW »kjr gips. log expresalon which I* now kno1fn> u the »Ti«tlon face, and Dnuat^ni wtQ be bwajf Cor waeki to ooat* I reoW out faaoialne aerophise wrijiUqs,

ItM id** of \jw rtrj ecce«tr^ sWps e f tali u»aful srticle-

. " . - - . - I J ; U - •.•'ipv::"->V-''^-'>"'-**^

• « ^ a ^ ! ^ y r ^ S k ^ ^ u i a * '

Tth* Icbre. from neclt to frock iw« htwltcbingly «n»Mful folds, 8om»

Wh»t taJD* mv» Wfle, The aJoit trtwblssoiM of s wottaa'a

minor posiewioos to t l l n cat* of hi th* tatpln. toe. s o nuttar »owe*r«fnUw it J* awk' i t t -» <ro*iOfc-*«m«W»§ J* bound to c«tch th« head or th* point.

they admit that however formal thee occasion oxay be if tho persons a r e

IJnvltod-Jby. woni o f mouth there is • Th* Wflmsn Who Fsrma. ccrtnlu casoaloess which a written re-

• Plenty of women fan in farming be-1 q0CSt never can acquire. It la a * •esnue they hnro taken it up either too} thoosb Damo Ettqnetto said. "Yon •hastily or with too littlo capital ori may, bat I wouldn't."

1**au«» they havo alroady worn them I Ono sarons ortrnment aealnst tele-SKh-ca out at somo other vocation and phono Invitations la tho danger of mis hsrro not tho strength for the hard understanding tho date Tula has han-

Invltatlaeis *>y TttsaiMn*. Womeso who eateruin Bach agr**

that to have an immediate answer to an invitation, as is possible by use osT,"*0"^*" -P** *"« cnJUUoo. or «J»* ihe the tote-phone, ssrea a locteas tone* « * * ! ****}*,,*• ^ " v . B*«l.'tB* U a nortoua strain. But at tho same tfn^*"**1™ hoJatw ro»4» •stpecUUy for

hatpin* are likely to fall, t* thsy b«-cqtne top heavy whsa-«ir*«a.pli»*i-ar* put ia tliium-. ah*-only**««lW»-r*cei>-| -•; tsele tor them t* a tali, thin necked rtse o f glass, glass mn& silver or of pouery. Tbua. too. is emplojrrijettt-proridfid for many a discarded.eras* -=-• ment One woman declares that Uronr tho ctrpboard for- such burled" treiK urea aho has unearthed enough Tasoa

wort < f tho farm. If a teacher finds' pe„„] nwro than onco on tho occasion «alt»bJ<> tw ***** Purpose for all th* " - - - bedrooms and ha* matched the color

scheme in several lusjanco* In delicate Dresden affsinsT-»---*'** *•-

acme dlaadrantagcs in carlnc for flfty of formal dluocre. icstless children the most not expect •anting seed potatoes to be shear pleas-'Wre, says the Saturday Evening Post 'The ben ran cannot tako the place af tho woman's club, nor can the to-aaato field be regarded aa a salon.

TJodoubtedly those who get along Wet aro tho ones who were brought sap on n farm and thus hare always

,fesd tho right sort of exorcise for tho vkxnd of physical development most ailnnblo to them. They hnvo had tho (WacUcal work, and they can. if ncoc« '

•sary, do all tho farming operations. | There are moltitndes of such women!

and ono or more guests bate arrived tho wroni eren-fcn:~-~Ti*ar"li"wfiy'"ii. InvltitlTob So given innst bo followed by a written' answer, in which day. dato and hour-are repeated. Such a communication is regarded as Imperative, oven thought

Tilsphens Hyjlsn*, A woman whoso boose telephone is

necessarily used by many people k**pa a positive answer has been given prer at hand a bottle of carbolic add end* she telephone j box of little square* of clean whit*

Nor abould there bo any delay in'cloth. Before using the phone ah* sending such a note. Tbo person in-1 *ota one of the squares with th* so-vited should go directly from tbo In- I lutlon-and wipes tho moutbploce. This stroment tn lier desk and wrlto the ' •» sn easy tblng to do and may be th* prospective hostess as though she means of saving much misfortune.

standing behind tho men farmers of this country. Those who stand alone -ea farms of their own aro to bo found as the east rather than In the west The reason is not only that land in cheaper in the east, but that men ore Barer, and in the west many women who could succeed well on a farm are •airing the chance of succeeding wall

ds* marriage.

