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NHOM International Dr. John Shane, Director

2712 6th Avenue Clarkston, WA 99403 253-380-8391 WEB: www.newhopeoutreach.org e-mail nhomjohnny@gmail.com

FACEBOOK: New Hope Outreach Ministries (NHOM International)

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep yourself unspotted from the world. James 1:27



New Hope Outreach Ministries

Changes At NHOM International

I have been ministering in Russia since 1985. Long before it became popular to go. I have

been strip searched, interrogated by the KGB, preached in the underground church, smuggled

bibles and even held in jail for a brief time. I have been helping orphans, the handicapped,

elderly and widows since 1994. In 1997 we formed New Hope Outreach Ministry (NHOM

International) and we are still going strong in that work.

We have seen great growth through you who give, pray and volunteer your time and ener-

gy. So much growth that it is time to add additional help. I have recently hired a dear brother

to work alongside myself and the rest of our teams.

When we begin to make decisions about our future we listen to many voices. Some of those voices come from well meaning friends or family

and there are usually pros and cons for both sides of an issue. My family has been asking me for years when I was going to retire. I have usually

answered why would I want to retire? I love what I do and I get to travel around the world and help the helpless. But after listening to family and

friends I began to think that maybe I should retire.

I had been thinking seriously about retiring and even making plans to do so. I had been praying about this issue as well. Then I visited a church

in a little community of Coupeville, WA where a brother who didn’t know me and I didn’t know him came up to me before the service started and

said he had a word for me from the Lord. My ears perked up and then he said: “God told me to tell you, you cannot quit yet.” In my heart I didn’t

really want to quit but I had let people convince me that it was the thing to do.

I have since given a great deal of consideration to the plans God has for me. I realize that God did want me to look at a different plan. Many of

you know my wife has been very sick with a number of ailments since the doctors gave her medication that almost killed her some 3 years ago. She

is on oxygen full time and is very weak. She needs fulltime care and that is for the most part me. I must say that with the responsibilities of direct-

ing NHOM and caring for my wife and traveling most weekends to speak it has worn me down and certainly I haven’t been very effective in my

duties. Coupled with all of this I have experienced health issues of my own. The veterans administration has declared me 90% disabled because of

injuries I sustained years ago in the army and my local doctor recently discovered that I have diabetes.

I have had to get a grip on all of this and I believe that God has given me some answers. I have been praying for years that God would send

someone to train and eventually take my job and God has sent someone who I believe will eventually take the leadership of NHOM International.

His name is Rev. Tsegaye Mekonnen. He has been on the board of directors of NHOM for several years. He has travelled with me to Ethiopia and

has great leadership skills and I am thankful for his desire to come alongside me. How long the transition will take will be entirely up to the Lord,

but I look for a long term relationship. So retirement is postponed for the moment until I get the OK from the Lord.

2019 Winter Edition Dr. John & Evelyn Shane invite

you to share your love with those who so few care about .

Thank you for standing with us with your prayers and support.

Our teams lead thousands to the Lord each year. We cannot do it

without your support. Thank you in advance for what you are doing.

Our Russian Heros These are the hero’s to the many thousand of orphan’s, elderly, handicapped that they work with. I watch with great pride the work that is being done in all areas of our ministry and the workers and volunteers who unselfishly give of themselves to love these that for the most part the world has rejected. The stories of love and joy as young people give their lives to the Lord and take the message of joy, hope and love and try to give it all away. What a blessing to work with such hero’s of the faith. Pray for our workers in Russia.

A Report from Our Hero in Ukraine Greetings to you my dear and blessed by God !!!!! May the name of the Lord be blessed in our lives !!! I rejoice, I rejoice, I rejoice seeing how God blesses the ministry to orphans and widows. I feel now a new wave in the ministry, a wave that the Lord himself is raising !!! He gave new anointing, new inspiration, new forces and new ideas. It opens new doors and gives new opportunities. We are doing our best to travel a lot and always the most important thing is to talk about God! We try to develop close relationships with children. To meet each individual individually, to understand, with God's help, their needs and experiences. We

pray that God will give us what they say, advise, what to learn. A close relationship with children. They call us if they have a complicated question and they don’t know how to solve it. It is important and pleasant. We pray together. God has given us an understanding that it is important to help children adapt to life outside the orphanage and help them master various professions. And we try to look for something interesting and what we can do. Children are delighted and so are we.

Of course, Bible lessons come first, and this is the most important and most valuable thing. Also, God showed me a woman who agreed to help me sew a few dolls of human height so that they could climb and amuse the children. I love to do it so much - dressing dolls. You can do what you want, become a child. And after the program you realize that it became easier in your heart and soul. I will try to make dolls myself - it is much cheaper. I thank God for the project “Warm the child with my own hands”, where we knit warm clothes for the children. Thank God for the kind and blessed hands of all who respond to this call of God !!!! And God gave us such a command. Before we give things to a boarding school, we gather together, we invite a minister to lay hands on ready-made hats, scarves, socks, slippers, and, as in Holy Scripture, the apostle laid hands on the

girdle. And so we did. The ministers and our whole team laid hands on and blessed every child who will wear these things. I believe everything that is written in Scripture and believe my God !!!!!! Also, God showed me incredible mercy. When I saw how the doors were closed for believers in Russia, I was very up-set and often prayed and asked God how I would be if this happened to us. And God answered !!!!!! Glory to Him !!!!! I was offered a refresher course on working with children. Within five months I will travel to Kiev, to the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. 5 days every month. Upon completion of this course I will receive, with God's help, an internationally recog-nized certificate “Social Worker”. Thanks to this document, I will be able to continue working in boarding schools and houses of mercy even if such a time suddenly comes that the believers will be banned. Thank God!!!!! I'm happy!!! God is in charge. And further. You sent me $ 100 more, do you know why ??? Because I have to pay $ 100 a tuition every month. You have heard the request of God to help me. Love you!!!!!! May God answer you the same way !!!! In the houses of mercy began to do "Birthday". At the end of each month we or-ganize for old people a holiday. We collect them all who can walk. Inflate the balls, make birthday cake. We sing, congratulations. This is something special. They cry.