Ths Ngw C*flar Plus. It may bo surprising to hear that

Hwtch collar pins bare gone. It is •suy the name, however, t h a t ha* passed. Pierrot pins nave taken their l iace. The fan shaped Pierrot pin ha* the advantage of following the Uaw •a* the frock where it meets the throat Bar pins are in the ascendency. A raecomlng accessory to be worn with Pierrot cottars is a black velvet col-• n e t with Jeweled ornament

were noarweriiiB n note. If any error has been made in time

. A Prsawnt F«r th* Heusswif*. For the busy housewife nothing .in

the way of a present i s more .accepts,-. 'hie than a menaWb^Ket -a r e c % * *»e that is not oted for geSeral *ew ls«v -but a mending; Basket pure aad aanpk The Wnsfcet ttSistratea t * Just 4k* thing for the purpose and w a s ••-

coxvgsssm umnDtsa BAStaec •agned for the Woman's Home Com­panion. It is made of cretonne. in atingled tones of burnt orange, golden hrown and gray green on a cream ground, which covers the pieces of cardboard that go to form the basket The handle Is wound, the top e d g e U feonad, and the •srlotM straps, if*

aatJqae m*o «Jtof!*fn •^tahsgtmt:« i l wffyt t l f f tyb f f l .

her note, containing tho bom* and the day as she understands i t "will re-

Smart, but Net a Kebbl*. To follow the fashions a&* saf* dli

tance should be the sartorial aim of celvo an Immediate response from the' the business girl -who does not wlib other woman, making right the mi*- to spend all her salary on her cloib**, rnkp bat who likes a few dollar* a w**k to

"blow" tn having a«good time" The little frock pictured ts a smart

model which follows the proHht style Hint* For School Bthavior.

The first weeks away at school are difficult Bvcn where there is no homesickness to contend with, *» much depends upon first Impressions. A.glrl'a entire .school,life—yea, affair tffo—may hinge on the way aho act* a t first • :.»Here a*e * few^don't*1 that m a y help: ' . . . _ ,. , . .

tKm't bc/ast, pose aa exclusive or talk taagglngty of yonr home friends.

Don't rash into friendship. The moat desirable xirla aro rarely the most ap­proachable.

Don't b e confidential on abort ae-qnalntance, Sou will Jive to regret it, especially if yon discuss teachers or other giria.

Don't be fresh, domine*nng.a«If a*. sertlvo or a know-tt-all as a stranger. ISStfilng « 1 1 so gSpty ^ l e r * ' yiu.

Doh't be itamd-ofhsn. WfUIngneis to meet fireaai hilfway B a "hW aslet toward popularity.

Don't complain of iht food and go in for general criticism. This enrage* the old girls who love tbo school tad exact a school spirit In newcomers.

Xkm/t go in for <nrashes on a day or two acqnaintnnce. Don't go In for them at all if your school life i s to be broadening and you wish to be * gen-eral favorite.

Wedding Hint*. For an early morning wedding a

tailor dress Is best form -for the bride. She may wear flower*! or earrx .them*

T s stie chooses. The bridegroom majr wear a sack suit, but a cutaway would be better. With the latter a high hat would be reflated, bat with the for­mer a derby would be Correct.

Bridesmaid's duties are. honorary. She should be witling to make herself useful to the bride before and Imme­diately after the wedding.

A t the ceremony she precede* th* ortd* tow the room or church, foUe*-


•asano-UBidi OKBBS VOR Busoraas oixn. l a I senatble way The bodice i* of tJje peasant eat and the skirt, thoogh narrow. I* not a hobble, The band of black satin It a modish feature, auad tk>* 0eer#'ba«ft the new fiar* at tb* •IhoW. ,fty« slissetber a

h Jm FOR CHR!STHHt ( 11 " ) " " H ' J' ' i J I I W I I u n i j i i

Tn* Mw*t*H* fa » V*ry Uai «» Pat* Qktnw.

SlfJ ^iVo quwisi^-^t; SoVitt **W«t wflohl1!)** efttht th*a*»ruig ^Itpt^t* with-* leret lhflil«iipomifu,1iu); *ajr%lfi»" tmc-bulf ttiipfitt -1* jsajpff, )I«« t**)' cuptnts of milk Ito tn*-*eaMUsw pot»t i add one tj'warter cufffut of litrtli ana when tukewart!) j.qrtt M * 1 * biad )w*« cake dissolved itt 4 «ttl*-AN)ol w*)er Make * hoi« i n th* cetlter of tfctf *»*#, pour 3tt ihe «Mx{urt» *ot «4 Wt *Qri Co**r ajid **t »f»jr io rt**Jt H*W Wh*» risen ttir and koaad *md m iti* agslq^ Bepetit the *i»4ag *»a H<i\, d«W»* tb*» roll «*tt cut ?» r<*mk«, brwttkVlf ot **ch wttb nails* batt*r, fold. 6T*r ana J*t H*« la I pan **% closely- togctiier, aot*i»*bo*aT**v

vat asaoriuuflt xrumucuu. Wb*n in doubt give ail MmbttUa.