After all, many have for-gotten when they were congratulated on their birthday. They accept the Lord. We are already thinking about Water Baptism for some of them. Please support in prayer. We really need it. We continue to work with a boarding school in which children are disa-bled. They need a com-pletely different ap-proach. We learn. We pray for the wisdom of the Lord. Please sup-port !!!!

Tsegayes Brief Bio Tsegaye’s life experiences have given him a unique perspec-tive and are what has drawn him to work with NHOM Interna-tional. He grew up in extreme poverty without a father, and had to flee his homeland as a refugee due to political reasons in 1982. Once Tsegaye arrived in America, he worked hard to help himself, as well as his family back in Ethiopia. During that time, Tsegaye volunteered many hours with the local Red Cross. He also found time to work additional jobs to help his local Ethiopian community in a number of ways including working with orphans and with adoptions. He met his wife, Bizu in Seattle in early 2000, and was soon married. They came to Whatcom County shortly after to start and elderly home care facility. They found and fell in love with Whatcom New Life As-sembly in Ferndale. Tsegaye and Bizu started the Ethiopian Fellowship as a way to help local Ethiopians through counsel-ing and Biblical teaching. Tsegaye has been serving on the church board for a number of years and is currently the Vice President. He is also an Associate Pastor with the church. For the last 10 years he has served NHOM International as a board member.

Tsegaye and Bizu have two children, Nathan and Mesgana. Tsegaye is ordained with the Assembly of

God denomination.

As Director of NHOM International and working with Tsegaye I am thrilled to recommend him for the

position of Associate Director. He brings practical experience and good judgment to a position that is so im-

portant in dealing with Leaders of countries, and of course the very people that God has called us to work

with, the widows, orphans, elderly and handicapped of our world. I have spent time with Tsegaye in Ethiopia

and was so impressed with the way he reached out to the people. I believe he will be a tremendous asset to

our organization.

NHOM International introduces to you our new Asso-ciate Director and his family. Left to right Nathan, Bizu, Mesgana and Tsegaye. Welome to our team.

These are our children in Ethiopia. What a privilege to serve them. What joy they bring into our lives and the lives of their


Special Request from Kyrgyzstan As reported from our hero in Kyrgyzstan

Yesterday we visited an orphanage, one we visit each week, and talked with the director. He told me this story about one difficult child from the

orphanage where we go each week. The director of that orphanage is giving us a challenge to work with him. His story is when he was 1 year old some people found him in cemetery and brought him to the police. The Police then sent him to a children’s shelter where kids from 3 to 7 years old without family are placed. Later one rich family adopted him and he lived with that family for 4 years. He was always running from their house and one day ended up in a special prison for minor children by age at 7. Because of his young age the special prison for minor children couldn't keep him in that place so they sent him to the orphanage where we go each week. He is a really difficult child and never listens to older people. Several times he was in our summer camps and we always had problems with him. He is now 13 years old and does what he wants, nobody can control him. But I know one thing that God loves him so much and only He can change his life. I am praying now how to work with him and please join me to pray for him. His name is Musa and God has a big plan for his life. Very soon we will see God's glory in his life. Please ask all NHOM people to pray for this young man.

NHOM Prayer Requests 1. Pray for the situation in Sri Lanka.

We are currently renegotiating our work in this part of the world. The need for helpers is overwhelming.

2. Pray for our team in Russia. Com-munication is difficult and Putinism

is running rampant. 3. Pray for the work in Ethiopia and the

completion of our building project on our orphanage.

4. Pray for our team in Kyrgysztan that God would continue to give them

opportunity for evangelism. 5. Pray for our team in Ukraine that

God would continue to guide them and keep them safe.

6. Pray for safety and safe travel for all our workers.

7. Continue to pray for Evelyn Shane that God would bring a divine heal-

ing in her life.

2019 Shane Schedule January

6 Acme, WA 13 Kendrick, ID 27 Tenino, WA

February 10 Mineral, WA

17 Union Gap, WA 17 Yakima, WA 24 Riggins, ID

March 3 Napavine, WA

10 Mead, WA 17 Concrete, WA 22 NHOM ABM 24 Clarkston, WA

April 7 Yoncalla, OR

21 Easter 28 St. Maries, ID

May 8 Yakima, WA

19 Burlington, WA June

2 Harrington, WA 9 Sequim, WA

Donations to NHOM All donations to NHOM In-ternational are tax deducti-

ble. You can donate by cash, money order, mail, bank

drafts or Pay Pal. We thank you for your financial help and your prayer support.

Ask us about sponsorships for our orphanage in Ethio-pia or any other areas of our


Russia Heros What a joy it was to have our director from Russia visit us in Sep-tember. In the pictures on the right are some of the places they minis-tered to sharing about the birth of Christ. Our team is planning to minister to thousands of orphans, elderly, handicapped and destitute folks between now and Christmas. When you see the joy on the faces of the children and adults you realize how important it is to get the message of Christ out to the

world. We are thrilled to be a part of such a great group of dedicated workers and volunteers.

India & Sri Lanka Heros An important notice is we have reconnected with people in India. They are in need of financial help for the orphanage . Our funds are currently dedicated to our current ministries and we have nothing to spare currently. Our work in Sri Lanka will hopefully be renewed in March or April as the need to help widows continues to be a major problem in that country.

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