Tou'U u»ver makt a mistake It you tak* this advfc*, Wencsb to**'** awny a* *r* glten to them, and woman like anmnhreij^jMvrnda^^ -«SrWeTOr^P^^*ori |Sul^^ ,

piMipiolt ii>:titi^i&iti#toj M#hjn$ sia'l! b*'pl«ft*e>3-^'ftg(!l^lt-<*^EtlHM> anonj&jg,* • •- ?**" "••". "f'-"'%-"? *"*-*-*;v, • at* .(ret b*r on* of th* t*w a*Totaj»*

" Dttt*H.A****0*k*, »»>0 cur* «if * » t i {kr«* teasnoosi-

fnl* of WtktnR po**** Mt-lwlf i*a.-spoottfa) * t *^lt.*o«>*'««f."'op* ic*wt capfnJ of » t tk . few *o«r juppHsa, Vum - ^ fate - ' • - - - - - -

Wb«* nb* *m**mt?*f • Bronkiya pajStdetf. titer w*r* l»it?*Tl CSBUpoyw: * f bojf 1

B^s^spa%p*i*4 flrPJ*** •^'Jw^ ssasapasaBBPaf6*

4r*o« *f Una**a*Vt«t-; »**t>**vjj)

••- - • • -.-^-. .-..--• .......-f.. * a*, ait**

**.«^:-«*iwittt^a».< 'i»brha^'.wjO»,*-ka liiisalirilr 7fnii*ii1' Jkfek^onjt^r***

aansv" *f

(B*JjNltl J(|ittt|P>

'•V ' S •- f > ' . |

| M * 1 no* tiinisjaisf nlawil tUstt, diuL uxiakW MfMit w(tt« *T ML - • • • sjf»|. asja-a ^ • W W y I^BTT-^^ wf^t.*B* LUMI b&lj £ 'w MMsCt tWaffi +tj&Hn ' ^imslakaa. '*•*-*'- • - ' • * - ^ s i . i . J ..---—it A ' j i I '^J . . • I f mQm; * P f O W O a T Q , i » 5 a W H » f J ? * f F

&Z& frVv*-****. t it*\\%V*w*rimmvl:

•oi l . a eslf** t#aga* # | 4i? hat****' y«*t w W w **• It Pwt ft is e*oai« •sited watsr and whea tsssaar 1st at ' ' ^ T ™ " T * ^ ^ ^**w7pt ^ •T-SS^S^SB' iJis^ss^sreBv.- '*?s1sbf vssr

••^Saaa; i#^BBBBB*4

ve#*WA-tttsJa-#*» ..... ... ^ - « ^ 1 l i ^ * » t l J f jtws*»~ Hi, UW*iTMH»» bott»r is 3Pp#.Ms»|.F _ add ott* sod ori^balf cep* of rieb aulkt' ^sjftt-•Htm fco^"W*»d tt-'^aWf jt/rsjl' 'tt*J*>j."

plach - ttt nutmeg, -li dasssis; of sKyssa** liiiwsr and a t—Sninoii i-«*"«^ isioiiaask WWWV. ? ~ - " T W " JJVS?J"Jss. f J'^Pt ^^gwa.* m aaiar^^ss^sqajpi

Wb*n «BJ*»|h-, m cr*«sty »i*t tw* a j i a i i » * » • * * ailtjMSris*- *>rtai^lassss' sstissi j j ' .iKji^aasW. •a.aUljas*

bot with a gtxxl disk o< rr**cb M*t poiato** (ind fr*i«j b * k ^ p*wd«*' m-ctfltsj, "•'' - — ~ " ~ ~

' / ;^:r^f^**^.j»^*iai-i»l*,' ''pWfjwttt mmmw^xtim; o^'p*i*]-'tti%^-*w*^• •*-"-j"--'tli• '4rr•W-ip^^^*«J fe^j of it allow o»*-b*li ca*(ai of HI :|*4;; tJt»*rtriurtffli..jwf. •*;.'•• :giH|s*v- awl 'tTs*, D*at*a y*)i •ggs, peathi"t*i~potato**-

with cto^nion **d>«ta»i*- ; sud the grat*« rind of'*. Mttlsi***)*; %lth taeJiJe*, aWfta a iliauliallsj «f bfasstysad, 1«* «C alt, {•* '"'' «f tii* egg*, beats* t*ry '•>* tk« mlxtnrt into a d«*p pi .«**dr-pnCpaattsjadbak*,

< *r,wJ*-f~ AT-P -».-»r"

O M csjpfat est **Jtt*r,-^ir*j sugar', tkrt* .a*a,

-i^L^aaa* -



•fm turn.-uiu'' m^^ S3* zfiSt

4eti>s)*, i*b* a i Vstcia**f sait' tla' fs^!«*jaBs^ss*fc .jaspw^ JUIJBJ g

'aliysw *•"

~,!^"WP'S'**w|»» -^BiaB||r^

W rahtr Attxaav th*** wrap* re*embl« th* toga of aa* cleat Bom*. The model jRuttrabad i* of p*I* blue chiffon and clarmen**, •worn over a gown of pal* goid cr*p* de chine tdMmed^ivlUt.^pesj:), tattic* embroidsry.

A ^ ^ a S t . -Asal>MBa« A*Uh*^B*satt> I t i i l a f w a i l srwsrTfSBjsawaTW' *^ajsr^a*BH -ajssar^fjsaifBB^ r¥wW^B^9t>

Qnmny with.a p»j*s»*lv'fas?a» at sormdtamt tut doaaiar mer* thai amy other country 1* *ilmto*t* 4s* troobla* of tb* **rv*nt «irt qiastjok Snl*s Jaavai been worked «*t s o i aVMMwif* to sure to get an hotMst sfUl and, fnrthermor* baa a couplet* Wrtory ^of tb* «4rIJMor« JWrla*; b*jr, I f a woman lo G*rm*ny -want* a aery. sut *h*x goe* to . ah imployinent ba< ceau *nd„flle* aat^apptfcattoa, 3CH* Servant appear* with tar-official serv­ice boefcrwnJcltabows whett sb-ei-befah t o work and which gtrcs a personal desctipootr«3a-fawmry^nW*»1fr~It j •bow* the name* Of the person* jforj whom she ha* worked and the r*aaoa* for Marina; Bach *ntrr 1* *t*i*p*d fey tb* police and bear* proof of^tb*a* tarestigatloA. I f the girl I* dsMlseatl •a* cannot lose bar *ervlcc book> 'b*-caase she would not tw jwrmltted by the police to get aaothtr Job toial tb* book wast accountectfor cad bar, psus record" investipated. \fhen t i » -st*rv-, ant gets a new plae* she- nrast report at once to the police «u\tion andjiav* ber TsetvJw-tKKJk-'t^ttpeA^lB^ataitp another way ha* the comfort of th»

lerrant been provided |orf frm -. mmA • _ .. _ ._- ;_-^t_w -i,..! Monday -the *ervaht'« wbTtrwrrottst y , a i " l i Z a s i a i hV ££?<***?• psute in her book * flve ceo* stamp J*" SlsTflV? drJH S JZ?£ wfiich I. crftdlted. to the «W'« te«r f°"rJ^"™ .fZLfiS.jT^Ir. ^ ance tone. ThI* means when tb***M ' ? , . J i . fl Jf^Z . reaches a certain age ate will ftceiw "™'.'* -J"™" o f " , a r •"* ""^,,IBt,

a pension front the govsrnment tBrnhtars.


fflstsal JNHfr tttm Otta* wkfch t « 4 pewder •*•* Mass; sSlfMsl ninatRir i

tt* ta tr iHswatoty- wit* *** ,

ing1 bttt cipcal of f«*r. Bah* Jsttjr C f ^ * J > . m. .h i . . a s ^ * •

A r*ry aie* Me«««*nataM tea *b*

«ar pmt1 *f aaflk, fa i r egg*, *akM

SOtSa, usreagn r e s .ajstjaas; as

Mbr very ssooota, «% ***** *f th* • • . I . * .... {*• . - - V a w . - ' J» it- M - an* tkakaWlaSl

MlimUgM IrsWsl I M T W I l M I Q • • • W -peer tb. pwddl., ha. pa* l*» *T»n, bak. aboet hstf a a sew <iaa. loot «t last oMw**t * M * t * « »> «*» "t*bl*be<whntb*.r«*i»t



ffst a ^ -V -tfaewaatslaa, M • alael a*l aa*alsa

WsTpJlfp1** r^eaw^sJaeTasl^f* aa*aaa»a*Bas*1 ^ B -*• — "

to smart pfcctp; t*k* **rt »•• •**•» *--• * ? ? • ** pot five plat* of wsier ewr t**« ts>

skes *U er sight jsU>

* ^ H * i

Wls*l[1af4)a*cT we*^ W i s * •%***»%*< p ' ^

• • j n ^ a f S«|BSBV<IM

i ^ ; ; r e * a ^ ^ w t o :

Calltae «Hrf fseV --Instead tut tmiong fancy aabrotseryi

eth their shift frftut* coll*** «W* »f* - . ^ -., gll,IT

***«h>M<*te|r tb* freat ttpsjl* *M teas*-,-"*'• ,w-'"1-n«| *f"tli*l»»*raa«t» *hd''fae caftt asd -•tltcou*r»i "'- "" " ' " " "

IvMlwtt PW" CI la 'MVHttM DtfaffsBa1 tsra


5 ^J

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